Weston Historical Society Digital Newspaper Collections

Times & Guide (1909), 6 Dec 1912, p. 4

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I I Eris; c?yl by tngdsanizs m Ott with giving interest. "The Presbytergan” of last week published the loll wing from its Ot- tawa errrp.oitetin- Rev. J. W. H. ilne was given his release from the T lebe congregation Ottawa in order hat he might ac- cept a call to We ton, a flourishing suburb oi Toronto» The wrench of separation is in t s case a partieu- larly severe one. r. Milne came 'to the Glebe church 'lin its infantile days. His 'fosteri g care and nur- ture have brought t to a condition oi. robust developmgnt that entitles it to stand shoulderi'xto shoulder with its eompardo11s of rgore historic as- sociation-s in the city. Spiritual de- velopment and progress in every- thing that makes tlot, a church‘s wel- fare, have kept page with the nu- mercial expansion. j; During these years a' ehiitii) of agection has been forged between Mr. Eland Mrs. Milne and Itt congregatio’il whieh. seemed well-nigh unbreakable. _ How very difficult of brreakins,bvas seen at the large gathering of griends that as- gmbled in the chugrh on Tuesday, 'November 12th, to "fray farewell to the Milnes. On erery hand were heard expressions ot highest esteem for Mr. Milne, and appreciation of his character and (work, in all of which appreciation Mrs. Milne Shar- ed. An unbroken relationship of rare cordiality has existed between Mr. Milne and the Gletie congregation during the fifteen years of his min- istry there. His biethren in the Presbytery, as well dy the ministers of other denomina'tioins, testified to his high worth as pijisacher, pastor, citizen and friend. A purse of gold - -__ -_- -__e -.- =-"'me v- c~-» FrI.>V_rFN guru “*JJ VHH‘J v" of almost embarrassLifg weight, was ‘and house piii'ritl',j died in handed Mr. Milne, w_;le tributes of (air. 3;: aiteetlon and appreeiatfon were given “Illustrated Eondon I to Mrs, Milne and tseveral other 9th. "Balkan iihe Turk members of the char iirrg famin of {Turkish Ruins aié'd Refug which he is the head.’ ifteen strenu- 1 Byzantine walls/ii Bands ous years are bound 9 tell m.ateri-iy1 the cave "r1aeor1's I ally_;on the life of oni of the inten- Ite/l: supposed Ejto be 1 sifty that has always: eharaeterized iyears'ago. Leila; Pago Mr. Milne. The change to the new skilled work th't requir congregation of West will afford ') Criticism of Ponies "A Iii some measure og. 1t,tl restfulncss is a dangerous thing.” which changes are ialcuiated to "American thy," for yield, and which he so btreh requires. "Child Hygiene?,---' tea Those who know him ssinnot conceive he begun bei‘org the ha of Mr. Milne separating himself from yhiid are fixed:)' “Childre “if. strenuous life for, my extend, l or i:ood Citiir)tnship," paged. wt dry anticiite tlt '"r' C nsw‘itim'vm. other of bu: a'rkri:isrrmistice he WEI Le 3'12”»,1 ",, r‘ri's‘. “any“? for NH“? zenshia; A TRIBUTE TO REV. MR. MILNE Thtlwomen's iguxiliary' of St. John's Church Ming.) will hold a "Sale of Work" -oit, Dec. 12th. Ad- mission lOcts. a1iriirer1 5cts. Supper 20cts. Further par4ieu1ars later. Charles Dieken's “Christmas Carol" will be presented at the High School Concert. The, production of the Play, as well as the remainder of the pmy- gramme, is entirely the work of "he pupils. . _ tutssriijtion Price. Mrs. G. M. Cou er is giving a Thimble tea on F day. Is it true that i family unab1e to find suitable apa ments offered to rent the Weston p lice cells. Mrs. A. B. MofJft will not receive until the New Yeié.i . Miss C. Hill speiit last week with Mrs. Taylor, Lang; Park. Mr. Webstervis binding a new resi deuce on North St) tion Street. Underwear-The best is the cheap- est, Stanfields Unshrinkable Under- wear for sale at Coleman's, Weston. There was a ti T e when a young fellow who resid _ in the Village never went to eh teh. But now he goes twice every \' unday. It just shows what a girlgiompar1ion can do. _ Doll Contest at Inch’s Cut Rate Drug Store starts Saturday, Nov. 23. The Weston High School Concert will b? held We. ‘19 and 20. Keep the date opem. T t Mr. Alvin Brown; has returned from the West. E For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought telephone No. 26 _ The Weston. 