as goon 'West York Liliiersn Conservative Assoeiation held their Ar1pual meet- mg on Wednesday? afternoon in the Eagle House, The; following officers were Ff-eutted:-prisident, Dr. E. W. Bull, 'Lambton; Wte-president, Geo. Syme, Jun, Rmurrmede; Secretary, Ir. Q. Rowntree, Weston; Treasurer, Thomas Griffith, Weston. The tol- lowing are presiderg-ts pt the various listri,ets:-tsodbrittge, S. McClure: Vaughan, t Hollmgshead; York. W, Carter: Weston, 3T. J. Maguire; Etobicoke, F, F. Reeves: Mimico, J. Harrison. Wz‘st 'Tatrroto, W, H. Fd- Weston Town Bail held avery en- joyable Smoking Concert in the Town Hall, on Wednesday night. The Secretary and Bdudmaiter gave a comprehensive statement of the at- fairs of the band showing an indebt- ednesa of some $300. The Council should get busy and -wipe this in- debtedness off, andflet the band com- mence this year’s ivork with a clean Sheet _ 'yr g, Many people wiii be glad to hear that the Council have made formal application to the Dominion Railway Board for the prdUetion of the Cros- sing at King Street. This week a man has been stationed near the tracks to count the number of vehi- cles and pedestrians crossing there daily. The sehoor children in them- selves make a large contribution to the total, and the protection of these little ones is one of the first duties of Our citizens. A Jarge part of our. taxes goes to their education, but the safe guarding of their lives is of,, even more importance. 1 'Major and Mrs; Wadsworth have taken rooms in Blpor Street, Toron- to, for a few months until their house in Muskokafis completed. Mas- ter _ Rodney JTadt1worth is with his parents, and looking particularly well after several months in the splendid air of Muskoka. _ The family intend to spend several months of each year in their haudsomeinew home there. Dr. Middleton wlio is assisting Dr. Charlton in his iTaetiee is making many friends amo)ig the sick people oi Weston. These has been a good deal of pneumcrniajyhere as well as in Toronto during ?_the past month, which many people ascribe to the dust in the air otFir1g to the absence of snow. C.:, C Lung Balsam and Cure-a-cold do their work best together, Inch, Wes- ton. 7 ' . 'Have you been out to the Brother- hood meeting yet?] Better take a look around next si,inday at 3 o-cicek Work on the ttts is progressing Well in spite of thf cold winds of last week, which drote iri all but a few of the hardiest of ttty “Sons of Sun- ny Italy." Lots water is being met with on Main treat which has made things rather isagreable. t?yj,ris11'r and Bali of work held on Stsir'vaintine's D23i by the Sewing Department o? the .')lission Band, of the Methodist Clutch was a real success. Theitrrrieills were true and generous, and as sitsrresolt they 1NMV lized the nice sum i(irssr20. For Infants and Childrr‘ _ The Kind IU Have Always Baughi Owing to thevabsgnce of the Reeve in Bermuda and torthe slight illness of Mr. Master, which confined him to the house, the Cou'izcil did not meet on Monday eveningkbut held a short meeting on wednesiay morning. Mr. Harry Witt}? held a successful euchre party the her night. The guests afterwards t down to a fowl supper. Consult us before wiring your house, old or new, W. F. Moon, 1724 Dundas Street, West Toronto. Bears the signature of A man_is on du y at the C. P. R. fracks taning cou of everyone, who paisses King Stred crossing. TA large number t' Westopites took in the 'Midland-f? Mike's game at the Arena. I Steero cubes make delicious beef tea, at' Ipeh's, Weston. ' 33" 5.44435 E 3}†vi ' I Weston beat mur'sidor, Tuesday night . a Jat curling. Joe gnust have got the _------- (praetiee ice in better shape. M ADVERTISING RATES ON AFFLICATION Subscription Price. - - - - $1.01 per Annum CASTGR IA Telephone No. 26 it / Weston, (mt. Friday fi"clormary 2lst, 