':. COAL, WOOD, AND ICE. Mount Dennis. . PBC)NE--WESTON 130. Jjiji- Something New “Welcome Ceiling Clothes Dryer u Eh . - Nr 'iiiiibo, ' DULBIVII'LLV l 'Pt villain then decides to have, the ., . AILOR and MEN% ruamsum 106:3; Wot will ride "The Whip" ar- _ res e Jus as t race is about to MAIN ST. - WESTON salary. He does t a, but the sporting 0Pp.Bunk ome'n Footin Phone No, 2 35m; c.'t 3118 ertitrd at Newmarket _ - s an s in e wa ', and the jockey is ""rTt"ert'er-rer,rr-Tri"" i--------------- dragged away fro T the detectives 0nd Get the Best. It pays! ,thrown on the hprse, He Wins the - race, and makes a rich man out of ELLIOTT the yohng lord, Ewho aspires to the "rt'"'""."'". heroine is hand. w only this fraudu- lent marriage sta tls, between him and o "he girl of his eh ice. The clergyman _ . |who perfprmed th r ceremovnv acknow- comyonaa AND ALEXANDER STREETS 1iitii?f, ms guilt d everything ends “TORONTO Ont ofiers the beat ad-l am†y. , -, A a T _ a Ir, vantages in Business and Shorthand Whisreggrdsbsta, sri‘ecfoapies The Education Enter any time. Write' pd as em . roc.a1msd unsur- to C tal m passe by press and public. There r a a oaue. - (are In ,af,,tdigi,)p,r,t,,:t scenic effeets, anv n . _ . m-----------" , o e O whie id ---------". {SUCCESS of 9n ordirjgi“; t',ntet1/nen1iert,'t".' F. W. C. BURRAGE namely an automeoile accident,a train . $wrec‘x‘ and a great horse race some. The cast of one hundred is an impos- Builder & contractoriing one. Matinees will be given on ' - Thursday and Satprday. "' This is our message to you-We are The ruined suitor :stocked up in a way to please you hand is interested men. wio the great race . Have all, weights, and materials and the meantime the 1 idesigns. We cut all suits according hero a tip that '") "to.the latest decree of fashion. and he p'unzes heai _ For those who desire them we put makers. 5 For those who desire them we put in those oddites of fashion, those fancy touches that appeal particularly to the young men. Now about prieesr- We can give you a stylish, dressy suit tor as little as $25. Or you can Spend as much as $50 without wast- mg a cent. hie difference is in quality of ma- terial. Have a look anyway. The well known English Tonic Wine made from Genuine O'Porto Port and Tonic Ingredients. Can be procured from W. J. INCH, Druggist, WESTON and MT DENNIS Prescribed by all leading Physicians in cases of Amaemia, General Debili- ty, Influenza and Convalescence. .rpenter and Contractor Coulter Avenue, - ' WESTON Estimates given on all kinds of work Concrete Mixer for hire," capacity 40 yards a day. Price $1.75 and $1.10 a bottle. Ccfsatiui'aettuud at NORWICH, ENG Deliveries daily, in large or small quantities. -- - ML‘JA 'l'130mpson. Chief of Toronto Fire Brigade, B is: “I highly nm-rm‘e of Wis Pater: Clothes Dryer, and recommend its use in all households, it certainly will be a. great protect tion from fire by careless bundling of clothes. (Patent Applied for) Manufactured only by G. N. LACK, MT. DENNIS. Geo. Sainsbury GEO. E PHILLIPS, THOMAS W. CARLYLE. TORONTO WEST, TORONTO BRANCH Agent for MILTON PRESSED BRICK. Phone No. 106 CAPITAL PAID Ue RESERVE " - , NEW ESUIT FOR FALL Corner Dundas and Keele Streets . E. COLEMAN Joseph Street. WESTON Deposits received in Savings Department of $1.00 and up- wards, and interest gnawed thereon at Current Rates. orders promptly attended to. THE BANK OF you been thinking some about ESTABLISHED MANAGE“ 1855. $4,543,400.00 $5,293,400.00 I Miss Florence L%Rose, gave a very successful Tea, on Thursday evening, October 16th, at h r new home Shaw Street, Toronto, i honor of her niece Miss Ivy LaRose, f Rose Ave., Eto- bieolce, it being her sixteenth birthday. The house was b utifully decorated ‘with carnatious ud roses. In the icentre of the