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Times & Guide (1909), 29 Jan 1915, p. 8

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SPECIAL LOW PRICES quoted during FEBRUâ€" ARY and MARCH. _ Seventyâ€"five to CHOOSE from, all NEW in design ~â€"and BEST Materials. * <€rection. â€" _â€"Our Corner stones and Grave Markers are made in the BEST of Materials, mand. Our showroom is now full of choice Monuments ranging in prices up to $400,.00. NOW is the time to choose one for early Spring ‘ We sell PEERLESS GASOLENE, â€" You can G6t * . guraay Mattins at 10.30 Holy more miles to the gallon than any other gasolene made. Ecg;nlé?lf;a ;Ekfifxtli)n?taélh. We repair and store all kinds of cars. o s Communion after . We keep a firstâ€"class machinist on the premises J Sfifif:;’:fi%:&:;: Pra Litaay a all the time. Charges rreasonable. 11EV,ery ddinemanneas. ‘i; Agents for DUNLOP TIRES, the best made. l o somtectanl en oo mmames : A“ kiDdS Of AlltO Supplies, Oll and GI‘G&SG, 0n|at lO:Ia.O'HUghesJones, M.A., Rector. THE BRICK FOR COLOR, QUALiiY AND ENDURANCE Samples can be seea and prices obtained from our Agentâ€" _ _W. C. BURRAGE, Phone 106 COLORS TAE MILTON PRESSED 5N 1476 DUNDAS STREET,. WEST TORONTO. TELEPHONE JUNCTION 190 3je M. G. WARDELL. 16 WESTON GARAGE WARDELLE‘S MONUMENTAL WORKS The Kind You Have Always Bought GENUINE _Castoria is a harmless substitutée for Castor Oil, Pareâ€" !goric, Drops and So(l)lging Syrups. It is Pleasant. It6 contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic .. substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms * mand allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhcoea and Wind â€"â€"Colic. It relieves Teething Troublesgcures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates th@ Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, g’ltving" healfhy and natural sleep. The Children‘s Panaceaâ€"The Mother‘s Friend. JAS. GARDHOUSE, Proprietor. Special Degigns furnished free of charge if desired, The Kind You Have Always Eought, and which has been Jn use for over 30 years, A,:fias borne the signature of and Bas been made under his perâ€" MMT;‘ sonal supervision since its infancy. 2 *Â¥ 4 * _ Allow no one to deceive you in this. AIl Counterifeits, Imitations and ""Justâ€"asâ€"good" are but Experiments that triile avith and exfdanger the health of Infants and Childrenâ€"â€"‘;Experience Jagainst Experiment. HIGH GRADE PRESSED BRICK PLAINâ€"RED AND BUFF FIRE FLASHEDâ€"RED AND BUFF What is CASTORIA Children Cry for Fletcher‘s NOTICE. Automobiles for hire. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. In Use For Over 30 Years AND REPAIR .S$HOP Proprietor. DRCSSTD DMICK Co. limited CASTORIA )Bears th;\Sigéxatqg,e“;of (Opposite Central Hotel WESTON. T. W. WARDELL, JOSEPH STREET ALWAYS Manager, Te â€"=spC Tp -~~»\~.~,§~{,5’ further, â€" that the awrerscf~, veBmis‘tle horse, ait 1 paying for maintefance, insurance, Tha want cf proger organization, except ir more favoured districts, has prevented the farme generally from securing ard retaining the services of good hreeding sires. %In a majority ol sections, breeders wighing to grade up their horses are fojced to use whatâ€" ever stallions may, hy chance,) stand for service in their @istrict. Many of these are faulty in conformatior and lack in quality, while others, thou; h of better type, eith% Through . insuu.â€" cient patropaze or pecause of failate to leave colts, but % single ceaison in each district. Tl‘i fact ~aiso. ibat there has been no ssysteva‘ic adheâ€" cncee to the use of one breed sugges‘s another reason‘ fors the lack ef orcâ€" gress in the 1_rc_5§ng of highâ€"eas animals. & 11 a.m.