1913. Ellie ii/tttws mi] Gm2e 'Cd,trr"vj'tl A. E. WHINTON, Proprietor PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO TRUEMAN--rn meaiory of our dam ing 91a. ’Who dttareed this life Mr. Nason is a (ion of Mr. Henry Nason, who reeeiveit his school train- ing at the Weston iHigh School and graduated at Togonto University with tirst class hon4rs in both Natu- ral Science and in Mental and Moral Science. He is also a grandson of the late William Nsipor1. , of law. Under the terms of the Rhodes trust, the "successful scholar receives $1,500, annually for 3 years to enable him to 'i. ursue an under- graduate course JI' Oxford Uryiver- sity. . J', The summers ot 1,5911 and 1912 were spent in geologitN survey work around the head waters of the Skeen-a River in Northern British Columbia under the direction of Mr. G. B. Mal, loch of the Geologikal Survey. Mr. Nason has entered Lthe legal profess- sion and it is said that he will de- vote himself at Oxford to the study ‘Wesley Team that Ever won the foot- ball ehampionship.'i: He was captain of the intermediatg hockey team in his second year artd captain of the senior team in hisligraduatiag year. He was also one otl the organizers of the Beaver iootbaul club. Mr. William Nas6n of Winnipeg has been chosen as Egodes Scholar for Manitoba. He matriculated at Wes- ley College in 1968 gaining a $60, scholarship in Laisn and mathema- ties, in his first': year he WODLB. scholarship in the tsame subjects, in his second year ;a scholarship in Greek, in his thug year a Beholar- ship of $150, in 'sigience, and in his final year received g, Silver Medal. In iris" freéhman _'iinrearaiLyea- ing year he was of) the senior foot- ball team. He egptaiaed the only is. K 4. _ tl rr-gsafrrat a - w A. . , ,=: g " ex 53.. “Hymn, uVerriterve m the (may s?,':.!,'.'::?,??,?..!-,!-:),',?,':'?:,,!, to ES i7r6per tension: restores v-iss, F5325 cri-'cu'ity.Piretiiiabarir, deriay and all 5.33123. weskaa-yy waited at cues. Phosphoawoh' will tsa.ktrii'i',, a new man. " Price $3 a Pom, at two tdr bii. arise '5; any adiircss, Elna 5067082 Drug, $9.9m. Casharmem Ong, J. E. Starr 'Was:fappointed by the Whitney Governmenit to the position of Commissioner 30f the Juvenile Court in Toronto Ibeeause he is an expert on. Social f7or1ditior1s. You should hear h'm speak on Canadian Citizenship. se 1 v 5- _ F --, R a g I It may not st generally known that the Epwortlig League of the Methodist Church, 1devotes one night each month to gooji citizenship. Per ‘next Monday light they have bees -ditrWpate enough tb'secnre Commis- sioner Starr, 1Teseiialenrt of the Juve- nile Ccractr'Torbntt to "give an ad- dress on Canadian pitizenship. Mr. Starr has devoted Econ‘si‘derable time to the problem of social condition in large Cities, he speaks from know- ledge, and experien‘ee of the subject. He is always a thriint and tntertain- ing speaker and he) will be specially good on Monday night. Everyone should hear' him if possible, and be very thankful for the opportunity. Burglars enteredrthe home of Mr. J. Culhoon, Lemaire Avenue the other night and succeeded in getting away with money and valuables. The thief must have been familiar with the house, for although all, the fami- ly were in bed no one was disturbed by the siightest noise. _ The Ladies of Westminster Presby- Anniversary Tea meeting in the Ston- terian Church int’emi holding their day School building on Tuesday, March 11th. The (ladies are making a special effort to. provide an excel- lent programme mid supper. Every Citizen 'pt' Weston should hear Commissioner Starr speak on Canadian 'Citizenship in the Metho- dist Church next Monday might. One gentleman in' town says he is going to buy an, alarm clock to Waken him up in time for' the Bro- therhood meeting ion Sunday after-' noon. He missed two meetings by