'ir/r' 'eg'i'i'lt I , ASPIN’WALL POTATO MACHINERY ALL KINDS OF HARNESS KEPT IN STOCK MELOTTE CREAM SEPARATORS Call and Inspect my Stock before purchasing elsewhere. H. COUSINS, : : WESTON. Eagle Block, CULLENGE mKm OR SCOTCH BOX Itii)iitjeuur attention given td Tire Setting ~and Wheel ',ai,..ir.l-: U i , _ ' Repairing. . ’ VOL. XXI“ McLhtjGllhLlhl CARR IAGES and AUTOMOBILES AEDAthASib':,.hNAGGtDNSir PETER HAMILTON IMPLEMENTS Raynes & thay Carriages . Bain Wagons Massey-Harris Implements Rudd Harness Loaden Barn Goods GEE - HUNDRED PEOPLE g READY FOR D‘ELEVERY Markiryt Gardeners _/ A WAGONS "u-1z?srrs'cF"-cr (irj,r,'i, 3M _?j"ii'sPAsP0-'lsiii-N'rss I I "(")ii'iijl"i'(j"iiS)iriij'( t SIN? Main St., " - WESTON, ONT. [AVERY IN CONNECTION T. A, FARR, and PLANING MILL PHONE N0. 27. j The criminalg: statisties of the Do- minion just is ed from Ottawa ives I STREET, near GHTR- Tracks some food 'i;t;utric11 to the 130ml _ _ reformer. D ing the year covered WESTON by the fi:gure 16.623 Charges were 7 made with 123)29 conxictions for ttr, .msmwm“amwms~@ dictabie oftedes, and 100,633 sum- W mary conrielit, s for everything from DY FOR DELIVERY food adrlferah'fon to larceny. Prunu- _ enness accounged for 41.3{9 of these . comictirns. ftrhe proportion of eri- __ " .L ar" . minala 1:,ii,ci' in commercial pursuits ret ill r eners was 18.69 per §nt.. while the percent- t“ ' ' age oi crimlu§fs aim |030d as labor- r ers was 5368,} The.lair'cer is regarded IA/ AGONS _ as excessi tlc: 11},th when compared . with the o hf: céasses of occupations. INGE 1:}..XlJE OR SCOTCH BOX In regard to 'iii,: age, 13.79 ‘per cent., _ _ were repened 315 under 16 years, 15,71 'tion given to Tire Setting and Wheel per cent, mm: 16 to 20 years of age, _ _ R"pail‘ing‘. -. 55.53 per centég, from 21 to 19, and m spr l L 14.97 per cent.,;7 40 years and over. A T V c, _ N ratif in! teatdre, of the report is the 1'FrC; (i'jr,'i, ALL D"rr1iiPNirTlVjir0Jii, _ Sim ir,1,yrg" sveiiire courts have been =,,s,,,,s,,aaaa,.c-idu,a, e‘STtabiished in}; 8 banadian miles.» a "a: fl RF Cl . i, 17 _ _ . 'r" 7w V Everything shotijd be done-to prevent U EU 1&5 H ARE‘ t SQ i? _ _ the young ofted er from becoming a A eondirmtd crimi al., The statistics ' _ reveal the news ity for stringent re- t., " WESTON, ONT. gulations regarrF1g the carrying of g fire arms. ( wa.-------- ,,,,§,*,,, WESTON br Glam (6mm. I Probably the motrt/iimeeessistul con- vention in the histéry ot the New York State Bankera' 'hirsoeiation was head in Ottawa last iteelr, this being the first time tor this; Assomation to hold its Annual Convigntion outside of the Republic. Leadérs of the bank- ing add political lite: of the two countries were present. : The delegates numbering about 600 wire banquetted by the Dominion Govitnrnent, Hon. E An old lady wh§ had been a life- (loog Methodist an was given to ex- ?pressing her apiteeiatiory of the 'mir1ister's remarks iuditny, went over (to the‘Presbyteriang Church, and dur- ing the preaching/ frequently cried {out her fervent Ir I ens," or “Bless ,the Lord,†to the c nstert1ation; of the isomewhat sedate P sbyterian people. It became so anno ug that she was admonished time an _ time again, that it was not the cust in the Presby- terian Church to do his, but she was (persistent, She was nally and gent- Hy walked out of th church between two elders, and on e way out she shouted that she wa honored above her Lord, for He h W one ass for a conveyance but she hiid two. l I The reporters, i', ways on the qui vive for matters tor] he information and entertainment) '_ heir readers, recent- 1y made the folldwing discovery. A new use for poli‘cal badges was re- cently unearthed Those tor the Iaurier meeting 'ere.red while those of the Borden me ing were