Times & Guide (1909), 18 Apr 1913, p. 5

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TéRoNTo t/jiii'i'i),-i,' -mr. c. BURRAGE _ Builder & Contractor SPRING GQQDS hESERVE. AND HER TALK. You men really ought to inspvt’ them. There’sa mice display here ml the newest designs in Fancy I‘Wewds and Worsrec's, and R worth while col lection of the always right in Blues and Blacks. WEST TORONTO BRANCH Anv man mm F from this Muck, t not to We reqm-st you our stm-li. if you do, y to tin much talking lievinq Call any day Exclusive Asa-ems Overalls, Smmakhz Shir CAPITAL {€17,erqu TAILOR and MEN'S fURNISHER MAIN ST. l WESTON Toronto, Ont. the demz graduates is far in excess ply. College open all ye now-write for catalogue . -,arcUQrC-s---s-'s'/ Comer Dundas and Ke T_-------;------, OWING to the HIGH STANDARD maintained in the popular o'--------, Deposits D Department warrfu, _ sud thereon an f Opp. Hum of Nova. vceotitt THE Flour & Feed GLUTEN MEAL, OILOAKE, BEAN, SHORTS, &C. A speciai stock of FIVE ROSES FLOUR THE EAGLE HALL . TO RENT. always on hand. MAIN STREET, - WESTON For Private Parties, Balls, Concerts, Lectures, etc. Heintzmann Plano. For terms and dates applv Secretary, Weston Young’s Club. . E. COLEMAN Main Street - Weston Repairing. Spring - Suit We have BOW on hand a assortment of the latest pan in Tweeds, Cheviotsr, Serges, Agent for MILTON PRESSED BRICK. _ Phone No. 1061 Particular attention Joseph Street. WESTON ESTA 31215331) Merchaht Tailor PAID UP its received in Savings ent of $1.00 and up- and interest allowed an Currgnt Rates. ) ELLIOTT THE NEW MANAGF‘“. ELLIOT: 8AM." can afford to own a suit vck. fvw men can jsfford UNION LABEL r. ts" autumn tmterTs nt. the demand for the ', far in excess of the sup 'ie open all year. Enter f OR YOUR Pressing and Cleaning. . IRWIN gems for Peahndv’s tss. S.hirts, Gloves, etc. GO TO . O'DELL, I Dealer 1n JU, x loc-Aland examine do, we, wrm't have [1,'d' Seeing is b, 1855. $4,543,400.00 $5,293,400.00 on hand a full eele Sbreets. latest patterns Phone No, 2 given to etc. The Council :11 Chamber on Mon at ten o clock a. were present. The following " then mradi- [ ETOBICJKE TO From Montgo ry, Fleury & Chr, re Toronto Suhu an Railway Co., Eri-ndale Power c, ., York Radial and Mimico Line; tro Ross & Holmested re Erindade Powe Co.", from Hydro- Electrie Power C, mmission re peti- 'tiott for Electric ight; from Crushed Stone Ltd., quoti prices; from Wm. Connor, re proper ion of award to B. S. Nos. 12 and lil; Tom Frank Barber C. E. re ice-jam t Barker's Bridge; from W. A. Clark Secretary thork County, re Act. saeicrorr--De1wor surer be authorize the sum of $20.00 value of his shed stroyed by dogs ll Dandridge - Deb Reeve and Clerk sign consent to r division of part 1Ciwgsmill Reserv L. mark.” Carriq J acks on-Wright gnd Clerk be ant sent to the regiS sion of part of 1 mitted by Mr. Cal, Delworth - Dan Council do hereby lation of Hydro-E plying light and 1 of the letter) receh Electric Commis: April 5, 1913."Ca1 Dandridge - De] Clerk be and he 1 to request the Hi Radial Hallway t pole farther Westi Delworth---Jaels and Councillors , tee together wit' meet a comm'ittev of Toronto Tow: Hill to try and 1 same." Carried] Jaektson--Wrigl and the Clerk be authorized to registration of l sic11 of lot 15 id Concession, as l C. Cummings, (i . . .1 parties sub-Pip? in undertaking Township for P posal purposes, on said propose, they give an ol the present cd, Creek so thati of the streets] South and prd allow the surfa Avenue to be d Southerly stret ried. ' be1worvu1--Datdridce--"That in view of the lack of Mefinite rulcs and re- quirements witit regard to plans of Sub-divisions A property and believ- ing'thiit -idtriiietyomprehensive plan should be adopted to which all plans should conforna and in view also of what we belie.