r "i,',, iii; Ji, ‘1 _ "rvr""'T ti(i'i,jiii" E I E ff I (i!1i'r/i), (IO, [ ‘ï¬va fl . . _ is - '"', .' AIO, T ,.~~\ t Q WESTON PUMP WORKS WAI TFR L0N6STAFF, Prop. _- l., SPECIAL (WERGIMT‘a from $15 upwards. suns. f‘;$15 upwards. Suits and Overcoats reg. $22 for $15. First.elass workmanship guaranteed- COMPLETE A COURSE in “he _ )mELLIOTT m A Yonge and Chris Streets, Toronto, Ont., and tho 3:311th will grove to you the Wisdom of Graduating from this Famous School. Catalogue tree. Enter any time. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL; 734 YONGE STREET. TORONTO. MAIN ST Watci’ses, illoda, and Hand Faiiite,d ihiat. Main Street, WESTO] (opposite Bank of Nova Scotia.) Every "Eirening from December 14th to December 1Shh, 1914 Gasolene Engines, Ainmotors. Windmills, Force Pumps, tlt INSURANCE LOANS REAL ESTATE IO Fiiesh and Smoked Flsh 5‘ New Fruit, etc. Weston Rd. Mr. DENNIS Ciho"ioe Opp. Bank of New; Scotia. r. I. HOLLINGSHEAD, TAILOR and MEN'S FURNISHER Ctternan and Hackett Block. . E. COLEMAN Phone TI AUCTION SALE. Money to Loan at lowest rates on City, Farm and Suburban property. Fire, Life, Accident, Slckness, Gr L. anirte. Automobile, Burglary st Plate Glass Insurance effected in all Cumpanies. Estates managed. Rents and Interest collected. City, Farm and Submban property in every looality bought, sold and exchanged. a" (Adelaide Street East, 2: TORONTO q TELEPHONE, MAIN 1967 r. LOCKE ah Co. M SEE vs ABOUT J EWELER. D EALER IN Main Street. Weston. CONNUR, Groceries WESTON Phone No. 2 WESTON Ae -AiiridnsG-a only by G. N. LACK, _ MI. DENNIS. Brigade. says: "I highly approve 01 TCrt'r an“; Clothes Dryer, and recommend its use in an households. it certainly will be a great protect tion from (ire by careless handling of clothes. Something New - Welcome belllng ()lotltrpiF Gnome Grocerms, TEAS, COFFEES. Etc. Butter and Eggs 3 specialty. Lambton Ave., MOUNT DENNIS. (Patented in Canauéana Urlited States) Miss Mollie Ambier SOCIETY DANCING Terms (in advance) for class lessons $5.00 for course of 10 lessons PRIVA'IE LESSONS BY APPOINTMENT- For further particulars apply to MISS MOLLI AMBLER Cor. Church St. and llo amount Ave 5 WESTO . (By our Ttir The lollowmg place in a house j hlaid--Lor 040 nose so red The cook, glow it's 1 ever found r peopie's busine: tg, ii 1"he Maple k The cook, glow it's 1 ever found people's busine: s. ii 1"he Maple le so sang a happy 1' night while walti for the new Conn maple leaf, brim-rd "ral, what a short} and what au en math a th'Ilge wh by everyone for when you drop when you drop me ground to te' "tmou ed under" trodden under l'oobl and forgotten. 11L maple leaf, you) with your short up glorious life Rt d i/niioiroue end ar no Worse " than a] twentieth centur mayor, reeve or, coun illor. for tt y, ex<epn in a luvl instances (Jake f r example) alt in al very short perm gab slowed undtr, and so the worl goes on. Maple leaves some andgo, mayors, leevesI and councillors cyme and go, some to graze and come . gain, but all to bel snowed under s00 ier or later, Monday l night saw the ensuing of the tirst) Town Ceuncil, alltlie conneillms pre-l ent, a fine bodny men they looked, 1 some were vetera , at the game, others i as a councillor cleansed were like 'rosebuds, but wh "osebubs, we cannot understand, unles its because man oometh up like , flower and is cum down. Alter up ing prayer and the usual speeches, tlie council semen to business and-a pmminent citizen said madean excellen 1iniptessio. Among the matters unde discussion was Sun- day street cars, fdiv people realize we have Sunday cars Fr presentnrcu,r,, The Union Ja which flies over the Town Hall waraken away during the week and re ired by a lady, it once more floats 1 {The breeze. Say it it's Wiqke to employ conduc- tors and drivers oriFanday what about itelephone girls? I Our lime bird was telling us abou; Ithe band this wee; come, come, boys uninn is strength ou know. 1 News is pretty came but We were told that our ham-y postmaster was thrown from ’2, bob high into tho road [the party responsi , a for such an acci- idenc should be me,e careful in the lfuture) with His M estv’s male. “.mowwnm, enwe .