blue. An enterprising person, said to be a To- ronto citizen, wh was the possessor of one of each, c+eeived the idea of putting them to 4other use, thereby,l saving street car giare’s. The badges) of the Presbyteria congress and the) Assembfy were ide ical in color with l the political ones and of about the same size. With ti ese pinned on the: breast of his coat,! he rode wherever he desired "trree"., It was a great scheme but he was M etected by a Dun- l das conductor Whoi'nsisted upon col~ lecting the fare. §ie left the car at the next comet. E f i Very little interest Was "T.? _IT, other the better it? will be for both 'i2i,1l,esr1:1tir:gteipa'7te1:'eel, Iteettte'i11,1 nations," said em Borden, m i _ , Proposing the waft to. the guests, iprobably not mite than 30 present. "let us hope that to Ion the Wh- . N . g as The meeting was talled to receive and ters of the St. bawrenee flow, we [discuss the repos, of Manufacturers shall be at peace I ith each other." laggagilmicszgg 'te/tis/il/irc,':;',,,:)' Mr. J. J. Hill, th American Rail- ! l _ _ . . way magmate, aftr referring to tho We?†Du“? t _ discussions, follow- hundred years of Muse, predicted aid “g the reading of the report, some never again would! there be war up immiellghu was irown on the Corn- tween English ©ealring nation. panys work, I appeared- that onns- “Whatever may " the fate ot the sums were ma , and diserepanetes , 'were found to e ist between the cone- general movement among the - I , 1 . J ' tions of peace th_se whose mother ipanly s valuatio , the assessor s ap- tongue is English, i will never again praisement and the actual figures at t k idt .. i . . a. e up arms aga1:_.one another. which the sam property was subse-, ' , lguently sold. 'owever no serious ob- . . t . 'll" . . . ljections were n'de, the report was Possibly one ot pe quickest ways Ifavorably receiod, and the agreement to lose hard earnset money and pro- 1iiu'r, between Whe Council and the perty is by the 1devastating fire. iCompany in e tly spring was eontirnr Among the reeordd of the many ap- ‘ed. The Co pany will now receive palling losses by b, last week was the sum of $1llp, for work which Mr. that swept through , our Townships in A. B. Farmer says will cost them Ontario. Not sincég the great Procu- about $500. V pine bush firty of W11, has such a * . k! * * * * * * disastrous tire oeeusded as that which The criminalg statisties of the Do- raged "in Northern Ontario in the minion just is T ed from Ottawa gives neighborhood of. chit lton. It is re- some food for eflection to the moral ported that about uty families lost reformer. D ing the year covered their homes and allgheir sheets, and by the figure 16.623 charges were narrowly eseaped wig theirrives. 1n made with 12,tir29 tuyr1vietions for ttr, addition to these, l anyusaw mills dictable often) es, and 100,633 sum- and lumber camps bituaUd in the mary conrielit, s for everything from woods have fallen a J ey to the Mm- ----v--9 g NOTES and COMMENTS § WESTON. ONT., FRIDAY. JUNE sic:'"' 1913. ing was , alled to _ he repo of Man I Co-mpny of Cl redeem-aft of the N uring tss- discussio rewdingof the rel 1 was urown on ork, " appeared we made, and din id to -ist betweel Liuatiogx, the ass: it and the actual i) Sam property 1 old. owever no 5 were brde, the re recei ed, and the ween ithe Council in e tly spring we y Co “any will m of tld), for work rmer.says will C o. 3h V * . ii. * * . * * avinag statisties 0 at is4 ed from Ott i for I eflection to D it ing the yea". gure , 16.62:3 cha [1 12,29 con'victim ofteMes, and 106 ricfiei s for everyt -era, on to larcenj :oun ‘ed for 41.379 El. :‘The proporth rage in comment per int†while th Mining‘s enmioged 3.68“ The.lab'cer is i, L1,: b-ji,h when l he T‘citasses of oer to 'l age, 13.79 " 66 Fiat Justitia, Ruat Coelum, " ;-th:ime F. E. KARN "ii-slr,:,,)),,,).