Times & Guide (1909), 7 Oct 1910, p. 6

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- Indian corn and oatmeal Poul- tices are made 111 hke manner. . cyw,dtH-evape find," put betwjeen f). single fold of gauze, and apply In case of irritating skin diseases. Poultices are an important means ‘of medication. They are used to relieve inflammation, to draw pus to the surface, arid to relieve pain. They should be hot, moist and light in )geight and color. They should not be allowed to get cold on the patient. They should be placed be- tween gauze, muslin or mosquito netting, cheesecloth, or some ma- terial strong enough to lift off the poultice, but not to keep it from the parts. Lubricate the skin, test heat against the cheek, and remem- h‘er that the interior is warmer than the exterior. Cover with ab- sorbent cotton or' oiled silk and bandage loosely. In applying a poultice apply it gradually by al- lowing it to slip from the hand. A poultice should -extend,a couple of inches beyond the affected surface. Discontinue as soon as object is at- tained, as trouble will follow too prolonged use. p - Flaxéeed Meal Poultice. - Stir the In.an my? {piling water, allow Flour Poultice.--Mix thoroughly with cold water; then proceed as with flasseed. Bread.-Old bread or crackers boiled in water till mushy; drain, heat w_ell,. and. apply thierkly, - Yeast-put freilili' made'dough in. a, bag large enough for expan- sup; apply while dough IS rising. Orrion.--Chop fine, stew, and ap- ply hot. Useful in bronehitis and Group in children. Popular with some foreign born Americans. Mushird leaves are places in a, muslin bag, dipped in tepid water and applied. This form of mustard pouitice Is for children. ie to boil till thick enough to cut with a knife, remove from the fire, beat well, put between folds of gauze, and apply. Slippery. water ml and apply 1u0Uella.---'1'ake equal parts by Wetght ot powdered Iobena and ground sliifpery elm bark and add sufficient warm, weak lye to make poultice. F I . . _ nuu UREA. --o awn}; Adam poultice ls made b5 coag'u- ! Clr=r-.t.T====='rr.'Ir=Tr===== lating the whiicis of two eggs by) sixty grains of powdered alum. Co.. l, T, l agulzzliug and astringent. Q ; T, $1 - To mader pouiltice antiseptic (im- [ nu‘cidy “of c dh 4 Dortant). {dd 1 per cent. of phenol an: thzoat 2'h 'ils'llll'e' _ There are cases of nosebleed, for- tunately very rare, where it is im- possible to check the flow. These cases are caused by a diseased state of the system which prevents coatgu- lation' of the blood, .so that it simp- ly fows and flows away from this sufferer like water. It is well that these cases are rare, as they are generally fatal in spite of all trtyat-. ment.--Youth's Companion. T As to internal remedies, thereHs none known that is of any avail in a dangerous nosebleed, and when the danger-point is reached there is nothing to do but plug the nos- trils. When this treatment, is called for the physician should be sent for to apply it, because he can, by ex- amu1atron, locate the exact, point} of bleeding, and will know just where the pressure should come. When cold water is snuffed up through the nostrils, the addition of some mild astringent-alum or tannin, for example-will make the treatment more quickly efticacious. Sometimes, when other slight re- medies seem to fail, pressing on the nostrils will succeed in stopping the flow. There are certain old-fashioned remedies, such as putting the key of the front door down the back, which do neither harm nor good, but which owe their origin to the same theo1t--the application of cold and shock. When an attack of nosebleed seems to be doing no harm, as in the case of a young, healthy boy or a girl, it is best to let it; alone, or at the most after a time to use some verrsimple remedy, such as the application of cold over the brow; by means of a cloth wrung out of quite cold water, or by snuf- 'ter, a little cold water up the nos- tri s. In these cases the flow is benefi- cial, but the subject of the attack should be watched in order that there should not; be undue profu- sitin, leading to a weakening of the vital forces, or if prolonged, to a genuine anemia. - - _, Epistaxis, that is to say, nose- bleed, is an accident which will sometimes occur in the best-regu- lated families, and happily in most cases, need occasion no alarm. In fact, it may often be hailed as an advantageous symptom, especially when it occurs in healthy, full- blooded young people. There are also certain diseases, such as Bright’s, or cirrhosis of the liver, or typhoid fever, when an attack of nosebleed may do goodorather than harm; when it is, in fact, simply a sign that Mother Nature is try- ing to relieve her child in one way because she is balked in another. ji-i/dj/Lo/i-i] immmmb NOSE‘BLEED. 