Weston Historical Society Digital Newspaper Collections

Times & Guide (1909), 12 Mar 1915, p. 4

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'tr ‘9 f Annivertiiry Se gices will be held in 2 Westminster f P§§¢byterian Churich, ;_.Sunday, March _ h, Rey. Dr. R. P. ‘iMackay will spea both morning and £3" ,evening. I '. Subscription Price. Telephone No. 26 WWW~¢~§W~M->§ ST. JOHN'S :AN'GLICAN CHURCH. . .,. [ _', P" Mrs. ELIE. Mus I: will, not receive again thisl.seaSOn _ 7 Mrs J. Hugh is-gona, "will not re- ceive again this ason. m' it The Services I the Old Presby- ,.,9rian Church on unday, March 7th, (t'ftimistst4tuv- br-JM; -sAsil1dipwp, subject Ffor the morning “The Ntiitr/God," éEvening, "What the Coufd." _ - 2 ‘ Miss Gladys ‘A stiro"iijs has return- "eil lib,rne sitter/i' pgndirfg 2 months with her sister, Mt", Charms Davis, of Maorisfield, 'Ont. "ti ri-_,.,)?!:.:,?)-;,:-!'"",'-:,."))':-.-)?; 2'09; On Tuesday, Ma ch oth, the regular 'aneeting of the Woh1an's Institute will be held in the 0Wn Hang Weston, at 3 p.131. After he regular! business .has been transa ed, the', afternoon will be spent ip the study dt the poet .g’yennyson. A for er president of the csrtiristitraee will preent a sketch of his ignite and works. ' Other members will t5tfiftrib11te. read‘ gs l and popular jigpcalists t'iate ' bmised to assist and 'iririkrsr,sit1g "Crossil g the Bar." Also figfifgroup ot sons from Tencyson's iri'i'1r,iiynd,,,"' and " Feet and Low” will iygs’ung as; a to by ladies voices. A '1ti?,.li,sdet?,,1t'i", my pianist will Coll- tritfif '/viya1tytrumeFta1 numbers. As “thi'S'is a departure from the domestic and praéiiical k hich usually charm; sitg'tstirtsr/tiwtie Ins'tute meetings, it is 35:39pm "that it twill be successful in Cpéintgoi "riuitservt., The meetings are free-r 'xgperi‘to _ we public, and every A mktittit's)ti's expec gd to bring friends. l An "01116. Irish Tea in aid' of the Reid Cross work will be held at the home trfrDr.aair-Mrs. Meldrum, Rose- mount Avenue,, Oil-Tuesday evening, March 16tlr, at 8 o’clobk. .aieariaiidirE1 Miss Lessl'ie "R F, pupil of Henry vvt?jeatyehap1ir, Basra Academy, London, 2,l,ls1g?isr.w,i11 sing t the Westminster ngsbyterian Chu h Anniversary Tea Tuésday, March. _ ;- Po not fail to mama. ; 'd, 'l, _ ,F For'I-nfaints and Children, The Irii1irii:,ht Have Always Baughi L, m , {WESTON RED ROSS socrnrr.‘ On Tuesday, Ma ch oth, the regular At a Very enth siastic and repre-" meeting of the Woh: .n’s Institute will sentatiVe meeting f men in- the Town be held in the own Hang Weston, Hall on Wedrrts ay eVening, it was at 3 p.n1. After itle regularlbusiness decided to form t Weston Branch oi has been transa ed, the', afternoon the Red Cress ocioty, the meeting will be spent in the study of the poet being unanimous of the opinion EEnnyson. A for er president of the that 'this would be the best method Institute will pretnt a sketch of his of furthering thi, interests of Bed lite and works. ' Other members will Cross work in this community. The tlfritribt1te. read‘gs Wand popular chief object bein'. to raise funds to. 1.908118% t'iate ' bmised to assist and purchase goods t be made up by the "trikk1stipg “Cross g the Bar." Also various ladies' _ocieties, who are ga“"~f‘g*roup ot sons from Tencyson's now doing such God work, it being 'ii)tt11':,," and " Feet and LOW” will reported at the _ V oeting that already 1e5dij,'eeyc,r, as; a t 0 'by ladies