Carpenter and Contractor ‘C‘oulterAvenue, â€" â€" WESTON Estimates given on all kinds of work R â€" Concrete Mixer for hire, ‘capacity 40 yards a day. You imen really ought to inspect them. . There‘s a nice display bere all the newest designs in Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds, and a worthâ€"while colâ€" lection of the always right in Blues and Blacks. THE NEW SPRING GOODS Anw man can afford to own a suit from this stock, few _men can afford mot to. § We reaues you to call and examine our steck, if yon do, we won‘t have to da much talking. Seeing is beâ€" MHeving. Call any day. j Exciusiv; Agents ~for Peabody‘s QOveralls, Smocks, Shirts, Gloves, etc. free. TIIOMAS W. CARLYLE. FALL Poronto, Ont., is a Commercial School of the Highest Grade! NONE BETTER IN CANADA! Catalogue T ORONT O TAILOR and MEN‘S FURNISHER MAIN ST. â€"_ WESTON w. C. BURRAGE Builder & Contractor A special stock of EIVE ROSES FLOUR Flour & Feed MmMAIN STREET, â€" wESTON Geo. Sainsbury wEST TORONTO BRANCH GEO. E. PHILLIPS, All orders promptly attended to. Deliveries daily, in large or small quantities. _ (Patent Applied for) Manufactured only by G. N. LACK, MT. DENNIS. Afi. J. Thompson, Chief of Toronto Kire Brigade, says: !‘I highly approve of this Paten Clothes Dryor, and recommend its use in all households, it certainly will be a great protect tion from fire by careless handling of clothes." AND ICE. Mount Dennis. PRONEâ€"WESTON 130. Something New Welcome Ceiling Clothes Dryer Caritar Parp Ur REsERVE _ â€" â€" MILTON PRESSED BRICK, Phone No. 106 Opp Corner Dundas and Keele Streets. mESERVE ANOTHER TALK. COR. YONGE AND ALEXANDER STREETSI COAL, WOOD, Deposits received in Savings Department of $1.00 and upâ€" wards, and interest allowed thereon at Current Rates. GLUTEN . E. COLEMAN Joseph Street. wWESTON THE BANK TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 2ND. Get The Best. It Pays. 7P ELLIOTT â€"#373" 47 Bank of Nova Rcotin TEN MEAL, OILCAKE, BRAN. SHORTS, &c. ESTABLISHED MANAGFR. Agent for . O‘DELL, Dealer in always on hand. 1855. $4,543,400.00 $5,293,4100.00 Phone Ne, 2 FRollowing areafle 1000 Cl_lly Promotioa Examigations held in Wesâ€" ton Pubkc Schoolf Pass standiog reâ€" quired 40 per CéFt.. of each subject and 60 per cent., #of total. Honour standing reguired p0 per cent., of each subject and 75 ger cent., of total. Names are afranged in order oi merit. ‘‘H" derofes honours:â€" To §&r. IV. Helen Barger, H. Verna Dickin, H. Jean McLgan, H. Donald M@Kitterick, H. Victoria Quirie, H. Phyllis Wade, H. Harry Westphal, H. Clarissa Verral, H. Dorothy Lyons, H. Kath‘een Meldruni, H. Tehdy Wilky. H. May Stollefy, H. Victor Brown, H. A Annie Humphbries, H: Ella Banks! H. ; Charley Lqngstaf. f Vera Campbhbell. &z Harvey Rigbardson. Frances Mgfiat. Gordon Maody. § Lillian PoWHard. Bert CharBoneau. Viola Noble s Tom LindS@y. Madeline 'Eottle. Celia Westphal. 3 Adolf Moll@énhauer. es Jack Bull. Geraldine Rvans. (c.4 Douglas Rqwat. 8 â€" Grace Woods. 