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Times & Guide (1909), 22 Jan 1915, p. 1

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_rc_-r_'-y- ¥BLOGK' A, _! ID :=- I}, DUteFE)1)N STREET, new “7;" c, ", _ W J)', r" c:,-.:.',.",, _. WESTON :‘fireamotAlmonds . . . .25e ieafl Tooth Powder-,. . _"-,iif)att)trppratt)4 ooh Cream25e tr ntiseptit Tooth' Paste. "ll".',,?'),),,))?,-),,:","'-")'?))','-.'- ,r. 5. 3 for 250 bth1sjr1g Lotion . . . . . . . c'-', _'ii,c,r,ci1_vj'_'it,_,_v.i,ri:lrii'i", Buy Rexall Toiietipoods only from gfiumber, Lath, Shingles, TLA LEnAIRE g HH _ G?REGORY, fifToiLE'T.~ PREPARATIONS 214a“ 'lrrili',,i'. .55 IDE'ZWecontract for Light and Power installations Lia“ kinds. _ _ F1xtures,Lamps and Electrical Appliances sup"" 'ierii9ir')'iit1Itss than city prices. ',_l, All. Fixtiires installed without extra charge, (rr, "_" _ 7 PHONE WESTON 230, . kEl.El‘le[l(}AI. ENGINEERS AND (2lllrflWr0flg, Eié‘f’L‘SCRAN fON COAL 2’35 (ii-l/tthurt-r/Hia! Q3134? $jisitirr",/_i,'iIi.shrors, and my sc' CARRIAGES, IMPLEMENTS, Etc. rd "XXVI if F '/'i))rrF,ii,'v, fer-913m fr few bf fhé _ ici:f,Lir". '1:r"-'1'1iijiiviiiiiiiteyjeirorn August 1, 1914, to August I, 1915, 'F fan-q guaranteed against any reduction during that time : 'r, _" . T routing Car $590 ( fl , V y' Ragga-bout $540 1 - Town Carr $840 T F. o. B. Ford, Ontario, fully equipped. _ " the Dominion of Clnnda only _tbfiijiirs for Stlors Promptly Attended to. 1iiitlii'tue and PLANING MILL PHONE NO 27. YOU SHOULD USE H. VCOUSINS & SON, Agents, _'- ,7 "', WESTON. _,,,_rl,_,, P/jis,tr,Announcement Livery in Connection. TheStandard Anthracite ./ I: '. _ DEALER IN (u-i----"------ (Buygrsfto‘ Share 1n Profits Li)ttey Prices on Ford Cars LL. 8908. JL. tf w“. Emit 37:6: SOLE DEALER WES; “EGAYUSIE PF / V . Phone 272 feet, tltetss,llll,eseore WESTON Gr 't: 3XM§§§11§e 1rriitljp,i,Iryisp, = Builders.y Supplies and" Cedar Posts near KG.T.R. Tracks an» tihttttg & (littii/ti. {new how may. #13: Tim-y“fl‘137"-’7'.'-ff‘-<-'"~33-‘*““'”WW“ 3““ a " s i, . ' New- '; ftiir “ES T '", {medical ofreer shall be held‘wEfiE‘ufor‘yzahéwig mega?” Viva? _ I 'iittit,5,i1.Jra" b? 2. "Fswrte"sr'"'"rrt,; C:Si~h1&f01‘ -irtitirisiircsjbiir. t'itiii'iiccffifii' -' ')c'iirfiRt1gt VF'. T W marina; _ "N, _ T T ly " upon ”to-Manly f V Tnit, 1 . _" make good, the Arrpensesineurred by y. ' ' ' b" --, I. . V . _ rthe public for reiumits who ma b ( . -t.- A 1 1 Powder-: . . .25e subsequent] r . ct d y e The inaugural meeting ot the Wes- ' _,% - . y eJe e as unfit for Ber- ton Town Council was held last Mon- Pooth Paste. .2he Vice for physical or mental reasons." d 'n- ht . th C il Ch b l . . . a 1 1n e ounc am er, Aion . . . . s" . . ‘250 It IS further pointed out that serious 2d wag opened in due IIC, Rev Dr _ injustice is done to men who have , . . . . . _ L m . ti . S only from Plven up positions in order to enlist ong o ma Eng The Chamber 7331 and who later have been unable to re- filled to capaehty. A part of th: time) l Y (over thee old positions. It L' claim- wasltalient up in speech making by the} l _ new - C ed a . . . - R , lid that men are passed with gross ur {85¢ "N 3mm, rah It: his 1n1au defects such 1 _ . g a a was ayor ar ton dee ar- as g ass eyes, deteetive Pd that "rattrnnrlrtnzr" rrvacf kn fhn mafr‘h .b_ - ‘riaesf , cr- I oiil blfkm‘m"""'v"' _. iii NOTES and COMMENTS WESTON, ONT., FRIDAY, JANUARY Jst')",' 1915. We}: in tye, 'ra" l' that fhe "itvirsnt:t,ro hm impressvd 11pm Ie1at, “We "'c"tst1r1-wnrrr'r T"i'cher, ha: impressrd utcn the Empire Tlast at is a Patriot? "'"c'c-'e"sary dvty +0 dnvnm in Dry aind Interprv'm in trv davalopmrnt of tirade. The rvaterial strength of the Ehmhe lies in the diy velopment, of. aiturai resources. A i The opening of (the Spring in a Few weeks will witrres? the greatest agri- cultural activity (n the history of the Canadian west. It is from the soil that we derive our basic wealth. Our prosperity deperitrs in the Mn: run upon ‘the produeiri oflhe farm. Never before have ttrur,t been such prepara- tions. The interest in agriculture has been on the increase. Men are think- ing of farming? to-day, where before attention was Wimlly rentercd (n ma} estate spcculatién. We are.in frr a new era, in faci. It will prove the best era in Cankdav, h' tory. Mer: of wide vision wruiten us "hat we Fave rrot.vet Lilly grgsgei the possi"i'iyies, rf 0"? "mung. We ' 131V? him th’o ~vr r136%] rl' mvr 'viia'tic I Hereafter Medical officers who pass 'mon physically tmfit that are sent to the divisional concentration camp inlay be called upon to pay the loss incurred by the Government. in the (payment, of railway fares and sub'sis- jtenco allowance. A notice to this iefteet has been served on Medical In- !spectors pointing out that Medical lyffityers have no discretion in accept- ing: minor grades of defects but are required) to, abide strictly by the jegu1atidns in that behalf, The ipottime' says in part "It is proposed 1133 .enforee the payment and allow- $3.199?