aitle world, a bill 9 been pre for 1913 that is th oughly in Ema ExIfat1siot1 ear-bigger . er than anything in the past The Hipqodrome Canadian National continental repute. people than the big sensations of the drome, wonderfully Lions, Horses, D Swine, and the st ORDER YOUR MONUMENTS NOW tmtm)uKB:Bm):B:B:B:BlB:Bl(tteeW)m CWt:But:$):BCBlrttWtCW)5ttitl8th0t:WttWt:r WAR0Eu's - MONUMENTAL - WORKS HIPPODROME 1KND CIRCUS The Kind You Have Always Baught and allays J?j'g,"i,'gega',s'i,' It C es Diarr nest and \Vind Colic. It relieves eetlxi g Tr: bles, cur Constipation and Flatulency. It assi in s the Foot regulates the Stomach and B cls, g,"Iv 2M2 healthy an natural sleep. The Children’s auacea e Mother’s hricud. GENUINE CAG 0 A ALWAYS 1476 DUNDAS STREET, WEST TORONTO We Know, Sell and Def'iirer1'QUALITY, and you do not pay any premium {omit either.) Castoria is a harmless s goric, Drops and So i contains neither, Opi nu, substance. Its age s its and allays Feveri mess. Colic. It relieves eethi and Fiatiemcy. It assi Stomach and B cls, g,"Iv The Children’s tu1acea-- What is AhMiiirrOFth1 Shimmy: Cry for Fileil:cher's THE CENTAUR COMPANY. Tr MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. In Use For Over Nor, Royce Avenue and ORR. Station 'nd Circus at the Exhibition has a Eon. With more ? avelling circuses, ew York Hippo- ained Elephants; B, Sheep and s of the vaude- " been prepared oughly in Kee"lw ear-bigger and PHONE JUNO. I90 stitute for Castor Oil, Pared g Syrups. It is Pleasant. It Morphine thee Narcotic 2'g11p.ettitstth,,tc' Worms They come on at t V e o’clock every afternoon at the C nadian National Exhibition, and th never fail to start a craning of n .cks all over the grounds. The young T era go wild with delight as they sc mble {or those tissue paper figures fhat float gently down from the exp 'filing balls high hbove the banners a T towers ot the Exhibition City. 1 JAPANESE FIBEWORKS 3O , _ ,. It d , 'r Dian- es, our 6 Foot Corner Posts, $6 to $10 per set: Grave Tablets, $5 to $25. Carving and Lettering done by the latest electric and pneumatic devices. Particularly attractive is our showing of Monuments this spring, about sixty-five different designs a in stock, made up in the best Im- ported and Canadian Gran- ites, ranging in prices up to $425.00, ready tor erec- tion in your cemetery plot. We sell good Monuments as reasonably as any good dealers anywhere. Brains make quality that you can- not figure in. dollars and cents. Special designs furnished tree of charge. Yea rs DelwoAh---wrt ht-"That the tender} of s'cott anh Sher for, building side. I walks on Fish T Road, Perry Street! and Millwood treet, at 66 cents per} lineal foot and 85 cents pen foot for! crossings, be a d the same is hereby aeeepted." J aelrBor1-Del orth,--"That the tenn der of Mr. A. . Whintor1. for; print- mg 300 copies bf the List of Voters for 1913, at israo ‘per page be accepted." g Jackson-Wm' t,--"That Mr. F. F. Reeves be ap ointed arbitrator, re School Section o. 12, Etobicoke and’ New Toronto, d that the Corporate seal be attache hereto." 