fi;52@' ' w, €35.55. V9 Kr 'F------- The High Schoo the Public Sdhool p bagghall last Frida fagiool grounds, the1 o"T. The tie will be J, F after school. T I run-w"- NONE , fH »lm _ A Toronto paper us the following Ila cessful candidates Practical Science. B. A. Be., M. B. 7L:mors--F. K. D' 1v1or1ors-ri. E. Lin als passed-Organic Pearson. a On Ascension Th rsday, 25th inst.,' the 'Ladies Sodality f St. John’s (R. C.) Church are invi 'ing their trinds to join them in the closing exercises for the month of y. A beautiful Work of art represen ing the Madonna has been donated a a memorial by one of their member [and they have all joined in proo ring an artistic crown for the ceremb y in the evening net-7.30; They are pr missed a learned .1ecture‘bn the part estined from all eternity for this' Vir in Mary in the plan of Man's Redem tion, The sing- ing will be taken 0 arge of by the choir from St, Clare' Church, Earls- COurt. In the mornin the Mass of the Aqnaniin'n of our Lor will be chanted Mr. T. Heeg was' in the, early part 0% ing t6 the erection altars' in, St. Jchn’! and $63116 further int ed thes)sby in the 12,5 tuary. ‘: i wood Avenue on If lifted the Parcel fr, of a s'uburhan car, to the full value of found on mtumingi owner. j court. In the mornin Ascension of our Lori at 10 o’clock and at be a, special service fl dren. tom†very true to lite, and “The‘ - gain Mediterranean}; also "Rough Itt other land ll, Weatltts in the Opert Mediterranean," see their ow.? am showing osroitdertu1 crests of .troth age and “91m to mingled with vistas sea depths with Is a Pb/ie play a background of st rm clouds. In . park- IS a. sltr 1909 his picture "Nea ing the Needles" lmp‘°V%ng the pe owned It. the "Clorpo ation of Liver- the “We locality pool, Was exhibited t the Toronto with interest lo s Exhibition. A 1533: of seascapes elliprognote this s would enjoy readin) "The Art of bring it to an ea Henry Moore" and sin' ing Copies 01" several of his pictures i t) JWay numvahen Jack and F her of “The Windsor aga' an now , Two fair young on file in the Readin Rpom of up} see, Weston Public Library) In the ame There comrades g: issue, Sir James, Cricht n~Buowne, _I That they migt 1)., F. B. B., in an at icle on '/Ligts) train as a Preservative of H 1th" Bars that ee, . " "Light operating thr ugh the 'ligt)5tstiet,js 21:15:;qu brain and spinal cord is a universal "u, tonic promoting bealt and nutrition Anmoy (?) A and so increasing res ance d dis- ', ' ease." The story of t et Reign sf Ed- Re 's, ward IV. with illustr4 ions is bath in-' member,Hpntt teresting and instrudtive to anyone tisimt, men] who is fond of Engnéh history. The seeds, and will i Reading; Room is Itil."" E t 930 prior " “I m . ., r c. ' t-' p m i ee no me iluut " “a“ or fipm'. PD John Ruskin said “"2 been, and, I fancy ll can be, painted." % A., perhaps Britain'sé‘ painter produced sk i" ‘Mr. Edward Eagl ‘ Town Improvement young maple trees given away next fall wish to plant the vards. One tree to The Town Improv, ment Society are keeping up their W0 ', this Week they have planted 'a num r~of young maple trees in front of the Town Hall. Weston Town B d will give an open air concert C) Squire. Bayliss' lawn, Mount Denn , on the evening of Victoria day, Ma 24th. A meeting of the Town zmprovement on Monday, May , invited to be presetr We Were there WJ' h the “Kid'ds†all right, but I gu ss we got your "goat." VFior Infantsiand Children. . The Kind You Hana;1 Always Bought Tee Cream 3 in l flavors, newest thing out 5 and 10 cent dishes. Telephone N o. 26 Subscription Price. Bears the d?S, Signatvre of gay, Che hero, who g WESTON ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION In’Price. - - .. $1.00 per Annum in advance. Weston, Ont., Friday, May JBrth, 1911 A. E. WHINTON, Proprietor t last Week gives es among the suc- at the school of ‘For the degree of {3135011. Third Yaar ton'. First Year-- say. S‘upplemen t- Chemistry-A. W. under the seat will be rewarded Ile waste paper he it to the rightful own from Guelph the week, attend- of two new side (R. C.) Church, rovements ineurr- out of the Sane- pday, evening and PUBLISHED EVERY FRI DAY Raremtisre of the Society will be held 2nd. Members are I Vonirrthrsir boule- ach applicant. Lhas presented the t ociety with some ), These will be lo applicants who 1 pupils defeated bus in a game of I on the Public Fore being 15 to Vayed oft tomight in} Mary 111.3116. The Humber Va ey for a Park! It tion. The 5mg“has almost becom ‘a reality. What a alga oi by tilelgrand pleasure gr y,' lid it will make Church, Ear S“for Torotyto's thou ads. It will be an t the M33511“ ti', immense public bd eflt, including es- will be c an gulpeclally all proper holders along the ' pan. there Ill iriver blanks. Thei land will be im- I? all the c li- mensly improved V a residential pro- perty and many Wi 0 gave a part of (their land: to oompl the. scheme, will he sea awe: h 3 fit1d themselves the whet for their gift. er will be, norer. Ventral has ofkar, the Town twtrn- hoary Moore, J"lty-five or thirty acties as a gift, and Lgreatest marine taken the first step to securela continu- ,-alm before tbs; ance of the park systn to Weston, will lite, and "The not other land hold IS along the river also "3011513 see their own and me public advant- *Medltel‘ranerén, age and unite to bdstow the “Flats" crests of "t“?th as a pdblio play g ound for Weston, fsea depths with A park is a. slow int sure means of Irm clouds. 1.“ improving the valu of real estate in ing the Needles the entire locality. We will all Watch Eation of Live- with interest to see if Toranto's Got1n- 'et the Toronto cil promote this some vigorously and ' 0f, sitsfeu1Tbrrtlg it to an ear.- settlement. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO off at Button {mm anh (liuiltt We are pleased ttt note the progress of the Warden Molumental Works of West Toronto, Mr. 'ardell is building the largest and fini t show room for the display of his Fodsthat is in the City of Toronto. gins show room will have an up-toF living apartment above, Mr. Wardbn expects to have the building compl' ed and occupied by the end of June. Thir along with the new O.P.R. station whim is now being built just in the rear Aill be good addi- tions to the east lid of old West To- ronto. The bandsmen h [ie made a start in building the new Mind stand, as soon as it is completed 1319; _eitizeas will have the pleasure of enjgying the open air concerts, which Wag so much: appreei- ated last year. e Secretary of the Town Band ls plea ed to acknowledge the following 00 'ributions to the Band fund, previigésly‘ acknowledged $138.00, R. Armstr 1g, $1.00. The members- of 'tfourt Weston, No. 528, C. o. F. Degrih Team, is request- ed to meet at the , 0. O. F. hall, on Monday owning, I ay 22nd, at 7.30 p'.m., sharp} to puoeod eo West To- ronto, Members ofthe Court are also requested to atten, they will leave the hall in a mot car at_7.45 sharp to put on the worQ at Court Toronto Junction, No. 166, , don't fail to at- tend as there will be a good time boys. _ When Jack and F d, last Sunday eve, Two fair young aids went down to see, . There comrades g e instructions plain That they migh catch the "ONLY" The Roman Stone C) bile got stuck in th% Keys & Bulls on Wed ter many fruitless and away it finally succei