_e--srs--w'--"f MANAGER. THOMAS W. CARLYLE. f Let us measure you for that over- coat. You have been promlsing yourself an Overcoat tor Christmas. Why not make a move to realize your wishes. We are waiting to do our part. You never saw or heard about any better overtyotgeings than we are now showing; choose your own material, have it any length you like. Have it built in any style on the fashion plate, and no matter what you der- aide upon we promise to hand the c ' over to you perfect in every chlar. Let us take your order t av. jZints and Oils. Happy Thought and Oxford Ranges. Perfection Oil Stoves, gereen Doors and Windows. Lawn Mowers and Garden Tools. Flenry Ploughs, Beuffierrq and Wtteel- barrows. _ "w. Farm and Lawn Fences, we Mannie Boots and Ceilings" Genaseo, and Excello Ready sRoof5rtg. Portland Cement. Hot'Water and Hot Air Heating. Eavetroughing. Special prices on Nails to Builders. Ready Roofing and Builder's Hardware. yfaaéaszaaaaa was“ éEEE-TEEZ% 3mm ST. Lambton Ave. ‘“ WHY NOT Orders delivered iWEST TORONTO BRANCH "Corner Dundas and Keeie Streets. Outta. Pun Ue - $4,543,400.00 Runnvn - - 85,293,400.00 HARDWARE, (illii)lll 10015, . FALL and WINTER Suit and Overcoat (EYES Be BULL. MAIN SI'REET. WESTON We have now on hand a full assortment of the latest patterns in Tweads, Cheviots, Serges. etc. Mam Street - Weston Opp. r Deposits received in Saving: Department of 81.00 and up~ wards, and" interest allowed thereon at Current Rates. Let us IAILOR and MEN'S ‘fURNlSHER HARDWARE . E. COLEMAN Secure tho best tor your money? The training provided by our old established, reliable school produces the best results. Spring term from April 9th, followed by Summer Term trom July Ist. Write for catalogue now. British American Business College - km. ca. Building, TORONTO Irs .mfmmsos. Erincipul. THE BANK OVERCOAT nrticular atteujijn given to airing; Pressing and Cleaning. Merchant Tailor '. O. BAMSDIN, Bank of Nova Scotia U1 oaaa.saseit.ssttstdv' Esnuusmw 1855. Paints, Oils, Etc. RONTO UNION LABEL r-rs-es-VV . FOR YOUR _ IRWIN DEALER IN IT NOW GO TO Nails to Builders. Phone No.14 you tor that MOUNT DENNIS for that over- WESTON Phone No, W (I. w. c. BURRAGE Builder & Contractor NOTICE IS HEREBY GrVENfApt Fanny Maria Gogarty, of the Cyd'yelst Toronto, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, Married wo- man, will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at the next session thereof for a bill of divorce from her husband Maurice Gordon Gogarty, Veterinary Surgeon, formerly residing in the City of Toronto aforesaid, but who left Toronto on or about the 7th of August, 1912, stating that he intend- ed to go to the Town of Athabaska Landing in the Province of Alberta, an the ground of adultery and ileteer- Ion. Silk stockings ‘in black, and tan, 50e. a pair. Boys and Mens belts 25 and Me., at Coleman’s. Weston, Special made to measure pant sale, from $4.00 up, at Coleman's, Weston. Frank McDonald EDWARD MEEK, of the Mail and Empire Bldg., Corner of King trnd Bay Sta.) Toronto, Solicitor tor Fanny Maria Gogarty, the Applicant. Newly renovated and specially adapt, ed for the reception of Tungmmps and all e - Electrical supplies. ESTIMATES FOR WIRING CHEERFULLY GIVEN tgllJoseph Street. WESTON The Annual Meeting of the I Weston, York 8 [toblcgke 1pr. ' Society [ will be held in the imam Hall, Weston I Saturday, Jain. 18th, 1913, I At ONE 0%glock Iritp, l For the election of offieers and other business I Lambton Ave. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the , Riverside Ce etery Company will be held in the Cor . cil Chamber of the Town Hall, Wesgn. on Wedgsesday, January 22nd, IO , at 8 o'eloek p.m., for the Eloetion ' ()ffieetns and other business. . .77" mg. R DENNfCy , Rssnriuavsr. Gnome Groceries, TEAS, COFFEES, Etc. Butter and Eggs a specialty. Lambton Ave., MOUNT DENNIS. MAIN STREET, - WESTON Flour & Feed Electric dt Tung . Agent for MILTON PRESSED BRICK. Phone No. 106 ALBION HOTEL THISTLETOWN, ONTARIO W. H. O'DELL, special stock of GLUTEN MEAL, OILCAKE, BEAN, SHORTS, m. tdin from Weston and 'dist, are finding conditions most i's/iLtory in our West iiiiiij(iiiiii; and Show hand School. £39113“ and fine equipment .a theji disposal. A tess seat are" or Day Pupils. Call or write tor particulars. Kaela and Dundtus,-J. F. Foster, Principal, STUDENTS . A. BAYLISS, Application for Divorce FIVE ROSES FLOUR DRIVING PARTIES NoailiorcEt. Hal (titi'gito,' C,. ' 'lrl','ll,'5ieyl"' Neylaa Telephone 18 r ll, A. G. GOULDING, See'y. ton and din: I most exist: onto IP" oh 0 ca are" Oi DEALER IN Bealer in NOTICE. always on haw-d, Pronrietor Seeretilry . I The columns of this paper are open to an the ei1tizeusr, the sentiments I Dear Sir:-a very pleased to see that Mr. H. Rhodes replied 'to .the article in you; issue ot January |3rd anent the bug} collecting money ,on Xmas Day, asgI am sure it has 'igiven a lot of ingrmation to many ipeople in Weston. :11 for one, was not aware that the sgms obtained were ifor Xmas boxes, "(either was I at all certain as to whgiher the men were ever paid, in any fihture or form, and [all honour to them; tor doing as they lilo do. F _,'-' To the Editor wines & Guide.-- I Something weng wrong 'on Monday {with tgtg block seem installed late- }y’ on the C. P. im. between Weston {and Toronto, whim the train was a 'short distance gouth of Weston it awas stopped by Qhe electric signals, land a brealremanl" was sent forward 1to inspect the rams. It took over an hour to reach the Union Station, Fiiilt usually occupies abo.ut 25 ‘minutes. T I must say, it l:%d also crossed my mind too once 011i twice that it was a pity they aseedhor money at such a time, but then 1 did not know for what purpose it Was being done, or my donation wofild certainly have been doubled, 211$ in future I fancy that the Treasurer of the band ~wi11 find it being ddpe in many other Casts. Is it too gnuch to ask him to let us know latent on whether this is the case? j, expressed are not necessarily ours. Their concert at Massey Ham did them every are fit, and I sincerely hope the day is got far dintant when they will be able§to fill that building the more they 'e, become known and their excellent pttttormaneem Dear Mr. Editogr- If you will- nqymind printing a let- ter from a Iittljé girl of ten, I would like to write shoutcrossing the rail road tracks 1vii our way to school. Mother is always very frightened about the trains and tells us to stop and lookf’jboth ways before we cross the track) I have a sistereight years old and (a brother six. I take them both to i;school. At first we used to be vet', frightened to cross the tracks, but now I am not fright- ened at all. :1 don't see how that boy got 1rilket We always hear the trains coming-land sometimes we run to get over iit front of them. The other ehildrtu) run too', and we are hot a bit 313mm. Sometimes we climb under Ge trains when they are standing on {the crossing so as to get home quiigrer, my little brother nearly got killed one day when his class got out before mine and he went homo None. A man had lo catch holi oChim and keep him back till a train Went by, but he is only six years ood and doesn't know much. Sheard Virna, The Man at Lone Lake. g Harris Dean, Pioneers of the Cross in. Canada. T. Heeney Bretal, Pickanock. ' Hockjigag ooieph, Rosaleen O'Hara. Johnston Mgry, Cease Firing. Keith Mariam, The 'Black Bearded Barbarian. _'"', k Lincoln Joagph, C., THE? Rise of Roscoe Panie. "it) Lorrdopriritsk/lsA son of the Sun. Long Wiluyii, J., Beasts of the Field. reth'itt1 th wag Warnedâ€, The Day that Changed thiptrld. McCormack wiirfain, The Boy and big-FClubs. ' ' ' MEDougan John, "‘White Buffalo.