1hsp11ty-Reeve, iandridge asked leave to present a p ition from O. L. Hicks and 150 here against aDoex- ing any portio of the Township of Etobicoke to tht City of Toronto. Delvrorth-Dan ridge, - "That the tender of Walte f Buckhurst for build- ing sidewalk Ort Queen Street at 98 cents per lineal goot he and the same is hereby aeespfed." "Delworth--Dstnd idge, - "That the Treasurer be and he is hereby autho- rized to pay to he Treasurer of the Weston, York an Etobicoke Agrical- turaI Society, t _ sum of $100, as a grant to their F 11 and Spring Fair, said grant to be paid on the lst day of October, 1913 and that the Cor- porate seal be a tached hereto." I From Ontario M, Ire Annual Meeting; From Ernest W. {Saving Station a mumber, also re motor. Messrs Hy. Wa dlaw and T. Stab- bart interviewed he Council with a request for the sual grant to Wes- ton, York and E bi-coke Agricultural Society. j The following C ready-- I From McMaster, ry & Co., re Etob Jdial Ry., Co.; als plication for cross From Macdona , Bhepley, Donald & Mason, re refu _ dump in front of Mrs. Gray's prop ty on Queen St. From George Scott, re adjust- ment of School S ctions Nos. 12 and 13. From Malone, ‘alone & Long, re Humber Plans. i From Home S ith, re gravelling Kingsway and Du das Street. The Council . Pl Chamber on Mond Reeve in the Ch sent, First Deput Second Deputy-ft cillors Delworth a [ Services Lords Day, 11 am and 7 p.m. Sunday School, 3 pm. Men's Bible Class, 3 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday 8 p.111. Bible Study, In- ternational B. S. Lesson. Friday 8 lst Sur1rday--Matt1ns at 10.30 Holy Communion (Choral) at ll." 2nd Sunday-Matting at 11. 3rd Sunday-Holy Communion after Mattias at ll. 4th Sunday-Mattias at 11. _ 5th Sunday-Mattias and Litany at ETOBICOKE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Sunday next, preaching 11 a.m. Bible Class, 3 p.m. Preaching, 7 pm. Subjeet,--"The Secret of Sueeess." The first of a series of addresses to young people to be delivered the first Surday of web month. Young People's Club, Wednesday, 8 p.m. You are invited to our services. Minister REV. VINT LAUGHLAND, The Manse, Mount Dennis MOUNT DENNIS. METHODIST CHURCH. Public service at 11 a.m. anillkm Sunday-fag-l and/Minn Bible Class- es at 3 pan. 11. Every Sunday Evensong at 7. " Sunday School, at 3 pm. On Saints' Days Holy Communion at 10.30. ST. JOHN’S (R.C.) CHURCH. On Sunday next, Mass will be cele- brated at 10.30 a.m. Priest, in charge Rev. Dr. Tracey. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. On Sunday next Service will be held in Westminster Sunday School Audi- torium, corner Main and Mill Streets at 11 a..m., and 7 p.n1. Sunday School at 3 p.m. Divine service next Sunday at 11 o’clock tsua. Rev. T, Beverly Smith, Rector. BAPTIST CHURCH. Public Worship at 11 a.m., and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes at 3 p.m. 11 a.m., Mattins and Sermon. 9.45 a.m. Sunday School. 9.45 am Adult Bible Class. 7 p.m. Evensong and Sermon Public Worship at 11 am., and 7 p.m. Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes at 2.45 p.m. Celebration of, Holy Communion, first Sunday of the month at 11 Va.m., third Sunday at 8 an). - Every Sunday Holy Communion at THE CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. ST. JOHN'S (ANG.) CHURCH. Rev. J. A. Long, Ph.D., Pastor J, Hughes-Jones, M.A., Rector Gore M. Barrow, Curate J. Hus)es-Jones, M.A.. Rector., METHODIST CHURCH. Rev. j. w. H. MILNE, B. A CHURCH SERVlCES BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. J. G. Rogers, Pastor- Reg. W. H. Wallace, Pastor ST. PHILIPS. C. ,W, Marsh, Pastor 'Wolfram, re Life the mouth of the )urchase of a Pui- iMontgomery, Flea- Ifoke and York Ra- re C.N.O. Ry., ap- gs. n-icipal Association , ia the Council y, August 11th, the It, Councillors pre- _'-Reeve Dandridge, tre, Jackson, Coun- ;d Wright. .munications were Do your EYES liovther you, if so, _ A -t-.. consult our optieial1,, Inch, Weston, All the newest designs in Arrow guarantees satisfaction, Eyes tested Shirts and Collars, at W. E. Cole- free. (man's, Weston. It wouldn't Jotik like a Canadian National Exhibi fun without thr Musical Ride. T rose 32 wonderful dragoons on the spirited horses,' whirling through tt azy figures to the music of the ban , are an old, old] feature of the Big! air, but a feature! of which the great amusement-loving public never weari tr. Once and again they have been dr 'Iped from the pro-l gram, and the res It has been a Wail of disappointmeng" while proofs of their never-dying opularrity are the roars of applause Ethey always bring from the stand.),' They're coming again,beeause the liublie demand them and refuse to take? "no" tor an an- swer. And, moreovkr, they are bring- ing new figures thai promise to make them more l.opulariW1an ever. Drandridge-ritwvcc"-Tjiiic the Re, P933751, £1175. Clerk and Engineer in respect to the coqgtmction of a side- walk on Manitoba; Street, be and the same is hereby a pt-ed, and that the By-Law for const uction be forthwith submitted.†f ' Asphaltic Concret Co. ... ... ...$1215.48 Wm. Dalton ...... .r.. .r.... ... .r.... 3.00 F. Newlove ...... .1, ...... ... ...... 47.75 P, E. Dunn ...... b. ...... ... ...... 2.61 John iiiLa1siiiiirif...CL. ......... 21.45 Peter Crouse """rs'" ...... ...... ... 9.00 D. McDevitt ......... ...... ... ...... 47.55 F, Faulkner ...... tr. ...... ... ......° 10.35 Chas. Worgan rrfrrrr .w.... ...... 10.00 Henry Cox ----"/- ... ........_ 15.00 H. B. Reilly .....E.. ......i.. ...... 17.50 Norman Daniels -.... ... ...... ... 1.00 B, L. Wright ._...f.., ......... .r.... 12.50 Times & Guide .,...... ...... ...... 4.00 S. R. Hart & " ...... ... ...... 31.00 Pedlar People ...iy.... ... ...... ... 27.58 s. Johnston .....L. ......... ...... 31.08 Mrs. E. Boni?aeei...... ... ......... 19.00 County of York :is,.-.. ... ...... ... 165.00 B. Johnston .....{m ......... .P.... 24.00 Jas. Thirkle _....:,,',).. t....r... .r.... 22.85 The Steel Co., i, Canada ...... 3.50 Canada Ingot 1min Culvert Co. 240.12 J. B. Smith & <50. ......... ...... 56.00 Sawyer, Massey £10. ... ..., ... ... 9.75 United Typewribit Co. ... ... ... 4.50 C, Burton ...... .5 ...... ... ..w...... 14.25 Mrs. A. Larose /. ... ... ...... ... 3.25 Jas. Cochrane w.'....... ...... ...... 20.00 Sam. Medland .,i.-.. ..t... ...... 2.50 A. H. Brooks ...i...... ... ... .p.... 8.00 G. Bell ......... ...i_...... ....... Wm. Appleby ...,i,.... ... .... Leonard Bell .....gk. w........ Robt. Ford ..--'i'.o. ...... ... Albert CrossmaN _........ ... R. Walker _........))... ...... .‘ T1105. Goyne my. ...... ... A, H. Brooks WE}... ......... J. A. L. Maephison ...... r'hrsm War}! 1 Geo, Ford 'r'rrrrr' Old favorite will “gag-am be in line at the C. N. E. Delworth-Dandtidge, - "That the petition of Mr, 0.; L. Hicks and about 150 others be reebived and that this Council take st ps to oppose this proposed annuabon when it comes befdrre the Mund'ipal and Railway Board or any 0th§r Corporation." before the Mumipal mm 521“?