f Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, £€§§ar Po,ts and Builders' Supplies. l l Orders for Silo’s Promptly Attended to , 'MCLAUGHLI N CARRIAGES "r,' and AUTOMOBILES I " PETER HAMILTON IMPLEMENTS I. ASPINWALL POTA r0 MACHINERY , ALI. KINDS OF HARNESS KEPT IN STOCK 'iii MELOTTE CREAM SEPARATORS l and Inspect iny Stock before purchasing elsewhere. {JAMES GARDHOUSE i i SCRANTON COAL I o------------. A t , " Ei3tyCKihEiii"S/ WA (i- () _?i_).iii). kin-Ion: Mm Smurf T------------' mm: Dealets, &c. V REPAIRING IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. LXIRA VALUES IN BUGGIES. flea and Planing Mill, DUFFERIN Sm, near G.T.R, tracks Eagle Block, Mamas, Batchess, Coal and Wood, Sand" and Gravel, Cedar Posts. LOVE AND DETECTIVE STORIES} é:150AL AND WOOD 1hi)rj1/t' I) 'iWill'lr) 'i'blriitr,lliilll,,' Fa, mers! Keep your Boys at h c-me ! A brand new Buggy, neatly upholstered, and with a seat wide enough for two, will do the trick UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING G BUGS/ES! T". A. FARR, ---- - new every week, ten cents. _ We haw 9:;an You want them. Come and get them. They are yours, At very low prices. $0 better made No better material. No better workmanship. No hem-r place to get them than at The Standard Anthracite. D. L. & W. COAL (FMS GUS/NS CARRIAGE SHOP Promptly attended to SOLE DEALER IN - DEALER IN - FOR EyN/1AlfREic, _ . o' " 11m pllltt tfi; 1 12 8k , " lh "e " . I . . .s Fiat Justitia, its 'ict' ( lr 'cft' " T WESTON WWTON, _------- The thanks of _th,e, -c6mmunity are due to the Tdss/n 1'mprovement Society for its unweari _ labors during the last couple of eks, and the success of the efforts m e at the cleaning up on the banks of the river. It is to be hoped the citize s will highly appre- ciate What the society has done and avail themselves of the invitation "to go and see wha a lovely spot is is.†We understand hi Horticultural So- ciety is movin mo. At its public meeting last ek a committee was appointed to h e the oversight of the lawns of the t wn, with instructions to' divide into hree classes and offer Prizes for the st kept lawn in each class. The b bs not yet distributed may be had by calling at the home of the Treasurer, r. MaoDohald. The greatest bok sale ever held was that of the lib-ry of the late Robert Ho'efwhich coristed of some sixteen thousand Voiu es, and comprising some of the rast and most valuable of the world's books from the intro- duction of p Wing to the present time. The higWst price ever paid for a single printedProlume in human his- tor? was $50,0II recently realized from {male of Gu ('enbure"srscBise printed m 1450-55. Tums said to be a superb impression frorMthe"types of the father of printing, ant is claimed to be the Very first book "grrntvd from moveable type. J. P. organ some time ago gave $24,700 " ,the Psauer issued from the sam- press. Surely rare treasures to weahy book collectors. _---- Nb _ Presidrnt Tal’thas been busy wilh a treaty of arbittion betwrtn Great Britain and the , nited States and has strong hopes tha other European pow- ersfwill become barties to it. While he is preparing b practical plan for the abolition oil war. a surprise has been sprung uni}: the world with thv official announc ent that some twen- ty thousand trolps had been ordered to poitts on but international boun- dary between M, United States and Mexico, to see 1 at there is s - gling of men- Grande, and Wall along ,tentions of times . IOC. packages. Bed Bug Poison Copperas Powder Ammonia Sponges Castile Soap Moth Balls 50. and 100. Liquid Ammonia in IOC. bottles. Chloride of Lime, in 5 and House (leaning We per lb. Moth Camphor Camphor Flakes Camphor Gum Everything for House Cleaning We have them all. Wh you don't see ask for. OUR DESIRE is to supply demand. BEAUTYLENE w. J. INCH MAIN STREET, t WESTON WESTON, ON $2, FRID l 't So much talked of is guaranteed (or money refunded) to cure Dandrulf, stop Falling Hair, restore Grey or Faded Hair to its Original Color. Price 75 cts. per large bottle. It never fails. Try it. NQTES and COMMENTS E - TELEPHONE NO. 53 -- SUNDAY HOURS 4tobp.m., 8t09p DRUGGIST AND OP-‘ICKAN xok sale ever held was my of the late Robert Listed of some sixteen ms, and comprising st and most valuable "sr-me-ttlim In at Sir James Cric tdn Browne, the fa- mous mental Sp ialist, paid a high compliment to sylum nurses while speaking the othe day at a con"ercnce on mental nursing "Theiasylurn mucsp, of to-day," he sa “is a very super- ior person. Ef the scions of peers and nobility must nee s seek wives, I Mr- commend asylum urscs who are ac- oustomed to foible instead of gaivty theatre girls.