not waking up in time from his af- ter dinner 11ap. " Weston Gospel Mibsior1-Serviee will be held every Sunday evening at 7 o'eloeY, in the Town Hall. There will be a splendid address given and a good solo. All b.eleome. Maltese cough drops for the throat at Inch’s, Weston. In a recent Barrtiirs league Hockey Game in Woodstoqk, Dan Holley a Weston boy se/ISL/goals. tir,o, per Annum in advance RHODES S Cg-IOLARSHIP IN MEMORIAM EPWORTHE LEAGUE WESTON, ONT ye lh and i olvert womat, in Weston should (take advantage trt these classes which lare of benefit t atf’the wife of the mer:- l chant, the bigness man and the ‘working man. t(The chief expense of 'the lectures is Emile by the Depart; vme-nt of ArsrriflS*11re,, and more than f5 different towgs have applied for Mics Hughes sesit' ices. She will visit Those desirin if the course in sew'- ing 'offered by 'ijie, Hughes are in- vited to meet ' next Wednesday at four o'clock anir" discuss the organise ing of a elass, f I The first erassjhn nursing eonduet- ed by Miss Hughes was held in the Town Hall on wednesday afternoqn at 2.30 o'eloek. Jurirery large atten- dance was present and shcfwed lay their close attention that the subieist was one of diiep interest. Mia? Hughes has a clear simple informg style of delivery; while, at the same time, her lectures show the most careful' preparation. These lectur are lOcts. apitiire, or $1.00 for t1: course. Ticket; may be had fro Miss sosnowskr? at her home or It the meetings. t ' l The monthly tinsineSS meeting of the Town Improvement Society Was held at Mrs. Daw'on’s house on the 3rd Monday of this month. Twelve members were pisent, and the fol- lowing resolution}; were adopted. lst that a letter be {tent to the Council asking that additional emergency exits be made at} the West end of the Town Hall. 2nd, that the Improve- ment Society will expend not more than the sum or $100, on the re-de- corating of the {Assembly Room of the Town Hall, as Mrs. Reed is mak- ing a donation to the Town of her mural decoration}; and as Mr, Webs- ter has given very special prices Jor the painting and papering, it was considered thatiithis sum wouldfbe tmffieierrt, at thi same time it Was agreed that the Woman's Institute‘be invited to join iii, the work and that 1 when it wasjoippleted a reception- be given by the 'itwo Societies. de, that the “Bow-wpw Minstels" be in- vited to give a 'aerrformanee in Wes- ton for the ")e'llt' of the Town Ith- provement _ sociiitr and that Miss Book1ess be appCPinted to interview them and seem? their best terms After a sociable {discussion and a cup of tea, the meetltpr adjourned at half past five, J:; ' TOWN IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY The meeting éf the Brotherhood tended, theTowi; Hall being nearly taiBunday afternoon was well at- filled. Everyone 'beeined to thorough- ly enjoy the ',ii,,sie,ii))1,'. Mrs. McEwen sang "Oh Happyf "ay" and “He lifted Me"'. she was veril much appreciated in both numbers End the hearty ap- plause by the met showed her great popularity. M'rs. Fairchild ‘very ably 2ldrcped14l'id's"'. McEwen on the piano. Mr. rtchamberlair1's ad- dress was very ir1littiti1'fl' and thor- oughly en'oyed byf'lall present. yext Sunday Mr. Phrrmy)more *Will be the speaker, he is saidgto be an excellent speaker so don't nilss hearing him, A reliabll French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly iowerful in regulating the generative portion of t e female system. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van’s are sold at " a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any address. Tho Soobell Drug 00., St. Catharines. Ont, Dr. do Van’s Female Pins Rev. B. R. Stringways will occupy the pulpit both Igorning and evening on S1mdtiy. 5‘: Preparatory serv e on Friday even- ing at 8 o‘clock ; Sabbath School Hall. ' y,' 7 "p.rm--"Somet " harder than taking a city.†WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Rev. J. W. H. Milne, B.A., Ministel. 11 am"-"t"amllt of Lord's Sup- per. V ' hrs?" In ssCt Egg}; this found? All are welcome. t The Bible question for the little folks will be; “Where do we read about the man Who waited at the pool for the trth11bling of the Wa' Next Sunday miuming, Pastor Wal- lace ,W111 continu? preaching on ’the Churches in Asia. "The Church in Philadelphia" wilfi be the theme on the coming Lord? Day. ‘ Thi, Sf'efial me. ings in the Bap- tist Church, cond ted by young Peo- ple of all deno nations from the Toronto Bible Col, ege. will be closed on Sunday. _ Seriiiees are being held every night thié week, including Saturday. A Tit, deal of personal work has been r’ we and a goodly number have mrori)'sse11 conversion. It Would haVe been Worth while tohaVe held there meetings if even only One has been made alitrue ehrisiain. The Rev. Canon) Greene, of Toron- to, Will (D. V.) pgeach in ‘St. John's 01:111th next Thl)rsday, -,(Feb. 27) evening at 8 o'elo)'Yr. Miss Mabel Car wright, B.A. Prin- eipal,0i St. Hild E College, Toronto, and Diocesan P ardent of the Wo- man's Auxiliary to Missions w111 (D. V.) give an dress on the work of the W. A, in t. Johns school- room on Wednes y afternoon. Feb. 26, at 3 o‘clock. _ All interested in the work ol' the t A. are cordially invited to be _pre 'nt. WE STON METHODI ST CHURCH ' Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office-Corner Main and Mill Streets Office Hours: 8 to 10 am., 1 to 3 and 7 to 8.30 p.111. Weston ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, WESTON THE BRCSTHERHOOD BAPTIST CHURCH Phone No. 87 PEARSON f tbs at greatly reduced prlces to clear. Toronto, Ont. is a Commercial School of the Highest Grade! None better in Canada! Graduates in strong demand. Enter now. Cata- logue free. _ _ Toronto, Ont. is SPECIAL BARGAINS We have for,this week a few . BARGAINS in Mens and Boys Suits and Overcoats, they are SPECIAL, also Mens, Womens and Childrens Coat Sweaters and Sweaters MORLEY'S WESTON THE FRESHEST AND BEST MILK IN WESTON Produced on the banks of the Humber and delivered in Sterilized bottles daily by English Weekly Papers, The Times & Guide. Prices moderate. Agent for Bntterick's Patterns COB CORN, BRIAR & CLAY PIPES Oranges, Lemons, etc. COLD and HOT DRINKS STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES PICTURE POST CARDS, Tonacco. Cigars & Cigarettes SHAW’S STORE High Glass Chocolates & Candies Main St- and Conran IT, WESTON. CHOICE BEEF, Lull/Wir, AND SMOKED MEATS. F arley’s Shaving ParIOur Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobaccos. Also Agent for reliable Nursery Stock all at lowest possible rates.. Agent for the following Fire and Life Insurance Co's British NortHMXigé;iE$ AN EXTRA WEEK'S PAY Harvey Moody, JU PRIME APPLE CIDER [XCElSIOR LIFE, and TRAVELLERS ACCIDENT AND HEALIH lnsuranéc TARIFF. Royal, Guardian, Canada National, and North British and Mercantile NON-TARIFF. York, Merchants, and Dominion E. J. MUSSON VEGETABLES IN SEASON. COR. YONG! AND ALEXANDER SIREEI'S var-.141» “my nLOLKVl‘.‘ OVER 'r,eoo,ooo WESTON BRANCH, "_.. N. J. McEwen, Manager. NORTH END BUTCH ER " YEARSEIN BUSINESS APITAL AND RESERVE OVER "11611 Jiul' baVIngs Bank Account reaches a reasonable amount the interest - begins to tell. One workman, who ha i a few hundred dollars on deposit, said that the Interest seemed like reeeisc ing an extra week's pay each year. They all had to start once. Lose no time in making your initial deposit. One Dollar starts an account in When your Savings Bank reasonable amount the int One workman, who ha I a fe, deposit, said that the Interes ing an extra week's pay eael Don't Forget WESTON DEALER IN M --9ND - 1T,ilr,l0j.i._j_riANm:', DAIRY Vanni Electric wiring our specialty. Satisfaction siuarLtdi,, Electric Fixtures, Special designs. No extra char! for installing. Portable Lamps at reduced prices. Electric Novelties and Supplies of all kinds. 