_ JAMES GARDHOUSE ~ i SCRANTON COAL s | W A G 0O NS : Â¥+ Gardeners, Butchers, 2 e@eâ€"LATEST SODA FOUNTAIN _ @eeseccecccccsescccce80e0 smmw“w;- ~ Office and Planing Mill, Durrzrin Sv., near G.T.R. tracks Miik Dealers, &c. _ REPAIRING IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. xtRA vAaL_UES iN BUGGIES. _ _ McLAUVGHLIN CARRIAGES and AUTOMOBILES 7Â¥ _A DA MS‘* .¢:. W AGGONS PETER HAMILTON IMPLEMENTS 7 ASPINWALL _ POTAIO MACHINERY ‘ ALL KINDS OF HARNESS KEPT IN sTOCK o MELOTTE CREAM SEPARATORS Call and Inspect my Stock before purchasing elsewhere. @ Humberside Waiting Room $ WEST TORONTO VOL. XXI fl““.sxsts“ss‘smxsss ~â€\“~“s“s\\sssm@ Lumber, eI?,th, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Cedar Péts and Builders‘ Supplies. Orders fo: Silo‘s Promptly Attended to Eagie Block, ONE HUNDRED PEOPLE | Ice Cream Bricks 20 cents each. wWILL KEEP HARD FOR HOURS. CoalSand Wood, Sand and Gravel, Cedar Posts. J. CRUICKSHANK & SONS CO AL AND W 0O 0O D CARRIAGE SHOP We have them. _ You want them. : Come and get them. â€" They are yoursy@s*;. At very 10,“[?"â€"'&?95'«' ie 4s :;' ¢ '} & g‘c.( ‘,L:Ea‘:-f? '».;g_:\\ 5* CilK C â€"â€"B U GG / kA Main St., Farmers! Keep your Boys at home! ,g. * _4 A brand new Buggy, neadyj@phols'zered, ?M and with a seat wide enough for two, will do the trick _ «. NDERTAKING AND EMBALMING BUGG/ES! 7. A. FARRPR, Can be seated at one time in the large Ico Cream Parlour in the Humberside Waiting Room. COUSINS The Standard Anthracite. No better made. No better material. No better workmanship. No better place to get them than at D. L. & W. COAL CORS 2e2eee0e00e00e000e0ce0e820c00 2 % sm@ Promptly attended to SOLE DEALER IN DEALER IN â€" EMAIRE, FOR WESTON, ONT. * . } Sf‘ Oe Cinirs ihP. WESTON WESTON. ies ENe o apernen Aodnetruain... \Coamsc uons‘ in y @1&.‘»@4 es oi uie orlape e pige . as 2+ . opemtemny n C O unine pago o o h Oe n . 3 Es Fï¬f‘f]‘ 4 %}@mplal%s & ali being heard ‘from piirr \,g ¢ b:‘.:' AWapia. o. . & . * P OoKS and â€"COMMENT _ That the Grand{Trunk Railway will ‘shortly be grantegfunning power over ;bh-e tracks of th@% Temiskaming and ! Northern~ Onta,ridi Railway is a fact ]W'hich the Monetary Times claims tt be able to state on the best authority, ’negotiations bet igen representatives of Jthe Ontario Government and the presiâ€" \dent of the G. T R., have been in ‘progress for some time, and it is unâ€" |(1ers’co(,;d that the ‘agreement is practiâ€" eally tcompleted. ( The cdompany will then be able to ' its trains . from Toronto through ENorth Bay to Cochâ€" ‘trane the terminal Mf the Taud N. 0. R», ‘and a divisional point on the G. T. R., laraenss prove & most ‘valvable conâ€" ;nection to the lagcr when built. | t is ‘"already completedgfor 94 miles east of :Coctha,ne and 130@miles west. The numiber of &rade disputes in Canâ€" ada during the month of May as reâ€" ported by the L&bor Gazette for June was 34, an increase of 20 over those of April. 212 firms i and 13007 employees were involved. [The loss of time to employees throu; trade disputes was about 299,400 days. The loss in the inâ€" dustrial conditigns of the Dominion occasioned by s& trade disputes is time to time apout the inadequacy of theâ€" street wateking on Mainâ€" St. These complaintsfcome from rateâ€"payâ€" ers who are paying for water service which they ‘clai "ohey do not gét.. We would suggest the proper. authoriâ€" ties that the walkering cart be seen a little more frequ@ntly in the day time on Main St. doi' yeoman service durâ€" ing the dry wealber. The increase <of traffia on the stiéet