- to be unreasonable objections may: by the City of To- ronto in some! cases, and believing that any plan bdopted should apply to the whole ore he Suburban District ‘in the Southern‘ portion of the Coun- _ty. Therefore it resolved that the Clerk be inst cted to write the ,C‘lerks of Yor and Scarboro Town- ships and ende vour to arrange with ‘them for a con rence for the purpose 1of adopting so e uniform scale of re- quirements re ze of lots, width and position of ma ways, ete., and that ‘the Reeve, fir t Deputy-Reeve arid Councillor Del rth be a Committes .to meet with milar Committees O' York and Bea oro Township Coun- cils in the ma er." Carried. l, Delworth--J kson-A'That the teen: [and Clerk be: nd they are hereby authorized to go consent to the re- [gistration of _ plan of Sub-division ‘Of part of lot , Range 3, submitted by Mr. Lyrlrtsr, provided that lots be fronted on ( lege Street, 120 feet Ideep and with a frontage of not less than 30 feet ch." Carried. _ - ,A _-,l;un Nun.» "\4 Ll\4“v __"- objections max, by the City of To-l ronto in some. cases, and believingv that any plan dopted should apply' to the whole ofi he Suburban District in the Souther portion of the iii,,)) ty. Therefore it resolved that the Clerk be inst cted to write ti1'j Clerks of YorMarrd Scarboro Town- ships and endeavour to arrange with them for a con rence for the purpose of adopting so e uniform scale of re-l quirements re ze of lots, width andl position of roaways, etc., and that) the Reeve, fir it Deputy-Reeve and; Councillor Del n,- be a Commuttee, to meet with milar Committees of York and Bea goro Township Coutr- cils in the mar er." Carried. Dandridger-W ' ght--ehat the Reeve and Clerk be Whorired to Sign COD- sent to the restration of a plan of Sub-division ty part of lots 3 and 4, Range 2, Kir1gO1ilt Reserve submitted by B. c. Cum; ings." Carried. oaercson-r-Wrirht--"That, a grant of $100 be and th same is hereby made to the Childr- 's Aid Society tor York County *nd the Treasurer be authorized to 'pay the same to the Treasurer of Fe Society Mr. Annie, land that the corporate seal be at- tached hereto." Carried. I The followi accournts jd to be paid’. in. Holmes....... .....".. George Loty.......- .....ta.. ‘Alex. Henders-n...... ...... Mrs. McLaug'n...... ...... Has. W'hitehew............. .. ,Toronto BrieldCo... .w. . Ontario Sewef Pipe Co. Thus. Hanna.... ... ... . 1pitzpatrielr "Co...... ... IWm. Clarlrsorrr... ...... .. ,John Lang'do..." ... ... R. A. Macph son...... .. ly. W. Charles..... ... ... W. E. Irons”... ...... ..... Times & Gui..