Times & Guide (1909), 27 Jun 1913, p. 5

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(li)')), :1 1 about} THOMAS W. CARLYLE. TCyfRtDNT0e: _ nESERVE ANO X‘HER TALK. You men really ought to inspect them. There's a nice display here all the newest designs in Fancy Tweeds and Worstvds, and a worth-while col. lection of the always right in Blues and Blacks. SPRING GOODS Anv man can am) from this stock, few not to. We request you to call And examine our arm-k, if you do we. won't have‘ to do much talking Seeing is bun; lieVing‘. Call any day. l .Exvlusive Agents for Peabody'si Halls, Smoeks, Shirts, Gloves, eta} l FALL TERM TAILOR and MEN'S FURNISHER MAIN ST. - WESTON Toronto, Ont., is a Commercial School of the Highest Grade! NONE BETTER IN CANADA! Catalogue tree. Tiv. C. BURRAGE Builder & Contractor WEST TORONTO BRANCH Flour tk Feed Mhihl STREET. " WESTON tfiienter and Contractor boulter Avenue, - WESTON Estimates given on all kinds of work Concrete Mixer for hire, capacity 40 yards a day. GEO, E, PHILLIPS. CAPITAL PAID Ue RESERVE - . Deliveries daily, in large quantities. _--------.- (Patent Applied for) Manufaceured only by G. N. LACK, MT. DENNIS. M). J. Thompson, Chief ot. Tortilla) Fire Brigade, says: "I highly approve of this Paten Clothes Dryer, and recommend its use in" all households, it certainly will be a. great protect. tion from tirtt by males; handling ot clothes." Welcome Ceiling Clothes Dryer AND ICE. _ Mount Dennis. PROM-WESTON IM), Corner Dundas and Keele Streets. Agent for MILTON PRESSED BRICK. Phone No. 106 Opp. Haul; of P Joseph' Street. WESTON Deposits received in Savings Department of 81.00 and up- wards, and interest allowed thereon an Current, Rates. special stock of FIVE ROSES FLOUR always on hand. All orders promptly attended to. COR. COAL, WOOD, GLUTEN MEAL, OILCAKE, BEAN. SHORTS, ac. THE BANK OF Bo. Sainsbury Something New -rrEiirk OPENS SEPTEMBER ' 2ND. Get The Best. It Pays. A'"OELLto_T1r Writer YONGE AND ALEXANDER STREETS' ESTABLISHED . COLEMAN THE NEW VANAGWF. can afford to own a suit uck. few men can afford Nova Scotia . O'DELL, Dealer IO sea-tsa-ar-ui-"-"-'-""' H. -.-'-'- - _ 1855. $4,543,400.00 85,293,400.00 Phone No, 2 or small TiT-EIC, FROM $1111? WESTERN COAT. some one has sunken Of the Nile, as a region of yel.w (the sand), a stripe of green (thefertlle land), and a thread of silver (ibeaning the river) Three or four crmS yearly can be raised on soil as afod as anywhere; and as the lecturer Faid, I have been there more than one, and Egypt, the "land of Pharaoh,"Ws not the barren waste that most p-ple think. The spot where they ride on camels and donkeys, and the natives wear flow- ing robes and thd fez for ahead dress. When one Sn see the beauti- ful river Nile for ar' miles, by train, electric cars or a 'ailing boat, that does not seem verd antiquated. And in winter a delight l climate. _ Every one 'ssthrhed because it was a gput up Job. 5 There is an Ame ican lady on this Coast who wears JPe Japanece style of dress all the me, while in the house, and thinks , 11 should do like- wise. It is cert nly very pretty, comfortable and a istic. Know I can thi when wearing a constrained, as it and so "comfy." Even on the str not really be as ( of our own cut an When women. ge a whole up-to-date} dress out oi tw and a half yards. single width, it" about time for a change. This letier is i plain English. _ Funn Sights. l It's such that ive amusement, and we its laughabi side. One day while! going to an Ar Studio Tea, I notic- ed a crowd in font of a large shoe store. Curiou :of course, I wanted to see what wa , going on, srrstand- ing on tip-toes and peeping over, 1‘ saw {our dirt) ragged urchins oil boys about sixwor seven years, sit _ ting on the Ji1tt,'lyv/, l, aning against: the store wimdifr playing jews harps” while at their) Feet were four shoe! boxes for the ni§h1es and pennies. 