" ï¬gm-W ,,_, 1â€WESTON PUMP Wm _" WALTER LONGSTAFF, Prop. '5? 5% "Covmcoms, mam $15 “upwards. , Allml, from $15 upwards, mT.' Suits mad .Oégvfcoats. r.eg.‘ $22 sor't15. Exist-cuss" workm inshi p igxiaxéénteed- ALL FROM WESTON and vicinity who attend the popular _ l _ MAIN ST '?ii'V-, C T garb-rite, fféccive cot only superior liiisinesu education bpt assistance to égeure choice pcsitions. Enter now, Wtite for Catalogue. . ws-, W. Jr ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL, . _ _ 734 YONGE STREET.TiiR0NTo. _ Iczsters 151635 _ L, well ES’ gedtleman titpreoiates a good time-keeping watch. Why spend your money in buying fake Watches, whet 37011 can buy a good and; reliable jwiva‘fch tot the same money as you pay fgrthe fake article. J keep in sttyelr Waltham and Regina, ails? Swiss V'Wa'tch-es, which are fully giiattusteed fils good time-keepers. Main Street, »WESTON (opposite Bank of Nova Scotia.) Gasolene Engines, Airmotons Windmills, Force Pumps, etc Phone 1. Main Street, Weston. INSURANCE LOANS REAL ESTATE J. T..LOCKE ca Co. 10 Adelaide Street East, TORONTO _.riFr--"" _ TELEPHONE, MAIN 1967 Choice Groceries, Opp Ir" \Néxy Fruit,' etc. . Westtm Rik} Mr, DENNIS. Brest} _and Smoked Fish, TAILOR and MEN'S FURNISHER Colemanénd Hackett Block. , ii.', 4T7,i 1tiipivifili) ‘1:A.‘ J; j. a w ., l win}; :1}, r3“ . _ re'yfi, fi _1"s),iirirc,'i'it'gi'sfij l. I. HOLLINGSHEAD, . E. COLEMAN SPECEAL Money to Loan iit lowest rates on City. Farm and Suburban property. Fire, Life, Accident. Slckness, Gr 5 anbee. Automobile, Burglary "i Plate Glass Insurance effected in all Companies. Estates managed. Rents and Interest collected. City, Farm and Suburban property in every locality bought, sold and exchanged. Bank of Novtvseotiu M. J. CONNOR, Wig, /io-'-ir--i, SEE ws .ABOUT JEWELER. D HALE B IN $23; . "A. , ',' (ii' i:, 1"i'_i_/j'_",(ji, t' wEsToN $32 Phone No, 2 'i'i1)ii,i'i),','ri,e,s; WESTCN :2 NOTICE. ' thveirb%oejr pin) _ a rhe' Pow: for-the purpose q. beirrng com] against the prog ' used :sesmneut accuracy. 6f fontag meusurf" and any otl r com‘la‘int wine sons irterefed rrldesire, to and which , by la rr, Iq/y/tt -. . , __t_._gh, A“ LI J ._._1,n fEPT r A Court of Revision will bt held" [he {ingenth day of March, roll, t The property of. he late E. P. Cave in the Village of' histletown will be sold by Public Au; tion on the premi- ses on Saturday, "i rehfath, 1915. ._A 10 roomed 1?rarry House, Electric, Lighted, hard and oft water, two cel- lars, two veranda , summer kitchen, poultry house, f? .ble and Carriage room, fruit arid hade trees. Also almost 3 acres of mice land Pro. perty faces orr V 'jghan and Albion Roads. Termsga .. suburban rail,- way almost at dbor JACKMAN lil TAYLOR) CASH )m'rcHEre; I EagleBleik, - Weston. l Best quality n'ieats only, at lowest possible (vrice tor cash. J'ish aud Paultry trash daily. I . ., -- Vegetables opd Fruits 1n season; Special quotati'rrns to Hotels, Restau- rants and Urge consumers. Custhinérs waiitvd on daily for orders A trial Solicited’ and prompt attention given. _ l Vamp 6mm Needs llim ! NW?! (li1ltn that it will clean thoroughly your Pots and Pans, Knives and Forks, and all kitchen utensils to be cleaned. Ask your groeerdor a IO, cent