-.. ...... Ir. A. L. Macherson,ex1 ate...... T"" S. L. Wright Miss F. Pres! Hagersville Ontario Sew F. L. Hicks.. Registrar Eag fees...... as Nicol amendments to Railw ay t in the Council y, April (7th, 1913, anmunieations were 'r--'m1at the Reeve and they are hereby ign eonscnt to the Plan of Sub-divi- the Second Meridian ubmitted by Mr. R. condition that the Eng the property give property and believ- "Tbmp‘re-hensive plan ed to which all plans and in view also of E to be unreasonable orth-d'That the hereby instructed nager of the York remove Stop 6 one tr Carried. nw‘iThat the reeve right be a commit- the Engineer to from the Council (ship at MeGillian's frrange for repairing [r-U'"') the trea- F to pay Bert Ella .being two-ttis thawing been de- irncrwn." Carried. tank - "That the ibe authorized to tistration of Sub- Ff lots 4 and 5, " submitted by W. E Carried. l igsore-A'That the reeve {Ind they are hereby) égn consent to the re-, lr man of Sub-division -"That the Reeve Kind to sign con- ;ation of sub-divr t 10, Con. 3, sub- h." Carried, ridge---'m1at this consent the instal- etritl lines for BLT- wer on the terms d.._from the' Hydro- L..'.'.".-...... ... ...... 127 herson,express, _ete26 pherson, plans, SHIP COUNCIL S. 1: Wright ire charity... ... . _ey, charity... )ntracting 00 Pipe Co... ... "led. a' vorth-d ‘That All the members and West York, charity 1fnder date of 27 05 1 50 2 10 4 so 4 25 53 as 75 00 1 25 e 80' 11 iil 1 00 l L27 20 :25 10 l 13 00 4 25 5 01 39 60 6 00 2 50 16 20 7 00 g 75 11 50 5 25 15 00 40 75 16 25 10 13 18 00 15 00 Choice Groceries/ Totar..... The Council Fresh and Smoked Fish, New Fruit, etc. Weston Rd. MT. DENNIS. GEO, W. B. Moore..U. ...... ..e..r.m. is W. Holdenby........ ...... .....' 50 A. L. Mac hers D, salary.... 100 L. Streight, sa ry...... ...... 100 A. L. Maecher “n, Assess. Comm ... _... ... ...... ... 62 H. Hicks......... "R......' ......... 540 AND ICE. Mount Dennis. All orders promptly attended to. Dciweriea daily, in large or small quantities. quantities. l The Union Jack In not fly on St _._’â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"‘â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"‘John’s. Read. Is iz’gbecause the Duke "t 'y '. Ch f , I 4 r h's rstit,-rd to the_,01d Country? J 1i,ij,_r1tfiri-tltltcij; The hand of hot? The Wesron Lt). L/er: 44 ‘ Tc--' ---- ---. e-r-Pt---" ' Band waiiing for Egthe Cotncils any ',"ll, Edward Got' 25 i Golden execm l?, testament of _ 001 ceased bv Hen1 00112139 ot El'Wa. 63, i lington, their! Gnome Grecenes, TEAS, COFFEES. Etc. Butter and Egns a specialty. Lambton Ave., MOUNT DENNIS. Ci', lit l, fp' Ready lioo_fi Lambton Ave.“ if) an w, COAL In ----r-a-=-1'-""etC2"-i'"rC'r'r,r W For courses in all Business subjects leading to positions as Bookkeepors (r stersogrttploers and for Civil Service and Cotrmereiul Syecirr ists' estttvinstioros will be conducted in Shaw’s schools, Toronb- , [The Cont- ral Husincss College “ith four triry Branch Scheme) from July 31d to August Nth Lina year. Students may enter any time for, general courses. * No vacations. Wnte W. H. 511?, President, for catalog. 391 Yonge t., Toronto. Widow, de eased. NOTICE is reby g to "The Trust e Act, Ontario Chapt r 26, tl and others ha ing ela estate of said arah Go who died on 0 about' January, A D 1913, a or before the 8th day 1913, to son by pol registered or delive Wissler, Elor Omar the undersig d exam will and testa ent of ed, their chri ian am dresses and d eriptio ticulars of the r claim A of their accou ts, am ‘the securities, if any, HARDWARE, GWEN 10015, ;gN:se:eeca.'ce:rcrse'e"t', as: see 655 Fit. And furthe take notice that such last men oned date the said .c_ut.1's will pr eeed to