â€"Mattins and Sermon. | 3 p.m.â€"Sunday School. | _3 p.m.â€"Adult Bible Class. | 7 p.m.â€"Evensong and Sermon. \ Celekration of Holy Communion, first Sunday of the month at 11 a.m., third Sunday at 8 a.m. Every Sundayâ€"Evensong at 7. Sunday School at 3 p.m. On Saints‘ Days Holy Communion at 10.30. Hold services in the Public School, Mcount Dennis, every Sunday evening, at the hour ol Seven o‘clock.. Sunday School and Bible Class at Three o‘clock in the afternoon. FEDERAL ASSISTANCE TO HORSE The progress thatitas been attaine in the past in Can@dian horse breedâ€" ingâ€" has been larg@ly due to indiviâ€" dual effort. To t few who have done so much for the advancement of the industry every | credit is dut. Through the lack, | however, of conâ€" certed action and goâ€"operative meaâ€" sures on a large sgale amongst the hreeders, the busingss has not proâ€" gressed as rapidly as could be desi~â€" ed. 8 CCEITS LELTCOUR l3 ui sende cenuen t S in e td w atholtntred BAPTIST CHURCH. 5 stallions shall ba 40 per cent on all 11 a.m.â€"Sunday, Public Worship. mares except Thorqughbred. mares. 3 p.m.â€"Sunday School and Adult mor the beot on Federal Assistance Bible Classes. £ and all other information, address 7 pm.â€"Sunday, Public Worship. the Dominion Live Stock Commisâ€" 8 p.m.â€"Monday, B. Y. P. U. sioncr, Ottawa, Cagada. 8â€"p.m.â€"Wednesday,â€" Prayer..Service.,.. yo tcets +B. D. KUD;, B:A~ $ ts & 2 ,RFNAI_JA Pastor. THE BAGON H0G. , Li aâ€"i2=. . esn . . _z One of the Foundations of Ontarlo‘s CHURCH OF CHRIST, DECIPLES. . ~Aoricultural Prosperity thoroughâ€" Servicesâ€"every Sunday at 7 p.m. ly described. . | ’ Sunday School af .1l am. /. __‘ _ _ . with the desire of placing an up ho Services held in School HOus®, gats Fandbook on ons tauing with s. S. e1, york. AC =~~ in the reach of every larmer in the SAM WOOLNER, PastO" province, the Ortario Department of â€"1:â€" Agricalture requested iProf. G. E. RUSTELL ROAD METHODIST Nay of the Agricultural _ College, CHURCH. Guelph, ore of Canada‘s _ leading (Downsview. Circuit.) autgoribieskonhlixga hstock, to prepare 7 s . f such a work, which has been issued in evif;vg\iida%ly'liftgng;z asgh;oél(fi%léiez‘ the f_or“}, of Bulletin No. 225, entitled Sunday Schcol at 2 o‘clock. _ (‘Ewine,‘" containing 80 pages, proâ€" unday cbouco altoe C.Ci0tc oo ~~ fusply illustrated. @ Services Lords Day, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Surday School, 3 p.m. Men‘s Bible Class, 3 p.m. Prayer Meeting Wednesiay 8 p.m. Bible Study, Inâ€" ternational S. S. Lesson. Friaay 8 RUS ELI, RoAD MKTHODIST CHURCH. (Downsview. Circuit.) Services hold in the schcol house every Sunday afternoon at 3 o‘clock. Sunday Schcol at 2 o‘clock. . Rev. W. H. ADAMS, Pastor. Divine‘ service rext Sunday at 11 o:clock a.m. Rev. T. BEVERLY SMITH, ST. JOHN‘S ANGLICAN CHURCH. ST. JOHN‘S CATHOLIC CHURCH 10.30 a.m.â€"High Mass and Sermon. 3.00.p.m.â€"Uarechism. 7.00 p.m.â€"Vespers and ‘Sermon. 8.00 a.m.â€"Daily Mass. wWESTMINSTER: PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Corner Main and Mill Streets. Morning Service at 11 a.m. Sunday School at 3 p.m. Evering Service at 7 p.m. Wednesday Service at 8 p.m. Rev. T. A. SYMINGTON, M.A., Pastor Morning Service at 11 a.m. Sunday School at 2.45 p.m. Adult Binle Classes at 2.45 p.m Evening Service at 7 p.m. Every Sundayâ€"Holy Communior at OLD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Cross Street. Morning Service at 11 a.m. Sunday School at 12 noon. Evering Service at 7 p.m. f Midweek Service at 8 p.m. Everybody welcome. Rev. C. R. ASHDOWN, Ph.D. MOUNT DENNIS METHODIST CHURCH. Morning