free. Mrs. A. H. MaeGWvray, Mrs. F. W. Moffat, and Mrs. W. M. Frasier at- tended the W. F. MIt S., convention held in Chatham whvin was in session from.Tucsday to Friny of last week. Theionvepticrn wasihe best in the histbry of the Socie G they arso en- joyed a Very pleasad time. I When We teat your eye: it is done properly. Inch, Wanton. Mrs. J. D. Conkli and Master Boby and Miss Dorothy C nklin of Toronto were visiting relati s in town over Sunday. Miss Hall, teache at the Public School has been ill during the week, and school in the fir [ room has been blosed for the present. Miss Reta Smith) burned home on San spending a couple of with her Aunt Mrs. R Phosphonol resrores every nerve in the body Lca-.r..."-/o its proper tension; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay anftill sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will make you a new mam Price $3 a box, or two for $5. Mailed to any address. The Scobell Drug “0.,St. Catharines, Ont. Mr. Sims former] 'r, a resident of this place was in town ring the week. Ice Cream Bricks, all flavors at Inch’s Cut Rate Drug Store. Electric Restorer for Men And my (?) A Fur Mile Walk. 1t'ymttiiyet, Dmggllt and DIP-A: Stutt, I uni-n. oarrlel an mm of garden TIT.' t C seeds. and will 'a'l'l, you a lone-t ' . oal prim foe my seeds iii-quantity of asy' Total kim, or firm'. product. _ ', l The Conn Mrs. Irvine, Ma Street has been Very low during th past few weeks. Egg most explicit, l in time ttr "miss WESTON, ONT of Toronto, re- day last, alter eeks vacation J. Flynn. (t big automo- mud opposite lesday, and ai- mpts to brieak led in getting I The Assessor has rwork for this year, llowing which may louf readers: ' Jsarld assessment...). Buildings assessmen‘ Population, L)11a1728; 1910, 1627; an increase of 6 par/ant. Religious denorninitior1s--Merhodises, 142 families: Presbyrians, 102 tami- lies; Anglicans, g7eamirres; Roman Catholics, 37 fam'es; Baptists, 29 families; other. denoéinations, 4 fami- lies. Hi. The following prams have received from Mr. Andrew (“rnegie grants for new Librarics duri‘; aariuary, Febra- ary Ge March I this year. Many people in Weston fre looking forward to our Town sooL being among the favored group: Cdl pbellford, $8,000., Durham, $8,000., Essex $5,000., Grimsby $8,000., . Markdale $5,000., Port Hope $10,000 , Sh;-1burna $6,000., Edmonton $60,000 Elmira, $5,000., Lethridge,, Alta. 5,000., Kingsvillc $5,000., Newmarket $10,000. After routine bush communications were From W. A. Mack, bentures. From the British re Vulcan Road Oil. From C. H. Burg bentures. From N. S. Dun1iir, tax eommis- sioner, C. P. R. protitsting against in- crease of Assessment. bl Total assessrnd Population, 1911, an increase of 6 par son, J. Consinis Rev. Mr. Hdddow,Worn the Library Board addressed the: ouncil in regard to the appointment f a committee from the Council to 'so-operative with a committee of the ibrary Board to forward the work i connection with the securing of a Cat egie Library. The Town Counciftmet on Monday, evening, the Reeve _ . J. Bull in the Chairs Councillors 'yresertt:-H. Pear- From Gets. A. Sti%on & Co. re de- Nantures. From W. F. Heam‘fg asking for a license to open a Pool and Billard room in Weston: t, Rev. A, H. Maeei ,1 ivray, also ad- dretscd the Council r" a representative from the Board of Tgfalde on ‘the same subject. a; Mr. H. A. Odom, com the Board of Trade also spoke , the same sub- ject. 