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Times & Guide (1909), 5 Mar 1915, p. 4

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subscript Telephone No. 26 - r N, / M'-------):'? G *---' Mrs. A, B. Mo the first Thursday Mrs. Howard Gray, Rosemount Avenue, will re eive on the first Thursday in Marc) rand not again. Subject for the) orning discourse in Old Prerbsteri n Church, "Pai h and Peaee" in th lvening 'douns aims of Service." T Preise service by See Lott's Shoe Store advertisement for reduced prices in Rubbers. the Ch: it Anniversary Seljices will be held in Westminster P _:-byterian Church, Sunday, March 're,, , Rev. Dr. R. P, Msckay, Foreign Mission Secretary of the Presbyterian; hurch in Canada, will address both In rning and evening services. _ The meeting of $6 Red Cross Auxil- liary will be hel in the Methodist School Room on iJonday from three to five o'eloelr p. 1. More material required for' band ges, please send as much as possible. - Mr. Times Cruiv shank, who is the oldest resident 0 Weston, celebrated his eighty-sixth thday on Saturday last. Amidst te grams, gifts and let- ters of distant 0 es, he received per sonal congratul ions from many ol his family and 0 friends, one of the latter being Mrs Canning, the oldest lady ofEtobieok - For Infant's and Children. The Kind Ta Have Always Baughi A Very succesgui congert was given. at the home of rs. J. White, Moore Bark, Toronto. Erma, Toronto Philhar- monic Society ovided the program, special perfor rs being Mrs and Miss Owen, Pia o Duett; Miss Nor- man, Eloeutioni t; Misses Cothill and Myers, 8oloists it Mrs. Finch, Scotch Soloist; Mrs. urkis, Soloist; Mr. Richardson. Ba itone Soloist; Albert Downing, Term; and Mr. Hodgson as accompanist. Ji - _ ' A very pleasgut time was spent at the home of r. and Mrs. Kaake Main Street, g: Thursday evening, when the Ladi y'p Adult Bible Class of the Methodist hureh held their an, nual Social Te and Entertainment. Music, singing, eeitsrtionts and games was the order f the evening The selections giverghy Mr. Wilson, Beech Street, on the vétrola were very much enjoyed by all; Refreshments were served by thtr4itdies, of the class at the close of th', evening. Net pro ceeds $13 00. I John St., i eston, Feb. 23, 1915. To the Editor We', ton Times and Guide: Dear Sir,--It hits come to my knowl- edge that there _ as been considerable criticism regardi~ g the play that the Dramatic Societ E put on at the Town Hall lately; entiid “Our Regiment,” in that it ridicu-d the British army officer. I only ish to state that my father is, a, retir"arl commander in the British Navy, an that three of my brothers hold eodmissioTs/ in His Ifa, iesty's fppees,uani are at present fight- ing in the trench: I should, therefore, naturally be the glst person to partier. pate in anything? ridiculing or detri-. mental to the Bin"dish Army. 7 'itil), truly, Bears the Signature of Do you suffer 'him weak eyes? Get them examined %y W. J. Inch, Honor graduate optieia'st'y FREE of charge. pAWSoN.r--At er tatir'esidenee, . Smi'thfisxldi. :0 ' W'odnesdw‘y, Fcb- “wary 94th, 193, Rachel Dawson, relics of the liil Dennis Dawson i I :her tttth yew. if . anerm S at, we pm form _ AYALQTYN ‘nMng WESTON I Nestsm, Ont., Friday Mum ion i,'.,'i:i,rji,:' gimme. Emil (liuiltt iQVEWTISING RATES ON APPLICATION a} Saint "NE. M "menn. "Y Foh wry 16th, 1915. Van, .ch'nn. Rnn of Mr Price. DEQTHS A. E. WHINTON, Proprietor it. P. TYRWHITT PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY Fay, Folmmry 27th St. Phillip's ceme RP ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO _ )ne, 909 a, 19 on ST, JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH. WESTON. Lent 1915. On Sunday evenings the Rector Will (D'.V.) preach a series of sermons on the Temptation of Christ in the Wil- demess. Wednesdarr--5 p.m. Services of 1r1tereession in the Behool- room. B'ridags--8 pm, in Parish, Church', Addresses. March 26. Rev. It. Gay, St. Moni- ca’s Church, Toronto. Holy Week. Daily service (except Saturday) at 4.15 p.m. N ' Good Friday. Services 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Easter Day. Holy Communion 8 a.m. Holy Communion Sermon 11 a.m. Children's Service 3 p.m. 