Times & Guide (1909), 14 Oct 1910, p. 4

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l l {WESTON 3. Subscription Price. Telephone No. 26 ._ ,. C ., h" a‘gmwwst guaranteed for one year. Mr. Roberts has the P. S. Board as of 8400. Mrs. Meyer-11y is Chicago. f "' _ ' _ Miss Norma Charlggn spent Sunday at her Home, returuix to Westminster College on Monday T rning. Y., is week. Buy your watches and jewellery from Inch, druggist and Optician, he saves you money. Lost from a bugg on John Street. a left handed leather.‘ living mitt. finder please return to Tim 8 Office, Weston. The Misses Celia d Laura Westphall whofasre been ~3ng iiously ill for the past eight weeks 'Wi 1 typhoid fever, are recovering. Mt Henry Russe was at Georgetown Fair on Wednesda acting as Judge on heavy horses, he risIrprts the best claas of horses he has seen iii a long time at this fair. j's't, ments will be servecz. Doanorget the V$331k meeting in the Town Hall, next _ dnesday evening, at 8 o'eloek, to discusé the advisability of providing more pulglic school accommo- dation, every mtg-payer shoulder be there. 5 Weston Women'clrnstitute will meet on Tuesday next at pm. in the Town Hall. Thistletown' Women's Institute willfnrnish the p ogramme. Refresh- v For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought BEAUTYLENE FOR THE HAIR. The A. Y. P. A. Fu hold their next meeting on Wednesiiay evening next at 8 o’clock, several niatters of importance will come before tibs meeting. Report of the committee oriEthe Garden Party. Discussing a trip to Brampton, and pre- pei‘ing-the program/be for the year. Bears the Signature of To our readdrs iii) need of memorial work we would drafiiv your attention to the monumental adiertisements for this month of Wardens :monumental works, which we are inforrned has not only re- ceived a large shipmént of best Canadian granite but also a. mimher of Scotch and other foreign granite and marble monu- ments in new designs. Bee Inbh’s ninetreisrU cent watch, Think o', it, an alarm clock for sixty nine cents at Inch’s Drug store. Mr. On Sunday last Goidon Morningstar of John St., 11 years old was taken to the isolation hospital, string from a severe form of Diphtheria/ He was playing about on Saturday aibarently well. Dr. Charlton saw him on Sunday morning and pronounced it geese of Diphtheria of a. very malignant; type and had him immediately removed to the hospital. The Dr. also. had the ho.use thoroughly disin. fected. ., NOTE-using) nearly doubled our floor space owingY an ever increasing business, we agaiib take the opportun- ity ot extending iou a pressing invite. tion to make this store your head. i quarters when in§the city. Our stock) b. most oompletii, furniture, carpets, 1 bedding, dishes. y: Special deliveries to! Weston, anbtog, and vicinity aq any) time. Repairing, upholstering; pic-l ture framing by experts. Let us give‘ you, an estimate. D. Sanders, 1654i Dundas/street, West Toronto. 