Times & Guide (1909), 28 Oct 1910, p. 4

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'r-------,' A A------- BEAUTYLENE FOR THE HAIR. Mary's have taken Mr.-Dicksou’s house on Meyers Ave. toi', the Winter. Mrs / Keir will not receive§until November. Telephone No. 26 Subscription Price. . Did you get Inch's ninety eight cent watch, guaranteed for one year. I won't work my I a race agaim--Verrr' Who touched the {reeve fifteen. 1 Mrs, Geo. J. McGe Toronto, paid a As Whinton on Tuesdai. A large numberl, attended Woodbridé Fhe Methodist L: ing for a fine conce the second week ir. for the date. Rev. H. L. Coles 6f Cobalt will be the preacher at the Baptist church next Lord's pay morning End Rev. R. Haddow in the evening. Alliare welcome to these services. E On Wednesday, oi'i,t. 19, the A.Y.P.A. met to discuss the ooiivention to be held at St. Phillips Churcgl also the question of colours and badges and the send, ing delegates to Ellie convention, it was decided to adopt githe colors red and green and to attend the convention next Wednesday esrening?instead of holding their regular meeging. Members are requested to leave bi: tlie 6.50 p m. car. Didn't I do up tl t ( Woodbridge Fair.- at - For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ' Leave your watch with Inch the Druggist and Optician. He reapairs watches, clocks and jewellery. Mr. and Mrs. Bears the Signature of Toe Women's U on of -Weston Pres, bytei‘ian church Will hold their annual Thanksgiving Con I on Tuesday, Oct. ‘25th in the Town& all. The following irsthe programme iich will be rendered: . i)hairtnan's address, Rev. A. H. Mc- Gillivray; Piano SNo, Miss Lee; Solo, Lightemian Tom 'Wyquirre, Mr. Lorne FraSer ; Beading, -lected, Miss Merry ; Vocal, “I know Lovely Garden "--l l' Dawn," D. Haralot--Mrs, Alderson ; Solo, Mr. Arnot Bailey; Fioliis Solo, ,f‘Mazurtk,” Mr.'i, Kenothe; Solo, “Loves Coronatioyg” Florence Aylward, Miss Grace mmii)ton ; Reading, Miss Merry ; Solo, Violiii Obligato, " For All Eternity," orasehFroni, 'Mrs. N. J, MoEwen. E CASTOB, IA P53: 11. Violin Solo, "sejlven.ir," Mr. Kenothe; Solo, selected, Mi). A. Bailey ; Solo, "Where the Heart is Young," Dudley Buck, Mrs. Aldersép; Piano Solo, Miss Lee; Solo, (violin') obligate). “Flower Girl," BebiguaiG, lips. N. J. McEwen ; Reading, Miss Mer/is; Solo, "Farewell to summer," Noel Johnson, Miss Grace Hamilton ; Solo, “X Son of the Desert," Philips, Mr. LornejFraser. God save the King. Mrs. J. A. Meldrum, Accompanlst. _ The appreciation 0 technical education,' for busirusipursuits 3 provided for br private enterprise in our country is well illustrated by the su ess of the Central Business College Toronto and its sexieral branches. These schools are reported as more largely and widely patronized this ter than ever before, which in itself is ve good proof of the demand for this sor . of technical educa- tion. Our readers re referred to the notigegound in on advertising column) Whife'li extends an i xiii-mu: Lu, ill x'élw aryiijinterested: to m: -, iv-r i110 t'_"rl'" swim slogue of this well-k_ wn school. WESTON f, Weston, TECHNICALEEDUCATION odist Lzéiies Aid are arrang- e come? to be given about week iniNovember. Watch ADVERTISING RATES o.i; A. Keir from St. 1 'l"y1r..Diclrsou's house fee of Havelock St., bit to Mrs, A. Til. i of _Weston citizens ,9 Fair this year. