'_[,.r':toL, XXI ?WAGONS 'J (R0lfjliSlliRl( & SONS N ,, 1x; _ _ F $lir 5'1â€Â» 7 ' iff x? _ 'ttib"rrd T . “H.532?" s _ - l _ T c4" _ l, 'eat.. My. _ i F,-")" . _ i, iii2E Milk Dealers, &c/ Bf‘makEPAIRING IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. j rsiiii,i)ictrrtzx),,vgxL,.t..Jiicsis IN "zcyt:ivsiEi::sis.l _.v_'_,'s,_ii,i,Gar4etters, Butchers, N ci" .' ' a: tu-s-------- _ A. - "i'_""_"-__i,_,:e,eer,; _Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, ___=Q;C‘eldar Posts and Builders' Supplies. "i5h'b?CA JAMES GARDHOUSE 's,':'::;).;,,),':--:.:' PETER HAMILTON IMPLEMENTS _,'s__,si'yrr_/xt:::irjxNns-iiirs-wAot::i;itDNsis ". ASPINWALL POTA r0 MACHINERY _"i)'vLL KINDS OF HARNESS KEPT IN STOCK "lr,_,rj,:,c," MELOTTE CREAM SEPARATORS j 1 Eagle Block, m.---":-.-.------------------------------" ----a-- L=TCT2=----lgl _ a T " _ riuta------ ------97 Call and' Inspect my Stock before purchasing elsewhere. gBAYNES BUGGIES ‘ "Humberside Waiting Room F, WEST TORONTO was 3m: _,_ccr,s,iirrl-', O ty T‘TE RS / L _ T. A. FARR, [Coal and Wood, Sand and Gravel, Cedar Posts. MMWW --- . - LOVE AND DETECTIVE STORIES SCRANTON COAL Main St., t MAIN Srmrart rd- Planing Mill, DUFFERIN Say, near G.T.R. tracks tDLfr"TEiiTPS/ Orders for Silo's Promptly Attended to Fasmers i. Keep your Boys athome! A brand new Cutter, neatly upholstered, and with a seat wide enough for two, will do the trick CAL AND WOOD No better made. No better material. No better work manship No better Xmas Present No heist†place to get them than at Wm? Iii)),),);'",")", Ice Cream all Winter 'NDERTAKING AND EMBALMING new' every week, ten cents. The Standard Anthracite.; We have them, You want them. 30mm; and get them. They are yours, _ - At very low prices. D. L. & W. COAL CONS Promptlruttended to SOLE DEALER IN CA RRIAGE SHOP - DEALER IN - L.fEyN/lAlFRlEC, FOR WESTON, ONT. tit ll? (it _ (TE J _ 3,riitt w“ R"ii's"9' p./§ rd hp WESTON . The Massey-ruins Company of To-' _ ronto, have invaded the United States . and by buying tiie Johnston HarVester! Company ot Batavia, New York, them ',, tracks arerentering, diréetly into competition‘ _w1th the large: American harvester Companies tor the trade of the United States. If this was all that this new move meant we (might view it with (only feelings of pride as an evidence WESTON. of the growth of our_tpuntry's ind11t- WESTON, ONT., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 'ptt'i, 1910. UUlm, Anya, grunts unvulnmuuo on behalf of the farmer of the whole Cheaper than ever See our West for lower duties. They demanded Beauty Dolls $1 25 Sleeping that the preference to Great Britain Dolls from 15 cents UP l '. should be at once raised to fifty per W cent. and that it should be increased EYES TESTED FREE from year to year until goods from , , r, the mother country were admitted fsUNDAY HOURS free. They want the widest possible l bo 5 PM", #8 to 9 p.rm reciprocity with the United States. ,'r 'a, c", if a They ask for government ownership m and operation of: elevators at Fort -s--ss-- -sareH; â€THU: os", on (A-r tacifie coast and on _t " A ' Hudson Bay, for "the government 3 NOTES and COMMENTS f ownership and operating mngudson i ' Bay line. The isovernineirif'1)roviiied /""-"-er,t-' to meet the views) of the Deputation We wish all the readers 'of the by lowering the duties where gossiale Times a Guide en; the compliments of and to build the Hudson Bay railway the Christmas seaéon. It id a greatR,but the present government is not very thing for the woé'ld that Christmas strong “POD the operation M publie comes regularly every year. Though utilities in the interests of the public. everyone does 110% believe in'the mes- Had they made this one of their