Times & Guide (1909), 2 Dec 1910, p. 8

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I 5%,? V ‘ I V “7 7 ' - _. NI w. M. 'CT R8iP L A . - " P. WEN w ‘ a ~ ' m . s: . 'PEN " " ' ' I m w " 'el. - , " . . _ ig . u r c g itt let 5 " B " - » " , ,. ' . » TIg ' - . _ “in? - - a: F " au - - " _ " ORDERS DELIVERED DAILY. To get 3000 , new customers in Weston and adjacent villages, I am offeringthe following inducements: STORE OPEN: EVENINGS Millersand Dealers in Grain and Feeds of all Kinds Payments Ifanuiaeturvy of “Three Lion Brand" Graham and Whole-wheat Flours. D. MORRISON " & W. Wadsworth 448 Ladiés' Cloth Suits, regular $25, for $20; regular 820 for $16/50; regular $16.50 for 81fh50. - - - - - ..' - 3,000 Men’s Suits, regular $25, for $20; reg- ular $20, for $16.50; regular $16.50 for 12.50; regular $12.50 for $8.50. - - - 75 Silk Dresses and Coats only, regular 820 to $35, for $15.00. I - _ - - - 22 Dozen Lawn Waists, regular $1.25 for 75e. 400 Boys' Suits, special $3.50 to $7.50. - - 150 only Ladies Wash Suit Go: Dress, $8.50 to $12.50, for $5.95. - .3 - - - WESTON MILLS (ESTABLISHED 1828. 318 QUEEN WEST Coupled with the Hyslop guarantee of thorough satisfaction or no sale. Country people can order direct by mail with the assurance of prompt service and immediate shipment. Send at once for Bicycle Folder giving fuller particulars. Your name and address is all we need. $50 WHEELS FOR $25 HYSLOP MOS,,, Limited season, with nothing in sight to nearly approach their construction and equip- ‘ment for the money. What we offer is regular ' THE DKNTAUR SOMPANY. MSW YORK CITY. BIOYGLE8 AND AUTOMOBILE' TORONTO, our. Telephone No. 1 each case to soda, om twentieth of an acre. The samples of Indian corn. From the recordig inlthe office of the Dairy Commissioiier, Ottawa received from members of glow Testing assoteia, tions it appears ij1at in the month of August the ave Lager ‘yield of 3.000 recorded in Onta io was 776 pounds of milk, 3.4 test, a [d 26 pounds of fat. Thus, had thui,,t yield bren equal to only the averageélof all the 3,000 COWS, they would each ahave given 113 pounds of milk more, 4'. a total yield of an extra 168,740 Po finds of milk. What n pity they did no: i A pleasant hi1i-'i1ressing---ladie') like it, and your wjJ,i11ggist W. J. iInch, Chemist and Op iieian guarantees every bottle that he (ip, at,50e. and Stands ready ‘to refuna",y‘qu; mimey if it tails to do its wow. 'Br' mail postpaid from Gironx Manufacturing Co.,! Fort Erie,;0nt. Bee that the Gir1_with the Auburn Hair is on each paclagei Sold and guaranteed by W. J. Inch, Tnist and Optician, Weston. 1myntrBUTroNj'ow SEED GRAIN . AND P TATOES. 1 From The Ce ral Experimental Farm, Ot wa, 1910-11. i' By instruction 'pi the Hon. Minister ot Agriculture a distribution is being made this seaso iof samples of gaper- ior sorts of grin and potatoes to Canadian farmiis for the imirrosus- ment ot seed. e stock for distribu- tion has been seFred mainly from the Experimental Fag-ms at Indian Head, Sash, Brandon; Man., and Ottawa, Ont. The sampiles consist of mats, spring barley, fitsld peas, Indian; corn (for ensilage onW), and potatoes. The quantity of oatd sent is 4 tbs., and of wheat or bat-1e; 5 ths., tmffieiettt in od diviging ihese COWS into frWO groups, those yiegdiug below that aver- age, "and those a ‘ove, it is found that 1,4305 cows giVQrif an average of only 658 pounds of IIEjlk and 23 pounds of fat. ?f The second gfioup, those yielding above thty avertige, [meludes the re- maining 1,570 iirssrs which produced 383 pounds of ink, or 107 pounds above the averagé of the 3,000 cows, and actully 225 i unds of milk above the average oi HEELIBO poor cows. _ Public Worship at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. BundarBehoo1, 3 o'eloek p.m. , J. L. Sloat. Pastor. The earnings €‘f the good cows amounted to the?,' uge sum of $4,489 more, in the of" month, than the earnings of the potir cows. Public service at 11 a.m and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes at 3 p.m. T This begins to oben our eyes to the tremenddus possiaities of increased revenue from kebfing better cows. Why should we riiyrin content with only "avemge" cojvs? The poor cow must go. _ 'i! ' Preserve Your Children's Hair. Every mother should see that her children’s hair is dressed with Parisian Sage, the wonderful hair restores and germicide. A little neglect on" your part now, may mean much loss of beauty when your girl grows up. Prevention Better, than Curt. Parisian Sage is a‘rigidily guaran- teed hair restorer/aud cures all scalp diseases, presreritsfhtgr from falling out and creates a 1ritrh,Huaruriant growth of hair, a glori to women and the pride of man. ,5 " - . Methodist Church. Public Worship at 11 a.m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes at 2.45 p.m. T Rev. B. R. Strangways B.A., B.D., . Pastor. St. John's (Anglican) Church. 