[ JAMES GARDHOUSE Gardeners, Butchers, A -- Lumber, Lath, Shiqgles, 33.5114 Doors, _,, 1’ Cedar Posts and Biii‘ders' Supplies. Orders for Silo’s Promptly Attended to ' __,, , REPAIRING IN AL ’XTRA VALU a VOL. XXI 'ii)ir"jr, (j1r_.,t)_jl)i,,f.j,,i,), Y -----" ---_ ---------_ ", and AUTOMOBILES vxt:Dj'hNnsis'cuwAt:atzt:,Drusis PETER HAMILTON IMPLEMENTS " ASPINWALL POTATO MACHINERY ALL. KINDS OF HARNESS KEPT IN STOCK ' MELOTTE CREAM SEPARA I'ORS Call and Inspect my Stock before purchasing elsewhere. Office cw; Planing Mill, DUFFERIN Bah, near G.T.R. tracks Bum-Mn: Mars Smut ' u 1s"-te, a. . J-----'----' _ _ .o P- " T, (fits/a, ':?ii' gi Pg, E‘ï¬iï¬mgg (,)?i,:,?,,rsiiiirttr,irs'a) Humberside Waiting Room WE §T TORONTO C Eagle Block, MCLAUGHLIN CARRIAGES ERIE AND DETECTIVE STORIES Coal and Wood, Sand and Gravel, 'etsaitrt'osts. , CRUICKSMNK’ t SONS SCRANTON COAL L.. s-ir-rs,, LEM AI FREE, “)AL AND WOOD T Fa mers! Keep your Boys athome! A brand new Buggy, neatly upholstered, and with a, seat wide enough for two, will do the trick Ice, (Iream all Winter E3LJCKiiylliiiiES,l, IrNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING E3tytDGlEirtiirl T. A, FARR, QCUSINS new every week, ten cents. No betrer made. No better material. . No better workmanship. No better place to get them than at C XRRIAGE SHOP ' - ‘51», 'vsse, them You want, them, urine. and get, thmn. They are yours, At very low prices. The Standard Ant hracite/t ------------" .Msws swswww~w . . . .g A D. L. & W. COAL 0038 Milk Dealers, &c. IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. _‘LJES IN tEu..JGiGHEHiii5. SOLE DEALER IN Prompt] y attended to FOR DEJ'ER IN he iihittttg WESTON WESTON WESTON, ONT., FRIDAY, APRIL m, 1911. Ligaid. Ammonia in 100. house (leaning ht The Weston B great credit for tended its first Torn Hall last méeting was wel interest maintai discussions of which ware bro ing, such' as go system for West encouragement boundary extens blems found st nothing definite l Bottles. Chloride of Lime, in 5 and -----s- 100. packages. Bed Bug Poison Copperas Powder Ammohia Sponges Cas tile Soap Moth Balls M. and 100. +---_ --_ A thought was4 advanced bywrle of the speakers at" t public meeting last Friday night pat a speéial efrorti shourit1e made-.10 increase the mem-l hash? of the [card of Trade, and; also as a Boarto unite in securing‘ the most.ea"p"ablk mer19f Candidates for the" munici81 comicil, men who not only would ive time but energy as Well for the beuare of the Village and the promothn of its interests. The thought is Well worthy of the ;serious consider' ion of every rate- }payer. The West.n Board of Trade is 1etf, a living linterest in all that pertains to the progress and prrosper- tity of the‘town. i per lb. Moth Camphor Camphor Flakes Camphor Gum Everything for House Cleaning We have them all. What you don't see ask for. OUR DESIRE is to supply demand. BEAUTYLENE MAIN STREET, t WESTON ed, retaining onl some six or seven located in the purer districts, and Ir) placed by the tablishment of Pro-' vincial Normal Schools with higher standard of insuction. The change met with coFrkrable opposition thrdhghout the Province, the chief criticism being, I that tht, change was largely respdri ble for the prcsent _,yeareity of qt1Qified teachers. The bressure has ban So great that the Department has , een forced to restore the Model Soho Is in many localities. Thejrcetion ofthose schools will to decided later " regulations govern ing them issued) Wide interest l present time' in} conserVation of 3 mines and Wate: So much talked of is guamnmed (or money refunded) to cure Dandruff, stop Falling Hair, restore Grey 01' Faded Hair to its Original Color, Price 75 ots. per large bottle. It never fails. Try it. NOTES and COMMENTS 4tobp DRUGGIST AND OPIICIAN - TELEPHONE N0. 