1u1rytrrts are very quiet Bears the signature of er -----' CASTOR EA tom W ESTO N Weston, Ont., wt-is-eil-xt-ima-, 1912 ADVERTISIRC RATES ON APPLICATION A. E. WHINTON, Proprigw} 1d PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY mg ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO @imw nah (15mm his new and ( Mr. and Mrs. Liikaire and Master iLemaire have retuigted from them va- |cation, in New Jetiter. simply an accomplishment “Illustrated Liondon News," Nov. 9th. “Balkan grind Turkish War"--- Turkish Ruins aid Refugees-Famous Byzantine walls; Bands of vivid red m the cave "fheon's Hole," Eng- land, supposed fito be made 20,000 years'ago. Ladies Page-Nursing is skilled work th'glt requires training. WESTON 34%PTIST YOUNG V PEgJPLE. The'BI‘Y. P.ztneetirrg on Monday last was very hgpful the subject be- ing’ "Zea)" Hex; Monday, Dec. 2nd, the meeting williflbe in charge of the President, Mr.’ Bbirehild, the subject being "Pirtriotisi" ." This will be led by the young 11%? patrlotic son-gs will be sung, by' r. Wallace and Mr. Snashall. All W'Qlcome. my.“ “I:~-IA.. DA“: A: DAn-l-hvl- hymn». The Mission Bits), d of Baptist church meets Monday agernoon at 4 o'eloek in the church. Tlpis is the first meet- mg since the teorganization it is hopeda there wty be a large atten- dance, subject Rhrne Missions. "Seientifie Aitysriean," Novismber 9th. “Panama damn” Tixtfhporld's Greatest Engimiisrir1g Work to be completed fii'teenf.months earlier than originally estimisited--escavated ma- terial would 1113.38 sixty-three pyra- mids of size oit, Great Pyramid of Egupt-Sarlitati (i of Canal Zone a wonderful wows?1 "Canadian Codtier," November 16th "Humidity in Abuse' Heating." When water pan dry, ichilly at 70 degrees Mr. M. G. Warhett of Wardell's Monumental Wort6, 1476 Dundas St, West Toronto, ha Hust returned from a visit to the , stern Quarries at Quebec and Verm'nt, from where he ordered two larg" car loads of very choice Monument: which will arrive by January 1st. _ These Monuments are being made igvery best Pittsburg Valley, Rutrand,tTr. T., and Ebony stock. Very chides in design and best workmanshi , complete tor ear- 1y spring ereetioE Those in need ot monuments will 0 well to see these stones during this winter months and have first choice gt lowest prices. A reliabll French regulatortpever fails. These pills are; exceedingly g‘owerful in regulating the ipy1trative. portion of t e female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van’s are sold a: 85 a bod, or three for 810. Mailed to any address The Scobell Drug Go., St. Catharine» Ont. Beautylene will cure Dandruff and stop Falling Hair. One bottle will convince you. Inch, Weston. ‘Mrs. Nelson McEi§ven was the hos- tess of an "At 'tit' and euchre this week. ;?/ V A tea will be gill? early in Decem- g her by the Method“ Ladies Aid So- ciety. f, Mrs. A. E. Whizgion, of Toronto, was visiting Mrsii) A. Greaves and Mrs, W. Longsti'ip on Wednesday afternoon. F "j _Tlte F eongregatidp of _ Westminster Church intend hblding a 'reception for their new uag‘tor on Thursday evening, Dec. 5th,)in the new West- minster Church sirhool building. 1 Mr. J. D. Mi11s,1,tener of the Bank of British North America here, has been appointed to) the Winnipeg of- Me and leaves next: week for his new field of labor. f Piano Tuning-John T. Anderson, 200 Beresford Avenue, West Toronto, will visit Weston every"week. Drop a post card to the above address, and your piano will be sttetyired to without delay. Agents for "The Etude” Musi- cal Journal, $1.50 per annulu.