1 CASTOB IA N , iihit tihtms anti Guittt Geo. P. Forb1 visiting Mr. Weston, ADVERTISING RATES A. E. WHINTON, Proprietor PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY )een re-engaged by [aretaker at a salary E of Larchmont, N. .A, Lemaire this visiting friends in ADDRESS ALL iooaikimicAa7oss TO Ont., Friday, October Ith, 1910 John Street, a It would be bett r fonAddison and Garnet to go to ttf ”Gig.” étore than break ir/the Real Estate Otfiee and get stung. Leave your watch with Inch th Druggist and Optician. He reapairs watches, clocks and jewellery. Woodbridge Ag ieultural Society held a raising on Sa uxday last of their new horse stable, _thieh is 210 "feet long and 50 feet Ewe; Abou-tf300 were present and w _s entertained, to supper by the direettirs. _ ' The St. Phillips (niurch, Etobicoke, will hold it Aunusd ‘giarvest Festival on Sunday, Oct. 9th/tot 11 a.m., Rev. Prof. Cotton of Wyagffe College will preach the sermon. 1,,phe church will be decorated with fiuits, grain and flowers. The Publiih are cordially invited to attend. (i, _ On Tuesday evening Lithe Degree team of Court Weston paid a: friendly Visit to Court Fairbank and Initated eight candi- dates, after the business of the evening, the members of Court faitbank gave the Weston Degree team a. n ost enjoyable evening and the. boys Vtived home in the mrsma' hours of the mérning. At a _meeting of the Public School Board, held on Monday}: evening last, the matter of increased aeiommodation was discussed at elength. “The present six rooms are very much si/el,,' crowded ax d something must be dough to accommodate the rapidly increasing sFpuluion. Vari- ous propositions were gnade by different members of, the board; however the board thought that the rate fpayers should be consulted and decided; to call a public meeting in the Town Ball, on Wednes- day 12th Oct. and itiis hoped that the ratepayers will turn out and give their opinions freely. Mr; Campbell, P. S. Inspector, as well as? the Trustees and teachers, will be presisnt to give any in- formation that may be required. CCC?k' $1.00 THOMAS M.i'GRWF1TB. l The death of MréT. M. Griliith, oe-' curred in Cobalt on $unday evening Oct. 2nd. The late Mr. rsthift"1th was born in Weston, 30 years ago, and received his education in the Puiilic and High School, after leaving school glie entered the busi- ness with his brouisr, two years ago he dissolved partnership and went to Cobalt, opening a bowling fines there and was doingagood businegs when he was at- tacked with typhoid fever which carried him off in a riint..hi'titry he leaves be- side his father and amother to mourn his loss, three brothers; Henry, Francis Wil- ham, and Joseph, also two sisters, Mrs. W. Willis, of Toronto, and Margaret at home. V l Street. Tuesday, Oct. IL-Regular meeting C. O. F. in Oddfellows’ Hall, Church Street, at 8 p.m. Tue'aday, bet. 11.9peeial meeting Woodmen of the World, at Mr. L. H. Vaughau's residence, Main street. erduesday, Oct. 12.--Regtrltsr meet. ing Grouse Hill, L.O.L., No. 191, in Oddfellows’ Hall, Church Street at 8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 13.---Rtsguisr meeting Daughters and Maids of England, in Oddfelloms' Hall, at 8 p.m. Friday, Oct. 14.---Regular meeting Sons of England in Oddfellows’ Hall, Church street. BORN. T PHILLIPS-on 0 sober Ist, to Mr. and Mrs Len. illips, of Meyers Ave., a son. MmtRAi--on Se t. 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mui, ay, a. daughter. MONTGOMERY n Sept. 