_ _ THE BANK OF St. Alban‘s T ORONT O sSchnool Corner GChurch and Wellington w. R. wWAaADSWORTH Deserve another talk. You men really ought to inspect them. Tnere‘s a nice display here SPRING GOODS ;,E)v;io muchâ€" talking. believing. Any man can afford to owan a suit from this stock. Few men can afford not to. We requesc that you men at least view them. If you‘ll do that we won‘t have 4s ooo talking. For seeing is MBIN ST. s and Oils. * Thought and Oxford Ranges. ketion Oil stoves .\ poors ansd Windows wn Mowers and Garden .0 ils. Rleury Ploughs, seufflers and Wheel barrows Farm aid Lawn Fences. Metallie Roofs and Ceilings. Genasco and Excello Ready Roofing Portland Cement. AML ight BLUES and BLACK Hot Water and Hot Air He Eavet ouabing. ~ Special prices on Nails to 3 Orders delivered. ED _ E.. J. TIPPETT, Proprieto mbe newest designs in F A NCY § and WORSTEDS and a orthâ€" While collection of the alwaysâ€" Carirmar Pamp UP â€" $4,000,000.00 RESERVE _ ~ = $4,750,000.00 6 .WWM. Toronto, Ont., has & national reputation for suéex’ior work. Open all year, Enter now. Catalogue free. Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts. KEYS & BULL MAIN sFREET, weSsTON Watches and Jewellery repaired at lowest prices, W. J. Inch, Druggist, Optician, West‘faa. 1 and fleece lined underwear im all sizes, the latest novelties in men‘s nnamrniarnrinmn~inim~® etv.. W. E. Coleman, Weston. Deposits received in Bavings Department of $1.00 and upâ€" #Wards, and interest allowed thereon at Current Rates. Fof Your SpRING OERCOAT Boots and Shoes _ He has th > choi of stylish patterns. white shop on Phey He ean make an with some class to it. OUR REPAIRS ARE THE CHEAPEST AND BEST TORONTO BRANCH ATTEND ITHE BEST. IT PAYS 1/ D) ELLIOTT â€"7" 47 FSTON You will find him in the little TAILOR and FURNISHER xX B D W A R E The Quality Style and Fit need no Boosting. ~ racoirmend themselves. Come and examine them. Opp EstasLisEBp | 1855. ain Street Weston . COLEMAN UNION LABELg MANAGFE. THE NEW Bank of Nova Scotin . IRWIN co To choicest selection gQâ€"Builder’& Fhone No. 14 an . overcoat wWwWESTON iting Sbreots. ONTARIO. pated: 10L LCY C O . sity and Royal â€"Military College. Special ° attention _ giVeD â€" to juniofs and boys entering commercial life. For dfurnther particulars and terms. apply to M. E. Matthews, Head Master. Weston w. C. BURRAGE Builder & Contractor Newly frank McDonald The ML nouace Lo »ALL and WiNTER MILLNERY COR. MEDLAND AND DUNDAS STS. wWEST TORONTO All the latest Paris and New York styles at reasonable prices. _ s Millinery â€" Parlors R. BARKER, Coulter Ave. vouace to the Ladies Xoston and visinity mpened up their yew & Carpenters and CONIAG wESTON, ONTARIO. Estimates given MILTON PRESSED BRICK We have on out site adjoining the seven room new f1 streeb; also sever: are ia choice lo¢: right. ALBION HOTEL THISTLETOWN, ONTARIO Now is the time to buy before the advance in price which is sure to come as we bhave several desirable new houses in the list.. Call and see before making your selection of a home. pERRSON & MeEWEN See their List of Properties. we sell quick, if price is right. North Station MOURNING ORDERS A oP ELICEE! MISSES HARSHAW If you wish to sell your property list it with us, as RBarker & Peirso) renovated and specially ed for the reception of pRIVING PARTIES ave on our list a small Factory oining the G. T. R. tracks; A oom new frame house on King also several building lots that choice location, and the price Sodins 9 mt mend ) sCHOOL FOR an S BOYS l Three miles from Toâ€" ) ronto, Visitor. Lord Bishop â€" of Toronto. pn Large and beautiful grounds. Boys