[*1 o',,--"--,-:---..,' i A. TORONTO ngARDWARE [ Deserve another talk. , You men really ought to inspect them. There’s a nice display here g " The Qaalitv Sfyle and Fit need no Boosting. rllhey recommend themselves. Come and examine them. " ." OUR REPAIRS ARE THE CHEAPEST AND BEST Corner CBurcil and Wellington SPRING GOODS aAll the newest designs in FANCY 'EEDS and WORSTEDS and a orth-While collection of the aways- right BLUES and BLACK. Any man can afford to own a suit from this stock. Few men can afford not to. We requesu that you men at least view them. If youll do that we won't have to do much talking. For seeing is believing. MAIN ST. W. R. WADSWORTH aims and Oils, V ppy Thoughrand Oxford Ranges. erfection Oil Stoves. creen Doors and Windows. Lawn Mowers and Garden 1ools. Fleury Plonghs, Scuftlers and Wheel Watches and Jewellery repaired at slowest prices, W. - J: Inch. Druggllt, Pd Optician, Wears. Wool god um lined underwear in all sizes, the latest novelties in men's furnishings. hate, MW, shim, ties, an w. Bl. 001mm, Watson. barrows. Farm and Lawn Fences. Metallic Roofs and Ceilings, Genasco and Excello Ready Roofing. Portland Cement. Hot Water and Hot Mr Héating. Eaveti oughing. Special prices on Nails to Builders. ()rdera delivered. Phone No. 14 'GAL-----""' Toronto, Ont" has a national reputation for superior work. Open all year, Enter now. Catalogue free. Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts. CAPITAL PAID RESERVE - “1L mun E. J. TrPPETT, Proprietor, (EYS Be BULL MAIN SHREET, N:STON Bbots 'i'iiirnc:d Shoes M YOUR SPRING ()lnoll He has th y choi1 of stylish patterns. You will fin white shop on Deposits received in Savings Department of 81.00 and up- wards, and interest allowed thereon 8.1; Current Rates. . E. COLEMAN - He can make an with some class to it. ATTEND THE BEST. " PAYS )mELLIOTT A2C All THE BANK Main Street Weston TORONTO BRANCH, TAILOR and FURNISHER Opp ESTABLISHED 1855. will find him in the little P. IRWIN UNION LABEL MANAGER. Bank of Nova. Scotiu THE NEW Ue - $4,000,000.00 - 8t,750,000.00 GO TO choicest selection an overcoat WESTON Streets. apply to Master. , A CHURCH St. Alban s SCHSSYLSFSR Three miles from To- School rnnto, Visitor. Lord Bishop ot Toronto. Large and beautiful Weston grounds. Boys ,pre- ONTARIO. bated tor the Univer- sity and Royal Military College. Special attention given to Juniors and boys entering commercial life. For further particulars and terms. -- - ‘znALL-m_ “and w. c. BURRAGE Builder' & Contractor Newly renovated and specially ed for the reception of Frank McDonald The MISSES HARSHAW wish to am nounce to the Ladies of West Toronto, Weston and vicinity that they have opened up their new stock of iiiu ailil WINTER MILLINERY COR. MEDLAND AND DUNDAS SIS. WEST roaosro All the latest Paris and New " lat reasonable prices. 1lilliw5 Parloys R. BARKER, Coulter Ave. Carpenters and Contractors Estimates given on We have on our list a small Factory site adjoining the G. T. R. tracks; A seven-room new frame house on King street; also several building lots that are in choice location. and the price right. Now is the time to buy before the advance in price which is sure to come as we have several desirable new houses in the list. Call and see before making your selection of a home. If you wish to sell your property list it with us, as we sell quick, if price is PEARSON & MoEWEN See their List of Pronerties. MILTON PRESSED BRICK. right. ALBION HOTEL THISTLETOWN. ONTARIO MOURNING ORDERS A mum“. MISSES HARSHAW Barker t Peirson North Station such as you may cowl very best conditions at Business College ot T sure passport to success have proved it. Why Lt for yourself? Our fr, explains. Write for SHAW, Prlncipal. WESTON. ONTARIO- DRIVING PARTIES BUSINESS EDUCATION ,....