Times & Guide (1909), 21 Feb 1913, p. 8

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F Wowam 'fl What is iifjiliiiicii'ibi:iih The Eind fal Em Aiways Bought ':, GENUINE Csi'keftfi".,tt'j)FtiiA ALWAYS Cttstoria is a harmless smhttitutts for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and soot1r1rsg,issiups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, rd,irrahine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its ssgd,twFtee. It de'stroys “forms; and allays Feverishness. Egalu'es Diarrhoea» and Wired Colic. It relieves Teething roubleg, cures Constipation and Flatuléncy. It assimil tes the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, givizt ' (pieayhy and natural sleep. The CVUdren's 's)'Ji1rre(lr-'ift'i( JiiVft1aer's Friend. - The Kind You Have AlwayiBom,rht, and which has been in use for over BO years, has borne the signature of and has been madelmdcr his per- dLhaai"iiii,is,', sonal supervision since its infancy. . I . Allow 119 one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, limitations {and "gust-es-good" are but 1iliperriments that trifle with imd éndanger the health of Infants and C11iiarerr-rsxpe,rienct against Experiment. Dealers in all best Foreign and Canadian Granitgs LITALIAN STATUARY FOR CEMETERY OR PARLOR Eargest Show Room, with most select stock of Monuments in Ontario MONUMENTAL. WORKS Comet Posts, $5.00 to $8.00. Grave Tablets, $5.00 to $25.00 Monuments in Stock, $50.00 to $400.00 y ft WA . RDF¢' UA. ws,. . Prices right and satisfaction guaranteed, as we have 119 agents to misrepresent, all work having our personal attention 1706 Dandas St. WEST TORONTO. Sheppard, SHEPPARD WATCH, CLOCK and JEWELRY Repairing a Specialty . Children Cry for Flleteher's Jeiveller and Optician. Marriage Licenses issued. THE. Via/A TCHIWAKER All work promptly repaired ”mud guaranteed. Charges moderate (Near Royce Avenue andithe New .P.R. Depot) in Use For Over THE CENTAUR COMPANY. 77 MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. I476 DUNDAS STREET WA/WDEirL.L'S Special Designs furnished if desired Phone Junction 190 WORKS AND SHOWROOMS; C w WARDELL Ape. The . . . V Watchmaker, 30 Years M.aql Services Lords Day, 11 am and 7 p.m. Sunday School, 3 p.m. Men's Bible Class, 3 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday 8 p.m. Bible Study, In- ternational S. S. Lesson. Friday a p.m. - The following cdrnmunieations were read'-- 3 . - I From Montgoméiry, Fleury & Co., re Fees. . i . Divine service next Sunday at 11 o'clock tum. ETOBICOKE TomaNSHIP COUNCIL in the Cougar (Earnhar. the Reeve in the Chair. 1sMDep-Reeve J. Dan- dri'dge, 2nd i,o.'pjeis,'c; W. Jackson. Councillors, T. :. elworth and S. Wright present. ?, _ . V From Victoria industrial School, re New Toronto 'iewerage Ma'inten- ance. 71 From Lake siiore Printing Co., Tender for Printinf . - - From A. G, coianhoek, Tender for Printing. li From Times & 'puide, Tender for Printing. _ s" On Sunday next, Mass will be eele- brated at 10 a.m. Priest in charge Rev. Father Staley. From Jos. Peaebck, tendering re- signation as Poundkeeper. T lst Sunday-Mattias at 10.30 Holy Communion (Choral) at 11. 2nd Su1rday-Matt'ms at 11 3rd Suslay-Holy Communion after Mattins at IL . . 4th Bunday-Mattins at 11. 5th Sur1day--Mattins find Litany at 11 a.m. Mattins and ,Sermon. _ 3 pm. Sunday School. 3 p.m. Adult Bible Class. 7 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. Celebration of Holy Communion, first Sunday of the month at 11 am-! third Sunday at 8 am, T Public service at 11 a.m., and 7 pm Sunday School and Adult Bible Class- es at 3 p.m. 11 Public Worship" at 11 a.m., and 7 pup. Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes at 2.45 p.m. Rep B. R Strangways, B.A., B.D., Pastor. Every Sunday Evensong at 7. Sunday Schooi, at 3 p,rn. T On Saints' Bays Holy Communion at 10.30. On Sunday next, service will be held in the Church at JI a.m., ‘and 1n Westminster Sunday School Auditor- ium at 7 pun. Sunday School at 3 Westem (ah ki [slate (am TORONTO. - ONTAREO CARNIANGAY is _a RAILWAY CENTRE-the shipping point territory-; has a magndieent behool House, three ,grain Elevators, th] residences; owns and operates its own Water and Eyeetrie Lighth seIf-reliant commonwealth. - The lots we have to offer' are in the Original Townsite, and only a few minutes walk from the OER. Railway Station. Your capital, however small, is sufr1eient to take advantage of this exceptional opportunity, So Get In On The Ground Floor. , "BE SURE YOU’RE RIGHT, THEN GO AHEAD "--Davy Crockett. booklet, map, price ligt, etc. Then you will be sure to go ahead, much to your o The (hy1neirrne(, on February 10th Every Sunday Holy Communion at THE CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. ST. JOHN'S (ANG.) CHURCH. ST. JOHN'S (R.C.) CHURCH x///’ I ll ' tisritiiji0,,,() PRE SBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. T. Beverly Smith, Rector J. Hughes-Jones, M.A., Rector Gore M. Barrow, Curate J. Hughes-Jones, M.A., Rector. I“ Lby, Yr/ff get, w w/y/ zii,iit: ATV/r .zW/I’O/r/ :'i.i.t,'iivit $3715. 1" . "WM; eijtirii'ii'ie, Rev. Thos. Campbell, Pastor h, ar,' , ///Nl:' " /pyy'i'.rfsrfr.. 'ij,":,))':,')..)):':)):':::)',:.;' 'it,i'isi"j,/iii,fl'i'iilr'i'"t'i'ic 73. 66 éifi (i', iijj,j)'i ",/iitu2,itlirkyY, / CH URCH SERVICES METHODIST CHURCH METHODIST CHURCH Rev. J. w. H. MILNE, B. A I V // teijf)iijiivij,l,/ia/:l,; BAPTIST CHURCH BAPTIST CHURCH MOUNT ST. PHILIPS. fag! {39E ffiifiti,itlJ: 502 Temple Building, Invest your cash in Western Land, Without procrastination, You’ll have a fortune in your hand, And help to found a nation. C. W. Marsh, Pastor DENNIS As the Poet says: and for anyone who buys land in that enterprising, flourishing and. progressing town. Arc From J. N. Scott, re Government Road East of Ipither's Road. From Toronto Western Hospital re Mrs. Florence H ’bexts. Also re Miss (gh-arlo'tte Weir. Danldrldge -- Delwcrh --' That the thanks ot this fCounvcil be and the same is hereby tendered to the mana- gers of the Union Bank, Sunnyside, Mimico and Isliilgton, the Molson's Bank at Lambton Mills, and the Banc of Britnshz North America at Weston, for the yrivilege accorded to ratepayers of this Township of pay- ing their taxes it these Banks and that a copy of t] e resolution be for- warded to the mlrnasers of the Banks named." Carrier From Ceen1ritisi,s Limited, re Jetter- son Parm. l "From Moutgoiery, Fleury & Co. re York Radial 3am. EtoLi o_e Rail Way, / A 7 From%trtett & Craig Ltd, re Im- provement on Fisher's Road. Delwcrth - uirndridge--'mrat the whole Council ibe a Committee to meet with reprtsentatives from the York and Vaug1ian Townships Coun- cil at Mr. Robeit Topper's on Satur- day the 15th inéstant, re opening of Town Line betWeen York, Vaughan, and Etobicolrt."1 Carried. Dandridge - Délworth~ "That the engineer be 21d lie is hereby it1strcet- ed to report on "fthe cost of. lowering the hill on aue'im Street rear Mr. Brown's, also the cost of putting a brick crossing ion Queen Street at Conbmn's Avec) and _Qne at Fred- erica. Street." qarried. Dandildgt--rrip1tr'That, the clerk be and he is hereby instructed to Call the attention of the Grank Trunk Railway to thit condition of the Salisbury Avenué, sub-way, the bank on the West side; having fallen down filling up the dihel1 and turning the water to the" {giddle of the road." Carried. g Wright - Jaeuon--"That the dog tax of J. C. Parker, $1.00, be re- mitted to J. T. , Brown, he having paid the same ttf the Treasurer." Carried. /s is, re Toronto ’SubEIrban Railway Crossings. A sented with the Deliwori-- Dandridge--'iThat the Reeve and Clerk -r,loe authorized to sign consent to the registration of the Plan of subdivision of part of Lot 8, Range I, Kingsmill Reserve as submitted by B. Home Smith” Carried. _ Dandridge-DelRorth ---FvThat the pr1ze ror a TWO Tue rac Reeve and Clerk he authorized to day night The race is sign consent to the registration Of’Westomtes T the Plan of st1b-dlvision of part of -T- Lots 6 and 7, Range 3, and of the‘ A game will also be Plan of sub-divisipn of part 8, Lothue'sday between the Wes 7, Range 2 as subipitted by R. Home (Upor1 a Time's" and a D Smith, the ‘said Blans not to be de- from present playets wht livered to R. Home Smith by the the Village. 