'Ttihilisivfiis, ('e'iil,sssr,rre _" Una to Impurities in the fllail--, Uured by Dr. Williams’ “a Pink Pills. iii hey contain all the elements nec- ssary to build up and purify the od. They increase its oxygen Trying capacity enabling the kid- ‘99.â€, to pass the uric acid from the body and the other organs to do their work. Thus rheumatism is reached at its root and permanent- ly cured. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are absolutely free from all habit- foraning drugs, and are not an ex" periment as the following case will show:--dfr. W. Studley' Lewis, Pilot Mound, Man., says::-", am' a firm believer in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and always keep some, by me in case of need. A few years; ago while teaching school I suffered: so much with rheumatism in m/ arms and shoulders that I had the reatest difficulty in writing on the â€blackboard, and after trying a number'of remedies without bene- _.,lit, I was almost in despair, and 'Sli; inclined to abandon teaching. But one day T happened to pick up one of Dr. Wjy:ircrrr' almanacs, and â€read of the cure sus a, number of “Severe cases of rheumatism through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. this decided me to give the Pills tr, trial, and I had only taken them 1ALAUSE AND CURE ' The most noticeable and immedi- Me result oi rheumatism is a, marked thinning of the blood, and in no disease does it develop more tapidly. Not only does the Elem} - - .. . , - It is readily seen that the only way to cure rheumatism is through the blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills afford such a treatment as Fy Inna“, auu 4 “V.“ vth _PW.rMei_-P. ._.,i if few weeks when. I felt much bet- ber. In'the course of a few weeks more the pains and stiffness had all kit me, and I had no more dif- hcvdty in doing my work. I can-' hot say enough in praise of Dr. :Williams’ Pink Pills for they and they" alone cured me of my rheuma- tism.†Ont. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Son of a Scottish Baronet Died on Little Barrier Island. _ The story of a woman's lonely vigil by her dead husbanu on a des- ert islam. comes from New Zeal.. land, the information being brought from Little Barrier Island by the Government st.eamer Hine- moa. The Little Barrier is we of the Government sanctuari, for native birds, and is guarded from the ravages of poachers by a care- taker appointed by the Tourist De- partment of New Zealand. There, are no other inlulicyats of the is- land, whioh has I“ ‘communication 'ith the mainland. Mr. Hunter F?i,1,t'iii, the caoetaker, and with is wife lived on the island for some months; Mr. Blair, who lad been in delicate health, died on the ..ight of Wednesday, Sept. 21. his wife watchedNle body for two days in the hope that, some ship would call It. the island, on which she was now lhe solo resident, 'l" , rsday and Friday passed witlwu‘ l. ir' signs of Millers, and on N vl] i V morning Hrs. Blair med; me _ w ' pre- parations frnr I r' my 'v, 1‘ o of rho last «vim -r ii "l,r {ll 1‘1 Mrs, Blair, v.11 w is: i if 3:: much af.. lC-tr'l w "llcx r', m- ï¬nal to which “d“ an ' l wniained at the v mm . on with no company ie ii _ rill Monday even- en Le Hinemoa arrived. nt on to Auckland, to join nds in Wellington. Mr lair was fifty-two years of was the third son of the Edward Huntor-b’lair, Ayrshire, Scotland. lite, ctoirs sotzrtus.