_ 7 CASTOR IA L 2g A clayey,' well l A sunny location, ( from Northerly si improwed by wcri 'soil, -’or mixing it? tar as convenient. 1 bed, 'dig out 15 t tho-rqughly mixing) bulk well, rotted Hi needed, dig 8 to 1 add Itoken brick; QM?! or sand toi, g: P, reses‘ bei Ewing SEQUIQ be apart. Have eel moist until in grid. tine roots carefully; skew (WEN roots 6 ins. below top 0 1011111 Where tops Don’t plant over may die. Never ha roots. Pack fir One good (ddlfft) require little. i If branches 1ft. oft one-third, stro weak more. a Flowers only on Shape of bush reg by leaving last bu; side. i Roses are high 1 tain's shores it i, them liquid manuri, growth well startq' July, i, For Aphis,-thtireen fly, tobacco water or smoke, soapy water. For green wor , powdered helle- bore on a dewy orning, wash off when desired by rrirtlrler. Take a Reception Brick home for tea City Dairy Cream, none Just as good. It will please all the family. Rosie chafer. T s bug prefers light '{Scarlett Boa Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Fall, colored roses, an soon spoils a fiae ;West Toront Mrs. and Master Ralph tlower: In early arming seem i1ozs.,Worgan, Hu bervale; Mr. and Mrs. Knock oft into a ttle Kerosene, pdi-Wyriiir1ser,rty 1ton; Miss Mills, Honey- sons seem useles on them. iwood; Mrs. Chas. LaRose. Rose Black spot. atch base leaves,,Mount: Mr.gMrs. and Miss Tiffiin, ii start to spot, ull oft with 2 or 30011, A, E bicoke; Mr. and Mrs. above that seem llright. Keep and‘Louis LaRossE Richview: Miss Maud, burn leaps/to a id infeetion, Re- Masters Fre and Reuben LaRose, peat as nebessar Rose Villa. ichriew. The happy You eauhave oWers without at- event came 'io a close with many tention, but the well repay you Til hearty wishes' to Mrs. LaRose of the future by ke ing them in good many more happy and pleasant birth- growing _etymritio as outlined above. days. Mildew crinkied sulphur in a p'owd Black spot. if start to spot, above that seem burn leavesAo m peat as necessary You can have tention, but the the future by ke growing iconditio We may have roses an summer 'bers will be glad! bership is now oi); given. Mp. and Mrs‘ H. Cousins will hold their twentieth a iversary of their wedgding 0n-Satur ay evening, Apsil with-y During th time there has not_besn a brea in Mr. Cousins iarrdTr The Village We this-month by Dr.) Af1fislrit, and repo]I tree from bacteria} condition. I For all Electric installing consult C, A. Bayliss, Lambton Avenue, Mount Dennis. Estimates cheerfully A $37er xinter‘estin‘ head by the Bapti Society on Monday Methodist young P guests. For Infants and Children. The Kind Ta Have Always Bought Witffisre pleased tc Richard Beamish is) after, ‘heir recent sev pendicitis. Mri'ainrs Mrs. Rid, be absent from _ summer as their ho going extsnsive rep Mrs. Fred Ellis few days with her 1 Bobgrf. Flynn, , Sn, Mrév‘armqus. Rich eit,thii's' week in T." wilFtalres a house" fl e Ine1t'srT.pe Cream Parlors openeSat- 11rday " night. Miss, Savage was absent from town during this reek 0 a short visit to W] friends in" Toronto. l Mrs. Oiliver Mast r will not receive agaiithis season. Bears the signature of F------- Subbeription - Price. Telephone No. 26 Wwwsss~s~‘~x+ ‘ ST WESTON' HORE‘ICULTURAL SOCI TY. Planting And i _ Bo WESTON :1. A. ME? ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION Weston, Ont; Friday A. E. WHINTQN, Prossrie/6r Lowers without at- Well repay you n: ping them in good as outlined above. Iter an article on 9r the table. Mem- §to know the mem-, [r 130. leaves-mowers of ' gun. s bug prefers tight ,er was examined Ameot. Provincial s he‘rh'as found it and in first class e to keep Toots ttd, Spread out {and plant base of brgggh out) 5 to bed to com hy/l have grown out. ing, deep or roots re manure next to y with the foot. l; dormant' plants [aimed soil is best. berferably shletered Iés. A light soil is mg clay into the in the top Soil 1a- i For a first class B 18 inches deep, I ith this l of the. mute. If drainage , ins. deeper and 'y distributed this (19s.srpd 2 to 3 ft. bummer Care Of l stone &c., with cover. The hardy mg or over, prune ger branches less, vers. Round Bri- last year'? wood: .lated in prunning on inside or out- DRUM, M. o. H.) common to give once a week after until the end of V social will be young People's vening, when the ople ‘wiIl be their PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY on is warming a Rev: J. W. H, was, B,A., Minister, 'ant1mother,_Mrts. '11 a,m., Rev, B.), . Strangway will _ ain Street. (preach. \ g Lard;»Dawspn wil-l BAPTIST CHURCH. s" , aston during the T __ -. se will be under- The "Bible Ch acter" Ieriero-f its. F Sermons 'by the p stor will be con- _ (2" V tinned in the m rning: subject for “social will be next Sunday will be "Jacob to Is- young People's rae1.'" A new seri s on the, "Tahern- lvening, when the aele" will be beg n in the evening, )ple‘wil‘l be their All who wish t know about the T "Tabernacle shoul hear the first ser- C mon next Sunday _ vening. ,rdson are'expect- Eton Where they F'the summer. N-- b’notewthat Mrs ‘vvmolgw 1v11'u-lr2ov1i:5'r kjtlUL-(Url. guite eonsrameeht' llama. Rev. J, I _ H. Milne will ire attackxof: Mo- preach, 7 p.rn. Re . B.. R, Strang- 'ei. . /" 7- _ _ways will conduct t e service. ADDRESS ALL cC?ttdUN1CATIONs TO tiitturg anh Gttite l l The annual" meet irg citveifs Ditietsan ' W. A. Wm he hel ‘,in Toronto next ' week,commencing c ‘Tuesd’ay with-a p celebration of the Holy" Communion t- in St. James' Cat edmv1, an The residehée a: Mrs. Alex. LaRose, Rose meme, tobicoke, was the scene of a verrNpleisant gathering on Wednesday aftoon and evening of April 16th, thd being the sixty-first anniversary og Mrs. LaRose's birth. The house we beautifully decorated with flowers ad ferns, many hand- some reminder were given by family and friends, suwin-g the high esteem in which she IIs held. Supper Was served ill the , apacious dining room at eight o'clo. at which the guests didimlue jusce. Very complimen- tary speeches _}nere made by Messrs. Crane, Elliott-and Dr. Fall, after which the pa y enjoyed themselves with progres Fe euchre and dancing. Among thos present were:--Mrs. Hardy, Mrs. h‘eeler, Miss F. LaRost Mrs. F. Colbrne, the Misses pur- chase, the Midbes Woods, Mr. Elliott, Miss Mannin and friends, all of To- ronto: Mr. nd Mrs. Crane, Mrs. Hope, BIrs. .nd Miss Leggett. of Scarlett Boa. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Fall, West Toronto Mrs. and Master Ralph Worgan, HuWyervale; Mr. and Mrs, Tornlir1son,NNtort; Miss Mills, Honey- wood; Mrs. Chas. LaRose. Rose Mount: Mr.Mrs, and Miss Tiffiin, In faking their ton, Mr. and My press their debt for the sympath] to Mr. Reid dun: by his friends net regrets that slag return any of t had hoped to m her return to i ture. Mr. McIntosh v in Weston, has i in connection il, Theatricals. od a high order ha ' evenings enterta Amateur Theatri als are holding the attention of some, of Weston's young people, and a bri ht little play will shortly be presen d in the Town Hall The title 'elei on arle francais" does not conVey any idea of the funny landlord who let his lodgings to a Frenchman who .005 and weds the landlord's lC‘vrv‘v v ir-', 3". Rehear- sals are going o every night and the play will be gi en early in May. Don"t miss it! T u Again we offer you City Dairr Tee Cream 3 in 1 very special 5 an; 1 cs. dishes, Inch’s lee Cream Parlors Mrs. A. Fogal, r) is visiting her 91} Flynn. F Fresh and pure garden seeds at Inch’s. Bulk Seeds also, don't. waste your time and money in Toronto. They are at your door tor the same price or less. A7ssTsrrd vitality†re'" _ weakness averte at n . xykgywanew awe Pr 1 _ The question t r the children' Iris "Where in, the, ible do we read cents about a man who made an axe to Gar swim?†Tn'ln 7 p.m., Subject ' r the discourse by the Pastor, “Stu aups estimate of Womenâ€. l ,. _ Electric R re for Men C t inth bod e1y2!ytry,e?,Y, lg r v or 33:53:: t 'r2/d','f2 vim and vitality. re dec T and all sexual 3??!‘9955 faverte at E . ‘sphono: will Next Thursday, ay lst, {being As- lcenstion Day, there ill be a:celebra- tiopcof. the Holy mmum'on at ra, m.,. 'and'Mattins dr Sermon af ll WESTON METbeiST' CHURCH $1.00 per Annury’in advance. 'ESTMINSTER 1TEsprTErirAy CHURCH. _ _ JOHN'S '(ANGLICAN) CHURCH . .r'-" WESTON. _ iyttimtahy PMWY, we; will no f t @3115 s m.-Le, but i , 'ston in , p----- flit? PMI ea " ME. A h l ' totrjcol: J? " pleasant " 0011 am ltd being tl og Mrs. Li. ‘21 beautifull agd ferns, at, were givt B wing the 5 s held. 3 apacious C) at whie' the pstor le mrning T will be ", W series on re begn in ish td kno should hear 1nday ‘Venin ion tDr tl the . Bible 1 who) mad, -t-ti: --- ogal, of Leo) her sizter I 6 ldevparture from Wes- . Reid, desire to ex- l sense of gratitude f and kindness shown pg his long sickness Land old, Mrs. Reid will not be able to ' trt01g she owes and Ke, but will do so on ston in the near fu- 0 has many friends een in town lately with Lthe Amateur Ler outside talent of been secured for the .ment; , 1913. Lockport, N. Y., ter Mrs. Robert WESTON, ONT to recovery from illness. Commission may adjust such .eom- munigiitipps at the earliest possible mgment. In the Baptist iureh oil Tuesday evening the 29th i at, at 8 o’clock. "A Trip through nada" illustrated by 150 lantern vie s will be given. A good opportunity, to see our own land. Everybody welcome. Silver collection. The annual meeling ‘of the Ladies' Aid Society of a: Methodist Church, was held in the .hool room of the church on Thuray .evening. A large number of embers were pre- sent. The annual View orthe years work was very enipuraging. A very succeserI and hoIitmynious year has been enjoyed. The; nancial statement shewed that $437.7 have been raised during the year. I The women are looking forward h-efully to further success. The fol1wing oftieers were tyleeted:--Honorary _'a" President, Mrs. l Rev. B. R. Strambays, Pres., Nrsa J. H. Taylor; Fir Vice-Pres., Mrs.