Service at 11 a.m. Sunday School at 3 p.m. Adult Bikle Classes at 3 p.m Evening Service at 7 p.m. THE CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. / PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, J. HUGHESâ€"JONES, M.A., Rev. J. A. LONG, Ph.D., Pastor J. Hughesâ€"Jones, M.A., Rector GORE M. BARROW, Priest in charge METHODIST CHURCH. Rev. J. G. ROGERS, Pastor. Rev. saAS8. MINEHAN CHURUE â€"SERVICES BAPTIST CHURCH J. T. STRACHAN, B.A., ST. PHILIP‘S SSISTANC BREEDING s that iFas in Cangdiar n larg@ly To â€" t 1 a for the ac every | cr > lack, i ho‘ i1 and goâ€"o large siale C. W. MARSH, Pastor Parish Prisst in charge. Pastor. Rector Rector interest on investment and the exâ€" SOLDIERS! SOLD ense entailed i Mectic is Cl I}r/cs, h;L:L fruq\?crrtfii C(l)it?l(is 1011‘1\‘-L0firtcl>1r:1 ‘)n those days a his outlay, particulatly in districts ?‘“T“’ armout an where he has to compete with grade â€"°" Dramat_& Cl and serub stallions standing for serâ€" by‘the war fover a vice at a very low fee. As a result, p?st hag. been o really bigh class, stallions can be phay salled _‘f maintained only, in districts where the COaAthing of g the breeding of horses has hsen given 1O MAin,, of the | serioas and progressive attention. tory. Mr.. Romain In view of these considerations,. the COnsented to take Minister _ of Ag%li.cultute proposes: to and has given h enter upon a POJMICY which may serve the t.,aSk of bringi to place the horse breeding industry °O his own level c in Canada in a position comparable The play is in tht to that which it has attained. in Of amusing scen Great Britain ajnd other European and gay unifo > countries. Ii is believed that by enâ€" _A second al couraging the onmganization of breedâ€" Kleptomaniac‘‘ ari ers‘ clubs and by enablirg such clubs: ladies in pursuit to procure the services of good breedâ€" And raises the ‘la inz stallions under favourable finanâ€" to end. f cisl cond‘ions, the assistance in this The whole te direct on can best be provided. The more ambitiou$ / encouragement of community breeding ever attempted : in will, naturally, sof itseif, be produc the patient andfifl pe tive of useful regults. The paymeot skilled instruction to community organizations of a part irto it, the puBlic ol the service feel will, it is expected, expecting somethin The advic¢ on raising young pigs is irtensely practical. Hints on dealâ€" ing with rupture: and other troubles are also given, togethcr with excelâ€" lert counsel regarding exercise. Prof. Day places great emphasis on the selection of both sire and dam, and his counsel in: this regard is much needed. Every feature pertaining to mating is thoroughly dealt with, the description of the breeding pen being especially helpfufi".l The management of. the sow dumng and after gesta‘ tion is thoroughly handled, and will likely save many a litter to the swineâ€"faiser who will read this bulleâ€" tin. § The chapter dealjing with the curing of pork is worth much to those who put up their own meat. An excellent method of try ofut ‘ard is also disâ€" ctribed. A valuable chapter is that devoted to the common, diseases of swine. Many of these are described, and their treatment is covered in so full and practical a manter as to make every hogâ€"raiser practically his own veteriâ€" nary. > Any farmer desiring a copy of this latest bulletin on ‘‘Swine" will reâ€" ceive one free by writing to the Deâ€" partment of Agriculture, Teronto. Prof. Day bestows much attention upon theâ€" question of buildings, and gives plans of both stationary and portable pens that he can heartily reâ€"| commend. He also pays considerable heed to sanitation, giving the latestf sugzestions regarding disinfection, 8.10 ventilation, etc. _‘ 10.41 A valuable chapter is that devoted g.11 to the commonâ€" diseases of swine. 