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY orse the day before 19 su ass of 1 ge Toron AM. These lore largely ter than f J5 ve good 1 i so: of tech chars ‘re refe on advertis mu i Vir'EHOJ 0 W1: “ iV-rtr sri-ks, wn sch ADDRESS ALL t old skate at the E. WHINTON, Propttetor Ont., Friday, October let, 1910 61mm anti (15mm in Berlin for COMMUNICATION S TO Q? Inch’s Lung Balsam shops that cough. and his Cure-a-cold breaks up a cold. Mr. John Smit of Toronto spent Sunday in town vis ing friends. Mr. and Mrs. Brampton visited Thursday. Mrs. Jos. Burgess) wishes to express her most sincere thaiirs to the friends who have so kindly rémembered her dur- ing her illness. 3 Rev. William Johnston of Keene, Ont., paid a short grid!) to his sitser, Mrs. Wm. Monkmari, Elsmere Ave., on Wednesday of this wq‘ek. The Merchants in "the village will hold a meeting next week to discuss the matter of early closlng and V pect to put it into effect about the 1st Jf/che/ Mr. Walter Whitton, of Ottawa, and his bride paid a visit: to his uncle and aunt this week thej intend taking up their residence on Wélls Street, Toronto. Mr. Charles Forsjvth of Main street brought into our oi)jee this morning, October 20th, three raspberry canes load- ed with ripe fruit the sscond erop this season. , Saturday evening,) Oct. 13th, Miss May Reaiton, youngest daughter of T. J. Reaston, Esq., Scafletc Road left en route for the Paeifie Coast. Miss Reaston has accepted a lubrative business position in Victoria, BC. ' $1.00 The members of the Weston Town Band appreciate the many expressions of approval given by the Weston people who visited the Woodbridge Fair, espec- ially Mr. McEwen, Sr... whose expressions were accompanied by a donation of two dollars to the band fund. Mr. Norman MC ll, better known'as Red, died at the resi ence of his parents, Conron Place, on Sa urday last and was buried on Monda 3, Oct. 17th, the eighteenth anniveriry of his birth. The deceased was acFistant engineer on the Trethewey Farmland was well-liked by all who knew him; he was confined to his bed only one morgth. in the Town Hall ony1'hanlrsg1vmg even- ing, October 3lst, 1310. The following artists will appear: l f . Ernest Hazeldine (Jock o' Hazeldean) iibe renowned tenor. Mrs. Coutts-Bain Caiiada’s favorite Scot- tish vocalist and ,loettionist. The broth- ers Alexander, Scotgh comedians, a re- cent addition to toga Canadian concert platform who appeated with success in ‘all the principal eitidi and towns in Scot- ‘land. f The Ladies Bible Mass of the Presby- terian Church held? a most successful zoeial at the homeof R. J. Bull on Friday evening of 1;:17 week. An excel- lent programme of , eadings and music was given after whidf refreshments were served. The class wish to thank the friends who took paE in the programme, the ladies who so " dly sent voluntary eontribhtions to theupper arid all who "attended and respog ed so liberally to the collectlon. floor space owing to an ever increasing business, we again take the opportun- l ity ot extending you a pressing invite tion to make this store your head quarters when in the city. Our stock is most complete, furniture, carpets, bedding, dishes. Special‘deliveries to Weston, Lambton, and vicinity at any time. Repairing, upholstering; pie- _ ture framing by experts. Let us give \you an estimate. D. Sanders, 1654 Dundas street, West Toronto. Don't We extract the ollowing from the Cobalt Nugget cf t e 5th instant : " The {tigeral of I e late T. M. Griftith DiON1 took place on Mon byuight fromhis late b f residence, the (hiff5 h apartments, Silver e ore street to the T. & N. O. depot, a. large . number of friends aying their last trL whieh buts of respect to t e memory of the de- . ' ceased. This pull eaters were: Chief desiira Knppeile B. L. " orman, town clerk. . Harry Gieen, RS. Sam Newton, Chief pickec Jones and H. B. 