†A short time ag a building permit for a twenty-story , ilding Was grant- ed in the city of iinnipeg, although ihe city by-law at te present time re- sirirts buildings to waive stories. In New York City tn‘eSingrr Tower on lowrr Broadway is aForty-stcry vti11ild- ing, 612 feet in hint. on Madison Avenue, the Metropolitan Tower rises to the height of 700 q t and has forty- one floors, but not t remain tehind in the erection of srlrascrapers, comcs the announcement tho8pugh Cass Gil- bert, the architect, of tstrueture which when completed will or; 750 feet, from the curb to the apex ath, toworu and will have a total of tSty-tive stories. Truly the building trad is soaring on high. , With the greatly incresvd Jarvftr Pal- ues, the, desire of the buiness world to centre in certain quart-5 has forced sky-scrapers in, ihe business septionsz It is time that‘ muniejr6lities should have an eye to the protection of eiti- anV and kerp the tall bildings with- in reasonable height, an in a raltio to the width of their roroughfans. Tall buildings, although fire-proc?, may alga prove to be fire maps. Imuf- fieirrot, fire escapes, stair ys, and ele- vators, will create fire-trail of the up- per stories when the Cc'ents are in any way infiammabfe, Tty recent tire in New York where mearl 4 150 persons lost their lives is an exwple of.the building being fire-proof, ard yet Prov- dd a tire-trap from Jack hf sufficient About three hundred yrs ago the queue Was imposed upon the Chinese by a powerful Manchu Chef from the far North who drove the 'eigzling dy- nasty from the‘throne. 'th the pass- ing generations, the We‘ing of the qfucue became a custom in China, a thing to be cherished, Bt with the modern awakening the iyonvience etc of the tiueue has heco Ae recognized once more, and the agtbtion for,its abolition has been start†among the students in ehe colleges. Since the be- ginning of the agitation , here has been a marked disappearance10f the queue. It is a strikiimgsam1 sig cant evidence of the passing pictures e appcndage and a Sign of the Cat which is thrilling the new life , China, that on one oeeasion several hundreds of young men returned gimme carrying "heir queues in their tbrds instead of on their heads, and davn their backs where they had fiapged from their \earliest days. , Vators, will create fire-tra of the up- per stories when the co 'enls are in any way inGrnmable. T f recent tire in New York where mearl 1150 persons lost their lives is an ex ple oCthe building being fire-proof, ghd yet Prov- dd a tire-trap from lack t; sufficient fireescapes. It is to be; hoped that Canadian cities will sori'désly cansider the problem of the tall 1building, in relation to employees. Aiiwrieaneities are reporkd to be tearilg down 17 sthry buildings to make i com for 35 story buildings. h For some years ou Medical Health'! Offieer, Dr. Charlton, Pal urged in his; annual report that tN Council shouldi provide an [solatioraHospital. (We; might ask, by the way, what has te-', come of this yearzs rWort which shouldI have been published some li'irfiiii'l, ago?) WheneVer a ca# of dyptheria orI measles or scarlet yer occurs in a family where the how“ is too small to permit of shutting a? a room, the whole family mustebe quarantined,), which if properly agile is very ex-l, pensive, and if imp1crly done, Vcryf dangorous. If the wake earner in the' family must, stay at ~ome from work,‘ this is a serious financial loss to the†family and to the cot munity, and if) lhe goes to the shop Br factory as ',1,sd ‘ual, the infection my