- 'tsr19sp'ippptitich. states that a According to an announcement pub- hostilities in a stream that will as- lished in the Ontario Gazette, the tonish the Germans. tor 125,000 Cana- Workmen's Compensation Commission dians are under arms, the Tl‘emier has served notice on all employers oi tells us. Ontario has become b pro- labor who haveinot paid their assess-Lanee of drill companies. . . . . _l ments, that thisy will be required to It is not only in min and gifts that] pay an additional five per cent of the ‘the Empire comes to our help. it 5. assessment as a penalty. The regu- providing, and as time goes on, it lation on this ppint declares that any will increasingly provide us with en- employer failing to pay any assess- glues of war. . . . . It is however ment or portion of it within fifteen on men that we must chiefly rely, days after notice Kas been mailed toAheretoré it is most reassuring to him by registered post (hall pay forllearn that the men scattered about in such default tive per cent, on the scores otitraining camps are phygieal- amount unoaid.' Where the default 1y tittetf than ever in their lives be-l continues longer, than a month after tore." The Cauldian regiment refer- the expiration iof the 'fifteen days ho red to is Princess Patricia’s Own shall tblso day an additional one per Light Infit1try, now at the front and cent for each month or fraction of a one of whose captains has been repor- month that he continues in default. _ ted killed in the battle line of France.) Under the Act the Board has power to I t + + l takevmore viz,orpusl, action to enforce) Commercial failures in Canada are payment. a certified copy of the as-'reported by Dun & Co. to be much sessment unpaid when filed in'cour‘t more numerous during the year just being of the same, force as a judg- closed than in the preceding year,, ment and enforcable against the de-'white the aggregate indentédness also faulting employer. Delinquency never materially increased. The total fail- pays. iurves numbered 2,898 in 1914, as com- l + + + .[pared with 1,719 during the previous ( Hereafter Medical officers who pass year. The total liabilities swelled to men physically uhfit that are sent to $35,045,005 as against $16,970,406 in ithe divisional concentration camp 1013, and $12,316,936 in 1012). In the Play be called 11p011 to pay the loss mar1ufaetusir1g industry there were i1ncurrcd by the Government-in the tht failures involving $11,063,191 ‘payment of railway fares'and s11bsis- against 452 for $6,792,,763 in the pre- 12c hll1,oi,Ct,1rei,r,A,eanoont1"ic; Jf,', 1this ceding year, while loses among 1i,'c,Lt,' pointin eutoih , 1l2ldi11i" agents, brokers and similar concerns 1ohoersinLire 110g dioscretrioji 20w: were 120 invoviog $5,303,968 against ‘ingimlnor grades of 'Ll/et/sn/jul'"',','),"," only 51 for Tl11,5.", in 1913.. In re- required? to abide strictly b the gard to the liabilities, a particularly regulations in that behalf y Th:.uniavorable showing was made by ';iltjiiimr, says in part "It is proposed British Columbia, where the aggregate ate ,Enfome the Gymer1t and allow indebtedness was $11,650,670 against éa’nce xeqlutMiiorr,utrb'tch states that a only $137835“ in .1913. The only ter- mnafl»hmr‘t i. T,r:T,ir,L.dr,ritpIy,, showing Increase was New- Great Britain's reply to the protest of the United States alleging inter- ference with American commerce by British seizures and detentions of American ships and (cargoes was made public by the State Depart- ment last week. The tone ‘and spirit of the reply while friendly and quite as frank as the American note, were quit-e pleasing to the higher offieials of the administration, The opinion was expressed that the British attitude gave promise of as'satisfaetory ucder- standing between .:(,('the two countries. It is explained that the note is prov liminary to "rerruive some miseoncep- tions that seem to? exist" and will be followed by anothgr dealing more in detail with the issues: raised. The note conc1"des wiih expreseing a de- sire to enter into) "any arrangemvnt by which m'stakosican in avoided and rmaratian secured] promotly when any iniury lo the ngeutral ' owners ct a ship on cargo has been improperly caused." l ' PIANO C0'i0i'i:'i'r Great Britain's reply to Bee Advertisement on Page 5. etc 66 Fiat Justitia, Ruat erlum, T9 H When o'er the earth the hordes on heathen run With War s as fierce as ancient Goth and Hun-- Christians, arise! 