MCLAUGHLI N CARRIAGES and AUTOMOBILES 'i. ADAMS’ .'. WAGGONS PETER HAMILTON IMPLEMENTS ASPINWALL POTA ro MACHINERY ‘LL KINDS OF HARNESS KEPT IN STOCK MELOTTE CREAM SEPARATORS Call and Inspect my Stock before purchasing elsewhere W‘smssss a.-------- JAMES GARDHOUSE Gardeners, Butchers, Miik Dealers, &c. . REPAIRING IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. . EXTRA VALUES 1N BUGGIES. VOL. XXI (Mice and Planing Mill, DUFFERIN Sm, near G.T.R. tracks Brannon: -W/r(i-()?iiS) ------ ---_ - A - DEALER IN - Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Cedar Posts and Builders' Supplies. Orders for Stfo's Promptly Attended to Eagle Block, f s V _ ‘ . l (llibtttiltgtttt-tttt Mgï¬m mjiisgg9 NitNi' E Eg-ttpiss, sw' set% , ltd' RR dt' , 'tigF' Wir' 'ss' F4carrat::retrsisicde, Waiting Room _ WEST TORONTO ----_ ------4 Coal and' Wood, Sand and Gravel, Cedar Posts. J, (ril0l(yNlilill t SONS LOVE AND DETECTIVE STORIES SCRANTON COAL GOAL AND WOOD Main St., Fazmersl Keep your Boys at heme! A brand new Buggy, nearly upholstered, and with a seat wide enough for two, will do the trick UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING E3LKMiiiylliiiiiiiEirl. Ice Cream all Winter T. A, FARR, fBUtiiiytiiylEiiiiEii,r, OOUSINS new every week, ten cents. The Standard Anthracite. _ _ ICARRIAGE SHOE We hare them You want them. Come and get them. They are yours, At very low prices. No better made. No better material. No better workmanship. No better place to get them than at D. L. & W. COAL CO.'), Promptly attended to SOLE DEALER IN iEyN/lAlFREiC, FOR WESTON, ONT. hp Guam mam; WESTON ,. tracks Several T"? C o at ‘the instigatipn of the Ontano unamonal Assoma- tion the subject of Arithmetic and English Gramm were removed from the Junior matri lation and Normal [School Entrance minations. At the WESTON. time ot the temo 1 ot these from the WESTON, ONT., FRIDAY, With the open lg, up of spring, life. has become act. s/asain in Weston. Building operatins are more active than they usualy have been at this season of the ye.. One- needs only to stroll about to " that houses are go- ing up everywhe--. From indications the building tr. no will be unusually busy this season It is the common talk of the stre that if Weston had 50 new houses may would all be oc- cupifd within "f, short time if rrntx were reasonable and the redson We haven't more Pople is for lack of suitable aeeomrCdation. This is a splendid opportuity for the capitalist. The installation? of the water in the homes is beco 11g general and the erection of pole for the transmission of electric emery from the Hydro Ele(trie Commiioq) are surely signs of progress, but Public Park to meet ‘the groWing nods of the town, and assist in built-g up the manhood and Womanhoo of the community is lacking. I N W------- About 800 te Ontario and t ' gather to atten the Ontario Edt' Convocation H sity last week. ' ing event in th Short and pithy), ed expressive of ful development years, and that a very promine cedented progress, had made. TH life of the count tence of sterlin in the struggles chant, President, 'pointed out that 1 School and thei 1ed as having 1 fields, but all sl same essential 1 and upholding I State. _-----' OUR DESIRE is to supply demand. g/cd,, Everything for House Cleaning We have them all. What BEAUTYLENE Liquid Ammonia in 100. bottles. Chloride of Lime, in 5 and 100. packages.' Bed Bug Poison Copperas Powder Ammonia Sponges _ CastiIe Soap Moth Balls M. and 100. MAIN STREET, t WESTON per lb. Moth Camphor Camphor Flakes Camphor Gum W. J. INCH House ( So much talked of is guaranteed (or money refunded) to cure 19rmdruff, stop Falling Hair, restore Grey or Faded Hair to its Original Color. Price 75 cts. per large bottle. It never fails. Try it. NOTES and COMMENTS 5 you don't see ask-for. -.i-- TELEPHONE NO., 53 m SUNDAY HOURS 4tobp.m., 8t09p DRUGGIST A ND OPTICPAN ener y from t anmi ion are S' , but Public Pa g 11 ds of the buil' g up the uhoo of the cor; * * t * * * t * 0 te hers from a ing ifterent 1111 all rked togel bial d that of ding e high id, * . * . it t t * Fears o at the Mario C unaviona ;ubject of Ariti :mm were ' matri nation a: trance minatio a temo 1 of tiles 66 Fiat Justitia, Ruat Uoeiv(an, ,, hers from all parts of ir friends gathered tel the jubilee banquet of ational Association in} 11 of Toronto Univer‘ It was an epoch-mah- l annals of Education.