Times & Guide (1909), 24 Jan 1913, p. 7

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'r-,,.,, mmmym WNOS'rllf , Passengers on Allan Liner Have a _ Thrilling Experience. , ' A despatoh from St. John says: A _ narrow escape from destruction born fire and severe experiences by t,t'ltytl't and crew Were reported y the Allan Line. steamer Careha.. I teat which arrived here on Fris .ay nights from Liverpool; Tho Mame: left Liverpool December‘ $8 for ,St. John's, Halifax and Philadelphia. Capt“. McKillop said that when aha was three days out, her msrgo-ca,ught fire in some un-' oxpuinod . manner. The flames spread so rapidly that it was neces- sary to pump an enormous amount _ ot water into the vessel to drown ' theris out. The flre WM finally ex- , tinguished, but for hwelite hours the water was knee deep on the lower deck. It is estimated that repairs "i"jjiijjiiii'srmniE m YEAR Gain of Nearly A dewspabch from Ottawa, says: Canada’s tonal trade for the twelve months of the past year passed the bil1iowdollar mark by a little over tive and a. half million dollars. Final or detailed fig11ros will not be available for some weeks yet, but the returns received so far by the Trade a,nd Commerce and Cut toms Departments? @th that the billion-dollar mark haa been well $868911, As compared with the ominion'a trade for 1911 this re- Ere' a. gain of nearly $189,000,- , or 28 por cent. Imports for tho past twelve months totalled ap. proximately $654,000,000, while ex- tg" amounted to nearly $352,000,- ll. The gain in imports was near- b $140,000,000, while exports in- creased by nearly $49,000,000. Only one oouney in» the world rivals liniqne Result of Sending Icebreak- ers to Fort William. A dospatdh from Fort William Be'. Ready with the first breaking of ice in Thunder Bay and Lake Sn- perior to steam out of the harbor to their destinations, sixty vessels are tied up at the elevators in Fort William with 13,000,000 bushels of grain in their holds. This work, which has never been equaled at the head of the lakes, is due to keeping tho harbor open after ttavi-. gation had closed. The vessels Were able to move to different ehr. who” with little or no assistance and without any undue rush. lar hreakem are breaking ice two feet thick in tho harbor and will 0011- $inae to keep the river open until lanuary 20. Practically all the Vessels here have been loaded, and there will be no necessity of work being done alter the ice breakers quit. _ to the vessel will cost $10,006. A Urge part of the general cargo was damaged. _ imports Prom Dominion Iilxeeeiitil Only by Those From India. A despatoh trom London says: A Government return shows that Ono-ads. gent here last year twenty- one and a half million hundred- might of wheat, the next largest tsue, to tretrtivt millions fern gm East Indies. Canadian cattle imported totalled 6,800, as against 42,239 in 1911. The value of Cana.. am bacon sent here was $1,175,- $00, over six hundred thousand has tlluus in 1911, The United Kingdom cent Canada 1,600,000 gallons of spirits. The most noticeable thing about British exports to Canada’ig mike steady drop in raw material, “ind the steady iporeasur' in finished 1UNADA% WHEAT IN BRITAIN madman“ A deapatch iron; Kingston saga: Iss an address tar more romantic Mn the story of Cobalt, the great g6stild1Woss of the dairying indus- an of Ontario were \ievealsd to the Dairy-men’s Association of Eastern (0neario by Charles F. Whitley. of qhe Dairy Division of the Federal 9oposrtment of Agriculture. Even iittd most inveterate optlmiat must, hive been startled. Startling Results Announced by Chas. F. Whitley at Eastern Dairymen's Association Meeting "Ontario has 1,235,000 milk sows,” said Mr. Whitley. "With an {new of 011?le each the anthrax revenue der from them might tttdl', over $1§,000,0§0 a. r r, In t a vary a. ma E pouiblo at“ ',glllt1i.l 391v Mr. Whit-lay an that automatic 1 vow-bolting, the bedrock prindi lei' if dairy herd irnprowspoent, was is» 1 taming more genus! throughout: ON FIRE IN MID-OCEAN. SIXTY VESSELS READY. 