----__, _, M. E. Matthews, Head Agent for ORDERS A SPECIALTY may obtain, under the uditions at The Central yllege ot Toronto, is a bto success. Thousands it. Why not investigate ? Our free catalogue Trite for it. W. H. St. WESTON all kinds of work. J. A. PERSON. Church St. Proprietor SHOE M901 York styles ad apt- If at night you , -tire, nopmg I01 sleep that either If s no ome, or is troubled and fib-d -. £111, you have JA‘ I idney troubl Ed , ' The and need Booth y, A 00 & Kidney Pills, - Illlil5 “a I guaranteed ' dlfldne . medy for . he; gr» " - , kidney and b llilitmi 'AI ti der trouble. ‘ r ll “I S , few doses tl' , Ch' - ' Ili Booth's Ki B-IR. - , k% Pills will ~ ‘ w up the slug TI ‘ u Days and regulate the urine. Contied treatment will cure and heal the weakened kidneys and restore the app ite in the natural way. SoldeVerwa e 50c. box, or postpaid from The '. Booth Co. Ltds, Fort Erie, Ont. Free trial sent on application. This Remedy Will Res fttit. If you have no appeti f0 meals, Can’t work, can’t rest Att a _ annoy- ed with too frequent 1) nat' and a burning, scalding 19ng t ing pas- sages. .. -m:-\~ Fnr Buy your garden seeds at Ineh's, packages for 25 cents. avenue. When We test your eyes It is done properly. inch, Weston. Mr; S. Burton of moved out of town. Mr. John McKi ua new driving onUit. One of the new houses on Eglinton avenue is already oe pied. Mount Dennis bani a picked team from! last in an exhibition The long looked Lambton avenue has Probably the Towns ing for Hydro powel Call and see Coleman’s Shirts, Ties, Caps, Un These lines will be sold cost to make room tor E Mr. S. Webster as 1 grocery business fc xerly Mrs. Brown at the c ner nue and Weston roa Ice Cream, 3 aaFirs in one, only 5 cents a dish, never offered in Weston before; Inoh’s, Drug Store. Mount Dennis C a meeting at Squi Lambton avenue. n at 7.30 o'clock. sport are invited to? DEALER IN Choice Beef, Lamb, Yam, dam and Bacon BUTTER AND was A SPECIALTY. BUITONWOGD MIL, noun Dams lee C: Gut Rt Mr. Robert Rod chased four acres o years ago for $1350, to Mr. Brookbank _ How is that for in values. On Febr moved to Fesserto purchased a farm co and 300 acres. ll Wednesday and pu of young cattle to Mr. Rose intends g sheep and cattle raisi ganized a company bt Muskoka likes, Mr. Kent is buil NELSON JARRETT BIB, B. GLassoN--0n Faay, April 28, 1911, at M(>unb§DeImis,o Mr. and Mrs. S. Glasson, Glendal rescent, a son. NOBLE-on Mon ib, April Mth, 1911, at Denison aven, Weston, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. "ole, a son. PussAscE-o" ouday, May Ist, 1911, at MacpherBm avenue, Mount Dennis, to Mr. " Mrs. Chas. Plea. _ sauce, aun. ' Mount Dennis. _ IN ME w 1AM. SHIRLEY-dn lovi memory of Sadie Shirley, who died fay Ist, 1910. Do not ask us if , .e miss her, Oh I there's " a vacant place, Oft we th nk we 'ar her footsteps, Or we see her ‘ ce iling face. She has gone to , b' her regions, Safe from ever _ grief and care, We shall meet asd in in heaven, And never nmrbe parted there. I Iris, L‘AMILX. DOWNSVIEW Cream Bricks all flavors at Inch’s Rate Drug Store, only 20 cents. Iemedy Will Res gtthit. ave no appetitficd meals, ' can’t rest tff a annoy- YO frequent dlinati& and a :alding pal in a - ing pas- 1ht you Mstire, hoping for either ld s no ome, or is nd fiir-t, , have are, . " q I hroubl Ell f #19 300th y, A 00 & is, - 1.: "ihiiia I I I lldne " € - " - , e. 5 g IiEl ,8 , ;__1" u neys and regulato Conti ed treaty1e,n.t will APPETITE '? ennis C ket Club will hold at Squi Bayliss’ house on zenue. xt Tuesday evening lock. Linterested in the vited to a present. see Coleman's Bargains in s, Caps, Underwear, etc will be sold at less than ce room tor