voices.' nearly one hun ed of the ladies of A '1ti?,.li,sdet?,,1t'i", " PianiSt W111 Coll- Weston are'busy hitting socks, sew- tritfif '/viya1tytrumeFta1 numbers. As ing, making ban ages, etc. Supplies thi'sis a departure from the domestic so much needed L y the wounded sol- and practical k hich usually charac'r diers on the bat efield. tg'tsk'itr_ti1ie Ins'tnte meetings, it is The formation of a regularly or- EQEPed "that it twill be suctaesstul in ganized branch _ the society in Wes- tyt?iitrCpt 'nu-mberx The meetings are ton will very inuch facilitate this free-r 'V’QPGIEWO we public, and every work as the wad) and other material memberis expeeWI to bring friends. Irequimd for magng up (an he bought 7» ", t+ ' at a muetrrlow r prime through the It is with ver deep regret we have Central Red ross Society, as they to "report the ' dden death on Sun-l have arrangemelts tor buying Airect day morning of , rs. Richard Dawson.) from the manbiacturers goods most For some years ast she has been any suitable for: adipurpose required. energetic worked and organizer for1 The Charter of the Red'Cross Bo- the improvemen of all things in our ciety provides hat any person may Town, and it wiel be a long time be- become a merotyer of the Society un- fore we can find ner equal in that re- der the following conditions: First, speet. She will be missed by the Life Members ‘p upon payment of Women’s Instit ie of which she was tewrlty-iive do ars. Second, regular President for i ome time, deeplyI members upo payment of two ilo1- mourned by the I) embers of the Town‘ Jars. Third, ssoeiate member -ot1 Improvement- S'cicty by whom, she‘payment of ne V dollar, Associate was much “bid. and in countless, members have not the right to vote ways her absenc will be felt by many l or hold office r: the Society. friends and acqu intances in Weston.| It was decidgd that all those who Bears the f signature of T The Service, cémducted by Rev. J. Hughes-Jones, as held at It a.m. on Tuesday in the home she so dear- loved and was attended by a large representative g phering of the Town Improvement S ciety, ‘besides many Sorrowing friend and relatives, the cOItege afterwa s conveying her to he; final resting lace in St. Phillips' Churchyard. Ma y beautiful floral emblems were ttt showing the re- spect and love irtiysrhich she was held in death as in mi; Che, Sunday next : March 7UI, Dr. J. H. Farmer, Dean- f Theology of Me- Mastier Universit will occupy the pulpib of the Ba tist Church both morning and even T g. Dr. Farmer is not only a schola my man but is also a good speaker. here will be spec- ial music and iss V. Wilcox oi Moulton College, oronto, will sing. Strangers and V itors are welcome to these services: l M: _. The Chosen F “ uds held a most Successful Euchre rty on Wednesday (night; The attend nee again reached the Ioentl’u-y mark. .It was decided to hold a. Box Social ext mtheting night its. aid of theBed ,nbss Fund. ' Tht 99mmittee will Tsi' _ soonyso Watch tfiii'nrwthei, annopnf riints/, ' . - y BAPTISFLE, CHURCH rv,"isiteri,' Ont” Friday MafrCthh. 1915. ijipr' (imam will (11%th ovilrrrrssrit'c RATES c-tof-APP-tat/tCN f ( Price. - '-.o, - 151,00 per Annum in advance. "es. - A _ tt A. tie'HtrmNTcrN, 'thorsr'seto'," PUBLISHED r VERY FRIDAY ADDiliss ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO _ . . _ t 7 We are tom thet) there has been al h re .Wllx'be Sk ting frsstmyatissrp1l c'-, 'g.;' . f . Tiérga \elveriingrs' g usdirr with 1ilrii1ijiotifet'itisicrt1a1aytet1 in the district that,“ i; "t"ied'ivil'c'l _. _ "is. f/k {‘4 'our Com any hag’écancelied the eorf-i, ‘1“ a .5 .