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. mes Montgomery, Downsview, a s . SYE-0n Sept. 2 h, to Mr, and Mrs. John Sye, 5th A e., a son, WRAY-C)n Sept 25th, at the home ofT. Noble, D ison Ave., to Mr. and Mrs. E. (Te ie) Wrey, a son. POPE-ou Sept. h), to Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Pope, a dagghter. GRAY-HILL-O Tuesday, October 4th, 1919, by Re _ J. Hughes-Jones, M.A., John Jam s Theodore Gray, to Eliza Hill, botil of Weston. Monday, APPLICATIOH o per Annuin in advance. MEETINGS NEXT! WEEK. Oct. 10.--Begulat: meeting in Oddfellows’ Hall, Church :1" WESTON, ONT h, to Mr, and Mrs. Pe., a son. i,25th, at the home gison Ave., to Mr. sUs Gentleman’s turnout-1st, Brown; 2nd, R. J; Henderson; VLBogg._ gs _ _ "r'T Farmer's Tt:r1i?i1t.'-1'st' E. Dolson; 2nd, A. F. Billoe . Walking tearn-ist, R. Moody; 2nd, J. Clarkson. : Delivery turno1it---lst, D. Rowntree & Sons; 2nd, Hilliéz Shiells. Dog racy-Earl Iii-Wis. In the tuee-yeat-old trot tho re- In, the free-for-al) there was a field of four. In the fougth heat Planet, in making the last tern, stumbled and fell, throwing his driver completely over him, fortunately without injury. The horse was likewise unhurt, and took part in the succeeding heat. The best time for the race was 2.37. Sum- mary' 2'" Gold King (Rowntrde) E... 5 1 4 1 1 Planet (McDowell) E......1 3 3 2 2 Raymount (Speers) i",..,.... 2 2 2 l 3 ‘Little Fred (MCEWBQ) ... 3 4 1 3 4 [Tony siaudeT(Parrusr... 4 4 dr. suits were Kerr ....' Reid ....., Fletcher Tony ssude1(Parrusr... 4 4 dr. ROADSTERL HORSES. Filly or gelding in: harness, 3 yrir-- 1st, A. Fletcher; 2nd;,‘J. T. Reid. Filly or gelding, 2 rrears-1s9t, R. J. Henderson; 2nd, H. Carr. Brood friargy-1st, 11.11. Dixon; 2nd, Jas. Bagg & Son. 'i" Spring colt-lst, IT, Dixon; 2nd, R. Steele. l Team mares or geldings in harness-- Ist, Jas. Gregg; 2nd," J. T. Reid. Single mare or gelding in harness-- lst, W. J. Jiffkir1s; 2nd, W. Lavack. SARRIAGE HORSES. _-_-a. Filly or gelding in harness, 3 years--, 1st, R. J. Henderson; 2nd, R. Boyes. Filly or gelding, 2"years-1st, R. J. Henderson; 2nd, F. A. Pearson. Filly or gdlding,f1 year-lst, A. Whitmore; 2nd, W. Ijtrwrie. Brood mare-lst, J. T. Reid; 2nd, Jas. Tilt. l: _ Spring colt-lst 1. 2nd, J. T. Reid & Son. t; Pair matehedmurrei or ge1dings--1st, D. L. McLure; 2nd, A. F. Hillock. l Single mare or gelding;lsit, P. R.) Brunskill; 2nd, A. Ht)wson. Dapple gray horse(or mare-lst, M. W. Carter; 2nd, J. (lowland. , DRAUGHT HORSES. Filly or gelding, i? years-lst, F. Gregg. 7' Filly or gelding," 2 years-lst, F. Gregg. tl Filly or gelding, Ijyear--1st, James Codlin; 2nd, A. Baldpck. Brood mare-Ist. Thos. Stobbart. Spring colt-lst A. Reid; 2nd, Aaron Whitmore. " l 1 Team of geldifigs br mares in har- nesseJobu1 Gardhouse. AGRICULTURAL HORSES. Filly or gelding, B year-lst, A. ‘Reid. , Filly or gelding, 2 tyoars---1sst, Geo. Herons; 2nd, F. Gregg. Filly or gelding, 1 yea-f-li, S. Mc- lLure. Spring colt-lst, A. Baldock; 2nd, (k, Mason. ' Brood mare and foul-lst, A. Reid; "Bi‘oodr mare and foal-lst 2nd, Geo. Dawson. NOTICE is hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters Lust Act by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of York, at the Town Hall, Weston, on Monday, the Seventeenth day ol October, 1910, at 3 o'cloek p.1n., to hear and determine com- plaints of errors or omissions in the Voters" List of the Municipality of the Village of Weston, for the year 1910. All persons having business at the Court are required to attend at the said time and place. j. II. TAYLOR, Clerk, Dated October 5th, 