PI6â€" pared for the Univerâ€" Royal â€"Military College. M a.rwimra sps HaRSHAW wish to anâ€" the Ladies of West Torouto, id vicsinity that they have their 3ew stock ol Agent for ORDERS A SPECIALTY and Contractors st. WESTON A cHurCH | sIMPLE REMEDY | Mount Dsnus kinds of work. Proprieto® . A. PEIRSON, Church St. SHOL D[PQ1 adaptâ€" For Backache And Kid Trou_le. The simplest and st ffficctive reâ€" medy for sick kidneysfis oth‘s Kidâ€" ney Pills. If there waakness, conâ€" gestion, inflammati¢gn Wor soreness, Booth‘s Kidney Pil iexly â€"relieve 2 . o. ol all, WHMSZRONIOT SWE URRCITC aP All dru{gists smlvd guarantee The Gurn Club Reld a sho ting conâ€" Booth‘s Kidmey Pills, 50c. box. Money test On, Saturdag _ afeernoon. The back if they fail to relieve. Write to highest score was fhade by J. Bayliss, The K. T. Booth Co. Ltd., Fort Erie, J ' Ont., for a free trigl. : ax s ew 1 maâ€" ou‘y PLEEY oc n Missionary Wad from Pochow of says: ‘‘The death» rol are using their Whenever a . miss doors he is surro" ghastly, edeiated work or help. C father, mother & were found dead ; temple, the paret the children and / ‘"‘The death» roll appalling. People: are using their ffurniture for fuel. Whenever a missfonary goes out of doors he is surrouinded by hundreds o{ ghastly, emaciated men appealing for work or help. e family of fiveâ€" father, mother d three . _childrenâ€" were found dead &t the entrance to a temple, the parents bhaving strangled the children and fhen hung themselves rather than face «@ea h by slow starâ€" vation. In a single county there are 300,000 . foodless. Many have. the bloated, swollen eÂ¥es which have come to be recognized the forerunner of collapse from starfation.‘‘ . Mr. Bosâ€" tick adds: There came ,sevel telling me that 8 hoping to find Wi food. °â€" Not doing turned, feeling tha ish they would re old home. They work at three con I told them that more,. they heage something to get | came an old marn got on their kn wereâ€"nearly, peris till they had got faces and cyeSs E proof that they w fronm sheer hung where the work i al olhers prayed took hxld of mY% from sheer. hung«. "Thun I went to . where the work isgoing on and severâ€" al olhers prayed fne to take them on tool hxld of my Sclothes, saying they wonld not leg calftibhem till I promised them work. As turned to go to the street Iâ€"saw two fmen carrying a helpâ€" less man cn a polf. He had become so weak from bung& that he had fallen in the deep muft of the street, and could not even cW1 out. When these two Samatritans flaced him on higher . ground, he attenigted to get on his Emees and hands, ut toppled oVveT even | from his knces, asi weak as a child. _ Many have periéhed on the streets; ‘but one of the sHadest cases I have ‘heard of was thatifol a man who died !last week, tight B#ear us. He was S0 | evercome with hunger that in the last. ;moments he picked up clods of dirt ‘and crammed them into his mouth! ‘ l Almost every c@nceivable thing that 'can be sold is ‘sposed- iof for fpod." ‘On the streets aï¬e benches, chairs tables, beds, lamgs, and cooking utenâ€" sils offered at less than the fourth of an ofdinary price1 There are also the outfits of carpentférs and masons and other workers, offered at almost any price. One man offering to sell me the \beneh used daily] in his house, said that he was not aple to keep anything \now. Then from the farm there are the }hoe, mattock, plgw, harrow, reapingâ€" Ihook('«an;d‘ oth@/implements. . As one gocs into the country] it is so noticeable that no stock of any kind is to be Eseen. Ib will talk a long hard batile for these pooOF pebple to recover from \th-e loss of_this fearfâ€"Tha* Christian THREE HUNL FOO Herald DIRECT LEG! ING TH The principle recognized either or by the law States. These S souri, Michigan, South Dakota, Montanaâ€" TeXd self, and has a | people in the p vote upon issues! the party platfo initiative and _ flaw or comprom the people bY th Lpolitical party th Wisconsin, Tllinot ‘nia, North Dakot has been promi!s tg. UMS Arizona by the d minant J recent election, a by one parties this yeal n Idabo. Washington, _ Uta®. Minnces and Ohio. More §Nan all cities_ over filteen {millions ‘cans are living U ider chal 1 L100 afaran The principle Of direct legislation is ecognized either| by the constitution pr by the law@ of nine American States. These Siflates are Maine, Misâ€" ‘ouri, Michigan, [A rkansas, Oklahoma,. jJouth Dakota, I evada, Oregon and Montanaâ€" Texds is in a Class by itâ€" self, and hbas a lkw which gives the people in the plimaries the right to vote upon issues} to be proclaimed in the party platiogm. Moreover, the nitiative and teferendum, without jlaw or compro f@se, was pledged to the people by thg platform of every political party tDJS year in Nebraska, Wiscomsin, IMlinoig Colorado, Califorâ€", nia, North Dakot® and Kansas. t | has been promis@d to the peopl¢ of. Arizona by the dfminant party in the recent election, anfl by ons of the great | parties this yeal in Idabo. Wyoming,l Washington, UtaB. Minnesota, Towa and Ohio. More #han all this, in our cities_ over filteen {millions of Ameriâ€" cans are living uBder charters giving them the right o referendum, more than ten millionss have the right to initiate legislatio®, and more than two million have ‘;theâ€"right to recall unfaithful public o?cials. 22 o orrITmE 1898â€"South Dak@ta. 1900â€"Utah. 1902â€"Oregon. 1907â€"Montana, lahoma. 1908â€"Maine Missguri. 1910â€"Colorado, &#rkansas. Vote on initiati and referi Oregon 62,024 to $688. In Golorado 25,@0 majority In Arkansas 20,@0 maJjoriey INLTIATIVE A R enc wWILLIAM ALLEN WHITE ENAGED 2, InCevas ‘exgs is | a l&w 1 pHM mari ues f to b tfogm. 1 _ Refere rom§se, thé pl _ this ye noig Co ikota an mised t e d@min , anf by ear in I UtaB. M ore -il an teen fmil ig u‘;dBI‘ ht d§ = lionss be RED THOUSAND LESS. D. Bostick, writinz he famine in China, d and wou en somuth vere. too lI,e mear de l men to my dger_ Our Junior ba@gball club are no y had "refugeved," Small potatoes, on Friday they trimâ€" k or to beg their med the Seniors, § and on Saturday either they had reâ€" doubled the score n the Mofiak Stove if they must parâ€" Company team offWeston. hir do so at their ‘ > s apphd!ed to ~gne for _A new room wak opened on Monday f Su]gy{ § oghï¬g in the basermient {f the public schoo!. s tatal c oo /o teaug uo2 roada Liter th1 and will be wsed Will the new addition t ol ~o Eoo ol c dn completed. Belfre the Haster Holiâ€" "loas To fie hicth poiofdens mt nen a }.(;Jd \x?ovld(nwi oci y ts o y “nc‘somn'thanuâ€" Thelt five new s§hola1‘s ere enrolled. on Monâ€" fere too PO‘HC‘{]\i\'(‘ day moining and lithe smallest room in i pern death‘e door the school has fver 60 pupis in it e mear doal‘ s 490f Mrs. McCarthy of Lakeficld, Ont:, has _ "than IW(Pito peen added to th@g teaching staff. LATION SWEEPâ€" COoUNTRY. it¢ They gent!y ' imulate, tone â€" Real Estate is @uite 51 j 5 nd â€" _ strengthen district at present. e eftive Ja !9l sick kidneys, drive away backâ€" â€" Mr. Hill of Mafpherson Avenue is ache, _ rheumatie confined to the houke at present. pa# and dizziâ€" sstplear up and _ Mr. Jas. Neavitf of Bayliss Avenue, egufate the urine has returned after $ Jlong absince. and § restore â€" a perigkt filtering of _ When we test your eyes it is done thefplood. Bess properly. Inch, Weston. d Later, there nd his sin, who aying that they nd would not go REFERENDUM referendum in ine. Their conclusive ith‘s door I went to reness,, Mrs. James Marghall is still confin relieve ed to her bed, fuel.