distribuh assets of the d ceased among the ties entitled t ereto, having 1ft only ttrthe ela ms of which they then have not ce, and that the executors will not be liable fo said assets or y part thureoft person ot pers ms of whose clai tice shall not ave been receiv ‘them at the ti e of such distrib ‘Datvd this 18th day of Starch A. D, 1913 o:a:sa:a:aa:e9'uat:6t.tt E75566? the matter 0 the estate of Sana!) Golding la of the village of Weston, in the County of York, NOTICE T9 ()llfll)lf(W, Secure the best for your money ? The training provided by our -intrestablished, reliable school produces the best results. Spring term from April 9th, followed by Summer Term from July Ist, Write for catalogue now. British AmericanBusiness College iljhullfll NEW” ELM. c.y Building. TORONTO. T, M. WATsON,ePrinaipa1. PRONE- lh EDTON 130 . o. RA MSDIN, WHY NOT BuiyflMLJrardware. . CONNCR {11511, kdjourned DEALER IN DEALER IN , W000, 'l, . PHILLIPS DEALER IN reby given pursuant e Aet," 2 George V‘ r 26, that all creditors' ling claims against the» 'arah Golding deceased _ about the 16th day of £1913, are required on l8th day of April, A D. 3' by post pre paid and h deliver, to Mr. Henry _ Ontario, Solicitor for d executors of the last ent of the said deceas- ian and surnames, ad- eriptiorw, the full par r claims the statement) ts, and the nature of if any, held by them. take notice that after oned date the said exe ceed to distribute rhe ceased among the par- ereto, having' regard , ms of which they shall t ce, and that the said l not be liable for the y part thereof to any i ns of whose claim no ave been received by e of such distribution If (ivier, of mi, Vil n the County of Wel inlmitor. _ em and John Brnson rs of the Fast will and id Sarah Golding de- MOUNT DENNIS $1486 100 00 100 00 17 80 18 55 50 00 50 80 78 HEARD AT THE POST OFFICE CORNER. Have you heard Matt Carl sing that favorite old me song "Lamb and green peas.” V Thev‘Egmvdro-f“ hot? The Weston , Band wailing for 'ttie Cocncils an: nual g"ant. i s: _ That was a large 71312:»: that hen laid last wcerc but we cjould beat it-----" , a cur, wiih an. egg poeater. F tl When is it twei.vsio'e1toeir, when the Oh lor! remarked ne er whiie at work s ng] King Street, Oh lor I'v nail. Don't worry as boss man never mis it Eatons bargains hre not the crnlyl contents of Westo tes grips when' they return from a isit to Toronto. Mp, W. McLean . seriously ill at. his home on Deniso Avenue. ( ( Special made to measure pant sale, from $4.00 up, at Coleman's. Weston. I l Orie of the little illiners mistook Sidney for her 1111 1e. It must be right, for Sid said o. st, iii i RX tl There are good. familirs in Weston it} Who got marrbd on Tuesday? Every lady in town seemed to be tak- ing a pot or pan omewhere during the afternoon-. C The Dennison Av returned. It see months since we sa 3/5 45yi1,t5gy jfiitii/ireiiit 1:),i'.:ii1 (lt, Jr, ' yt .uus' "f ',' I" e $ti,?,yiti'ii))e _ mun} 'b4s'f,i),i'.ifi: a Abandsommy uiusuated weekly. Largest cir- cumtion of any ecy3nCif?ty journal. Torin tar cgnadu‘ , .7.) a year. postage prepaid. Kid by Eli D, J ack dcn" an easy ten t must have' glory, with sofsmooth j mom-ay- away m Iryrpsr'uytc,rerm. _ “I; a» m. ' .3”. " i1i:lsl'riir:e] itfl'it,:y.,,t'eratriyaiijiir:,,i 3103K Branch Gio. C,5 F bf... Washington. D,, O. 1 Every \dog skoul "have a tag but do they? V " That