9 WWWWG POULTICES. Elm-Soak in boiling sort, then dram, heat, , 5 T, y grits i. ; TAlt "dt Ulrre r," l quickly stops Conéhs. "c,,r,,7rA,"'ir"if1' has]: er Proving His Authority. ' There was an Irish foreman of a gang of laborers who went to any lengths to show his men that he was the real boss. One morning this fore- man found that his gang had put a handear on the track without his or- ders. "Who put that httn'ear-r-r? on the thrack?" he asked. . "We did. sor," one ot the men an- swered respectfully. "Well," he said shortly, "take it oft ag’in!" The laborers did so with some diffi. malty. "Now," said the foreman, "put it on ag'inl" _ It Happens Easily, vi, W "That horrid cat!" 1 c" --s' "What's the matter, girl?" -C, _ "Oh, the cat went to sleep on my new hat, and I won; her downtown and batk"--wtsNn,gtoa Herald. _ Cut Low In the Neck. Waiter-Did you order beef a la mode, sir? Diner (impatiently)-1 did. What’s the matter? Waiting for the styles to eliangeT--Bopton Transcript. While General Taylor's little army was marching from Corpus Christi tc Matamoras a soldier of the flank of the column fired at a bull. The animal charged. and the soldier, taking to his heels, ran Into the column. The hull, undaunted by the number ot the ene my, followed him headlong, scattering several regiments like chaff, and finally escaped unhurt, having demoralized and put to tfight an army which a few days after covered itself with glory by Victoriously encountering fist times Its number of human enemies. " l Baby's Own Tablets only cost 25 cents at box. A box bought now may save baby's life. Summer com- plaints come suddenly, and carry away thousands of little ones every year. LI the stomach and bowels are kept in order there is little danger from these troubles. Baby's Own Tablets is the best medicine in the world for preventing and curing stomach and bowel troubles. They can be given with perfect safety to the new-born baby or the well grown child. An occasional close of the Tablets will regulate the stomach and bowels and prevent summer complaints. The mother who keeps these Tablets on hand may feel assured her little ones are safe. If you have not, got a box of the Tablets get one without delay. Do not wait until trouble comes; it may then be too late. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a; box from Tho Dr. Wil- liamsf Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. C His Day Off. _ ' cz," W’en trouble come ter see him - j,' He dropped de honeycomb ' .g " Am homered tum de chimbly top: "h s; "Go 'wayl I ain't at home!" i, «t __ ---r --Atlanta Constitution. . __. __ "e - ve A Grand Rout. W“ is. it is far Better to so live that we do It is not always the largest foe whc not need the stimulus of these extraor- can make the greatest disturbance and dinary methods of 'resphration.--Amer. cause the most confusion. In " iean Medicine. .1; “Hunting Grounds of the Great West" V q-------....-.-.. _ Richard Irving Dodge tens of a little _ A Dime Better Than Two Nickels. incident of the Mexican war which A professional panhandler approach- proves that it Is quality, not quantity, ed a man crossing City Hall park and which is most effective, demanded a nickel, which the man While General Taylor's little army good naturedly handed out,gsaying, "I was marching from Corpus Christi tc suppose that goes for a glass of beer." i In children poultices are useful in l local inflammation of the glands of (the neck, of the joints., and in cel- lulitis situated in various parts of the body. In diseases of the chest in children poultices may do harm from their weight, embarrassing respiration, and by lack of skill in keeping up a. regular heat and avoiding exposure in making the changes. They are useful in pain- ful pulmonary diseases of children, e.g., pleurisy or pleuro-pneumonia. In bronchitis and broncho-pneumo- nia their 'weight is objectionable. For prolonged use better effects can generally be obtained by hot fomen- tations and counter irritation. Hot fomentations at'e_m0re cleanly than poultioes and much more easily changed. Wring a piece of flannel out of water as hot as can be borne and apply, covering with cotton and oiled silk. The oiled silk jacket has in all forms of pulmonary infiamma- tion almost-supplanted the poultics in children, It/keeps theskin at a, uniform temperature, maintains a moderate degree of counter irrita- tion, and gives the patient a, great deal of comfort. GOOD HEALTH FOR BABY AT VERY LITTLE COST "in P' liquefactum to the pint of water usgd in _1_naking the poylict. Digitalis Poatice.L-Used in re- tention of urine. Mix digitalis leaves with flaxseed poultice. - - _ A Boy's Idea ot Paradise. _ 1 _ When I go up to heaven I ( An' join the angel bands, " Gee, hope 'at no one there ___ i . 