‘ _ The High School Concert this year promises to surpass all former ones. Don't forget the dates. Dec. 19th and 20th. F ', Mr. McIntosh tui left Weston to make his Ipteeeaeli't home in Eng- land. ll 'Peabodys Smocks, Overalls, Pants and Shirts at Coleman's, Weston. Mr. Mrs. and ‘iiss Hill gave a very enjoyable ert hre on Thursday evening. Mrs. Hi3 is also entertain- ing a Thimble te 5f on Saturday. Dr. d0 Van's Female Pills Jritieism of Page’s "A little learning s a dangerous thing.". "Americau thy," [or November. "Child 1a'ygieneC?,--the teaching should Je begun beforg the habits of the mid are fisedc,1"'Chi1drei1's Leagues' $1 WESTON PUBLIC LIBRARY '00 ook per Annum/fn advance. ge a, gas an g t' Colt y H',‘ ard N natal ism, "trip?: E Ste igenship," Formation tiler of business. W ESTON, ONT dry stifling gift. but r. "The omerset, ‘arson I Next Sunday will be obserhed as Tuberculosis Sunéay in St. John's Church. The Rectgr, Rev. J. Hughes JJones, M.A., whoifhas been in close touch with the Fork or the Sani- ‘tarium Assoeiatiot) at the hospital near Weston for the past eight years, ‘will -(D. V.) preach a special sermon at the eleven o'el(bek service on the great work which ?s being carried on against the "Grestt White Plague." Did you know th Home Journal will $1.50 a Year at Inch's Store. - _ or more subject‘s. Honours were gained by Ella: Burnett, Mildred Clarke, Lilian Renard, Alma Chap- man and Alice‘ijgmd Norman Sims: Musical games were played at inter- vals and pretty se'ectidns by the younger membersvof the Class. Stan- ley Pollard, Aime Chapman, Edith Mattison on the piano and Viola Noble on the organ profieierwy, close competition and ipood bu lor marked the occasion an?" after itl awards had been giveu’i and refreshments served, the merufy party 'took their leave eongratulatipg their tracker on the success of the affair and eagerly anticipating the qext Anngal Recital. The A. Y. P. . of St. Phillip's Weston entertainéd over seventy young people from St. John's parish West Toronto, in khe Town Hall on Tuesday evening, g'fter an excellent musical progra 1 e there were numerous eompetltions, the prizes being boxes of bo /bons. Arr exqui- site repast was t an partaken of and judging from tlie manner in which the was and dai ties vanished, it all was greatly enjoyed. Short speeches were given by Ref,- Mr. Morley of St. Phillip's, Mr. ipobinson and the visiting society'sfgpresident. A musical cutest arranged by Miss Cottrill 1‘61- her piano pupils was held at her (home on the after- noon, of Nov: 23rtd, and was well at- tended, the young competitior tmter- ing into the contgist with an earnest- ness that won prizes for each in one Pttosphono1 restores every nerve in the body _.___._.to its proper tension: regimes rim and vitality. Premature decay and an SN; :al welknm averted at once. Phosphonoz will mtkvon a new man. Price 88 a box or me tar lk ailed to any address. Th9 iiiGbiigi Drug " " Catharmea, Ont. In the Methodist Church on Sun- day Dec. 22nd the; anniversary ser- vices of the Sunda"t School will be held. On the l'ollotggng Monday, Dee. 23rd a tea for the f. hole congrega- tion, followed by a short entertain- ment will be given. Further notice later. 