can. WHAT THE PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD DID " At their Meeti; E on March lst. Commenced sha p on time. Heard that Ti stee F. Sainsbury' was ill and WO Id be unable to at- tend. _ _ ' ReceiVed the ne Trustee, Mr. B. J. Flynn. EXECUTQR7S ‘ SALE Instructed the retary ‘to invite Messrs. J. Shaw, . J. Inch and H. H. Gregory to ten er on School sup- plies. Received appldca 3 one from Various companies re Trea rers Bond. Accepted The '; anadian Surety- Compa-ny’s (E. a. Musson agent) application for ' ,000.00 security at $8.50. Inspected the Bo er rooms. Received an apl ication from Mr. W. C. Burrage o behalf of the Wes- ton Company of {Home Guards for the use of the S hool basement on Tuesday and Thuiblay evenings and the use of the ‘ard room for one evening for the N. .0. examination. Trotdd unanimou y in. favor of granting the Horn [Guards request. Ordered the fol wing accounts to be paid: G. M. Hendry Co., oronto ..r... $1.33" G. M. Hendry Co., oronto ...... 4.13 G. M. Lyons, westa m...re...wc....... so The Municipal Wor .r..............r. 4.50 The Times & Guide 'e'..-'.'."'""'.'. 5.00 _ Thy meeting journed at 9.30. The 1915 Board now complete and is as rttillow Chairman, T. A TREAL WELL Il0lilliMli Positively a' Canadian product REAL ESTATE 'c'it for 3 d, WHKS nets, {use 3 irtanit. man at: muse; 5:301). ‘ lurch?" vnu'rlO feet .» e, - Ire, ye Iiy0 f ol.t go ge _Rotl, JWilli 11 (Pine, i IegeE ty' ‘5 " a- ‘chool. Heli) by using MAR‘ L, CAVE i _ Executrix J. T H. TAYLOR, House, Eléctric 90ft water, two cel- :, summer kitchen, able and Carliage hade trees. Also mice land Pro. ')ghan and Albion '. Suburban rail, PHONE NO. 280 sm‘enl which Clerk, a t1 my It FOP the “at two weeks I 5 cent bor' per {rd Envelopes-loo/tes', r, i. 25 cent 1ot'g?owitfs Tooth Paste ....500 votésf Three $pedals, / 25 cent ApitTalegt Powder...." . ....500 votes Any one, buying a, vstrrmoF' /'covuaAvriomri: before April Ist, 1915, we wilt give you 25,0:0 votes extra and votes tor purchase 1iuiiiiirijeiiitrijivttiis Dryer as well â€-2,“ Fp'_r-'_rr"- _---- ITS" l Messrs. N. J. MOTiEWan, Levi Mercer, and A. L, Camp§911 are the School l representatives on 5.33110 Weston Public E Library. it I Mr. H. J. Alexargder is Principal of the School and 'i Chief Constable Campbell is Truaniirpfriotr. - GTN; LACK; It),; Brigade, says: "I bag? Clothes Dryer,. and t 4 households, it certain" . tion from tire by cart! , Show Mamas; TEhs,.cpFFEES. Etc. Butter and Eggs a specialty. Lambton Ave., , MOUNI‘DENNIS. simpiior'r, Trustee†AJ. Barker, A. B. Moffat, D. Bow tee, Jr., F. Sams- bury and Robert tr, Flynn. The Rev. J. 1testehir.,ely is the Public School I rcsentative on the High School Bong). (Patented in Canada and United States) -xs'ae2exxrer,,' only by 7135073 of M_esrtinsi,'it1y.s Board Room, the Public s"iiii'ii;i',liEin2 and George Streets, First Mond§y of eaeh month., V _ GHAS‘QJ‘. F. WACEY, E - Secretary. This is t ,t,'e'5ii,iiiiS,iits . ' , ' ‘ 1ri1i'iit', ' M1 . J. Thomgsg SUNDAY HOURS, 4 to All votes must be i somethin g New ‘We collect of diécount sale notes for farm . j." secure agains fires"or burglary, and the makl s are notified of we due dated; 3 When paidgsthg- money goes' to your credit