‘ ' ‘tract ensuing b‘etgleen 411rrselves andl . _1 DAVE oioroorrefityld,lhfr. H. C..Cous~‘s. This Induce/13‘ l 0&5 iSChggefdin _ a few days with given t?advise th , there is no truth 'iiiir1viiieni'srrriaiir. "init-is',.; Robe whatever" ‘in the import referred to.) _ a R 5.,m 1111 ,Ave., Weston Mr, Cgusms is :nder contract with Almstrong, OS)-' t t, ' - rd y'- -~ our' Company f0 1015,rand his c0111 1 It ts announced y-the Department nection With uslihas always been lot sr-sri-irritate-res rat' Ottawa that the, "IT satisfactory., S _wedhe"sdaysr-f p.m. Services of Intercession in the Sehool- , room. -g _ i /. Fridays-H, p.m. in Parish. Church, Addresses. WESTON. ___ " F F Lent 1913;: y” i ' On Sunday evenings the Réctor will (D.V.) 'prpahcl} a series of .germoits, on the Temptation of Chrith in the Wit- demess. “,9 -,,' l Be sure to get a your Garden Seeds at Enph's. Prices awe?) and you also get votes for the Pi no. , . C q Ttds announced, {the Department of :Agriculture h Ottawa that the first edition ot/ten thousand copies of 1he Agricultural; 7a: Book is CX- hausted, Another nif 'larger' Edition is being printed ti provide Somers to 7 - _ _ DO-NGT ORGET. _ Grand Concert "as, d Tea,will be held in the , Westmi rter Prresbytersrart Church, Tuesday, March 9th. An excellent Supper d Programmestre1 be provided. Adm sion, Adults,-40c. Children, 25c. Bu er 'will be served from f) to 8 0’91 ck, programme to commence at 8.15. l Already upW rd of twenty-five mem- ‘bérs have beer' enrolled. The mem- bers will meeq in the Council Chan;- fber ttSaturd evening at 8 o’cloTi'E? iand any who esire to become mem- (bert or are in rested in this worthy iwork are Icordi 11y invited to attend. meet aiipiieations lat 11avit"tqr-stomiy time been accumul ting. ",'r l The Charter iof the Eteirlross Bo- ciety providesrhat any person may become a manager of the Society un- der the following conditions: First, Life Members p upon payment of tewrlty-five do ars. Second, regular members upo V payment of two dol- lars. Third, ssoeiate memberron payment of he dollar, Associate members have 'not the right to vote or hold office F, the Society. It was derided that all those who had subscribe? at the nomination meeting Show? be enrolled as mtyro- bers ot the Society, those having subscribed tw5 dollars and upwards as Regular miimbersrthose who sub- scribed one d lat as Associate mem- bers, with theiright to become Regu- lar members Km payment of one dol- lar. f _ The to11owi.'tg officers were elected? Chairman, Lgayor Dr. Charlton; sriee-thraiinma4 T. Williams; Secretary J. M. Peare ;. Treasurer, J. J. Dal- ton; ',iieliii,ii,'i,1,i,, above named officers together wibhrsthe following members, Rev. J. Hughes-Jones, Rev. Father Minehan, G. . Verral, Mrs. Hollins- worth, T. WHE'chean, J. C. Richard- son, Mrs. Barter, Mrs. Galbraith. Will some ortttfe ladies'o? the Red Cr'oss Work F Ieasis bring needle, thread, and t imbltr. to mrsetitosr, on Monday. More aterial for bandages is required, sen as much as possible, all old table Joths, table napkins,' sheets;, pillow - ases, -11amirrcerthier's, tte, Material-; ’uld 1m freshW'laurrw dried. - c, _ " = _ " _. _ 3. trughes-Joneg," M11. , WESTON, ONT d Teapwill be held ster Presbyterian l March 