Times & Guide (1909), 7 Oct 1910, p. 4

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" iii, t', havssmnwu~~s~-w A meeting ogthe Ontario Lord's Day Alliance will be held on Monday evening at eight o'cloekj"rn the Methodist Church, Weston. The heating will be addressed by the Rev. wi, Cr. Hanna, Secretary of the Alliance. this meeting ought to be largely attendeii as it is of great import- ance to guard “2911 the Sabbath. Mr. J. K. Mquen, auctioneer. held a. very successfug sale on Monday last on the premises, of the estate of the late Elizabeth Dunein, Lot 15, Con, 2, West York. The bidding was keen, and the property was fitlally aold for 815,500. V A. Cruickshanlé and wife of West- minster, B.C., sie visiting his father Mr. Jas. Cruickshgnk, J. P., It is now 5 years since Mr. (ihn1iekshank came east and he sees quite in advance in the pro- gress of the village in that time The Council held a; special meeting on Monday evening td chsider a By-Law to regulate the Water Eworks system, but after working at it for four hours, ad- journed to meet on Menday Oct. 3rd. The oftieers andgmembers of Court Weston, No. 528, Fill pay a friendly visit to court Fail-bin}; on Tuesday even- ing, Oct. tth, 1910,ivan will leave 1.0.0. li'., Hall, Church §Street, Weston, at 7 p.m. sharp. l Mr. F. T. Hill réturned to town on Monday, after spenéing his vacation in Montreal and Portland, he 1s looking fine after his rest and) reports having had a first class trip and aijolly good time, Think of it, an ilarm clock for sixty nine cents at Ineh's Drug store. Thi, Women's U on of Weston Pres- byterian Church are: securing first class talent for their tyonei rt to be held in the Town Hall, on Tues.” y October 25th. Remember L that cough and up a cold. Mrs. J. Watson, King Street has re- returned home aft spending a month at Minot, Dakota, ith her brother Dr. J. Mullock. l Mrs. R. Flynn, ileturned home on' Thursday, after two t)ionths absence at Olcott Beach and ateehding the funeral of her sister in King. ' Buy your watcheé and, jewellery from Inch, druggist and Optician, he saves you money. N C a , Cs Mr. Alex. cruieksyanrc, has gone on a visit to Detroit, hejexpe0ts to be away about two weeks. g l Leave your watch with Inch the Druggist and Optician. He reapairs watches; clocks and jewellery. _ Miss Ashton of :MemorieEI Hospital, Niagara Falls. N. Yévisited Mrs. Strang- ways. over Sunday. :"% . Mrs. C. Day- andlher three children have gone to jespr4tire's Creek to visit her daughter, i - See Inch’s ninety eight guaranteed for one year. - For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Telephone No. 26 g WESTON é Subscription Price. Bears the Signatvre of CASTQR IA BEAUTYLENE FOR THE HAIR. dl Weston, Ont., Friday, September 30th, 1910 @112 (Thaw nah $11312 Ineh's Lung Balsam stops d his Cure-a-Cold breaks ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ,. E. WHINTON, Proprietor ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO cent watch, The return mate? between the To. ronto World news aper and Weston club was played or? Wednesday after noon on the grountis of the latter club fesulting in a win 6'r Weston 28 up. Follovzing are my; rinks - I A. Marks ri.' J. Henley L. A. Lemaile i, W D.Johnston S. H. Hill f A. Girond A. H. Macgillvray ' W. R. James 15 T. Nattress J. Barker N. J. McEwen Wm. Shiells 27 Thursday, Oct. 6. -Regular meeting Knights of St. John and Malta, in Odd- fellows' Hall. Church street, at 8 p.m. Friday, Oct. 7.--Knightss of Pythias, regular meeting in oddfe1lotvs' Hall, Church street. Wednesday, Oct. 5.--Regglar meet- ing (J. O. of Chosen Friends. in Odd- fellows' Hall, Church Street. Monday, Oct.. 3- Regular monthly meeting of the Public School Board, In Public School, King Street. Monday, Oct. 3.