740 The author goeg fully into method© of feeding, prescribes the best rations, gives the causes: of soft bacon, and show how to avoid that and other drawbacks to a perfect carcass. His hints on pasturing and soiling crops in hog raisirg, especially where he compares rape with clover and alfalâ€" fa, ard parcicularly sugges‘ive. He also gives valual{;le directions as to the feeding of rogts, potatoes, pumpâ€" kirs, apples, and dairy products. gice a nermamant stimulus to the hiring of the besf stallions that may be~ procured and, at the same time, promots the develonment of a comâ€" prehensive movemient in the interests of this important national industry. St5ted kr'iefiy,.jw; the. scheme is as follows:â€"The farmers of ary district, wishing to work for the betterment of Horse Breeding, ; by encouraginag the use of sourd, individually excellent pure: bred sirus 1537 (srm a Breeders‘ Club for the prrpose of bi ing a pure bred _ stallion fo%’ the Lenefit of the members. [Thee~@Brâ€". lers‘ Clubs, by orzanizing ur‘ o a 1 aâ€"opting the Consfitution :â€"& * â€"Lavs and conâ€" forming to the, various rules and regulations governine this grant may part‘cipate in the Federal Assistancte given to such Cluabs. This consists of paying practically 25 per cent of the service fees on a guararteed number of mares. For the beo‘t on Federal Assistance and all other information, address the Dominion Livye Stock Commisâ€" sioner, Ottawa, Oa]%ada. It is a most practical and complete statement, covering every poirt helpâ€" ful in the selection, housing, feeding, and gentgral handling of the bacon hog. The hulletin opens with the place of the pig on the farm. Prof. Day very. plainly showing the Why as well as the How. The various types of. swine are then described, with photoâ€"engravings of prizeâ€"wirâ€" ners at some of the leadirg live stock shows. f With , view "[‘to encourage the breeding of Remounts, the portion paid by the Live Stack Branchâ€"to Clubs hiring suiâ€"?a?fle Thoroughhred stallions shall hba 40 per cent on all mares except Thoréughhred mares. Aryono sending & sketch and descr‘ntion may quickly ascertain ouropinion free whecacr an fnvention is probabiyspatentable. Communicaâ€" tions atrict‘y confdensial. HANDGORK on Patents gont free, wldest acepey for securimg patezts. Paients taken thropgh Munn & Co. receive special notice, withouk charge, in the A bandsomely iliusigated weckly, Larzest cirâ€" eulation cf any scigbtije jJoarnal. Wers for C%nadzx@ ”‘5 & yearspostage prepaid, â€" Sold by AMinawedantaea 2 2l n {3949 & fq sergmom= fiy>y York Scicatife Fimerican, The Egception a oun 19e 1.295 a.m.â€"Daily stop, except I§inyts %np %Palls_ 9.15 a.m.â€"Daily stop. d other froubles_ !â€"!16 Dâ€"m.â€"Daily stop, except ethet with exeelâ€" 4.00 p.m.â€"Daily stop, except exercise. ©7.23 p.m.â€"Daily stop. with the curing â€"Going East.â€" ch to those who 8.95 a.m.â€"Daily stop, except at. An excellent 9.42 a.mâ€"Stop Sunday only ‘ard is also desâ€" 12.18 p.m.â€"Daily stop, except 4.25 p.m.â€"Daily stop, except s much attention 7.49 p.:m.â€"Daily stop. follows:â€"â€" 6.45 a.m.â€"Going East. 8.45 a.m.â€"Going West. 11.45 a.m.â€"Golng Fast. 5.15 p.m.â€"Going North. 6.45 p.m.â€"Going West. 6.45 p.m.â€"Going East. 8.45 a.m.â€"For Mt. Dennis. 5.15 p.m.