Spring goods m by Aprll: "s, Westc Nbe, 8. BOI Jn I I onday, he "Jan aven . ai- Mrs. ( I [E (1AM. .ovi memo] ied ray Ist, [S if . miss We " a vac; we at her her B' iling 1 51:0 [her re ever grief a net 3311 in h r nmrhe pm . UL 1 IB, Jambton avenue, has mg a house on Gray eball team defeated Weston on Saturday " electric light on failed to materialize, ip Council ate wait- I of Parkdale, put-F. the Bull estate two _ 6 sold it last month , Toronto for $2750. i "ease in real estate ry lat, Mr. Rose Muskoka, where he taming between 200 was in the city on based two earloads ing back with him. i ng extensively into" l g. He has also on: uild canoes for the I arte. ms taken over the aerly carried on by as. lay. April 28, 1911, 20 Mr. and Mrs. S. prescent, a son. 3y, April Mth, 1911, has purchased a of Dennis ave- i Mr. N. Highland, inicrvmwvd the iCouncil with regard the dust on the road, asking for a g nt of $150.00 to ‘cover the road wi oil as to re- "duee the dust. _ land a sign of th spirit which is , Damlridge - Silva ovum. That the ‘sum of seventy-dive dlars be made lo (Mr. Hyland towaru‘ the oiling of iDundas Street, Lam-mu Mills, to the Humber Bridge on audition that the Pike sum he raised Toy the property lowners. Carried. ig, ETOBICOKE TOI) The minutes o! special meetings w, ed. From T. F. Fin-t & Son; re Third and Fourth Streets.» From Montgomer Fleury & Mont- gomery re Plumbin By-Law. From Hydro Ele tic Power Com- mission. The following th read:-- The Council met day May lst all tt From Montgomed gomery re Mimico From W. F. Gra , re Lake Shore Road. From Aubrey Whi From J. R. Philli s, Pease Foun- dry Co., New Town . From I. M. Scott. m Mr. W. Daltcn int: Viewed the Coun- 'cil to repair on road. From Good 1toal Lake Shore Road. I Petition from Mr. F Next, and oihurs asking for a sewer 11 Lake thorc Road South to Mort 11 Street on the loqal improvement p1 _. Mr. Alderson, sin" ciI with regard to get ed, Gardhouse --- Dandr I That the Clerk be and he is henn-y instruc‘ed to write Mr. U. E; Gillâ€, Supt, G. T. R. arrrl ask him to {imply with the agreemtnt in regard " protecting the travelling puljlisc 0n (2Wr1 Street. Car- ried. ll Dandridge - Gardho F That the Reeve and Councillor ' Silverthorn be and they are hereby irarlocted to meet the Hydro Electric (hit. mission as to the bcst location of 2ieir lines north of Dundas Street; also hat Councillor J ackscn 'and Dandrid be appointed to" look aiter the 15 tion or their poles on the Late Sho _ Road. Car- ried. -» A Dan Iridge b--- siryeyhd mover. seccmder and f) son he and they are hi to inspect the hill on! near Mr. Alderscrt's an?: repaired if they see Ir': Cour1tyillor Dandridg introduced a By-Law to make, certai} alterations in the boundarics of Schinl Sections 1, 2, 8, 9, 13, 14. 'W. . , Councillor Silverthor introduced a By-Law to unite Fra, of existing Schbol Sections -;to for , a new school Secticn, read a first at? second time after some discussion we! third reading was left ox er to a speltal meeting to be called for that purp‘.e. Councillor Jackson Pilgroduced a By- Law to imposegla charg‘i'e or mm for use of Sewerage Syste, in New To- ronto. Passed. g] Councillor Dandrid_ int-oduced a By-Law to amend By-tbw 1032, to re- gulate assessments anaterltals for use of Sewer System in New Torontg. Passed. u; T" I Jackson ---rGarWhlll se. Thla Township Engineer a herdby ins to make an _estim l of the c construction of a cacrete sidew; the South side of th@Lake Shot and that a report a submitted meeting on the Liufarwtaat. The following _acc_ nts were I to be paid:-' it iw, Dalton... ... ... tt ... ... ...3 H. P. Lewis.,.'... ..gi.. ... ... . J. Harrison... ... ... .. ... ... ... I Hanna... ... ... ... E. ... ._. ... I. M. Scott..., ... ... 