'r. Clerk until he has executed and Ie,,-) ---4- livered to the Clerk an agreement in The usual Skating ', efore the terms of the diiait agreement pre- these events. the gatch .2443. w, _ C Egg. 'rirth IrM Ili? y " l, '. . t, 2 Mg}? 'rrg't'h' 'a, 29:52,; 30? : " Dvelworth -- 1handiidge - "That the Reeve and Clerk [Vibe authorized to sign consent to thd registration of a Plan of sub-division of part ot' Lot 7, 2nd Meridian Son. Township of Etobicbke as submitted by R. Home Smith." Carried. i' .Y CENTRE-the shipping point of a vast Wheat, Flax and Oat growing“ ool House, three ,grain Elevators, three Churches, numerous well-buil1ssvbstantia1 its own Water and Eyeetrie Lighting systems, and is a most ap-fo-date and. WHAT 1% WEALTH FOR. Plans, said agree- minutes each way E _ . My, 2: _qhXE ', r...“ _ P-" _ _ v92": Bat - - r." V A? . m . ‘7: 2v“? ' _ tgl a": .J .. ' “:45: ' . e -:~a3‘=~. 712;; w: '" 21:: gg' " i . " tEA " 'd IB' "d 'FT, we TPG v2: 'ttAlt _ t, Xi;P, MM Mat ‘3)" , :_ J , 'tb v.24: - V M5Niet c £21233 3, ““531; 9 “k I m . _ .2 arl 5atg 5:: an: b% I Mr. Fred Rowntree is offering a the 'prize for a two rtiile race on Tues- to day night. The race is open to all my lWestonites T _ Vicforias, 3, Weston, 0, (Boy Un- ion League). ment tty' be appiowd by the Solicil tor aim tho Reéve for the Town- ship." Carried. De1worih--wright---"That the Clerk be instructed to)prepare a By-Law for improving Ethé 13urnhamthorpe road from Dennt corner at Dundas Street to the gtobicoke river: in- eluding ayessmetit on either side of Burnhamthorpe gbad, the Fifth Line road, the Fotyrth Line road, the Third Line road -'as far North as lot 15 on said roads; and the streets up- oo any of the Léts sub-divided along the route of {the Burrrhamthorpe road." Carried., _ V Roy,errts_.... .i.. ... .1./. Alex. Graeey....., ...... ...... Toronto Western Hospital The following pecounts were order- ed to be paid:---, _ Dom. Sewer Pipe Co...... ......$ 10 50 Toronto Western: Hospital _ Weirs......... o."... _..... .... Ti'. Heydor1...... l. ....m. ..e... Times &:Guide.r,... pm.... .... Murray Printinga Co...... .... Hospital for' Sick Children Montgomery & (30...... ...... Brown Brothers...... ...... .... E. Smith...... ...... ......' .... James Thomas...,.. ...... ..... S. Johnson...... .r..'. ...... .... A. H. Parker...... ... ... ...... S. R, Hart & Co...... ...... . Municipal World...... ...... ..w. Robert Reilly...... ... ...... ... If. Kingdom..,.. ,.... ... ... . W. Hendry...... .'r"' p.prm. .... Jas. Patterson...“ ...... ...... J. T. Brown, collector...... Geo.-Gi1bert...... _..... ...p.. . B. L. J7right, coi...... ...... R, H. Riily...... C..... ...... . W. O'Connor, .w.... ...... . J. G. Brown, Co)lector...... On Tuesday nigt the Arena Was given entirely to me Carnival. Three hundred people w.) e "present. The Weston Prize Bane supplied the qu1- sic. The tseautial prizes given"by the management ' ew a large entry for the different (gasses. The fcr.ow- ing were the winrWsy-- mt, MW LrBA%f .r___ my. Best Liiry'-riiii'f Mavety, First; Miss LaRose, SeUmd. Best Gent, Mr.), aRoser, First. Best Gir"l--Miss)"fjTottle, First; Miss LaRose, Belong Miss Mattison, Third. 