“ Ellerby; Second , iee-Pres., Mrs. Goulding; Berry, iss Lennox; As- sistant Secy., Mrs. , ether; Treasurer l Mrs. E. Farr; Pi@ist, Mrs. Fair-) child. g 1 THE BROTHERHOOD. It is expected tha, the Hall will be well filled next Suay afternoon to hear Mr. D. C. Hsack. Barrister of Toronto, speak. Mr. Hossack is noted as one of thighest speakers in Toronto and thoseBvho turn out to hear him on Sundfr' afternoon will certainly enjoy a ll at, We m,ight almost claim Mr. I ssack as one of our citizens, he is 'It/tof the largest property owners 'I/fi)?". town. He has shown his i1sithWh the future or Weston by irrrestin8 heavily in real estate in the centre 'of the town. It is the desire of the Water, Power and Light. Commission that. all ip- quiries and complaints in connection with the water and, light services be torwardetr to the Secretary's- office in the Town Hall, in order that the Last Sunday afternoon about: 3,000 Ozddl‘tl'ows' from 'he visiting (Bantams who met in the city last week attend- ed divine, servic in Massey Ham, headed by Westos Prize Band. We understand the b hd leads the Bryr,t- ford Oddfellows’ no church next Buh- day, April 27th, ml on May 4th they lead the Hamiltn Lodges with their annual parade, 'Ile Minneapolis Odd- fellows' are also 'lresrotiating with Mr, Barker to get hi band to that city. Weston's band ex ects to carry off the honours in three, ontests this sum- mer, viz. Barrie, ' amilton and New Toronto. They re also engaged by the Toronto East/n District L. O. L. to lead them in Wt 12th of July par- ade. Well donef-a‘boys. stick to it, everything will cope right in time. Miss Annie Johugton, Mill Street, died at seven o'cl' k on Wednesday morning, and was buried in Bolton to-day on the at Val of the 10.30 train. Burial ser ce was held in Christ, Church, Bol n, conducted by Rev. J. Hughes-Jon s, - ,. The A. ‘Y. P. Au', of St. Phiblip's Church will he}; ' social gathgying the last meeting the season on Tuesday next, April-329th, at the‘resi- dense of Mrs. E. ' Savage, "Mam Street.' s" 7 The Town Improvement Society will buy the "lollbwing hardy perennial roots"rrotn Mitchell, Port Hope, at Wholesale rates' for the people of Weston. Write your order plainly and send 1 or leave it with Mrs. G. M. Lyons Qr‘Miss‘SavageL _Mrs. Lyons has a complete catalogue from which many other varieties of plants may: be chosen.- Orders: must be in by May 10th “and will be delivered at your door .0. O. D. (Express free). _ . s .7 T ‘Dutchman‘s pipe; .25 cents. _ ' -, "Clematis, 25 cents. _." . "De1trhimirrrg,' '20 cents,. "N V w- "Peotiitti; 2-5'éents.‘ _ " _ "“ F 't C ' Japanese Anemone, White; pink or red It" cents." C -. _,',, r',. ' Boston Ivy, 1() cents. _ ', T _ Mbtilrshotyd, 10 cents. Columbine.' 10' cents. Hardy Asters, 10 cents. Canterbury bells, 10 cents. Canary crceper, 10 cents. Bleeding heart, 10 cents. _ Fox gloves, 10 cents. ,' Forrgeb-me-not, 10 cents. Gaillardia, 10 cents. Hollrhcelrs, 10 cents. Hydrangias, 10 cents. Iris, white, purple and yellow, 10 Piano Tumng.-rrohn' T. _Anderson 200 Beresford Avenue, West Toronto. will visit Weston “every wéek. Drop a post card to the above address, and your piano will be attended to without dclay. Parties wishing _ to purchase a secondhand piano, make enquiries from John T. Anderson, piano when Phone Junction. 