sage of the Heralid Angels proclaimed planks, we would not have people in in Bethlehem oviér nineteen hundred Toronto and elsewhere crying out over years, still everygone admits that the what they consider excessive telephone spirit of the christmas‘: time has charges, but one would have a sys- meant much for ihey happiness of ts/tern operated by the postal authori- world. The joy; that comes to oa1ities in the interests of the people and from giving,. frdm the making orr1ot a system operated by a private some other 1iiech)9ppir,/ijicihis veateicornpany in the interests of the share- joy one Isan, have; iiiii,tcejtris- happiness 1 holders. :1 experienced in i)risiiii'iidi1iet1e acts of ' kindness at this? season of the year) ----p--- completely changed the life of many} IN THE DAYS GONE BY. a one from thinking all. of self tol They talk about the â€good- "old thinking less of, self and more Ofitimes.†They may have been, but It others. The lesson of the C1hristmaslw,ou,1d prefer the most modern; and am time will be verify imperfectly learned/glad to be. alive in this .agry. The however, lwhen fie return to the “(ii-{Egg "trail' has a fascrnatlon lt?? -", . . people. Know I havtrrealized it nary round of 1llhies again, we return! many times in this Western life; and with the spirit 311:0 do our neighbor iflespecially when riding burros, winding We can. ' _ ')around narrow ledges, thousands of The time top, the nomination of Candidates tori) Municipal honors is here and we he? of none but the old, Councillors oifering themselves as candidates. â€This "must be very flattering tog-tEEJOId Council andby their attention to the business of the village they hive earned the good will of their fellow citizens. They have had a busy; year and as the work commenced by them has not yet been completed the citizens are wise in al- lowing them toicomplete their work. The position of 'i', Councillor is rather a thankless position, he cannot alwaytg please everyone,) and it is very easy to find fault. The ratepayers how- ever have had tiintideneo in this years council, and though they have spent a large sum of (noney they have done so with an eye §ingle to the best in- terest of Weston.,? T W. J. INCH MAIN STREET, XMAS PRESENTSE WE? GIVE FOR HIE KIDDIES Everyone a square deal. We want your Xmas trade. See our stock of Jewellery. Ask for what you don't, see and we will cheerfully get it for you, Visit TOYLAND and you will have solved the problem of Solid Gold Brdhches, Beauty Pins, Baby Pins, Chains, Fobs and Watches at all nrices from $1.00 up. : I I Ganong's (G.B.) and Fry's per box from 10 cents to $3 00. In, Plush and Leather from $4.00 up. : {PERFUMES Sealy's and Palmers per 10 cents to $10.00. 2 CHOCOLATES Xmas Cards a specialty from 10e a dozen up to $1 25 each. Dolls, Toys, Xmas Decorations Cheaper than ever See our Beauty Dolls $1 25 Sleeping Dolls from 15 cents up l t DRUGGIST AND EBONY GOODS " Fiat Justitia, Rixat Coelum," TELEPHONE N0. 53 OPTICIAN’ WESTON Boxes bottle l As in this country, it was the frock- ied priests bearing the cross patiently land peacefully over the trails of lbeasts and savage, the bands of trap- ‘pers, armed ready for any adventure seeking out the land and its riches, traders, _with lone lines of packed mules, pushing over mountains chains, through rivers and desert sands, the endlesspassi-ng of weary men. women and children, following their oxdrawn homes westward, then came the "freighters," taut, alert, guiding with deft hand and fluent tongue their sixteen or twenty-i-hand teams; and they were followed by the stage coach and its jaunty driver, whisking blithe- ly about curves and rolling briskly down grades. Thus is marked the progression oi the "trail" toward its iron bound compression into a right- ot-way, which has eeased to wander, has (no mystery, and is only a "trans- continental route." tries. but there eems to be a belief 3ttattattaattattatttettattaaatttttittattttttttttttttaaaattttttttaaaar in many quarter! that the buying oi, , this concern rnoa. s that the Massey; "hm, ~32?