'it . Best couple-Miers Tottle and Mr. Moody, list; M:ts. Tomlinson and Mr. Tomlinson, Second‘ A game will also Tuesday between the Upon a Time's" and from present playets the Village. ' On game cents, game. J. Black defeated N. J. McEwen in a race of six times round the rink, the contest was most exciting, both men falling several times. Won by two feet. Mae new buys the cigars. Total...... ....1,s ...... ......". The Council then adjournéd The usual Skating Eefore andjutir AT THE WESTON ARENA TORONTO, - ONTARIO Please send me, without obligation on my part, literature containing facts, figures and views of Carmangay. WESTERN CANADA REAL ESTATE C0. Wednesday night an exciting; ended with Lambton, 4, Cres- 2. This was a Toronto League Name.., oekett. So sgpd to us for an illustrated your own aifliyirntage. A V , Address. be played on Weston “Once a picked team who reside in Pa. ft ' iMi IiWgiib"iRh Mrb R V - I _ Fr . Sig f .~% e l " a a 'il't 'iii/iQ 7% Err/fit' trm ENN - " E39 Try "fAlt k% 1‘5. if? _ i I 4. 6iiai _ a IS li! teg , I , I, t 502 Temple Building, Weaton "Tunes and Guide " will tei15 $1032 04 1 00 55 60 95 March 5th--Exter1sive Sale of Farm”- Stock and Implements, the property of J. W. Rate, Dundas Street, Is-- lin-gton, between Con. A, tAtd B,. Etobicoke.. No reserve. " McEWEN & SAIGEON'S SALES, Feb, 14--Auctid Sale of valuable Horses, registere _ Short Horn Dur.. ham Cattle, and9Farm Implements, the property oiii:trederiesr Boi1gia%l King. I' . "V Feb, s,,1tet1e)i,fit Safe of Farm buildings and bu.'ttting material, 1911?; property of Arthif Wood,, Islingtoh. Feb. 1titAt1etlti, Sale of valuable Horses, Cattle Mg Implements, tut property of Rieliard Street, near Bradford. " March 6---Auetion Sale of registefed Horses, Short Horn Durham Cattle and Implements, the property of J ah., Bowes, Lot 2, Con. 2, Vaughan. _ Feb. 1s)-)uetuoi',i, Sale of va‘lhl‘able Horses, Cattle arili Implements,, the, property of George Waiktt, Lot 11, Con. 8, Toronto bre. ' - Feb. 20--Extensi'ie Sale of valuable? Farm Stock anti; Implements,' thes. property of E.' _ McKay, Lot T,,. Con. 4, TeeurnsethCnear Tottenham. Feb. M-Extensive Auction SaleSQf-' Farm Stock and Implements, the property of Albert Caldwell, near. Beeton. March 5-Auction Saie of wage Horses. Cattle and Implements,: e property of Wm. Davison, near Mal- ton. ' March 7--Auetion Sale of valuaible Horses, Cattle and Implements, tht. property of H. G. McBride, Lot 9,ti 3rd line East Toronto Township. r -T., Saigeort's Sales Will be ad- irentised later. C 2 Feb. 24---Exter1srve Auction Salt of valuable Horses, Cattle and Imple- ments, the property of Henry, 'rl- liamson, near Pennville, Tecum‘. Feb, 25--Auction Sale of valuable Horses, Cattle and Implements, the property of Felix Holland, LOT/13, Com 6, Adjala. -, March 4-Auetion Sale dt' Horses, valuable Jersey Cows and 7rppli.y- ments,, the property of Wm. Wallace, near Smithfield, Etobieoke. . A March Il-item/re Sale of _py,yg Stock and Implements, the property of B, Weldrick, Lot 22, Con. 2, York, near Langstatt. March 12--Auetion Sale of valuable: Horses and Cattle, the property (if James 'Catharwood, Lot 3, Con. 5, Afbion. . March 27-Auetion Sale of val " Horses, registered Holstein Cows“ 'p., Implements, the property of-" Or;_m. Mather, Lot 16, Con. B, Bltobieoke." March 13-Eseer1sive Sale ses, Cattle and Implements, perty of William Woods, Lot , Vaughan. March 25---Auetion Sale of valuable Milch Cows, Horses and Implements, the property of William Maxted, Lot 2, Con. 4, York. ' fl Feb. 26--Auctior1 Sale of valuaiale Horses, Cattle and Implements, the property of John F1etqter, 10th Cop. Vaughan, near Clairville. March 20---Auctaon Sale of Farm Stock and Implements, the property of George Robinson, Lotr9, Con: 5, Albion. - March 14-valuabls Sale of Horses, Cattle and Implements, the property of Gilbert Smithson, Lot 20, Con.‘4, York. HENRY RUSSELL; SALES ONTARIO of Egr- the pro- 16, Con. 9gta"'--

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