-,, L I hl I TE D. Patent Medicines. Celery Compound. Syrup of Hypophoszphites. Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound. Paine’s Celery Compound. Burdock Blood Bitters. Hood's Sarsaparilla. Warner's Bate Cure. Ferrozone. I Nervinne. Beet, Iron, and Wine. Peruna. Nervilrlne. Catarrhozone. Painkiller. Fellows' Hypophosphitea. Chase's K. and L. Pills, Linseed and Turpentine. 5 Clarke’s Pills. l Martel's Pills. ,' Herpicide. . Scott's Emulsion. Zuni-Bax. . Mecca. f' Dean’s Pills. _ f, [ Milburn’s H. and N, Pillit, "_'. "i, __ t We have the largest stock of Patent Medicines, Drugs, Trusses, Body Belts, Crutches, Rubber Goods, Elastic Hosiery, and Sundries, of any» drug house in Canada.. We have no branch stores. Sulphur, (best sublimated). Epsom Salts. IPure Cream of Tartar. Bicarbonate of Soda. Moth Balls. Powdered Borax. Boracic Acid Rochelle Salts. . Saltpetre. Beidlitz Powders. Etierveseeat Phosphate of Soda. Citrate Magne'ia. Insect Powder, Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil. Pare-goric. Cascara. Household Disinfectant. Cocoanut Oil. Olive Oil. Glycerine. Witch Hazel. Cathartie Pills. Improved Blaud Pills, Spring Herb Mixture. Household Ammonia. Castor Oil. Furniture Polish. Bed Bug Poitgon. Turpentine. Toilet Paper. Absorbent Cotton. Wonder Herbs. Shamrock Oil. Sulphur Soap. Cam-phorated Oil. Sweet Oil. Essence of Peppermint. Petrolatum Jelly. Cor, Queen & Wctoria sts N. T, LIDDELL, President es. The families " 10M: their all have moved into Chagton looking for relief. In addition ' this disaster- ous fire, last week’s iie records show that $835,000 worth of, property was destroyed in Canada?†one day's operations by this summing ele- ment. How long are t"eae conditions to continue? Probabl we will cease burning up our wealt with the de pleation of our forests}; Mr. Burrell deliverii‘ the address of welcome. "The c, tury of Peace" was the ker note ty the opening Beg- sion, pledging frie dship and good- will. "The bette: we know each dther the better id will be for both nations,†said P 'mier Borden, m proposing the toa to the guests, "let us hope that to long as the Bra- ters of the St. Lawrence flow, we shall be at peace? ith each other." Mr. J. J. Hill, lth American Rail- way magmate, aftr referring to the hundred years of, pi:ce, predicted aid never again would] there be war .h tween Engl i sh . eaki ng nation. “Whatever may " the tate ot the general movement among the n- tions of peace ttase whose mother tongue is English, , will never again take up arms againét one another." DRUGS. Cash, Mutual and Stock. Full tloreuatmernbDoposit For Rates apply to M. J. MUBRON. WESTON or drop a. card to Head ottle, Km Bulldillg, Youge Show. Tomaso; . Arrangements are being made where- by automobiles from Canada can be ibrought into the country, and the us- ;ual social features which form such a igreat part of bowling contests will [not be wanting. 'i", mt: YORK FIRE INSURANCE COMP/m? Arrangements; are in; the hands of a strong committee, headed by Dr. F. w. McGuire, J. A. Loekie and others. Insure in the York Fire not be wanung. , It is expected that his honor, May- or Fuhrmann, will open the contest by delivering the first/hall. An added feature this year will be a musical entertainment the fip1rt night, which will be in charge of Alfred Jury. It is expected that, with such ex- cellent greens to play on and thh such good prizes, thit attendance will be in excess of anything attempted in the bowling line anywhere. I Arrangements ha}? been TPprdted for the annual touriiament of the Trr- ternational Lawn {Bowling associa- 1 tion, which is to beheld this year on (the beautiful