--Regular monthly meeting of Separate School Board, m Separate School, George Street. Tuesday, Oct. 4. --Regular meeting L.0.L. No. 216, in Oddfellows' Hall, Church Street. Tuesday, Oct. 4. -- Regular meeting of Town Council, in Council Chambisr. NOTF-Hsiving nearly doubled our floor space owing to an ever increasing business, we again take the opportun- ity ot extending you a pressing invrta- tion to make this store ycur head.. quarters when in the city. . Our stock is most complete, furniture, carpets, bedding, dishes., Special deliveries to Weston, Lumbton, and vicinity as; any time. Repairing, upholstering, pie- ture framing by experts. Let us give you an estimate. D. Sanders, 1654 Dundas street, West Toronto. Street Monday, Oct. 3. - Regular monthly meeting of High School Board, in Coun- cil Chamber, Town Hall. Rev. D. D. Frank, of Islington, will preach in the Methodist Church next Sunday in the cvenihg, the pastor being at Tomlinson Church preaching Harvest Home sermons. f Replying to yours of the 28th, re Car Service for the' Weston Fair. We will make a special effort to give you the very best service possible Wish- ing your Fair every success, We beg to remain, yours truly. The following letter to the Secretary of the Board of Triuie speaks for itself: Mr, o. Master] Secretary, Weston Board of Trade. ( Dear Sir, f The Board of Trade held a very enthusiastic meeting on Tuesday evening when a njlmber of important matters were brought before the meet- ing. A lively interest and discussion took place on alllmatters before the meeting. 1' ._ Mr. Henry Russéll, Auctioneer, held a most successful sage of Farm Stock and Implements, on Thérsday, on the estate of the late Jas. Fully, Humber Bay. A petition is being circulated for signature by the Jioard ofTrade pray- ing the governmeht to build a new post office in this town this should be signed by all, i, Mrs. J. A. Keir.1,of St. Mary's is mov- into town this wee]: Monday, $1,oo'per Annum in advance. T. J ' Maguire Wm Shiells. L. AV Lemaire S. ll, um Tlros _Nattress MEETINGS NEXT WEEK. -urashLyatl? return mate}: i, World news ap as played 01? VS ll the grounds o Toronto Suriurbtu1 Railway Co. LAWN BOWLING. Oct. 3.--Regular meeting in Oddfellows’ Hall, Church 1.; Weston- . A. Nighswander I! Patison Somerville A. Findley 16 WESTON, ONT O 'Mm-ess {right I If you wish to sell your iproperty list it with us, as I _ (we sell quick, if price is Now is thetime to buy befoaethe advance in price which is sure to come as desirable lots are being picked up. We have dis- posed of six nice lots this week. It will do you goed (io goto the fair, Kind faces to see that always go there, A wave of the hand; a smile or a nod,'; As you go, to the fair that is taking the lead. , On the banks of the river, the maple leaf there, 7' The emblem of Canada, tinted so rare, Floats in the breeze/fer trials of speed, By sons of the farmers who are trying The Scholarship may be used at any time within three years from date of competition by the successful student. Full particulars may be pbbained from the Sec’y of the Board of Direetots, indeed 'r. To beat Sammy Mopre's old mare. Go to the fair and see the old mare, Driven by' Sam in aiseat like a chair, Should a rnisforuihe put a wheel in Talk of the fair when you go to your homes,, j: As well as the neqtar we extract from year Junk. l Any student, or anione who has been a student of a Public School in York Coun- try during 1910 not above entrance stand. ing, may compete. J, the air, if Then vote a new' trial for Sammy’s old mare. _"i' the combs, l, Then at the table delighted you’ll be, With the fun of thegday and your honey from me. "i: _ This wellLknown iichooi offers a three months' seholarshii) (value, $30) to the student from the qulic School of York County. who exhrbirg the best