“ A BY-LAW to pro ide for the issue Board or any ot [err Corporation. _ of general debenture of the Municipal silverthorr1--Ja _bson,--'"That Wm: Corporation of the illage of New O‘Do'nnell be apptrinted foreman ol Toronto, to the a.' cunt of Eight the Burnhamthorp Road improvememi‘ Thousand Dollars. [qr the purpose of at 30 cents per ‘our, he to employ) installing a plant th distribute elec- teams in the nei hbourhood of pe trie power to be surbiied by the Hy- work if avai1a1,1e nd satisicctory. dro-Ereetrie Power (totnmissiory of On- Jaeksoa--Delwo h---"Thatr the Reeyel tario. _ and Clerk sign c assent to the T995" WHEREAS it is cessary to raise tration of a sub __ivision of, DEâ€? of by way of ioan on le credit of the Lots 24 and 25, an 13y, Township of Village of New Tori, nto the sum of Etobicoke, submi ed by Mr. Joseph $8000.00. to providé tor the cost or Rush, providing terations are,,made plant and apprranceshecessary for the to the satisfactio . of the same-J distribution of elecggc Power in the Delworth--Dandr dge, - "That the said Municipality he supplied ‘by Clerk be instruc ed to write _the the Hydro-Eleetrie otsovrei: Commission Board of Hydro- 'ectric Commission: or, Ontario. ' . De1worth-WrighF--"That the Clerk be authorized to 'ind $5, membership fee, to A. W. Me ay, Secretary ot the Ontario Mu ieipal Assoeiation, anh that the l, eve be appointed delegate to the b nvention and the Treasurer he auemorirrprl to issue :1 cheque for the trvme’n and WP i"rorptrr- ate seal be attacued hereto' / _ _ J aeksow--Delwor"th---' ‘That the Reeve and Clerk sign e4nsent to the regisi tration of a sub ivision of part of Lots 24 and 25, an 83,, Township of Etobicoke, submi ed by Mr. Joseph Rush, providing terations are made to the ‘sajtisfactio‘ of the same." Delworth--Dandr dge, - "That the Clerk be instructed to write the Board of Hydro- metric Commission- ers of Mimico, en uiring the cause of delaiirl construc ing lines and sup- plying- Light a T Power in the Southern part'of the Township." {o advertise a Gdurt of Revision, re Queen Street im Iroirement s, and the Rocmac roadway on Kingsway as local improvement to be held at two p.m., on Satutda , August M), 1913, and that the Counvlll meet for general business at the altjournment of the Court of Revision. _ "br/UL/ti-ma-ide-e, - "That the Clerk be and he}? hergbz in_struct~ed The Council then adjourned. W. E. COLEMAN, 3':§5§3%i€?'SPECZ4L FOR SA TURDA Y 31x?“ WITH EVERY PURCHASE or A sun OF ggisgz'nggg‘gspE AB ODY’ s r'c'jtii'jiiis'j'jji)i'i..6UARAN'rEED OVERALLS j'ps1ri1'piff,/d't "I“. 01v: UNA/ID AO AUUV: u gggggara/IA/vosom MUS m THE "rt. .(l . Ya" . CIP, on m, las, ‘0, . /vtiJ'/lvki PNE THE MUSICAL RIDE AN - J.,FT3,pl,.r?f, ,..fDfjl,,.,..Pliiii2NjiVDorrytCjl.7 ; g:{,:,1'O BE GIVEN AWAY FREE ;5.j.ONE ONLY TO A FAMILY WHILE THEY LAST l 21:;112’... 1111:. 'ir.'.'. .r.r.fir..r,r..r.r.: :phegson ...... ...... UK?- ...... ... .nn... ...("_"...-- ... ...... ... acei ...... ... ......... , 4 Canada ...... Ier Culvert Co. B: (30. ......... ...... 3y f0. ... ..., ... ... [it [t Co. ... ... ... 