The Weston Club will hold their second annual "At Home" in ther ‘Clu‘b Rcoms, Main St., on New Yegu’s -evening/ Monday, Jannar'y 2nd, for which invitationsare now being sent wean. V op'lrritiay nig Victoria's will also play Weston tea an exhibition game. Xhrrne and see t our home team ban do. i On Wednesday Sight next the Vie- storu's ot West oronto will play Broadview Junie O. H. A. team an exhibition game nd a fast and clean game is assured. Game starts at 8.15 sharp. , The Weston Boai‘d of Trade have de- cided to, organize ia Horticultural Bo- ciety, through trl1e_ir local improve- ment iooinrnittee,'i, J. J. Dalton, H. Jennings, H. A; Coon, and John Dickin. In 5ntetviewing M. Lochie Wilson, supevit1tetrdent of Horticul- tural Societies. they have been advis- ed to canvas the village immediately for the names of tifty persons pledged to become meimbeis and forward the Same to him. When he will at once come up‘and hold a public meeting and assistiin organizing, so as to be‘ ready to hold} én'annual meeting be- fore the 14thfiitr,riranuary, which is necessary, aeriorWiig to Statute, to orqritty, the Government, Grant or) ttiriypW-tNe dollags, it 75 members! are obtained. We iunderstand the ean-) vas is nearly completed and a. Horti-, cultural Society for this town is as-, sured. e l H. Rhodes, srck@wui1ges on behalf of the bapsd/ -the yellowing subserip- tiotis, with many Ethanks. Previously acknowledges, $73.00; G. W. Verral, Esq. $20.00; Dr. @harlton, $10.00; T. The Degree teain and members of Court Weston, Noi; 528, C.O.F., paid a visit on Thusday (;1svening, Dee 15, to Court National, E Broadview Ave, Toronto and eorem, litied the degree nf Forestry. afte r 10d " e business the team was enteottitaed a; a mar by restar- ant where an e rjofjrable t'me was spent in refreshments 1t1d short speeches Degree Master A. 7. Burgess is proud ot his well drilled Fun. The Farmers' Inftitute held a very successful meeting ‘11 Thursday after- noon in Weston Iub Rooms. The address given by r. T. fl. Race was one of the best e tr delivered at an Institute meeting. The Medical He th officer presented his Annual Repo to the Board of Health (in Tuesd evening, he lays partiCular stress "31 the large increase of typhoid, there eing 53 cases this year against 32 rage year. Williams, $2.00 T.§_Baillie, $1.00. The services ini the Presbyterian Church ‘on Christ s Saabath', will be in harmony with _ the spirit of the occasion. The sub ct in the morning will be "The Wise: Men" and in the evening the pastor gwill read selections from Deury Vang Dykes charming little Xmas. booKii"The other wise Man." These wilt be illustrated by twtmiiy-four excelled? views. Special- muSic at each service. Weston Curling dub held their first practise on their ink on Tuesday alight, last, A _ Weston Skating Rink is open to the Public on F Thursdays and Saturdays ot i'cir1"a3i. It will also be open for Skating on Christmas-and New Yearfs Day afternoon and evening. Mr. J. VandeVong, and Miss. Helen. VandeVord, of Major St., Toronto, left on Saturday ti) spend the winter with Messrs. Geo. and Albert Vande-, Vord, Daytona, Flérida. i The Kind Yeti Have Aiways Bezsgézi The Masonic At Home will be held in Weston Club Rooms, on Friday January 20th. Keep this date open, Miss Dora Vana tyne, wishes to thank her many ‘nd’friends, who, during her recent il ess, came to en- quire for her, and brought her fruit and flowers. f, -'" Visit Toyland, Inch's, Cut Rate Drug Store, Weston. Inch's Lung Biusam stops that cough, and his Cure-a-cold breaks up a cold. Bears the Eigpatr T0 cf A------- Telephone No. 26 Subscription Price. 