'ly 23 Per Cent. Over the Dominion's Record for Previous Year Canada in the percentage ot tram: growth during the past few years, namely, Argeseins. By the and of the 11st year it is expected that Canada will have reached tenth place among the countries of the world in respect of total trade. The Dominion'a trade has doubled within the past six yea,“ and treb- lod within the past thirteen years. Canada in The principal gains in exports during the past year have been in exports of agriculture, mines and manufactures. The increase in ex- ports of agriculture has been over twentrfivo millions, in mines over twelve millions, and in msautac- tures over seven millions. Exports of the forest and of animals end their products have shown a, falling off of several millions, due, doubt- less, to the increased demands: of the home market. Austro-Oanadian Lute by the th P. r, R. is Rumored. A despabch from Montreal says: Mr. G. M. Bosworth, Vice-Presi- dent of the C.P.R., would neither ooafirm not deny the rumor that the Canadian Pa,ciho Railway will shortly inaugurate an Ausrtmrtamv, diam steamship service, "The oompanr" Mr. Boswdrth said, "has not made any definite deeis- ion regarding such a service, and at: the matte; stands now it is only a rumor." The rumor current in London is that the proposed line will run directly from Trieste to Canada, and that Montreal will probably be the landing art in summer and St. John in Waite“. Countess of Aberdeen Opens a Negro Baby Show. _ A despatch from Philadelphia says: The Countess of Aberdeen, wife of the Lord-Lieutenant of Ire. land, who, with Miss Violet As- quith, youngest daughter of the British Premier, is visiting this city‘ Tent Wednesday inspecting the Phipps Institute and other in- stitutions for the treatment at tu- bsreulosis. Miss Asquith devoted her time to social engagements dur- ing the afternoon, but at night ao- oompenied Lady Aberdeen to the opening of a baby-eeving show in the negro section of the city. man and two children were badly burned. In the residence of one Hick, an employer in Price's paper mill, a gasoline lamp exploded, in- stantly killing Mrs. Lilaburn, a. Servant in the, family. Mrs. Hick and two of her children were badly burned. How. the explosion oo- curred is unknown. The home was only tslightly damaged, faction and profit. _ Comparing the performance of the three hundred best cows' in Ow. V Italic: with the three hundred poor- xgst, Mr. Whitley said tho recorders working under his direction had ’obtaéaed some amazing information (Last year. Tho three hundred poor animaJa had yielded $33.33 each, the cost being $33, leaving a profit of ttft oisnt's. The best threa hun- dred cows yielded 8104 each; teed mart 'e Cgnawing $64 prxsht per ani- mal. The best three hundred gave out two million wands ot milk moire than me poorest three hun- dred. Thus the startling discovery "ram ma,das tint each ene ot the Jonquiere Woman Killed, Another _and Two Children Burt. " despatd1 from Quebec says: A fatal accident oedurted on Thurs- day" night at? Jonquiere, '10 miles from i3hiiyoutieiti, bywhich one wo- man lost her liferand another "f' mttrtit Bacon Eaten by London Family- Kills Two. Children. A despa’oah from London, Ont., gays: John Murphy, the eighteen- months son cd John Mur by of Blaekiriu’s street, West fenders, died at Yhsttiria Hospital on Wed- nesday of tomaine oisoning. Bis 'l',',',",,'.!';,',,,)',.'",?) sister, Sl,",'?,:),")':, Bt10- oumbed to eonvuisions induced by the Mme cause on Tuesday. The malady is attributed to the eating of bacon, which ia said to have been in tb stats of putridity. ' SECOND DEATH FROM POISON. the Province, and the cams that were not morrermakears were being weedesd out. Disorder and chaos were giving way to system. satis FROM TRIESTE T0 CANADA. GASOLINE LAMP EXPLODED . 