3 Marion Degrden. James Burnett. f PUBLIC SCHOOL PROMOTIONS To Jr. IV. Norman Sime. H. (Oive Master, H. Frances HiH, H. Malcolm : MeRae, H. Bryce Mofiat, H. Neillie Hurst, H. Howard Chariton. H Joe Campb?ll, H. Norman Mackay, H. Roskell Rumgney. Eric Hugill Erme PaTk@r: Ruth Goulding. Lorne Mallgby. Kathlen Burnett. Ruth Cha]oger. Perezel Pearce. Reta Calhggn. Olive Mattigon. Stella Bell.= To Sm HL Fred Strangways, H Muricl Heel@p, H. Florence Shaw, H. James Margh, H. Lawrence Lyons, H. Everard Cathcart. Alma Best.} Thomas Hopwood. Winnifred lâ€"zx_rst. Gordon Mcl§itterick. Willie Coultér. Gladys Longstafl. Dorothy Co€. Willie Warng‘;l]. Myrtle Gardhouse. Myrtle Griggzh. Ercel Coho@nâ€" Dorothy Chandler. Helen Hill.! Margaret rrage. Charlie McMillan. To Jp. HIL. Thelma Colgman, H. Hilda Holmies, H. Douglas Maftin, H. Ivan Morrig H. Rhea Jennings, H. Roderick Davis, H. Marjorie Tgttle, H. Hubert Message, H. Bessie Day, H. Luella Wardlaw, H. Norman Bagker, H. Theo Vanalstyne, H. Gwendolyn McRae, F Gordon Dalphin, H. Vera Irwing, H. Margaret Master, H. Hilda Wa,d' H. Edith Mattison, H. George Dickin. Clarke Griffith. Gordon Pagker. Georgs Gogmm. Pearl Kolberg. Violet Trinkwon. Janet CalRoon. Ernest Roferts. Russell MaFwen. Clarice Raobinson. Mary Meyérâ€" Dolly Achigon. James Moflat. _ George Evans. Tommy I;VI%theson. Howard lby. Reginald Gowan. Arnold M@llenhauer. Myrtle Sigpson. Grace Doe, Bessie Gardener. Reta Bull® Rose St?v%ry. Verna S h. Mabel Evans. Gladys Méepsage. Rhoda Br@gwn. _ & Alex Irvige. Nelson Adg@mson. Grace Goglding. Elmore Meércer. Constance Shaw. : Alma Tasgie. Louisa M@llenhaeur. Lily Holmges. To§r. H. Marion Wiby, H. Edith Hoflingsworth, H Kathleen Hlines, H. Elsie Lake, H. Douglas Master. Neil Mortgnâ€" Norman Wilson. Marjorie BRrown: Ermga HeskoDp. May Irwing Teddy Hoklingsworth. Agnes Moffat. Vida Mormingstar. Willie Howlings. Cecil Brown. Ralph W1§; Mariorie Rowat. Robt. Charboneau. 0 per cent., oi each c cent â€"of total. ged in order of es honours:â€" t IVâ€" &he results of the ations held in Wesâ€" Pass standiog reâ€" .. of each subject AFDMONY. WACFL & SThONG CONTRAGCTORS. | _ | Plastering, . Cement Work, | Stuceco,. Drains, Floors, | Foundaiions, Sidewalks. 1 MADDWARE GARDEN 10015, E. REDMOND, _ C. WAGCEY, _ W. STRONG, Vain Street, Weston. THE FRESHUEST AND BEST MILK 1N WESTON Produced on the banks of the Humber and delivered in Sterilized hottles & daily by MORLEY‘S WESTON W. J. McMURTRY, Proprietor. To Builders and Contractors. _ We are prepared t > supply «creened Sand and Gravel of the finest quality, and in any quantity. For prices and particulars apply to E. Paulett, Manager, Weston, .P.0., or Phone Junction 840 Black Creek Sand & Gravel Pit STATIONERY, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, PICTURE POST CARDS, Tonacco, Cigars & Cigarettes A specialty for the hot weather Lambton Ave. â€" _ â€" MOUNT DENWMIS Delivered at any place in Weston by our 7 ton truck if desired. 