'Evensong and Sermon 7 p.113. March 5. Rev. T. R. Haughton, St. Jude's Church, Toronto. March 12. Rev. E. J. Me1Citteriek, Calvary Church, West Toronto. March 19. Rev. W. L. Armitage, St. Mark's Church, Toronto. Be sure to get ali your Garden Seeds at Ineh's. Prices lower, and you also get votes for the Piano. THE WEFT0 GOLF CLUB. For some time ast there ahs been a desire among our ading townsmen that much of the vac nt space'around the River Humber co d be utilized as a golf links. This was found by some enter- prising members) f our committee quite feasible, and pla at odd times has taken place, to the grgit satisfantion of those concerned. ' Many enquirieé have been made as to forming a sroeietd and last night at the Town Hall found 11 enthusiastic gather- ing of golfers an would-be golfers, tha latter evidently: predominating. The meeting‘was Lal d to ordei, and the chairman and see tary pro tem., Messrs. John Lindsay am, ‘W. J. Morris, respec~ tivély, filled the p sifions. Mr. Church addressed the _meeti1s,g. stating that D. C; Hossack, Esq., had most generously 1ibt Mr. Rogers and himself, when theyh'approael1ed him for the use of the flats' and had consented for a very small e sideration to give them exclusive use, or this purpose, of the land which he ", ntrols; of course, until such land is so or otherwise dis- posed of. Those agllembled expressed their appreciation t, the above-named gentleman, and requ " ed Mr. Church to, tender to him for his V eeeptanee the Mg nity of honorary presi ent of the club. There was a gener desire expressed that the fee should b kept on the low est level consistent w h solvency, and to this end the fee for barter members will be $10.00 per ann _ . For other than chart§ members there will be antvanee fee ’ $3.00 exacted. Ladies will he welcongéil and admitted at a subscription of $5. per annum. A list bf the officers , 7111 be found ap- pended, as also the me i )ers of the Gen eral Committee, who 11 have the ap- pointment of House, V ndicap, Greens, and other necessary co _ 1ittees. The full list of eirarteFmembers is not yet e6mpleted, and thief/e is therefore every chance for first-eo ers getting in on this extremely, one m ht almost say absurdly, low charger bu no delay must be made in making app cation to any member of the General ommittee. WALTER J. MORE: See. pro tem. Hon. President, D i' C. Hossack, Esq. ; President, H. Jiihurch ; Wee. President, T. W. Roget ; Treasurer, John Lindsay; Secretry, John Phil- lips; Captain, Franc, T Wilkinsbaw; General Committee, t consist of the oifioeN and three mergbers elected for the season 1915, Rich rd Dawson, W. McLean, Walter J.‘ Morris. The Grounds are being rveyed and laid out for a. 9 hole come _Cixru1 are situated upon the sides of thr River Humher in clotse"proximitrrto, the Railway Bridge, rw i", tmoo per Quintet Bag FiveJtnse flour Moody Bros. f; . A number of the?, Methodist Ep- worth Leaguers went tp West Toronto last Monday evening ind spent a Very pleasant evening witt the friends of High Park Avenue f/lldfid League Weston provided the/program which consisted of a debate; Resolved that the present social en'gmms are more harmful to young 8te than the Fqnnr evil. West Tommtn taking the afhrmative, and Westin the negative, Weston winning orot't The mnRical part ofthe program éhnmered of Storms by the Views Hill, Ir5ekiin and Hut- chiMn. West Trwoiito provirlad re- fmabmonts and a ébcinl hon? was Cre'am of West, Monarch, City flour, always on hand, Bros. _ i Bag Five Rose flqttr, $4 li, Bros. - e ',, Half Bag Five Rose flour, goody Bros. 1 l RTFM tevethor. prt Mondav even- itrtr, the nwpptihg W111 He 11min the dirttion of tho Tiriitisen Endeavnnr dbpqrtmmt. Ailwii'ermvx. :1. Hughes-Jones, MILL, Annum in advance. Em. WESTON, ONT 1915, 27%; Rector . " 10, Queen Moody Moody $1.13, Dr. W. J. Charlton as elected Mayor