'teh. The remains fwere followed to te statien by a long posed fline of sorrowing hands. A short ser- Week, ivice was held in -4-e apartments of the ideceased conducte by Ref. Mr. Beach, If I Lof the North Cuba church. The body .. . , , "t nrnna APPLICATION "t per Annum in advance. NOTE--', THE LATE THOE. M. GRIFFITH B taken to Waste iffith, Sr., father t miss the Grand Scotch Concert Town Hall on'iThanlrsgiv1ng evgn- chew Having nearly do.ubled our wrest ,aeiomptnsied by Mr. l father of the deceased, and I C Ins IrChiftith. The re-i . C. Monkman of s. F, W. Brown on WESTON, ONT to-day i otf Mr. George Morningstar left on Mon- day for Meaford, oiit. Rev. Mr. Lynch; former resident of Weston was in twin during the week renewing old aequsiitanoes. T [De iach.‘ If. yon wish to, sell your o r _ . . . yMr. [property list it with us, as , and C . . " . . J,,tae,_l,We sell muck, it place IS Dear Friends, We wish to expresé our gratitude for the deepest sympatliy and assistance extended to us on alt, sides in our late bereavement and feel insured if anything could have been doneito have spared our dear son Norman to :13, nobody would hesitate to have done [so. We also wish to express cur thanks§for the numerous flowers and likewise; for the splendid funeral arrangements)) Believe us. Vours gratefiilly, Mr. and Miss. Eugene MeGill. _WESTON COUNCIL MEETING. The Council held their regular meet- ing on Tuesday evening last, the Reeve, R. J. Bull in thefchair, Councillors present, Henry Pearsdh and Jacob Bull. After reading the; minutes of the previous meeting and Eadjourned special meetings the following communications were read. From Chipman and Tower, five, in connection with the wérk on the Water System: 'j), ”From Hydro-Elebtric Commision, three, in refrence to, transformers and power. if Pipes. From Toronto Iron Works, Smart, Turner Machine Co. and American Water Softener Co., acknowledging receipt of cheques. _ The following deputations were re- ceived. f Rubber Co. Mr. Ashman asked the Council to remit the charges for; Electric Light as there is no Electrie Light near his property. Referred to the whole Council. sh. 'Wrighb for Canadian General Electric on Transformers. A Mr. J. B. Eagle a41ressed the Council on the amount of hose to be purchased by the Corporation. 'j" Mr. G. W. Verral' and Mr. Wallace Cruickshank asked thirCouncil to provide funds for the purchasé of a new site for the High School. Rtferred to the whole Council. _ 7: By-law No. 506, rispeeting the man- agement and regulatiiig the Water Works System was read a third time and passed. The follgwing accounts were ordered 1 to be paid : ',( Toronto Iron Works Go, Con, C.82016.16 Am. Water Softener (30.. Cong. 1068.42 Smart, Turner, Corhiret G. . . . . 2676.21 Geo. B. Moogk, Coniiace B. . . .. 200.00 G.T.R. freight, etc. i) . . . . . . . . . 142.40 A. G. Pierson, P. S2Want .... 1000.00 Jas. Ramsey, salaryir. . . . . . . . . . 60.00 R tN,-vssurv_..5....c,.... 50.00 A. G. Pierson, P. S.§§Grant .... Jas. Rumney, salarr(r. . ' . . . . . .. R. Greer, salary c,',i,..:.c:v; Bank B. N. A., Electric Light Debenture coup'gans. .. J. W. Coulter, salary. . . ., J. H. Taylor, salary), . . . . w. J. Inch, Formaldehyde Ed. Smith, sewer pipe _. . G.T.R., supervising _'., . . . .. From John Ft0oiono1lsr, re Test of Mr. G. H. PEARSON & MtemhlE,14 l i See their List of Properties. 