3.. .m. . Ont. Sewer Pipe Co.5... ... ... . H. Phillips... ... ... Jt ... ... ... . Times & Guidp... ... . ...o.. ... ..1 Ruebcn Dunn... ... ..a1. ... '.. ... Thcs. O'Brien.,. ... .a... ... ... . W. Hall... ... ... ... oili.. ... ... . Chals. Lever... ... _.. a... ... '.' . W. Smyth... ...v ... ... I ... ... . . lc. Collet... ... ... ... B' ... ... ... :Bert Tier... ... ... n.. E ... ... ... .Thos. Tayles... ... ... I ... ... ... iNicol McNeal... c.. ... é. ... ... . 5WiLkinsqn Plough ColE ... ... " w. Finlay... ... ... ... W.. qrF .._ l Sawyer & Massey... ...tg.. m.. K.r W. F. Hopkins... ... ...rg, ... ... . s. L. wig-ht... ... ... E, ... ... _ J. J. Meca2rum... ... .R... ... .. J. A. L. iiaephersomrngitle" Jas. Pall... ... ... .t. a... ... .. Ed. Harris-cn... ... ..: a... ... .. Geo. W. Holpcr1br..,-R- ... ..' F. A. Warden... ... ... , ... ... G. conett...U.'. ..f... I ... ... _ J. J. McCallum... ... .g ... ... o. L. Hieks,.....,., ... .le... ... .. O. L.' Hicks.-.. ... ... ..E-. ... .. Dandridge -. Silver'tl'orn. That the Council hold a speeialemeeting in the Township Hall, Isli_ton, Monday, May 15th at 2 p.mfor school and general business. (land. " __ra5g _ _:AAm_Hr A“ -vetition for cone Lake Sh Road W ticier1tly ned. mum“, .0“. Land ge -- suvaborn. That the Clerk i hereby autllteized to notify the owners of pyopey on Manitky'ca Street to remove trip tenccs oft the Street at once. Cared. S. S. No 10, ET lUUhm Report of weekly exa , nations. Clasa IV -Jrictatirsn , ' Love, 48; P. Collruan, 46; M. Farr, 'lr, E, Calhoun, 42; C, Johnston, 38; Pirarker, 36; L. Barker, 39; G, Shaw, 12llll . Kingdom, 4. Arithmetic-h. Barker, IF) ; P. Barker, OS- A Lave“ 91: P. Sthoun, 85; M. 95; A, Lava; 91; P. l Farr. so ; picoohnston, 14; G. King‘s-ion, 5. Total... ... ._. The Council then IE colic“ e. sidewalk on Road W prrscated suf- (N SHIP COUNCIL b1mirnieations were ct 10 a.m. on Moa- ', members present. the previous and 3e read and txmiirm- r, Fleury & Mont. ;chobl Section. ,wed the Coun- 1g a road grad- Commission re 'I. That the gunomm "Jack- Pby initructed College Street have the same barrind. I introduced a alterations in i) Sections 1, int-oduced a ds, Teacher E Colhuun, 30 uo Yo.".""," uuAu-AN , â€A “u L.--" -~._v_ , if, 00 l---lWasshington Star. tl r . 31 75! as: . 2 05! A BORN " LTIGHAN. . 90 00‘ First New Woma" "It is very 'im- . 7 65 portant to get al1%oo"s interested in . 75 the suffrage movemmt." " 2 50, Second New Woraer-"Why so?" . 4 00g First New Wo y%n--"Beca11se every . 4 00 cook centrals two Sbtes--her own and ' 4 50 that of her mistrivar'--Life. . l 35 m,.-.----------------., . 40 20 ==r----------------" . 4 00 Wywmsssswssv . 26 50 . 15 00 I _ t . 5 00 . 3 00 HYS LOP tiy, . 12 00 ,. 9 75 l _ _ . 10 97 /% When you .$869 11 26 General banking business transacted, Cheques on Toronto Banks cashed at par, highest current rate paid on Savings. Deposits, Interest credited half yearly. This Bank does not require any notice of withdrawal. Depositsreceived by Mail will receive prompt attention. WESTON BRANCH Excellent weather, as prevailed during the past two wee and farmers have completed their see ng under first class conditions; _ Bank of Nova Scotia Mrs, Ack row and spent Sunday with the guests of Mrs. Ice Cream, 3 illavors in one, only ii cents a dish, never offered in Weston before, Ineh's, Drug Store. _ Several friends Sunday with Mr. ai What" was the m ter with the Sharon teamsters a week 0 Sunday. Isaac, you had better go tralning school and learn how to drive. Mr. Henry Gm" ouse is having a telephone installe'd his house, My, wont the news fly? [ We are pleased l hear Miss Dutch- burn is improving; tter several weeks Illness. . F ' I wonder if