Weston Historical Society Digital Newspaper Collections

Times & Guide (1909), 14 May 1915, p. 4

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tit; ESE Mtr1CrNL1p7.-ar1 lovingg memory , of John MiaKinley who died at Emery _ Mg; 9th, 1911. l _ We test your eyes free of charge, our: work is guaranteed, we have had over 10 years experience, Inch, Honor Graduate Optician. Private W. R. 3011 of E Company,) 15th Battalion, W fy formerly resided here has been ?faeit1ly reported wouny "tled, His mother gist received a let-, ’ter from him daied April 12th, inn which he states hisgi‘egiment had been1 out of the {trench‘gi for three weeks, but expected to go ack in a few days; “I would rather 5 e in the trenches than in the billet, hiécause it is warm-) er at nights in this trench dugouts.i I am billeted now ft a baril, and arrrl Writing this letter om the top of a bean gtaelr., I canihear a rat tryingl to get at my cheése. Pte. {Wallace Maclean of Weston," wishes to be re-' membered to his touisw The rumour current in this towricthat private Boll‘ had died is t1ntronfirti)ed. l V At ‘; W. F. Oldham’s Flow; and Feed store. _ Bmirrits. BNTTON.eh1 mid”; May an; TCBLLAM.-on Sunaay, May 2nd, 1915, Ivy Florenee,) beloved daugh- ter of I, iB. Kdlgha, ot Highfield, in her 14th year. s) Funeral on Tuesdtiy, May 4th, at 2 pun. to RiVegside Cemetery, At a special‘ eating ot the Water," Power and Li t Commission held on Tuesday morni g to open tenders for digging of a t nch for a water main extension on V toria Avenue, Mr. P. Harris tender as accepted. If your heart s with the soldiers and their Cause fcr Liberty, gemand show 301111 sympa y by attending the "Musioale" on T esday, May 11th at 8 o"eloek puma be held at Mrs. 1kg1ton's home, and try to be on time. ' t Our wounded o1diers need all the help we can gi them, that ly why the Town Impr vement Society are anxious to donat another cot to the Hospital, or 't ': , if the " generous hearts of Weston . ill allow them, and are holding theiy'MusieaV at Mrs. Dalton’s _ house ,t Ir Tuesday ebening new} at 8 o‘clock 't'l that purpOS'e. Mr. Simons Wadsworth Mills has just received a ar load ot oats about 25 tons, and 11 have them for sale either whole l? rolled by the 100 at ton delivered. urrent prices, phone, Mill, 267, or re idenee 181 Weston. An oper air fete will be held 0a Wednesday, J u a 9th in the Fair grounds, under‘ the auspices of the Town Improve ent Society and the Woman's Inst-it e, in aid of the Fund for assisting t sick and distressed in Weston. ftea keep this date open day, May 9th. If you don't w at to miss a treat, be sure you g to hear Mr. Chas. Stanley, of Tor to fame, at the Red Cross "Musica ,, on Tuesday nest, to be held at Mrs. Dalbon's, Maria Street. I ' The Rev. Dea I Harris ot Toronto, one ot the mos distinguished publie speakers of the rovince, will deliver a sermon at t Forty-Hours Devo- tion in the Ca " one Church of Wes- ton next o’clock. Rev. Mr. Die ot the Readi win conduct b Presbyterian on Sunday me come. Telephone No. 26 subscription Price. Rev. J., MacQue Baldwin, Mission- ary ot Japan, wi 1 tonduct the ser- vices at St. Phi11i 's Church on Sun- The Weston B nob ot the Red Cross Society wo d be pfeased to rt- oeive any contri tions of old Una-n or cotton to he used tor First Aid dressing for our oys at the front. For Infants and Children. The Kind Ta Hay? Always Baught Bears the Signature of 1915, to Mr. and Mrsf'w. Jisml iton of 12 Cobalt Siieet, a son. Crescent Dairy Feta? Glutep Feed ......ir. Crushed Oats ......‘3. BaIed Grass Hay t. Weston . CASTOR IA Gone lint not forggatben w ESTON E IN MEMORSAM Sundafgr evening at seven a: mym‘ra'émc was: (I: APPLICATION DEATH§. Weston, Ont., Friday May fth. 1915. L Camp Association services in the Old Purch, Cross Street, Ct May 9th. All wer. :ey; General Secretary . E. WHINTON, Proprietor “UBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ADDRESS ALL (OMMUNICATIONS TO um anh (liaitte .v...$3().00 .....$32.00 .....$§40.00 .4...