9th. An 1d Progranymestryl, Reettyp, IfaH'vt',crtir of the eat interest which) is being taken in ed Cross work in 1t)'-tg, the oftieer5 and members of, the'" .oman’s 1nsilVute feel that. an account of their gwork along these lipes,.t1u'ripg the ast months might he of interest itimany. At; the be- gititbitt'ot _Septe Q er thirteen tfanned day skirts were m de by some oi the miemizirs‘ valued rt' $19.50, of which Abdut 'tr was b ne by the Institute and the3rest cont "yuted le members, 2 star%1 handkerchtids made and givm by Miss’ Cottrillffand friends, $37.12 iT cash proceeds o? a concert and sub- scription from ai,', member. Besides this, they have tt eld tour sales of Wtrgstt9riytie Brea. and Cakes which "firtfi17tht , $21.20. ' ost of this, last; amount had to b applied to the rent lat, the (piano wh h informer years had pander mag in renting to con- certs.’ The Red Ciloss Tea brought us in $40.00} clear oigall expense. Alto, gather iis. have asent $67.12 to the Red Cross Htyrijuarters and given 9910.00, to i, the F_r1tt1ieg Club and we hope to do moree when an item; of, F?)', rent for use gt piano is paid. Do dot miss t e Ladies Aid Tea giscr1 My 'c1ts' mi il-su L le West- minsterr qsiireh, T esday, March 9th. "a mum 1m the? uslness or 1010 for ‘Weston and the Vinny to the above average, and We 'j'iparrasswre-rour cus- tomers prompt 'itnd' effieient service _ through our Epresxenéative, Mr. , Cousins. b, 1 V l ' MASSEYngARRIS CO. Ltd. l. Our Business I ith Massey-Harris Compani7 tbr the V ast year has been between $15;000 a $16,000. 17, V , ' (t H. C.iCQUBTNS. r _ I .. I: " 1 Form' TaV.ili-Latin Prosie. ‘ Boys-Ad McIf nald, 10; Wm. Rod- well, 52; c.. /lfnjflr, 52; L. Vardon, 35. l Girls-HT. Uouéins, 55; N. Johnston, f abs.; A. McCauéhrin, 63. 1 Form "urr-ireirrnetry and British [ T I-‘iistory. . -‘ Boys) Ar1iVrson, 55, 56; V, T Beake, 30,; My, Jf. Gapdhopse, 34, (ir, ‘0. Hill, _ 65, 75- F. Lang: et, 45," w. Martin, 90, 76; T. Maynet, O, 30.; W. ' Whitmore,' 60, 53- t".', t . ' Girls-M. Agab', 55, M; G. Canning, . 76, 70; P. Canning, 76, 70; H. Craven, no, 71; A. 01111131111, 96, 74; M. Davidge, L 80' 'ss; G. Deiiea, 68, 89; I. Norris, as, 45; H. Paefiham, 59, 31; L. Upper, -, 71; M. Waritlaw, 93, 92. _ ) l Intermediate (Form-Geometry and i 37mm. , .The Ladies of 2, will meet " as us1i afternoon' "in thei, Methodist Uhurchu‘ turned at meeting! attach name to e4 atuacn name to ea' 11 pau' returned. , lh honor of the embers of Toronto. Chyte iuouncil and their ladies, War-. den and Mrs. Port) r of "Les 2rrnes,", cfivirviue, gave , dinner party' on Thursday evening gast‘ H. CGUSINS S’NLL AGENT FOR MASSEY ARRIS. .‘ _ _ cN To Whom it". any concern. We gy1) tom thignther'e pas been a .: ' 'Ebys'cizn, Surgeon, etc., 'thim-Weston Road, Mount; Dennis _ Office Hours.- ' to 10 'a.m., 1 to 3 and 7 to 8.30 p.m We are pleased ‘: report that. trade in this locality exceedingly good, and we know thal this is because of the splendid ,efror1tiigtt forth by Mr. Cousins on our hi alt. 1 Boys-L. Bagrker, abs.; Pf Barker, 65, 60; G. Baiker, 70, -", E, Boake, {85, 86; I. Chanamm, so, 79; P,' Cruiclr- ishank 40, ltr,' L. Gardhouse, 55, 83; 1F. Rowntree, (i9, 76; G. Stong, 75, 43; S. Varden, 65,;728; W. McFarland, 80, MI. iis 'hThe following game the marks ob-'; tamed by each 'bupil in the jsuhjects‘ aésigned for, the $econd Examination, At; the High 8333001 for this Spring Term. ' s ve.' . _ 76 (il), 80 68 Girls-V. Bafes, _83, 955D. Charlton, 10, --c,.M, Goui'ding, (JO, 85; L. Hearn, 100, 75y J. (Hutchinson, 55, -; E. Lindsay,, abs.il p. Maalrtid, abs.; J. Morgan, 80, 77j. M. MoFarfahd, 98, 90; . Form II.