7 . BAPTIST @HURCH. It is a unique, 'experience to find men in the majority at any religious meetings, but this/has been the case at the mid-week service in the Bap- tist 0115mm. “Why should I love God's Day?'htwas the topic, the pas- tor gave a sli'ort address on the pur- pose of the Sabbath as a divine in- stitution. Next week the topic will be, "Why should T love God's Ser- vice? Does it pay to serve God?" The Brotherhood 'banquet held in the, Methodist Sunday School room last evening was [in every way a success q Give some little girl your vote she’s looking for it. Doll Contest at Inch's Drug Store. No offerings will be asked next Sunday in aid of Fame work, as those wishing to help tpe work will have the opportunity (if subscribing later to the King Edvard Memorial Fund for Consumptives?; ' The Women's i111p.ijliag. of St. John's Church " ng.) will hold a "Sale of Work" an Dee. 12th. Ad- mission locts. cmi,1pren, 5cts. Supper 20cts. Further paiticulars later. Next Tuesday f/s11nesr, Dee. 3rd, a lecture will (D. E) be given on the "Chureh's Seasorih" by the Rev. Frank, Vipond " 8 o'clock in the school room. t A. Y.§P. A. The young peopli spent a very plea- sant social evenili last Tuesday in the school room. , T T INDUCT1oN,7BERvrCEs. The Rev. J. “a; H. Milne, B. A., will be inducted igto his new charge on the evening of (Mydtr Dee. 2nd, at Westminster f"tier, Cross Street. Rev. Dr. Fraser, oderator of the Presbytery, will Jeside. The ser- mon will be preUhed by the Rev. Mr. Hamilton, M.Al., of St. Enoch's Church, Toronto. R The Rev. Daniel Strachan will ad ess the Minister and Dr. MacGilliv y the Congrega- tion. The publicg are cordially in- vited to this senile? Owing to the pastors absence on the Trrri6nvilie Cirqpit, the Rev. E. Bani-her, B. A., of (Vietoria College, will conduct the lservices in the Methodist Church both morning and evening on SundarDee. 1st. Electric Restorer tor Men Physician, Surgeon, etc. otritxr-Corner Main and Mill Streets. Office Hours: 8 to 10 tun.. 1 to 3 and 7 to 8.30 p.m. Weston Phone No. 87. Sunday. Dee.. Igt, the ‘pastor will; preach in the morning “In memory of a Death," the church will observe the Lord's Supper. There will be a reception of new members. In the evemng the subject will be "For- giveness" or "The_Forgiven and Un- forgiven.” The choir under Mr. J. H. Cole, will provide special music. The young men of Weston who do not attend any class are cordially in- vited to the pastor’s young Men‘s Bible Class on Sunday at 3 pun. ST. JOHN'S CHfIRCH, WESTON Ar nan's DR. W. E. PEARSON Westor you rug TELEPHONE NO. 30. PERFECT Fl r11 G 1HBBED for Women and Child en Also Ir-n'? Golf Coats &Ladies€0at Sweaters WINTER UNDERWEAR Tarnbull’s famous "Ceette" Brands for Men and their Toronto, Ont. Canada's High Class Commercial School! Highly recom- mended by former students. Gradu- ates in strong demand. Write for new catalogue. utyJr Before buying see our stock of Agent for the following: Fire and Life Insaranciito's Also Agent for reliable Nursery stock all at lowest possible rates. F arley's ' - Shaving Parlour Cigars, Cigarettes-and , Tobaccos. CHOICE BEEF, LAMB, WM AND SMOKED MEM‘S. Prices ranging frog) 99c. to $1.99 Labor Produced on the hanks of the Humber and deliver d in S’erilized bottles daily by We haste just rtirmved a co nplele line of Lady's turtStzeatt's Hose atti Half-Hose in siurii?i: Lisle and Cash- mere it, A pertentage of ytfur gages duposited in a Savings Account is so jihio of your labor in storage for emurgencies/‘or old age. What seems an irtexhuistible supply of strength may not last as long ds you expect. Begin storing some of " ubw, this week in the ' Savings Department a? , THE 1,yi_,,,?/t,,N,-t,T OF . o cd 2) o British Nilfr)th America Main St- and Conran PL, WES TON Weston SE06 Store BOOTS, E SHOES, and @siery MORLEY'S WESTON WINTER TERM FROM JAN. END )0 ELLIOTT 0’ Aft ---AND - C 1, EXCELSIOR LIFE, and IRAVELLERS ACCIDENT AND HEALTH Insurance Agent for Butterick's Patterns Harvey Moody, '; TARIFF. Royal, Guardian, Canada National, and North British and Mercantile Robt. Gréy. Prop. NON-TARIFF. York, Merchants, and Dominion. THE FRESHEST AND BEST MILK IN WESTON BARGAIN XOUNTER E. J. MUSSON i MAIN WESTON BRANCH, - N. I. McEwen, Manager.. I VEGETABLES IN SEASON. 