$15.00 ',' Enquiries haying been received in Te- gard to postage stamps being used top the prepayment of war duties on 1bank cheo1es,"ti11s ot exchange, pro- lmisso‘ry notes; express money or- ders, proprietary or patent medicines, perfumery, wines or champagne, as ‘well as upon; letters and postcards, ‘postal notes §and post office money (orders, notice is hereby given that ‘this use, of postage stamps is in strict accordance with the provisions of the ppeeial War Reyenue Act, 1915, which ( provides that tttet, stamps may be used in lieu of Inland Revenue War ( Stamps in tu,ttultnent and discharge of any rrd111iterritmt under the Act that 'adhesive -stamps be affixed. l The public is at liberty at all times ‘to use postage stamps for any pur- pose for which Inland Revenue War ‘Stamps may be used, but it is espe- cially provided in the Act that Inland lRevenue War Stamps are not to be used on letters., postcards, postal notes qr Post Offiee money orders, the only stamps allowed on these [being ordinary " postage stamps or apestage stamps upon which the words I1“Wa.r Tax" havegbeen printed. ( The regular meeting of the Weston Liberal-Conservative Association W111 be held in the tTown Hall on Thurs- day evening next,'May 13th, 1015, Dr. Charlton in the: chair, The speaker ly, the ever1iiig will be Mr. Jack Robertson, Editor of fthe Evening Telegram, who is well' known as a platform speaker of ability. Come one, come all, as a great treat is in store for the members, and show your appreciation. Innings the Winter the Association ?Py1i1ef the following tpealsers frori)eother localities. Dr. f-Forbes Godirif, , Messrs., Jennings, Lawson, and ’ggirmingha‘m. Take it from me ithisfi is going to be some meeting,-one tits think” about and re- memher. Walter Webster, Secretary. Councillor Madklin reported that the storm sewer from Conron Place is in bad shape and has washed away the ti11iug, and is now overflowing Mr. A11en's premises. Tottei-Harris--"That the Trea- surer be and he is hereby instructed to pay the sum of $25.00 to the La- Crosse Club to provide recreations for the young boys of the Town and secure grounds from Mr. D. Rown- tree, Sr." Accounts amounting to $1362.12 were ordered to, be paid. The Counlcil ,then adjourned. The Methodist people of Weston held' their annual At Home on Tuesday evening of this week. The,ditterent deparcments re'porteir and contributed towards tEe entertainment, each de- partment showed increased activity and growth. A mission band and Mission Circle were organized during thel fear. The receipts tor the year are as follows: General Income from Trustee T Board ......l..a..............r'..Gw. Missionary-General and For- ward Movement ............ Ladies Aid _..,..,........,........:.. Woman , s Missionary A' Axil- The Council me& on Monday, May 3rd, the Mayor, Di. W. J. Charlton in the Chair, all the Couneulors present. 71 Communications Were read from B. C. Jennings, re increase of fees. C. F. Wacey asking for $1000 for Public School. T C. P. R. re assessment. l Tenders far strietr watering were opened. ', The ladies “on: the Town Improve- ment Society asked tor the use of the Fair Grounds: tor the 9th June to hold a Charity Pic-nie. Granted. iary, for Missions Sunday School', .....F.... Epworth League .r.t..t Maek1in--Gardhoj1se--"That the sten- der ot F. Munshaw for watering the streets at 45 cents per hour be ac- tseated." , Grrd_houses-/r'orten-"'That the Clerk be instructed to have the Assessment List printed in the Times and Guide, and that a copy of the issue be tor- warded to, every rahepayer." Mr. Cousins from the Hydro Com- mission complained to the Council that the flooding of the Humber NJed the well at. the intake for the pump- ing station. ' Mr. Cousins also asked for a grant of Forty Dollars towards renting a fia1t1 for lacrosse: practice. Mr. C. C. MEIntosh supplemented the request. , " Iirroo per Annum in advance. 19utferisl Street - - WESTON Buff WVanduttes Eggs $l.00 perSettingi MARTINE LINDSAY i, WE STON TOWN COUNCIL Bred from Winners'"at Guelph and Hamilton Shows SOUND STOCK AND PERFECT COLOR HEAVY WINTER LAYERS .