'tis not etough to pray Fight! we must {slay the forces that would slay! y And with our sword in hand we soon will know if lWhich is the frieod cf Christ and F which his foe. Nor will we hry,it down again until On' earth is Leace. and over all {.1 od- will. T"'»‘ w lrtrocr “mi? to Tipperary, but an ’ff,‘ my Jc/ish:ave an evening of Wm. F1373". "1sliipary Fifth at Town Hn11, WWW Wm anvs will be produe ed by Weston Dramatic Society. - Never arra'n mustihvathen might p"e vail , Christiars. vow jf'tghi'ing faith muse You m While man can plot to murder fellow- man And with the draldies’t weapons back their plan Christ cannot pour his Igifts from Heaven abo(ve Chr thrs _ "peace great and joyous task lies before us in Western Canada. (From the Winni- peg Tribune.) Alluding to Lord Kitchen-Vs refer- ence to the "fine Canadian regiment” now at the front the London Evening Standard says, "Everything goes to show that equally fine Canadian regi- ments W111 be padred into the get? of hostilities in a stream that will as- tonish the Germans. tor 125,000 Cana- dians are under arms, the Tremier tells us. Ontario has become b pro- Christians awake! no longer can we say _ The day of peace will come because We pray: For Peace on Earth requires our active'hand Ere peace in Heav’n rewards our war- worn band. ,t1hel inaugural meeting ot the Wes- ton Town Council was held last Mon- day night in the Council Chamber, and was opened in due form, Rev. Dr. Long officiating. The Chamber Was filled to capacity. A part of the time was taken up in speech making by the newly-elected members. In his inau- gural address Mayor Charlton declar- ed that "economy" must be the watch word of this year's Council, but at the same time the wheels of progress must not be clogged. The Mayor's in- tention is to get the very best road that can be obtained from the Good Roads Commission for our Main Street. He has also a big scheme tor extending the town limits, and advo- cates the publication of astssment lists and sending a copy to each rate- payer. Altogether this year's Coun- cil launches out with very good in- tentions. ' C Nation no _ "av; / '. Tots, 54"!" 11Tiu heart would bless with and love. '0 n gh’ PEACE ERETHA DAWSC an gest-then Four 'Tis Peace on N Make special inquiry,iegardinsr Calco Brand Sand Coated Roofing. . Now is the 1 and Storm Sash. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Interior Trim, Wall Board, Roofing, Building Papers, Cement, Lime, ,z’Plaster. - The Village of Weston has grown quickly and will continue to grow, it has been incorporated a Town recently by the Railway Board. This growth is the direct result of increased building. The Canada Lumber Co. supplies all lines of build- ing materials, the following are some of them: (lllll)l llll!lllll,0ltl))ln Earucglar attention given to Tire “Seminal; _ _ Repairing, " ”I!” MAIN YARD,--Weston, Ont. aw, DISTRIBUTING YARD, 109i King St. W. Toronto. CITY SALES OFFICE, 106 McKinnen Bld. _ P H CD N Ei.' Eii : 7 READY FOR DELIVERY Market Gardeners WAGONS _" Weston 175 Iancfim 292r-; When Genuine Gas Coke is properly burned it will last as long as hard coal. Ton for ton it is cheaper than hard coal. It will burn fiercely hot if desired or in will burn with gentle, even heat, depending upon the degree of heat wanted. It needs little attention and you get just as much heat ton for ton as you do out of hard coal. PHONES: Junction 237 Lumber til Builders Supplies GENUINE GAS COKE Gives big Heat at little Cost Weston Branch Yard, J. C. IRVIN, Manager MA IN STREET. WESTON. Nll, tt((MI(lt Main St., REPAIRING IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. COLLENGE AXLE OR SCOTCH BOX (lR0l(jl(Sflhlil( t SON the time tovinqnire about our St rm Doors SOLE DEALERS IN LIMITED ' WESTON, ONT. --AND-- Toronto Ofttce Adelaide 194- Illlill O., Weston u, c, P-1"..P?P."-"" 'tii'iita

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