011%.]; and Engi :0 trucbion of rb ,Street, be 5 a pted, and t] at ction be to: 'e I Co. ... ... ...S fl,‘ I we": more set-mus dunes in the worm 31-51) â€" tti-S-tGui-UU-are/all-DI iii) , , - Aiiiilii2iiii2iiilli5 i',' iii, iii 5 - - â€" -- - MII MN " Ilth'alqb') a I) \T: - iaihliUhiiiiAi R ,li, J, "tl lu' ith" " MI ' " , '.hllllallligillt " I... " 1:1],v'h- _ l) ll. vii-Mi; e 1:315: -‘. ‘_ Frfq ~- -'~._.. I HAS INVADED OUR STORE r spirited horses, pazy figures to the l, are an old, old Fair, but a feature f, amusement-loving [s Once and again Piped from the pro- {at has been a wail , while proofs of WILL GIVE GRATIS AS ABOVE ONE OF THESE These dolls are of cloth, indestructible. and will last for years with the hardest sort of play They will stand. glonegf the fe_et age prgperly made. No child can possibly break one or hurt itself m handlan it. lee finest kind Of a toy. Bring your children up right and teach them toplay with Peabody’s dolls when kids and Wear Peabody's Overalls when as men they undertake their more serious duties in the world. $2300.43? 12.50 4. That “For t e purpose of paying 4.00 the said deben res. there shall be 31.00 raised annually, y special rate on all ’ 27.58 the rateable pro erty in the said Vil-l, 31.08 Iage the sum it $520.41, over and: 19.00 above the othert rates in each year 165.00 for the period ' f thirty years after 24.00 the date of thei final passing of this 22.85 by-law, and duting the period which 3.50 the said debenttjres have to run. l, 2fir12 5. This by-iagw shall come into 56.00 operation and take effect on the date 9-75 of the final passing thereof. 5 4.50 6. That the @tes of the ratepayers 14.25 of the said‘Munieipality shall be taken 3.25 on this questiorf on the 18th day of 20.00 Anglmt. 1913, frtitr nine o’clock in the: 4.50 6. That the v.r.tes of the ratepayers 14.25 ot the said‘Munigipality shall be taken 3.25 on this questiori" on the 18th day of 20-00 August, 1913. frcim nine o'elock in the 2-50 forencon until "Csyive o’clock in the g.00 afternoon, and 35110 longer, in the 47.30 School Hall, Faith Street. New To- 15.70 ronto. ' 16.50 7. The 20th déy of August, 1913, 22.00 at the said Sch ol Hall at 8 o'eloetr 8.00 p.m., is hereb T appointed for the 15.40 summing up by e Clerk of this Cor- 1.00 poration of the number of votes given 2100 in the. affirmativ and in the negative 10.00 respectively. l i 43.00, nwnnaw Yunnan“?! Danwn 21.45 The fastest erlffts the lake ports on both sides of tti) line can produce take part in the ti, otor boat races at the Canadian /)ifit.oorfa] Exhibition. It is an internaticgnal meet, and While the sport is cle the contests are keen. Sep. 2nd t Sept. 5th, are the dates, and1four 1yt1 of the excellent sport are assured; Council Chamber% 29th day of Jitly, 1913. y TAKE bro-TIC? that this is a copy ‘of a proposed b [law which has been taken into const eration, and which will be finally p seed by the Council (m the event the assent of the electors being obtained thereto) after one month from ’he first publication, August lst, 1913: and at the hour, day, and place h rein fixed for taking the vote of the éectors, the poll will be herd. f; 7. The 20th déy of August, 1913, at the said Sch ol Hall at 8 o'eloetr p.m., is hereb T appointed for the summing up by e Clerk of this Cor- poration of the number of votes given in the. affirmativ and in the negative respectively. l I GEORGE' gRONSIDE, Reeve, GEORGE p, SCOTT, Clerk, AND WHEREAS, e amount oi the whole rateable pr erty of the said Village of New To nto, adeording to the last ievx’sed sessment Roll be- ing for the year 13, is the sum of $544,435.00. g AND WHEREA 'ltAtitgs., is no exist- iryu1esriii1i't'i'rhi7trsr"i"iri%ait1 Village tyi"New Toronto g THEREFORE A"e Municipal Council of the Corporatic? of the Village of New Toronto ena , a as follows: I. That for th4 purposes aforesaid it shall be lawfu for the Reeve and Treasurer