'ttree hundred good com made 825 mutt pvcdU an tttg ad $1:va kbd, INTERESTIN G EVENT. WWW talii9Millilitii The Favorite of a KIrup-Art unusual Event INTERESTING BITS 0F GOSSIP FROM THE QUEEN CITY. , T --An Alum-man's opportunity-Loot" _ option-A Bright Newsboy. The visit of Gaby Deslye presented I curious study in pyschology. In ability and arppearenoe the lemon: young wo- man has little to distinguish her from thousands of other actresses. She in nei- ther a great singer not a great danoer and her beauty is ot the not uniwmiliar doll type. But the taot that, according to . “you. she was once the favorite of a. King is 'her great. asset. The theatre was crowded at every performance. and hours before the doom opened each miter» noon and evening a string of man ex- tending several blocks lined up at the gallery entrance ready for the rush Beats. The unusual curiosity to see the former bourgeois girl who has taken the name pt Gabrielle of the Lilies. must be put down to a species of abnormal flunkyiem ~which in curious a,bout everything per- taining to a. King. There may be game satisfaction in knowing that Toronto in by no means alone in this weakness. Al. though it is reported that Gaby was mowing of a. front in Montreal. her success in praotioally all American oitie has been phenomenal. Even in Englang shelled a. marvellous run and some of the ”moles about, her segmenting even in staid beware and magazines were ot the most making tygle, shredding her with a complexity of c six-enter and wonderful mentality which it agplied to a. Cleopatra woald_hpve been his; praise. As a. mat. -__ --.r. 1..--.. nun-nan, “on“: new“: wen n... ,__V-,, for of fact, she is an ordinary women. of not uncommon type, who travels with her husband. who is also her dancing gunner. Bat she has a. press agent who making her fortune. , l Mr. O'Neill's Success. l The surprise ot the Municipal election‘ tn,Tororrto was the phenomenal vote polled by John O' sill in the pane for the Board of Control. Mr. O'Neill is a Liberal Roman Catholic who in Orange Tory Toronto polled the second highest Toto ot the eleven candidates. I a is just one of those unusual events which sometimes vary the monotony of; voting in ',?fltvgeiti"'ta', unusualtgty. . _ T ML O'Neill s a. man oU914 little per-' sonal strength; He has tirtrtiiitiait, afNye. tiszzelt-e element. its-hrs 'ma‘xe tip" w23deY prsyrrtsctr.iotlikir easily and holds them fast. He is also a. min of wealth, being largely interested in real estate and in several hotel properties, one of which. the'St. Charles; is a welLknown down-town pro-petty controlled by his brother. Home criticism has been offered against Mr. O’Neill's campaign on the ground that he spent too much money. There is no suggestion that any of this money was event for corrupt purposes, bat he used. printing fnd advertising verry ex. tensively as well as other means o pro- motinit his campaign. One report states that his election cost him not less than 35.0% His salary in Controller wil lie 2.500. The argument if that snag a. son a of emnditure makes t imgossl lo logos poor man to 'Ile (or the card ot no trot. or it he 00! run, that/he will be ses"",', to lit, his necessary ’expensea if ms t or ot er improper» means. a; s e 31-31% or miller improper means 'l who ltimam expense of the only. It in 1]:er glut the movement to mqu re the publica- a?