-,q ench and Algebra. Boysr--C. Bu“ 65, 82; H. Canning, -1 28; P. Colguhoun, 23, 75t G. Da- vidge, 82, 63; 'ik). Hill, --, 40,41 Hoi- ley, -,~40; H. Jrvin, --, 12; J. Johm ston, abs.; 0.,Menxr, --, 10;?G. Mot- fat, 53, 80; g O’Reilly, 58, (N; W, Pearen, abs.; m' Upper, --, 33. Girls-H. Bai/ions, â€", 69; Ji, Blain, --, 89; E. Bugbon, ---, 40; DAEmber son, 63, 75; lit. Fleming, -, 77; E. Hart, 63, 46; it Pritehard, a, 44; M. Rigg, 79, 14r'iirt. Rogers, 53, 72; A. Sims, 50, Tit R. Smith, 70, 80; D, Smithson, 45,33 63; E. Snider! -, 69; Form "atrg1,a1i. and Art. Boys-J. B . 1, 6'5, 51; J. Eurnett, 5-1, 53; P. Ca 1 ing, 34, 58; Pj'Churs. side, 77, 63; l Cook, 52, 68%P. Da- vidge, 84' 50; ,gA. Gibbins, 20', 32; W. Hemphill, 3t,ri3r, G. Hoover; 88, 69; T,» Lindsay, 52%; 67; C. Longstaft, 37, 53; H. Biebagdson, 51, 65; Fr. Simp- son, 27, 53: Hiwuson, 52, 83.; 61. Girls-E. Badbs, 54, 41: H. ’rBarker, ahst; D. Bell, ' 15; V. Campbell, 72, tr, K. Crosley] 74; 54; G. Evans, 52, 54; A. Gardho -e, 59, 49; C. Lawder, 62, 57; D. Lns, 72, 37; A..McOut- cheon, abs.'; BI. MeCuttheomv12, 45; J. McLean, B, 50; AK. Meldrym, 78, (le,, " .43 62 MW“, Cf.1't W, H. ”Him, ,w, Totten, 653g 88; E. Whitmore, 83, M. Totter'E 88, P. Wade, It, 51 P. Maia? tt Jr. Phillipa 34, HIGH SCH§0L REPQRT jMcC) Phone WestonP'No. S es of tile Red Cross work as usdat next Monday in thei%choo.1room of the Church-WA Socks may be re- pettingt, please wash and W. E; PEARSON sr'" tp r :s t é Lal ati: fcu L , T esday, Le ' eat int gin ed CD 66 table, um e, T t erxal, 83 TARIFF.‘ Royal, Guardian, Canada National, North British & Mercantile, and Atlas, NON-TARIFF. Merchants, London Mutual,& Factories -AND-- EXCELSIOR LIFE, and IRAVELLERS ACCIDENT AND HEALTH Insurance AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE f WATER, POWER fl LIGHT COMMISSION Fire and Life Insurance Co's Also agent for reliable Nursery stock all at lowest possible rates. j HYDRO ‘THE HANDY mm Nd waiting. Three chairs operating. F arley’s Shaving Parlour The eleanly/ economical, ffexible Hydro is' helping greatly to solve manufacturing problems under pre- sent day teondi(iotis, It enables users to meet rapip changes in policy, in demand, in competition. Cigars, Cigarettes and i', .Tobaccosw 5: POWER RATES-serve-ee. charge of $1 per H.P. per month, and a Con- sumption charge of 3 cents per K.W.l H. for the first 50 hours use perl month on the installed eapaeity, 2 cents per _ K.W.H. for -the second 50, hours, aryiViift over these amounts 31:1 one fifth Cent per KA7.H. less the following discounts. _ l Class "A" 24 hour unrestricted use _ --ITi5" class distsount. 1 [ -:CIass “B”. 24 hour restricted use-) _ 10 per cent discount. Class ..f“G” 10 hours unrestricted use] ' _10, per cent discount. Class "DI' H) hour restricted use-- l 33 and one-third p.c. discount. . In addition to the above Class dis- counts, a discount; of 10 per cent is given in all Classes to): prompt par- ment of Bills. _1 “The - srrrrro If.isytric Power belongs to the people SH, Ontario. We are here to serve thiic "A Dollar In Time, , saves Nine" f If you have an}; power problems, or are thinkin of wiring your house for Electric Lights, and would like to have an idea of the cost of the