31 COB CORN, BRIAR & CLAY PIPES, Oranges, Lemons, etc. COLD and HOT DRINKS â€" _ There are erecte@ upon this properâ€" \ty a good roughicast house, 36x36, with brick kitchenfand woodshed; two barns, 50x60 and #x60; horse stable, 20x32; sheep pen,. $0x44; also driving house and pig pgn. This farm is situated about seventeen miles from the City Hall, Tqronto, within hall mile of the Villagg@ of Claireville and a surveyed electri@ radial line. It is beautifully located n the west branch of the Humber andfis equally adapted as a grain or stogk farm, being for many years the B@ome of the Gore Herd of Shorthorn«s High Class Chocolates & Candies English Weekly Papers, The Times & Guide. Prices modera‘e. VALUABLE FARM PRODERTH In Towoship Of Toronto Gore, ESTATE WILLIAM PORTER, Deceased There will be i Public Auction bi Auctioneer, for th/ tors of the last: PORTER, decease Wedrnesday, 1913, at TWO o noon, the followi property, namely: SHAW‘S STORE iParts of lots 13 @nd 14, in the ninth Concession, south@rn division, Townâ€" ship of Toronto Gore, containing One Hundred and Forky acres, more Of less. 3 Thisâ€" farm will offered for sale subject to the folfowing conditions: Ten per cent., to bg paid by purthasâ€" er at time of sale gnd the balance on March 18th, 1914. & Possession given April Ist, 1914. & The present tenagt has the priviâ€" lege under lease f planting fifteen actes of fall wheat gor his own beneâ€" fit and also is obliged by the same to fall plow sixty res for the purâ€" chaser. For other partic®Hlars and condi tions sale apply to J. _J. PORTER, H. PORTER, PRIME APPLE CIDER for consideration just now. Send for a copy of our curriculum. It will present some facts you should know. A Term in one of our schools insures a good salary. Enter anv time. For your B ys and Girls is up SHAW‘S SCHOOLS, TORONTO Head Offices: Central Business College, Yonge and Gerrard Sts. Torom to . N. 0. RAMSDIN, EDUCA TiO N Humber P. O EXECUTORS SALE THE RIGHT KIND OF W. H. Suaw, Principal. COAL OIL STOVES Don‘t Forget ER, H. PORTER, P.â€"O: Solicitor, 36 Torof@to St., Toronto: DEALER IN pfiered for sale by clock in the afterâ€" ng valuable farm July 9‘ h,‘13. â€"â€"J. K. McEwen, undersigned execuâ€" will of WILLIAM , at the farm on DAIRY Mt. Dennis. ST. JOHN‘S SHpPARATE SCHOOL Jr. Fourth â€"Asgumption Calzavara. Dorothy Walker, Jucy Martin, Mary Martin. 3 Jr. Third:â€"Angi@s MacDonald, Nelâ€" lie Holley, Margamet Harris. Sr. Second:â€"Lowis Calzavara. Jr. Second:â€"Glagdys Harris, Mary Calzavara, Lena Calzavara. Sr. Pt. IILâ€"Norman Kearney, Edw MacDonald, Leo B§urke. Sr. I:â€"Alfred Red@mond, Marie Newâ€" Ask for Shean‘s Pure Teas, thirtyâ€" two years experience, gives the Shean Tea Company advantages over all competitors. Give them a trial and be consinced. Mail orders attended \to at 40 Carlton Street, Toronto. |__A number of perf [bit of ba‘hing in. North of the pow should not be allo ‘the Humber is pler |filter without peop man Jr. ‘I:â€"Albert ‘alzavara, â€" Katie MacDonald, \ Fohn McGlynn, Leo Mcâ€" Glynn, Kathleen $Harris, Theodore Kearney. 