“ of all election expenses and aim-ha a limit them will assume eons 'Jfa',llll rrroport one. At the Council Board there are nun; new facea, including Dr. Marni Wicket. the "high brqw" candidate w o headed the poll in bis ward. Dr. Wickett now has an exfellent chance to put his theories of Mimic pal Govet‘nmem into prmtgoe His friend] my he will make good. il he does. he will have little “out“; in be. ing elected to the Board ot Contra in the Mar future. and ppsgible layo'm 2t nun: Luuuxv nun vauuv v"',""-" 4,- "e""" eT",1,t chair. especially as during the my year or two tt calibre of Conser- vanven ofNrine for t 3 highest position' in the any hm not been, in some instant» as. nearly up to the standard of the Eu”, ig, Toronto. For this reason the pa Is of T Wickett. who is a t'p1hif,til" Conner: wave, oughe to be ens ex- than it, other- wise would be. Muniokpal elections throughout ttte Province hare now come to be oversha- dowed. an in an Maren in Toma“; 19 'lit,"'?,',','," by the local option ttttmot' trn. 1th the results this year both umber- ance and liquor men profess to be easin- tiod. To the Temperance forces the not that may held practically all of the muni- ciuahties where repeal; of the acts were Ittempte.d is woof that in no section of the provmco hm; sentiment begun to turn agawst thq page, and the fact 3.11th “an.“ an. “NW. w-.. UrAAb.f "Wim-'- a.” those municipalities already held they have been able to add a considerable number of others is particularly encour- aging; O.n.-the other hand, the liquor forcee rejowe because such notable con- tests as the proposal to reduce the num- ber_of licenses in Hamilton and the 1oeal Outloq -oortt.est in the city of Peterboro went lrl their favor. to say nothing of the large number of important towns and villages which they also held. prosty.thelt). facts. they argue that the local opnou pr prph.ilrition wave has about reached its htshrht. 1 ' The rH3eEley on polling night when the INV tnrns were hen-11%o received at the head- Quarters of the minion Alliance was in some respects an impressive one. A large atendanco composed of ministers and laymen “a woman prominent in facial work was fired with something o the spirited crusaders. The gang]- with which tile! arose and sang the doxology was tsitFairt of further ,'1tJ,tt" to come and {1th indication of the Suit that a. moral an: u likely to have a one life. A Newsboys Fortune. It is not, Anni: penguin? no, pity a ESstby Hemmer a may seem to be poor. ammy Llohtmait, who sells papers at. the corner of King and Yong. tru., is now the owner of property valued at $25,000. Be tIll one lot the other day at a profit of 10,000. He has: made this money by "ll. §%E_aners at le. apiece and br tt,',eht "e m‘m‘eeds. It is the result 02:50:11.; 1 or 12 veara' work on the “not. were» Md. Wickett's Opportunlty. MAP SHOWING PROBABLE DIVISION Interest In Local Option [all ~W1-HHV" , . a be mus- . . B the itsot . “the muni- ' act were , section of . . an to turn = at that to ' held they ' )nsidermble , '1y encour- f the liquor ki )tayble 0011- , a the uum- , - 1 the local ' --- Peterboro ' q sing of the . L towns and ' g From these ' a 1 option or 'h li 'eached “3‘ l t men the re- I a the Magi- ' - - _- I ' t to. 83mm is, of course. a, young l of animus; endowments. no In; 'lit) maneyama "MW.""'ir has tlr', o _ email- and a “my. lien h tom: , can d 116% sell name" fast enough i - self, he it upon the scheme a buying them whole; P and genial: at qt boys to Work for gm. He has can t had”; in tho wmgation at th News Boil Union , at er move Jili, Icahn? as. wart: t e betterment a 2. fd and Man, He thi', be is you]; to at nowapape‘i' bus near next. summer. 