'te----"-; i W ESTON f CASTOR Ips, For Infants and Children. Weston, Ont, Friday, December am» Emma anh (may HO N EY. ay ight 3513 oront mio O. H me nd a ed. Game 1ig Victg ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION av / 1?7ir2 f â€HQ/Jig]; A. E. WHINTON, Proprietor PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO WESTON mim SCHOOL. Weekly Examinations. I Form L-Subject Reading, Honor standing, G. Barker, J. Charboneau, W. Had'do-W, C. iMunshaW, W. D. 'Whitmore, D. Addmson, B. Cousins, 'H. Craven, M. Cudett, A. Fairbairn, G. Fisher, I. Gordon, E. Johnston. 0. Packham, M. Wardlaw. Pass stand- ing, F. Ayearst, J4Coulter, C. Harris B'reneh---Honor g'tanding, G, McRae Pass' standing, {:1 Vanalstyne, E Irwin. 3x German-Honor iitanaing, G. McRae E. Irwin. Y. O: Patterson, F. Ramsay, K. Watson, G. Canning, H. 1lty1ssrorth, L. Gee, C. Jackson, E. Lardh1y, A. Mercer, H. Packham. Geometry -- Honor standing, A. Bagg, L. Bull, Gd Brent, H. F. Coles. C. Patterson, F. Ramsay, H. Sihhery, J. Snider, G. Gaining, H. Delworth. L. Gee, F. C. Tomlinson. Pass stand- ing,' Tr. Boake, CléBoake, H. LindSay. L. Malcolm, W. McKitterick, K. Mer- Kitterick, K. Watiior. Form m.--mstiir--monor standing C. Coles. J. Downs, E. Irwin, N. Johnston, I. MéYean, F. Rowntree Pass standing, G.iqrruRae, G. Ramsay, K. Campbell, A.§De1aney, M. Irvine.. L. Robertson, M. Scarland. Form TL-titerative, Honor stand- ing, L. Bull, H. F; Coles, L. Gee, H. Goulding, G. Brent?. Pass standing, W. McKitterick, K. MeKitterielr, G. Canning, B. Jacksgn, B. Hu,tehinson, A. Mercer. (, History-Honor istanding, L. Mal- colm. Pass shaiidiog, A. Brigg, V. Boake, H. F. 001636, K. McKitterick, Frer1eh---Hor1or standing, F"." Ayearsh, G. Barker, J. Charboneau, W. Had- dow, H. Lenehan, G. Munshaw, W. D. Whitman, D. Adamson, E. Cousins, H. Craven, A. Faitbairn. G. Fisher, A. Hewgill, R. Hevégill, E. Johnston, H. McCa11ghaa1, C. Packham, W. Wardlaw. Pass sfianding, M. Aitche- son, I. Gordon, EJI-Iilton. _ Three prizes Were awarded for the best boys gardensiand were Won as fo1lows:-lst, Trisrrion Rudolf, 2nd, Frank Riddell and Robert Hpe who tied for second. In this competition there were twentji gardens of four- hundred square feet) each and though it was a new featute in the school the results were most encouraging. The Goodman high}, for the boy making the highest/y average of marks throughour,t the yearijin all subjects as well as in conduct; punctuality, ete., won by Vernon Rudiglf. iE'Ueieiairi'r." ATipi1iiair,- 'a.' "rfiii'irTii R. Hewgill, H, Met7aughan. Geometwr-Honorjstanding, J. Char- boneau, A. B'ahrbtiirn, A. Hewgill. Pass standing, G. Barker. -- The Cross Country Race;SVenior, lst Robert Hoe, 2nd, vt.iriarl Ambler, Jr., lst, Geo. Verral; ngd, Jack Les. IV. A.- E ngughj' Mathematics, Modern, Languages and Latin, Vernon Rudolf. n" Form IV. B.umriiju1, Jno. Patter- sonrr Mathematics, William Smellie. French, John Boultgr. German, Her- bert Newton. Latin, John Boulter. Divinity, Vernon Rf1doli. Catechism, John Boulter. Prayer Book, Vernon Rudolf. Map drawing, Vernon Rudolf. Form 1lL-Er1g1ith, Murison Dunn. Mathematics, Frank Taylor. French, Roger Corlett. Gérman, Frank Tay- lor. Divinity, ‘Murison Dunn. .Qate- chism, Murison Dunn. Divinity, 2nd, Brian Ambler. Latin and Greek, Murison Dunn Latin, Frank Taylor. Drawing and writing, Roger Coriett. “may. nuuumww: uam mun. Form frTv-iirGiiii),, Charles Schnei- der. History and geography, Gordon Brown. Divinity,gtobe:t Hoe. Cate- chism, Robert Hlfeit; French, Gordon Brown. ff, The annual disMihution of prizes took place in St. lbans School, Wes- ton on Tuesday aim moon before break ing Up for. the Chistmas vacation. The Winners in tha various forms be- ing as follows:- E Form Lr-Generally-sieve, Hayley' Briggs. Arithmetic;, Jack Lees. On Friday January 13th the Weston fITtieultural Society will hold their first annual meeting in the Council Chamber Town Hall, at 8 o'eloek p. m. This meeting will be for organiz- ation and election of offieers. All those who have subscribed are earnest- ly