1910. § NOTICE is hereby given that a Court will be held. pursuant to the "Voters' List Act," by His Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of York, at the Toinship Hall, Islington, on Saturday the 22nd day of October, 1910, at 9 30 o'eloek in the forenoon, to hear and determine the several complaints of arrbrs or omissions in the Voters' List pt the Municipality of the Township of Etobicoke for 1910. _ u; All persons havmg business at the Court are required to attend at the said time and place. J. A, L. MACPHERSON, Clerk of the said Municipality Dated this 5th day . of October, 1910. Now is the time td buy before the advance ir1iriee which is sure to come as desirable lots are being picked up. We have dis- posed of six nice lots this week. If yon wish to se11iyour property list it- with us, as we sell quick, if priee is right. COURT OF REVISION pEHRSON & MGEWEN See their List of Pfoperties. Township of Etobicoke Voter's List; 3rd, A. WESTON BRANCH, Agent for the following Fire and Life Insarance Co's TARIFF. Royal, Sovereign and North British and Mercantile. NON-TARIFF. York, Merchants, Dominion, Traders and Ontario. -AND- EXCELSIOR LIFE, and IRAVELLERS ACCIDENT AND HEALIH Insurance Also Agent for reliable Nursery stock all at lowest possible rates. Antiseplit kk' Shop British liilitlli America The best brands of Cigars, Tabaeeps and Cigarettes. D, ROWNTRE E, J r. Choice Beef. Spring Lamb Choice Veal Orders called for and delivered promptly Geo. Bajnsbur5r CoulterAvenue, .. WESTON E. J. MUSSON A special stock of Flour & Feed MAIN STREET, - WESTON owner l [i,l)llf, We havejust received our fall and winter stock of underwear. The famous "Ceetee" and "Puritan" brands, also our splendid lines of coat sweaters, and sweaters for men, women and children Carpenter ithd Contractor Our assortment of hosiery is very large comprising the "Pen Angle" and other staple brands. Our values are exceptional and the quality of our goods cannot be’ Bur- passed TELEPHONE N0. 30. George Ill, Lyons 1836 Ill Instruments Sterilised PLUMBING, A Specialty THE PRACTICAL BUTCHER W. H. O'DELL, " Years in Business. Vegetables of all kinds. Estimates given on all kinds of work GLUTEN MEAL, OILCAKE, BEAN. SHORTS, &c. Tobacco Pouches and Pipes MAIN ST., WESTON - is the foundation of in- ITHE SAYING HABIT‘ dependenee. Begin saving now by opening an account with the Bank of British North America and making regular weekly or monthly deposits, ' _ $1.00 starts a Savings Account and Interest is compounded at highest current rates. WE INVITE INSPECTION FIVE ROSES FLOUR always on hand. FARLEY 'S - PHONE NO. 20. WESTON Dealer in THE BANK OF I910 Capital and Reserve Over 't,000,000. r.w.yomrr_nn,n. BEEF VEAL LAMB Back and Side Bacon FRUITS _ Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Blueberries, Thimbleberries, Plums, Peadhes, Apples, Pears _ Water Melon, Canteloops. Shelf and Heavy Hardware; Stoves and Furnaces ' , Gasoline amroil Stoves Screen Doors and Windows ' I Maxwell Lawn Mowers 'e ' Field and Lawn Fentes Pedlar SteerFingles Ready Roofing _-'" Portland Ce/mint Paints, Oils and Varnishes. §Nadame iiiiiii; ghone 16 Potatoes, Cabbage, Celery, Carrots, Onions, ii.