‘ ' addresses were deliver- the country's wonder/ V during the last fifty edulcation had played 't part in the unpre- , which the Province . new and developing l, testified to the exis- ' virtues wrought out kt the past, Dr. Mer- L of the Associatibn, e\Press, the church the ' ome, were represent- . ifterent methods and forked together to the bil that of moulding pe high ideals of the eaning Time V .n r, 4,ia.aax, m . Notwithstanding the fact that capi- tal is behind the C. ove‘ment to defeat the Reciprocity areemcnt in natural pnoduats between Eanada and the Uni- led Statrs, it is rpopted that a num- ber of Canadian [bankers and other capitalists had p..sed through Mitt- nmpoh‘s on their whyvto the Canadian north west. One of the moneyed gentlemen represent a Canadian com- pany which control one hundred and fifty thousand acre of land in Alber- ta. After a shorstay in Winnipeg they will resume the; trip in Search of more land. _whi14 the increasvd de- mand for land in the west has been steady for some yea i, the party expect that an unprecedent demand will ti, felt just as soon'as he pact goes into effect. They have s h strong faith in western lands that bey intend invest- ing heavily Whereve the best oppor- tunity offers., , Whatever the 8:13“; may do with th?, reeiphreity akr em: with Canada, the House of futitesbtativer: at Wash, ington did its part w passing the bill on to the Senate 'wi , a majority vote of 176. The same 111 passed in the last session c113; Erie of 221 for 'the agreement and 92 a_inst or a major- ity of' 129. Several mendments were proposed during thehiebate last week but were promptly , otrd down, the House being satisiiedwiU1 the bill as it stood. The prospts for its enact- ment however is tr.oming more as- sured. The dlehate sill] lingers at Ot- tawa. l Camyda's total pr"duction of ashes- tos for 1910 was 96568 tons being 82 per cent. of the Wo tics supply. Only 380 tons Were prodtod in Canada in the year1880. Russ , is the only real Ji1ral of the Dominin in the produc- tion of this mhwral hich equals only 23 per cent. of the E anadian output. 3443 men were emp‘yed in the aber tos industry last Far, earning Fl,- 23 per cent. of the E anadian output. 3443 men were employed in the aber tos industry last tear, earning $1,- 393,856. The Unite, States loads all other countries in te manufacture of asbestos. Its chief es are for build- ing paper and pip: coverings. Its manufacture into shingles was started about six years so in the United States, and is replang slate for roof- ing Purposes, beingglighter and more uniform in shape, M well as fire-proof. Canadian financiers re said to be af- ter the Russian asbe os mines with a view of adjusting ‘6 supply of raw material because the were responsible for f1oodhrg the rkets last year. Another instance of g P consumer hat ing to "pay the pip: ." it was a mistak and so expm: 11r'rtsselves. Theywm‘c right. The p0 ionce of some 7ears shows that change has not it n what its ad catrs claimed ttat, it would be. spirited disoussin arose in the l antion last Wool on the rcsto"a1ior these all impor-nt subjects to t former place on the curriculum, speaker declarin "it absurb not examine candid.“ son two of most fundamen 1 subjects tang Students might ttel' utili7e the t spent in defacingand cutting desk: studying those ngloetnd subjects." are pleased to nticc that the ma matical section was put itspr on cord favoring thdir restoration. S in figures canno _ be attained un Arithmetic is ught continue! through all the grades of _boch Primary and Sec dary Schools. In the year 1897 , shipment of tea imported into the United States Which when analyzed Show 33 per cent. of the gross weight tugbe composed of sand, ground quartz. magnetic oxide of iron, starch and -reign herbs. The Government appoingd a commission of investigation wi I, instructions to " standards for allrands of tea im- ported into the Unit States. Since that time all import} teas have been examined, the corn ssion persistently insisting upon high/ll' standards, until now tea growers am educated to the point where the abyibion of a dwind- ling practice. cans little or no in- convenience. After " first of May it will be almost imssibie for the peo- ple lo drink. any g which is not ab- solutely pure. On u date the order against coloring Batter in teas goes into force. , examinations it was a m thvmselvos. r po ionce of St change has Love really is ind, and this ac- couuts for the ties some women buy tot their has' nds, _ y teachers ihouyht and so expmss‘d WN‘C right. The er 7ears shows that thv c n what its advo- it it would be. A n arose in the Coll- on the rcstov“a1ion of nt subjects to their the curriculum, one "it absurb not to cs son two of the 1 subjects taught, tter utili7e the time