1 At a Sociali gathering one after- Garden Seeds, Paints, Oils, Etc. noon, those I; the front row mored _ their. seats fo bard, thinking to hear -e --- the 51993955 bd ter. COAL OIL STOVES A Joiiliii'iou4 feeling caught many . and the Work bent on. A specialty for the, hot weather Along come Han usher, saying "the seats must gohrelr again." Lambton Me, - - MOUNT DENNIS You may im gine what would l1ap- pen, when ma y did not rise, as the camp chairs were shoved to the original place on a highly polished rink tR1orr. S 'ch a scramble, but ail enjoyed the fun. - Having ha 'ti many a jolt off my sketching mama; stool, I rose to meet the occasion. _ 'm like the Irishman, always getting~ 1:1?t, and coming to life again. bl', Dignity On A§Monument Smiling At i: Grief. The Chinese “believe, that the was of the dead ver close as long as they are burie in a foreign land, so they leave ho e to enter another country in a tterent way than does a man of any ‘ther nationality. And until late year , there were no Chin- ese, who did t fully intend return- ing to comple the earthly pilgrim- The BenovolMt Association is now busy at work 'aking up about 1,000 buried in Sout-frn California. Before the close of W3, a ship will leave San Pedro, with the most curious and grewsome bargo, that ever left California for " will contain between 5,000 and 6,0_ Chinese, who have died in this cc: ntry in the last 50 years. , The work is c.rried_on quietly. The bones are wrap , d each in a separate piece of soft enth, placed in a tin box, and carefdly sealed, on the outer side otNik boxes are written characters, trivbr the name, family and the place "tom which he came. On reaching Cha, the remains will be taken in chge by relatives and friends, and bur I; with all due hon- OI'S. I In a, sweet 1e er of recent date, from a real We em friend, a. Chan- taqq-pa Lecturer nd magazine writer, 1 quote this fro it. ”The other ght, I walked out across the open ear the ocean) and saw the day g out in a blaze of glory, I watehi'id the darkness fall, ty, a star twin e in the far West, so I put it down in a little verse. _ How do you li it? _ And enclosed as a lovely Mari- posa Lily. "The sun his fla hing chariot, Drawn by swiitsteeds of light, In splendid page.-try passed out, Beyond the real ,of night, And while the Iithering glory lay, Upon the sky qar, God so softly clo%d the gates of day, And lock-ed then with a star." Know you " think the above beautiful it sounn‘ so to me. This gifted woman can wash dishes or do almost an thing, but we both believe in doing hat others can do, and also what mav fail to do. When together cut up high jinks, and “don't you F! rget it." She tells about this Coast I inform her ci Eastern history, [then we enjoy the West together. _-j", As Horace Greely said “go West." at up Job. This Word i alive with Fc‘xemers For Private Parties, Balls, Concerts, Lectures, etc. Heintzmann Plano. For terms and dates apply Secretary, Waggon Young’s Club. "V L. J. "VACE--MecLimE California, 1913. il THE EAGLE HALL A Higher More llo Laugh At Oriental Gostumes Day View Of Life. at, the effort would a1spieuous as Bomt fashion. : and write better t110na, not at all vere being graceful asses imam. mm a mono. l Page} ing, Cement Work, {51 moo, Drains, Fl ors, Fuunda“ ions, Sidewalks. E. REDMOND, ll, WAGEY, W. STRONG. Main Street, Weston . MORLEY'S WESTON R. J, McMURTRY, Proprietor. i To Builders and Conmactors. We are prepared to supply screened Sand and Gravel ofthe ti1sest quality, and in any quantity, l For prices and particulars apply yr) E. Paulett, Manager, Weston, .P.O., '; or Phone Junction 840 1 Black Creek Sand & GraverP'st Delivered at any place in Weston by our 7 ton truck if dedred. 