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Times & Guide (1909), 1 Sep 1911, p. 2

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Jia I tri '?'i"i'r 'i/iii'-'??,,'" ' Neuralgia is not a disease-it is only a symptom. It is the surest sign that your blood is weak, wat- ery and impure, and that your nerves are literally starving. Bad :blood is the one cause-good, rich, red blood its only cure. There you have the real reason why Dr. ,Williams' Pink Pills cure neural-l ‘gia. They are the only medicine] ‘that contains, in correct pr-opor-‘ tions, the very elements, needed to; make new, rich, red blood, This alone reaches the root of the Ji',?,') able, soothes the jangled nerve) and drives away the nagging, stab-) ‘bing pain, and brace up your rhealth in other ways. Mr. M.) lBrennan, an ex-sergeant of thel 2nd Cheshire Regiment, now a re-l tsident of Winnipeg, Man., says) ,“While serving with my regiment; lin India, on a hillvstation, I con-) ftracted a severe ' cold which] ubrought on acute neuralgia, at) ltimes lasting for three weeks. 1‘ iwas constantly suffering almost) N every month in- the year for over, : seven years, the pain being some-l “times so severe that I wished I was dead. On my return to England I seemed to get no better, though I ' spent large sums of money for me- dical advice and medicine. Then I came to Canada, and about a year ago saw the advertisement of Dr, Wjlliams' Pink Pills in a Winnipeg paper. Although I had begun to think my complaint was incurable I told my wife that I intended giv- ing the Pills a fair trial. I “was suffering from terrible pains when I began taking the Pills, but before the second box was finished the .7 pain began to disappear, and un- der a further use of the Pills it disappeared, entirely, and I have not had a twinge of it during the past year. Only those who have been afflicted with the terrible pains of neuralgia can tell what Lake Chad, in Africa, is drying «twain its northern parts. Captain 'tilh, an explorer, writes n the Geo- graphical Journal: "You under- stand cur curiosity, four years after having made. our first map of Lake Chad, to see what was the aspect which this constantly changing lake was likely to present. When We arrived in the vicinity of the lake we learned from the natives lthat caravans were crossing on dry land the northern portion, which in 1904 we had navigated on board .the Benoit Garnier; that the cen- ‘tral portion was merely a marsh Where no boat could pass; whereas in the southern portion certain ”channels which had formerly been Closed to navigation had become once more navigable." cured Through the Use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. SEVEN YEARS PAIN Mllll ACUTE Elliilljlll Three Times is the Limit of Some Russian Peasants. The average Russian peasant bathes only three time from the cradle to the grave, according to Prof. Simon Baruch. The three momentous occasions which the Russian honors by immersing him- self are, the lecturer explained, "when he is born, when he is mar- ried and when he is laid in his coihn." "The non-bathing Russians," he continued, "have their substitute in the sweat bath. A Russian pea- sant, if he can get one in no other fashion, will sometimes creep into the oven after the bread has been baked. Russia has, however, paid a, price for its aversion to water in the tremendous increase of chol- era, a dirt disease, from 12,000 cases in 1906 to 210,000 last year. -jifese Pills are sold by all medr, cine dealers or by mail at 50 tents a blessing Dr. Williams' Pink P1lls have been to me, and you may be sure I shall constantly recommend them to other. sufferers." (Ibex or six bories for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. "As a matter cf fact, however, the common idea, that bathing opens the pores of the skin is not well grounded. What it really does is to keep the delicate muscles under the skin in healthy condi- tion and assist the work of the capillaries‘ which carry the blood to the surface of the body." The faster the man the easier it is for trouble to overtake him. If you should find a hidden nest