11 a.m. Mattias and Sermon. 3 p.m. Sunday School. 7 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. Celebration of Holy Communion, t1rtrt Sunday ot the month at 11 a.m. third Sunday at 8 aan. On Sunday next, services held at 11 va.m. and 7 p.111; School at 3 p.111. V Divine service next Sunday at 11 o'clock a.m. _ St Johu's. (Catholic) Church. On Sunday next Mass wi) be eele brated tttl) a.nr. Priest in charge Rev. Father Player, 0.8.3 T x Methodist Church, Mount Dennis. THE POOR pt)w MUST GO! Rev. T. Beverly Smith, Rector CHURCH SERVICES. J. Hughes-Jones, M.A., Rector Presbyterian Church. MOTHERS ! Rev. A, JG MacGlllivmy, Pastor. Baptist Church St. Philip’s. will be Sunday tiiriTat-rats, and the amount money distributed to them in year. lisls of names from one individual, or applications for mote than ons sam- ple for. one household. cannot be en- tertained. The samples will be sent ifree of charge through the mail, , Applicatiohs,shoul<1 be addressed to the Dominidn’Cerealvist, Experimental F'arm, Ottawa, and:: may be sent in any time from the1§t of December to 'the 15th ormybjirfifrli, after which the lists will be closed. 'iso that the sam- ‘ples asked .for may be sent out in good» time. Applicants should men- ltion the variety they prefer, with a) second sort as an.?alternative. '1Alll Iplications will be filled in the order jin which they are revived, so-long as ‘thn supply offsecd lasts. Farmers are advised to apply early to avoid pos- sible disappointment". Those applying for Indiani’corn r01; potatoes "should bear in mind bh'a't'the corn is not 11ty11- ally disitrrbutrrcl until April, and that potatoes cannot be/irnailed until dan- ger from frost in transit is over. No pogtage ls required tbn mail matter ad- dressed to the Wtperirnental Farm, Ottawa. l On first of June xt year a census will be talnen of t manufactures of Canada, It will as rtain the capital employed in works in 1910, together with the value of l d, buildings and Plant, the kind or cl SS of products of the works by quant Y or number of finished articles and heir value in the year. These statistic] will relate gerter- ally to factories emp oying tive hands or more during the ear, but in such ir1dustries as tiour nd grist mills, brick works, saw a d shingles mills, electric Nght and po er plants, and a few others where t e value of pro- duets is large in p oportion to the number of Persons mployed returns will be required wit ut regard to the number of employees! The employees of work will include .managers, super- intendents, ete., on salaries; oftieers,, elerkrs, ete., on salartes; operatives or workers classed as of er and under 16 years on wages; and I iece-workers em- ployed outside of the e orks. Salaries, wages and payments t all officers and employees will be en red on the sche-. dule for the census six-Ear by sex,. and will include the aggggate weeks em- ployed in the year, verage hours of working time per wee , and aggregate ywages paid to them i theyear. The aggregate weeks of til e and the ag- 1gregate wages paid #iu refer to the :whole body of employees for the year, while the average holes of working time will refer to an average eompat- ed for all employees En the year for bone week only. For pieee-workersout- side of the works the gtatisties are.rt- iquired to show by sag the aggregate ipayments made to this class in the ’year, and also the aggregate value of their products, The 'roster employed In the works will shipw the number land horse power of Steam, gas and gasoline engines, water wheels and electric motors, as well as the power sold to or bought frém other public or private cotppaniese The fuel used at the Works will sheiw the quantlty of coal, wood or other fuel‘ and its [value laid down at the works, jincluding transportathon and duties. The coal will be class,ified by measure to show whether it is :foreign 01 Cana- dian. Custom work; and raw ma- terials will be reported by kind or class, and entries will be made ‘to 3 Only one sample (un be sent to each (applicant, hence iii-an individual re- Iceives a sample of "tbats he cannot al- -so receive one of wimat, barley, peas, ‘Indin corn or poiatoes. Applica- ‘tions on printed eafrds or nheets, or pu' show amount reeeivGr, in the year tor custom work and repairs; and the Cost value of raw and partly finished materials used at the works. The kind or class of proiiIitsts of the works peas and potatoesiweigh 3 lbs each. A quantity of the following varieties has been secured ‘for this distrribu, tion:-. E M paser-six-row4tl: Mensury and Manchurian (a selection from Men- sury). Two-rows:)',". Standwell and In- vincible. E ' Indian Corn (td er1siUge).