53 a. SUNDAY HOURS 66 Fiat Justitia, Ruat Coerum," : the elfare of . romottan of its ht is Well wot nsiden.ion of e e Weston Board ( living t interest , the progress al town. i o a o ' a o a a . :ation epartmen -y to rhturn to t unty Idel Soh‘oo ty " properly m . INCH rd of Trade deserves he su'ccess which at- ublic meeting in the Friday night. The attended and great d throughout in the pe Various matters baht, up at the meet- b) ms, at sewerage nl‘fm railway, the Df industries, and kon.An theSe pro- png advocates, but I as; decided. F being taken at the; ’the protection and E171: Canadian forests, ays, but the people 8.to 9 pnn arevsloW to realize the'provtection of birds; how useful t adian farmers as ous insects and no value of our ieathe and; when their plu forfa short season and forgbtten. ccohomic value to mated that about migratory birds twthless Weeds a (The; loss to the ag destructive insects tween forty and tif lars chry_year. 1 ‘wazste could be savé tion and protectioi Vast. s'um surely, I t our birds. I At the invitavi. of the Swiss Government, Brital has taken active steps to ascertain , he views of the commercial interesq of the United: Kingdom regarding he revision of the) calendar, in accorabnce with a plan' formulated some ti fe ago. The views of the Home Office kre embodied in al bill now before parlment, and intro-l duced by Mr. Robe Pearce/M. il") the promoter of the saving daylightg scheme. The bill prvides for a year ct 364 days, and» t arranging the calendar that any kiven day of the year will always fal'bn the same day of the week for all tigne to come. The! first iiay of the yea shall be a bank] holiday, and called 't ew Years" and) shall not count wi .1- a day of Ihe) week. The MA (la divide into 41 quarters of " days efch, and into .52' weeks of 7 days, eacr: I l The charges of fraLl and corruption) made some time sigory Mr. mondin,i ‘conservatiVe memberor Champlain!‘ )against Mr. Lanctor- liberal, fe?.ren ‘senti‘ng the combine y of Richelieu 1m the House of Co I ons has been ia-l ivestigated by a P.iamentary Com-‘ ‘mittee. . As a resu, a majority re-l, {port exonerating {fie memter forli [Richelieu Was adou' d, while a min-) ority report, boll-g Mr, Lanctotl still responsible ' “infringing thel /u1dyyt1"f, of 'rliameU, will be1 sent forward to me House with the ‘imajority report.“ Ftie matter will be jthreshed out on tll floor, of the House 'I of Commons afts the Easter recess, "and will in all p Inability be decided jl'2 a straight pity "vote, as has al- 'iready been' done {in committee. This -lis the first time; n many years that l the integrity of I member of Parlia- _ ment has been di ctly attacked in the VSJHouse of Commit s, and it is to be "hoped that the cse will be settled in PV such a way as , ill give satisfaction {to the country en it comes up for ie1dication in q court of final ye- sort. , The Finance Miniser in his fifteenth successive Budget spp h, in which he announced to the Boise asarplus over expenditure of thirtygand a half mil- lions, broke all prect?ents in its brev- ity, its delivery oticupying just 40 min'utes of the time Eff; the House of Galatians. It is reppr '_d that the de- bate on the budget _'it1s,, the shortest on record, only the 1% ing and Hon, G. li positicn critic, taking of the (ldbate was th any direct reterencdt with the United 19t special sessicn'of e called to pronounce u1 Tuesday, Apr 18 Regular meeting Board of flea , Kouncil Chamber, Town Hall at 8 .m A Wednesday, ing C. O_ F. in Street. Friday, f,yiinlAii,ifgth/,! of Pythias, Lregular meeting . dfellows' Hall, Church street. WEfyr0VER--t0 April, 10,1911, at? . Weston, to . and Mrs. E. W“ Westover, a d ghter, 1 MA IED. I BRADWELD--C BMAN - On April 5th, at Point ward, by the Rev.’I J. Anderson, iss Charlotte, F., Chapman, fly; . Ernest, W, Brad-' field, both ot H tom ,f scertain I he Vie interest of t] egarding he revi; in accorabnce W' some ti ks ago. ne Office ire emb eiore parl ment, Mr. Robe Pear ;er of tht, saving 1e bill prvides s, and st arra hit any chn d Jways fa] on the i for all t-ne to I d the year'shall m1 called T ew 3 count wit a 1e 364 day? div ‘ " days eb'eh, a days, eacd o o I a a , o a o lnce MLinlsbe in t Budget 31): h, il to the Hmise as' e of thirtygand l oril , . Re vn ' u F, o' nick F. m. " 18 f Re; " ' 'Cuun MI AAN "ts v ' l f, i _iril. ' 0 " ~ V a if i Mt lows il L--knuk ne ‘1':th BIRTH s mime Y Co a on: Pian res11d , a g ier don: d, lob-g; Mr "i 'r-lian l I. Ho r' Foie Ir ta floor "t the j p 'obabil/ "Wy 'trot in com e) n mar ' mam} li ctJy a aq S, am cse will 111 gm . en it tfk com tho, importance of our insectivorous y are to the Carr, troytTs of injuri- ous ' weeds. The d friends does not I ge adorns the hat Ln-d then cast aside irds' are of great imam. It is esti- man. It is esta- 0 pet cent. of our Je destroyers â€of [ injurious insects. iculturalist through s said to be be- millions of dol- ow much of this by the ipreserva- F of our birds, a Save and protect I of the Swiss [has talien active the views of the C egular meeting or , in Oddfellows' B o'clock. .