filled with eggs do not send them to market. Naturally, some}. of tthom will be old and d, sell them rwould be fraud. “I'll never entrust my practice the a beginner again." Vas away k: 'l' ' =""Tired half my patients while I “Whaf did the young doctor LAKE CHAD DRYING UP THEY SELDOM BATHE. FOOLISH FELLOW Although there has been some at- tempt to ridicule the objects of a society in Paris called "The Friends 8f the Elephant," which recently, held its hr.se general meeting, there is much evidence to show that the members are quite right in their contention that big- game hunters are exterminating SOME (llflliill ELEPHANIS THEY STACK TIMBER AND WORK AS BItECIiLhYf'AtS. a race of animals which, if caught and properly trained, would prove of the greatest value to man. Ac- cording to M: Gaston Tournier, the general secretary of the society, 50,000 elephants are killed every year by big-game hunters, irre- spective " those killed by natives. These Animals are the Only Ones That Can Stand the Climate of Africa. There are still some 350,00(rele- phante in Africa, which, if made to work for their living, would be worth something like W300 000,000. If dead they would only be worth a, matter of $25,000,000. "The Friends of the Elephants"," there. fore, want to put an end to the killing, and to show that whole- -sale slaughter of the elephant is a colossal mistake. For, as the: point out, one domesticated and well-trained elephant can do the work of thirty men. In fact,, pro- perly applied one elepnarct cowlcl run a good-sized farm. AN ELEPHANT FARM. As recently stated in the journal of the Royal Society of Arts, one of the great obstacles to agricul- tural development in the equator- ial districts of Africa is the dim- culty of procuring beasts of bur- den. Horses have been tried in vain, and oxen soon become use- less. That is Why the experiment which is being carried on by Com- mandant Laplune at Api, in the Congo Free State, is being watched with keen interest. The Conrman- dant has started an elephant farm, and now possesses some fifty trained elephants. They are cap- tured quite young, and so far from being intractable, as many people-imagine elephants to be, they prove willing and wonderful “workers. They are broken in just like horses. The driver, getting on good terms with the animal, first mounts her in the stable. The next step is to put on some simple harness, by which two baskets may be carried on either side, and these are filled with loads. After this a breast-band is used, and the ele- phant begins to draw a light tree- trunk, then a little 'cart, and fin- ally a heavy wagon. In the case "'“J - ___" " u of carts and wagons the animals are generally harnessed in pains, but for ploughing they are driven singly. Furthermore, they are trained' to assist the hunters in catching other elephants; and the story is told of a female elephant which had been trained as a decoy-a fact of which its owner was not aware --which disappeared for some days. About a week later she re- turned, and led the way to a spot where a male elephant was dis- covered, round whose legs, secur- ed in the most approved fashion to four trees, was the iron chain with which she was usually fasten- ed to her own picket at night-time. Apparently she was resolved to resume her old employment, and had consequently set about carry- ing on the profession on her own account, thus securing one of the finest elephants that had been taken for many years. OF ASSISTANCE TO HUNTERS A Large Of Enjoyment Served with cream, milk or frruit---fresh or cooked. Crisp, golden-brown bits of white colt-Heh/tls and wholesome---- A Gvour that appeals to young and old. Post Toasties "The Memory Lingers'" Canadian Pestum Gereal company. Limited. BOLD BY G119 GEES. Windsor. Ont. Package In Eastern countries elephants do wonderful work in the way of dragging and sorting timber and in breaking, up obstructions caused by logs and miscellaneous flotsam In streams. Colonel F. T. Pollok says he has often watched the ele- phants in a timber yard, and the human way in which they will test the weight of a log requires to