-cwecfcoig.ss, heal-V . taro“ And lungs. . a . So can“). A LONELY VlGlL. f)? RHEUMATISM Where Prisoner's Counsel couliin't Advise Jury. It seems hardly credible that less than a century ago counsel were not allowed to address a. jury in de- fence of a prisoner: Sydney Smith first preached egamst this cruel law, says the Lender; Chronicle. Jaw sags _F___.r _rve--e-e'-e- ___-_-i-" - __ Efe pointed out that while in any court where property was concern- ed counsel was heard on both sides, in a court where human. life was trembling in the balance only the prosecuting counsel was heard, and it was unfair to match a, prisoner, unaccustomed to marshal facts and unable to speak, against skilled counsel, whose sole purpose for its own reputation was to win a case. Sydney Smith's eloquent words led to tho passing of the prisoners' de- fence Act, 1820, which altered the practice. , . , W""'"""'" Another unjust practice, which was peculiar to the Old Bailey, was that when an accused person was acquitted he was obliged to pay the fees of Newgate or go back for want of money. So many unfortu- nate prisoners died in Newgate through this that Alderman Brown, Lord Mayor in 1773, caused an or- der of the court to be made that when any accused persons were no- quitted by their country they should inStantly be discharged in court without paying any fees whatsoever, an order which has been strictly adhered to ever since. Of the challenging of jurors one remembers a tale from Ireland. The prisoner was hard to satisfy and juryman after juryman was asked to leave the box. However, all things come to an end, even in Ireland, and at last the swearing of the jury was completed. And then the prisoner leaned over the dock and sought the ear of his solicitor, "The iury's all right now, I think," he whispered, "but ye must challenge the Judge. I've been convicted under him siviral times already, and maybe he's beginnin’ to have a prejudice." Laughter at a murder trial jars the reader, though it may come as a relief to the nerves of the people in court. But sometimes it cannot be helped. We do not know whether there was laughter in. the Elstree murder trial at the wit- ness's famous definition of a, re- spectable man as a man who kept a gig, which made such an appeal to Carlyle. But there must have been another answer. "Well," said the counsel, Mr. Thesiger (afterward Lord Chelmsford), "you saw them and heard them talking. What were they discussing l" "Pork chops, sir," replied the witness. Open-Air Lite Tends to ..Viger Among Employees. One of the leading railroad jour- nals is the authority for the state- ment that the railroad business is the healthiest of all occupations. In the investigation of the health conditions of the employees of the different industries it generally de- velops that the laborers are gener- ally more prone to some particular disease or malady. It is true that railroad men are more liable to ty- phoid than any other disease, but not nearly so much so as the class of workmen designated as laborers. The open-air life and the activity of the railroad man seem conducive to good health and a, long career of usefulness, The number of com sumptives and suicides among the workers of the railroad workers is very low. Some business men say that the year 1910 will go down into his.. tory as one of greatest prosperity for Canada. Other people give it as their opinion that 1910 is only a stepping-stone to greater things for Canadian Commercial condi- tions. However that may be, the results in the way of increased business enjoyed by some of our largest Fin- ancial Concerns have been most gratifying to their shareholders. The Traders Bank, for instance, since January 1st, 1910, increased their deposits over four and one- half million, and their total assets six and one-half million. This increase is considerably great- er than the percentage of in- crease shown by the Banks as a, whole. so that it cannot be attributed entirely to general prosperity of the country. That the Traders Bank should be speci- ally favored is no doubt partly due to the fact of its energetic progres- sive management which has taken every legitimate opportunity of in, creasing and extending its infiu- ence. The Traders Bank, too, has been doing a great deal of careful; ly planned conservative advert)? ing, bringing themselves before the attention of the general public to a, very coLsiderable extent. There is no doubt that Newspaper tulver- tising is,of. as much value to a large Banking Institution as to any other business and the Traders Bank's progress has one argument in its favor that is a very striking one. Distailce lends enaanimelth ii) the vigwnof a cross dog. ', Some men live long but short men are in the majority. RAILROAD IN G HEALTHY. 