reminds me f the fox and the {grapes vaid't gentl an when a large iauto truck laden wi h good ale, went 1through Weston, sotnear yet so far. town fe'l 3 leaves CF. Oh you bricks! at's it all about anyway Jim. . Get your jewelry from Inch Weston. Same guality, much cheaper than you eaaubu7 in Toronto. Have you seen d'er picture on der vall? ’ i Only a Jew! Yggonly a Jew! A Jew pedlar was 11s d as a target by several lads on ednesday. They were playfully thro ing rubbish con- sisting of wet sa. dust and rotton oranges at him. At" funny "joke" for funny people. (s!., Ineh's Lung" Balsam stops that cough and Cure-a-Cold brakes up a cold. Monday, April, 14--Regular meeting I.0.0.F., in oddtellows' Hall, Church Street. a, Tuesday, April 15 gegular meeting Woodmen of the Wo in oddfe1lows' Hall, Church Stree 'la, "t p.m. Wednesday April V C §gular meet- ing of Syracuse L d ,? Knights of Pythias, in ytyeyiiw 1/Aau, Church Street, at 8 p.m./ _ i Thursday, April 17iivegular meeting Ancient Oder United Workman, in Oddfellows' Hall, Church Street. at ,8p.m. "Good Housekeefiing" tor April.-- What girls can do; l? girls by Jessie Woodrow Wilson, daughter of the American Wilson, d is interested in Young Women's hristian Assoeia- bior1-16,000 in physical training clas- ses, 16,000 in dome it: science classes, 80-,000 others study g millenery, sew- ing, first aid to the injured, typewrit- ing, &c. j"Beieratif5te Amerie n". March Mth.-- "Standardizing" 'ghway Construe- tion. A plea to Rational Road Building-Tennessee, New York, Illi- ttois. . Ontario Liquor License Act person whose name appears below 1s applying for a. Liquor License for the License Year 1913-14, and that the same is not now a Licensee under the Act, is applying for license for pre- mises not now under license. W. W. Reid, Tavern, Inkerman House, Wood- bridge. __ -. ir---...-- “A ”Huge. There were 12 Tavern Licenses and no, Shop Licenses issued in the West Riding of York during the current License Year. i There are 13 Tavern Licenses and (no Shop Licenses applied for, for the iLieense Year, 1913.14. i DONALD MACKENZIE, l License Inspector for West Riding of York. Dated at Woodbridge, this 2nd day of NOTICE is hereby_given that WE STON PUBLIC LIBRARY License District of West York MEETINGS NEXT WEEK. a we ea him last. t give the barber Etch cents. e know everyone their st shave. But a. face Ike a biHard ball you a throwing your £37118 rrhging or when it ine man to anoth- nghng a roof on I've swallowed a Jas the reply the tnue butcher has s months and d and indifferent , gegulal I / 1,3304 , , a _ p , d .1? K Bf. April, 1913 Bank of Nova Scotia CAPllAL PAID UP $5,800,000. REHEKYE FUN',' $10,000,000. 'iOTAl, ASSEl‘S over $79,000,000. ms” REH‘ZRVlm war $16,900,000 Branches in all the important lining and Ciries, thyruaghout; Canada, as well as in United States, 1Netv/onnilhitul, Janmim and Cul.a. q he accounts of Manufacturers. Builders and l‘mdesmen solicited. Farmers business given special attention Sales Notes mama or col- lected on favourable terms. _ Certificates of deposit issued. Savings Department This Bank's Books and Statements are annually examined by STRICTLY INDEPENDENT AUDITORS. WESTON BRANCH MOUNT DENNIS stHooL REPORT The following is ti, first six pupils in classes for the men Names are arra merit:--- the Sr. 1V:-lyrtle R Nellie Orayden: Lu!. McLeod, Edna