ttitlrtPpsauor trouble on your pang 3;? _ We shall P. g1 -., to gurnish you with the note cor _ frag: of charge; ceMt-8 THEE? bf Nova) Beotiia Qapigal Notes left th eti11eetion are ané Fraser, Manager Branch at Mount Dennis WESTON BRA_NCIE DE d l 1 'iar RATE _DRUGGIST Main" Street', WESTON. E-AEER l SChief of Toronto hire JP, 1y approve of this Patel] t 6iootssetrd 1114 use. in all trtt will be a great Noted: the Pagan We give away-01: ;ft-xm. _ BENMS, 'g) bundling of c tine ' 6,ii00,00il 12,000,009 . so.ooo,aoa Wednesday,Warch 10, 1915, 5 and 8.130. 9 p.m Ist, 51915. «t1 =1 $12,000. a: , g The site has bitore been propozed, ‘ but has not yet iFren placed before the ratepayers. F BALA AVENUE ‘GHobL REPORT I FOR FE BOA-g? (s, Sr. III.c-Etho1 endanger), Morris ‘Barney, Muriel Pillip’s} Eva Wilt- " shire, Dorothy Wils‘n, Auntie White. 1 Jr. Io.---)'-?,: Maxted, Agnes Scott, Eddie Bar ey, Elsie Pugh' Wilfred Watson, Wigired Lever. _' Sr. Ir-May Con of,, thiace iMilttt Edith Moore, M _g.a_ret,‘MeWhort, Marion MeEaeiurfii, iyplr, Wood. " I Jr. TI.-41ordon eCutcheon, Myr- tle Maxted, Freddie: Wallace, Harem ‘Cox, Dora Chilve ,.:Queenie Chap- jeu' 8 " 's,' V Jp, At; the last me ling of the Mount , ennis Pvatorayers Association, offi- ners for the year ere elected as fol- Grtsgrsicu-pretieuektu,, cr. A. Jtorrrsqa; W1ee-Priii1iir1t, M FrCorinor; S'edy- Twas†J. A, S! l' h; Executive Com- mit-fee, N. o.'rt' sdin, E. Lunnon, BIC, Flannagan, D . Pearson,H. J or- dan, W. Mason; _ L. Heaps,' W. G. Smith and, F. 'iiihiiir,tf. The executivef’ 'With the exception of N. O, Ramsdi and E. Lunnon, is entirely new, and is hoped that the infusion of such _ W blood will con- duce to greater "s terest and activity than formerly. - This reportpf t; deputation to the Toronto Subqu‘fgn Railway Co. States that the'1'uest-of the Asso- ciation dor smug ohmssion io return for the rprop?ostdt, Sunday franchise wasplaCed' before l hem1at1ager, A. H.' Royce, audit is Soped that an earlyl answer.wUf be 'mude, The deputation! asked' that wo bmens' tickets at' eight' for tWentyIve cents should he issued. l , l A petition favq ring the granting' of the iipplieati of the Computy is said to be in 1reulatioo, hut it 18! stated by E. Lt non that the psti-l tion is being ci ulated without the ratifieation ":d th_ Ratepayers Asso-E ciation. h I At a meeting oi, the Board of Trus- tees of the M '; pt Dennis School Section No. 28, _ York Township, it was determined o call a, meeting of the ratepayers fo’ . the evening of Fri- day, March 5th, i the Dennis AVenue School, for the or1sidtratiorr of the issuing cf fdeb‘egturés 4or the pur- chase of a new- shoal site, 300 feet by 300 feet, on garrow Road in the KeeleSdale prope§ty, at a' price of “gr. L-Leslie Las ’11,“, Harry Phil- lips, Marie Newman lii'rill Mitchell, Reggie Wilgghire, Wit 'efMiller. , _ “‘55“. 'rx"""'"'"'", ""'"r, “up _ , . Jr, 1.-Harvey 1yr1y,,ilr, Hazel Ohilvers, Willie Eva s,.'Jack Chard, Teddy Tibble, Lsle/. _ "rrrtoy., " j' " Prrrna_rr--Li1tt 'Eilssiards, Bit leen Beardall,:-_Wi-11i 'Windiett, Pearl; Glover, George n yner,~ Margaret. Bowler. e g _ .