-- Special meet- lows' Hall Church liberal, 1cepre- y of Richelieu ons has been ia- iamentary Coin- n. W. Br-Weld- foster, the op- ggiirt. A teatyriy $5 neither made q theragreernent LES, although a sigress has been Ln it. of gnWW-z-z-z-z-z-z-z-:-z-z-z-z-x-z-z-z-z-z-z-z-:- H Every woman ard nothing so gooefos, trouble as Paris;.n E Sage is used to; C Week it will k1):- ' clean and rem. , e .sr, the hair lustro% Ln it from felling fwd ., We urge eis%dr.omay who loves nadiant' and fasciatigg. hair to go to W. J. Inch, foo~da if get a large 50 cent bottle of Parisian Sage he guar- antees it to cure dandruff, falling hair and itching scalp, or money back. OF rNrEREsT“, "iy PHOTOGRAPH- ERS ALL OVnR THE WORLD. The Amateur 'gPhotographeyr and Photographic Neq---the popular week,- ly paper for anil'eur photographers, ' published from 6 Long Acre,, London Wi-issues as a Spring Numbera triple issue Whio forms the special "Umpire" numbp. Last year the Empire number“; of The Amateur Photographer me;With such a favor- able reception r3 all parts of the world that its re; itiion on even more comprehensive lin: in the Coronation Year will make tl acceptable to every camera user in 'is country and the Colonies. The , odern developments of photography,' bn its universal ae- ceptance in ever branch of life, ren- der this Empire , mber of the great- ‘est interest. 'q,' issue is illustrated throughout withi'une pictures in two 1colours on art peer. Articles on the [diverse applicatlns of photography [in present-day li well demonstrate to ;camera users, bnjfh beginners and ad- ‘vanced workers, "ice far-reaching utili- \ty of photogrhy. This Empire |number is well calculated to excite ‘interest in a fas-nating hobby and to (assist its follows Every phase of l, photographris entioned in this pub- lliqat,ion, and fo. the amateur the ar- ,ticlos on choice and selection of ap- paratus and it subsequent use will Drove very usef". The number forms [in itself practilly a brief guide to ,lamateur' photo aphy, and may al- lmost be c1ssseaas a beautifully Wu- (strated_boolr Lint than an issue of la. weekly publia ion. Not the least interesting of is, contents are the ad- 1iiiiiii'irLTi1"t pas} _ These' have all [been produced ' ith‘an eye to effect, and constitute Bthat is practically a Complete catallgue of the leading (iii)',),:,)"]:,),:),:" ms, with announca- ments of their .ew season's cameras, Pulses,l plates, I Fl, papers, accessorits, and chemicals, 'tc. Copies of this Refined Women the World Over Use LE. HAIR BEAU TIFEER Use " m 50:". 00L:"foaf h sris2tin &ag Veto . F i 1(1):†' ' , ls raellFsq8 r1 oth " ft g iiritd Vg-g‘:,“vom: 'asic 23$ng ctli'isiiig1i' g '7hilb, that there is , fen, hair and scalp ' ll Wage. If Parisian o If; three times a tp ' sealp nice and l, Bad ruff. It makes " lug; fluffy, and keeps H, T v‘sJEsm PM? I,,lhyirrr WALTER LONGSTAFF, Prop. LOANS INSURANCE Geselene Engines, Airmoters, ‘EJindnnills, Fence Pumps, etc. Phone 7. Main Street, Weston. REAL ESTATE 57 Victoria St: TORQNTO If you want to buy a house or choose a building; lot in W ston see our list we can lceate you right, Goulding & Hamilton Everythlng in REAL ESTATE. Bank of Nova Scotia Bldg, Weston, or, I06 Victoria St., Toronto. WESTON PROPERTIES 8 44 a.m * 7 55 a.m. 1013strrflt 1109arm* 5.29prm* 302pm fl 642pm* 423nm' 10.33pm"r 754prn.. - Th. our =ton on Sunday. fl Flag stop Sunday oniy. t Does not Stop. _ tl 1 Flag stop passengers beyond Bolton. . T. LOCKE & Co. Money to, Loan at lowest rateso City, Farm and Suburban property. The, Life, Accident, Burglary and Plate Glass‘Insurance effected‘ug all Companies. "s Estates managed. Rents and Interest collected. City, Jrapmptul Suburban property in every'loéality bought, Sold and exchanged. TELEPHONE, MAIN 1967 IJQUAI, VINE TAB, F, ESTABLISHED 1862 12.08pm. q 18pm. 9 33 p m. E 25 - Going: Eae 7 14 am. 25110333 . South Bound. 55 a.m. , 09 a m, . :02 p m H , 23 n m . t 54 p m. . x1