tab , stood the three storey cake, on w ich burned sixteen Candles. Mrs. H pa and yrs. Fall, presided pver the ea and coffee. Miss Florance LaRose éoloked charming in a cream serge, wg h satin trimmings. The guest of onor looked very ‘pretty in a simple gown ol' silk mull, with girdle of pile blue satin and wearing her mothkr's gift, a ring of lopals. Among tose present were:- Mrs. Dorcas LaRse, wearing brown silk poplin with ce trimmings and a Sunburst of dimonds; Mrs. John Hope wore black ‘lk, and Reta Hope in a dress of whie embroidery; Mrs, Brown wore grey broeaded,saeia, and Mrs. Charles LaRse wore black cord- ed silk with ove lace; Mrs. James Crane in Coper1Mpm blue silk with pearl trimming; Miss Eva Crane looked pretty irt cream silk striped ivoile with ban-aux of briiliants; Mrs. Charles Fall wore cream serge ’with bodice of F,, earn satin and a pearl and emerald; pendentw Mrs. Lou. LaRose of Richvisrw wore a shepherds lplaid with black %atin trimmings and [a pearl neck laeeil Miss Thompson of 'rHoneywood, wor black silk; Miss lYake wore white; Miss Rayfield wore Fjirtu: Miss Mal ie Purchase wore >black and white? check with satin girdle and a corail necklace; Mrs. B. Beamish of Wes on wore a draped iowa of mauve gain; with black satin trimmings and peirls. Others present were: Mr. Betyrnistt; Mr. Brown; Mr. Raymond and Willie LaRose; Mr. J. Hope; Mr. Norma) Brown; Mr. Louis LaRose and others. A very pleasant evening was spentg in games and pro- gressive euchre, the successful winners were Miss Eva Grane anh Mr; R. Beamish. Miss Ivy LaRose was the recipient of many handsome ptesents from her friends, showing the high QB- teem in which sheiis held by all. ' Thr story of “T1 upon a race horse 1 who has been bred mam It shareshds daughter, who insii‘ sharing her affeetii Jordling. Various) interrupt the coursi adventuress who 1 tar as to make a pointed suitor f0 heroine, marry he he is the 10rdling may be no marria ter of the titled engagement is ann ventures' here brim of marriage, and separated. Produced on the banks of the Humber and delivered in sterilized bottles daily by The villain now 't ees that the only 'shine to do is to nder it impossil/le for the horse to wk this race. So he plots to have th car in which the animal is to be then to Newmarket uncouwled from th train and wrecked. The faithful traind of the horse gets wind of the plot. bit too late to take immediate action.‘ But the train is pursued by an wtomobile and the horse is rescued vet as the following express comes almg and smashes the box car into split' era. I The greatest pro 'cade in the way of "startling, stage eife the Drury Lane se ibe the attraction 'andra Theatre, Tor 27th. This new ant Raleigh and He-nr to Toronto after London, and a Se Manhattan Opera It comprises four scenes, and the production may be Met that five speci sary to Carry the s into consideration hundred, and the used during the per "THE WHIP†FOR TORONTO. Mammoth Dramat c Spectacle from the Drury Lane heatre, London, , Eng., ming. MORLEY'S WESTON THE FRESHEST AND BEST MILK IN WESTON MISS F. La20sE's TEA of true love. An es him, goes so captain,' a disap- the hand of the pretending that order that there with the daugh- portsman. Their need, but the ad- 5 forth her proofs hey are therefore (for the herione's p what horse will it Newmauk-ertq In 1eroine gives the he Whip" will win 'in with the bool:- nousle, New York. b. "s and thirteen ls"LWCUSSS of the stpuygycrd from the trains are neees-) emery, not taking e company of one; horses and dogs) ormance. I e Whip" is based ‘ aring that name, y a titled ‘no'bllei affections with his ts, however, upon [as with a certain {things happen to nation of the de- varied thrills and ;.8 is "The Whip,“ sation, which will t the Royal Alex- nto, Week