31 STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, PICTURE POST CARDS, COB CORN, BRIAR & CLAY PIPES, Oranges. Lemons, etc. COLD and HOT DRINKS High Glass Chocolates ll Candies Tobacco. Cigars ' Cigarettes ma MI) IGRAIN FARM English Weekly Papers, The Times & Guide. p, ices moderate. The East half ty 8, Towoship of York. The far acres, the Canadi running through This farm lays I which has a sub Way tracks, ther railway tracks i or teaming. The ed by the Humbd On the prope stone dwelling an buildings are 100 stabling undernea‘ Terms $3,000 casn gage. Possession 1914, or at a tn chaser. This would mal mar "residence as runs through the reduced on the banks of the Humber and delivered in Sterilized bottles daily by or to SHAW’S STORE HARDWARE, GARDEN 10015, Irie FRESHEST AND BEST HILK IN WESTON PRIME APPLE CIDER Anyone sending a sketch and awe-”*5 fan mt quickly ascertain t zr ogrizm tt 2’.-.) s, st ...‘r I Invemlon its probnbxy piuttta'ive, Communic nous strietlFtronoidc :iti.d. HALCT TA k 'T {at} Bell: free. Oldest nr'mcy tor my nuts rxaiezzza. . . - 4 ”“4. '"-rrrr. 51w r,’-r|.:h mi‘&;Ea£§6:ér°a:w:vflaw.¥ark For (ourses in all Business subjects lending to positions as Bookkeepers or Stencgmphers and for Civil Service and Commercial Speciu ists' examinations will be conducted in Shaw's Schools, Tomntn, (The Cent- ml Busimss College “ith four oily Branch Schools) from July 3rd to August 16th this year. Students may outer any time for general courses. No vacations. Write w. H. Shaw, President, for catalog. 891, Yonge St., Toronto. N . o. BA MSDiN, HENRY BUS S g Pr " I " U . '7 'ffA% atk,t'/s If st. wmmit 15.5: SUMMER “EMU CONTRACTORS. Auctioneer, FOR Don't Forget Apply- Ot wEsiipN. DEALER 1N Lot 11, Concession {au-ghan, County of contains about 96 n Paeifie Railway e property. long the side road ay under the Bail- :is no crossing the , working the farm harm is well water- River. SALE r is a first class orchard, the out- eet \long with stone h. Price $6,500. balance on mort- iven on-April 1st, 1 a beautiful sum- :he Humber Rive? uropea‘ty. the farm to O. ELLIOTT, Owner, f WOODBRIDGE. El. to suit the pur- DAIRY Mt. Dennis. an may nies. i Alex. and R _ ent to sleep in the .11'30 from Toro o the other night. They went throu Weston to George- ltown. They a 9 back by Freight lfour o'c'ock next orning. I Oh you storm " Dundas. . Severe; young l ies are going with lthe Lacrosse boys. to St. Catherines, on Saturday. W ’ t’s the attraction $g'irls, Lacrosse ort--- For all Electric installing consult J. A. Bayliss, Lambton, Avenue, Mount Dennis. Estimates cheerfully given. "Friends in this world of hurry, And work, and iuden, end, If a thought' comegrquick of doing, A kindness to atriend, Do it that very inute! Don't, put it off i Don't wait! What's the use of " oing a kindness, If you do it a ff too late?" Lights out. , _ Listen for the New. All scavengers should be clean shaven. There ould be less ehanee of microbes being arrieh around. Why don't they play Lawn Tennis on they Park Tennig Courts? Lets have Knot'éhe’s Band in the Band Stand. x We wanted a light on the subject on Monday night. 5; 'iwherr--- The caretaker agile Public School went looking for ' ame" on Monday night, he had an wful looking rifle mth him. t Charity begins ai, home, so just re member when you are throwing hund red dollar bills ar§und. Do you sot) from indigestion? Try Ineh's digestive Elixir, price 50 cts., If not relic/"ed, money refunded. Hello, Billie TV at's ail the noise, what's the mattpg oh its all right its only a dam) buyi ig biscuits. Fran" has mi , the bov scouts. He was out in 1_ Norm on Thvrvdar The “mien E ,d gave an open air He was out In 1 norm on '1‘n171‘='L=ay. The T‘mim Bid gave an open air concert on Mai Street on Sunday night, -Vernio 'hired Sam Rice's Theatre for the, ccasien. More petifionsg Several pevti' were overcome by the great heat it Sunday. " Why 90 to B‘grnum and Bailey's The pirerrrusn')s getting along tine with the less from Sconni-e Botland. HEARD AT THE POST OFFICE CORNER. 