requested to be present. F FOR BALB--Good delivery horse, Wagon, team wagon, single bob sleigh, wheel hoe nearly new, single plow, stmffler, number of hot beds and sashes, number of barrels in good condition, one sprayer for fruit trees with T otatoe attachment. uMu'st‘ sell going away. No further use for the above articles. Apply to J. c. Cur- lett, Weston. _ ' . The late Mr.. rueman Calham's farm of seventy-tw acres of the fiith Concession of the ownship ct" Etobi- coke is to be sold y Mr. H. Russell by Public Auction on Thursday, Jan. 5th. _ This is a g od opportunity to secure a good far within easy dist- ance of Toronto. ' American Waltham gold filled and coin silver watches at lowest prices, Inch’s Weston. ST. ALBANS S Sr,oo per Annum iii advance [HOOL WESTON. 'w ESTON, ONT g 1910 fatigue. We attrt s recommend Booth’s Kidney Pilg’ Booth's Kidney? Pit V cagty a guar- antee that ii you ti - no bettetit your money will" be 1'/?n'Ll. Booth’s Kidney Pills are a specifie for all dis- eases of the kidneys and bladder. Sold by all dmggists, 50e. box, of postpait1 from the R. T. Booth Co.. Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont. Sold and guar- anteed by W. J a Inch, Chemist and Optician, Weston, » was Well and does at Jiow complain about her back, t kgney secretions have become norm/ri, and she plays around the pouseiii/ifh no Apparent" l CURED OF KIDNEY TROUBLE. l Mrs. Alex. Moore, of James St., iOxford. N. s., says: "Booth's Kid- ney Pills cured our little daughter, Christian, age six years, of many symptoms of kidney weakness. She complained of a sore back, the kidney secretions were frequent and 1u19on- trollable, especially at night. Her stomack was weak and her appetite poor. This caused her to have fre- quent headaches, - - _ and the least ex- ', 'NY ' qXRertion would tire i {Booths her. We haftried Irhitmit l many remedies, W? » ' t "but she did not ' ' u "fl improve. Finally " _ TI 'glllt We learned of " iitfl il SBooth's Kidney ihUer_PelPS"Td' Pills and pro- 'm"ri"'mrt!mierFseured a box. In mM - - geqs amp, Taoqs '9 I ti trilmll I] " _ o ' 'RIli " was well and does b': _about her back, tlib) . Dr. Leaeock's series on Practical Political Economy are also published weekly in Toronto," Saturday Night. Economics are things that make the civilized world move on, In the days when the science “(as not understood and appreciated by/at least a fair pro pottion cl the worliys inhabitants, we wore skins, carried clubs and traded goals. Now we 'lo, better than that. Every mam and every woman for that matter, should understand something of the science of practical political economy, and thisr)rnowledge can be gained in no better {way than by read. ing Dr. Leacock's series '.rom week to week. As a matter of fact, they are not half as dry as they sound; and as the Professor's style'is always clear and eoneise, and as sprightly as; the subject w ll permit, they are well worth the perdsed, even it' you don’t expect to become a bank president. Toronto Saturdait Night has begun a new series by 1)rjiteacoelr, "Novels in Nutshells," he iialls them. They are ten in number; and one is being published each week. Everybody loves go d, clean humqr. Everybody is attracted by it, for fphe real humorist is a rare bird, and it? is rarer still that one is captured on bhe nest right here in Canada if, t Educated at Uppisr Canada College, Dr. Leae ck was (in the staff of this educational institution from 1891 to 1999, and is consequently well known in Ontario. In the years 1907 and 1938 he toured the British Empire, lecturing on Imperial problems under the auspices of tbeiiJthocles" Trust. It was arm his returridrom this mission that Leacock hrarr,to be known'as a writer of humorous,) sketches, some of whielrappeared in fanadian journals, including Toronto Saturday Night, as far back as, 