rapidly and fatally, spread. A (tlace must and} should be provided here infectious} diseases Can be isotateMwith mother or nurse, and .proper praautions taken{ for the protection of 'he rest of the', community. The cost ‘3 no greatvr in the and, for our press statistics of infectious diseases sha that much might be done. Sureli the time has, come when some inte'gent modern elhods should be appld to this pro- Even a small tog-n like Weston e up-testate eqipment, in thr 7 and bt small Fb" y situMion, out f -0p=. tr Medical Health as urged in his Council should Hospital. (We y, what has be- port which should HE 1 Monday, May 8. = “menb Society w" sv' l Chamber. rTn f How pretty the look this spring. be doing their has: attractive and del: Very few homes W] house docs not sp these long evening rake making a ga And the lady oil seated admiring1y! proper encourage the picture. To will be not only self, but will be passer by, especia have some happy are the finest flow Have you anyting in your garden' to give to a n4ghbor. The plant which is spreadingtoo freely and needs thinning out willbe the greatest joy to some one who Es starting a garden and needs some of. the quickly growing things. Don't did it out and throw it away, but take the trouble to find some one who wats it. Tn one town, where gardens we a matter of gener- al interest a simae and effective plan was adopted. hen a gardener had something to giv; away to anyone who would come nd dig it up under his supervision, bprut a notice up on the gate in plain band-writing-thue" , Purple Lic Bushes. Wild Grate Vines. Pink 11101;; May be had here Apply within. l Al another hon Jyou'Would find. Lily of db Valley. Bred of Mahve Poppy. And perhaps in tiff: next. YelloN Iris. Rose cuttings 4 certain dates). P rivet , ttings. I ICoehh., _ i As, soon as the oiner had disposed 10f what was superfl nus he took down ‘his Sign or altered its The plan work, lad well, for few peoIBe would take the trouble to dig up . nd carry away lroots unless they rely wanted them. l Flower lovers as i class are gerter- _ ous and enthusiastic,' and lean do busi- ness together withou money, since it is as great a pleasu to give a plant .to a 'fellow-gardener bs it is to receive lone, and every gard . improved is an [improvement to the hole town Have Eyolu anything to gi.‘ away in your l gardrn? ' Monday, May 8.-Regular meeting I. O. o. F. in Oddfelloms' Hall Church Street. Str Tues" MEETINGS NEXT WEEK TOWN d gardcns in Weston Everyone szems to to make our town htful. Their an: ere the, man o? the nd a few hours on with a spade and drn for the family. the house must be _n the steps to give 'nt and to complete ve a pretty garden tisraction to your- s of all. Eng ii] your garden" )ghbor. The plant F1900 freely and needs be the greatest joy Es starting a garden [the quickly growing I out and throw it the trouble to find its it. In one town, Li a matter of genPr- le and effective plan hen a gardener had -delighted to every ' if you sometimes :hildron in it. They ARDENS uprove- mcil Geseiene Engines, Airmetnns, Windmills, Fence Pumps, ete. Phone n Main Street, Weston. LOANS INSURANCE WESTON PUMP Rom, WALTER LONGSTAFF, Prop. wr REAL ESTATE 57 Victoria St. TORONTO If you want to buy a house or choose a building lot in w, ston see our list we can locate you rlght, J. T. LOCKE & Co. Goulding & Hamilton Everything in REAL ESTATE. Bank of Nova Scotia Bldg, Weston, or, 106 Victoria St., Toronto. WESTON PROPERTIES Going West 7.27 a.m. * 9 00 a.m. 1 30 p m. ttt 4 08 p m. * 7.8n hm. top on Sunday. .up Sunday only. , NS not Stop. u t Flag stop passengers beyond Bolton. Fire, Life, Accident, Burglary and Plate Glass Insurance effected In all Companies. Money to Loan at lowest rates on City, Farm and Suburban property. Estates managed. Rents and Interart collected. City, Farm ind Suburban property in every locality bought, sold and exchanged. TELEPHONE. MAIN 1967 LOCAL TIME TABLE E STABLISHED 1862 South Bound. 7 Ma.m. 11 09 a m, . 3 02 Fm. ft 4.23 n m . - 7.54 p m. . Going East 7 I4 a.m. 9 d8 a.m. . 12.08 p m. . 7.18 p m. 938 p.m.* R