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Times & Guide (1909), 29 Jan 1915, p. 1

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,'lk)',r,iaii'"s'i',?iis,itis),'is'vi a: i . ,A (I I. rl an 'i/ii' W W “F31 Evidently the ttpea/le again“ Ger- - "rr-u-Veer-Cir-tite-T, ‘{ man profe550rs in the University of {;:f?:;‘i4§§'ir*-I“.SCRAN fON COAL " r"- _ Béing some reasom why I gi--~;-Lntm§r'6wige- _ Vi"*émfi ' . FR Ichildn-n of the E‘mpiré telling in coo- :3 f 1,; ‘EEIâ€" L., B tD S. cisa and clear words W31y Britain 1,: at ii): ~‘éw‘~:’*“ 3, ", i, " k war. This message, {Written at the {EiéfitiafitflfiRI‘GAL”flGINEERS AND (l0llTllf0lll8, request oi the League or the Ehr1pce, ':i),i--,r' CI cr,',';':':::')':::?'.;';'-?-: _ _ "", F is being placed in thwschoolrooms of 'ii""-' 'r -rtftt.i,'t,(i",',irtr,ntract int Light and Power installatiOns Great Britain. The League a the, :.'eli, I Ir‘vvfli-"f'; , _ _ . s_" ,Empirv in Canada with the ~-,I.‘ ion £i0f‘?l~lvg<Â¥9d‘s' _ iof the Provincial Minister of Edvca- iil,itilrrr/)Ftiittttrtsp, Lamps. and Eilectrical Appliances sup.'tion, with the cooperation of the iii, "if 5" 'li - ' th _ it _ . School Insprctors and Co‘lnty Crerks ',s',iirlpttifri: at. ts, mh an fl y prices. {of Ontario, and through thesgenerosi- In" t _ My?“ . t _ ' ' , if 1 s" s" _ . ty of some of its tnends, has bsen en- fr T . 7““ Iirt"res _inStalled without extra charge. abled to do the same work in Ontario. "r/r. _, "" "V _ C 1m. _ PHONE WESTON 230. Already it is said that ovu- tour _IW..M..WW-MM? E L. A. LEHAIRE i,--;,--: _._,_,,_._,.(ii-_lll(i()lrf hilt fiftlt To attempt to simply "Pease" without tryingito analyze the individual needii of our patrage is to d,erry they; who fave! us with their patronage a service to which they are eritrtled--ghat of 1siyaaaEwr GUIDANCE in making their parehasearf drugs and diugist ihndriesv/ Ego serve and please you ru/twa thatpAh make for your continued etmti- dence and good will this is our ed _ endeavour. flWm‘ame'mfl"cmw-9§ -" "fl"wm~-zaâ€" "s--, w L” , ' We aim to do more than “phage” behause we feel that the 1,itiiiitie"t,ieii , frugist and the public border/tUre olosely on the prefessional than do many other business associations. " _" T , E'Lumber, Lath, Shingles, L Jfs, UL. XXVI E_gANmA0KETT _ BLO Ii Sash, Doors, and DUFFERIN STREET, nea1 _ (, . WESTON 210;;A‘; t _ “.7. ", -""s _," -_ ,'; s" . . . 'sij"iii'i5'i'rririir1ry attempt to "please", :‘a co12fiding public. Is to fall short 1n Orders for SiIo’s Promptly Attended to. OFFICE and PLANING MILL PHONE CARRIAGES, IM PLEMENTS, Etc. . Prices affective from August 1, 1914, to Atagrrat I, 1915, and guaranteed against any reduction during that time ', Fouring Car $590 . Runabout $540 Town Car $840 H. COUSINS & SON, Agents, WESTON. Price Announcement Livery. in Connection. . H. GREGORY, The Standard Anthracite DEALER IN T Buyers to Share 1n Profits Lower Prices on Ford Cars F. o. B. Ford, Ontario, fully equipped. b In the Dominion of Canada only TALK NO. , The Reiegl: Store some DEALER IN soIitftv'dnd mérit your drug and drug sundries led , at gist , ndri r. we. that 'tttA, e] W. COAL CO. Builders’ Supplies and Cedar Posts near G.T.R. Tracks (my? @imw (lirttitte WE STON‘ 27. Phone 272 Toronto has not "fret died out. At a well attended meeting of the Weston LiberasConserrvatiye Association held in the Tom: Hall}; on Thursday night of last week, Dar. Forbes Godfrey, M.P.P. for West Yprk wasrthe speak- er of the evening. Ellis charge against the University for}; continuing to em- . ploy German peiitessors was very le8 severe, and singledfout Dean Fernow, the head oi the Fdresiry Department, in as his special obwipt of attack, Dr. Godfrey intimated 1 that he willrat 1‘é'r;the3mming~ase§siqaégagrthe .hegiglagage, zen protest against tii'i'i'i"drireh"ihiirirfrfra'f" ny ing any more money to tt1ecTJaiver- sity until every Gerintu1 professor on sal the staff has been niicharged. "I will e a oppose ta the last agitch any German ng getting a dollar of; the Province’s astray in his views. The agitation money." The doctor is not far tti- should not cease tintil every alien peofessor who is Known to be pro- German is dismissed from the service. "Let the Department he disorganized," he. said, “If the language were neyex taught again so mmsh the better for - A the youth of Canada Fin the future.” WESTON. ONT. mun“ a war xRY 2ir.' 1915. 'ti'.'"""-"" fi NOTES and COMMENTS 'Great Britain. The ELerague pf thu .Empire in Canada with che I." ton [of the Provincial Mitiister of Educa~ tion, with the eo-operation of the JSchool Inspectors andiCo‘mty Cyerks ot Ontario, and through thetgenerosi- [W of some of its friemiS, has been en- abled to do the same work in Ontario. Already it is said that ova' tour About six weeks ttc: his death Lord Roberts wrote 1 message to the children of the Empiré telling in con- cise and clear words M1y Britain 19 at It has been otsira1ty announced that -the Ontario LyLegusIarture will open on Tuesday, Ir, February 16th. The calling os' the session In a Tues- day constitutes a departure from the day on whiclfithe mgmberxs have been preVlously convened, ut with so many new members in the iCabinet we may expect new programs. gPre‘mier Hearst’s reasons tor the cJange to Tues- day shoulrmeet pub; c approval. He says, "There will ii plenty of time provided to get in a good week's wort Formerly the week 5? slipped by so, quickly and the tsi, was so limited following the fermaiil opening that members did not always appear in the first week at all." :fZPremier Hearst further intimates 12th the rules of the House regarding; Private Bills will be strictly enforced. “A month's notice will give ampitirne/' he says, "to municrpalities aim others who have private legislation to comply 'with the rules relatird to notice and presentation of Bills), It is the in- tention to adhere stri‘ 1y to the rules this session so that i he work of the House will not be debrrd by parties seeking to introduc'g Bills after the time fixed has passe" .” During Sir James regime the rues were not 'al- ways enforced, Framer Hearst is a man of business and"; will carry the work of the session itifough in a busi- nesslike manner. "; ‘ The first Canians ta reach the front were Priness Patritia's regi- ment, and acceding to London re- ports, they hate already given a grand account of, themselves when by a brilliant bayorgst charge at a place near Ypres, the' carried everything before them. hey rushed several trenches sho11tiaI their battle cry, "For Canada 11d Old England." The Germans Md in dismay before the onrush of thd Canadians in khaki, and it was Mt until the enemy brought theiariWllery into play that the vietorious uursu-it was stayed. The fame gain: on the South Atri- can veldt isorne years ago by Cana- dian troops wii once more resound through the Em ire, It was largely due to the part 'rrii, played in South Africa that tht, Boer war had so glorious a termi'iation. They fought, they won. Whatttherhave done they win do again. iThcir glorious achie- vement in their (irst action should be a spur to, the ipanadian contingent now at Salisbury‘éPlain when the time comes to give a (ipractieal account oi its training and syatroitism. "ir------??" PIANO CONTEST See Advertisement on Page 5. .. Fiat Justina, H2 Can l ians ta reach the Prin ess Patritia's regi- acco ding to London re- ha 6 already given a t o themselves when by ayo t charge at a place a 'tcrlrg,) ot alw l s t all." ESP] ates thét egardinii T y enforgd. re amp1ei; til lities aim legisl fio l relatirt 1 d Bills! tere stri' 1y IO that i ht pt be del' y titrodmeE E s passe ." the 21388 L, Pre er rss and? w ssion thiou er. 'ii' + + j weeks §efo wrote i, m ', Empiré tt words " y lessagejgilvr 1 COMMENTS g ---v iiaus ta reach the te, Patritia's regi- The love or liberty is the love of others; the love ct power is the lava ot ourselves, Everytbi; yorido counts-see that it counts for and ipot against you. Latest Society in 90m Regiment" on Friday, Febl'lghl'y Fifth. Still later. , A steady a vance will be made along tre fr nt street to Town Hall, Friday” February Fifth to see “Our Regiment.” Later still. i Operatioros 37111 be commenced shar“ly at 8:15 by "Our Regi- ment” in tbwr1 Hall, Friday, February Fifth}. Later. tetrtsand schools have received this card, and the league hopes 4hat be- fore Very long to be able to place this message before the eyes cf may pupil in the schools of the Privince. The last message Earl Roberts wrote to the Empire that he loved so well and served so faithfully will undoubt, edly serve a useful purpose in these strenuous days. War News ? ? "fi' It is reborn-é that “Our Ragi- ment" will wimpy a strorvr Tyosi- tion in West?“ 'roam Ha11,Fri- day, February)),, Fm-h. Much valuable information has been collected, with the;view of presenting to farmers and V: business men the necessity of extending our agricul- tural production,; in order, through the desrctoprnent oh, our own resources, to take advantage) the opportunity of establishing art' extensive export trade and, at the§§ame time, to dis- charge our duty,! to the Empire try providing a more gadequate supply of food stuffs for the sustenance of its army mad its pepple. Farmers are urged fo be present in large numbers to participate inf this conference. It is jheir puivvilegé as citizens of this Dominion 'to Farmer a very effective service to the Mother Country during the coming year. What is to be done and how to do it Vm he fully diszeus- Bed at the ottvrawavinweriag. Toronto will see some 2000 delen gates at the Canadian and Interna- bicnil Good Roads Convention next March. This announcement was made last Woek by the: Provincial Highway Engineer. The Fact that oatario has under consideration a $30,000,000 high- way scheme and that the preliminary stages' are likely to be launched this year, may have something to do in so looting Toronto for the second conven~ lion. In addition to representatives from all parts of Canada, it is ex- pected that delegates from the lead- ing Good Roads organizations of the United States will be present. The sessions are expected to be of 1111- usual interest, and Ontario’s province- wide system of improved highways will give the Convention ample ma- terial for useful discussion. An amusing story has reached Hor- land through German sources, of how certain Landstrum 6tfieers, wishing to give' the Kaiser a phasing surprise, rave him instead a Very severe shock. While the Kaiser was visiting his troops on the Argqpnos, he was ia- vited. to adept the hosmitslity, of an underground buffet which the offieers in tyntrtjf the trenches had fittedmp and mr'ade amazingly snug. 'There he drank a" glass of 'Wine and chatted pleasantly with those who were fol- lowing him. As he left he suddenly found himself almost in the middle of what appeared to be a strong force of French soldiers. (The tension for a moment was great. Then a confused German offieer stepped forward and expleined that the Frenchmen Were a comfjany of prisoners whom he had brsriityt ta sue the Emperor. The conference will be presided over by Honourable Jas. Duff, Minister or Agriculture for Ontario, and will be addressed by the Honourable Martin Burrell, Minister of Agriculture for Canada. The discussion will be led by Duncan Anderson; OriIIia, Ont., and Robt. Miller, Btouffville, Ont. The conference is held under the diretyiion,of the Dominion Department oi Agriculture, in , oo-operation with the Provincial Department of Agri- culture, and. is the first of a series which are being arganged for through- out Canada, to explain and discuss conditions in countries Where live; stock and agricultural production will be affected, by the (War. The First Agricultural Conference will be held in the 'leture room of the Winter Fair Building, Ottawa, on Wednesday, January 20th, at 1.30 a'eloelr. ISUTY AND OPPORTUNITY OF CANADIAN FARMERS Prcrcrssrr ort'trr Tonic" of bhe Dinlrmath: Séjvice is reported as stating 'hat lf/Our Regiment” will be hard to Twat at Town Hall, Friday, Fobrtsttry Fifth. The War ofriet"; does not deny the proposed occllfbation of the Town Hall by th? Weston Dramatie Society in 'itOur Regiment” on LATEST WAER NEWS ? ? ? 2251;}? s't1l1,,"Ht,g'1il ing with us‘and hear more about Tire are also agents for NEPONSET WALL BOARD, the substitute for lath plaster or sheathing. This is the most practical wall board made. our Experience and specialization. That's what most of them lack, That's why some. of these roof- ings which are guaranteed ten years longer than the maker has been in business soon go to pieces. Talk over this question of roof- COLLENGE AXLE OR SCOTCH BOX Parrieular attention gtsrep,r,aatp _ Tires,fittting and Wheel. Repairing“. ' _ A _ ", (mm [ltllll1,0rl)lllif Market ijdrdkinhiii Weston 175 Junction 292r--2 PHONES: Junction 237 --AND-. Weston II, Weston Branch Yard, J. C. IRVIN, Manager attention and you get jlgf as may?) heat ton for ton as you do out of hard coal. Lumber' til Bli GEN UIN EGAéSfiCOKl-Z Gives big Héat i,yi" little Cost MAIN YARD,-Westom Ont. CITY SALES OFFICE, 106 McKinnen BU. P FA CD N E S : MAIN STREET, WE$TON. Main St., Nll, WWW“, REPAIRING IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. READY FOR DELIVERY NEPONSET RQOFINC. ()R0l(jl(Sflhl0l 31 SON SOLE DEALERS Itt WAGONS LIMITED /' 'ey 'rs- _ / -/ x ' 'i'2r,/")r, ("-e," Li. Ce-f, 'it'?" F. flaw. gs, y:rji'if, WESTON, ONT. Toronto Of'tee Adelaide 194 W ll (0.,

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