5, 8, 10, lb" c.p. lamps, 17 cts. 32 cp. lamps, 25 ets. Tungsten Lamps, 45e up, special prices in quantities. DON'T FORGET THE ADDRESS Jet. I623 PHONE For Private Parties, Balls, Concerts, Lectures, etc. Heintzmann Plano. For terms and.dates apply Secretary, Weston Young’s Club. "JLlidfL,Ji,At3, LEf_lj_/\_|_J__ __ -"_____P “Hâ€, w u. a. AuUD-‘UN, or drop a nerd to Head Ottiee, Kent Youge Street, Toronto. THE YORK FIRE INSUPANCE COMPANY Estimates given on all kinds of work Concrete Mixer for hi, capacity 40 vards a day. Insure in the York Fi Paints, Oils and Pedlar Steel Shingles, Portland Cement Carpenter and Contractor CoulterAvenue, g WESTON Shelf and Screens, Doors and Windows, Field and Lawn Fences, -- Maxwell Lawn Mowers Geo. Sainsbury Oranges, Grape Fru1t,Apples Full Iine of mixed Nuts. FINNAN" HADDIE,â€* 0139213wa ,BLOATERE "KIPPERS, â€00D FISH?†FISH - SALMON, _ HALIBUT, For Rates apply to E. J.MUSSON, WESTON . drnn a run-A om anâ€: n... h _ _ __ MAIN STREET, - WESTON BHONE No. 9. BEEF, LAMB, PORK and VEAL ORDERS DELIVERED, hone No. 16. Each f. f. 0mm. Jr. f724 DUNDAS STREET, WEST TORONTO. SPRING CHICKENé FRUITS and Heavy Hardware Gasoline and Oil Sto, Stoves and F .et.2TFRleAt-, CONTRACTOR, ELQHLTRY 'IT.,.;.-,, JAS. HUGILL, TO RENT. Cash, Mutual amd Stock. Full Gavel-nmect Deposit Ready 7 Roofing. Varnishes. '. F. MOON, Stoves, l Furnaces. Eagle Block Bui1dsii, hire, Ire ii th Shoe Depof Barrister, 206 Stair Branch Cjitiee C. LORNE FRASER, M. A, 23arris,ter, Solicitor, etc. Bank of Nova Scotia Chambers. Phone, 152, WESTON, that Office Hours-g.30 to 10.30 a.m. 4 to 6 pm. 7.30 to 8.30 p.m. G. W. COULTIR. V. B. Honor Graduate Ontario Trtthrinnr, College All dlseasea of Cattle and Home. Treated teeientitieaur. Calls by mail or phone promptly Binds, Shoes and Rfubbers for all f?arrister, Solicitor, Notary, etc. with Masten, Starr, Spence and Cameron, 58 Canada Lite Building, Phone, M 7300. 45 King w 0mm: Canada Permanent Bldg 18 Toronto St. F. B. EDMUNDS. Barrister, S’élicitor, Notary Puhlie. 1758 Dundas St., WEST TORONTO, (above Hoar’s Hardware Store), Real estate loans placed at current; rates. ' 2 ierephone. Junction 991. Evenings a - Bank of Nova Scotia Bldg. Weston; Barrister. Solicitor, Notary MI Main Street, WI Mornings and Evenings Toronto Offiee 304 Lumsden 1 corner Adelaide and Yon, Phone M. 2689 and ' 418 Bloor Street, west, Consultation hours, 10 a and by appointment. Tel. Ear, Nose and Throat Maria Street, Telephone No Physician, Surgeon, etc. ffice--Cor. North Station and John Streets, Weston, Ont. Offiee Hours---? to 10 an}; 6 to g p.m Sunday, 8 to 10 a.m. i ANDERSON & Barristers. Solicitor 936 Keele St.. (4th Dundas St.. q Private funds to Retridence:-pi Crown Bank .B., M.R.C.S., Eng., L.R.C.P Physician and Surgeon Office and King and DR. J Dr. H. D. LIVINGSTONEE Also Childrens Over D DR, J. A. MELDRUM. ( Physician, etc. l ‘1 and Rosidence--East comeLR: ing and North Station Stif." EDGAR PARSONS, B.A . H. G. WALLACE. Solicitor, Conveyancer etc Building, 123 Bay sued TORONTO. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public JA S. AITCHISON HOWARD flee, 'WOODBRIDGE. Money to Loan. attended . WESTON ONT. an. (4th. door North of as St.. TORONTO. funds to loan on this! class security. SON & McMASTER Solicitors, Notaries, A- M. ROLLS WOODBRIDGE, ONT, ine St., opp. Northern :. Tel. Woodhridge 30 15 Rowntree & . H A C K E T T, Dentist Beets , Evenings. Lumsden Building a and Yonge. HABLTON WESTON, ONT, EVENIN’GS OPEN 46 King w. Weston, Oat TORONTO. Sons. I y, etc; WESTON n., 3 P.m., Col. 2602. Toronto Weston etc.