11 [i may be a tone ”he before Sammy (ya up his iiriiia the jetty-es,” 001-qu ot, Rina 'ii'iifeaisr L" 7 giimaip now how rag/pen In: like: tho gunmen. Deaths Have Been Reduced to 19.99 Per 1,000 ot Population. A despatch from Montreal say-3: Montreal citizens' health is improv- ing, according to latest reports, During 1911 the percentage of deaths was 21.19 per thousand of population, but in 1912 this had been reduced to. 19.99. Deaths of children under five years; of age in 1912 numbered 49.92 per thousand. Deaths from consumption in 1912 numbered 895. MONTREAL’S HEALTH BETTER Canadian, Central a Labrador to Run from Cochrane Eastwardp A despatch from Ottawa says: A railway from Cochrane, Ontario across the great new hinterland Cl Quebec, to Cape M. Lewis, in Lab- rador, with branches to the mouth of the Hamilton River and to the city of Quebec, is projected. Tbe Canadian Central & Labrador Railway Co. has given notice of ap- plication to Parliament this session in a. Acharter for the undertaking. I1ire-year-oli1 Son of Rev. B. o. Jolliffe Shot by Chinese Robbers; A despatch from Pekin " a: Chinese robbers shot and kilfed John, the 1p,rig,r:i1d, son ot the Rev. B. O. Jol Ws of tho Canadian Methodist mission.' A party of missionaries were returning by boat to the town of Tzeliutsing. when they were attacked by the robbers, between Chengw and, Chungking, in the province of Szechuen. One M the robbers was captured. but the rest took to flight, Company Shortly to Erect One of 700 Rooms in Montreal. A despatch from Montreal my“ Mackenzie & Mann, or the Cana- dian Northern Railway, will short- 1y commence the erection of a large ssevyphundred-ro5m1 hotel'in Mont- real. The new hotel will face on McGill College avenue, and be within two blocks of the new C. N. R; station. __ NEW' RAILWAY, PROJECTED. MISSIONARY’S SON KILLED. J Speculation means risking o gambling your money, whil- invmtment is defined by safe ty of principal, combined wit; a fair interest yield. When we try to interaat yof1 in bonds, we offer you thehighest e1ass of investment, where safety of principal is aorurtsd--- and " earned on your money. HUGE 0. N. It. HOTEL. $plii00llATi0# 1l)WE8TMiiii)lT " TURKEY. VS. l " FEMS (lf FA EEFGNTS FROM THE LEADINn Tttat" , CENTRES OF AMERBCA. "(an a! Cattle, Gram. Chases arm on»: Induc- u Hams am: Abroad. $10. a. 891-20: feed wheat, 650. ontario. wheav-No. 2, 9M to Me for car lots outside, ranging down to 700 for poor trsqsdms.. ' Guiana Oats-No. 2 white, 350 to Me at western points, 570 to 580 on track, To- route. Manitoba oats-No. 2 c. W. oats, 411-40, trerctt, 133:? gents; No. 0 C. W., 591-40; No. 1 feed. 3912 . for yg."'et shipment. QavgrvAmerigan o. 6., all Tail, Toronto, Dgéember shipment, Mb4s. _ we- A m .A A- m on an“ 1n+u out. -rareVo, aide. - - Ivan. 2seat--Wo. 2, 470 to 480. ( negro. 2, 19, to 76c. 11d Oats-- er bag of 90 pounds, $2.- W, 4t,', barrel. $4.85, Wholesale. Windsor- to anneal. Je'"'"'" making. outside, 600 to t"gtiititp/, ba bran, 819.00 to $20.- N, in t,',St Town/do; shorts, $22.00 g: , dmrig bran, macaw $20.00, in an . 9% $2 $825.00. anitoha ldur~ {tine gamma, $5.30 in ate hm: second pa p a, $4.80 in jute an; “For": bakors', $4.60 in jute bags. :1”on an, ten cents more per bar- e . _ Ontario WWW“; Jtrl $333 90 T pa on ' l 11 , it . to ttidNis'ltl"l gown”. and $3.90 sea- 62 ”var" iil,; 'iii hi; [ n t1'Ltitl ate but“ fistk: ""1 Et, 06660: Toronto, J an. 14.-Hsrnitoba wheat-Lake maybe, tio." z_tosrther,_m_f4 $120; No. 21920; waif from 'lQ'll l strictly mm- and neg-la. dn opt. Mo. Lu) v1 vuuu, .v..