â€"For Mt. Dennis. a. J, BARKER Post Ma: Ths fo"l onwing ladies will take part delivery ageat for the Dominion and ir ‘"‘The Kleptomania¢‘â€"Mrs. Church, Canadian Express Company‘s on all the Misses BeWH, Miss Craven, Miss business in and out within the town Hazel Rowntree, ~Miss Musson, Miss limits. Also baggage and generaf Sosnowski . The following will take cartage,. Phone No. 69. i part â€" in â€" ‘"Onp _Regiment"‘ ~â€"Misgeg. ==â€"â€"=â€"â€"=â€"â€"memmmmmmmmemmmmmenmme es Bookless, Savage, Irvine, Mrs. Amâ€" OHARLES GILLIS.â€"General Teamâ€" bler, Messrs. T. M. McLean, Noel Mcâ€" irg, Sand, Gravel, Stome and Filling Intosh, Tyrwhitt, T. W. Rogers, H. J. always in stock at yard. Movings Church, W. J. Romain. prompitly _ atterded to. Phone 69. Phong hours: 6.30 a.m., 12.30 roon, MHe#sâ€"Whers xinâ€"enin‘ Iintyâ€" c nd 6.30 p.m. Courage is one theâ€"world‘s great words. It has morwlésd the past with its deeds, and it c§rries the future in its dream. WESTON POSTAL GUIDE. Mails arrive at Weston Post Office as follows:â€" 8.25 a.m.â€"From East. 9.15 a.m.â€"From East. 12.25 p.m.â€"From West. 7.25 p.m.â€"From West. 4.15 p.m.â€"From East. 5.45 p.m.â€"From EHast. 7.35 p.m.â€"From East. 11.00 a.m.â€"From Mt. Dennis. 6.00 p.m.â€"From Mt. Dennie. It is hoped that the public will enâ€" thusiastically sipport the artistic efâ€" fort, and for this added reason that the proceeds are to Bbe used in helping several distressed familics in the town, whose Freadwinners are out of work owing to the war. For Winter Footwear, Lott‘s Shoe Store carries a large assortment in all styles, and at low prices. City of Toromto, ir the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, Railway Conductor, will apply to the Parliament ~of Canada at the next session thereof for a Bill of Divoree from his wife, Annmie Sinclair, now teâ€" siding in Regina in the Province of Saskatchewan, on the grounds. of adultery and desertion. A â€" second pé'aylet entitled _ "The Kleptomaniac‘‘ nresents a numBer of ladies in pursuit of a womanâ€"thief, and raises the ‘laugh from beginning to end. $ The whole entertainment is on a more amhi’:ioug iscale than anything ever attempted . in Weston, and from. the patient and% persevering work ard skilled instruction that has heen put irto it, the public will be justified in expecting something quite out of the ordinary line ‘of Weston Entertainâ€" ments. What about the Fair Ground slides this year, ladies? DATED at Toronto, Province of @ntario the 27th day of November, 1914. f $ In these days alfl on talX is of Bolâ€" diets, armour an WArâ€"Eveqp. the Wesâ€" ton Dramat@ Olib has been nuvaded by the war fover and for some monehs past hag. been preparing a military play called “O}H’ Regiment‘‘~ under the coaching of gdr W. J. Stanislas Romain,, of the Hamboure Conservaâ€" tory. Mr. Romain hims(li hag kindly consented to take the leading part and has given himsell! untiringly io the task of bringing all the caste up to his: own level ofi dramatic ability. The play is in three acts, and is full of amusing scenes, pretty eostumes and gay uniforlgz. t CHRESTOPHER SINCLAIR of the Jiggsâ€"Where yr goin‘ Dinty.. Dintyâ€"I‘m goip‘ to the Bank. Jiggsâ€"Do ye imane to say ye. hev anything in the Bank? Dintyâ€"Shure! 1 me shovel, I forgot 1.295 a.m.â€"Daily 9.15 a.m.â€"Daily 1.16 p.â€"m.â€"Daily 4.00 p.m.â€"Daily 7.23 p.m.â€"Daily â€"Going 8.14 a.m.â€"Daily, 9.44 a.m.â€"Daily, 5.53 p.m.â€"Daily, 9.28 p.m.â€"Daily. Mails close at Weston Post Office ar NOTICE is hereby ‘ given that ANDERSON & McMASTER, } WESTON LINE, Solicitor for the Applicant. . Cars leave West Toromto for Weston, 1699 Dundas Street, Toronto. 10 Mount Dennis, etc., as follows: j _ Cars leave C3 Tt ooo Iecle and Cars leave . /â€"u_n_\ | Dundas Sts. Weston. . " epaommepcrmenmscy> > wien unsnene im | AM. PM. AM. _ P.M. DIVORCE NOTICE a.m.