be seen to be credited. The tusker will lift up one end with his trunk, and, if he deems it within his pow- er to lift the whole, he will "shift his trunk gradually until he gets to the exact centre, then by kneel- ing down he will roll the log on to his tusks and will carry it either to be stacked or to the saw-mill. ELEPHANTS AS BUILDERS., In tea estates the elephants are occasionally employed to help in building construction by keeping the masons supplied with blocks of stone, and if the wall be not too high they will not only take the block up, but lay it quite correct- ly in its proper place. A Ceylon elephant used regularly to lay stones in this way under the or- ders of an overseer, to whom he used to signal to inspect and "pass" the work done and to give permission for fresh courses to be laid. On one occasion the elephant placed himself against part of the wall, thus preventing the overseer from examining that part of the job. The latter, however, insisted on the animal moving aside, and the elephant, seeing his ruse had failed, at once began to pull down the wall which he had just built, and which he was quite aware was badly-done, at, the very spot where be had tried to conceal it from the eye of his master. A Burmese ship captain alsotells a story of a female elephant which while anchored off the coast, he frequent saw come out of the jungle to bathe in the sea, accom- panied by her youngster. The " tle chap used to keep in the shal- low water while the mother vern- tured farther out; but one morn- ing, while his parent was not look- “.5, "ShbiW “N “WV.” Pr'-iV w. __-- ing, the youngster got beyond his depth, became frightened, and made a great to-do. The mother pulled him ashore and gave him a good spanking with her trunk. Each succeeding morning the lit- tle one was compelled to stand on the bank while the mother first bathed herself and afterwards washed him down with water fetched in her trunk. The Flies that are now in W"' kitchen and dining-room were pro- bably feasting on some indescrib- able nastiness less than an hour ago, and as a single fly often car- ries: many thousands of disease germs attached to its hairy body, 1t is the duty of every housekeeper to assist in exterminating this, worst enemy of the human race Wilson's Fly Pads kill flies in such immense quantities as cannot be approached by any other fly killer. "Can't you assume a little more pleasing expression of countem ance?" asked the photographer. "N-yes, sir," iesitatTngtyr an- swered sitter. "Wait a minute and I'll take off those new shoes." A hard name to pronounce, called local- ly "Minnieog." This is a picturesque summer resort on one of the largest islands of the Georgian Bay, only 3 1-2 hours run by the Grand Trunk Railway System from the City of Toronto, Canada, and beautifully situated among the 30,000 islands of that territory. Splendid hotel accommodation, good fishing, fine boating, and no hay fever. Bass, _trout. nickerel and pike abound, For illustrated de- scriptive mattgr Jyy,l,,,a1,l, inforination, wrife to Toronto. Johnny had been naughty, and his mother told him that he could choose between a whipping and be- ing shut up in the cellar. "Who will whip me-you or papa ?” queried Johnny. “Your papa," was the reply. "Then it/s the cellar for mine," rejoined the wise youngster. A Mild Pill for Delicate Women. --The most delicate woman can un- dergo a course of Parmelee's Yege- table Pills without fear of unplea- sant consequences. Their action, while wholly effective, is mild and agreeable. _ No violent pains or purgings follow their use, as thou- sands of women who have used them can testify. They are, there- fore, strongly recommended to wo- men, who are more prone» to dis- orders of the digestive organs than m e tl Every youthful graduate expects to set the world on firp--bue it doesn't seem to worry the insur- ance people very much. A safe and sure medicine for a child troubled with worms is Mo- ther Graves' Worm Exterminator. Anything is all right-until it in- terferes with your plans. Little Johnny-lad, there's a girl at our school whom we call 