'Ll say, "Go wash those hands." _ - ' -Lippit1cotrts We ought to be ashamed to whine When little troubles fret, When so much that is good and tine We almmst daily get. ' .14www T ttas.,; Shame. --Detroit Free Press. rem-e; cohrs.iiria' . . I 35 cents. t"' Rice In the Orient. _ Rice itt "wet," that grown for the most part in flooded land, or "dry," that raised on uplands. Its growth in those regions where civilization has penetrated least is pathetic. Parts, of the east are still covered with virgin forest of tall trees. Underneath all is dark in heavy shade. Creepers twine up hundreds of feet and are all topped oft with indescribable orchids, all hunt- ing for air and sunshine. In the thick wood a suitable spot is chosen, for rice they must have or starve. Under- growth is cut out and staked and hedged around to make a fence for the little rice tat'n1.--Eschange. _ 7 Foxglove. _ In some places in England the tos.. glove is regarded with awe as a. "witches' fiowec," the peasants saying that the witches use the bells or the blossoms as thimbles. In most parts, however, the "wee sma’ folk that bode no_ ill" are the beings that "sweetly niistie in the foxglove bells," and in Ireland the plant is called the fairy cap. - s l "Weil, you see, it's this way," ex- pIained the panhandler. “If I have a dime 1 go into a saloon and ask toe beer. I have a nickel comeback, which enables me to amble ever to the free lunch counter and fill up. Maybe you don't realize that getting change over the bar gives a man a certain tone that doesn't belong to him it he Just coughs up a aickel."--New York Sun. A Rival. -- - " “Why do you always say, ‘As scarce its hen's teeth? " Our affections are our life. We Iive by these. The: supply our warmth.-... Channing. - “w Miss Passee-yes; I now gain for women's lefts. "Women's Iefts? What's that?" -- "widowers." "More scarce than men who enjoy hearing about the cleverness of other people's 1sabies?"--Chieago Record- Hernld. g3 " N“ ' Women's Lefts. 7"” 1;;F' Miss Bllr1er--So you have given up advocating woman’s rights? "Because they are about the seareest things in the world." "Burest thing you know," replied the panhandler unbiushingly. "And, by the way. while we are on the subject, I have now in my possession two nick- els. Would you mind giving me a ten cent piece for them?" As a matter of fact, surgeons and others whose work requires the keen- est perceptions instinctively choose the early morning for their best efforts, reserving the afternoon for "Pow, pressure" tasks or recreation. That ts, it is far better to so live that we do not need the stimulus of these extraor- dinary methods of tresphratiom--Amer. ican Medicine. d "I will on one condition,” said the man, whose curiosity ‘was aroused. "Whaes the answer?” Yet there are times when sleepiness and fatigue must be overcome without resort to stimulants which injure the Judgment.---) tired physician with a critical case, for instance, must have his wits about him, and it will aid him vastly to go to an open window every fifteen or thirty minutes to take a dozen or two deep inspirations of cold air. His exhaustion in the end will be great, but he can make it up later. Jacking Up the Tired System Without E Using Stimulants. i If efrorts to keep at work are con- _ tinned in spite ot fatigue the quality t of the work is poor and the exhaustion l inordinate. Students constantly make 1 this error and do all sorts of things i to keep awake to burn the midnight i oil when if they would go to bed and I rest they could accomplish tar mods I in half the time in the morning with I' little or no fatigue. _ I I know of an oriental garden in Fez where white garmenred Moors come in the cool of the evening to sit and listen to ancient stories that they know by heart, or to music that was old when the pyramids were new. or perhaps