-Early sorts: Angel of Midnight, Compton's Early and Longferpowl Later Varie- ties: Selected Lttaiiiing, Early Masta- don. and White (hit Yellow Dent. Potatoes.c-Earlrli,warieties: Roehes4 tor Rose, and Irisi) Cobbler. Medium to late varieties: Gold Coin, Carman No. 1, and Money}: Maker. The later varieties are, as agiule, more produe- tive than the eariie), kinds. Oats.--Eanner, dbundanee, Danish Island, Widc-Awak ' Thousand Dollar Improved Ligowo all white varie- ties. Wheat.-Red vartties:---Marquis and Early Red Fife (early beardless sorts of high baking strength), Red Fife (bearrdless), French and Huron (ear- ly, bearded)' Whi§Je varieties:---', Fife (beardless,) gobs (early, beard- less). , _ i' _' Field sPeas.-Arihur and Golden Vine. v5 CENSUS OF MAtlbwAcyrwtERs I Roehes4 . Medium t, Carman The later No. tt Dundas St., West 1476-1478 Dundas St., WEST TORONTO, We Sell the Best ‘ ,.,i" and Parest Drags NT THE LOWEST PRICES With our complete stock of TOILET ARTICLES and PERFUMES, we challenge comparison 84000.00 WORTH» GRANITE' MONUMEN'eL, PATIENTS TREATED THROUGHOUT Wm " - All letters from Canada must be addressed agttrtl!!, tm ttE to, our Canadian Correspondence Depart- " Tr "N , ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: this,llfiii,lNl1ElrtNtEtiNElhr Write for our private address Books Free on Diseases of Men. If tmstt2e to call, w_rjt__e_ 3221'}, Question Biargf for Now these Monuments are all complete and can be Engraved and erected this fall and will be sold at the lowest price possible During this and next month. If in need of memorial work of any kind it will pay you to give me a call HOWELL & DR. KENNEDY, MEDICAL DIRECTOR OF DES. K. & K. Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St, Detroit,' Mich. Just Arrived a Large Shipment These are all the best I dark grey of latest designs CONSULTATION FREE 1?uIiiirmsEAsritrfiiiir iiiiiiiii HdME iitihH'iigihTsr' WATCH, CLOCK and JEWELRY Repairing a Specialty SHEPPARD Sheppard, M. G. WARDELL. I706 Dundas St. WEST TORONTO. All work promptly repaired 1nd guaranteed, Charges moderate THE WA TCHMAKER Jeweller and Optician. Marriage Licenses issrwd. DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. DRUGGISTS, Phone Jct. 190. Dre, K, a K. arkfavnrably known through- out Canada whege the have done busi- ness for over'20 years firo/,1jll'fis ?tpatient? haye been tremedgand cured by their great skill and throng-1x the virtue of their New Method Treatdig t. When you treat with them you Mow on are dealing with respon- sible pltysieiau as they own and occupy their own oiliff, building in Detroit, valued atFfp,00fl, W Yen they 1lecide your case is curable. all yo~r_worry is rcmoved for you know they. x l" not deceive you, They guarantee to cure all curable casts. No matter how; any doctors havefailed to benefit you no matter how much money you have 51%: 1n vain; no matter how dis- couraged YI may be, don't give up in des. pair until u get a free opinion from these master s ' cialists. If you are at present within I lutches of any secret h.tth'tlnvlu'ch is sappin your life by degrees; it yon are sufferin mm the results of past Indiscre- tions; it our blood has been tainted from any mi. ate disease and you dare not marry; if ri,re,U,det married am! live in (read, of symp- VARICOSE 2:53le, NERVOUS DEBILITY. BLOOD ary' URINARY COMPLAINTS - .V 7.7“."â€" w“. ...~ ._ -_me_.___Ttrr- ., my puns Freaking out and exposing yougwpag; it you are suffering as the result of a. mis- 1p?k6 life-Drs. K. ' K. are sq'grti/lt,fgied Tiarfso11r' gage before them eontrdentitil l', and they will tell you honestly if you areeurpe KIDNI?" and biAbDribisTla" ap4dill Diseases Peculiar to Men. mu, CANWAY WHEN CURED CANADA FOR 20 YEARS The . . . Watchmaker, /Treat and Cure WEST TORONTO 'y'taimitiikitiksti l

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