1910 A BANNER YEAR. A CRUEL LAW. IT IS NEWS WERE?! GIVING TO THE WORLD trow RAVAGES Oli' KIDNEY DISEASE ARE CHECKED IN QUEBEC. Whitworth, Terniscoua'tca Co., Que., Dec. 19 (8pecia)--With the coming of winter the ravages of Kidney Disease are again felt in this province, and the fact that a sure cure is vouched for in this vil- lage is news worth giving to the world. Mrs. Julien Painchaud is the person cured and she states without hesitation that she found her cure in thd’s Kidney Pills. "For seven years my heart and Kidneys bothered me," Mrs. Pain- chaud states, “I was always tired and nervous. I could not sleep. My limbs were heavy and I had a dragging sensation across the loins. My eyes' had dank circles under them and were puffed and swollen. I was so ill I could hardly drag Ty- self around to do my housework. "A neighbor advised me to try Dodd's Kidney Pills, and I found relief in the first box, Six boxes made me perfectly well." MATERIAL EQUIPMENT. "You exposed yourself needless- ly, Maria," said Mr. Dorkins se- verely. “Here you are threatened with a bad cold, and you are in no condition to meet it." Mrs. Julian Painehauil, for seven years a sufferer, fiads quick re- lief and complete cure in Dodd's Kidney Pills. - _ "That's all you know about it, John," wheezed Mrs. Dorkins. "I've got 58 haridlrerehiehs." If you have any two of Mrs. Painchaud’s symptoms your Kil neys are diseased. Cure them and guard against serious, if not fatal results by using Dodd's Kidney Pills. , A professor had been too exact- ing with a student at an examina- tion in chemistry. "Can you tell me anything at all about prussic acid?†he asked. "Yes," replied the student. "It's a deadly poison. One drop on the end of your tongue would kill a dog." Magistrate-Mavis you ever been sentenced to punishment be- fore?†Prisoner-Hes, I had to pay two dollars once for striking a man." Magiserate--"Was there any other time?†Prisoner-jo Lir'et," stay. It comes to my mind now that I was once in gaol for " teea years." To cure chilblams use a, wash made by adding one teaspoon of alum to a little water. This wash, it is said by those who have used it, will give immediate relief from the painful inflammation. A Blen'e lung Balsamdn which there is no opium, cures sore throat and tsore Inn B, as it aliays the inflammation and ride you 0% the mucous that stops up the air passages. Me, 50c, $1.00 battles. fffiti. Wiasltra's Saeiiag Strep Has been yoed for over SIXTY-WYE YEARS hr MILLIONS ot MOTKEM for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING. with PERFECT SUCCESS. lt SWEEPS aha CHI! D, SOFTE'NS the QUMS.ALLAYS all PAIN: mm; Wha' come. and is the best remedy for DIARRHG’EA. Sold by Dragging in everywyut of the world Bo sure and ME: tar 'Mrs. Whmla a Soothing Syrup.†and take no amm- kind. Tweatty-tlro cents a. bottle. G'xarmteed under the Food and Drums Act. June 50th.1908. Serial Number 10% - - _ -...i- ---.-_ "n“m‘ hmrwnv Much of the heavy cake and bread is the result of the oven' doors being banged in closing. It should be closed as gently as pos- Stiff 'neck! _-Dzresn't amount to much, but mighty disagreeable. You’ve no idea how quickly a little Hamlins Wizard Oil will lubricate the cords and make you comfor- table again. The ease with which coma and warts can be removed by H0110- ,Way’s Corn Cure is its strongest recommendation. It seldom fails. Before beginning to seed raisins cover them with hot water and let them stand 15 minutes. The seeds can then be removed easily. Peroxide rubbed on a. fine wh‘te silk waist took blood spots from the latter, and also took ink-stains frmn fine white lace. The lace was soak. caVisa the peroxide for a. couple cf sible. ulnard's Llnlment Cures Dcndruit, on the liver act upon the blood at“ a clear, healthy skin will follow in, belligent use of this standard me, dicine. Ladies, who will fully av preciate this prime quality of these pills, can use them with the car. tainty that the effect will be most gratifying. RI Inheritance of weak lungs Is a serious mum!