thtri' 3w mansion down by the track will be e cted this summer. Get the material H , y and it will go up. Several of the Sh on people attended the re-opening Bel? 063 at Weston on Sunday. C Combination sets, cuff links and stick pins, your choice at twentriivts cents. Coleman, , Weston. . itlyou are doing in right with it. _ Miss Maggle Keli m out on Sunday, 0 V g neuralgia. I, I wonder when T hn is going to take his bird home to _th age. A heated dissliiR i: autres between two neighbours in raga [ to thih'rTttrtrsgaw I wonder who camea T t best man, Sammy OI? Billy. l G Remember, Inch, Druggist and 0p- tician, carries a tall line of garden seeds, and will supply you at lowest prices for any seeds in quantity of any kind or firm's product. Inch's 98 cent Watch is good value "it's jess' about a hard to pick good advice," said Uncle hen, "as it is to do yoh own thinki in de firrt place." -uWashington Star.’ HIGHFIELD ------" C APITA L $3,000,000. WESTON BRANCH NOW OPEN DIFFIIULT Piss Nettie Ackrow rFierlds at Brampton, Eat. Clarkson. Dttl Toronto spent L Mrs. Clarkson. [m was unable to be he to an attack of ky now Herb, stay INCORPORATED 1832 mTHEw HQUSES Ill I)ET---Goed afCmpa- --dation, 3 Bedrooms, Front Parlor, Dining Room and Kitchen. Cellar and Furnace. Electric Light and Water free. $15 month. Apply to Trethewey Model Farm, Weston. 27 To RENT-4 nix); stable if dese'u Anply to Mrs. WIJ opposite Bank of l PUSH CART Fd condition, wi! ter shades, child 6 M, Box 96, Westoi EXERESS and JAMES J. SHAW, Main Street, Weston, Painter. Glazier, Ete. Estimates given, or w rk by the day. 26 - Plowing, Grs W. R. Miller, Goh Dennis. A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are tixeigd/e1p,tgt',r2l in regulating the generative portion of! e female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. do Van’s are sold at $5 a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any address. The Scobell Drug 00.. " Catharina. Ont. Dr. de Vant(s Female, Pills PEARSON & MCEWEN. Dealecs in Real Estate; Village arid Farm Properties for Sale or to Rent. Office Main St., opposite the Bank of B.N.A. Weston'. Long distance Telephone con» nection. HENRY RUSSELL, Licensed Aue. tioneer for City of Tgronto apg in my hands for sale, all within a few miles of the City of Toronto. I also'. hare several house properties and vacant lots in the Village of Weston. My commission, if sale made, is l per cent on all property. Phone Central, Werrroii,, Residence, John Street. tf courities of Yorkyand Peel. All orders promptly attended to, I have several good JatpriTert/y. placed The Ontario Ag i emphasizing ‘the , again this suiume , d??? . demons , held in 11'hny IP The folloKWing pie nounced gfor this somervirlelss, Con. 15, vaughGrrst i001]. 1, Lots 89 ai, meetings should b as some difficult involved. Beside the particular pro ers, there will be methods of finding I determining the g grade, etc; Thos terested in drains this meeting. A mation about the d write Professor Agricultural Colleé Condensed Advertisements DRAINAG P. C. POPE, Manager. RESERVE 85,500,000, aggage Transfer. ing and Sodding. win avenue, Mount 27 LSale, in excellent ( summer and win- Ln sit or lie. Write 1. 26 bMONSTRATION. b, unfurnished and rd. Small garden. kinson, Main Street 'ova, Scotia. 26 ieultural College iS_ [value of drainage , for which purpose rations are being 5 of, the Province. onstrations are an- unty: at Mr. J. N. 10, Lots 13, 14 and ir Wm. Mploelr'ts, 90, King. These 9f special interest 1339mm drain a; 1 the 8isoussion Bf lems _td",':iilirii. demons -- tion of he fall over a dim}? de, digging true to of our readers in- a should not miss one wishing infor- uinage work should --itk ' H. Day, Ontario 1, Guelph. tf I