7 DO IT AT ONCE. A fire reel that sidewalk. A Postman or} fice that will keen so that a man Cl, comfort before 2 mail. j More signboarr weeds. The ",_myihit)j6ris',," aft; traikti?it." Some lively ~ ragettes to liven the old town up. A few emerg‘ l'cy’ oil lamps in the Council Champ . The car lines the centre of the road. Something besi 'es prayer and amateur thee, meals to I the "boys" to keeh in town. Seven acres of grass far sale at Riverside Cemetery. Apply to JAB, R. DENNIS, Weston. f Almost 200 resi ents took advant- lage of the Church of the Good Shep- lherd Excursion to Grimsby Beach on Tuesday, the we her was excellent and the trip acre the lake most CTI- l?yable. Rev. M . Barrow and the {Committee are t be congratulated Ion the splendid ariangememts provid- !ed for the p1easure'ot their patrons. The Court of Revision for the Vil- lage of Weston will hold its first sit- ting /tor the current year on Monday, June 30th, 1913, for the purpose of hearing any complaints and appeals against the assessment of the said Village. Court of Revisi n The Court will sit in the Council Chamber on the above date at eight O'clock in the evening, and all whom it may concern are requested to gow- ern themselves accordingly. Weston, ' June 19th, 1913. Orillia is a tow worth visiting, go on the Bolton exc sion on June 24th Via C. P. R. Beautylene stops" that tailing Hair, and cures Dandruff or money refunded Inch, Weston. DEALER IN choice Beef, Lamb. Veal. Ham and Bacon BUTTER AND [665 A SPECIAL". BUTT0NW000 AVE, MOUNT DENNIS A public comv "ience Moving pictur B. Cheaper hour-3 . A decent par . Oiled roads. Ice cream on Sunt' A lady barbe . A 11:16,; range. w Petparg ise'is'ts M., _ NELSON JARRETT Mount Dennis VlLl AGE OF WESTON WESTON WANTS NOTICE J. H. TAYLOR, Clerk a Sunday 361548, 866.," paiCtgit." _rfhragettes to liven the Street on Sunday biped Sam Rice's ceasion. lat least a post ot- ‘open till ten, o'clock n get his supper in naming to get nis an be pulled on the ,es prayer meeting irittals to encourage ients took advant- to cover up the BI YEARS IN BUSINESS, CAPITAL PAID UP $5,800,000. RESERVE FUND $10,600,000. TOTAL ASSETS over $79,000,000. C.iSH RESERVES over $16,900,000 Branches in all the important Towns and Cities throughout Canada, as well as in United States, Newfoundland, Jamaica and Cuba. The accounts of Manufacturers. Builders , tl Iradesmen solicited. Farmers business given special attention. rules Notes cashed or col- lected on favourable terms. Certificates of deposit issued. Savings Department This Bankhs Books and Statements are annually examined by STRICTLY INDEPENDENT AUDITORS. Bank of Nova Scotia WESTON BRANCH Choice Groceries Teas, Coffees, Etc. A full line of Canned Goods always in stock. DENNIS Ava. AND WESTON mo., JANE ST., MOUNT DENNI The Women] lititute elected the following oftieers for 1913-14--Presi- dent, Mrs. Jas. . Rowntree; Vice- President, Mrs. F. o. Duncan and Mrs. A. Shaw; Di ctors, Mrs. Peters, Mrs. John Rile.and Mrs. J. Tor- rance; Auditors, it; B. Chan. Plunkett and Mrs. J. Colhgn; Secretary-Tres- surer, Miss V. A'nson. Buggies, Cars In) “'ggzgsg A trial solieife4, Berger's Pure Paris Green, at Tuck’s Cut Rate Drug Store, Weston. ' ', - ' DEALER IN _. Gnome Grocerles, TEAS, CQFFEES. Etc. Butter and Eggs tt specialty. Lambton Ave., MOUNT DENNIS. Be sure you do forget St. John's (Anglican) Garde Party, in Aid of the Building Fun under the Auspic- an of the Woman) Auxiliary, to be bld on June 21st Tea served from i gnu THISTLETOWN, LARGE DEEP LOTS. WIDE SI‘REETS. BUILDING IlEsTEtrCTIC)?is. Practical 11riiap . Mowi, and Slgn erter, F. E. DAINES 'ia-ag-animal-aim E It is your priviledger to write to Dr. Pierce for advice, and it will be q 'bt given free of charge. Of coume all communications are confidcrlu aWlfllflmlllllfllllllfllfllfllUllllllflIHliHlilfifilllfllllfllllu“Hill[I[I]lIHlIllllIHIIIllIllflIIIHP.[IHlfifllfllfllIll]111111111anWillUlillllllllillllmlil1 1l?/,',','////,'r,/iLd'C, m .;. BUY A LOT. See the LOCAL REAL ESTATE MEN or THE glllGlill EGME DEVELOPMENT iii)., ALF. MILLER, STON BRANCH t A. S. FRASER, Manager. MOUNT DENNIS BRANCH, - D. A. KEAN, Manager BUCCESSOR To W. WEBSTER HUMBERMOUNT DR. " " w‘ullux. 'r..-'"-'""' --- physician and adapted to the system. it has been recon: peculiar ailments which akea period. Motherhood ade ed been benefited by t . eat med} Your druggrit can supply yo in liq or able: 50 one-cent stamps for a trial box Dr. ierec'o Tablets, to Dr. Pierce, at Invali Ho 7 . 