Bag/ Jr. TV:-9Evrtle , McLeod, Fred Ct Broughton, Bert Ra shal. Jr. IIT:-iadys ' shire, Muriel Hag]; Jno. Maxterd, Maisie Br. 11:-Tom Ken Teddy Jackson, E Livings, Alma geek. Intermediate II CH Doris Smart, Vit Viola Wilson, Ada 1\ man. Junior. II Class:---. ohn I Winnie Rayner, Wilt d Wa Pierce, Harold H liker Toft. Sr. I Cvuss:---Beat! ce JV, Thompson, Lily A Bridger, Ethel Sargl kin Jr. Tr-Vera Swa e and Marion McEachern, equal: F nd George, Meta mbrich, Lela Marsh 1, Lizzie Bolton and Viola Stonebou e, aural; Mar» garet Mewhort." -- n __q, “Iran?“ TOil Primary Poo-,-r, lie Miller, Kathleen Wiseman, Gladys Catharine Marsha Withers. Total number regi 388. Averag 267. Corrics of the Times ' Guide be rad itt the Post Oinee, Mt. D: DEALER IN T Choice Beef, Lamb. Iljnl, dam and Bacon Bum} AND was A SPECIALTY; agnrww'onn AVE., MOthT DEW!“ The undersign structions from 1 Richard Usher, E] WILLIAM USHE Auction, on the ton, on Mount Dennis Household Mil At TWO o’cloc --REAL ESTA Frame House, a by 112ft., more Coty. A, Etobico serve bid, and ll known on, date wood shed. F bedsteads, 1 dr washstands, Se lounges, Writin Glass in stand, tall-leaf tables, kitchen chairs. room chairs, Ro chair, Bell orga Downswell washi bench, 2 ladder 'boxes, Grindston Happy Thought ber of stovePiPeS {Quantity oi Ciliiia ‘Quantity of quili ,ticles too runner; "kiiee,Tvte'j', SALE OF V LUABLE A _ Mt?! ,SCN JARRETT STON BRANCH l A. S. FRASER, Manager. MOUNT DENNIS BRANCH, - D. A. KEAN, Manager SATURDAY; “THE oihLE, C 1arsrr.---Be attce Mi. 1121‘ (e d; ily am; Poorvti--B' L,,-,,,-,-,,.-':" Mromeltt------ Seeking Health and Strength A medicine prepared by re a 'graduated physician of unus- ual experience in treating W a s 'diseases-Ui/ly adapted to work in harmonywith t mo delicate, minine constitution. All medicine deale ave old it ith tisfaction to cus- tomers for the Iéast years. t is w obt inable in liquid or sugar-coated ta l orm at t e d store or send 50 one-cent stamps for a tri box, to Bu alo. .. " , ,_A ““4: “nuanv tn Dr. Pierce, Dr. Pierce 's Pleasant Pellets er and bowls. Sugar coated, “-r' - -- _ Every woman may write ful and on enti: Inralids' Hotel and Surgical I titut ftalo, sure that her case will receive , eie consideration, and that experienced medics. at to her absolutely free. Bl YEARS IN BUSINESS be standing of tho lgg their respective h of Mareh. ged in order of are and hi Estate Fl has received in- 'pests. William and teeutors of the late For those ills peculiar to wor recommends his "Favorite P A EAPRIL, 19TH Ep.m., the followings. E IN ISLINGTON, rd Lot, about .32ft. T less, part Lot 8, ie, Subject to a re- ion conditions made ' sale, 6 rooms and niture'--3 wooden Sser, 2 bureaus, 2 ing machine, g linkworth, Jean urnside, Ernest 1kin, Annie Mar- '. to sell by Public Toperty, at Isling- ange No. 8, Num- Quantity of dishes, s, Quantity of rugs, s. And other ar- us to mention. Lbing claims against Hate William Usher, Que duly verified with Fry, on or before ' 1913, after which Elwin be distributed " to claims reeeiv- Jack, Eva Wilt- Jno. Chessum, Newton. , Albert, Livings, a Hagle, Oliver ssr-milda Webb, toria Silvester. tyorre,- Gertie Git- desk, Sideboard, umber of pictures, 2 L small tables, 5 m chair, 12 dining king chair, Invalid ohn McGuinness. id Watson. Edith Hiker. Norma? in good repair, ," machine, Vise and Flour