'Postscript.' ,, Dad - tt 'Post, script'! Whatever do you call her 'Postscript' for l" Little Johnny- "'Cos her name is Adeline Moore!” NECESSARY PRELIMINARY. MiNNic0t1ANASHENE. STE? DUFF, Union Station,' WISE YOUTH Dick-oh/s one thing about Louise, she never repeats stories about her women friends.", "iiiiier-rRepeatsr. No, indeed; she starts them." TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak. Weary, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart-soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 250, 50c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, Me., $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. First Matron-les, my doctor has the reputation of being quite a lady-killer." Second Matron-- "Or, indeed! Mine doesn't make the slightest distinction between the sexes." The Bride--'(h, darling, our honeymoon was just the loveliest that ever was."' The Groom--) certainly was, dearest." The Bride--" have only one regret-l may never have the pleasure of go- ing through another!" Willie---"Say, pa, what is a hypo- crite?” Pa--'" hypocrite, my son, is a man who publicly thanks Providence for his success, tnen gets mad every time anybody in- sinuates that he isn't mainly re- sponsible for it himself." There are many imitations of Wilson's Fly Pads, but none com- pare with the genuine original ar- ticle. Be sure you get Wilson's and avoid dissatisfaction. A The Pill That Brings Relief.-- When, after one has partaken of a meal he is oppressed, by feelings of fulness and pains in the stomach he suuers from dyspepsia, which will persist if it be not dealt with. Pavmelee's Vegetable Pills are the very best medicine that can be taken to bring relief. These pills are especially compounded to deal with dyspepsia, and their sterling qualities in this respect can be vouched for by legions of users. Beware of girls with dreamy eyes, young man; they may be wide awake Mistress--"Mercy on me, what a kitchen! Every pot, pan and dish is dirty, the table looks like a ma- rine stores dealer's, and-why, it will take you a week to get things cleaned up! What have you been doing?" Minard's Llnlment Cures Colds. Eta. Servant-lure, mum, the young ladies has just; been down here showing me how they bake a potato at the cooking school." "A horrid w Rte"""" rash came out all over my baby's lace and spread until it had totally covered his scalp. It was irritating and painful, and caused lhe little one hours of siuffering. We tried soaps and powders, and salves, but be got no better. He refused his food, got quite thin and worn, and was reduced to a very serious condition. I was advised to try llam-Buk, and did so. It was wonderful ihow it seemed to cool and ease the child’s burning. painful skin, Zam-Buk from ther, very commencement seemed to go right to the spot, and the pimples and sores and the irritation grew less and less. Within a few weeks "h baby's skin was healed completely. e has now not a trace of rash, or eruption, or eczema, or burning sore. Not only so, but cured of the tor- menting skin trouble, he has improved in general nenlthr" ' A At k. An expert is a man who can get his own price for guessmg at things. _ Sam-m. mm“... Zammuk is sold at all stores and medicine van- dors, Soc. a box, or post free from lam-But: Co., Toronto, for price, 6boxes for $52.50. A certain cure Gr nll akin diseases, cuts, burns, exam. and for piles. ED. t Mlnard‘s Linimcnt Cures Distemper. EXPERT COOKING. NICE GIRL 'SS UE 3:41 The tendency to crowd int-o cit-l ies, which is so marked in all civil-' ized countries, has a curious illus, nation in the census of 1911, which shows the tremendous attraction of London as a center of popula- ttan. The population of Greater London has increased in the last 10 years from 6,581,402 to 7,252,- 963, or 10.2 per cent, In the mean- time. however, the population of the other largr st cities in England has in most (uses increased by re- latively "small percentages. Bir- mingham has grown from 523,179 to 525,960; Bristol from 339,012 to 357,059; Leeds from 428,968 to 445,- 568; Liverpool from 704,134 to 746,- 566; Manchester