72. e "j s We'are pleased, r, hear that Mrs. Robert F1yun,r Sr.“ is on a fair way Consult us before wiring your house, old or new, W. “F. Moon, 1724 Dundas Street; West Toronto. DR. W. E. PEARSON Physician, Surgeon, etc. T Otfiiee-Cortler Main and Mill Streets Office Hours: 8 to 10 am., 1 to 3 and 7 to 8.30 p.m. Weston I] Garden lily, 10 Cents. Lily of the Valley, 10 Hardy pinks. 10 cents. Golden glow, 10 cents, Sweet William, 10 can Dahlias (annuals), 10 a; Vania I1i"emahe Pins Phone No. 87. If her recent severe cents. 10 cents cents A} with white; red and blue trim Checked Gingham Blouses at, 75c See cbtse before buying elsewhere Store closes at 1 o'eloek every Wednesday TELEPHONE N0. 30. _ Electric Irons, Table Lamps, Tungsten Lamps and all _ Electricalsupplies. ESTIMATES-FOR WIRING CHEERFULLY GIVEN (Mgr M. Lyons GEO, E, PHILLIPS, Deliveries daily, in large or small quantities. Galatea and Linen Dressss for Children of 3, 4, 5 and 6 years. Ladies Pique Blouses in the new French finish with sostl cuff and eollar. I Is showing a very choice assortment of . _ AND ICE. Mount CDeernrnisis. PHONE-WESTON 130. Lambton Ave. Concrete Mixer for hire, capacity 40 yards a day. " No muting. Three chairs operating. ' Agent for the following. " Fire and Life Insurance Co's TAR-1ry?. . Royal, Guardian, Canada National; and N; gth British and Mercantile F NON-TARIFF. _ , York, Merchants, and Dominion. : --AND -__ _ H ' EXC-ElSIOR' LIFE, and IRAVELLERS ACCIDENT AND HEALTH Insurance CHOICE BEEF, LAMB, MEAL MI) SMOKED MEATS. C v.' Farley’s Shaving Parlour Cigars, Cigarettes and ' Tobaccos. Main St. and Con ran PL, WESTON. Carpenter and Contractor Coulter Avenue, - WESTON Also Agent for-reliable Nursery stock "r, all at lowest pdsysibre rates, Geo. saii1sbury Harvey Moody, Agent for Butterick’s Patterns. All oMers, promptly attended to. G. M. LYONS, and Cotton House Dresses at $1 COAL, WOOD, I. A. BAYLISS, E. J. MUSSON MAIN ST.. WESTON _, _ _ as, . g f, 55%) il HE BANK "" i913 ' a tfl AM ig a. em; ', ' (r A ' EL ' / i!ttg _ â€" -- i $1 . '. grs (rgt itiil 35 RI, “3" RY i J " $55; IAQ i.EF - , 1 Rh ~:. 4I " any: I i ' ' N , s,i' ih' am ii x, - . Mit Te I _ Bl I I 2t L; IS B -ts ', , . t Iiblltt , » Ill . " - , = ' . - n - " ,. " -' ' 14;. i& Th " r V 77 Years in Business. Capital and ‘uergE/OWH‘ $7,600,000 WESTON BRANCH, " N. I. McEwen, Manager Estimates given on all kinds of work 2de VEGETABLES IN SEASON. NORTH END BUTCHER 1836 THE BANK Telephone 18 r 11. WESTON Middies DEAL}: R IN (onirador Mt. Dennis xuxone ' ted, or angofthe principal cities f the Luit Stat k," buv a Mmmv Order at any Bra}? North America. Fifty Doll Yukon eadibted, or If you fwatpf to .r. t. an Electric wiring our specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed, for u. uunnm D'uAthH, M. A. , _ F. B. E D M U N D s. F Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Bank of Nova Scotia Chambers. 1758 Dundas st., WEST TORONTO. Phone, 152, WESTON, Ont. (above Hoar s Hardware Store), Real estate loans placed at current Office Hours--? a.m. to 12 noon, , rates. to i; p.m. Evenings by appointment. .. Telephone. Junction 991. Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Gasoline and Oil Stoves, Stoves and Furnaces. Screens, Doors and Windows, Field and Lawn Fences, . Maxwell Lawn Mowers. Jot. I623 PHONE Pedlar Steel Shingles, Portland Cement, Ready Roofing. Paints, Oils and Varnishes. T Apples, Lemons, Oranges, Lettuce, Ilsrclishes, Rhubarb, MAIN BEEF, LAMB, ii-i PORK and veiL, G. W. COULTER, V. B. j JAB., Honor Graduate Ontario veterinary i Barrister, SOT College V N All diseases of Cattle and Horses Masten, Starr, f Treated Beitmtifieallr. 58 Canada Calla by mail or phone promptly Phone, M 7300. attended. C Eh WESTON ONT. Bank of Nova f ORDERS DELIVERED. hone No. 16. Eagle Block ELECTRICAL. CONTRACTOR, Special Display of Spring Millinery CAREFUL ATTENTION GIVEN Ti) REMODELING HATS. . MOURNING ORDERS A SPECIALTY. We carry a full line of Trimmings and Flowers. Open Evenings, MRS. A. McMASTER. VEGETABLES. ure Maple Syrup. SPRING CHICKENS Mlhll)f'i MllllNERY PARlOlJRS .' i724 DUNDAS STREET, WEST TORONTO. Electric Fixtures, Special designs. No extra charge 'nstalling‘. . Portable Lamps at reduced piices. Elcetrie Novelties and Supplies of all kinds. 5, 8, 10, 16 c.p. lamps, 17 cts. 32 c.p. lamps, 25 cts. Tungsten Lamps, 45c up, sr ecial prices in quantities. DONT FORGET THE ADDRESS _ ELECTRIC f f VACUUM CLEANER _ . FOR RE/NT. _ QLDHAm’s HARDWARE, V . WESTON. I to '"%sti0int in Canada POULTRY LORNE FRASER, M. A JAS. HUGILL, STREET, - WESTON _ PHONE No. 9: FRUITS send any sum up to the Bank of British Green Onions, _ Cucumbers; . Tomatoes. W. F. MOON, mm, Jr, Stfaivberribs Grape Fruit Pine Apples buy a Money i and 3418 Bloor Street, west, 1 Consultation hours, 103.111 and by appointment. Tel: C G. HOWARD GRAY Barrister. Solicitor, Notary, etc. . 891 Main Street, WESTON, Mornings and Evenings. Toronto Office 304 Lumsden Building corner Adelaide and Yongo. Otmxs: Canada Permanent Bldg 18 Toronto St, Phonc M. Mis Maria Street, Telephone No Eve ngs -, Bank of Nova S 1.1a Bldg. Weston. DR. W. J. CHARLTON Physiéian, Surgeon, etc. ifitxr-Cor. North Station and John Streets, Weston, Ont. Office Hours-g to lo- 3.113; ii to 8 p.m. Sunday,. 8 to 10 a.m. MARGARET R.. GILLETTE Graduaté Toronto Cont rvarary of. Music, Piano-reuers Narnia] Comma, Pupils prepared for Conservatory Esas Studio, I 00111 T, Nova Scotia Bank,B< Weston-- Wednesday, Seturd ay,'Monl and Thursday. mornings. '. ANDERSON & McMASTER. T Barristers. Solicitors, Notaries. is, 936 Kaela St.. (4th. door North of Dundee St.. TORONTO. _ Private funds to loan on tttart class security. Residenr'e -Pine St., opp Northern Crown Bank. Tel. Woodbridge 30 DE A- M: ROLLS. . .B., M.RAC.S., Eng., L.R.C.P. LU, _ Phybician and Surgeon , q WOODBRnjaE,' ONT, DR. J. A. MELDRHM. Physician, etc. . Offiqe and Residence-East corner King_and North Station Sts. T Barrister, Soliciiqr, thal'y, ete. Dr. H. p. LIVINGSTONE Ear, Nose and Throat. R. J. T". Hit: K E TT, Dentist Over D. Rownttee & Sons; EDGAR PARSONS, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public JAB. AIE‘CHISON 15 ursnay, mornings. Phone 48. 1.1ch m ormaJ Comma C _. , for Conservatory Exams. , Nova Scotia Barik,Bdg." esdjy, c'iaturd.ay,'Moddsy {nee and Cameron. [ie Building, WESTON, our EVENINGS OPEN Weston, Ont, 46 King w. TORONTO. n., 3 p.m., Col. 2602‘ Toronto Weston, M.