1 Now is the time to buy , before the advance in price i which is sure to come as g desirable lots are being; /pieked up. We have dis.. ;posed of six nice lots this The undersignd have received instructions from t e Executors of the Estate of the late If MES MITCHELL to sell by Public', uction on John Street Weston, on l Saturday,g Oct. 22 At '3 o'eloek p.rrri brick house on John Street, 7 rodm'g, bathroom and reshar, hot or cold waiter, hard and soft water in kitchen, 1aiii,ty7, plumbing, furnace and hot watts? heating. TERMS-IO per as and balance in 30 da; . IMMEDIATE ti'? SSESION For further informagion apply to the Exeeutors, S. H. Mitchell Box 100, Brampton, W. J. Mitghell. Brampton, or to ift ' Freehold EProperty Council adjournedtat 11,10, Rummy SALE ARD oil THANKS conron'.i'maoe, Wiston, Oct. 20, 1910. "(MEN ii SAIéIOH, Auctioneers, Harpér of the Durham of valuable t. on day ofsale $7761.00 431. 55 50.00 50.00 2. 00 13. 20 1. 06 WESTON BRANCH, Agent for the‘following Fire and Life Insurance Co's TARIFF. Royal, Sovereign and North British and Mercantile. NON-TARIFF. York, Merchants, Dominion, Traders and Ontario. --AND -.. EXCELSIOR LIFE, and TRAVELLERS ACCIDENT AND HEALTH Insurance Anliseplic kk Shop Also Agent for reliable Nursery stock all at lowest possible rates. British Mirth America The Choice Beef Spring Lamb Choice Veal Vegetables of all kinds. Orders called for and delivered, promptly Geo. Sainsbury Coulter Avenue, - -WESTON 1836 THE BANK OF 1910 Carpenter and Contractor Ill Instruments Sterilised Flour & Feed . ROWNTREE, Jr, MAIN STREET, - WESTON PLUMBING, A Specialty GEORGE l MIf THE PRACTICAL BUTCHER 74 Years in Business. lol! We havejust received our fail and winter stock" of underwear. The famous oCeetee" and "Puritan" brands, also our splendid lines of coat sweaters, and sweaters for men, Vvoolen ind children Our assortment of hosiery is very large comprising the “Pen Angle" and other staple brands. - T Our values are exceptional and the mmJitV of our goods cannot be sur- Our value quality of c passed best brands of Cigars, Tobaeeos and Cigarettes. Estimates given on all kinds of work . J. MUSSON Tobacéo Pouches and Pipes m-------""'""'""""'- ottsred to Farmers, Cattle- Every Banking min, M29681 and Lumber- . ppm. #339? 1i" Accommodation éSalés,»Notes" handled on ----------"""- T i Jsi" favorable te rm 5. Checks on any Bank cashed. EM§1ey advanced to reliable men at reasonable rates. Money sent to Telegraph Transfer . special stock of FIVE ROSES FLOUR always on hand. GLUTEN MEAL, OILCAKE, BEAN. SHORTS, &c. FARLEY’S . H. O'DELL, WESTON )N() E INVITE INSPEC‘TON PHONE NO. 20. Dealer in any point by Money Order, Draft or Lyons Capital and,:Reserve Over 87,000,000. MAIN STREET, - WESTON PHONE No. 9. Ll). WITH“, h. BEEF VEAL LAMB Back and Side Bacon FRUITS K Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Blueberries, Thimbleberries, Plums, Peaches, Apples, Pears Water Melon, Canteloops. Shelf and Heavy Hardware - Steves and Furnaces Gasoline and Oil Stoves Screen Doors and Windows Maxwell Lawn Mowers Field and Lawn Fences: Pedlar Steel Shingles Ready Roofing Portland Cement Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Phone 16 Eemwmgmség Potatoes) Cabbage, Celery, Carrots, Onions, iiar-ar--lii' PM J. Finnigan