to look at a dancing girl or two taking soft steps while they smoke their nat- giles, yet that garden is nothing more than a series of arches upholding walls beyond walls, toned a faint, mysterious yellow that is not yellow, but white, and yet not white, but rose. In the middle is a pool ot water in a stone basin that looks blue because of the in- tense sky overhead and that shim- mers with gold in rMections from tho .wails. In the corner stands a mighty jar full ot strange scarlet blossoms, and rugs of deep color and intricate pattern lie on the sun Warmed fiatis There is always the fairy music of dropping water, and wonderful shad- ows move among the arches. This place is a garden for all that it is so builded ot man. The word court will not do for it.--Centuty Magazine. " la Not Planted With Flowers, and It Has No Lawns. A garden does not necessarily mean a collection of flowers arranged more or less symmetrically, with spaces of lawn, shelter of trees and paths hither and thither. There have been gardens that, beyond a terra cotta Jar or two holding a rosebi1sl1 or a tioweriug " mond, have had no green thing within their gates. .2 oarirndiif/d,vE. viii, MI ORIENTAL GARDEN. '; An Irishman and a Canadian {judge were one day travelling to- I gether through Canada. They were Ldiscussing the relative merits of ( Canada and Ireland, till at last the (ju.dge, getting angry at Pat's ob- ! stinaey in maintaining the superior- ;ity of Ireland, asked:--- k __ I 41",. "‘ l R,gtjii ilf, bf f " .- " _ 11l)jirlrtlb stir a; e _ A ff" & I =~._: , gtV - - a? ' , ling in a first-class car with a judge 2” §V“Th~at would be so," agreed Pat, "and you’d be a, long time in he land before they'd make a, judge of you I” Minard’s Liniment Relieves Neuralgia. 'Now, in I'égl ea1mese,t'wouldn't you be a long time in Ireland be- fore you’d have the honor of travel- 'Wow do you suppose the fires of romance are kindled?" es As the Oil Rubs in, the Pain Rubs Out.--Applied to the seat of a pain in any part of the body the skin absorbs the soothing liniment un- der brisk friction and the patients obtains almost instant relief. The results of the use of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil have surprised many who were unacquainted with its qualities, and once known it will not, be rejected. Try it. "You look sweet, enough tp kiss," says the impressed man. "So many gentlemen tell me that,” coyly an- swers the fair gifl. "Ah! That should make you happy." "But they merely say that," she replies. “They merely tell me the facts in the case, and never prove their statmentsy' V Mlnard's Liniment for sale everywhere. When a, girl tells a man she never intends to marry he is supposed to find out why. There are many reasons for a girl's giving up offioe work, but one mentioned by a writer in the fol- lowing story is perhaps the most effective that could be invented. Professor-r-tye you heard my last composition?" Gruff Critic-VU hope so Y' ronckis/"atGs,s csA4tGrcurercoiuTr.iiiis she throat and lands - - - as cents. Few men are apt to boast of their poverty-except in the past; tense. Plans of the naughty should al- ways come to naught. "Miss Smith is going away," paid one of tho stenographors to an- other. _ "Is leaving for good I." "No, not for good. For better or for worse.” Some people are too truthful to be polite. Elbow-grease is a standard oil, and it pays good dividends. "That stepchild of his is a good little feller,” he remarked. "and they say that, he takes after his father, too." Find what you can do well-if the search isn't, boo exhausting. They were talking about a, certain man who did not seem to be parti- culirly popular. At last one of the group decided that it was time fox: him to say something complimen- tary about the subject of the con- ve rsation. "It/s vours " cried the auction v ' eer, cheerfully. "What next?" “Thirty cents,” said man In the front row ing years. To the merry notes of this fine old instrument the bro, caded chimes of fair France may have danced the minuet. in glimmer- ing rhythms in the feasts of Luper- calia. Ha! It bears an abrasion- perhaps a touch of fire. Why, this may have been the very fiddle on which Nero prayed when Rome burned." "What am I offered for this 'an.. tique violin".?" he pathetically in- quired. "Look it over. See the blurred fingermarks of remorseless time. Note the stains of the hurry- The auctioneer held up a battered fiddle. "I should judge by love match fig}? 