of Oct. , tainmznt by Cecil l Ha n'i‘aton, comes ‘two weeks run in "on; stay at the ous'e, New York. DAIRY Dated at Toronto, in the (Province of Ontario, this 16th day of August, 1913. NOTICE is hereby given that Eliza- beth Chausse, of the City of 'Toronto in the County of York, in the Pro- vince of Ontario, married woman, will apply to the Parliament of Can- ada, at the next session thereof, for a Bill of Divorce from her husband George Napoleon Chausse, ‘Marble Worker formerly residing in the said Chty ot Toronto, but whose present address is unknown, on the ground of cruelty, adultery and desertion. EDWARD MEEK, of the Mail and Empire Bldg, corner of King and Bay-Sts., Toronto. Soli- citor for Elizabeth Cbausse. 1 Saturday, Nov. 1,;Regu1a'r meeting Ancient Order of Foresters; in Odd- fellows’ Hall, Church St., at 8 p.m. Estimates given for all kinds of work. Distance no object. Prompt attention. ' 43 Main Street, Weston Tuesday, Oct. 2 , Regular meeting of the Electric Lt and Waterworks Commission, Co l Chqggber, Town Hall, 8 p.m. _4,? si Thursday, Oe 30 e J)lar meeting fndependent C) ‘er p, reggae, in Odd- fellows Hall, urc‘ S .. at fl D.m, New Fruit, etc. _ Weston Rd. ML DENNIS. Monday, Oct. 27-Regular meeting I.0.0.F., in Oddtelloyvs' Hall, Church Street. f 1 1stetNafr, . Board of Health, . Town Hall, at 8 p Plastering:, Cement Work, Stucco. Drains, mpgâ€. Foundat ions, Sidcwaikg. E. REDMOND, c. wncEv, w. swims, Choice Groceries, Fresh and Smaked Fish, HURREN & MOORE, Bricklayers and Piasterers, WNW. mm ll 5mm ‘vAIN STREET, - WESTON Flour & Feed System-Saving l apt-MM tetrutk of w. a? O'DELL, ;% GLUTEN MEAL, OILCAKE, BEAN, SHORTS, &o. Give onnrse- n ll Business subjects lea g poMttotssus Bookkeeper or. 'enoptrapher" and for (Div Se vice and Corn- nlerclal S ch; "to' examlnu» “one. T '"ip,"il', 1!! Include the Ceutr 1,,{us ties6tr CoIleg,re orToront With tir', Branch Schools. we a may enh-r anytime rt .sevionrne~. No vacations. Wrt fir Canning": w. H. Slim Pl erfdent, 393-395 Yon go S 'e' I t. Toronto. DIVORCE NOTICE Main Street, WESTON. Nllidltiti, The surest way to s v is by system. If you deposi certain amount eachweekor a month in this bank's Savi Depart- ment, you will 0 find that you have the me? o do some- thing worth w . You will also find that th abit of thrift has fostered y r spirit of in- dependence self-geljance. MEETING S NEXT) WEEK MOUNT DENNIS BRANCH D. A Kean. Manager M. J. CONNOR, Capital and sifmé’ $17,000,000 Total Resources over $78,000,000 81 Years in Business FIVE FUSES FLOUR A. S. Frag?) Manager CONTRACTORS, WESTON BRANCH SHAW'S H, CO 1 Che... a. _gj' J? , Oe 30 Ite 1 lt C) er re j N JI, ure _ ., E ', ' 1 eg11l Pealth, . _ ounci] , at 8 p. T' DE.\LER 1N Dealer In Flo. Ire lat meeting er re 'era. in Odd- .urc T" at 8 p.rn. '. 1 egular meeting j . 1 ouncil Chgmber, ‘5‘W 7:431. Fr" gjiit. always on hand. Mt. Dennis tia 16 That-Harry and Pat are bum euchre players. 5 That- A niekle s sometimes a "widow's" mite, wh knows? That-Weston is gthe pleasantest place in Canada on lr rainy night. That-The girls tr to catch a cer- tain car which is in charge of a nice handsome conductor.g That-- Several “éld boys" have their eyes on the li tle wooden hut, on the tracks. A osy job for the wintry months. That-The "sport en" who boast that they "dou't eal, J' for the whole blame county police), foree, will play with fire till they ge’t burned. That-The next réunicipal election will be the slowest Ever. That-The blow a1 cyst killed father when he got the ta bill. That-The old bway is good enough for Weston. , That-Ont schoo-lg has up-to-date sanitary conditions P1ile another has no door on -e ' A number of new families have moved into the village during the past few weeks. Every little bit/helps to make a town. That-Rabbits are very numerous in these parts. What's the matter with the Hydro these days, off again, on again, whir, bang, pust, y x x !ei. ! ? ? * --Zip. That-CTrump," tine hound, is wait- ing for his master's)' voice. Joezhad 'to walk fiityrn the Junction the other night. {ghased --hic--tbe can..;};1e ,reports, 11t,v,)ti met a herd. of “pink elephants†on V lack Creek: hill. Would they be the ame that passed through Weston the ther day? There's other pla ' besidesDenison Avenue that never B ep. " The buggy now tas a full number n".