-~ 'trr_.ri__'e- __-wee-' cometh up like t flower and is CULIW You’re the guy tk§t put the gum in‘ down. After opq in pm er and the my hair! I usual speeches, t ' ciunciyl settled tol TH ESTLEVE‘OW N I could give them’loo votes and then business and-a prminent citizen said! Mr T A Farr w ill build a coveredbe elected. g madean excellen 1irt1ptession. amcmgisi"itinrfil'd (1“!ng the coming wm-‘ Who took Harry? to the Constable the matters unde discussion was Sun- imer and will h e it ready tar nexc‘and said he had ratifies? day street cars, fv people realize welseason. The men of Nojfégz station had the have Sunday caret present.ituj, I . fire out before that? others got there. The Home G brd 1eirirlyts':ii'i'iiiiiiii) .j'tlf) Io/tii/ec::',.' If???“ lov1n§tman‘Smart work No. 253 practice" Tuesday? night and further gut a 1f L}? l: b§11,teén.gs 1131-“ 1,3132 Somehow thought George of uNo. 2 prepared themsel es to meet any Ger- lb:sht:'001ho 1tl Ellabymwhos he: a: “2&5 on fre and turned the hose on man invaders, nerly every guard gOtlfondnesg for the rmy. See the Fun ‘hrm. (i, a butl's ore, (oh 0, not from liown- Friday, February Fifth when the Wes:l ye may be only lr pup but he can tree's slaughter huge), and eousider-lton Dramatic _ criety produce "Our bibe. . i ., 3 ing they fired neatly the full length of Regiment" in th ee acts, Merry Christmas, Iirummu! the Fair build1ng,ht a mark no lergerl 5 Who is going to tell the 1wst yarn than a. 50 cent pl:e, they did well, :l Fowler‘s Hypophosphites is excep- at the Lord Mayor't'ebanquet? __ - L .1. Will Ann a; +ka Cn,Attmrrr,icec,irtrn hull 11a " - - __ There is no trut Je. in the rumour that the fire- brigade ave a. concert last Friday night in H e Old Presbyterian church, they did,; however, play on the organ. ' Hand Laundry Talk about she ling reminds us the chief has had the, i-bosh pun over his target practice, t e dogs are having their day and are ow running freewa While the Tow , fathers were hold- ing their confabs, e dramatic society let themselves 1 se upstairs, and right well were m y doing it, many and varied were th yells that reached the ears of the nlmerous ratepayers through the cracks n the floor. The Council Chdnber is to have an extraordinary sprig“: cleaning. The Commission, said', his worship the, Ifayor, meets in palace compaved with this room, so hy should not the Council have a d cent place to meet in (several voice hear, bean) now watch the dust fi J and it certainly will. , May Ar. “Th 01:123ng Chief Eagle Block, Main Street. WESTON. Goods called for and delivered CHARLIE WING Mlxmi FIRST 0 LASS DEALER IN pson, Chief ot Toronto Fire I highly approve of this Patel: , SK- ._-- :-. ..n il Chill ber y Sprl'g ele saidit his s in I pala m, so Vhy s: 3 a deem I voice hear ust fri, and a Ja Whit ll waraken d re ired oats b the t ivitkel to ew, ms otS’uuda rls? bird mate] R wee, com Aug'th You ki, rctty cams w haug- po a boh high [ PICKLES. me Reporter.) conversation took town this week. ng with pride-Mus king itself in other was are thli-lling," Ltepayer on Monday g in the Town Hall it to open up. Poor t, handsome maple proud life you have , You no soon r) :1]: you are admiredK our blaze of colour what 1nakes your _ The only reason tor,' our business. This means that W our store. Low prices; and customers always f We prefer to sell 100 'rticleg at a profit of 10 cents than 10 articles at a pro] t of $15.00 each. It means just 90 more people patronizWr our/ store. Our giving away this piano is simply to bring ad.. ditional business to on); stire, and it is doing it every