Current per month, consult us. Tungstén Lamps) And Electrical Appliances at cost price to consumers. THE BANK Furnaces inStalled and all kinds of tinamdthing attended to. Main Street, s All Wool Blankets, Sweaters & Sweater Coats Bed Comforters, etc. Our new stock of Boxer Wall Paper is now in, we will be pleased to show samples and quote prices. Til. J. MUSSON BURGESS BROS TINSMITHS This week we are offering the balance of our stock of all wool goods at specially low prices to clear. ‘ j George Ml 'Lyan . New 0mm. Thomson Block, Main Street: Hours: 9 to 5. 'Phone 199. ‘u' "‘““’"’ "- U" ': T-e, c" V .. "y +5 5 THE "E. %' B' f T: , " all L j Mr, id , ",i 'rt I -r N E I . 31:7 Alll r. ' " , ' W? " Ir1r1ll " a I 78 Years in Business] 555:? ' and annulus $72,88.4v.000. Agent for Butterick’s Patterns. rear of Oldh‘am's Hardware Store WESTON BRANCH, N. J. McEWEN, Manager. MT. DENNIS BRANCH, d. D. MILLS", Manager“ CITIZENSFOF WESTON agent dot the following AAEN ST., WESTON EAGLE _ BLOCK WESTON Talephon: No. " VISIT to Tha ant of British North l S America for e p, rpose of depositing part of your arni s,becomesapleasant and profitable him, ‘en once you have acquired it. 5 ":, kc, _' 'to The dollar $153 se to open an account» in the Savings De ji tnent in turn savefs‘othqrs, as the habit of sayd g grows.seC1 ", A. G. PEIRSON, Superintendent. Weston. MAIN STREET, - WESTON PHONES No. 9 and 214. #- BEEF, LAMB; PORK and VEAL H -gi'lrfla __ 8ALMON,, " HALIBUTQ FINNAN HADDIE, ' CISCOESM .BLOATERS, KIPPERS, GODFISH. Phone No. 16. Shelf, and Heavy :Hardware, V Gasoliiie agd Oil Stoves, , _ "eoves and Furnaces Pedlar Steel Shingles, Portland Cement! Paints, Oils and varnish/L" - ORDERS DELIVERED Potatoes, . g Parsnips, _ Sweet Potatoes Celery, Screens, Doors 3,13% Windows, Field and Lawn Fences, Maxwell Lawn Mowers W. ti. BURRAGE Buitddr if) Contractor CONCRETE MIXER M HIRE. -"'"7'""-r, Phone No, 106 WW1. W03; Carpenter and Contractor Coulter Avenue, - WESTON Geo. Sainsbury Estimates given on all kinds of work . Copcrqte» Mixer foi; hire, capacity 40 yards a day. Buy your Hockey boots at Hendersons and lugs your Yyttts put o_qf1jee Famous Lightning Hitch and other makes at moderate prices. SLIPPERS Slippers for every person all prices. m T , y _ .. RUBBERS _ We carr'y k full jiarririrssrs to fit every are ot boot, Heavy Rubbers and Sox a spec- ie. ty. --------- _ Felt and speeidriCei, -roriran, Woman and Children. T TFU: SHOE STORE FOR THE PEOPLE Eagle House Block, WESTON. Gluten Meal, OiIcake, Calf Meal, Crushed Oats; ‘Gilqpped Oats, Hay, MOODY BROS. End straw. _ . V" Ill kinds of Poultry Foods and Specifics. TIMOTHY AND CLOVER SEED. w. F. OLDHAM (m 's',',',':':,',',','),)':;,"),';)',.', FLOUR, FEED and CARTAGEH "ras'nji'impi- firi_t,s'_'fi'ii' Phone 281, Repairing done while you waite Ever): job to your entire satisfaction. a512, ROLLING and iCHOPPlNG VEGETABLES FLOUR, BRAN and SHORTS 2rEiNDEmtsoN's cor. Main St. and Conron PI. Joseph St., WESTON Furniture carefully handled Jjitsirw Chickens. PUULTRY Ms, HUGELL, HOCKEY WINTER BOOTS DEALERS IN PHONE 36 Cabbage, Carrots, Onions, Beets. Pjaily Roofing E'agle Block WESTON. I Physician and Surgeons _ l C)ftiee and Hesideaee--.East Corrie! DR. W. J.'CHARLT0N,;. Physieialand Surgeon. Omar-corner Rosemount Ave. and John Street1 Weston, Ont. Otticty Hours--; 130110 mm. tttr8 pm Sunday, 8 to 10 a..m. King bLI‘eeL and Resémount Aveg‘g Telephone bo. 15, Weston-', out}: Maria Sweet, _ and i _ 418 Bloor 'Street, West, 418 Bloor Street, west, Toronto. Consultation hours, 10 a.m., 3 p.531... and by appointment. Tel. 001.235. Dentist. offiee-Opposite Bank of Nova Stigma, _ Main Street, - _ " Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office-Dundas _Street, ISLINGTON. - otrite Hours, -. ' 1057 Weston Road NURSE AULDA _ King George Road, Weston. (sir,, Term} Moderate.