of the Kid Village, to bor- row on the credi of the Corporation of the Village " New Toronto, the sum of $8000.00, tmd to issue deben- AND WHEREAS he sum of $8000, is the debt intende to be created by this bylaw. - - A 2. The said d t shall bear inter- est at the rate br tive per cent per annum. The s d debentures issued therefore shall b datmron the day ol' issue. AND WHEREAS in», total amount required to he raged annually, by special rate, for pa": ing the said debt and interest is $52§3L AND WHEREAS e amount of the AND WHEREAS it is desirable to issue the said deb tures at one time and to make the p neipal of the said debt repayable in l arly sums, during the period of thir years, being the currency of the saic debentures. VELLAGE or 10 memo. q BY-LAW Wo. 14 aCanadlan MOTOR 'BOAT RACES GEORQE D. SCOTT, ‘r Village Clerk. Exclusive Agents for Peabody’s Overalls. Smock. Shirts, Gloves, etc., Me, -- [/7715 ONES 7.31 ama.--Daily stop. 9.31 a.rrr--Da 1y stop, except Sunday. 10.47 a.m.-raHy stop, except Sunday. l 5.54’ p.m.---Daily stop. _ 7.25 pm-Daily stou, except Sunday. ‘ --Gojng Norelr-- l, 8.17 emu-Daily stop, except Sunday. 10.13 amr-Daily stop on flag. 5.39 p.rn.--Dai'y stop, except Sunday. ' , 6.32 p.m.-Daily stop, except Sunday. Mails close at Weston Post Office as follows:-- 6.45 am1.-Going East. ' 8.45 a.m.---Going West. IL45 a.rrr-Going East. 5.15 p.m.--Going"North. 6.45 p.rn.-Croing West. 6.45 p.m.--Going East. 8.45 a.m.--For Mt. Dennis. _ 5.15 pun.-For Mt. Dennis. l Mails arrive at Weston Post Office as follows:--- 8.25 a.m.--Prom East. 9.15 a.m.--Prorn East. 12.25 p.rn.-Irrom West. --0roirsg East,-- , T " 7.09 annH)trlly stop. I . rf 9.53 trar-Daily stop, except Sunday. 12.18 stop, except Sunday. 4.25 p.m.-Daily stop, except Sunday. 7.18 pun.--Daily stop. 9.45 p.m.--Daily stop, except Sunday. 7.22 amr--Daily stop, except Sunday. 9.10 amr-Daily stop. 1.16 p.m.--Daily sfop, except Sunday, 4.00 p.m.--Daily stop, except Sunday. 7.32 p.m.--Daily stop. 12.05 amr-(Midnight) Daily stop. . Get Pure Paris Green, Berger's is, the best, Inch sells it at lowest prices, Weston. l PATRICK CONWAY’S BAND I Score of other Famous Bands Twelve Band Concerts Daily Wreck of the Airship Withington's Zouaves New Giant Midway Grand Double Bill of Fireworks I EXPANSION [IRISH GUARDS BAND! Aug.23 1913 Sept.8 T O R O N T O New Livestock Department Everything in Agriculture ' Exhibits by the Provinces Exhibits by Dominion Government Exhibits by Foreign Countries _ Acres of Manufactures l MAGNIFICENT ART EXHIBIT 1 UniEed States and Oahada Educatibnal Exhibits Cadet Review Japanese Fireworks Canada's Biggest Dog Show America's Greatest Cat Show The Musical Surprise The Musical Ride F-"Ft Auto-Polo Matches Circus and Hippodrome Roman Chariot Races Athletic Sports Great Water Carnival Paintings from Germany, Britain, TT-ea-o Cn.,. " "‘ - WESTON PO STAL GUIDE. 8.25 a.m.--Prom 9.15 a.m.--Prom 12.25 p.rn.-From 7.25 p.m.--From 4.15 pmr-From 5.45 p.m.-From 7.35 pm1.-B'rorn 11.00 a.m.-From 6.00 p.m.-From .AND NERO THE i BURNING OF ROME LOCAL TIME TABLE LOCAL TIME TABLE. National Exhibition -Going, South. - ._ am1.-Going East. ' a.m.---Going West. a.rrr-Going East. p.m.--Going"North. p.rn.-Croing West. p.m.--Going East. a.m.--For Mt. Dennis. _ pur1.-For Mt. Dennis. A. J. BARKER, Post Mister. ---Going West.-. . - . ' East. East. West. West. East. East. East. Mt. Dennis. Mt. Dennis. 'i" KEARI