-, -., -ee T _ ii) to t'sC., five turkey? 150 to IN; geese. to fiks. Dressed pantry, M to a, above live quotations. excepting dressed turkaya " 20trto1t11t. _ ' A a“: v t: '"i'2"zd7r'i%'GCis £2 this 3-40; to Me. . Quotations, hack, Toronto:--Bahsd hay, No. I, $13.50 to $14.00; No. 2, $9.50 to $10.50; lip. ' $8.00 to $9.00; Baled straw. $9.50 to no. o, 810.00. Momma“, Jan, IC-Cheese-Pina" west: 'Mt, 18o to 131-40; do.. finest eastern, 121- to 12 Mo. ButteruchoiceM cream- er? 50a to 301.40: It; seconds. Mi-te to gt -tt t%r,Iit.'.11s" to 60c; do., select- ed. tt to 20; do., o. 2 stock, 210 to 220. Potato-par bag. car lots, 75a to 85c. United States Markets. tf.','."",',","),," Jan t4.-Wheat--Mar, 86 3-4.3; J y 1i.'tt', Ito. 1 hard, 811-4c; No. genial-n, g) 853Me; No. 2 do., 82e to 3340. thnm-- o. 5 yehow 411-20 to 420. oata-rNo. 3 white, 300 to 361.40 Bye-No. il MIA, to 531.20. Brahma!) to, _819.5tl. ihiiii,iiiyitiiitjf - . Duluth, Jan 4.-.-Whtsat--No. 2 hard; 95c; No. 1 northgrrt, Mo; No. 2 do.,. 820; July, 38.140 asked; May, 870 bid. __ ,4 I Coiossz Live Stock Markets. T T" Montnul, Jan. .r-ii,"ig'lit" steers, $2 to $7.25, mood at $6.50 to $6. F, bdrm. 85.50 to $6, common at $4.50 to $5. and canners ' $2.75 to $3.25 per ’10!) poundsn Lambs, t) to $7.25 and sheep " to $5.25 for ewe- ger 100 pounds. Calves ranged from $3 to ll each. an to size and quality. Sales of ireleeteit Iota of hora were nude heer an steady prices. Togomo, Jan. 14.-itt1tr--Cherioe butch. ' 6.25 to $6.85: good medium, $3.25 to 35. $t common, $2.7 to $3.75; cows, $3 to $6. , bulls, $3 to $5.25; gunners, $2 to $M . Calves-good veal. $7 to $9; com. Mon, " to $3. . Shockers and Peederir- ttttr, 656 to 750 lbs,, at $3.25 to 83.60t teed as bulls, 600 to 1.000 Ibtu, at $2.75 to $4.25; ,rea,r1tsito, $3.15, to $3.50. Milken and stnopstg-rrrom $50 to $80. Sheep and tiiliribrr-rLitrht ewes, $4.76 to $5.25; heavy wge. $3Ho $5.50: lambs. $8 to $8.65. Ietrtl':t ' fed and watered, and $8.25 to . ' .0. . it} ERR. Two Men Sentenced for Stealing $2,250 of Aloham‘lo Gold. _ A despatch 5mm London, Eng- lamd, says: That there exists a company for the making of, gold by alchemy was dimbsed in a case heard in the London Sessions, when two men were charged with steal- ing thirtysone huddredwe1'ght of alchemio gold of the value of $2,250 from the prosecutors, the Alchemy Gold Company. Limited.' The men were convicted, and stsntxseed 'to terms of imprisonment. A despatch iroin London says: The Government has decided that the next great work in its 15w- grammé of social reform, to be un- dertaken 3,5 soon as the. Home Rule, the Welsh Diseatablishment- and the Franchise Reform Bills awe dispos- ed of, will be " eolosisol scheme for impr'ovapytrtst Jo airspeptgry, secon- EBUCAHGN BY THE STATE men M,t1,rtlt selling prices 'e'- itl; racemes eggs, 250 to 28c in case Ft ('Sil are so ling at 300 to 32m trst1.e mm- aid " 400, and American MAKING GOLD BY ALCHEMY. Montreal Country Produce. salad Hay 'and straw. country Produce. al Scheme to be Subject of the Next British Government Legislation Breadstufts, tr.ti"Ghiiir, car lots out, $5 PRWEES :éi‘r‘jf: m.~m am: . Fis2fr:32, " gi8.B5 Newman F Iii, 93539355, “murdered togeuagr. t P. k 5EEitg itrh Ee, 'W I , , _'.trraii1"it.,hhfii)1ltiiir' LN - , q Canaan. Humm- , 135 gg ' t cows:- tanks. chunk-5 rouimuttrr ' tet 'We'Net,t,' ‘ ttrBcrlttis than. ssnrriihrtfi'irr. 91%;: WEE NEWS tl A frulgljPll 135 tim co Br mun. noun W,,2d, stii'i?,i.", 'ii?teeF,ltii, . l . . . , drgyhut,'1,trahWf2ti3T4llllr' --e "iihiiediisirseiNeuqrartpit can Eo_ry_23_9, Raging! Wis" lb. B. A. HAPPENINGS FROM ALL DVEII THE GLOBE IN A NUTSHF‘LL. Canada, the Empire and the Worm In General Before You: Even. _ Canada’s field crops in 1912 to: tailed in value $600,000,000. John Brooks of Lindsay commit. ted suicide without apparent may son. R. T. Woodside, of Cornwall, dropped dead while going bond from work. . 