has more ncsed of the service of thefwateringâ€"wagion. An effort should be made to have an. efficient fire brige for the village of Weston. In viewRof its impoftance as a suburb of the Bity of Torpnito, it cannot afford to without a company of firemen to =,‘,f an emergency. We would suggest t- the Municipal Council take the fhatter up and organâ€" ize an upâ€"toâ€"date re company, offering some remuneratio® by way of a yearâ€" ly salaty or payfor every drill pracâ€" tice, and for scrv:e rendered during a fire. Of course men cannot be expected to ‘en*gag in responsible work such as this withgut remuneration. wWESTON, ONT., FRIDAY, JULY 1, 191 1. , Paris â€" Green prrarn‘s Phaust onï¬ We don‘t make a cut in every article in our store, but we endeavor to place articles at lowest prices to carry on a successful business, and we claaim we save you money. It never fails. We have it already put up in one pound packages, ro chance of adulteration. PRICE as cheap or cheaper than you can buy elsewhere. We test your eyes naturallyâ€"After 8 years exporience we guarantee our work in testing eyes and refittizy glassesr. JEWELLERY as a side lmg, not 200 per cent. profit as some are chargâ€" ing you in Toronto, but a fair profit. We will repair your Watches, Clocks and Jewellery at lowest prices. MAIN STREET, : WESTON wW. I. INCH THE OLD RELIABLE nes=== TELEPHONE NO. 53 ===â€"==»= SUNDAY HOURS 4 to 5 p.m:, 8 to 9 p.m. DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN Finally the torpedo seen gliding graceful water the ship is struck dous explosion follows. Then comes the scene of destruction. The magazines of the dgomed ship blow up, tearing it to picces and the terror of the seas sinks benath the waves, while tremendous clouds of sparks and burning fragments seftle down oÂ¥er everything in sight. 3 As the guns crash an and in compalative, sa water, the crew of_ t preparing to launch ‘a The largest of alt the flowers of the world is a native ®f Sumatra. It is composed of. five Bround petals of a brickish color, eachâ€"measuring a foot actoss. These. are Rovered with numâ€" erous yellowish white swellings, and surround a cup neafly a foot wide &he margin of which ears the stamen‘s The cup is filled with a fleshy disk, the upper surface of whigh is covered with projectifons like mimature cows horns. The cup when free â€Ã©ro-m its contentr wiil hold about â€" %WEIVe pints." The flower weighs about fteen pounds and is vety thick, the <<betal@sibeing threes q,uarter's 0{ an 1;1%:3?&5;% says the Scientific AmerGgn. _~_ _ "~ The water elephant |is a newly disâ€" coveled animal. Five s‘cimt-ns of this previously unknown fa ily were seen in Central Asia, and ‘; report of the discovery was sent to the Zoological Society of England. ;le animal resâ€" embles the clephaï¬t -“ many respects, but the cars are smalM and the trunk short. The fullâ€"grown} animal stands about six feet high, and the neck is much longer than that of the elephant of the cirecus. a e n erer | ‘_PRoVIDING FOR THE THROUGH | & MRIP. | The Government® Of _~ shown its faith infthe ide; ing against the neegls .of th by appropriating $70,000 edugate the people in th thrift. This approï¬:iation of the revenues ol gï¬hc Dot Tok 7 p â€" L « We find Abmeasy in. yvouabs to provide Th lcod. and tatr a%" polne and" to" Hoep. ie iï¬}é%gï¬â€˜%étr : 4doking trim. ‘Weâ€"fly= gfily past thege stations which we call b&rth@ays, and willingly pick up passengers here and there for whose comfort and safety we become responsible. Sconer or latér the engine runs into an open s’ï¬itchï¬% You know what that means.