'x'itii';ii,ig,,i' ma Pg... THE PRICE OF INFLUENCE A DISTANT COMPLIMENT LIVING IN HOPES ISSUE NO. 40-10. NOT FOR GOOD THEIR ORIGIN TIT FOR TAT said a red-nose/i He may have meant to be polite, but there can be no quedtion that he actually did a very rude thing. He was a Frenchman, riding in a street-car. Two women entered, and seeing no seats, stood. The gentleman, who sat near them, rose, removed his hat, and said, "I give my seat to the elder of these two ladies.“ Neither made a more to take the seat, but each glanced at the other in a haughty mannerfas much as to say, "Sit down, madam!” "Is neither madame," said the Frenchman, bowing to one lady, “nor madame," bowing to the other “the elder? Then I shall have to resume my seat." A 'Pleasant Purgabive.--c-Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills are so com- pounded as to operate on both the stomach and the bowels, so mam they act along the whole alimen- tary and excretory passage. They are not drastic in their work, but mildly purgative, and the pleasure of taking them is only equalled by the gratifying effect they produce. Cotnpounded only of vegetable substances the curative qualities of whlvh were fully tested, they ar. ford relief without chance of in- Jury. "But, Bertha, howodid you make the acquaintance of your second husband y' "It was quite roman- tie. I was out walking with my ftrst, when nor second came along in an automobile and knocked him down. That was the beginning of our friendship." BE SURE YOU GET THE KIND YOU HAVE ALWAYS HAU.-0wirvg to1 the great. popularity of "The D. & L." Menthol Plaster unscrupulous makers are putting 'dl one [die it. Made by Davis & Lawrence ‘0. “Have you any brothers or sis, ters?" * "Yes, ma'am,'l answered Flossie. "Are you the oldest one of the family l" » “So you resigned?” "Yes, I couldn't stand the way the firm treated me." "What did they do Y' "Took my name off the payroll." Corns cause intolerable pain. Holloway’s Corn Cure removes the trouble. Try it, and see what amount of pain is saved. Jane-Very sorry, mum. It's the fault of these new skirts. I had to take such sjshore steps that it took longer than I expected to get home. _ "Doctor," cried little Bingle over his telephone, "my wife has lost her voice. What the dickens shall I do y' "Why," said the doctor, gravely, "if I were-you Ild remember the fact when Thanksgiving Day comes around, and act aocordingly." It was Flossie's first day at school. Her name had been regis- tered, and the teacher asked her: "Oh, no, main," returned Flos- sw. "Pa and ma's both older'a Attacks of cholera and dysentery come quickly, there seldom being any warning of the visit. _Romedial action must be taken just as quick, ly if the patient is to be spared great suffering and permanent in- jury to the lining membranes of the bowels. The readiest prepara- tion for the purpose is Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysenbery Cordial. It can be got at; small cost at any drug store or general dealer's, and will afford relief before a doctor can be called. Your Drugu‘ist \Will Tell You Murine Eye Remedy Relieves Sore Eyes, sco'tvangthers Weak Eyes. Doesn't Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, and Sells for 500. Try Murine in Your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes for Scaly Eyelids and Granulation. "Your face is nice and clean, Bobby," said the Sunday school teacher; "but your hands are hor- ribly dirty. How ever did you get them like that?," "Washin' me face, miss. That's What; done it.” Mother (at luneh)--"Ycs, dar- ling, these little sardines are some- times eaten by the larger fish." Mabel (aged fje)---"But, mammal; how do they get the cans open?" Whereupon the doctorrihuckled as he charged little Bingle $2 for professional services. Minard's Liniment Cures Burns, Ete Mistress-What does this mean, Jane? You know you should be back at 10 o'clock. Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. "H'm E" grunted the weary one, glancing down the bill-o-fare. “Let me set-Had-tra-we-Ziyi.'?'