†Rauschenbusch Walter, Christianiz- ing the Social Order. Sangster Margaret E., Eagtover Parish. Monday, Jan. f? Regular meeting of Weston Tow gCoyncil, in the I am ten and not a bit afraid of trains because I can run so fast and always get across quicker than the other girls _' Edi'ed Bv BERTHA DAWSONi (from evidence of children.) MacKay Isabel E., The House of Windows. ‘, Stewart Elihu, tsown the Mackenzie and up the Yukofn in 1906. Monday, Jan. 20--Regular meeting I.0.0.F.. in C)ddtellows' Hall, Church Street. A, -» Following'pre 20 more new books in the Library. , Feuvre Amy L., Tested. Gale Zona,) Christmas. Gordon B',ily.,' Quiet Talks about Our Lord's Return. Grenfell Wilfred . T., on 1mmoda- lity, f Council Chamgenrs afgg'clocg p31 Tuesday, Jan. 2 egular meeting Woodmen of the Fin Oddfellows' Hall, Church Street, af 8p.m. Friday, Jan. 24--Flegrlfar meetmg Humber Lodge, A. F. &. A. M., in Masonic Hall, Church St., 7.30 pan. CORRESPONDENCE WESTON PUBLIC LIBRARY MEETINGS NEXT WEEK. _ t ihu, 53mm t] Suki" in " rent wrong ttd 'r-Reg-UU; SYMPATHISER ular meeting "In palaces are heprts that ask, In discontent ar1P pride, Why life is such a: dreary task, And all good things denied? While hearts in pgorest huts admire, How love has ttrr their aid, (Love that will never, never tire), Such rich provxsjion made." Ineh's Lung Balsam stops that cough and Cure-a-Cold ngkes up a com. Two of the Cbuncillors went to New York last week to get pointers l Did you see any of the defeated candidates cards, remain in any of the store windows One hour after the election results weré handed out? l Billy, poor old Elly M,--Everyone please weep for: Billy. Sometime sduring the week the,tibove mentioned Tpersom purchased a 'azor at a local store. The said mayor was to save him the sum of twegty cents weekly. But when Billy eotimenced shaving there was many a (til) between the Irazor and lip in fact: it was all slips. 'But it's an ill wind that does no- ,body good, in this base it means 10 cents once more fog? the expert. , Votes for wornen!/well, -Well, there’s a lady just been gitren 146 votes and now they are not mitisiied. l, A special meeting of Thistletown ‘branch of the Wo§nen‘s Institute will be held on Tuesdtis, Jan. 21 at 2.30 Him at the hoxge of Mrs. Albert l Johnston. 5 . Two of the Councillors went to New York last week to get pointers on the Sewer problem. Reeve Bull, we’re here Imcause we're here, -' _" Con would like to know who are the two young Weston waits. An inquest will shortly be held on the stove in the Pilblie Library, it is being gradually .choked to death. Who is responsible)? Look out tor Mack now he has the house warmed up; Cheer up old boy it's all for the best. , _ Tom would not iiave the barn dance in the new house. Everybody had 'a good time from the infants to the old people. Harry dances fair only he needs a lot of room. C Dinger looked lonesome coming in by himself, but he enjoyed himself fairly Well, T F Welch likes to (have lots of com- pany, he'll be, am right only he is baBhfull, [ Joe is getting to be quite a dancer but he should have toe weights put on his boots to keep his feet down to the floor. 1 Garnet is a very good player only he makes bad time. What is the u/ts, of locking the stable door after gshe horse has been stolen. Well tho' person who took the horse might come back for the harness. It is @511 to be prepared anyhow. i There was a heavy snowfall from the roof of the Central Hotel during one of the latest thaws. It just mis- sed some passgrsahy': - I They {Were feeling “blue†_ And Bo Would You. ' 1 Dear reader if yog" was running ’a concert and had a hall crowded with iWeston's '"test" waiting for the pro- gramme to commence, and had no /'Talent" any nearer than Black ereek hill or there aboutson'a delay- ed street car. But all’s well that ends well. Albert will lear to dance all right if the ladies keep sking him. Did you feel tiff! "sting" in church on Sunday. 