of the town Tuesday ight by aeelamas tion. R. J. Flynn s elected Public Sehool Trustee also; by acclamation. These two names were the only ones sub- mitted to Clerk J. Ill; Taylor, who was acting as returning o ieer. As soon as the announcement w made the audi- ence called for speeehtrs from the newly elected officials. ' “I am disappointe at no opposition being offered tomit' t," said Mayor Charlton. “I look f 'prsvard with pleas- ure to the work that ilemaims to be done this year. It is need] 55 to tell you that we have a heavy debenture debt, amounting to $40,0r0 , and our bank overdraft is $15,000. t do not intend to impede progress, but 'pur motto for this year will be ‘Econom With Effieieney.' T have had several i terviews with the Good Roads Com,miss on, and they have promised to do us a Mod job when Main Street is madaeamize3," said he. R. J. Flynn, who vviéé elected as Trus tee, expressed thy,1,ksslfor his election. At the close of theimeetinsr, Mrs. Bar, ber and Mr. J. M. Pe§1ren addressed the audienee on behalf ‘f the Red Cross Society. Subscriptio§s were taken up, and the amounts totaf ed $52.08. Messrs. Dr. W. J. Charlton, . J. Pritehard,_N. J. MeEwen, J. L. FIV-ser, J. M. Pearen, T. McLean and W. , Smith were ap- pointed a committee ih assist the move- ment. lt, ', DR. W. E. PEARSON, Physician, Surgeon, etc. tfiee---Weston Road, Mount Dennis Office Hours:-. to 10 a.m., 1 to 3 and 7 to 8.30 p.m Sundam Eellruexx’ii28tb, RevxEl D. Hewaud. R A, Will "iiFi1syfi'isrryriu,t? of the Baptnst Cniirch. Although Mr, Reuauu's pastorate has (been short he has Won th _ esteem of all by his pulpit ability, Mui it is to (mele- gret of both pastoriipuod people' that the change has hail to come." On Sunday Mr. Renata? will preach at b th 11 and 7, attthe close of the evening service the gl-dinance of Bap tism will be administered to several candidates. All are;'iweieome to these services l For the next two irton.,ty? thepulpit of the raptist, Chuer will is supplied by eminent professirs and ministers from McMaster and-f Toronto Univer- sities. _ These gentlemen are not on'y noted educationa ist?) and craters of a high order but areiiamong the best known nublic mengof the country. It is not often that? Weston has the opportunity and privilege of hearing so many good speak t', s and it is hop; d that large congreggions will greet them. , March 7-Prof rih. Farmer, D D., Dean of Theology ofNeMaster Univer- sity. >7 . _ i, -- _ ..( March 14-LPiot "r. L. Gi'mour, D. D ' Professor of qhureh History, of McMaster University) _ March YI-prof. E. M. Kierstead, DD., LL.D., Profegs.)rs of Systema- tie Theology and :Apologetice, Me. Master University. , - f March 28--riev.1 Robt Hakidow, D.D., Editor of Th? Westminster th “.41 A -T9,qrsf' Tango Mutihpwn April 4-Prof Ity, Matbhewe, P11.D., Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament Exigeseé McMaster Uni- versity. li Aprll 11-9t 11 aim , Prof Tracey, Ph.D , Doctor of tiiii/vii1'y of To roronto University,ijnd an 7,p m. Rev. W. J. MeKayh'LL D., Editor of April 18-Itesi. J.jG. Brown, D D., General Secretary of; Foreign Missions for the Dominion, 5 _ _ f April 25--Rev. wiiE. Nt rtor] D D,, General Secretary of:t'Home Missions. The puNie are cérdially invited to any and a“ oflhese Prv_icets, , Mr. and Mrs. C} VanAlsbyne and family wish to twink their ‘many friends for the beautiful, floral tokens, and the kind sympathies shown them in the time of “(eff sudden sad be- reavement. , _ Miss M. R. Gillette,§ "Kirrie Muir," 5 Weston, od) the Canadian Bapti _ I am rh receipt ‘0 tt 1r favour of the 17tr) inst, en: 5i! g yam" cheque for iTwelve 1 _ ll,' rs (812 00) being dive? collection " id of Red Crows Fund t studio piano re- cital in Weston, bygmm pupilq. “ “my: . r'rv'pt the sincere Wmvka ofthe Ewmgivo Committen of the u2rvcipryr for tbis (Ennntinn, _ I am, tmtjrf1 Sr ry truly,’ J. MAg‘JN, Hon. Tt'eas. Dear Madam 'Phone Weston No. 87. BAPTIST 4ymwm. y I 1 CARD 0F; THANKS.) RED Mus Fetimary 18th,; 1915 . TARIFF Royal, Guardian, Canada