« If it is Along the first patt of the trip tuete are passengers leff in need of a conveyance. Liife insurance has provided the means whereby the young engineers may guard against an eatly derailment;| The benefits of these provisions caun% be overâ€"rated, he is an imprudent driver who neglects them. USCaNT o: & The Governmen%â€"f of_ Canada has shown its faith infthe idea of providâ€" ing against the ncef ‘of the lastistages by appropriating $70,000 annualy to edugate the people in the habits of thrift. This approptiation is paid out of the revenues ol éï¬hc Dominion, and not one cent of it is repaid out of the purchase moneys re!ï¬eived from the Anâ€" puitants. x Ee n en t is more pitiablea%]an engines, which canmot if they wish, tiying grades at the lastfi«%‘bag of life, or to scecqson gers, once travelling forced to walk (the . companies may give others may push them There are obh@"} contingencies which may arise before the open switch is reached." One of these is the possibilâ€" ity that the jourkey for the individual may be longer than theâ€" avérage run, and a point be attained where the hand becomee lax at the throtfle, and the won:y of where to get fuel for the engine presses Hard on the man iB charge. This is the contingency that the Government %Canada had in mind when it devised Ets Old Age Annuity schame,â€"a scheme whereby thwurplus means of youth, ‘and a wise {,é‘zn will find some way to have a surplus, . may be kept in store for the needs of age. . The Governm@®t has foreseen yOu! needs, aind anticipated the reqluirements for your journeys You entsust to the Government some of the savings you can make when {your supplies are in excess of your demands, and the Govâ€" ernment assures jyou coaling stations beyond the ï¬fty-%h milestons. . Life is va jouey. ‘Fhis:is q ttite metaphor, but 3t is trite because it is true. We are egch in charge of an e«nâ€": gine, which westall the body, and this . engine needs f#el, which we call th'e} necessities of lMe. There are comforts | and luxuries which we all desite, aud! these we may Giken to patent attachâ€" | ments and brdss and nickle. works which reduce t@é "jolts of the journey" or give style té,g the rolling stock. t nd luxuries which we all d iese we may Giken to pate ients and brdss and nic hich feduce tï¬;é "jolts of 5 give style té% the rolling : rlaglopg is > w imScoa cand 3¢aret. 4s" wee is esneafly . V Wrston Pore Works â€" WALTER LONGSTAFF, Prop. Going West 8.30 a.m. Going East 11.45 a.m. Going North 5.00 p.m. Going East 6.45 p.m. Mails ammive from East 8.20 a.m. From East 9.35 a.m. From West 12.10 p.m. From East 5.45 p.m. From West 7.12 p.m. From East 7.30 p.m. Post Office closes at 8 o‘clock p.m. except Friday and Saturday evenimge. Mails close at Weston Post Office as follows:â€" If you want to buy a house or choose a building lot in Weston see our list we can locate you right. Bank of Nova Scotia Bldg, Westen, or, 106 Victoria St., Toronto. Gasolene Engines, Airmotors, Windmills, Force Pumps, 6tc, LOANS INSURANCE Goulding & Hamilton J. T. LOGCKE & Co. 57 Victoria St. TORONTO REAL ESTATE WESTON PROPERTIES Phone 71 Money to Loan at lowest rates on City, Farm and Suburban property. Fire, Life, Accident, Burglary and Plate Glass Insurance effected in all Companies. Estates managed.. Rents and Interest collected. City, Farm and Suburban property in every locality bought, sold and exchanged. wWESTON POSTAL GUIDE. Everythlag in REAL ESTATE. TruEpHoNnE, Mam 1967. ESTABLISHED 1862 Main Street, Weston.