3; . Did Mr. sainsufry, Mr. A. B. Moi- fat or Mr. J. Bull. A load of hay wasiupset outside the Methodist Church cm Tuesday. The driver failed to misip the bumps. Don't go to the City expecting to save money on lines we are carrying Inch has them just as cheap and just as good- The weary mags friend, the Jam1- ary thaw, it cleans the sidewalks. Con is expeetitig something dread- ful in this week's Dans:- but he will be sadly disappointed. What did Bob find when he re the dust. _ moved Wecton cvrlers(are taking the rest cure till better ige is supplied by the weather man. a Lodger--Ts thatian the soap I get here? Landiady--y,es that's all we give _With gm rofitr Important things might happen be- fore the next issue of this paper. His head is justt Jirre the Times & Guide, why howsgthat, well its read all over isn't it.'), Who was it that')'telephoned some friends just to hear athe new baby cry over the phone? "C,: It is currently repkgrted in the Vil- lage that there is a inove on foot to unseat Dr. Irwin as {5} member,of the Water, Light and Power vCommission. '"r2fi/i'iC-iriiyn- -fii, take three rooms I must have a wash in the morning. There was a big-drop in the price of cutters on Monday. One young man remarked that he would have bought one if he had onlra horse to put into it. Don't let a little thing like that stop you said Mr. Aue- tioneer we'll sell you a horse as We'l. But there was no sale. Mrs. B', W. Wal B, Toronto, "gra- duate of the . erican College of Mechano Therapy3, will address this meeting on "Wo 'td you be Beauti- ful'?" The evenin' meeting which is a joint meeting ' the ThistletOWn Public Hall will gaddressmd by Mrs. Watts on “Young? Influence in the Home.†A11 will $110 well to attend these' meetlilgs agi, Mrs. Watts is a forceful. plgaemg (irpoaker, whose an» dresses have beenfmuch appreciated. A11 are welcome. 2 Wherever the Weston Band travels they are sure sto have good Rhodes. HEARD AT THE POST OFFICE CORNER. - THISTLETOWN Road Commissioniir Chis. Yeatman, has been provide; with a snow plough by the Towt1ship to be used for cleaning rall tth sidewalks from snow, at present i? does not appear as he will have mdgih use for it. The. request tor the Show plough was made by the ratepéyers. Branches in all the important Towns and Cities throughout Canada, as well as in United States, Newfoundland, Jamaica and Cuba. The accounts of Manufacturers. Builders and Tradesmen solicited. Farmers business given special attention Sales Notes cashed or col- lected on favourable terms. Certificates of deposit issued,, Savings Department. This Bank’s Books and Statements are annually examined by STRICTLY INDEPENDENT AUDITORS. Bank of Nova Scotia Eyes tested Free, Inch’s Cut Rate Drug Store. The thaw weath _ and wmd during the past few day caused the Hum- ber River to brea up at 2 o’clock this afternoon. _ WESTON BRANCH DEALER 1N Choice Beer, Lat, Veal. Ham and Bacon BUTTER AND ESGS A SPECIALTY. BUTTONWOOD AVE., MOUNT DENNIS Woodbridge Codiieil met in the Council Chamber in Monday at 11 o'clock. The inccgming reeve C, L. Wallace and Couneillors George Ellis- ton, Charles Elliott, George Wallace and Dr. P. D. McLean, were duly sworn in. The following were elected chairmen of the vtritious committees: Roads and Bridges, C, George Wallace; Fire and Light, Cgasr Elliott; Fin- nance, 'Dr. P. D. Mtirean. The Cours- cil then adjourned? to meet on the tirtgt Monday in Fegruary. A thoroughly responsible concern would like to get in touch with some- one well known in WESTON and District; someone who can follow up inquiries and intelligently present a high class proposition. References required. Must have someone who will not misrepresent-simply state Gets. This is a permanent and highly profitable position for the right man. Apply H, W. McCurdy, 502 Temple Building, Toronto, Ont. Choice Groceries, Woodbridge:Can§1rdian Club held their annual election of otficers on Saturday night. Tlle new officers are: President, John Af, Fraser; Vice-Pre- sident, C. L. 1,bnaetr, Secretary, James Hallett; Tthasurer, W. S. Bel- fry. Addresses W111 be given to the club members by {prominent Cana- dians