---- Illa tlllllNI)t 1nlllllt IIO0I1 ICE CREAM " J, Finnigan Corner Church and Main Sea., WESTON JUST ARRIVED THE t LATEST ' STYLES 2llnllllll(l DONE ON THE PREMISES Try a suit ot the' lamoua Broadway brand clothing. made to your measure at Coleman’s, Weston: Weston Shoe Store N. I. McEwen, Manager. TORONTO COLLEGE OF MUSIC, Pembroke St , Toronto. Robt. Grays Prop. Cooked Ham, Tongue WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY, Joseph St, WESTON (MRS. T. SMITH BONE) Teacher of Vocal Culture WORK AND EATERIAL GUARANTEED. _ onfectionery, Fruits and Candies. TUESDAY' S & FRIDAY’S Our Solid Leather School Shoes can't be beat. SOUVENIR POST CARDS. Oar new and complete FALL STOCK of men's, women's and ehildren's boots. & shoes. ORDERS DELIVERED. 'airgTa11ta H6313 JAS. HUGiLL, PHONE No . 9. DEALER IN EAGLE BLOCK EAGLE BLOCK Physician, Surgeon, etc. A Offietr--Gor. North Station and John Streets, Weston, Ont. . Oftiee Hours--8 to 10 amu; 6 to 8 p.m. Sunday, 8 to 10 a.m. - 9tow,1 t03,7to s h" Other hours by appointment. Offiety Hours DR. J. A. MELDRUM Physician, Surgeon etc. %' Office and Residence-Main Sta, Weston Opposne Cruickshank’s Wagon Works. Telephone No, 15.'t I L DR. W. J. CHARLTON Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Money to loan in large and s M: amounts. 'dl) Otfiees-36 Toronto St., Toronto, and Woodbridge, Wednesday. G. HOWARD GRAY ‘Barrlster, Solicitor, Notary, eta. 2971, Main Street, WESTON. Evenings and Saturday afternoon. Toronto Offiets 304 Lumeden Bundinr’ corner Adelaide and Yam. Phone M, 2689, J. EDGAR PARSONS, 'B.A. Barr1ster, Solicitor, "Not;ary Public G. W. COULTER, V. a. Honor Graduate Ontario Veterinary College 1 All diseases ot Cattle and Home: Treated Beientifiea11y. " Calls- by mail or phone promptly attended. _ WESTON, ONT. Offieas 2» Canada Permanent Bldg. 18 Toronto St J . K . M c E W E N ' Licensed Auctioneer tor the Oountiu 0! York, Peel and Simeon, and West Toronto. Real Estate for sale and 1101130! to ANDERSON & McMASTER. Barristers, Solicitors, Noumea 0.6.. 936 Keele Bt., (4th. door North d ' Dundas St.,! TORONTO. ' Private lunds to loan on ttrat (glass security. TORONTO JUNCTION V COLLEGE OF MUSLO AND SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION Mrs. Marie B. McGill, Write for calendar Musical Directrou Phone Jet. 79. West Toronto. Rissidenee:--pim, St, Crown Bank. Tel. 113.. A. M. ROLLS .B., M.R.O.S., Eng., L.R.C.P. Physician and Surgeon WOODBRIDGE. Good partridge shooting on the line l North of Parry Sound, open season " from Oct. 15th to Nov. 15th. j Moose are plentiful between SQ} wood Jet. and Gowganda Jet., opén season from Oct 16th. H . F . S E F T O N ' ‘ Surgeon Dentist 314 Confederation Lite Building, TORONTO, ONT. For details as to favoured 10083575119 and all useful] information, Write Passenger Department, C a ti ad i a n Northern Building, Toronto, Ont. TORONTO, Ont. ’, ( _ Best place in Canada for Superior Business Education. Commence now. Catalogue free. 'j' t " COR. YONGE AND ALEXANDER SIREHS» _ CHAS. H. PORTER, Deer hunting commences Nov Ist, Over D. Rowntree & Sons D R. _ D A M E SPECIALIST Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat (London and Vienna) 7 _iii'ii)e,eil,lf 'e'Cth fi) Commence October 15th Attend the Best,-lt Pays ELLIOTT ’lne St. opp. Norther- . Tel. Woodbridge 30 J. HACKETT; Dentist a863 college%Firist b" . Tordnto.iiA'it Phone College 49123 WESTON. ONT TORONTO. 86

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