‘ . p _ l, Glasgow Training Homél -" Scot-land, Mondays, wedndarrs' and Fridaysl1 Cor. Main and Mill Sts., i'NVEesinoN 616 Bathurst" Street, TORONTO. Otr1ce Hours--?, to , and 7; to‘jm. 'Fl1ouest-Weston 1131, Tor., C 190. DR. ROY E.‘ RICHARDSON; Jhsteopatt1. , 1 _ l Ot Toronto 9tteoppthie Assotiati Firirig irtrreftrdly dove.- ( Btuti(ur-OctserTst F/tupset, MISS JESSIE E: RORKE,~ 'ii-s- LessonsHiix GENE: Decoratihg‘g -m'4iik Carvrfite aha Design. V China Deeoriationsne Design tor all . Handicrafts, A -, _ MARGARET R..GILLETTE, A Graduate Toronto eptiservatosir'or Music: ", Piano-1eapy eys Normal: cuurgecr ', C-, Pupils prepafed for .,cor1etratpry Exs'pis: Studio, Room T, Nibvaeycirtia BapliBj1gi,g' 1veston,-r11,,redncsdsi'y, Saturday, MondayÂ¥ '/ktsd'rhm'eslifv'r" mornixigs; ?' g , Phone 48f r' J" F Main Street Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, Etc"? 1699 Dundas Street, d TORONTO. _ G. HOWARD GRAY, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary," et 'T Nova Scotia Bank Bldg., WESTO . Mornings and Evenings. Toronto Office-lg Lnperialtite Buildings, Toronto. 'Phone-Main 2689. _ . _ t EDGAR PARSONS," B.A., ', Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. "0ifieeia," _ _ Canada, Permanent Bldg.,- l 18 Toronto St., TORONTO”; _ ,,, - , - h“, - “.1“. 1758 Dundas St., WEST TORONTO!“ (above Hoar’s Hardware Store), {‘1 Real estate loans placed at msni‘. _ rates. " “if; Telephone, ouneiiitil, Honor Graduate [Ontario Veterinary; College. ;; All diseases of Cattle and Horses j Treated BeimtifieaW. ,4 Calls by mail or phone promptly-g} attended. "t ' J WESTON. oNdid/ C. LORNE FRASER, _ M.A. l Barrister, Solicitor, etc; A, i. 5 Bank ot Nova Scotia Chamltgitii 'Phane 152, WESTON, Ont; Mt. Dennis Branch-Bank at British North Am, Bldg. Afternoons, 2.30 to 3.30 o’clock. _ Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 8 to 9 o’clock WESTON, _ Have you noticed the developmg'i that is going or’at the North 1,it(-' (iii Weston? It not, make an appo,” ment with us and we will be plt MJ, ta Show you over St. "i1ldid',ilt1ll'i beautifully wooded tn1trdivisfori, V1311 P, something the working man‘canga _afforrd to overlook. $26 secures a lo! DR.s.A.MEluDrttyM,s [rains, ii Hamiltoil Bank of Novau;otia Brds/Wts61,i). or 106 Victoria St., Toronto; j'i.1, 'Phone, Jet.) 3035. '.Hour559.30 a.m. to,8.30 Is,: to 2 p.m.l 7 to' 8.30 p; 'Pl1orte-Ts1ingtoa 21 r .2: Private funds to loan op first 'V class security. _ --e / DR. HAROLD L. ROWNTREE) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public; f x“ DH, H. D. LIVINGSTQNE, Ear, Nose and Throat” ANDER s ON & McMASTER, ' NIAGARA 1??/iT-?rs,cr(iiiii; on 110mm; A1111); f)i,i)t?)liffi: DR. JOHN B. AIKEN, Dentist. _ DR. J. T. HACKETT, F. B. FDMUNDS, i. L. T. MORLEY, ""l1 “ ' Conseri,yitorr, ‘sgident, Teacher of the Wolim," / G. W. GOULTER, hr. ,8. Weston, Ontéfio. Mioune Dismd WESTON. ' solicited: WES‘QQN.., Protyrit,i, Westciif, 590, {33%. VAL [it 3523:: It

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