- 5 up. bat Allen’s Lung Balsam, taken at the first I “an ot a couch will ensure immunity from this dangerous detect. Don't tritle win unknown cure-3113. I The Beauty of a Clear Skin. --n The condition of the liver regulate, the condition of the blood. A dis. ordered liver causes impurities in the blood and these show themselvet in blemishes on the skin. Parme, lee’s Vegetable Pills in acting up. 10111‘5. "di'itEi'i"A"irYi"iiiiiiTeEiiw REMEDY. In France 2,000,000 Pairs are Turned Gut Yearly. It is said that in France wooden shoes to the number of two million pairs are turned out each year. Both machine-made and hand-made shoes of this kind figure in the French industry. In France it is held that the best wooden shoes are those of the ma,- ple. In the provinces every Frenchwoman possesses a pair of the Gner sabots for use on special occa/aons. These show monograms and similar designs carved on the vamps, and they are kept on the foot by ornamented leather pieces over the instep. The manufacture of these leather pieces also forms an important; industry in France. A North Carolina, farmer, discov- ering that the heavy clay subsoil of his farm could not he broken up with the plow to suflieient depth for proper retention of moisture and fertilizing elements, has re- sorted to the novel expedient of blowing up whole fields with dyna- mite. Observing that the growth of. grain was much richer than else- where over spots where stumps had been pulled or dug out of the ground, and theearth stir-real to the depth of several feet, he drew the conclusion that similar deep disturbances of any sort would pro- duce like results. He therefore literally "plowed" his land wPh dynamite, and has secured an in- crease of growth that more than justifies thr cost and labor. His watermelon-crop, for instance, benefited over 30 per cent, brthe innovation. An eminent lawyer was once cross-examining a very clever wo- man, mother of the plaintiff, in a breach of promise action, and was completely worsted in the enCoun- ter of wits. At the close, however, he turned to the jury and exclaim- ed: "You MW, gentlemen, that even I was but a, child in her hands. What must my client have been t" By this admit stroke of advocacy he turned his failure into a suc- cess. iriiiii2ii"iiiit. LGrG7GrG%orGrtsGu' I a throat and tuustr. . - . " cents. The world soon loses interest in a, man who spends half his time in making promises and the other half in explaining why he didn't keep them. Husband--"' all, civilization has its drawbacks. People in the savage state seldom get ill." Wife (sweetlyy-"I wonder if that's the reason you’re so healthy?" "What do they mean by the ris- ing generation, pa?†"Oh, the people who can afford to have air. ships, sonny I†Sudden transition from a hot to a cold temperature, exposure to rain, sitting in a, draught, unsea- sonable substitution of light for heavy clothing, are fruitful causes of colds and the resultant cough. so perilous to persons of weak lungs. Among the many medicines for bronchial disorders so arising, there is hone better than Biclrle's _Anti-Consumptive Syrup. Try it {and become convinced. Price S5 cents. For Ohllhlalns, Frost Bites, Bruises, Sprain, nothing equals the famous old remedy, Perry Davis’ Painkiller. Keep a bottle always on hand. Equally good to check Chllla and break up Colds. At all druggists. _ It Will Prevent Ulcerated Throat .--At the first symptoms of sore throat, which presages ulceration ind inflammation, take a spoonful bf Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. Add a. little sugar to it to make it pala- table. It will allay the irritation [and prevent the ulceration and swelling that are so painful. Those ivho were periodically subject to guinsy have thus. made themselves Immune to attack. "So you want to marry my daughter. Well, what are your prospects, young man f" “I ex- pect to come into possession of $50,000 in a, short time." "Why, that's just the amount of my daugh- ter's fortune." 