bin, Bushel Number of tools, Iank Mcoro. Wil. tjhessum, Maggie Fg'htin ga'e, trr", er ua’: Fr d (ered for March Willie Young, Young, Harry dance for March M) Miller. Mary derson. W_llrr :t, Nelson JRsn THE W‘ Drnnis CHILD’S lOl" far sale, " x 2ft. v enamelled gr. Pit, with brass rails, we” \vr.ven wire spring mattrwss, both 4de wt down, in guod condition, barf gain $2 50 Apply Times ( ffice. M SQUARE PIANO EUR sALE,---fa own" .. . man class condltylun, recently tuned. Apply to Tunes & Guide t'ffire, \\ est H 22 WANIED (i) iii-51‘ By Ist May, Mr. W. Ellerby raceived a very pleasant surprise n Tuesday morn- ing irom the Hi School Ltafi, he was called into he teacher'st rcom and presented wi a handsome um- brella in remem rance of the 71sb anniversary of h': birth. "rirmoclerll,o ven e A large bcokery one of the trees . grounds. It wo it was removed. been hanging the year, and it has1 yet. Who Woulc youngster got in, make up your 11 broken limb to b) or taken to the exhibit at an li Condensed Mmliiaynts E ”Fri _ i Te,IsTLETOWN Court' Humber very successful b Weston T6Wn “ night. Tlie hall Oliver Master W evening. The f on the progra Miss and Master Miss L. Tippett, J. Tippett. T merry mood an Hill were time the platform. br, Furguson also numbers. There) of visitors from sent. T h The regular nthly meeting OI Thistletown Bra h oi the Women's Institute will be eld at Mrs. George Stewart's home ll Wednesday, April 16th, at 2.30 p. . Papers will be given by Mrs. S eWart and Miss Bell Riley;ou sociabi ty and punctuality, and preparation;, t Eggs, A Vocal so- Ieetion will be rd dered by Miss Madie McLellan and a reading by Miss L. A. Dixon. Refre ments and question Drawer at each eeting. All ladies are cordially in _ ted to attend. 1 Miss Hughes, f Toronto, will be- gin a Course in ooking on Monday, April 14th, at 3 o'eloek p.m. in the Town Hall. F 1 course, 50 cents. Single lecture, 1 cents. .. . Ix.- nuavxnwbw A public mt values will be on Monday ev Doty of the , Company of the discussion April lg-Auction Sale of Ho11tse- hold Furniture, th property of Miss Beasley, King Str , Weston. April 19---Executors Sale of Tralu- able Real Estate and Household Furniture, to close the Estate of the late William Usher, Islington. -==r===r-t-=r-auT-----'--'-, regulate and invigorate stomach, tis.. tiny granules easy to take an candy. lt HI: ler, 2484 Yr wom pr...r'it,ret :e Fl2?erli2til/'j"" as McEWEN'S SALES meeti g to fix property be he in the Town Hall eveni _ at 8 o’clock. Mr. , Mam ‘acturers Appraisal f Cleitrland will conduct ntially to Dr. Pierce, do, N. Y., and may be xeientioua, "eorstideritial deice will be given MEDY” 1mm“! _A; tltL'V SLHH limb is hanging in 1 the Public School d be much sascr it Of course it has e now for nearly a t done any damage ‘be responsible if a urea or killed. Now Finds what is this I cut up for tirewcod' bwn Hall as a star hast. A._0. p'. held a 'aefit_repneert in the fall. on _- Thar-smtp as well filled. Mr. ' Chairman for the [lowing Talent was 1e. Mr. Piggott, Iill, Miss Ferguson, fr. Coe and Mr. E. audience was in a I Miss and Master fter time called to l Piggott and Miss 'iave several extra yas a large number 'Mount Dennis Pte- bnthly meeting of ch oi the Women's 1e1d at Mrs. George 'II Wednesday, April ll xv. 6 l'r oms, ui I. about h: 5:2

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