1898. '6,'c ' The annual meeting- of the members of the "Weston C1iib" was held in their Club Rooms, Wt)dnesday evening, Dec. 14th, for We election of officers for-.rthez, Gaming» yeah}! vr" The faiiowing officers were' electo6:-cPresident,CDr. W. E. Pearson; 1st (Vice-Pres., W, A. McEwen; 2nd Vice-Phys., F." C. T'town- tree; 3rd Viee-Ptes.,, P. Taylor; Bee., D. W. Rowntree, Jr.; Treas., L. E. MoEWen. Executng Committtysr-Geo. Holley, Roy Coultgr, G. Coulter, H. Mbody. Auditors-i-Wi, J. Marks, Dr. Hacket. v, i 7 It is a, far cry from Iecturirg bn economics and political sttience in McGill University, Montreal, to writing humorous sketches,', for Toronto Sat urday Night. Htisyever, this is the dual occupation of Stephen Leacock at the moment. i' The High School (pupils held their Closing gdoncert oi) Wednesday' and Thursday nights, a); usual the hall was crowded both nights, and we may here say the pupils pf this yeaf well held up the high reputation of the school for a high-elabs and up-to-date entertainment. 3. Psalms 11R), 132. . Magniiieaih Maunder in D. NuneDimititis, Maunder in D. Anthem, diatom 737, 742, 747. The Sunday Schdpl Xmas. Tea and Entertainment wilt' be held in the sehoor-house on i,jvrrsi1aF, me. 29. Tea at 5.30 p.111. l ST. JOHN'S (ANGLICAN) CHURCH WE TON. Xmas. D y Services, 8 a.m. Holy Co munion. 11 a.m. Mattins and Holy Commun- Offiee Hours: 8 to 10 mm 1 to 3 and 7 to 8.30 pm. 3 p.m DR. W. E. PEARSON Physician, Surgeon, etc. Offiee--Corner Main and Mill Streets 6 YEAR OLD GIRL DR. LEACOCK, HUMORIST Evensong"; Hymn 80.t in u. 'i: Hymns 72, 73. Children’$ Service. Carols 73g, 740, 747. ion. g Hymn 73: Venite 15%. _ Tedeum, gackson. C Anthem, {Glory to God in the Higglest†-by Cookie." - Communism Service, Simper Phone No 87 Weston TELEPHONE No. 30. See our stock of Gloves, Searfs Neckties and Suspenders, also China- ware in Fruit Dishes, Plates, Jugs, Cups and Saucers. (ki)? e M L 0113 I We have Fancy Dressed Dolls in boxes and FOR BOYS Watches, etc. We have Ladies very pretty up-to date Neckwear in individual boxes in Bows, Frills and Fancy Collars. GEORGE lt [TONS FOR THE XMAS SEASON A special stock of MAIN STREET, - WESTON THE PRACTICAL BUTCHER ALWAYS HAS THE QUALITY Has just purchased for his Christ- mas trade a car load of PRIZE BUTCHER STEERS at the Union Stock-Yards. and also two PRIZE HEIFERS weighing over 1300 lbs. 'LAMB, VEAL, PORK, POULTRY to correspond. A full line of the best brands of Cig- ars and pipes just arrived, A large line to select from. Wishing all A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year. Coulter Avenue, Flour & Feed i/r, J " RifDL IURH (r' V; s:' Xrmis"i' -" Presents Geo. Sainsbury Antiseptic kk Shop D, 'ROWNTREE, Jr. _t'ARTPF. _ Royal, beverelgn and North British and Mercantile'. ION-TARIFF. York, Merchants, Dominion, Traders and Ontario. Agent for the following Fire and Life Insurance Co's WESTON BRANCH, Also Agent for' reliable Nursery stock all at lowest possible rates. Carpenter and Contractor PLUMBING, A Specialty --AND A _ EXCELSIOR LIFE, and TRAVELLERS ACCIDENT AND HEALIH Insurance MAIN ST., WESTON W. H. O'DELL, Call and see my display and be convinced. Estimates given on all kinds of work FOR THE MALE ELEMENT I I " " _ . I ll 'll ' ll , ' " I I ' IPI! i 74 Years in Business. Capital and Reserve Over '7 mm mm w 7 GLUTEN MEAL, OILCAKE, BEAN, SHORTS, &c. FOR YOU’R MALE FRIENDS l836 FIVE ROSES FLOUR . J. MUSSON J. J. FARLEY’S $1.00 starts a Saviqgs Account and Interest is compOUnded at highest current rates. ,,'-c, by opening an account with thC Bani; Jfr"ihiiil1 North America and making regular Weekly or Monthly depositsee2tcit,',,1, $littfi'ria FOR T HE GIRLS THE SAVING HABIT QE I) YOUR Dealer in at always on hand. THE BANK OF 1910 WESTON Inph’s Lung Bel-am stops that “tough, and his thuzrweoM broth I, . cold, Capital and