'i, The Reeve appggnted Councillcr Bull, Pearson and ,jusim to act with the other eommitteesi on this subject. Mr. W. F. Hearts addressed tha Council on his 'a,pplit?tio? for a Pool and Billiard Parlouli in the Village. The Council gave ie order for plant- ing the tiower bed t in front of the Town Hall to Hy. nnings. Mr. Jos. Barker jected to allow- The annual meeti g; of the Brampton District will be 11mm the Methodist Church, Weston, onlil onday and Tues- day of next weak. 15 in'istcrs and lay- men from all parts N the District will be present. On Mo ' ay evening, May 22nd, a public meetgrg will be,he1d in the Church, at Whiskh leading ministers of the district will uscuss the problem of church union. A who are interested in this great qluesti4k are insritcd to be present. , Get your dog lies Wes at once, the con- stable will be at the bwn Hall, on Tues- day and Thursday ening of next week ftorn 7 to 9 o'eloek , . for the purpose of issuing the same. , Mr. Joseph Nason (tg, addressed the Council on the same '11hjeet. Mr. A. E. Mather! who has becn laid up with an attack N pleuro-pneurnonia is on the' mend. M) . Mathers who has also been, laid up is nvallscit1tp slowly. Indh has a full line of fireworks. Be sure to give him a call before placing your order. t Mrs. E. Farr whl sold her residence on John Street‘ii building a new housebn the corner: of Maria and Elm Street. Master Fred Strd gways is eontined to his bed with an -, tack of pneumonia. Mrs. W. T. Scot , Mrs. P. J. Mus- son and-baby wer visiting friends in town on Thurs'lay Offite-Corner Main and 1\ Office Hours: 8 to 10 am., 1 to 3 and 7 to 8.30 p.m. Phone No. 87. Children, school a 's, 1 Births, 20; Deaths, 311 The Council then mourned. WESTON TOM}; COUNCIL DR. W. E. PEARSON Physician, Surgeon, etc. Bull, F. W.'iGrimttl, and Hy Main and Mill Streets 8 to 10 am., ust completed his lwe quote the fol- Je of interest to 'rs the following (read:--- izie, & Co. re-de- a 8 to 14, 183 ar1eriean Oil Co rs & Co. re de ...$750 00 $900,275 $487,500 412,525 Weston TELarHom No. so. RHUBARB, STRAWBERRIES, LETTUCE, ONIONS, RADISHES Concrete Mixer for hire, capacity 40 yards a day. CHOICE BEEF, LAMB, VEAL HAM AND BACON. Coulter Avenue, A special stock of Be fore buying elsewhere we invite you to inspect our new lines of UNDERWEAR We are also showing some splendid weather proof and Rain Coats. . George M. Lyons Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobaccos. for men, Women and Child- ren,all sizes, all prices; the famous " Watson Brand." Farliey's Shaving Parlor o. Rowntree', Jr. Geo. Sainsbury MAIN STREET, - WESTON WESTON BRANCH, Agent for the following Fire and Life Insurance Co's TARlFF. Royal, and North British and Mercantile. York, Merchants, Dominion, Traders and Ontario. --AND A EXCELSIOR LIFE, and TRAVELLERS ACCIDENT AND HEALTH Insurance Flour & Feed Also Agent for reliable Nursery stock all at lowest possible rates. A GOOD IDEA Carpenter and Contractor The Bank of British North America SPRING and SUMMER THE PRACTICAL BUTCHER E. J. MUSSON W. H. O'DELL, Main Street, 75 Years in Business. Estimates given‘on all kinds of work MAIN ST., WESTON GLUTEN MEAL, OILCAKE, BEAN, SHORTS, ctc. It's a good idea to havel:some money where you can get it if you want it. A Savings Account in can be drawn out at any time and, until it wanted, interest is added twice a year. Sums $1.00 and upwards received. FIVE ROSES FLOUR always on hand. Specials for Saturday WESTON NON-TARHi'F, DEALER IN Dealer in Weston WESTON Capital and Reserve over 7,500,000. mummecemeew Ml......-...