'Wes; that's the hfty thousand I meant." F #453; .2 _ raw, 1iihiikht Cure Minard’s Llnlmem Relieves Neuralgla. THU PLOWING WITH DlNAMITE MA} NY WOODEN SHOES. ISSUE N0. 52---10, American Guest---"! prefer to sit on a chair." English Waiter-ich side the table do you wish to sit sir l" A Pill for Brain Workers.-lhe man who works with his brain is more liable to derangement of the digestive system than the man who works with his hands, because the one calls upon his nervous ener- gy while the other applies only his muscular strength, Brain fag be- gets irregularities of the stomach and liver, and the best remedy that can be used is Parmelee's Vege- table Pills. They are specially! compounded for such cases and all', those who use them can certify to their superior power. An Irishman at a fair got poked in the eye with a stick and took proceedings against the offender. Pat up En " Yard Rana. The famous .. Tho D & L" Menthol Flashers, which cure lumbago, backache, sciatica. 1eurulgis, etc., are always put upin one yard mm (Ur psrrsr "ms and family um. Davis a Lawmuce Co. Bionhu- .2- Be-"That fellow over there cheated me out of a eool ten thou- sand." 8he---"How could he 'l" He -"Wouhdn't let me marry his daughter." She--"?. dreamed last night that you had bought me a hat for a, pre- sent." He--"Well, that’s the frrst dream of a hat you ever had that didn't cost me money." Messrs. Deslandres and Bosler, of the Paris Observatory, in dis- cussing the question whether the earth really did encounter the tail of Halley’s Comet in May last, make an interesting suggestion, namely, that the tail of the comet may have been driven from the earth by electric repulsion. They dismiss the hypothesis that the pressure of the light waves reflect- ed from the earth repelled the par- ticles composing the tail, as they are repelled by direct sunlight, but they consider it not impossible that the earth's atmosphere may have carried an electric charge sufiei 1“? to blow the tail away from 1: neighborhood, Cook-ie gas stove has gone out, madam." LadJr--"Well, get a, match and light it." Cook - "But it has gone out through the A Said tile 'magistrate-ive, now, you don't really believe he meant to put your fye gut? "Faith, Jou'ie right], this time," said Pat, "for I believe he tried to put it farther-in." roof!†Minard’s Llnlmem Cures Burns, Eta. Sussex. _ - I was cured of Acute Rheumatism by MINARD’S LINIhfENT, Markham, Ont. - TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart-soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25e, 50c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes. 250. $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. E I was cured of Rheumatic Gout by MINJ :ARD’S LINIHENT. , Halifax. ANDREW KINGJ I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by MIN) ARD‘S LINIMENT. Fresh Adi?" iii" Wiiiiiiiiii"iii" " The Perfection Oil Heater is finished in japan or nickel. It bums tor nine hours. It has a cool handle and a damper top. It has an automatic- locking Marne spreader, which prevents the wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and is easy to remove and drop back so that the wick can be quickly clenaed. An indicator always shows amount of oil In the font. The filler-cap does not need to be screwed down. It is put ln like a cork la a bottle, and is attached to the font by a chain. The burner body-or gallery cannot become wedged, because of a new device in construction, and consequently, it can always be easily unscrewed in an instant for rewicking. The Perfection Oil Heater is strong, durable, well made, built for service, yet light and ornamental. SHOOING OFF THE COMET Engine Eye Remedy Cir., Chicago. HOW IT FELT. HIS WHIM. LT.