Reserve Over $7,006,(%0 REPAIRING DONE ON THE PREMISES We must clear these goods out at once to make room for Christmas goods now coming in. Weston Shoe Store Strong and durable, just the boot for this time of year. h RIVERSIDE “HIM I100" Dolls, Toys, Games, Xmas Cards, Xmas Post Cards, Birthday Cards, Views of Weston, Candies, Choice Bon Bons. E3333Â¥3¢WW3§ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Shelf and Heavy Hax'd’Ware Stoves and Furnaces Gasoline and Oil Stoves Screen Doors and Windows Maxwell Lawn Mowers Fiela and Lawn Fences Phone 16 Pedlar Steel Strings;" V _" Ready Roofing . Portland Cement Paints, Oils and varnishes. Oranges Malaga Grapes Cranberries Table Raisins and Dried Fruits. LAMB PORK . V EAL Turkeys ' Geese Chicken Ducks Christmas Beef Robt. Gray, Prop. MAIN STREET, - WESTON Cf. (illtrllltb. SHOP OPEN TILL 9 O’CLOCK WORK AND MATERIAL GUARANTEED. Mrs. I. F innigan Send in your orders early TORONTO COLLEGE OF MUSIC, Pembroke St , Toronto. is the foundation of independence. - Begin saving now WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY, Joseph St, WESTON (MRS. T. SMITHBONF.) Teacher of Vocal Culture Orders promptly attended to BOY’S BOOTS 99c. TUESDAY'-S & FBIDAY’ N. I. McEwen, Mandi; We have an extra fine lot of ORDERS DELIVERED. JAS. HUGILL, See our display of PHONE No. 9. FIRST PRIZE EAGLE BLOCK EAGLE BLOCK If you wish to s pmpvrty list it witk‘ Ire REM quirk if prim light) Now is the time to buy before the advance in price which is sure to come we have several desi new houses in the list and see before makin selection of a home, FOR ANY MINT IN ONTARIO If you want 119%): domestic or farm lands, have friend to br - out from the Homeland this year, next yes. (or at any time, the servip . of the department? at your disposal withi any cos; to you. _ _ - _ G. HOWARD GRAY _ Barrister; Solicitor, New, at! 191 Main Street, WEST4 Mornings and Emu ir gs. C Toronto Office 304 Lumsden Baiid corner Adelaide and Yam; a. W. COULTER, V. B. Honor Graduate Ontario Veterinary College All diseases ot Cattle and Horses Treated- Beientuieau, . Calls by mail or phone promp“" "'Pffiees: - Canada. Purmumnt B:dg, 18 Tunmbo St _ TORONTO JUNCTION COLLEGE OF MUBIO. AND SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION Mrs. Marie s. McGill, Write tor calendar Musical Directrou Phone Jet. 79. West Toronto. Phone M, 2689 pEARsoN & MCEWEN See their List of Properties. CANADIAN N0§§THERN M. SYSTEM? FARM L§ABORERS and DOMESTIC SERVANTS The lmmigEation Department To all stations in Canada East of Port Arthur, Buffalo, Detroit, Niagara Falls, etc SINGLE FARE return limit Dec. 27 ALSO Dec.31, Jan.l,3 Dec. 24, 25, 26 DR. J. A. MELDRUM Physician, Summon etc. Offace and 1lesidence---Main Sh, Weston Opposute Craichshaakrs Wagon Works. Telephone No. 15. C HRIS T MA S NEW YEAR’S RATES DR. W. J. CHARLTO~2§ Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office-Cor. North Station and John, Streets, Weston, Ont. f/yr, Ottiee Hours--8 to 10 a.m.; 6 to 8 palC. Sunday, 8 to 10 aan. 9 to 17.71163, 7 to 8 Other hours by appointment Barristers, Solicitors, Notarua on, 936 Keele St, (4th. door North d Dundaa St.,l TORONTO. ’ Private mndl to loan on an: class security. olritse Hours return limit Jan 3 1uriittsnea:-Pin. " thowu Bank. Tel. UR. A. M. ROLLS '.B., M.R.O.S., Eng. LEO-P. Phyllcian and Sumo: WOODBRHJGE. V , Geperal flirmigration Agent CANADIAN NéRTHE RN RAILWAY ANDERSON " King strait East, Toronf J, Ont Over D. Rowntree & qJriteto THOSE HOWELL SPECIALIST Eye, Ear. Nose and 'i‘nroat (London and Vienna) ’ EDGAR PARbOIV’S, B.A. Barrister,, Solicitor, Notary Public attended, WESTON. ONT DR 7. HACKETT Dentist _ of the & Mcms'rEn, DAME FARE AND ()lfll-TfllRI), Dec. 2i Jan. Return Limit madman? January 4th 863 College Street Toronto. WESTON. ONT PROD} College 4912 Sons, TORONTO. M