â€"Daily stop a.m.â€"Daily, ext p.m.â€"Daily, exc p.m.â€"Daily, exc Funerals arranged and Embalming promptly atâ€" tended to, ROSEMOUNT AVENUE wW. J. WARD, UNDERTAKER, LOCAL TIME TABLE LOCAL TIME TABLE. Back of C.P.R. Station . â€"Going West:â€" â€"Going South.â€" a.m.â€"Going a.m.â€"Going a.m.â€"Goilng p.m.â€"Going p.m.â€"Going Buccessor to J. A. Wright, ‘PHONE 168. except, Sunday. except Sunday. except Sunday. North.â€" except Sunday. except Sunday. except Sunday. "CRSI| SOLDIERS! theâ€" world‘s great Sunday Sunday. Sunday. Sunday. Sunday Sunday Tun. on c gâ€" o ® 0 Master. 3EB§¢B>B d hey J. K. MeEWEN, Licensed Auctionâ€" eer for the Counties of York, Peel and got S‘mcoe. Deaker in Real Estate. ViUâ€" lage and Farm Properties for Sale Or Rent. Office, Main St., Weston. .. ___Long distance telephone. > PEARSON & MeEWEN, Dealers in pe Rtal Estate. Village and Farm Proâ€" a11 Perties for Sate or to Rent. Office, Main St., opposite the Bank of B. N. A., Weston. Long distance Telephune . connection.â€" 5 t4 MARRIEDâ€" WOMAN.â€"Wantsâ€" work of atry kind. Apiply Somerset, 12 Frejama Place, Mdunt Deanis. 4 FOR SALK.â€"A Base BEurner Self Feeder,, nearly new. Apply to. Mrs. Westphall, St. John‘s Road. oD The worse educ@rion which teaches selfâ€"denial is bet#er than the best which teaches everfthing else and not that. & wANTED TO NT.â€"Good piano until _ spring, by [responsible party who will give the kame best of Cafe. Please Sexs terms lbnd particulare to Resident, care caâ€"p es & Guide. â€" 4 brass trimmings, in use one seasom, driving harness,, 6. â€"_A. ~Feci. â€"90 WANTED.â€"A go pony, suitable for light deliivery gon. Apply, Soo Bros, Weston. & 4 Tf a woman has Sot the elements.of happiness in hersg(, all the interest anl beauty in the Wworld will not give it to her. : ‘ Mount, Dennis KING GEORGE ROAD, WESTONâ€" Small House to t, 8 dollars per month.. Apply Nurse Auld, Weston. 5 Call on â€"W.. E. Coleman, Westt‘ and see the latest patterns in Twee@ Worsteds, Broadcloth, etc., and he will show you the latest styles. Now is the time to leave your order fOr a new suit. A. M. McEBWEN. Licensed Auctionâ€" eer for the Countivs of York and Peel. Office, Maim Street, Weston. Long distance Telephone. 2.20 _ 9.20 12.10 _ 9.30 2.40 9.40 12.30 9.50 1.00 _ 10.00 12.50 14.10 1.20 10.20 1.10 10.30 1.40 _ 10.40 1.30 10.50 2.00 _ 11.00 1.50 _ 11.30 2.20 11.35 2.10 120%‘ 2.30 : Connect with Davenport car at Keelo . and Dundas Streets. o3 Fare, Regular ................ 5 cents 4 Night Car Fare ..............10 cents A Night Car will leave West Toront®‘s for Weston every Saturday niglht t 12 p.m. Returning, leave Weston ) | 12.20 p.m. 4 .0 0 RICHARD WADE, Coulter Avenue, delivery ageat for the Dominion and Canadian Express Company‘s on all business in and out within the town limits. Also baggage and generi cartage. Phone No. 69. 9.20 9.40 0.00 0.20 0.40 1.00 1.20 1.40 2.00 2.20 2.40 1.00 1.20 1.40 6.40 7.00 T40 8.00 8.40 suBEURBAN RAILWAY, TIME TABLE, FOR â€" SALE.â€"Handsome ordensed Acvertisements o C in & 6i op o «© wOOoDBRIDGE DIVISION 7.20 7.40 8.00 2.40 3.40 5.40 6.00 6.20 Bo en . olsn s .0. 7 mhe rubber trimmed w, will sacrifice. ambton â€" Avenue, 0 _ body. ted gear eeoereeses A.M. . ~BMZ 5.50 _ 2.50 6.10 â€" 3.10 6.30 _ 3.30 6.50 _ 3â€"50 T10 _ 4.10 7.30 . _ 4.30 Tâ€"50 _ 4.50 8.10 5.10 8.30 5.30 8.50 _ 5.5 9.10 930 P 9.50 _ 6.50 10.10 _ 7.10 10.30 _ 7.30 10.50 _ 7.50 11.10 _ 8.10 11.30 _ 8.30 11.50 _ 8.50 im © © M o Gutter, & o o Gome 9.10 9.30 9.50 14.10 10.30 10.50 11.30 6.507~ 7.10 7.30 7.50 8.10 4

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