†srsrapriee-essztasslb, t'rtt'it'ater_T-_-rttTeri, 5": Harris people W111 make use of the (l $13.†GUAM†I T , , , l x lr- ., ‘t y, plant largely in §ounection with their: , \‘t‘ THE Emma? . IN e carry the @1ng a ?orei,en trade an that in consequence 's 4iiUMI , ' th M $31; ,’ , 1'. the x:orks in Tdaonto will 'noi'i,1i,1i,iii) j1-C,)ii)rih" ll " illldi M, ll? lie stock of Lumber and lil wire less and 19530;†shipment abroad. f .17 ig)' C £33: titil' ME: " Bill it It ' .. , . . , We hope that thir; may not prove to! "ii' iii??,::', PRICE m: LOWEST Builders Supplies 1n , be the correct iiew, and that the. If“ â€/7 f l _ . lil firm will still Mptir1ue to build up‘ (iitiat 451 j" 7 Weston,and ou1'pr1ees , their foreign trade? from their Toronto QM!†q .24 is'",',),)]',')-,"-,--,",--.')'-))")" . Ca' factories 2 l A [H ah , , v!' f ii If†\ .53 are right. T . :1 TYe are pleased Ego be able to state that a real effort is being made by thdse interested in the city ot To- mnto in good r0813: to carry the By- Law for $100.000 the (iiLy's share in the scheme for the/improvement of the reads of the country. It has been the experience of large cities elsewhere that good roads (jeading into them meant much in this) supply daily of the necessities of life (and that thb prices Were lowered by the competition amongst the seliefs and by the greater quantities efforod (tor sale. With good roads there will his fewer middle men and citizens geniiauy will have the opportunity of Euying their vege- tabie's, etc., direetiy from the growers. The. carrying out Bf the scheme means much to the lc-‘o-uritry outside of the city," but it means more for the city than the country. , The Western Farmers. over seven hundred strong, paid their promised visit to Ottawa Last week and made their demand upon the Government They talk about the "good 'old times." They may have been, but I would prefer the most modern; and am glad to be alive in this age. The word "trail" has‘a fascination for most people. Know I havtrrea1ized it many times in this Western life; and especially when riding burros, winding around narrow ledges, thousands of feet up the mountains. It brings to mind visions of mystery something unseen just beyond, something hidden yet close at hand. ' It suggests deep forests and wide plains, and gloomy mountain passes it calls to mind the antlered head of the stag, the bound- ing feet of the mountain sheep the first travelers who broke the way. It recalls dangers of wild beasts, and above all, awakens thoughts of the men and women, who braved the un- known trails and prepared the way for to-day. No wild West tale of the most lurid color equaled the sirnNis truth of the first man and his party coming over the mountains, most of them being killed by Indians. -t In 1848 the first wagon coming, had to be taken to ***§*** pieces, and lowered by ropes" at the dreaded Virgin mlrurrtisins, A most gruesome disaster tell Lliarty in 1849, at what was afterwards called death valley. After that Brigham Young had decided to establish colonies and forts. Five hundred mormo-ns coming in 1852. The first- organ used in the Mormon tabernacle was nuilt in London, and shipped to Australia, where it was used in an Episcopalian Church. It was purchased for the Mormons, shipped g'y sailing vessel to San Pedro (one orlaos. ‘Angeies late additidns), and thence