during the Winter. Weston Rd. Practical Carriage Painter Automobiles. Buggies, Wagons and Signs Painted and Relettered The funeral of Eihe late Stewart Robb was held frog; his late maiden \ on s,"t,hattl.l'-4f)ltaose, Line to I?, geley u . ‘Djpceased was thirty- n-me years old. (tre is survived by Fresh and Smoked Flsh, gtyreellM6ru")iieTassed was thirt: n-me years old. i,tre is survived t his wife, four brotiiters and a sister BUTTONWOOD Ave , WESTON Rd. WOOD BRIDG.E' When we test your eyes, it is (1011le accurately. Inch Refractionist, wchPEARSON & MCEWEN- Deslests 1n ton. i Real Estate, Village and Farm NELSON JARRETT Mount Dennis 80 YEARS IN BUSINESS, CAPILAL PAID UP $4,527,000. RESERVE FU TOTAL ASSETS $67,000,000. . CASH RESERV: A. MILLER Dr. This Mirayrt DoYou Feel M. J. CONNOR, New Fruit, etc. _ _.t' 3e f restores thedaitif a9il spirits ind removes those painful symptoms tiéntiotiedsgibove. It has been sold_b_y dhdist.ftoii,pvtsgry,eare., jn (uid form, It is because of some dertingement or disease distinctly feminine. W f ‘e Dr. R. V. Pierce'l Faculty at Invalids’ Ho , Buffalo, N.Y. " Consultation is free d advice is strictly in eonfidenee. “a, -" Pierce’s ai" -E1.w0.b "'iG"'i;'oitii'i, 'iriaiiisiditSr%a iiathstaetion. It earl now be had in tablet form, tishiodified by R.V. Pierce, M. D. Sold? by 'rvi'edir'asi%s? @6393 'era in! gym! 532:? b'F?Tc'.B. ‘ by maii on receipt of 500 in 5:22:21}:st Opportunity for a Reliable Man in Weston DEAI ER IN MT. DENNIS. I r Real Estate. Village and Farm Propeuies for Sale or' to Rent. OEiee late Stewart Main St., Pppoaite the Bank of B.N.A. late rs:e,v:atj,i'ii'isf',ii. isccrseare,qt-%laphone con- FOR WOMEN ONLY Write PteggrAttLog, THE W Weston 5? :nection. A. S. FRASER, Manager. Lor FOR SALE-on Coulter Ave., 50 x 90. $10 00 per foot, Apply to Somhorn & Shrogan. Real Estate, Lambton Ave., Mount Dennis. 11 FOR edAruErA siyare Piano: in first, L(X?sr.----k SilverfMesh Bag, with small purse -§ontaining money and jewellery, Finder return to Times and Guide and receive reward. WaNCD--Aetiv'f Young Man to make himseltg generally useful around the shops: shady job, and good pay. Call p. Cruickshank & Sons. 't [ 9 .-r. class condition, will be sold eheapr, A splendid instru nt for a beginner. Apply to this offie 1 lor 100 LOTS FOR b'ALE--Buy one, build your nwn house. No Restrietiins 150 to 250 dollars per lot, Your own terms, North of Weston Samuel McCutcheo 1, Westox Road 'rmnt Dennis. 11 WAN‘ED Farm of 50 m 100 Acres, not more than 5 miles trom, Weston, in exchange for City Proper-s ty. Box 255 Weston A. M. McEWEN. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York and Peel offiee, Main Street, Weston. Long Distance Telephone. FOR HEN ---Four m m apartment suitable for ILgnt hoirerieepiog, hot \vatwr hea'iug electric light, bath,, ere Apply "irrrt&f?yidta, TEA\H FOR rHii'rc--yor Sleighing: Pa tits ur my clsss of we k. L‘haiges modervte,jt'd flrethewey Model; Farm, Weston, P '%? e 147. . HENRY RUSSELL, Licensed Auc- tioneer for City of Toronto and Counties of York and Peel. All orders promptly attended to. I have soveral good farm properties placed in my hands for sale, all within a few miles of the City of Toronto. I also have several house properties and vacant lots in the Village of Weston. My commission, if sale made, is 1 per cent on all prooerty. Phone Central, RICHARD WADE. Conner Avenue, delivery agent for the Dominion Express Company on all business in and cut within the town limits. Also baggage transfer and general cartage. Phone No 69. 88t J. K. McEll EN, Licenced Auctioneer for the Counties of York, Peel and Simcoe. Dealer in Real Estate. Vil- rage and Farm Properties for sale or rent. Odice Main St., Weston. Long distance telephone. RESERVE FUND $8,238,000. CASH RESERVES over $14,000,000 Condensed Advertisements taekaehe or Headâ€. 1e l Bugging Down Sensations tieivimi--Biains--. Ienderness Low Down. A Residence, John Street, tf tf