-COL. C. CREWE RE at. c, B. BILLING: Laheiield, Quo.. Oct. 9, 1907) In winter, it is hard to get fresh air in certain rooms. Some rooms la a house are usually colder than others, and if you open the windows it is hard again to heat the room properly. If you keep the windows closed you don't get fresh air; if you keep them open yrou cannot quickly reheat the Rom. he 'pjiii 'diiuiHii)(tbhiD% solves the difficulty. You can leave the windows in a room open all day in winter, and when you close them apply a match to a Perfection Oil Heater and heat the room to any tem- perature you desire in a few minutes. ,EAD, of Abselazfely smokeless and eéorlsss A parience neaded. 'steo,tt)tht; Absolute Ixuccssiw to farmers. Does work- of 30 mon- Paya for itself in one hour. Write to-dny. [Handy Jacks Co., Sarnia. Ont. I GENTS WANTED FOR TWO NEW LINES. A Greatest. premium proposition in Canada, ppiy for particular: to Selim-y, 228 Albert Sh, ttawa. EARN THE BARBER TRADE - NEW 1 'rystsm--constunt prtvetieer-mxrtrful Instruc- tion-tew weeks complete e.ourso-toola has. Gradunes earn tw olvs to ehhteon dollars wonk- ly. Write tor cataloguo. 'ttii", Barber 0011020, 221 Quaen East, Toronto. CANCER, Tumors, Lumps, etc. Internal and external, cured without pain by our home treatment. Write us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co., Limited." CoTYingwnnd. Ont. w -iFiFi%arrarrarw LAND GRANTS. Ontario or Dominion. Kindly state Iona. tion and price. Box 88, thasuttord. t'f TORONTO HOSPITAL FOR INCUR- l ABLES offers two years†training, complete loom-59 in massage. post-graduate course in Belle- pvuo and allied hospitals, New York. Applica- Mung will be received by Miss Greene, Lady tcuverir1tesnderst, 130 Dunn avenue. “The Consolidated Mortgage Company," Win- pippg, the management of which is in the handg ot i number of the leading and most successful 1auaiursss men oi Western Canada, will undertako Fd, loan funds for private parties upon First ,Mortgages on Farms m Manitoba, Saskatchewan {and Alberta. _ A . " "He was always a lucky fellow." "What do you mean?" “When he fell out of his airship he ptung. ed stiiaight through the skylight of a hospital y' "Splendiclly," he beams. “The doctor began with a, tonic consist. ing of a new hat every two weeks, and now he's got her so that she can wear a sealskin coat and a fall set of ermine furs." "Father," asked a young lady "do you enjoy hearing me sing?’! "Well," was the answer, "it's rae ther soothing in a way. It make! me forget my other trouhlesl" Mlnard's Linlmertt tor sale cucumbers. For years Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator has ranked as thd most effective preparation manufac-I tured, and it always maintains ita, reputation. i "How is your wife a,getting along?†sfe_as)r 9f our friend. . Ema mm “my...“ L These loans will return remunerativp rates l [Interest and the seeurftitss wid be stnctily Ir.t Juwneau "qurhk' mm ammuum. ....4 u- Piet-ee v ___ claw. Valuation made by one of the leading Trust, Companies and guaranteed by them to be, Ff,?)) , Fur full information address The Coissolih'id lilhailrliot'yyt, _ Gnd cosvuiisctivitis - " , - Shying bones all luf- MIMF, fer from diseased eyeo. 'e ta " "t A trial will convince ADV horse owner that chin rexm-dy nbwluwly cures defects at the use. Irra- spucnve ot the length or time the “dunk ha: boea emitted. No 133th how nanny doctor- h‘xve tried and (died, use" V1810†under our GUARANTEE. â€on†rdundcd " under dlrscnona " do†hat cur.- S 'hoo per bomc. peskplld on “as!†ot pricc. will“ '"rmrf,x,r5ss'tt, Beat. 5 .1333 stiah It. .Chlcagan. "tf:.)..?,..',,! mg was: em mm w"1'iTh I An Absolute Cure for Mama Blindness (Opugalel is). Cygnet 317 TO PARTIES HAVEEG FUNDS TO LOAN.-""" sENTt:', - am A DAY EASX- 3.0 FF: GRATIFYING PROGRESS. 34 East 1ttth St. Clplul New York on: And & LEOPOLD GASSNER FUR CO. WE NEED YOUR WES. MAKE US A SHIPMENT. Our PRICE LIST ls OUT. ASK FOR IT. Our PRICES In NETto YOU. Portage _atep_ie/1eirtrsipesl, AGENTS WANTED. Tiirir7ttrtr, MERITOBA $250,080