green-g of the Buffalo ELawn Bowling club tn Deleware Park, 'near the corner of Parkside and Flor- ence Avenues, commencing July 28. No better greens ‘are to be found anywhere on the Continent. Last year, the clubs which came toeB1ufalo to compete ‘were parfticularly impres- sed with the eleganee of the prizes of- fered by the association. And this year, these prizes age to be of still greater beauty and dierrit. e tion. f Mr. Lawler, thefg Secretary ot the Association, reporfgs that the recent advances in ideas get wise use of the forest resource are {,very noticeable in the West at the ’iiresent time, and that it is not unlikely, Considering the demands which are being made on all sides for furthebiseientifie manage- ment, and in view of the importance of the questions to? be cansidered at the Winnipeg Convention, that con- siderable progress should be the di- rect outcome oitfie present aetivr- ties. l It is expected trt there will be a number of otherifeatures in 1vyjir?C- tion with the co.vention whiz}; will give it a 'destinct unique interest to all those attendiri . There are, assur- ances from a 12mg number or' forestry experts and offieis' s, both in Canada and the United 8%tes, that they will be in attemiamht and it is assured that the .eori?tr1?it"? will be one of the best in the histogy of the Assoeia- +;rm l Tournament Will Ti en July 28, On Park hie-ado; Greens. In connection J' with the Canadian Forestry Asscqatior1 Convention in Winnipeg, on hf- 7th, 8th and 3th of July, there " be interesting ex- hibits of forestwoods and forest in- sects, which wi] enable the people of the prairies to the at once the quality of the various 1t'rrds of timber grow- ing! in the -pronce, and the pests which are mostrdestruetive to them. Experts have Seen engaged in pe- search and coil-ion with the object of making the iiitsn of these exhibits as interesting _a.ir',Ntossible to the; gen- eral public. _ TE _ LAWN BOWLING TOURNEY. ARRANGEMENTS COMPLETE NOVEL FOR PHONES: Weston M. is not true. This is no idle boast. Our prices are fair, reasonable and right; our terms and services are right; and our Lumber is all right. If anything in our business seems not quite right, we MAKE IT RIGHT, and we do it RIGHT AWAY. There you get the Best Lumber, the Best Prices, and the Best Service there is no waste. It means money to you. Try us. By dealing with us. Buy your Lumber and Building Material of us and see if what we say You May Save Money! MAIN STREET. WESTON; Nll, mom, 'eston Branch Yard, J. C. IRVIN, Manager RESIDENCE 'PHONE 133. _ ESTRY EXHIBITS in maneu- which will interest to are, assur- of forestry in Canada LIMITED Everythln'g in REAL ESTATE. Bank of Nova Scotia Mfg, Weston, or, 106 Victoria St., Toronto. Goujding A Hamilton We have some desirable lava? â€and houses on our list, ask to see them. The shrewf" and s"vesuthy men of Toronto are putting their money into Weston real estate. _ Whypot you t Is rapidly becoming a. manufacturing centre. Twe big industries have lo- cated here this year, and we know of others to follo_w shortly. J. T. LOCKE (a. C0. IO Adelaide Street East, TORONTO TELEPHONE, MAIN 1967. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS W --AND-- WESTON PUMP WORKL, WINK“? lGNGSTAFF, Prop. MAIN ST., WESTON 'PHONE 168. Funerals arranged and Embalming promptly at- tended to. Estates managed. Rents and Interest collected. City, Farm and Suburban property in every locality bought, sold and exchanged. Fire, Life, Accident, S1elrness, Guar- antee. Automobile, Burglary and Plate Glass Insurance effected in all Companies. Money to Loan at lowest rates on City, Farm and Suburban property. UNDERTAKER, J. A. WRIGHT Successor to Jag. Gardhouse. SEE WESTON [WIN ft., Us ABOUT Junctigm 237.