363% 76 YEARS m BUSINESS CAPITAL AND RESERVE OVER $7,500,000 Cute. HINGE AND ALEXANDER STREfIS NORTH END BUTCHER IN SEVERAL STYLES Size the JOB t,INE on our WESTON EAGLE iirocar DEALER IN We'd DAIRY Phone Wo Have now a eomphte stock of the latest Estimates given on all kinds of work Concrete Mixer for hire, capacity 40 yards a day. Practical Carriage Painter Automobiles, Buggies, Wagons and Signs Painted and ’Relettered Milady'E Millinery Parlors Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Gasoline and Oil Stoves, Stoves and Furnaces. Screens, Doors and Windows, Field and Lawn Fences, Maxwell Lawn Mowers. Pedlar Steel Shingies, Portland Cement, BUTTONWOOD Ave, WESTON Rd. Fall and Winterj Millinery l Paints, Oils and Varnishés.m ORDERS DELIVERED. POULTRY HPRING CHICKENS, TURKEYS, -- VEGETABLES L. Cabbage, Cauiiflowcr, Beets, (lax-guts, Parsn pa, (jmons and Pam”: b. Coulter Avenue, Veal, Pork, Lamb,i Bacons and Cooked Meats. MAIN STREET, C.. WESTON 7 PHONE No.9. f. f. (illimfll, Jr. Geo. Sainsbury At greatly reduced prices. Carpenter and Contractor MOURNiNG MILLINERY a Specialty. Bank of Nova Scotia Block PRIME BEEF 1 A. MILLER JAS. HUGiLL, 16. 9 BEHIND, and Ready Rooting. Eagle Block. WESTON DUCKS. DR. W. J. CHARLTON L Physician, Surgeon, etc. ( tmyt---Gyr. North Station and Joh. Streets, Weston, Ont. ' Otrim, Hours--8 to 10 mm; ' to ' Pan. I Sunday, 8 to 10 a.m. _ J . K. McEWEN, Licensed Auctioneer for the (bandit ot York, Peel and Simeon. 8]. West Toronto. ' -pr Real Estate tor sale, and boule- to I Retridence:--eim, St., opp. Northern l Crown Bank. Tel. Woodbridge M Iippeii’s Shoe"??? TORONTO JUNCTION roo.,yra1rlt"1 oe MUSIC ANDT‘SUI-IOOL OF ELOOUTIOK Mm. Maria B. McGin, Write for calendar Musical mm Phone Jet. 79. Welt Toto-h. C. LORNE FRASER, M- Barrister, Solicitor, stil. Bank of Nova Scotia Chambers. Phone, 152, WESTON, Ont,., Office Hours--8.30 to 10.30 am. i. 4 to 6 p.m. 7.30 to 8.30 pun. . Consultation hours, 10 a.m., 3 p.1n., 1 and by appointment. Tel. 001. 2602.r ' G. HOWARD GRAY y s Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, etc. “it 291 Main Street, WESTON. ' Mornings and Evenings. "r. Toronto Otfiee 304 Lumsden Building" corner Adelaide and Yonge. ,/ Maria Street, Offices: Canada Permanent Bldg. 18 Toronto St. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, etc. with Masten, Starr, Spence and Camerow, 58 Canada Life Building, si," Phone, M 7300. 46 Km‘ Telephone No DR. A- M. ROLLS. M.B., M.R.C.S., Eng., L.R.C.P. , Physician and Surgeon WOODBRIDGE. ONT, Phone M. 2689. T J. EDGAR PARSONS. BA. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and 418 Bloor Street, west F. B. EDMUNDS. 't Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. (i', 1758 Dundas Street, TORONTO, i! (above Hoar's Hardware Store), . ‘7 Real estate loans placed at current 1 rates. ’ _,' Telephone. Junction 991. I Graduate Toronto Conservatory of Music, PIANO, (Teaeher's Course), Pupil of Dr. Edward Fisher, Studio _ Room T, Nova Scotia Bank Bldg. Pupils prepared for Conservatory Examinations. Terms moderate. G. W. GOULTER, V. 8.. Honor Graduate Ontario Veterinary College All diseases of Cattle and Horse- Treated Beieatitieaur. Call: by mail or phone promptly attended. _ WESTON ONT. Weston, Wednesday airsiiiiraars. Phone 48. ANDERSON & McMASTER. Barristers. Solicitors, Notaries, , 936 Keele St.. (4th. door North 1 Dundas St., TORONTO. , Private funds ,to Joan on tirat class security. Boots, Shoes an? Rubbers for all Oftiee and Residenee--aust comet King and North Station Sts. R rent. MARGARET R. dTiEiFFfiii Dr. H. D. LIVINGSTONE Ear, Nose and Throat. Over D. Rowntree & Sons DR. J. A. MELDRUM. Physician, etc. Also Child: JAS. AITCHISON J. T. HACKETT; W orRman. 15 Evenings Dentist [F)sc_otiy,, WESTON, ONT, 'ens radiii'tat Weston, TORONPO. hid _ Toronto Weston, Ont.

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