National, North British & Mercantile, and Atlas, NON-TARIFF. Merchants, London Mutua1,& Factories --AND--. EXCELSIOR LIFE, and IRAVELLERS ACCIDENT AND HEALTH Insurance AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Also agent for reliable Nursery stock all at lowest possible rates. Fire and Life Insurance Co's No Farley’s Shaving Parlour The T alganly, \ecdnormical, flexible Hydrb' ‘is’ helping greatly to solve manufacturing problems under pre- sent dat/conditions. It enables users to meet" rapid changes in policy, in demand, in' competition. Cigars, Cigarettes énd Tobaccos. POWER RATios-reArfee charge of $1 per Ha'., per month, and a Ceyrr. 'rturrtrtig' ti gig j e f. jUpepter WKW. H. for" tfeWhit2l', hours use nm‘ month on the installed capacity, 2 cents per K.W.H. for the second 50 hours, and all over these amounts at one fiith cent per IC.W.H. less the following discounts. Class "A" 24 hour unrestricted use ~No class discount. HYDRO T HE' HANDY POWER Class 'ur' 24 hour restricted use- - 10 per cent discount. \ 7 Class "C" 10 hours unrestricted use -1() per cent discount. Class "D" 10 hour restricted ue-- 33 and one-third p.c. discount. In addition to the atove Class dis- counts, a discount of 10 per cent is given in all Classes for prompt pay- ment of Bills. __ The Hydro Electric Powaphglongs to the people of, Ontario. ",We are here to serve the i‘ It you have any power probTems, or are thinkin of Wiring your house for Electric Lights, and would like to have an idea of the cost oi the Current per month, consult us. Tungsten Lamps and Electrical Appliances at cost price to consumers. WATER, POWER t LIGHT COMMISSION Furnaces installed and all kinda of tinsmithing attended to. Main Street, All Wool Blankets, Sweaters _& Sweater Coats Bed Comforters, etc. Our new stock of Boxer Wall Paper is now in, we will be pleased to show samples and quote prices. This week we are offering the balance of our stock of all wool goods at specially low prices to clear. BURGESS BROS TINSMITHS The Convenience of a Joint Account I 639%. E, Mans: THE BANK OF Til. J.'MUSSON _ ' New onces. Thomson Bleak, Main Street.' Hours: 9 to f. Whom, 199. Agent for Butterick’s Patterns. tear ot O‘ldh’am's Hardware Store waiting. Three chairs operating. WESTON BRANCH, V MT. DENNIS BRANCH. MAIN ST., W'ESTGN CITIZENS OF WESTON agent tor the following EAGLE BLOCK WESTON JOINT Account niay be opened in / A the names fr’two or more , persons. . hi ever one can ( most conveniently, r, oh the bank can I; then deposit th . int funds or with- i draw the cash; eded. It saves time A and trouble. I I n is MI . \ mama TB Years in Business; 'rtephtvo 9 No. 39 A. G. PEIRSON, Superintendent. hour unrestricted use discount. hour restricted use- Weston. MAIN STREET, = WESTON), PHONES No. 9 and 214. l BEEF, LAMB, PORK and VEAL - FISH sATTibN, HALIBOT, FINNAN HADDIE, CISCOES, BLOATERS, KIPPERS, UODFISH. "VEGETABLES Pedlar Steel Shingles, Portland Cement ORDERS DELIVERED Phone No. 16. Eagle _ Ready Roofing. Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Shelf, and Heavy Hardware, Gasoline and Oil Stoves, N Statues and Furnaces Screens, Doors and Windows, Field and Lawn Fences, Maxwell Lawn Mowers Potatoes, Parsnips, Sweet Potatoes Celery, w. c. BURRAGE Builder & Contractor CONCRETE MIXER FOR HIRE. --- Phone No. 106 7 Carpenter and Contractor Coulter Avenue, - WESTON Concrete Mixer for hire, 'a"ifii"iiity 40 yards a day. Buy your Hockey boots at Hendersons and htytryour yrAsts put gunfxiee. - - . Geo. Sainsbury Fauioua Lightning Eritdrimd other makes at moderate prices. W FV SLIPPERS (ililttflll, Wh - - 'R‘UBBERE KT"' -_"_"ee We carry a full line of mubbers to fit every style of boot, Heavy Rubbers and Sex a spec- ialty. -_i_-----, - .. WINTER BOOTS Felt and Special lines for Men, Woman and Children. Gluten Meal, Oilcake, Calf Meal, Crushed Data) _Cllqpped Oats, Hay, pital and urplus $7,884,000. q. lh WEN, Manager. THI: SHOE STORE FOR THE PEOPLE Eagle House Block. WESTON. MOODY BROS. Tit. F. OLDHAM FLBUR, FEED and CARTAGE. and straw. _ -. Ill kinds of Poultry Foods and Specifics. TIMOTHY AND CLOVER SEED. Phone 281. Repairing done while you Waite livery job IP. your entire satisfaction. Slippers for every_y?1é021£111 prices; ROLLING and *ECHOPPING FLOUR, BRAN and SHORTS Estimates given on all kinds of work HENDERSON’S Gar. Main St. and Gonren PL ne Q81.’ WESTON Furniture on?" fully Joseph St., WESTON Spring Chickens. POULTRY JAS. HUGILL. HOCKEY MILLS, Manager. DEALERS IN PHONE 36 Cabbage, . Carrots, Onions, Beets. l MISS JESSIE E. JIORKE,' at, - Lessons in China Deeoratirrg, Wood ady Roofing. T Carving and Design. " es. China Decoration and Design for all , 1 _ Handicrafts. JRED, Firing carefully done. Orders Rol'icited Eagle Block. Studio-Joseph Street, WESTOE, andEed Physician ‘and Surgeon, offiee--Corner Rosemount Ave. and John Street, Westen, Ont. Otficiy Hours-g to 10 aan. 6 to 8 Wm. Sunday, 8 to 10 a.m. Maria Street, DR. J. A. MELDRUM, Physician and Surgeon. _ Office and Residence-East Corner King Street and Rerseinouat Ave. ' .. Telephone No. 15, Weston, ont.- 7 and 418 Bloor Street, west, 418 Bloor Street, west, Toronto. Consultation hours, 10 a.m., 3 p.m., and by appointment. Tel. Col. 2602. DR. J. T. HACKETT, " Dentist. Ofrice--OppoMte Bank of Nova Scotia, Main Street, Physician, Surgeon, etc, _ office-Dundas Street, ISLINGTON. Office Hours, 1057 Weston Road, NURSE AULD, King George Road, Weston. Terms Moderate. _ Glasgow Training Home, Scotland. j V Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. w Cor, Main and Mill Sts., WESTON. 616, Bathurst Street, TORONTO. Office Hours-?, to 5 and 7 to 8 pan. 'Phones-Weston 161, Tor., Col-D. DR. ROY E. RICHARDSON, _ Osteopath. . ' Of _ Torynto 9steopatihie Assoeiatioied Main Street, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, etc., .} l 1699 Dundas Strryyt/ - V MARGAREL It. GILLETTE, A.T.C.’M. Graduate? Toronto Conservator; of Music. Piano-Teachers Normal Course. Pupils prepared for Conservatory Exams. Studio, Room T, Nova Scotia Bank Bdg. VVeston-Wedncsday, Saturday, Monday and Thursday mornings. Phone 48. G. HOWARD GRAY, i, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, % Nova Scotia Bank Bldg., WESTU . Mornings and Evenings. Toronto Ottiee-43 Imperial Life Buildings, Toronto. J. EDGAR PARSONS, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Offices, q Canada Permanent Bldg., 18 Toronto Bt., TORONTO. 'Phorre---Main 2689. F. B. EDMUNDS, . Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public.“ 1758 Dundas Bt., WEST TORONTO. (above Hoar's Hardware-Store), Real estate loans placed at current rates. ’i Telephone, J urietios12PL. ,7 - - W - - A Honor Graduate {Ontario Veterinary l College. All diseases of Cattle and Horses Treated Beimtifiea1ly. Calls by mail or phone promptly attended. WESTON, ONTABW. Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Bank of Nova Scotia Chambers. 'Phane 152, WESTON, Qt. IBank. of Nova Scotia Bldg, Weston, or [06 Victoria St, Toronto. “ ( Have you noticed the.developm§_nt that is going on at the North End of Weston? It not, make an appoint- ment with us and we will be pleased to show you over St. Alhams, that beautifully wooded trub-division, TWt is something the working man cannot afford to overlook. $25 secures a lot. Very easy payments, Mt, Dennis Bram;h--Bank of British North Am. BW. Afternoons, 2.34 to 3.30 o'eloek. Tues day and Thursday evenings, 8 to 9 o'clock DR.W. J.GHARLTON, Goulding & Hamilton TORONTO., = ' Private fume to Idan' ah first class security. DR. HAROLD L. ROWNTREE, 1 to 2 p,m. 7 td8CU) p.111. 'Phone-Islington 21A g A 'Phoms, Jet. 3035. Hours-0.30 a.m. to 8.30 pan. ANDERSON & McMASTER, 'FHESTLETGWN MILL DR. H. D. LIVINGSTONE, Ear, Nose and Throat, NIAGARA P0 Wan ,’ EAT ROLLERS AM} ()h'l)F'plti1's, w. F. STINSGEQ; c. LORNE FRASER, MA. DR. JOHN B. AIKEN, Dentist. - G. W. COULTER, V. B. Teacher bt the Wrolin, L. L. T. MORLEY, Weston, Ontario. Conservatory Student, Mount Dennis WE s/iiiyit. Prnpriotcx Weston,

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