-- "W" "N." of passmgers. W anew4 it couldn‘tl BUTTER AND [I 1'0 on for ever. o ' I ' . _ v -. Good bye Harry. _ A lBL'ITONWOOD A It has been repel: ed that “r0bins"‘ A -------_ are still ta be 'Lb' in this locality. were w.HI pa a Why do a certai bunch feel quite 'tf-ll-tr, (Flr‘lday in their native ele ent, while waiting P therchfT hou? outside the preseat, est office for the m connectlon WI mall to be sorted. f; Chinrch. Everybt Doe. claims it mg; better proposi- JO ly evemngs pa tion to run a busingss in Mount D-en-‘ I _. nis, than here. Tings will t-elll Doc. 11023:: fgrllingém Who were the Weston lads that in certain parts Irdn't know there wfgy home from the There is a Ireasop eity last Monday? l _ a kick. Having: No more boxing ia' Weston says a Toronto/paper-Ther 's no need; every one is boiod up no . A party line is a those, in love-they “out off." _ Henry would like the guy that took him. The "Two Jacks giving Day, prow They got diTappol sions. Who said Wasted had the Good Roads Improvement? Oh! slush There's other pla Avenue that never B Ernie can’t play p Ernie. ’ b Who were the yoxighs, that were out practicing hockey th clothes poles during the week? t F" It takes some tu1stlir1g to earn, fifty “bucks" a week. W at! but‘it can be done. Ask -. a. - As usual it had to rain on the Holiday. But then; was a certain party who were just as well pleased-- ask. the 'urilties." A , asr. um: xxu'uwu. A , We were glad to sac “Pop" in town during the week. c), How can he be “Tim Smith," when his name is Burgesq. Let's call him “Tin" Burgess. t Lung Balsam and Cure-a-eold do their work best together, Inch, Wes- ton, ' Yes, the cold we§ther sure brought out the big winter overcoats, they're all do m: it. 5 "jhe. post ohiee isgs't-ill on a corner. No need to change} our he'ading yet. Ther culfew belt Wiil ring next Friday night.' So beware! (So beivare! In so no xnguardeid hour. Dout. .im a ma when he's down. When does the F'irernens' Annual Banytet (o :te off? , Why was a cert'in party so sick on the Holiday? t Say Fred! Who as the girl you were sporting arou d at Woodbridge? Oh, you Jenny. i, Coming! Comirig! Look out tor Marshall & Brow 's biscuit factory in Weston. Dog isepits a specialty. Weston Prize B d going! Weston Prize B d going! Weston Band go ! When will the F th Con. teamsters hold their next cohvention? bl, Too many nickies in the church platty--Seems as th Ugh Weston had a nickle show here af er all. Who were the “$011 that were feel- ing so frisky at t station on Mon- day-Thanksgiving'.) say "Auger" 'iii" learn these lines: Deal gently with the sinning one, How may not Luck the power n '.-;1 the fycs4 temptation came fuses-ir-bye baby', I Dinna ye fret Because your dea mamma Has' turned su pgette; Your, pa rocks th cradle, Your milk's wi him reach, Your mamma's way, darhng, Making a srpée h. Don't forget me t Friday is "Hallo- weanlk Buzz around, b 22 around. The motto on the crossing gate-- “Safety First." HEARD " THE POST OFFICE _ CORNER. $ , $ $-cohL--s $ $ IT IS SAID hunt on Thanks- a dead failure. ,ed on two Occa- (o have "soalred" rs girl away from as well pleased-- It is. with deep sortow we report f the death on Wednesd , Oct. 15th, ot b "Pop" in town Emma Beels, Wife of