- squeak-lee me see! H'ml Give me two sausages an’ mash, waiter. An' plenty of gravy!” “Ver' good, sair!” The polite waiter. applied himself to the speak- ing-tulre. "Two airships on a cloud !” he bellowed down. "And make zem rainy!” The lonely traveller leisurely took a seat in Signor Spaghettrs eating- house. "Yessairy' enquired a polite walter, hurrying up. "H'm E" Stunted the wearv one, THE LANGUAGE OF FOOD. FAULT OF THE FASHION A SAFE GAME FAMILY FACTS ADVICE EKeep the Chiidren We” A man never realizes how uniml prortant he really ls until he has a son old enough to cast 1115 first vote. IN EARLY" FALL as in Midsummer Painkiller finds a, use in every home. Ex- ternally, for cuts, burns. sprains or bruises; internally for diarrhoea and dy- sentery. Avoid substitutes. there is but om -Painkiiier"-Pertry Davis'-25e. and 500. The superiority of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is shown by its good effects on the children. Purchase a bottle and give it a trial. Squire Dunnitt (of Lonleyville)-- We're away ahead o' you people in some things. We've sprinkled our streets with petroleum. Uncle Welby Gosh-Mighty-sud to hear it. Your town’s been need, in' a change in its smells for a Ions time. Many a, woman thinks she is hav- ing her own way when her husband remains silent and permits hep: to keep right on talking. Minard's Liniment Co.. Limited. l Gents.-A customer of ours cured a very bad case of distemper in a, valuabrllt horse by the use ot MINARD‘S LINIMEN A Thorough Pill.-To clear the stomach and bowels of impurities and irritants is necessary when their action is irregular. The pills that will do this work thoroughly. are Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, which are mild in. action but mighty in results. They purge pain- lessly and effectively, and work a permanent cure. They can be used without fear by the most delicately.. constituted, as there are no Pais. ful effects preceding their gentle operation. "You beat me, anyway," said his friend. "I got only three orders, and the third one was from the firm telling me to come home." It had been a dull season, and tho two young travelling salesmen were comparing notes. "I had just five good orders inthe month of July," said one. Dr. Morse's andian Root Pills Cleaning and Curling and Kid Gloves cleanad. These can be sent by post, 10 per oz. _ -.-- - -- _1uyrlyryr, pluce is He-"Be this the Woman's Exc. Change?” she-tles." l He-ore, you the woman?" sShe-"Yes.") Ile-ttfrm',. Then, I guess I’ll keep my Sal." C ANGER, Tumors. Lumps, etc. Internal and external. cured Wlthout pain by our home treatment. Write us before tog late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited. tymirtgwrrod, Ont. BARN THE BARBER TRADE - NEW L system-constant practice-ear) instruc- tion-GST weeks comptete Jourse-toolg free. Graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars week» ly. Write for catalogue. “Molar Barber College. 221 Queen East, Toronto. mums] AMtirtiohlimiitgit M. FEATHER DYEENG St" A “(EEK AND EXPENSE-q FOR MAN ' nr lady to lmvaf and appoint ag-enhs for established house, State age and previaus om. woivmbm. Peruunsnt. E. Mcix'arvtrr Mgr., 292 tr lington Street West, Toronto. ANTEDHSOU 1H AFRICAN WA KRAN’l'S, Mr Highest price paid. “Wig: us fui "ttttov'. mation. Fox & Ross, Stock Bangs. Scott 8t., Toronto. :5 postal for circulars or 10e, ioriautiiai terms. Alfred Tyler, London, Oat, A "v0r-PFAiik" Granite Csssaut. Mend! hams in all kinds of Pots and Pusan otnu1itpsrsrs, Iron, Tinwaro, eta. Meade in two minutes Every housekeeper buys. Bast seller. Over Giri profits. M. Nagle, Westmouut, Que. USIC, TEACHERS ,--e STUDENTS __ WILL tind our stock of Piano, Vocal, Violin, Pi)“ or Read Organ Music lingo and well sisleetaa, Choir and Chorus Music a specialty. Cortes. pondenue invited. Ashdown's Music Store, Dept are just the right medicine for the children. When they are constipated -when their kidneys are out cf order --when over- indulgence in some favorite food gives them indigestion --Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills will quickly and surely put them right. Purely vegetable, they neither sickén, weaken or gripe, like harsh purgaGves. Guard your children's health by always keeping a box of Dr. M rrse's Indian Rout Pills in the beam. They RAW FURS W. C. GGFFATT ORELLIA, - . ONTARIO A RURAL IMPROVEMENT. TART _Tlirsk ROUTE TO -T%tY. SEN": Toronto, SERIOUSLY MISTAKEN. GENTS CAN MAKE $6 DAILY SELLING A BIRD IN THE BAND. I pay the prion you are 1oakiug for, SHIP ME: YOUR V“ HIS BEST ORDER. and Station Agents' work in all its details are included in Rt course of training given in Ta Central Telegraph School, 2 Gen- rard St. R., Toronto. Corrosponcb etltre invibad. T. J. Johnston, Prln. W. H. Shaw. President. iiilfillhM1llf Yours truly, MONTREAL VILANDIE FRERES.

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