- ' J r.' brimarr--oad Holland, Wil- liam Beardall, To ' Scott, George White, Ve-rnie chker George TaVer- 11er Gnome Beef, Lamb. 3165!. Sam and 5am RENTER AND EGGS ASSEEEIALWD IttjTToNw0ln MIL, new DENNIS NELSON JARRETT No. on roll, 213. ' Average attendaneed 17 M.ount Dennis _ the last me lin tis Batir_ayers A for the year em css-prey/desert,,,, cr. -Prj'iiliir1t, M J 15., J.A, S! r h; fee, N. o.'rt' sd Flannagan, p . E PHONE 53 Note our Speqial Prices op" sogie of our Rubbers. All new, Goods and"good qtrklitryr-Compare our prices and same quahty with othyers. _,--" ' We cannot afford We are selling Rel custom. , T i tf f V V , ", These prices mean a mog‘eyfsaving jwrervhen bo We cannot afford to tak ill/Chane "ori buying f, We are selling Reliable hid at ose prices. a l on atom. . , , Still have some odd, Pies ofshoes(nyit all si: Shoe Sale, that we ayé c‘arin at biaAedutstione body, It is well tp/look ft em bver M? bgsr-rniyiug - . . " A‘ ," n . ? ' v .. tai., MAJ .A._H_H.L Store closes Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings ab6 pin†Friday" and Saturday evenings at 10 p.m. every Wednesday afternoon at 12, l-' LOTT’S SHOE STCrRlli), "__-_"",,)'.'-,',',-;:',.,",:,)"-, ALUMENUM _ _--r' _-cf/ss.,, â€Wm; _ TINWARE‘and _ "r. China Caps and Saucelésifi i-'" SKATES _ _ LARGE DEEP LUTS. WIDE STREETS, BUILDING RESTRICTIONS. _ TQEgN TALK. @atest Mcihm iirom Wallaceburg' “Lewis is piruig,norolren hearted." Away from the maddening crowd-- Ethel and Fred re observed ecioy- ing a quiet half 1115 skating on the Public School ink on Wednesday evening. , . _ Say James, , didn't hear you beat that drum y __ won at Fair-bank! Phew! “Gluten Meal' 1y raise a dust! - . . All kinds of Shde Repairing neatly and promptly donii. Phone-Weston 248. BTTY A LOT OLDHAM’S HARDWARE? ott's Shoe HUMEERMOUNT Women’s Rubbers, per pair"", Misses Rubbers, per pais ’41,}. Men's Rubbers, per p312, Boy's Rubbers, per phi:?' . . . . .' Shoe Polish ...... ..si(.. .... {SEVUEEP mums“. $1 per foot down. JE b"TREETS, LDING RESTRICTIONS, $10pyr lat mamhly TIE {NEWER HOME jNmiuMjiji)ft (ttl/it:;::',; BANK'OF NOVA SCOTIA BUILDING, WES’EQNg SEE OUR SPECIAL VALUES IN . . Weston, 8.30 mm. to 4 p.m. ()ffia “BUYS . Mount Dennis, 4 p.m. to 5.30 mm. LITTLE AVENUE, opposite Towu Hall Call and examine this car, it will givé better service for less cost of operation than any other car in the market. Don't fail to see this car before purchasing. We sell PEERLESS GASOLENE. You can get more miles to the gallon than any other gasolene made. T Main Street, WESTON We keep a first class machinist on the prtyyise all the time. Charges reasyoable.' _ 7 All kinds of Auto Sdiwlie hand. . , Ms. GARDHOUSE, m.yiiBiii3iiEtii,tiiiy SA V E YOUR TAXES. ___ ., _ >_ ',"s'-'%'rh7s't? F,'.'4'i'j'-fe; For Bargains in can certain [a 1 Cream of West, Mcyr1artr11s,Queetr' iCity flour, always on hand, Mot)dr, lBros. 7 .., Bag Five Rgse fuur,,sk.uj, Maddy Bros. _ _ Irc"-:-" x ' Half Bag Five Rose {1011334210}, Moody Bros. vr_, ', --., Quarter Bag Five Rose fP1T', 3113* Moody Bros. 1‘ BTHLD A HOME Coleman k Hackett mask ..2 tins for 5 hferior E we B sues 011 45 and ne s) left over Something I stod Want zed the 50 cents 50 cents 75 cents 65 cents at our Goods cents i'itire_iuuiuF) i4xiaru'/i5s'icia"fa'fr'iiqM, 'i job prieés. con tirrrutit from for Jiy m out Every- most, if!