â€" Mr. Vardy has t of Yard and planing | i2 ol enue, Toronto, Af O rcsidence there shoi ( A graiss fire startd in Brown‘s prick yard at the Byack§ Creek did considerâ€" |able damage to e fence anl sideâ€" | walk. No insuran®. Buy your garden seeds at Inch‘s, packpiges for 25 cents. & Mr. W. A. Shebherd, th¢d tohactco grower, has purcl@sed a new stcam plow, and intends #o plow up the valâ€" ley. Mr. N. 0. Ram@lin has sold 420 leet of his property orfLamtiten Avenue to Mr. Seel of Tollénto, ‘who intends building a reside on the property. Remember, Inch@ Druggist and OPâ€" tician, catrries a $full line of garden seeds, and will sWpply you at lowest prices for any seed in quantity of any kind or firm‘s product. PEALER I~ 5 choice Beef, Lamb, Yea!, Ham and Bacon BUTTER AND EGGS A SPECALTY. guUtronswandp ave., MOLAT DENNIS A prank which Emight have had a fatal ending occurréd on Sunday nighs at Downsview ‘MetHodist Church. The congregation is lakgely composed ol farmers who drivef to church. Duting the service some p@sons went into the shed and crossdd thk reins on Mr. Peter Embodin‘s hotse. & When the service was over he led hi$ horse to the church ‘door and assisted Shis mother and sis= ter to the vehicle. #1t was not until he wes on the trig that he noticed that ‘the reins were no# only criossed, but iknottod in the 1i -i“._'_ of the bac‘tbhand: The horse teing a Fery spirited animal ‘and finding that i@ was not under conâ€" ‘irol, d=shed out offthe yard at a preak n ck speed _ nearly$ hitting two little girls and upsettinig the rig into the ditch. But for th@ presence of mind of Mr. Earl Alpine, Who headed the horse into the fence a fatal accident would have probably beeh the ending. This is nothing new in} Downsview. . Oiten on Monday mornifig, people who bad driven to church fon Sunday night would fine they fhad the wheels ol another person‘s rifg on their own. Last summer, in order L hat the church serâ€" viees might be con Aucted without interâ€" ruption, a constabfle was appoineed to ‘guard the church Entrance. Some of those smiyrt Aldck‘s miay find themselves Woarding with GoÂ¥ernor Chambers over the Don, if they é%e caught. Cut Rate Drug Store, only 20 cents NEELSOGN_JARRETT Monday, _ May 1â€"Regular monthly meeting of the Public School Board, in Public School, King Street, at 8.30 p.m. Monday, â€" May 1.â€"Regular monthly meeting of Separate School Board, in Separate School, George Street. Monday, _ May 1.â€"Regular. meeting of Weston Town Coungil, in the Council Chamber, at 8 o‘clockjp.m. Monday, _ May #1#â€"Regular meeting 1 0. 0. F. in Odélfellows‘ Hall Church __â€"M _A 000. & s * I I s 2 > %prasent time thef@® has heen no CIIBMRE® DOWNSVIEW ‘ution in the dists@ss. The Rev. E. C ‘ l â€" \Lobenstine of Ewaiâ€"Yuan writes of es "date March 14: @he impression seems R \to have got outifithat the present faâ€" I(‘:egtfam Br1c§§ all flavors at Inch‘s |mine is 1§<s :;v:; ï¬lan tth:t ol thrie 20 P itencasy Momatonil: n T | b & ~ f ons hant PS t 7 in *the others who Streot. Tuesday, Maj ‘_.â€"Regular meeting L.O.L. No. 21G fn Oddfellows‘ Hall, Church Street. | Wednesday, \4 3â€"Regular meetâ€" ing C. O. of Glpsen Wfénds, in Oddâ€" fellows‘ Hall. Ofifirch Sfroek. Thursday, MBy 4.# Regular monthly meeting Publé £Libgary i oard, Town Hall. # & & £ Thursday, May%â€"@pecial meeting of C. 0. F in Oddféfows‘ Hall, Church Street, Weston. 