day. It pays yo1randlus/ El Don't mlss abofre opp every week, Rer 'ember ' in most any line, and same. We carry /ehoor App'ies ewel'ery, Toys and Dolls, Kodaks aghd Kodiak iupplie:, Confeetroneiy, (Gho- eolates), sratioliery, Brigg k. iuiies, etc. All blue ballots mtigst be gm Wednesday, January 20. If laughing huEts you, keep away from the Town {Ham}, Friday, Feb- ruary Fifth, wherfHhe Weston Drama- tie Society presénts two laughable plays. "i, A very novel _ 'sthott of recruiting has been adopted a Hull. A number of tramcars are lieing driven round the streets with Ethcse notices on them: “19 to 38. gJump on. Your King and country jaeeds you, 1Citch- ener calls you, w take you-jump on!" A large numbr of men have ioinSed as a result, 0 this appeal. DEALER IN Choice Beef, Lamb. Ili)tl, dam and 3mm BUTTER AND EGGS A SPECIAHY. amomwaou AVE" wow mm s Mr. T. A. Farr ill build a covered Skating Rink dur " the coming st1m- mer and Will h e it ready tar next season. C Fowler‘s Hypoiohosphites is excep- tionally good as a tonic and builder. Inch, Weston, sole agent. NELSON JARRETT For every new subscriber to the, 'Times and Guidqf Mount Dennis we will give you 2190 votes. Leave orqer with W. J. Inch, pr,iiee $1.00 yearly f It has been asked as several times. How can you afford to givebaway that beautiful $350.00 Ennis Piano as you advertise you will do? sr" SUNDAY HOURS, 4 We collect or dis cunt sale notes for farmer . Notes left fl secure against and the 1'tt.el the due date. When paid e money goes to your credit thout any trouble on your par We shd with the m ?irtinr, also Branch at Meant D Sale Ngtes WESTOE BRANCH -'--'-c-titUEtiTlKNr' e Td1louts mm“ m: an "v1-1"c"ou'c'Irt I l. â€W “ ’ INCH i' o - o rr RATE. CDF2L.yGG2lSiiir""r Main Street, WESTON. - $0,099,009 l _" Monday, Jan2ary Ith, 1915, _ I _ from sew re shock, BRANCH _ _ f kicking t the last, _ gis1, Madagtr _ No flowers, ‘ raze in peace. at Meant Dennis _ i Broncho _ paper please copy, Frioisds please accpt this the only yizrerreeeeeesreraerr.er.e intimation. i - WW I 'ee-ss-yi-rata-i--. £4.53".- - t,,tt.etggitgagtmgi-, OUR ANSWER fllection are or burglary, .re notified of to5and8to9r. , . . . rtumtles, we don't give them a can pmcure you anything THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Weston,' York an Etobicoke Town- ships Agriculture S iaty, will be held in the Town Hall, eston, an TOES- DAY, JANUARY wt , at ONE o‘clock pm., for the electi of officers and other business. 7 THE ANNUAL WS. ETING of the Riverside Cemetery C mpany will be held in tre. Council hamber of the Town Hall, Weston, on Wednesday, January 20th, at 8 o. lock p.m., for The e‘ection cf otiieir's and other business. , _ JAS. , DENNIS, 3 Secretary. He may be only a. pup but he can bite. i, _ _ Merry Christmas, firumrrier! Who is going to tell the bust yarn at the Lord Mayor'sEbanquet’? Will one of the Cdgnmission tell us what that $3.840 for"§hydrants mean? Why not put a few hioliard tables in the lecture room at ï¬he,‘ library? Perhaps we will hear a lecture on' "How to shoot dost,". from a mem-) ber of the library Byrd. ', Now then, give mega tiger Byes!, l Turn it; over Macklign, give it a freshl hold! i' i Sam was sure ' hgrgry on Election n g‘ht. ', . Oh you hnaut'ful gillage. Doc. was the suiprise of the Elec- tion, he should hive at least come night. 5 Doc. drew sixth shot. , Must have got a wgide. i Will Doc. do tbs watrr into Wins stunt at the Bowrvsts banquet? Boys, don't sweizr when you play hockey on Sunday.) ', Who kried Mac's 'Poet [ Why ‘don’t you!, send him to the front Ruth? E Commissioner Coliips sats he is startin off with aiclean slate, hope he will keep it clean-f} Have you seen new Council? Eéing in business is to do 'must bring the people to ood values will bring us Every piece of Jewellery (or repairs) Alarm Clocks, Collar Buttons, Watches, etc. we will give 2 votes â€Home cent. . of'ithe T 'KIGKING BRONCHO Who died inddeplv on Monday, Jan my 4th, 1915 IN LOT ou piano votes for NOTICE NOTI SUB ROSA. A. cl GOULDING, Itie, Rosebud of the MEMORY PHONE 63 Secretary @ (lgliMillillltl, For the next 30 days we rnust 4?; 1il"i'iiililillllil reduce our stock at saerifite, prices. 'Ei' ed" Every line m the store will be re- 'ititllllllllllt duced. This gives our customers tu" 'itaitMM, in opportunity to do some econom- ical buying, s n (- ~I()Ck is all good reliable shoes. No job lines n whasml to put in this sale. We are elear.. in r nular lines. Money refunded if anything misrepre- sented. This is not a compulsory sale, any more than it is necessa'i u have a Clearing Sale of l ur W inter Stock, always a fl w pairs l f various hr; s left over. but all must no to make romn i r the Spring goods which arrives 1st March. Result, keeps our stock always new and up-to- date When we advertise bargains, we give bargains. Men's Pat, and Vel. Calf Shoes, button or lace reg. $5 00 and $550 red $3.95 do do 4 00 4 75 3 45 Men’sBoxCalv‘Shoes..... ....-q.....e.w.m. 3'50 375 275 Men's Pat and Vel. Calf Shoes, special bargain. 2/75 4.50 1.95 (not all sizes of the above line) Women's Pst. Shoes, cloth and mat. calf tops button and laced ...... .... ...... ...... do do Women’s Vici Kid and Velanr calf Shoes w.... IL. b not all sizes: MissesHmw, -izes 11 m2, :egular.... ..P. PP.. 3.00 395 1.65 Misses School Show, good '3t lid leather . . .. . . .- 2 25 2.50 1.75" (â€her lines i-Sade-sri -,vle- . _ '1 Boy's Shoes, PM an" Vi. ca , button or lace ' 3 00 4 00 2.45: Boysssooishodsregul_ar---. 22r 275 195 Boy's School Shoes regular. ...... '...e.. _..... 175 200' _ 1,50 Children's Shoes at cut prkes, special live at TO cents. _ Light Ovor Rubber» in all sizes at out prires, ' C ' Overtloes, Mocrasins, Shae Packs, Heavy Snag Emmi Rubbest amt Robber Bows at groat redn 'tinn _ -rte Space is Hunted to give m y more prices. .5. We invite you to call ma inprCt our advertised bargains. ihe early, shopper will get the hate" choice. " I SPECIALIZE IN SHOE REPArRrscr---All k::nda--second to name in quality- and neatness. _ - Store closes Monday, Tnetday and Thursday evenings at6 pm _ Friday and Saturday evenings at 10 p.m every Wednesday afternoon at 12. . LOTT’S SHQE STOREY , Heaters and LARGE DEEP LUIS. WIDE STREETS. BUILDING RESTRKI'UONS, JGHN A. MARSHAH BRICK ti)., ltd, OFFICE: WestonZRoad, Mount Dennis. WORKS: Fifth Cencession, York Phones: Weston 174; Junction 4049 . llisrvout Emotional Dizzy Ih.y,oressed OLDHAM’S HARDWARE?! Note a few of our cut prices below. Phone-Wesson 248 BTTY A LOT, HUMBERMOUNT “in "e/j?,,',,',', \L‘M‘S' $1 per foot down. DE SPREE’l s. LDING RESTRIUIIONS, $10 per lot monthly' THE HUMBEE Home l)lillf1iMllilft (10., High Grade Red Stock Brick The Very Best Guaranteed NOW IN SEASON _'WM ' Maia: F", Secure cur prices before placing your order BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA BUILDING, WES ON. Office Hours: Main Street, WESTON SAVE YOUR TAXES. MANUFACTURERS OF [ Stomach; Live: ":2: Saw}; S:?3;r~Coaied Tiny Graéciés. . 1urtinuuriiiIith'aiuii'aiumtittituyaii'iiiqir'ihitiiititrmB,, [OHS SHOE MORE. Weston, 8.30 mm. to 4 [Min Mount Dennis, 4 p.m. to 5.30 pan. SEMI-ANNUAL Shoe Sale a/(Jfi),; PIERCE'fr .g-g Fs " jriye E3?@§@2‘§§iaoï¬- ‘VOMEN who are restless, With, constant a ge of posmon, "fidgets. iness," who a a 'ormally excitable or who experience f . tin or dizzy spells, or nervqués' headache a war fulness are usually suiferéf’s' who can helped. _ 3 7 “HEM ook Stoves YoMr in medicines sells IN BUILD A HOME. Opp. Bank of Neva Scotia te, E AT 1 1 and _1romanrtr'"Toroie thjiti, ' rating calm to the nervouq; the weakness and thts dgagg 4.20 8 75 3 00 3 00 3.00 lo 5.00 4.50 3.50 5.60 has 'of rhea: is’ B6 vigosate 'iur;imrrE 3 65 3.45 2.75 1.95 1.65 1.75 my 1