from 644,873 to 714,427, and Sheffield from 409,070 to 454,653r The rate of increase of Manchester and Sheffield alone slightly exceeds that of London, the others falling far behind it. The percentage for Birmingham is only 0.53 per cent. Some of the smaller cities, nevertheless, have increased much more rapidly than the metropolis, Coventry, for in- stance, having grown from 69,978 to 106,377 or 52.01 per cent., a truly American showing. "Bookworm-ttOh, those are the books no library is complete witlv. out." Bookworm- Yes, I have about 3,000 volumes. These in this cor- ner are the ones I read. Cucumbers and melons are "for- bidders fruit” to many persons so constituted that the least indul- gence is followed by attacks of cholera, dysentery, griping, etc. These persons are not aware that they can indulge to their heart's content if they have on hand a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dy- sentery Cordial, a medicine that will give immediate relief, and is a sure cure for all summer com- plaints. "visitor-ttBur what, are all the others?" "I hear their engagement has been broken off through a misun- derstanding." 7 - money." “-“Yres. He' understood she had money and she understood he had This is to certify that I have used MINARD‘S Liniment in my family for years. and consider it the best,1iniment on the market. I have found it'excellenb for horse flesh. .-. __ Ladr-There's no need to be frightened, my little man. My lit- tle dog is only wagging his tail to show how pleased he is. It Makes New Friends Every Day.---) a day goes by that Br. Thomas' Eclectric Oil does not widen the circle of its friends. Or- ders for it come from the most 11n- likely places in the west and far north, "for its fame has travelled far. It deserves this attention, for no oil has done so much for hu- manity. Its moderate cost makes it easy' to get. Tiii'mUy'-'--iiife" that's not the end I'm afraid of, THE GROWTH OF LONDON Mother (in a very low voice) - Tommy, your grandfather is very sick. Can you say something to cheer him up a bit? Tommy (in an earnest voice)-- Grandfather, wouldn't you like to Have soldiers at your funeral? MnsAVmSLOW‘S SOOTHING StmUP has been used far over SixTV YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE, TEETHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUNS, ALLAYS all PAIN; CURES WIND COLIC. and is the best remedy for DIARRI-KEA. It is ab- solutely harmless» Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wimsiow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twentr-five cents a bottle. "Mr. Biles," began the young. Jiailigirtrtit,PrriifMilt'ti,igig , . . my? w' J.i 2rr. RiW .% r My» Tryp = T man, "I will not detain you tiiidtllif"ivi'i'it'liri, 'iltii'mi'iBllft' long. I have come to ask you for: ... Q- r"ttl'rdirtiiit fig irq, _)l'i,g5,,,..t.." your daughter. I--" g t?Sil'gfslh'lj,i,' ,lq,Ui'i% 'rifflh'lliE - "Young man," said Mr. Biles , iiG?, 'y2WtaEer ”’4‘ E', Fwe (I I? 1 I tCarr "1;. bSrier- 43 7. do you” I w: ' =liE -.q.. "Yes, Sir, I fully realize that she; g; ' ' has been very carefully broughe Canada Business College up, and); realize she has had every; GHATHAM. ONT. luxury. iln a class by ltsalf Among Amerxca’a' "Can VII- " , Scheme of Business Training. "No, sir. I admit 1fn,nne'v1 114 313353;: 2:23:53 :3 :33; fully support her in the style “W Wem ilt/ei1rg,ssi'hi"ili,eu%1l", , which she has been y:csus,tumy,l, , We Jill) {in {are 1):: gm '.iiiiiiiigi'i'ird; but I will make a goud husband. C loggogisgsgg ssdfi.etm,iog.ttl, 5?:ng "Will you - . l If'you cannot come to’Chéthgm, we Ciu, "Yes, Sir. I will always work "ae,1, you by maid t l d r tl . . are 8. 0 some tr ' en 8 not“ 5001] ' hard to keep her in comparative Nato Wide, Cameron & 5319?. Regina? ease." i,R. Burk, Nichclaon & lBuin, egina, tl T T I ,, iR. Wood. Trust Co., Lhaboyazm. Mich.: ll trutl0. you-- l Eight calla Juscdregeigad forfswnogrgpn? tt - h' ' , 1 ' - h a T . ' , Teachers. an n are. or opomuga PM), 511,21 would n,o,t expect an) ','2;d, from $600 to 81500. will give you assistance morn you. some. Mm of the demands. "Young man, 1 rather lik,? your COLLEGE REOPENS FOR 36TFt YEAR _ t Nr .1 “I; u.