win Seem late of Lamihton Avenue. rs. Seels some . time ago had a stro , but recover- 2:51:13 graft: ing from that Boot hat it was -- thought advisable to he her to her - daughter, in Arthur, t. She seem- " that were out ed to be gaining stren th there, when th elothes poles she was suddenly seize with ano'her P" stroke, from which e succumbed. l Weston says a Mrs. Seels was a com meant of the " no need; every Church of England, nd a devoted i. adherent of the Chung of the Good i bad thing for Shepherd here. Althéugh Mr. and Fe liable to get Mrs. Seels had not seen in Mount , Dennis very' lang, t ey were both tom the Junetion loved by those who kllesir them. Mrs. Missed --hic--tlle Seels was a very talehbed woman, her u, met a herd. of needlework was anderfnlly clever Black Creek hill. and her "pairtetri'ip on fhma was arworlr' lame that passed of art. The sympaS hy of all Who 'ther day? knew them will go oat to Mr. Seels 1n . . . his bereavement. 'iThe body was g besidespmison brought from Aréhur on Friday rep. 1 . morning, arriving Eat Weston about ol. Ti%marbiles 11.30, the service iwas held in the T Church of the Goo'isl Shepherd at .12 The executive f the Ratepayers met last night and iscussed the matter of supply ot wal r, and a Union Sta- tion for Mount enmis. A deputation was appointed t’ interview the flair way Com auies, also to secure esti mates \of Lhe c t of supg'lyi'ng the village with wat . The next meetirii: of the Ratepayers Association, will be held on Wedrrarr day,. October {29%, as the regular meeting would fall: on Halloween. mm and from tienee to Prospect Cemetery. t When will we rer get those long looked for and TTI' ch needed sidewalks in certain part Of this locality. There is a reaso if residents put up a kick. Having to tramp through mud is a very di greeable experiimee, especially if you are going to an en- tertainment or siting friends. Mr. John Ayling, who resides at the foot of the Bla Creek hill no , lies at his home, ha ing been so any: beat up at Woodhri e. His jaw was broken in two p', ces. Dr. W. Fl. Pearson says that is condition i serious. County C stable Char'cv, Dabbl of Lambton ‘c-nue. is invest'- gating the affair. yling has been unable to give a de iled 'account of the affair, and the ll who commit- ted the assault have ad time to get away. tonight, (Friday), at eight o'clock, in the [3011001 house n Dennis Aver1uh in connection wit the Presbyterian Church. Everybo welcome, as a jolly evenings pa ime is assured. The Church of t will hold its first gatherings for adu Congregation, on These were so su that it has been d them. These social of the congregation DEALER IN i J. K. MeEWEN, Licensed Auction- Choice Beef, Lamb. Veal. dam and Bacon eer .for the Counties mum, Peel and Simcoe. Dealer in Real Estate. Vil- BUTTER AND ESGS A SPECIAUY. lage and Farm Properties for Sale or ' . . A Rent. C)ftiee, Main St., Weston. BUTT0NW000 Avin MOUNT DENNIS Long distance telephone. Mount Dennis h: store. It's gettir every day. It is intended t the "Girls Frien All those wishing at the residence o! M. Barrow, on Mm 7.30 p.m. [ Get your eyes tested Free by our Honor Graduate Refractionist. Inch, Weston. Why Women Haye N ewes NELSON JARRETT Mount Dennis _/lop/YI-Ill/Tl/tpyro);, LARGE DEEP LOTS. WIDE STREETS. BUILDING RESTRICTIONS. I The,"b1ues"-amdety--sheepiessness-a ings of pain and dis- tress are'sent by the nerves like flying e ers throughout body and limbs. _ Such feelings may or may not e mpanied by backache or headache or bearing down. The local so ers and inflammation, if there Is any, should be treated with Dr. i be's Lotion Tablets. Then the nervous system and the entire wo make-up feels the tonic effect of Tiiyy1rf2Lq'Ilii/pr3,1itiE RIPTION when taken systemati y an for an eriod tune. It is not a“cure-all," but has given unifo satisf ion f over y years, being designed for the single purpose of curing a s p ailments. BUY A LOT See the LOCAL REAL ESTATE MEN or IIE Myaill [WM I)lmiu)l8ilili'il ti)., Sold in liquid form or tabl by druggists-or send so on cent stamps for a box of Dr. Pie Favorite Prescription Tablets. Ad. Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. HUMEERWGUNT BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA BUILDING, WESTON. “Box Soei al" given form a Branch of y Society†here. o join, will meet the Reverend G. day, Oct. 29th, at ls a fish and chip E more like 'Ome r a series of social t members of the ursday, Oct 30th. cessful last year aided to continue are for members only. e Good Shephem SAVE YOUR TAXES. DR. BERCE’S IN PEARSON & McEWEN, Dealers in Real Estate. Village and Farm Pro- perties for Sale or to Rent. Office, Main St, opposite the Bank of B. N. A., Weston. Long distance Telephone connection. tf BARN iif?i,?i.llji'rc,i:a.; SALE-on, Watson's Farm, F' bank, the timbers of a barn 30 x 50. ' T ntvs,.:still tstand- ing, all sound pill price $50. Wm. H. Harlton, 430 W rguiretta Street, Toronto. "ri5: ' 44-47. J3ICHARD WAQE'. Coulter, Jiiiinie, delivery agent fbr the Dominion and Canadian Express Company's on all business in and out within the town limits. Also baggage and general cartage Phone No. 69. ti FORJJALE,--$3 .00 Brick Cottage on Mill Street, TIE the Fair Grounds Terms. Apply Bo 151, Weston; _5i) FOR SALE,-of1 Square Piano, tsp- ply to Mrs. B. jRowntree, comer North _Station ind King Street Weston. _ Aiitt le has, been rumo ed that a. certain party from Toront -, are‘looktmg up a site on which to rest an up-to-date modern h-otel,-wit all latest eor1mmi- ences: and accom odathon-J We are afraid there are too many churches for such an enter rise locating have. TO RENT,--Two new seven roamed houses. Apply Rowntree Bros. BE ONE OF , friends. They all post cards and e you. We bane a over the worid. Sing and pleasant full particulars, Correspondence B Montreal. Operations are eing steadily carried ahead on the Si e of the new Kodak Works. Some rouble has been ex- perienced in dr n‘ng water from the premises, in 0 M to proceed with the excavating general. A moving pic re show is expected here shortly. ut the site and erec- tion of same ha not yet 'been decided upon. . Pr WANTED-Apples, aither windfalls or cul s in any quantity. GUNNS LIMITED, Packing House, WEST TORONTO. 52 HOUSE-TO rent, electric lights, village water, 6 bright room, good cellar, large garden, trees), etc. Ap- ply at Times Office. 51 FOR SALE---G0 k strong square water tank, "ih'etf,,,ist'th1 galvanized iron, size 4 It, 6 i Jhes long-by 2 it., ii inches wide, by 3 ft., 6 inches high, with some pipe co oeetiorrs, just the thing for farm ho e. also windmill complete. Apply Richard Dawson, Main Street, West . 50 FOR DA p:u'---il o u", .9 are 6 r0crm- ~d house , Ot blo 3;; AVenue. Price $2100. Easy turns. Apply to W. Codd 0.1 the premises, 'or Lambttm Avenue, Mount De11t1is. 51- For Infants and Children. Th Kind You Have Always iliN.rj8 WANTED-Man t attend furnace. $10 a month. Apply Box 359, Post Office. ‘3 50 MW FOR SALE---Go wk strong square water tank, linesfwith galvanized iron. size 4 rt., 6 i mes long-by 2 it., 6 inches wide, by 3 It, 6 inches high, with some pipe co neetiorrs, just the thing for farm ho e, also windmill complete. Apply Richard Dawson, Main Street, West . 50 WANTED-Man % attend furnace. $10 a month. Apply Box 359, Post Office. 0 Sit Bears the Signatrre of $1 per foot down. $10 per kt menthly. CASTQRS IA the: deLtjr,iii"iiiri' Z. BUILT) A HO ME. B, and meet our want to Send you change letters with list ot' people all 'othing more plta- Syad 10 cents for o The Canadian an. PO. Box 891, . 50