specimen of penmanship at this, Weston Fair this VALUABLE SPECIAL PRIZE FOR WESTO§ FAIR. All students of ht Public Schools In York. County, will this year have an op- portunity to coméete for a valuable Special Prize donaeid to the York Coun.. ty, by the Central {Business College of Toronto. e, BOLTON Fuji, OCT. 3 and 4. The fair will again present an atbrae- tive programme toi'those who attend on the 4th. A purse (if 8100 is offered in the Free-for-all, 88(tin the Three-minute trot, and $25 for giien horses. Liberal prizes are offered in7j§all classes of horses including saddle aild hurdle horses, haekney, lady driver-igand gent's turnout. Departmental judges) Grand concert in the evening. Reduied railway rates on the 0 RR. Speck? train will leave Toronto (Union) at 1§230 on the 4th and call st intermediaee)ptations. returning at 10.30, after the cEncert. CARD 013 THANKS. I wish to take at" vantage oi this op- portunity to than: my many friends and neighbours foritheir kindness and sympathy extend . during, my late husband's illness,§nd also to thank the members of t? Woodmen of the World who helpe to cheer Mr. Cald- well's last hours (it), took part in the very impressive $)odrnen burial Ber. vice at the grave. j,'Their many volurr tary acts of kindngess will be long re- membered by me.),) Is4YEtrs CALDWELL Weston, Sept. 28,1910. PEARSON & MCEWEN See their List of Properties. DISPENSING CHEMIST Successor to W, T, Pearce. Note our prices: Liver Pills 15 cts., 2 for 25 cts. Brigg's Eleerrie Oil 15 ets., 2 for 250. Beef, Iron and Wine 45 cents. Seidlitz Powders, fresh and full weight. 18 cents box. Baker's Headache wafers, 20 cts box Where you get Pure Drugs and Accurate t t Dispensing. t ' Ch A. BAKER BAKER’S I PHARMACY WESTON FA IR, 1910. TELEP Roma We havejust received our far and winter stock of underwear. The famous "Ceetee " and tt Puritan" brands, also our splendid lines of coat sweaters, and sweaters for men, women and children Our assortment of hosiery is very large comprising the "Pen Angle" and other staple brands. Our values are exceptional and the quality of our goods cannot be sur- passed George Ill, Lyons Choice Beef, Spring Lamb Choice Veal GEORGE l [TONS D. ROWNTRE E, Jr, Orders called for and delivered promptly Antiseplk Darber Shop MAIN STREET, - WESTON A special stock of The best brands of Cigars, Tobaeeos and Cigarettes. TARIFF. Royal, Sovereign and North British and Mercantile. NON-TARIFF. York, Merehants, Dominion, Traders and Ontario. . --AND-- EXCELSIOR LIFE, and TRAVELLERS ACCIDENT AND HEALTH Insurance Geo. Sainsbury Coulter Avenue, WESTON BRANCH, , .. N. I. McEwen, Manager. Fire and Life Insurance Co's Flour & Feed Also Agent for reliable Nursery stock all at lowest possible rates. Carpenter and Contractor PLUMBING, A Specialty W. H. O'DELL, E. J. MUSSON MAIN ST., W ESTON B iti ll N Mlt Isa 74 Years in Business. ‘ Capital and Resprvn mm“ m nnn nnn All Instruments Sterilised Estimates given on all kinds of work THE PRACTICAL BUTCHER Vegetables of all kinds. GLUTEN MEAL, OILCAKE, BEAN. SHORTS, &c. WE INVITE INSPECTION Tobacco Pouches and Pipes 1836, THE BANK or 1910 FIVE ROSES FLOUR Agent for the following $1.00 starts a Savings Account and Interest is compounded at highest current rates. opening an account with the Bank of Britis¥1 North America and making regular weekly or monthly deposits, THE SAVING HABIT FARLEY’S WESTON NO. 'd PHONE NO. 20. Dealer in always on hand. WESTON Capital and Reserve Ee_eesbesbeeee-g h RIVERSIDE “HIM tiM Shelf and Heavy Hardware Stoves and Furnaces Gasoline and Oil Stoves Screen Doors and Windows 0 Maxwell Lawn Mowers _ - Field and Lawn Fences Pedlar Steel Shingles Ready Roofing V Portland Cement Paints, Oils and Varnisbes. Try a sun of the famous Broadway brand mowing. made to you: measure at cotermm's, Weston. E3?