“ 4.” .'T"TF' +'-m.‘ SEPTEMBER 5TH. ' “Wuuid you-----" "No, sir, I would not expect any assistance from you.” "Young man, I rather like your style. You don't waste any time. Good----" Minard‘s Llnlmem Cures Cars ""'"ii'r.' s. PINEO. Woodlands," Middleton, N.S. REST Mill HEALTH To MOWER AND WILD "Morning, sir. CHEERING HIM UP. MUTUAL MISTAKE JUST CLASSICS. WAS CAUTIOUS TIME LIMIT, (Signegj no need to be sat in C_...a Motherr--jhat did you do with that dime I gave you for taking your medicine l _-'- 1" t tir -t J'"""" ___-"-"'"-" Tommy--"1 gave Jimmy half of ie to take the medicine for me." Mrs. Benpeck--"You're kinds to dumb animals than you are ti me." Henpeclr--"Well, you try being dumb, and you'll see how kind i'll be." Warts on the hands is a,disfiguro ment that troubles many ladies Holloway's Corn Cure will remove the blemishes without pain. I HAVE some of the best Fruit. Stoqk. Gram or Dairy Farms in Ontario, and prwes right. AGENTS -wANTED EVERYWHERE.-- _ High class business with best people. Calvert & Dwyer Co., Limited, Toronto. i _ I p r; 91-r-V-2, (II) I l . CL,CO. Figtht. ' J” . " ft ' aftihi 1&1") 1.34;: FI', " i-RI iig,t " E.% I I "Wit:, $ily.q “ 'r l . si5tsi,'ili,i,i'iiliiis' 'iiiiirilititlttl aw, p, Tn FF'rWP,' E% a: 41' LT if”: I .. 2iii3ttijij,,tj, 5% 'ifal E 1llill i iiefiitrtlii%i'g'ttit'e?, S.,.',".) Raj1.'e?ss' i'llsg.)., l -- ‘3. c, ii" ' Ar-"-. iirattiNh' 'iiiii'i"r"r - z 'N'" PA, _ t GENTS WANTED.7-A study ot other Agency proposiitioms convinqes us that none cay equal ours. You will ab ways regret it if you dort't apply (or particulars to a?rarellera' Dept, 223 Albert St., Ottawn. QAWMILL MACHINERY. Portable or k heavy, Lathe Mills, Shin§le Mills, Engines and Boilers, Mill Supp Sea. The E, Long Manufacturing Co., Ltd., We" Street, Orillia. Ontario. ____________7 C ANGER, TUMORS, LUMPS. etc. In- ternal and external. cured without yam by our home treatment. Write 11t before too late. Dr. Bellman, Bolling. wood, Oat. Cleanini and Carling and Kid Gloves cleaned. T we can be sent try post. le per or.. The best; p_1rsys if-.... £51573; tj, l, Ottawa, Ont -----------" w RITE us to-day for. our choice list T of Agents' Supphes. No outlay necessary. They are money makers. Ap. nlv B. C. I. Co. Ltd., 228 Albert ss. irinFicTiiiiiTirNjiuryqi BRITISH mam“ mama MONTREAL. w M - -" prices in drugs Trusses fitted by man went. Glasses titted by for anything aold ir more: to Dr. Bellman. Minard's Llnhnent Cures Diphtherla. P you want to tray a farm, consult o--..-------" \PEUIALISTS ADVICE FREE. Consult , us my regard to anrprrstyp. Laura“ BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING YONGE AND QUEEN STS. T o R O N T O q Many an investor would have avoided poor investments and conse- quent loss had he known what constitutes a bond, how safe and profitable a bond investment is. q When you buy a bond you are protected from loss by a first mortgage on the entire assets of the Corporation that issues the bond. Both the prin- cipal and interest are protected in the same manner. q We will be pleased to send to your address without any charge whatever our little Booklet on bonds. Write us to-day. Calaicsuo 33 " Caza'ogue H, ANYASSERS WANTED Weekly salary oisid_-Altred Ts0r, London, Ontario, TON SCALE GEARANTEED, Wilso‘ Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toronto, S E C U R I T l E S CORPORATION AY and FARM SCALES. Wilson's! Scale Works, 9 Esplanade. Toronto. ASK DAWSON HE KNOWS. you want to se'll a farm, consult WHAT IS A BOND? Thtt Soul of a Plane "rthe Action. lnaist oo the "OETO RISE} ' -oAwsoN, Ninety Colborna Street, Toronto. FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT. ROYAL JIMMY’S HEALTH. AGENTS WANTED. Piano Action MISCELLANEOUS. Mu nu an; ,F_.r._e-_.'" __ ___ drugs of all kinds. by mail. Send .measure- titted by age. Write today mold in 'tirrst.rclatss drug Bellman. Collingwood. Ont. LIMITED tails of work as; Chanting. u sane at work by may. Fiithtst' I-‘ree.; _ l co, G. B. Suitsgm ibat "

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