N. I. McEwen, Manager. ICE, CREAM The RIVERSIDE “MUM Ill)()ll Corner Church and Main Sts., WESTON JUST ARRIVED Cooked Ham, Tongue ghd Jelfied Hock. THE ' LATEST I STYLES Our Solid Leather School Shoes can't be beat. REPAIRIEG DONE ON THE PREMISES "i'iiiiiiijiiiiii'iiii4 Confectionery, Fruits and Candies. TUESDAYS & FRIDAY’S TORONTO COLLEGE OF MUSIC, Pembroke St , Toronto. (MRS. T. SMITHBONE) Teacher of Vocal Culture WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY, Joseph St, WESTON Robt. C WORK geston Shoe Store ORDERS DELIVERED. SO UVENIR POST GA RES JAS. HUGILL, Our new and complete FALL STOCK of men's, women's and children's boots & shoes. .EE AND MATERIAL GUARANTEED. DEALER IN EAGLE BLOCK Gray, Prop; Wes, is 'trniiii)) Bgxasd oaetoaprr w EAGLE BLOCK DR. W. J . CHARLTON Physician, Surgeon, etc. ottiets-Oor. North Station and, John Streets, Weston, Ont. Offiee Hours--8 to 10 amu; 6 to 8 pan.) Sunday, 8 to 10 a.m. _ 9to12,1to8,7to 8 Other hours by appointment. Offiee hours DR. J. A. MELDRUM Physician, Surgeon etc. Office and Residence-Main Sm, Weston Opposlte Cruickshank's Wagon Works. Telephone No. 15 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Money to loan in large and small amounts. " Otfiees--36 Toronto St., Toronto, an Woodbridge, Wednesday. A G. HOWARD GRAY _ Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, m. 291 Main Street, WESTON! Evenings and Saturday alternOOnl. Toronto office 304 Lumsden BuitdiM I corner Adelaide and Yam. Phone M, 2689. ANDERSON & MCMASTER, Barristers, Solicitors, Notation 016-. 936 Keela Bt., (4th. door North d Dundas St.,! TORONTO. . Private lunds to loan on tirst class security. Offiees: Canada Permanent Buig, 18 Toronto St DR. A.M. ROLLS V IB., M.R.0.B., Eng., L.R.O.P. Lon. Physician and Surgeon WOODBRIDGE, ONT. Raaii1iynea:-Pirte St. opp. Northam . Crown Bank. Tel. WoodbrhUm " G. W. 'COULTER, V. a. Honor Graduate Ontario Veterinary, College All diseases ot Cattle and Horn“ Treated fileientitieally. Calls by mail or phone promptly; attended, 3 H . F . S E F T O N . Surgeon Dentist 814 Confederation Lite Building, TORONTO, ONT. J . K . M c E W E N ' Licensed Auctioneer tor the Count!» ol York, Peel and Simone. on! [ Welt Toronto. iistesy1 Estate for sale and bonus to Mrs. Marie B. McGill, . Write tor calendar Musical Direqtr6rs Phone Jet. 79. West Toronto. CHAS. H. PORTER, Good partridge shooting on the line North of Parry Sound, open season from Oct 15th to Nov. 15th. TORONTO JUNCTION COLLEGE OF MUSIC AND SCHOOL or? ELOGUTIQ , 'iii)'),"'!',!'),?] " Moose are plentiful between Sell-! wood Jet. and Gowganda%t, open" season from Oct 16th. l Deer hunting commences Nov’lst. iii; For details as to favoured locations! and all usefull information, Write; Passenger Department, Gauguin; lNortllern Building, Toronto, 0 y. "UU" Over D. Rowntree & Sons, WESTON. ONT. SPECIALIST Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat (London and Vienna) SHOOTING _i, -t",(,i,)is,1i iiifi(] , i; ' ()()llllll()lrirr_ir amber 15th "i" . J. T. HAGKETT, . Dentist nit. J, EDGAR PARSONS, B,A, TORONTO, an»??? I . j Best place in Canada 'iiiAitiipiriiili vuinrhcc Education. Cousmefiikitpjt Attend the Best,=-lt Pays DR. DAME E!rhlf2iri,T wig9,', "-il,'lg,'las"fc',i1'-" jiii";iiii'i'ii'; _v.t'ijiiii_s7)ai'i'_'i"i_, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public WESTON, ONT. 863 College Street Toronto. Phone College 4912 TORONTO. 1i “REES 86

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