and cutting desks in gleeted subjects." We iticc that the mathw iir restoration. Skill be attained unless ught continuously grades of _boch the dary Schools. re. The obje6tt of the habits ot-' thrift, persons, male or f Canada with a Stl, of making provisio lowest possible Cos time to time in an ice" "s?irc11 511mg as' y which purpose the! supply you with a may,. if you" pr) amounts direct to partmer1t, in any best suit your co cheque or Money Or drawn to the 0rd General.) Upon y cent compound inte ed, and at the age earliest age at whie begin) or at any late' of course the longer} er will bi. your inc' as the total amo Credit will purchas you in quarterly i as you live. A d Annuity may be 5 sums are regularly die before ttieuntv1i meats made will 13 legal stepreser1tativ compound interest; payments. will securl Annuity if you I) vide for this return If You have an a1 dit in the Post Of., you may have thi). Dotti/on of it as yo! ferred to the Annui or on account af, Annuity. The minimum A be purchased is $50, $600. The earliery purchase may bel may begin at any each purchaser ‘3, c1 issued, and a pro , System is that th or forfeitures. If any reason cease, ed at any time; a made up the only smaller Annuity W A person over buy an Kmmediate Survivor Annuity, ferred, may be Pu persons by a singh If you desire an further information on the subject t is will be supplied you by the Sup intendent of Qana- dian Governmen Annuities, Ottawa, to whom all lett go free of postage. Literature may be obtained at $1.19 Post 03109. Anguigies may b guaranteed for a number of years ttgiirt. . About 1,800 peons have availed themselves of the bet, and over $890,- 000 have been pid into the fund. Every class of thd community may be said to be purctuWng. Twelve lectur- ers or agrnts are -mployed to present the features of th System to the pub- lic from the plaorm and otherwise: and an office sta' of eighteen is al- ready necessaxy tc handle the work. You bear no stule of this cost, but every cent you bay iCis placed at your credit for e purchase of your Annuity. , _ By paying a tit Annuities may be] number of years 04 THE CANADIAN ANNUITI . U, L'. 0 :- k0:0:1):1)xi)mrera8:aai):i):sra:astm C8:Wrgm)C8C8C0C8:8:8:8C8:B:B:8CBCB:Bitf; a, 'nuity which may and the maximum age at which the begun is 5, but it ge thereafter. To, tract or policy is dent feature of the e are no penalties yments should for hey may be renew- if arrears are not ,)ttect will be that a 11 be secured. he age of 55 may nnuity; and a last Immediate or, De- based by any two ' payment. be higher rate, alt [10th at your cre- ‘ce Savings Bank, i amount, or such may desire, trans- es Department for, e purchase of an will be paid to talments so long finite amount of cured it specific aid. Should you y is due, all pay- returned to your with rper cent. {Act is to promerte ha to provide all pale, domiciled in te and, sure plan lfor old age at the _ with rper cent. ithough the same i',, for you a larger Snot wish to pro- GOVERNMENT 18 ACT. f of the Receiver Lur deposits 4 per ten will be allow- 55 (which is’the L an Annuity can ' age desired, and 'tttct, the larg- t e, such Annuity Ext; then at your Ear, remit these :bhe Annuities De- {manner that may fvenience. (If by iet, this should be . Deposit from Money Order Off- .u cat spare, tor Postmaster will ass book; or you ilhisns. PUMP. WORKS WALTER LONGSTAFF, Prop. LOANS INSURANCE Gesoiene Engines, Airmotors, Windmills, Force Pumps, etc. Phone " Main Street, Weston. 57 Victoria St. TORONTO If you want to buy a house or choose a building lot in R EAL. ESTATE Goulding & Hamilton North Bound. South Bound, 8.44 a.m * T66a.m. 10.13 a.mA fl', 11 09aamr, . (r20pm,* 302p.urfi 642pm.* 4.23rrms 10.38pm , T.6tpm.m * Do not stop on Sunday. il Flag stop Sunday only. t Does not Stop. (l 1 Flag stop passengers beyond Bolton. J. T. LOCKE & Co. Mr, ston see our list-we can locate you right. ss Everythlng in REAL ESTATE., Bank of Nova Scotia Bldg, Weston, or, 106 Victoria St., Toronto. WESTON PROPERTIES Going West 7.27 a.m. * 9 00 a.m. 1 30 pm." 4 08pm.* 7 30 p.m. 11.30pm. Money to Loan at lowest rités on City, Farm and Suburban property. Fire, Life. Accident, Burglary and Plate Glass Insurance effected MI all Companies. _ Estates managed, Rents and Interem collected. City, Farm and Suburban property in every locality bought, sold and exchanged. TELEPHONE, MAIN 1967 LOUA L TI ll E TAB LE ESTABLISHED 1862 Gorng East 7 l4 a.m. S)r/,(s..fr_a.m . 12.08 p m, it 7.18 p m. 9.33 p.rn, * South Bound, 7 66 a.m. 11 09aan, *. 3 02 Fm. ft 4.23 o m F 7.54pm, .