8 Tb Pt. A:â€"Victoria Calzavara, Lillian Hill, Lenore Kearney. Mr. Anderson, or%Chicago, is ependâ€" ing a few days with his brotherâ€"inâ€" law, Mr. A. T. Magher, John Street. Mrs. Ed. Meadg, South Station Street, leaves ne week Afor Erin, where she will spe a two weeks vaâ€" cation with her mgther. The Town Coun@il held a short meeting on Monda.y%1 evening after the Court of Revision, the Reeve in the Chair. Councillorg Sainsbury gnd Gardhouse present. On_ mpotion of Gardhouse â€"}Sainsury â€" ‘"‘That the plan submitted by Mr. Edward Eagle be and the same is opted, and that the Reeve and Clerk be instructed to sign the said plan, and that the Corâ€" poration seal be aftached thereto." The Council then agjourned. The Weston Counfcil No. 113, C. 0. C. F. held their fnnual picâ€"nic to Centre Island last]) Saturday. The weather was splengid, quite a crowd turned out for whgt proved to be A most en ovable aft@rnoon. The time was taken up witkh, races and games, etc., after which p splendid supper was served by the friends. The C. 0. C. F. Weston Council No. 113, held their usual meeting on Wedâ€" nesday night. After a "hot" meeting ice cream was served. A pie social will be held next meetingg any kind of pie will get a hearty welcome. The Rev. Dr. Lofjg, the new minisâ€" ter of the local Mgthodist Church is the Grand Prelate pf the Grand Counâ€" cilâ€"of the Canadi Order of Chosen Friends. f On Monday ev%xing a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Wesâ€" ton High School iExâ€"pupils Associaâ€" tion, decided. to § hold their Third Celebration on Thursday, August 28th, at the School Grounds. A general meeting for thorough organiâ€" zation will be held{ in the Town Hall, Thuraday evening,, July 10th, 8 p.m. to which all Exâ€"pypils in Weston and vicinity, are cordiplly invited to atâ€" tend, and help mgke this affair the pest ever. 4 When a man‘s sing jingle; } He carelessly squl He buys lovely ¢ many dollars,| On white vests a When a man‘s ma and harried; He wants things dirt. j His wife takes his for her honey, A 40 cent mud co‘; George has a pe§ crow he INLCNU»S to teach it to talk. Did yau see, Waltgr with his new car, he looks quite E;u'rf_x Who was it that §shingled a house in Weston with the, thin end of the shingles to the weather. Congratulations o couple on the ï¬ft%l must have been tak@ ding bells. We didn‘t any way. a Consult _ us â€" D« house, old or new Dundas Street, W You hear lots of tRings at a DICON‘L don‘t you Ethel. p Theâ€" scavenger‘ stould be given a supply of disinfecta to be used at all places that he clgans up. HEARD AT Daisy Stollery Carl Miflward. Fred Bufl. Lloyd B&ll. Marjories Wade. Helen Fgichnie. Willie Banks. Norval Rollard. Clifford Robinson Ray Cohpon. Bessie J&nes, H. Earl ’Bag, H. Mad:lineECowan, H. Lila Bulk H. Gladys andler, H Robbie C&thcart. Ing Best. Renie Griffith. Grace Hagrington. Katie Birghall. Lesiie Col®ourne. Eva Butlog. Lily West@ver. Mcloa Denf is(: Edith Walgon. wWESTON HILEH SCHOOL THE DIFEKERENCE §0Hard. l â€"Robinso hpon. Té Sr. L. J&nes, H aÂ¥, H. neECowan ul H. pandler Chthceart st.a Grifith. Hagringtc Birghall. Colfourne itleg. estqver. Denpgis. wal f', n SEpARL â€"Assumpt er, ucy â€"Angus M argamet B â€"Lows C :â€"Glaqdys THE POST OFFICE CORNER. G.)M. LYONS, ‘w, W. F. Moon, 1724 West Toronto. of things at a pitâ€"nic before wiring _ your s Roâ€"__the _ happy| filth. The hammer ; takan from the wedâ€"l idnԤ hear them ring’ ons are in the baâ€" kthe Humber just r station. This ed. The water of y hard enough to e washing in it. cil No. 113, C. 