4 ons in m w oner e aein s Thursday, Mays pecial meeting Of 6. 0. E_ in Odd ws‘ Hall, Church Street, Weston. 7 Friday, May 5th. â€"Monthly meeting Board of Trade, Council Chamber, Town Hall, at 8 p.m. §100, Sa,tnrday May 6â€"Regular meeting . ().aF., in Oddfellows Hall. Saturday, May 6â€"Regular meeting Electric Light: and Waterworks Commisâ€" sion_ Council Chamber, 8 o‘clock p.m. MEETINGS NEXT WEEK. denge on th nch@ Drugs a ull lin 1 stpply y« see in qU If day cach. Thirty ere enrolled. on Monâ€" he smallest room in ver 60 pupils in Tb Lakeficld, Ont:, has [E teaching staff. f opened on Monday | f the public school.| 1 a temporary, on3 ill the new addition re the Easter Holiâ€" ‘class»s were taught | ï¬urohasod a lumber ill on Delaware ayvâ€" in has sold 220 feet 1y will take up his | wESsTON BRANCH NOW OPEN ‘I General banking business transacted, Cheques on \ Toronto Banks cashed at par, highest current rate parid on 1Sza\'ir.,qs Deposits, Interest eredited half yearly. This \Rank does fot require any notice of withdrawal. ‘Deposits received by Mail will receive prompt attention. Bank of Nova Scotia The Montreal @City Council is disâ€" cussing the adomfion of the lccal im-‘ provement syster®@ by which a share of | the cost of such @Bocal improvements asl sidewalks and r@@ds is paid for by a| tax on the pr@perty affected on a frontage basis, ifrespective of improveâ€" ment. _ The adv@#ntage of this system is that in newlyRopened up residential districts it impo§es a very heavy burâ€" den on the own@ of the vacant lot, an1i since buildings are not affected by | the tax tends toR induce him to imâ€"| prove his propert@ as soon as possible. | The local impr@ement tax is unâ€" doubtedly. largel{ responsible for thei‘ rapidity which n@wly opened up resiâ€" dential districts & the city of Toronâ€"‘ to are built up #ith attractive and more or less unif@fm residences. Once sidewalks and rogds are made, the owner of a lot capnot long afford to hold it »without mlacing it on a reveâ€" nue produring b&is. In ‘the down town district, hoWever, where ground values are very Shigh, the local imâ€" provement tax is too small in proâ€" portion to the vaiues to bave an apâ€" preciable effect. JM a large proport on of the general mfitee were placed on ground values, am@l buildings and imâ€" (provements reliev@d, we might see in ‘our down town: @fstrict whole tloc‘ks ‘built up as unifo®inly with upâ€"toâ€"date ‘and creditable biWildings as our rest. dential districts Bare with upâ€"toâ€"date and creditable res@ences. Another remitt@nce of $40,000 has this week been sdi@t to the Famine Reâ€" liet Missionary @ommitiee at â€"Chinâ€". kiang, China, frofn the Christian Herâ€" ald Relief Fund. @This latest sum, like all ou: former femittances since the famine began, wag cabled through the, State Departmen# in Washington. The: remittances forwarded from the Chrisâ€" tian‘ Herald toldate. including the ‘$21,000 worth oféfiour represented in ‘lth*e cargo. â€" oï¬ th@ Buford, â€"bhave now reached the gran@total of $102.100. l Letters received d@uring the week from the famine field Show that up to the laFlclht tame thef@ has heen no diminâ€" yeals algo. 1 @ann‘s like myseli.are eBeag lief work, will ghear statement that mot sent famine ful 1 as of three vears ag®, DU® extended over a gar £IC myself have see @: only parts of the prgyince speaking for them,. I there is absoliutely no tween the need tliat e that of the fogmer Ohristian Herald & Rev. â€"Hâ€" Eh Lo] The Ohristian He famine district, s "Saddest of all Whas I women and childrfen. _ it is generally conside for a man to sel$ his sale cannot take Place year not only doc§, the quite openly, but the P Te mm t o o ced «gaddest of all WHas been the sale 0 women and childfén. Even in China, it is generally considered disgraceful for a man to sel® his wile, and the sale cannot take mlace open!y. This year not only doss the sale take placte quite openly, but whe purchaser. is even regarded as a pbeneÂ¥olent m5n,. no matâ€" ter how nefarioug his object in the purchase may be. ; Those most in deâ€" mand are girls froÂ¥@ the ages of twelve to sixteen; most & these are bought as slaves for livesife‘ degradation. One is constantly seeifig children _ offered for sale on the strgets: A child under ten can be bought for anywhere from a dime to a quUar®L!, and of . course many are given amay, if the parents can find some one who will promise to support them." € Ice Cream, 3 flavors in one, only 5 cents a dish, never offered in Weston before, Inch‘s, Drug Store. â€"The funeral servict of the late Robont: Baxter held here few days ago, Teâ€" called the most kinklly memories of the late ‘"Bob‘‘ Baxted, as he was known all through Vaughhn Township, prior to his removal to Palatine, I.;, C. 8. A., and â€" later to §Chicago, where his death ‘occurred. D eased was a memâ€" ber of Patterson dge, A. E. A: M., when living in Valghan, and press reâ€" ports from Palatifie and Chicago inâ€" ‘dicate that he connued his interest in society and athletilt work in the land of his adoption. Whe many friends of the late Mr. Bax®r throughout York County will lea with regret of his taking off at theRearly age of about 48 years. ES ‘ON BRANCH $102,000 SEN Most towns an assess _ only on tha exclusive of impr sessment of, person provements is almo wOMEN AND G@HILDREN SOLD FOR @BREAD. Rev. E. B. Lob&nstine, writing to he Christian Herald from the Chinese CaAPITAL $3,000,000 or thm,. ‘ sollutely no need tilad he .i,n [erald & 3, AND GHLU FOR (BRF E. Lob&nst an Herald rict, safs: of all Bas 1 childrgen. illy consid to seÂ¥ hi ; take Plac nly doss th y, but #he : a beneÂ¥ol nefarioug 1ay '.: T rirls fromm t most &f | or. livesttipf tly sccifig â€"the st'eti bought fo a quar.»r, given awal me one wh m.‘" & §_ ELIA BA X LC UHCRELCALICCANCELE ntms hy + learg with regret of his as he was Secreta . thefearly age of a,bout]Union, w member s ’Bga;rd, a member ]and until lately Council. _ In pol is andg cities of Alberta| servative, and a m thi value of the land| the Methodist C impro®ements. The asâ€"| official board. N person pr_operty of imâ€"‘and Miss Atkinso [To STARVING . INA. 4 nce of $20,000 has ink the others who saged in faming 16â€" ecar me out in the )t only is the pre as severe as that p greater areaâ€" â€" 24 only the afflicted . ince of_Anbui, bUt\‘ n,. I can say that no comparison beâ€" al exists now and . mer famine.‘"‘ â€"Ths put also thaft it is as he was known n Township, prior alatine, I!1., U. S. Chicago, where his eased was a memâ€" dge, A. F. A. M., ghan, and press reâ€" e and Chicago inâ€" [mu-d his interest in INCORPORATED 1832 unknowa 2 ~f THE D* 1| â€" Seedng i on 2 is gene FOR SALEâ€"Gdbd Bicycle, cheap. Apply to H.fousins, Jr. _ 2b TO RENTâ€"4 rooms, unfurnished and stable if desired.. Small garden. Anply to Mrs. Wilkinson, Main Street (pposite Bank of Nova Scotia. 26 FOR sALEâ€"Twd®Store Counters 10} __â€" fo. long, Shelving and Household Furniture. ‘Appl$ to Miss Theresa Mahber, Main Stree®. Call Saturday if possinle. 25 pUsH CART For Sale, in excellent condition, with summer and winâ€" ter shades, child can sit or lie. , Write M, Box 96, Weston. 