hauled to Salt Lake, one wonders that any tone was left in the iristrum'pV after its journey- ings, probably "the etune the old cow died of." "1 Since the days of the first pros- pectors, this country is showing io- calculable mineral Wealth; also the finding of water in the dryest regions, and that desert soil will ‘give back much of the richness absorbed through countless seasons, When not eVen na- ture took toll on her treasure store. It may be that in transforming des- ert places, one of the safe guards of climate conditions is being destroyed, just as in deviastl'ng forests, havoc is Worked! with the water; supply. iii" gs "It mky, the 'ceorriing ot rail- roads has wrought marvelgus change, in tTaaTiin"g" 'thce distinct) between the "home of the saints!' and the "home of the angels." , Every life worth the. candle, Sold and guaranteed in Weston by W J. Inch, Chemist and Optician. _ Is spent man. Cal. Dee Not being in position tb shake up and distribute the iarescription) themselves, the Sisters arranged Eli/ill); a number ot gentlemen,who hadbee FafherMoruiscy's friendsrto do it for thin. s"rhese gentle- men workingunder thehanie ofthe"Father Morriscy Medicine Cog, Limited,†had by the first ofthe year placed the remedies in nearly every store? inf the Maritime Provinces. f i? [ So gladly were th y received, and so satisfactory has beerfth‘eir record ofcures. that the Sisters and the Company have leciclied to place th,'eni on sale through- out Canada. , f J l, Father Morriscyj'si"Nty. 7", for Rhew, matism and the j.,Kifrrieyis-'---"No. 10", Cough Cure and Lits,tiirTojy,,wtr'y,e: 11". Stomach wi)'an_oe,cyv-i't'?"e. 26l',,for Catarrh, and "Father Morris y's Ljhiment"-can now be obtained '/?ls2ydlif11/ll/ei(lt,. in this Province. IfyoursG-zgoesfnot keep them wrirc the Father Morr'tisdy Medicine Co., Limited, Chatham, tCB. oft" his garmeats t his wife has pins in hers. I If you ean't _ ays, have your own way, take conso 'tiomtrora the fact that there are n rly 90,000,000 others in this country gmilarly situated, / r: When Father Morriscy, the famous 'priest-physician of Bartibogue, N. B., died a year ago last spring, he left his prescriptions to the Sisters of the Hotel Dieu, at Chatham, to by used for the benefit of humanity and riaf: the church. After a. man has ibeen married about a year he has a1m§st as many? buttqns Father Morrisey's Remedies T,; ' A -__ ---'-"'-r-tFrW." 'liar-i-ef PRICE THE LOWEST ' 1i'Wth', ms s",',CfLF? QE q .24 ( C/T-ti: KI, tttil! _a's,i (ic/f), 5 WI It, I, :str, KI :t' ' v“: 1is,1( 1f-iie-rc-(jjh Now on Sale in Ontario Vinuéhé sérvicé of but fellow- mW' 'a"s'J?i7s,'l7siu'rii5-fefiri T 5V, - J,t": “’3’": A y- TT'T7'rr ka‘-;a_.2mmvg§-u y 1910. L. J. sAvAGE--MeCLORE. WWW (itrfiiil'llg North Bound LOANS INSURANCE ifhIllflfl I/)li(B'hrllll, Weston REAL ESTATE J. T. LOCKE & Co. 57 Victoria St. TORONTO Interview us with regard to our quick "system of sell- ing Real Estate. Is your property listed with us. Goulding ll Hamilton WESTON PROPERTIES Going West 7.27 a.m. * 9.00 a.m. 1.30 pm. ttt 4 08 p m. ' 7 30p.m. 11.30p m, 8 44 a.m * 10.13 3.1:). ff 5.29 p m. * 6,47 p.m.* ' Do not stop on Sunday. or, 106 Victoria St., Toronto. Money to Loan at lowest rates o City, Farm and Suburban property. Fire, Life, Accident, Burglary and Plate Glass Insurance effected in all Companies. Estates managed. Rents and Interest collected. City, Farm and Suburban property in every locality bought, sold and exchanged. mm w a, 2t TELEPHONE. MAIN 1967 LOCAL TIME TABLE 29! Main St, 'Weston, ESTABLISHED 1862 famous (aa Airmotor Gomg East 7.14 a.m. 9 d8 a.m. * 12.08 p m. * 7.18 pm. 9.33 p.m.* South Bound. ,7-55 a.m. 11.09 a.m. . 4.23 mm. . 7.54 pan. . NO r: