to Shioils, H. Jesse G. " Fraser , and Will Hold th Fridav and Weston, Yorkgand Etobicoke Agri- cultural Societ. held their annual meeting on ‘Tu day, January 19th, and elected offioe s for 1915 as follows. Hon. Pres., G. . Verral; Hon. Viee- 'Pres., B. Mack‘n; President, Thos. tMa'fiith, lst Vi e-Pres., Jas. Gard" house; 2nd Vice res., W. J. Dalton; Bee--Treas., A. . Goulding; Assist.- Sam, N. J. McE en: Dlrectors, W. J. Gardhquse, Thos. Stobbart, W. Clark- son, Thos. Dclwr. th, R. Wargllaw, G. A. Jackson, R, L, Crawfgg’d, N. A. Boylen,’ R. Phi ips, ‘W. Graham, T. Williams, A. E. Wh.haton, W. Long- "ttatt, N. J. McBwen, J. Dvilckin, W. The 'Weston Hiurie Guards have not received their ‘niforms as yet, but Our Regiment t'will have theirs at Town Hall, F day, February Fifth. Proceeds in aid, f local charities. , To mark th inauguration of the Downsview extt. sion of the Weston "Hydro-System, a concert and enter- tainment will e held in Downsview Church on M day, January 25th. An imposing ar ay of Toronto talent, has been engag ' ~, together with Mes- dames Cole a d Hurd, Miss Curtis, the Rev. John Coburn, and Messrs. Upton Bowles a, d Van Wyche, Dr. E. T. Irwin will p side. V - - -- VJ“\T“ ’SEpper and C cert, the following will take part in the programme: Miss Norma Ch rlton, Eloputicmist; Mr. Jas. Willia s, Tenor; Mr. A. T. Mather, Tenor; ad Weston Methodist Church Male Qu rtette. uni Richview Melhgdist Church will hold special serv es on Sunday, Jan- 'uary, 31st, Rev. H, S. Warren will peeach. On Tue day’ evening, Feb- fs1iv1,',Tep'thrtt7l', will hold an Oyster gym: 'and 9311911491 the following Who goes ther !! will enjoy an evening of fun . Our Regiment by Weston Drarnati Society in Town Hwll, Friday, F ruary Fifth. Pro- ceeds in aid of lo l charities. Don’t forget yoxir Piano Votes at Inch’s Cut Rate Drug Store. Someone must get that beautiful piano.. “my WW, a“; __rcr6- w 0 SW“ we,“ Rev. J. A. Los, Pastor, Mr. A 2lpttrson, President? , Political Economy, toronto Univer- sity, who will speit' on the subject the “Economic Ba ground of the present war," and ‘song by Mi, C. Lorne Fraser, barit ne soloist. Bil- ver eolleetion dur g the evening, Come early and sec re a good scat A Grand Entertain nti in Weston Methodist Church on Monday even- ing, January 25th, 1915, under the Citizenship Dspa tment of the Epworth League, to consist of the foHowingi--Ordran re tal from 7.45 to 8.15 by Mr. F. erbert Cosford, solo organist; lectur by Prof. G. I. H Lloyd, Associa Professor oi O For Infants and Children. The Kind You Haas}; Always Bought Church of Christ, Bus ies Aid held a Tipper: home of Mrs. Brads) programme and ante: lowed, [everyone erfqu Bears the Bignatare of The services of th Old Presby- terian Church, Cros Street will be conducted by (h: pas r, Rev. C. R. Ashdowne, on Sunday January 24th, the evening subject ill be "Light and Right,†illustrate by the recent operations of the "Pri cess Pats" in Flanders. ' The Ladies Aid Chureh will hold Thursday, January Sonage, King Street There will be a Fancy Dress Car- nival in the Shatin Rink on Thurs- day, January 28th. Keep this date Gu; J. H. Taylor, to ll clerk, has been appointed Police agistrate for the Town of Weston. Mr. R. A. Ho roit's infant son Robert died 011 Mo day. su, mem --%:', N 're4etmone No. 20 subscription Price. CAST'OR IA 3 '"r 122‘â€? i ON i to Weston, Ont, Friday, January 9% I915. ADVEH151‘JNG RATES N APPLICATION R 112 iiitturg Emil 0Udite das. Greig and Auditers. A. S ., % WHINTON, Proprietor y' in :iV’ieSton bi; September 17 IF tyes detyted nt; in Weston Monday even- 1915, under [tmer? of the consist of the tal from 7.45 e1 Road, Lad- ry Tea at the W, a musical aainmen’c tol, _ it. REES ALL COMMl NICATIONS TO LISHED FN EPY FRIDdbY S. of the Eiietrie Monday, Jan. 25.-, egtglar Meeting I. O. O. B'., in Odd llovps' Hall, on Church Street, W n. t A Good Resoiutah1-Buy your Drugs etc. at Gregory's. Burlow. i How Germany allies War-Frederiek Von Bernhar - ' The Anglo-Germ n Problem-Charles Sarolia. 3.-Glentlemen re requested to re- move their hat on entering the Library. ..' G. H. Ferris} fl - "-""Ne German Army {KM Within--- Imperial aeimuiV--Prirlee Bernhard Hanny. M The Campaign F mul Leige--M. Fien- nedy. g A Short History'] of War and Peace- Pir_itqrNorm4h Angoll. The [Whimlpool ct Europe-Archibald R. Colquhoun . The Secrets of mg German War Offiee ---Dr. Armga fd Karl Greaves. Germany of 1foati"1r-11adlnt, Tower. The Fleets at waF--AresibU1 Hurd. Germany and 'm91tyti1-cr_. A. Cramb. The Navy and? Sea. Power-David Baring. _- _-'" V ,4“--- War and "Waste-.- avid Starr Jordan. The founil?tioni', ot International Verral and their! coféldrtrrn and M splendid assistanc of the Belgian CMrs. Ambler also Ito the Mesdames and Pool, Misses (Ambler, who too Vroom, and Miss HEngIand) who, took up the silv Hall which amoun‘ iMayor of,Wertort, I goyne. Germany and t erick Von Ber: The Mainspring 'r-The fol'‘ have recently 11331 lic Library shelve What (of the Nal L-The Library ad Reading Room will be open ea afternoon from 3 m1trr5 o'clock, a each evening from 7 until 9 o'elock, xcept Wednesday. 'r-The fol'oNin' books re the war have recently bee added to the Pub- lic Library shelve in Weston.--- What 'of the Na y-Allan H. Bour- An informal dag?) will be given in the Eagle Hall, I Ystrm,- on Friday, evening, Januar 29th, 1915, 'by the Executive Comm tee of the Weston Lawn Tennis Clu in aid of charitv. and Masters 1varh Morris and George (‘omvcillor Ihch iasked leave l?, in- Ver-ral and their , ccompanist-s, Mrs. troduee a By-Law lp appoint a fifem- Méldrum and Ms. Gray for their ber of the High 8911001 Board. Mr. splendid assistanc' at the tea in aid Geo. W. Verral wag appointed to fill of the Belgian und, on Tuesday. the vacancy. "i †Mrs. Ambler also "presses her thanks Reeve Gardhouse tasked leave to in to the Mesdames h eene, Gray, Lyons, troduce a Ey-Law go appoint a Police and Pool, Misses' Dalton and Mollie Magistrate. Mr. 341. H. Taylor was Ambler, who too charge of the tea- appointed to tin'i,i the position,' the room, and Miss Gwendolyn Lewis Council Chamber dt Clerk's office ta (England) who, in Belgian costume be the police court/ I took up the siiv collection in the Accounts amounting to the sum of Hall which amound to $11.37. The $433.65 were ordered; to be paid Mayor of Weston, r. W. J. Charlton The Council then' djourned. was amongst; the w-lcome guests. 1 {I Mrs. T. E, Am er wishes to thank the aatistes, Mis ES'LYODS and Hill, and Masters Iva Morris and George Verral and their! ccompanist-s, Mrs. Advance! ! to ai)nvn Hall on Friday Fehruary Fifth an; see Our Regiment a play in three I ts by Weston Dra- matic Society i V aid tof local chari- ties. PIANO-TUNER-man T. Anderson, 200 Beresford Avenue, West Toronto, will visit Weston every week. Orders for Piano Tuning to be left with Miss M. Forsythe, Music Teacher, Weston. There will be 4 Grand Comic Car- nival at the West? eovered rink, on Thursday evoning,:a anuary 28. Now look out for a Fig surprise at this carnwal for ever, thing is in first- cla,s shape and 7re, promises to be the best carnival that has ever been held in the rink. (ir/l' band will play all new music. Trits rink will be open at 7.30 and the judging will commence at 9 o'clock. C: -rrrangements aige heing made to supply Lee,-Enfield mifies when requir. ed for drill. E men. Thcy say that Jam is a good hand at, buying hose, kg! ha! Regulation Rang: Rifles will be sup- plied and free am unition. A Musketry hiatruonor will take charge of the ranges and inStruct the Target Pracdc'e on Saturday, January 23rd, atjmo p.111. at Fair Grounds. ; MEETINGS NEX'I WEEK WESTON PUBLIC LIBRARY $1.00 per Annum in advance. Electrityti ht nd Waterwor issicm, oft, , 'homson Bloc cl " Jan. o.iii- gr Omen, 'yi")-,),,?,';:--,'; all. Ch fcl‘g‘z'T‘Str EF:"',' 'iii'iiir"tii'R. 2:; r adhyMom Sign LII, 25 Re lar Meeting I. O F., cunt Dennis, Ha!’ Wesgon Road. at HOME @GUARD. ?c-lftp,1,sy1ttett1sir .6 next War-Fred- 11ardi. I 29th, 1915, 'by the tee of the Weston in aid of charity. er wishes to thank Russia-Mauriee WESTON. ONT air M 13131.9 the hold tions She Noe A letter was eceived from, the Long Branch Rat payers; Assoeiatiiu complaining that n clearing the snow from the radial racks on thir Lake Shore Road “chi raiiway Company f At a special me ing held on Mon- day, January 18th Etobicoke Town- ship Council appéinted assessors (ps follows: G. W. H ldenby, Div. I; b. W. Turner, Div. ;T. H. Jefferson, Div. 3. By-Laws were assed to authoriz». an issue of debent re to raise $800 for S, S. 14 cost of a eating system and $2000 for S. B. N . 3 Etobicoke and 24 York, to co t" the cost of iirl- provements in eq pment. _ Inch’s Lung Balsam stops that cough and Cure-a-Cold, breaks up a cold. Double Piano Votes for either for the next two weeks. i The Anniversary; Supper and Con, cert of Old Presb teriar1 Church was enjoyed by a larg number of mem~ bers and friends, bi e chair was oeeus pied by Rev. Dr. hAshdoWn. Rev. J. Hugheg-Jones, Ior.j,Long, Rev. E. D. Renaud and f1el1,ers'i'del/verytl short ad, dresses, a number} of selections were rendered by the échoir. Solos Were given by Miss Mas da Mchellan, sop~ rano: Miss Jean aHurd. voealist, of Toronto; Miss Nor t a Charlton, elocu~ tionist and Miss') Olive Lee, solo pianist; C. Lorn Fraser. baritone Leonard Morley, iv§ol§niysty Toronto; Miss Nor ba Charlton, elocu~ tionist and Miss; Olive Lee, solo pianist; C. Lorn Fraser, baritone Chauncey E. Joh: son, baritone and )TOBICOKE TO l Young People's Tight at (Alexan- dria , Memorial Ba tist Church, Main Street, Weston, oved eminently suecess'ru1. Singin was rendered by the Young Peopl s Choir to an audience augmente' by about '100 young peqple from ndian Road Pap- tist Church, who ed e by special car. An address was iven by Rev. ll, Hackett. Refresh Inns were served during the, course) of the' evening. Rev. E. D. Renau , B.A., pastor of the Church, Je11t11.14 the chair. Reeve Gardhouse gasked leave to in trodnce a Ey-Law go appoint a Police Magistrate. Mr. M. H. Taylor was appointed to till 'i) the position,' the Council Chamber of Clerk's office ta be the police court/ I The By-Law to ganthorize the bor- rowing of the B11 's', of $6000 to pay for part of the 121513; used in the con- struction of a tsstim of waterworks for the oorporation'g of the Village of Wrston, received its third reading aod passed. (( Inch-C-Jul---" Reéolved that our Clerk write Bond hduscs and get ten- ders for $6000 wateriorks bonds to be opened by the Céuncil at the next meeting being Monduay, February 1st. De amt me Is hereby authorized to pav . . the treasurer of the Weston, York 5nd1ClgarS; Cigarettes and Etobicoke Agriculturé Society the sumw _ or one thousand dolfars in full of all} Tobaccos. claimsiyr work doneéand money spent) "h'-"--"-"'-"---'-----"---------------------,--, by said Society 1n lel elling and other- C wise improving the gFai-r Ground and " i “D n that the scaly of age -isorijly'irtrisrri"sir attached heme.“ Bull-Macklin--" mpht the trendy: be and he is hefeloy th1u1orized to pav Mr, Kerr, of Kerr§& Bull, brokers, from Toronto, made Fn offer of 0ts for the $6000 15 year de nitures' at 6 fer cent. if Iz1el1--Crardhouse--" ttyy/v/rl that accounts presented behpassed and that. the treasurer be asked to pass chews for same, and the cirporate seal be attached to this resorution." f2rd2c'1snt"es11t-,-'21j)tct, the trea- surer be and he is an horized to pay Chas. Trinkwon the Im of Twenty- one dollars, paid fo attendance of Wm. Trinkwon, and t at the seal of the corporation be att ched hereto.†1nes--Hugin-v'rieso1i, ed that all future bills be item ed, quality in- asmuch as is consi‘tent definitely, amount ot purchase“ price of rash item; eta, be clear] ‘ defimrd and no bill O.K.’d until sj, ch courIe has been actually follow? and that the seal of corporation f be attached to this resolution." o',i,' Gardhoaso--Mack1in ' That the Clerk and Solicitor e and they are hereby instructed to revise the By- Law- and present sam to Council as soon as convenient." ; ', The Council met n Monday, Jan- uary 18th, the Mayo, in the chair, all the Councillors press t. , Communicatiohs we e read from R. C. Jennings re I1dit. Chas Trihkwon, _ ass1stan'oe for his father who is . hospital with cancer. Mrs. Gray asking f assistance. Mr. Vernal headeX a deputation from the Fair Board king the Coun-. cil to assume the CV draft from the Bank which was c eatcd by im-, provino the grounds iast year. i Mar' tune ! by arking down the time of Weston D amatic Thearicals in Town Hall, iday, February Fifth in aid ct Ice charities. ed tt Nisici n. Surgeon, etc. ffiee-Wc,oton “cad. Mount; Dennis Uthee Hours:- V to 10 a.m., 1 to 3 and 7 to 8.30 p.m, Mart time (ff"r WESTON wows COUNCIL 11 DR O Lone Weston No SHIP COUNCIL with , A o'ON ruste t67take 87. SEVEN srrubberinterf led ggantlet “nth calf facing and good f r 010% Cover for MENS grrrsiit tttmm If you have any power problems, or are thinkin of wiring your house for Electric Lights, and would like to have an idea of the cost of the Current per month, consult us. Tungstrirn Lampé "il", Appliances at Cost price WATER, POWER a LIGHT COMMISSION The Hydro Electric Power belongs to the people of, Ontario. We are here to serve the The cleanly, 'economical, flexible Screens, PfTrs and Hydro is helping greatly to solve Field and lat manufacturing problems under pre- Man sent day conditions. It enables users Pedlar Steel Shingl to meet rapid changes in policy, in Portland demand, in competition. ', POWER RArES--servfee charge of Paints Oils and Tr; $1 per H.P. per-month. and a I‘m» , No waiting. Three HYDRQ THE HANDY POWER Also agent for reliable Nursery all at lowest possible rates New Offlees. Thomson Block, Main Street. Hours: 9 to 5. 'Phone 199. TARIFF. Royal, Guardian, Ganadian National, North British & Mercantile, and Atlas, NON-TARIFF. Merchants, London Mutual,& Factories Fariey's Shaving Parlour Fire and Life Insuranc; Co' C Excusmn Lirr,Gnd IRAVELLERS ACCIDENT AND HEALTH Insurance AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE VERY $hitw, The my Step THE BANK OF CITIZENS OF WESTON "A Dollar .19 Time saves Nine'" Often means meant succes: young people Catalogue as ward a good Take the Ste] Central Busi; Yonge Street) " Your. ianuslness. Capt WESTON BRANCH, N. . yr. DENNIS BRANCH, l . J. MUSSON Telephone agent for the following EAGLE BLOCK WESTON VALUES IN lil/tit A. G. PEIRSON, Superintendent ---AND-- The dollar you 1itt to open an account in the Savings Depart .. nt in p saves others, as the habit of saving ripws}? I, r His iti't slUtritt VISIT- to The Banlgi of British North A America for thj ppfrpose of depositing part of your ear in ,becomesapleasaii and profitable 11aeiir,_;i/)i"d once you have acquired it. y C "’"‘V“ â€â€œHuuuLJ, a tor the second M)) these amounts Ml K.W.H. less the; chairs operating. and Electrical e to consumers. tof saving lfg)ws.f' , [ll j Business. Gausttttr4kud NCH, N. J. MC BRANCH, J. D. stock Gluten, "" M. Crushed CI Furnaces installed and tinsmithing attgnded ta. Main Street, THE: SHOE STORE FOR Eagle House Block BURGESS BROS TINSIVHTHS We carry a. LunTaTii"raers style of boot, Heavv Rnhhm-a or," inity . y In A Ll‘ DUI Felt and Special lines for Children. Buy your Hociey boots at hauve your yr.u,te.s put 9n free. TIM Estimates given on all . kinds of work Concrete Mixer for hire, capacity 40 yards a day. Carpenter and Céntractor Coulter Avenue, - WESTON Estimates given on all Geri Sainsbury T ORDERS DELIVERED Phone No. 16. E291; CONCRETE MIXER FOR HIRE Phone No. 106 Repairing done Every job to your ent w. c. BURRAGE Builder d Contractor Shelfra'nd rear_of01dham’s Hardware Store Turkeys, Geese, Chickens Apples, Grape Fruit, Lemons, Cranberries, Oranges, New Figs, Malaga Grapes, Bananas. Potatoes, Cabbage, , Parsnips, Carrots, Sweet Potatoes Onions, Hubbard Squash, Beets. BEEF, LAMB, PORK and VEAL VEGETABLES fRhTt'T"'"gTREET, i WESTON PHONES No. 9 and 214. GRIFFIN. BROS. l,, HENDERSBR'S Joseph St., WESTON HOCKEY JAS. HUGILL, POULTRY ind Surplus 37.834000. McEWEN, Manager. D. MIL LS, Manager. - _;_- u. A-uuuulb LO Il Heavy Rubbers and Box “(ENTER BOOTS FRUITS s me while you _waite entire satisfaction. Ready Roofing 'arnishes. Men, Woman and THE PEOPLE WESTON. Hendersons and all kinda of other makes at Eagle Block ty fit every ston. M a spec I 25, Concession JFarz ta _ Show beai1tiN is sortie“ afford a Bank of Nova Scotia Bldg, Weston; or 106 Victoria St., Toronto. Have you noticed the develbpmenf that is going on at the Not/tlt End of Weston? If not, make an _aptioitrt- ment With us and we will bfy piggy}; to show you s'H‘nr Pt, Albanzs, tTiitt beautifuriy worn} l '1 sub-division, This is teorryet"nirjsv: tl (" zmrking man camIOt afford be met r-:" 5'e5, secures a; tot: I‘V,_7 _ WESTON, l G. W. COULTER, V. B. Honor Graduate IOntario Veterinal College. [ All diseases of Cattle and Horses Treated Seientiticaur. Calls by mad or phone promptly attended. Goulding & Hamilton c. LORNE FRASER; MA. Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Bank of Nova Scotia Chambers. 'Phane 152, WESTON, Ont. Mt. Dennis Branch-Bank ot British North Am, Bldg. Afternoons, 2.3f to 3.30 o'clock. T Tues day and Thursday evenings, 8 to 9 o'clock 'er--------, (abdirTTioa'i;i; ' I Real estate loans Barrister, Solicitor, 1758 Dundas St., W] l J. EDGAR PARSONS," Barrister, Solicitor, Notary (htlces, Canada Permanent Bldg., 18 Toronto Bt., Tor. 'Phone-Main 2689 [Firing (ta/fem rlBtudio--uos,e Barristers. F, L. L. T. MORLEY, I Conservatory sthent _ Teacher of the Violin. T Main Street, TxrTitCorTnrhxr MISS JESSIE E Lessons in China Dec Carving and China Decaration and an Co: NURSE AULD l King George Road, M _ Terms Moderate Glasgow Training Home, Pupils prepared Studio, Room (i Wéstcus--ir edn Dentist 1057 Weston Road, blARb DR. HAROLD L. ROWNTREE. 1 Physician, Surgeon, ete. C)ffiee--Dundas Street, ISLINGTON. N" ...V\.. quuu, "can, 10ronto. "1 l Consultation hours, 10 a.m., 3 p.m.,_ _ and by appointment. Tel. Col. 268% I 'ah--------.-., Dentist. oftitte--opposite Bank a and dll Bloor Street, west, Ear, Nose and auart.- Maria Sweet, W DR. W. J.CHARLTON, Physician and Surgeon. Otfieo--Corner Rosemount Ave. and John Street, Weston, Ont. Otiie6 Hours-g to 10 a.m. 6 to 8 p.m, Sunday, 8 to 10 a.m. Private tu/ss, DR. J. A. MELDRUM, Physician and Surgeon. 11t; and BesidemreCEast_ Cornet- mg bum and Resemount Ave. Telephone No. 15, Weston, Ont. ANDERSON 13 mun-AL: Office Hours, 1 to 2 p.m. 7 to 3.30 'Phone-Islington 21 r 'Phone, Iret. 36%†Hours-ra a.m. to 8.30 aduette Toronto Conse'rvatorv of itri,o---t eachers Normal Co “Mud .v â€(mums normal Course. . grained rm Conservator} Eiams, Koran T, Nova Scotia Bank Bdg. ----lt edresday, Saturday, Monday and Thursday mornings. DR. J, T. HACKETT, 3, buoieitors, Notaries, ete. 1600 Dundas Street, TORONTO. . 2 H. D. LIVINGSTONE . JOHN B. AIKEN, Slums to loan on first class security. Weston, Ontario. -H,Tawi'jeraits ally done -- OI mm Street, . EDMUNDS rates. ___ “aâ€: Telephone, Junction 991 rite Bank of Nova Seotia, Main Street, R. (ALLEN h, A Phone 48 tor, Notary Public. WEST TORONTO. Hardware Store), a placed at current' totrtt'tok & McMASTER, E E. RORKE, _ Decorating Wood nd Design. C and Design for all , Westdn Mount Dennis TORONTO. ONTARIO. Veterinary WESTON. WESTON. Sale of Scotland. Public, Toronto. M usie Weston, the