26 EXPRESS and Baggage Transfer,. _ _ Plowing, Grading and Sodding. W. R. Miller, Goldwin avenue, Mount Dennis. e 97 JAMES J. SHAW, . Main ‘Street, Weston, Painter. Glazier, Etc. Estimates given, or work by the day. 26 A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly %owerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van‘s are sold at 25 a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any address. The Scobell Drug Co., St. Catharines, Ont. Dr. de Van‘s Female Pills (THISTLETOWN pEARsSON & l\lc}fl\‘\;lj,'l\', Dc 3 Real Estate.. Village aud. Farm Properties for_Sale or to Renu.. Offtice Main St., opposite the Bank of B.N.A. Weston. Long distance Telephore conâ€" nection. tf [I[ENRY RUSSELL, Licensed Aue: tioneer for City of Torontoâ€"aud Counties of York and Peel. All orders promptly attended to. I have several good farm properties placed in my bands for sale, all within a few miles of the City of Toronto. Iâ€"also have several house properties and vacant lots in the Village of Weston. My commission, if sile made, is 1 per cent on ai! progerty, _Phone Central, M A. Muir Tqitenham. Mrs. Lewis at her sisterâ€"inâ€"law Donlands, on Ap home on Tuesdag Mrs. Nicholson last week with M on April 16th, ‘a called home Mr. William R. Cave @ontractor and build er) third son of late Wm. Cave of Thistletown. _ Alghough deceased has: been in poor health for neally‘a ySaX, the end came une®pectedly, only being ill a few days wigh pneumonia. He was born in This#letown in 1844, his boyhood life and fearly manhood beâ€" ing spent _ here. $About thirtyâ€"eight years ago he weBb to Thorold, and has been a fesident of that place till his death. He is gurvived by a widow ‘four daughters, MHs. Bradshaw of Toâ€" ronto, Mrs. Porter gf Thorold, May and Recnic at. home and one son William of fLos. Angeles, California; @lso a brothâ€" ‘er Mr. E. P. Cave, a sister Mrs. R. \Lewis, and a brétherâ€"inâ€"law, Mr. R. \Atkinson ‘all of $Thistletown, The \funeral took placegon April 18th from his late residence Pine Street to Lake [ View Cemetery. Whe service in the house and at the gfave was very touch ling. The a. 0. U W. takins part in \the service at the mgrave. The flowers Ewore beautiful, amjong them peing a pillar from the {a réfly, an anchor from, the A. 0. U. W .. %2 wreath from the Missionary _ Socict of the church, & ‘wreath from the S&hool Board, and a |spray from the Sumday School. Mr. |Gave will be greatly missed in Thorold as he was Secretarg of the Carpenter‘s |\Union, a membet @ the Public School \Baard, a member @f the A. O. U. W \and until lately Zwas in â€" the Town lCouncil_ In poliics he was & Conâ€" .| servative, and a e long membet of | the Methodist Clitch; bfing on the | official board. M Cave, Mrs. I ~v‘s lana Miss Atkinsom Attended the funerâ€" Mrâ€" A. â€"Clars inz his new hou A party: of seve® from Ireland atrivâ€" cd here on Friday evening, they were friends of Mrs. MéBride, they remained with her over Sund@ay. Combination ~sets, cuff links and stick pins, your choice at twentyâ€"five cents.:. Coleman, Weston. Condensed Advertisements ing. The A. O. U W. 1 the service at the ave were beautiful, among 1 pillar from the {a ly,; a the A. 0. U. W..i%a wI Missionary Soti¢ of wreath from the St ‘ool P. C. POPE, Manager al The angel of d§th x{@si_ted Thorold RESERVE $5,500.000 Residence, John Street. tf 10. v ..% Societi n the S®c _ the Sumd e greafl 1 Secretary . nember : nember @ 12 tolv Saw al all ovet this loâ€" pent Wednesday in as commenced buildâ€" nded theâ€" funeral of Irs. W. F. Maclean, i1 21st, and rcturned evening. of â€"Toâ€"onto, spent . McFadyen. wigcs 1N