1 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA BUILDING, WESTON. PIERGE’S FAVORHETRESCREFE‘EQ DEALER IN , We will send a wheel to any n- TEN DAYS TRIAL dress in Canada on approval and allow 10 days' trial. It will not cost you one cent it vou do n ot desire to Rees It after that time. We could not atrord to make this oder if we were not our wheels are the best value for the money on the market. Write at once tor new illustrated onmIogue and full partiettlar' ot or . In every town and mommy w um; an“ unmvuauaw u "awry .-.- . . . _ -- s PECIAL” bicycle turhished by us and fitted with coaster brake, roller chains, three-coil spring saddle, extension handlebar and other leading tear cures. Good money can be made selling our bicycles, tires and sundries. Our large groductipn, together with unexcelled facilities and 26 years' ox- gal-lance m bu Ning bicycles, places us in B position to ship high-grade wheel: eat. from factory to user at LOWEST PRiC ES. , We will send a wheel to any ad- TEN DAYS TRIAL dress in Canada on approval an! allow 10 days' trial. It will not Cost you one cent it vou do n ot desire to Rees It “M- um. h...“ WA mum rsmenfrrtrd m make this oder if we were EMtt In every town and locality to ride and demonstrate a sample 1913 "HYS LOP _ - - - - . .. “AM“. “mm.“ M, “a ma ffttpd with master brake. roller Write at once for new illustrated traetire new otter and special prices. Eiiién AGENTS WANTgp SHUTER AND VICTORIA STREETS, TORONTO, For tg-Mttatitm name ot paper when answering this advertisement. "irfiiiCdiGirioTmorts, LIMITE? SAVE YOUR TAXES. MT. DENNIS That Wonderful E: " C ”WWIIIInHI]I[IllINHllflllulllllmllllflllllll|lUflllllll[ill]!IIlllllllll||IIIHlI||llI|HIII||Illilllllllllllllllliil!,Mum, 'v., I IF THERE is a time above all times wher a woman should b . ect physical conduit-W tt B the tune prey to e coming of her hem. During this pe many men suffer from bttcdror" 'teeNessness pal of vario description, poor app. "'r and a host ot'o ailmen hich should be eliminatw; in justice to the life _ to be ushered into this worm. -paintrd THE W“ IN $1 per foot down. $10 per lot monthly. 1liq or tablet , or yeu can send Dr. iercc'o ' Vorite Prescription CHo mica] Institute, Burma. WANTEp--Smlr T house with good garden in Eton or immediate vicinity Box 96, eston. FOR SALE-N Massey Harris -- mower, Appl . to Box 16, Time? Office. THlii_Sh..!./rJ.'.Ev, QELCHESTRA OF - WESTON-(G. Knothe, Leader) needs 2 Cornet players and 1 flute player. Practice every Monday night from 8 to 9 30 in the Eagle Hall. If you want to join us meet me there any Monday at 8 p m. G. Knothe. - and Colt, Apply to Box 20 Times Office. FOR SALE-General purpose Mare HENRY RUSSELL, Licensed Auco tioneer for City of Toronto and Counties of York and Peel. All orders promptly attended to, I have several good farm properties placed in my hands for sale, all within a few miles of the City of Toronto. I also have several house properties and vacant lots in the Village of Weston. My commission. if sale made, is 1 per cent on all property. Phone Central, Weston. Residence. John Street. tt RICHARD WADE, Coulter Avenue, delivery agent for the Dominion Express Company on all business in and out within the town limits. Also baggage transfer and general Garbage. Phone No. 69. Mt VV operators, h) hours. ApplyE Telephone, Westoa FOR, SALE--rhorse garderysrs,waio? in good condition, tongue and trees go with it, Apply Times oiligyee L - . . "f/ 4 . horse gardener’s Wagon, new, fit. ted up by us for the late John Catskill, _ may be seen at our sshop. Mrs.root. V tril has instructed us to sell for any-, " thing hke a fair offer. J. cruioir-rtii' shank & Song. WA NTED-,.TsRr.. operators, 1i F01? SALE AT k" il,ltllltEt5iiC,i"i'fa'ij'ui'isF; Condensed Advertisements BUILD A HOME. ienced and _.<>kjllfyl girls fo?ili'iiiiii,ifiirir1' A; work and atrbrt J. Totten, Bell os/air . 30, 32

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