0. nnual picâ€"nic to Saturday. The id, quite a crowd t proved to be & rnoon. The time le his money he‘ll id delicate socks. ried he‘s worried hat will not show ored shirt nders his rocks. llars and spends money and buys crow he intends President Bank of Nova Scotia wWESTON BRAMNCH _: A. S. FRASER, Manaager mMOoLNT DENNIS BRANCH, â€"_ D. A. KEAN, Manager J. MARSHALL, CAPIIAL PAID UP $5,800,000. RESERVE FEUND $10,600,000. TOTAL ASSETS over $79,000,000. _ C . H RESERVES over $16,900,00€° Branches in all the important Tow )< : nd Cities throughout Canada, s well as in United States, Newfoondlan t. am ica and Cuba. * The accounts of Manufacturers. Builde‘~ anu Tradesmen solicited. Farmers business given special attention,. Sales Notes cashed or colâ€" ected on favourable terms. Certificates of deposit i<sued. Savings Department 4 This Bank‘s Books and statements are anmrually examined »y STRICTLY NDEPEXDENT AUDITORS. Choies Groceries, TEAS, COFFEES. Etce. Butter and Eggs a specialty. Lambton Ave., The two chorus irls are once more with the old .brighde. Old Brigade! look out for Bob! The Lacrosse me at the Is‘anc must have made certain bandsr a: mad. He lost hig temper very cas: when he tried to get on to a stree? car for Weston. He had a brase instrument with hign. We don‘t kno: what would have §appened if he h&, had the big drum. Bob the "juice mgan was seen takâ€" ing a watering can |down Main Street was it him that spginkled the Street? Jack had several wisitors from Wesâ€" ton to ses him on onday night. Who stole the on{fons from the garâ€" den on the banks of the Humber. It seems like taking coals to Newâ€" castle when a stBange Band en‘er© this town. Sure a local Ban should have local epgagements. But of course there arc;?]always two side. to a, question. She‘s some kid all right. What! Bob the "juice mgan was seen takâ€" ing a watering can |down Main Street was it him that spginkled the Street? Cameras should nptbe allowed near the Black Creek, t in hot weather anyway. Roddy nearly, b his hat. J The newly mar exciting five mintt to escape a showej There should be preachers during t Percy‘s mermaid two Weston Lassi put a cheerful smil Tom failed to pick a winner, his six selections were all "also ran s. Tom B.â€"â€"has very sweet tooth. He and two chums . had supper toâ€" gether down town on Dominion Day. Beef was served d _ Tom who was very hungry mistod@k the sugar shakâ€" er for the salt. t was not till he had complained to‘ the management about the "bum salt‘‘ that he found bhis mistake The Cheerful Life LARGE DisEP LOTS. WIDE STREETsS. buirDpIng RxsTRICTIOXs. BEY A EOW See the LOCAL REAL ESTATE MEN or THE HUMBER HOCME DEVELOPMENT {0., HUMBEER MOUNT DIA LEH LN It is the right of everyone to live It to ourselves and those who live h cannot do so if ill health takes hold of us. e will resto M to weéakened ankind. For years it has survi rej\:&::e.r:nv and mali Sold y dealers in medigine in llqu:ld or tl.b;et !olv': Br. Pierce‘s Favorite PresgriptionsT ablets can be Sfad of druggist or mailed om receipt of oneâ€"cent stam or §1.00 or 50c " Address R. V. Pierce, M. D., Buffalo, N. Y. es PDr. Pierce‘s