's The Duphess of Cohnaught is oat (Kathe dangerous stage of her ills [1683. Hamilton temperance folk may call for a recount of the license " duction ballots. -- - -i,gridon" Ldv" has fifteen Alder. men owing to recent annexatiOI constituting a, fifth ward: "ijaris 1iitckay, aged 20, of Bat ilton, ended his 1i 0 with carbona- acid The six-year-old son oi Lorna Jackson of Mount Farexst was thrown off a sleigh, breaking hid neck. _", _ MAM Moritrei1 convent employee was arrested on a 01133100 of trying to thrust a little girl into a. {use nace. Mr. Lewis Toole, Mount Albert, was elected President of the On, tario.Agrircultura,l and Experimeno cal Union. l Mrs. J. B. Y. Simpson, formerly Miss Minnie Bloor, teacher at las gersoll, was drowned in a British Columbia- wreck. __ . _ " _ Looking for a, gas leak in tho London Institute of Pubtic Health; Christopher Peake, a plumber, found it. Many windows ware hm ken. _ Mrs. Thom Taylor is dead iron coal gas, near Wolseley, Sash, he! husband, two boys and a domes/big were all seriously affected, and the soyngest,boy may not recowfr. ' Reporting to the Eastern 01mm Dairtmen'a Association, J. A, Ruddick, dairy commissibner, Ott tawa, said that in 1909-11 the value of the total exports of dairy pro, duets increased by several @110? dollars, but the figuros for 191 showed a. decrease in the quantity of all products in total value ot $5,000,000 odmpared with 19m Canaditm statistics did not show a single pound of butter 3.5 havin been shipped to England slnog’ April 1 last, 9 ' ",. 'Great Brita.” ,1 The Irish home rule bill, mails: further progress in @mpiytge. l. ‘. t uu’buxn va-Bxc-oa Au """'a'"'""T'T' .9? j", " British actresses decided tirrjiitltiri(i' at House of Commons during '-rtl'tjiiiF)', chise bill debate. f; _. = V us., " as " grti'ad FE5, 125Egthuadeati C f3 - a" , am! Frepdet 1%" T The engagement is announced of Ada, the youngest daughter Field-Marshal Eaail Roberts, ' ' Major Lewin, of the Royal Fiisl Artillery. She is 37 years. of ago. i T336 rtl,trt,m given by thg Ministerl Lats its (gm; the ling trt: oannot be rlealt with, unt t 9 land valuation 1sishmikr finders Itn in David Lloyd George’s Emmi outs tldget is completed and that, lthis will require at Immat- another couple of years. ' i The ex lanatipl slt1ll,'.i.td'dl'latt 'd [iitirii'iC'i oanynot .be "irruiiial,b"u damage was done tt the lemon and orange crops in thui,, fornia owing to_heavy frost.. United States. There is an epidemic of spinal} meningitis at Cairo, Ill. The Empress and Dowager-Ems; press otpuysia, yre both ill. 1 -- Interesting,r evidenoé was given an to huge profits befpre cthe United General. A woman was executed at Shams- hai for persisting in the "IKM' of opium. _ _ _ "rt is reported that the sewers will urge Turkey to cede A Viano, plgdto Ihe Bgdkan 1lli,es. "I . élaggziutgéy trust inquiry "Hil, bx'esident of the Hungarian Chamber fought another duel and wounded his aa1t4igonist tem of education was chaomc {we must be altered. It would be an, expensive problem to handle, and the expense must not be borne by the. taxpayers. It would be a. pro- ductive expenditure, and was abso- lutely necesgnry "if our proddetivs power is td be maintained in com» paeison with that of our rivahs,"he added. Canada. was chaotic and It would be)“ to handle, and :m’r be borne by would be a pro- at; i,

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