$33WW3WW Comer Church and Main Sm. WESTON Phone 16 THE ' LATEST , STYLES Our Solid Leather School Shoes can’t be beat. REPAIRING DONE ON THE PREMISES JUST ARRIVED is the foundation of in- dependence. Begin saving now by BEEF VEAL LAMB Back and Side Bacon FRUITS Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Blueberries, Thimbleberries, Plums, Peaches, Apples, Pears Water Melon, Canteloops. Potatoes, Cabbage, Celery, _ Carrots, Onions, §Nadgmg [iuthertmdié ICE CREAM Weston Shoe Store Mrs. J, Finnigan MAIN STREET, - WESTON t. ll. (illimWh. Confectionery, Fruits and Candies. Robt. Gray, Prop. TORONTO COLLEGE OF MUSIC, Pembroke St ' Toronto, WORK AND MATERXAL GUARANTEED. WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY Joseph St,, WESTON (MRS. T. SMITHBONE) Teacher of Vocal Culture Cooked Ham, Tongue and Jellied Hock. TUESDAY'S & FRIDAY’S SOUVENIR POST CARDS. Our new and complete FALL STOCK of men’s, women's and ehildren's boots & shoes. ORDERS DELIVERED. JAS. HUGILL, PHONE tho. 9. DEALER IN EAC, LE Over 87,000,000. BLOCK EAGLE BLOCK G. HOWARD GRAY Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, Ito. 291 Maia Street, WESTON. Evenings and Saturday attemootia.-, Toronto Dtfige 304 Lumsden Bunting” corner Adelaide and Yom. J . K . M c E W E N ' Licensed Auctioneer tor the Count“: ot York, Peel and Slmcoe, and West Toronto. ' Real Estate for sale and 110qu to G. W. OOULTER, V. B. Honor Graduate Ontario Veterinary, College <1 All diseases of Cattle and. Hordes Treated Beientifiea11y.. Calls by mail or phone promptly , attended. WESTON, ONT. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Money to loan in large and amounts. TORONTO JUNCTION ‘. COLLEGE OF‘MU BIO AND SCHOOL OF ELOCUT-I‘ON Mrs. Marie B. McGill, Write tor calendar Musical Directly»- Phone Jet. 79. West Toronto. Oftiees-3 6 Rhone M. 2689. J EDGAR PARSONS, B.A. Barmster, Solicitor, Notary Public Otfieess: Canada Permanent, BLdg. 18 Toronto St Good partridge shooting on the line- North of Parry Sound, open season from Oct, 15th to Nov. 16th. Gives its students; training that! carries wi h it the stamp of“Supex'ior; ity." Write to day for large oatNlog1:tir, COR. ‘10on no ALEXANDER smtrgts'?,,-r), Moose are plentiful between Sell- wood Jet. and Gowganda Jet., open season from Oct 16th. _ Far details as to favoured {out}?! a nd all usefull Information, Write Passenger Department, Canadian Northern Building, Toronto, Ont. DR. J. A. MELDRUM Physician, Surgeon etc. Office and Residence-Main St,, We. Opposne Cruickshank‘s Wagon Work: Telephone No. 15.? 'e 9 to 12, {£613. 7 to s v Onher hours by appointment ANDERSON & McMASTER, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries etc.I 936 Keele St., (4th. door North' d Dundas St.,! TORONTO. Private lunds to loan on first class security. Physician, Surgeon, etc. ., .. Oifietr--t3or. North Station and John Streets, Weston, Ont. Office Hours---? to 10 3.1m; 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday, 8 to 10 a.m. Office Hours - CHAS. H. PORTER kiii) ELLIOTT iiiii. ii; Residenee:-pims St Crown Bank. Tel. UK. A. M. ROLLS ‘.B., M.R.O.S., Eng., L.R.0.P Physician and Surgeon WOODBRIDGE. Deer hunting commences Nov lat. rent. H . F . S E F T O N Surgeon Dentist 314 Confederation Lite Bui i:iiiiiiii)e,el,fji'; 'tWh Commences T October 15th /, s--36 Toronto St., Toronto, and Woodbridge, Wednesday. Over D. Rowntree & Sons .w. J. CHARLT0N¢ SPECIALIST Eye, Ear, Nose and 'i'ttroat" (London and Vienna) A High Class School TORONTO, Ont. ’ine St. opp. Northern . Tel. Woodbridge 30 '. HACKETT.‘ Dentist _ DAME L Lite Building, TORONTO, ON' 863 College SEER Toronto. WESTON. ONT P1193; College of, TORONTO. 's, Weston Works. 86 {1‘33

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