Pleasant regulate and invigorate stomach, Hver and bow ‘Sngar-coated, tiny granules. RANK OF NOVA SCOTIA BUILDING, WESTON. TEN D&YS‘ TRIAL Ye.y)" { \ AYSLIT In every town and locality to ride and deBionstrate a sample 1913 SsPECIAL‘ bicycle furnished bYJ’%nd fitted with coaster br~k‘e1’ 5 er chains, threeâ€"coil spring saddle, ©Xkengion handlebar and other leac®@@ fem tures. _ Good money can be made SÂ¥iJing our bicycles, tires and sundries. Our Jarge production, toge}b};r with unexcelled facilities and 25 years‘ exâ€" gerieume in building blcyflgsq places us in a position to ship highâ€"grade wheels irect from factory to US&T"at LOWEST PRICES. RIDERAGENTS WANTED 1 VHYSLOP In every town and locality to ride and degï¬; a sumpicaerg ) <PFCIAL‘ bicycle furnished DY USZnd fitted with coaster br~k~°;’mfï¬) t â€"B RLN BJ LA W kJ â€" O R®@ OAGFI dressin C allow 10 days‘ trial, _ It will not cost you one cent If after that time. We could not afford to make tl.. our wheels are the best value for the money on Writé at once for new illustrated catalogu*=4 tractive new offer and special prices. SsHUTER AND VICTORIA STRE NortEâ€"Mention name of paper when answ HYSLOP BROTHE !a time limit for e hot weather. ed couple had an s when they tried of confetti. turned out to be s wearing nothing 81 YEARS IN BUSINESS. t not quite, lost MOUNT DENNiS. sAVE YOUR TAXES. D jf'ï¬; ri E th to w@akened w THE m11s> IN RESERVE FUND $10,600,000, C . H RESERVES over $16,900,000 ‘ow )< : nd Cities throughout Canada, lland. _ am ica and Cuba. $1 per foot down. $10 per lot monthly. LOSTâ€"In Westonk cii d‘s red coat.. Will finder kifdly leave at Mr. Oldham‘s store or fPommunicate with H Jefferson. Phope 3 on 103. 34. J S5.â€"Between Church Street 1nd Hospital Road, July 1st, a bundle of bedclothes ‘etc. _ Finder rewarded on notifying Geo Johnston, Box 117, Weston Post Office. 35 FOR SALEâ€"$4,500. house and lot 50 feet on Mill Street by 225 feet on the Park corner. Miss Jobnston. 35 _ and Colt, Apply to Box 20 Times Office. FOR SALâ€"â€"40 fine young ducks. Apply 165 Main Street, Wesion, next to Irvin‘s Lurfber yard 34. FOoR SALE AT A BARGAIN.â€"Two |EIITUCE AND [CHERRIES FOR WANIED.â€"Small house with good garden in W.«eton or immediate vicit ity, Box 96, Weston. 35 FOR SALEâ€"General purpose Mare FoR SALEâ€"1â€"horse gardeners wagon _ in good condition, tongue and trees go with it, Apply Times Office. _ horse gardener‘s wagon, new, fitâ€" ted up by us for the late John Cottrill, may be seen at our shop. Mrs. Cotâ€" tril has instructed us to sell for anyâ€" thing like a fair offer. J. Cruickâ€" shank & Sons. RICHARD WADE. Coulter Avenue, delivery agent for the Dominion Express Company on all business in and cut within the town limits, _ Also baggage transfer and gencral cartage. Phone No. 69. 38t FOR SALEâ€"A Large Family Tent, ___16x24 _ Apply to W. Longstaff, Main Street, Weaton. 35 Beautylene stops that falling Hair, and cures Dandruf or money refunded. Inch, Weston. s> SALE,â€"Morleg’s Weston Dairy, ~ Main Street. stks Condensed Advertisements ;‘ enj:me cheerful life. We oweâ€" h us tojlive the cheerful life. We, BUILU A HOME. send XX