-?' h RIVERSIDE “MUM I100" . See our display of Dolls, Toys, Games, Birth- day Cards, Views of Weston, Candies, Choice Bon Bons. We have now in Stock all the latest styles in Spring Footwear. With every pair ot School Boots worth $1.50 we are giving a splendidly equipped School pencil box. tJoenbinatton use, an lab .34 um ping, your choico at trratVSmt can. Columns. WW. Pedlar Steel Shingles Ready Roofing Portland Cegnent Paints, Oils and Varnishés. Phone 16 Corner Church and Main Sts,, WESTON Shelf and Heavy Hardware Stoves and Furnaces Gasoline and Oil Stoves Screen Doors and Windows Maxwell Lawn Mowers Field and Lawn Fences Repairing done on the premises Weston Shoe Store Bananas Oranges Lemons Piifeapples Strawberries _-VEGETABLES-- Onions Lettuce Radishes Rhubarb Tomatoes Canned Goods of all kinds PICKLES, OLIVES {and TEAS MAIN STREET, - WESTON PHONE No. 9. Beef Veal Lamb Pork Canned Goods r W. tll Robt. Gray, Prop. TORONTO COLLEGE OF MUSIC, madame hhdid Mrs. I. Finnigan Cheese, Butter and Eggs. WEDNESDAY & SATURDAY, Joseph St, WESTON Teacher of Vocal Culture N. I. McEwen, Manager, Orders promptly attended to TUESDAY’S & FRIDAY’S ORDERS DELIVERED. Pembroke St, Toronto, JAS. HUGILL, (MRS. T. SMITHBONF.) ---FR UITS. lh OPEN EAGLE BLOCK mm. b. EAGLE BLOCK. lit IS of TORONTO JUNCTION COLLEGE OF MUSIC AND SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION Mrs. Marie B. McGill, Write tor calendar Musical Directreu Phone Jet. 79. West Toronto. Barrister, Solicit or, Notary Public. Money to loan in large and wall amounts. tMioos-3i; Toronto Bt., Toronto. at! Woodbrigige, Wednesday. _ G. HOWARD GRAY ( Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, etc. 291 Main Street, WESTON. Mornings and Evenings. ' Toronto Office 304 Lumsden Building corner Adelaide and Yonge. All Academical and many Technical Sub- jects provided for. Write tor catalogue. State work preferred. The Shaw Correspondence School 395 Yonge Street, Toronto HOME STUDY COURSES THE YORK “RE INSURANCE COMPANY, DR. A- M. ROLLS. M.B., M.R.O.S.», Eng., L.R.C.P. Lon. Physician and Surgeon WOODBRIDGE, ONT. Hetridenee:--pine St., opp. Northern Crown Bank. Tel. Woodbridge 30 Cash, Mutual and Stock. Full Government Deposit For Rates apply to E. J. MUSSON. WESTON or drop a Paid to Head Otfiee, 157 Bay sun-q; Torouio. Tinsmith and Sheet Metal Worher ' Estimates given on all kinds of work. A Work satisfactory and executed, (lllli)llll HOMER“ fililhl THE PRINCE ARTHUR Phone M. 2689 Offices: Canada Permanent Bldg 18 Toronto St. AT PORT ARTHUR, ONT. WILL BE OPENED MARCH I, 191K The Hotel has 84 rooms with Bath, " with running water but no bath, and suites of two or three rooms including sitting room, and is absolutely fire-proof, Insure in the York Mr?r- Rooms with Bath _ - $250 $3.003, Rooms without Bath L50 2.00 Sample Rooms, - 1.00 Twelve bright room: with running water has been set apart for sample rooms. Physician, Surgeon, etc. ffice--Cor. North Station and John Streets, Weston, Ont, Offiee Hours--? to 10 a.m; 6 to 8 pan. Sunday, 8 to 10 aan. DR. J, A. MELDRUM Physician, Surgeon eth. Office and Residtmee-AMain Bt., W Opposite Cr11ielrshauk's Wagon W Telephone No. 15. J . K . M c E W E N ' deemed Auctioneer tor the Countie- of York, Peel and Simcoe, and West Toronto. Real Estate for sale 'and 110qu to rent. G. W. COULTER, V. B. Honor Graduate Ontario Veterinary College' N All diseases of Cattle and Horses Treated BeientifieaIly. Calla by mail or phone promptly attended. WESTON ONT. ANDERSON & McMASTER, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, eh! 936 Kaela St:, (you; door North of Dundas St., TORONTO. beg to announce that their New Hotel Goldwin Ave., Mount Dennis F. W. KIDD DR. W. J. CHARLTON CHAS. H. PORTER. Private funds to Over D. Rowntree & Sons. EDGAR PARSONS, Barrister, solicitor, Notary Public J. T. HACKETT, Dentist (EUROPEAN PLAN) funds to loan on timt class security. RATES WESTON, ONT. Su perintondent. TORO. pro Worlm. 39