----_--------4 "hi-l“ / WESTON, ONT $3,800.00 160.00 308.00 700.00 275.00 20.00 'mittee, Mrs. A. L. @ampben, Mrs. D. Rownbree, Mrs. S. Macklin, Mrs. W. Ward. The follow Hg was read by Mrs. Chas. Forsyth nd the presents- [tion of a handsome iub bag to Mrs. EM“ A. Ellerby who leaving shortly vto reside in Winnipeg. To Mrs. Euerhy-- ', '1‘uc Annua‘ M mug OI we Ladies Aid ot we Method t puurcn was mm on April Tosh. T Soul-any revost a successful year. Bannerswip forty. Amount raised $41.65. Ottuxrs elec- i.t:s1i-rH,cyora.ey Pretidents, Mrs. T. A. Long, Mrs. M. A.'IEuerbr, President, Mrs. J. H. Tay r; 1va Vieeqh:esi- ldent, Mrs. A. G. ulding; 2nd Vice- Pree-President, Mr i. A. J. Barker; (jiGsiifei,' Mrs. S. ‘acKlin; Secretary, Miss E. Lennox; A istant, Mrs. A. T. ‘Mather; Fi/anists, rs. W. J. Inch, iMiss N. Ackrow. Parsonage Corn- Dear Fiseer,--We are all sorry to learn that you co emplate moving from our midst in e early part ot the Summer. ‘ Th circumstances wgich pave necessit ed this change are such that touche us all and yet none could hinder. The years have cemented us together by bands that never will be broken n this world or the world to come. The active part you have always t ken has been proven by the este shown from time to time by waging you in the highest gifts of the Sqeiety, in offices you have held. The frile1ity you have shown and the abili‘i in performing the duties devolvi upon those offices have been appreciated by the members through th years. Your christian spirit and u' elfich motives have governed your lit that you will be greatly missed fro the meetings of the Sochty. When f r away among other church worlrepsiyou may turn toward us on the ni ts of meeting and imagine yourself? again in our midst, be assured Wegwill remember you. We wish you crintinued health and strength for manfi years to come and while not the): young active woman of the former gears, yet pray that your wise counsel l may be heard by strangers' ears, ant be a blessing where your lot may be East. No gifts can ever repay tor service done in the Master's name. Gifts -"are but mania festations of that which is beneath the surface of deeds, the motive power to christian Service gs told in one word, love, and Ire, tokewot our esteem and love p1 ase accept this club bag- When fat' away may it recall to you the {many pleasant associations td Weiton's Ladies Aid Society. _ UuLU. _ _ Mr. Chas. Stanléy, the celebratm Baritone of Toront‘gb fame, has most kindly promised tb ""iiing, and the tHI- tire programme WEI be mandated by talented performers.) . Accepted Mr. H. H. (Iregory's offer of prizes for (p ils obtaining the highest' number cr, marks at the next examination. , “ Appointed Mis4 E. )Lee Assistant Examiner for t e coming Entrance Examination. i BAPTIST CHURGH. Through unavoid 1e circumstances Dr. Mode was unabl to be present at the Baptist Church ast Sunday, but his place wax very acceptably filled by Rev; J. B. Ke-nnedgmNexe Sunday, May 9th, it is it peeted that Dr. Mode wihl be pres t both morning and evening. Im the near future Rev. J. L. Shoat, B.A., ,a former pastor, will visit his old ‘on’gregation, due notice wil; be given s Mr. Bloat has so many friends in eston, no doubt he will be greeted ly, large CO11grega- tions. Alt are wele q e to any of the services. " RED CROSS ' 1ff31CALE." l In addition_to the atove Class dis- Under the auspice. of the Town Im- counts,. fl discount of '10 per Cent is Movement Society, l "Musieale" will given In il.ll Classes for-~Dr0mpt pay-. be held at Mrs. J., ‘J. Dalton's, ment 0f Bills. _ Maria Street, on gTuesday evening, The Hydro Electric Power beloi1gs May 11th, at 8 o'el ck, in aid of the to the people ot Ontario. Wirare Red Cross Work? The Society are here to serve the _ 5' anxious to donate a other cot to one; T T of the Canadian Hogpit'aIS, and never Cl IZENS OF WESTON will it be more heeded than now. If you .hy.ve any poWer problems! or while the long eaiua)ty lists of our are th1nk}n 9f wiring ybur house fallen men are dafl before us. their tor Electmc Jeights, and would like needs and comforts ghould be our first to have an idea of the cost of the ”m ,;g '. T ( Current per month, consult us. 1tects1pts--receivitil six dollars for an old pump. , ir" Ordered a ne . mattress for Atie stretcher. g f Instructed Mr.? W. Burrage/to re- pair the broken véindow strapgi. Instructed Mr. Levi Goultgr to re- pair the boiler. E , .- Accepted mrmhei) 2 tender, Mr. J. J. Shaw, Main Stre§t being thé; success- ful tenderer. 2 l l. Ordered the iotowini, accounts to be paid:, g ') . Levi Coulter ...............$ 3.85 Times & Guid ........r....... 1,50 Bell Telephone......-......... 5,00 L. A. Lernaireyr-..'r...,.. 239,12 Water, Power, &_Light... 1.57 Instructed the S retary to arrange a meeting between' the Board and the Library Board t discuss the fixing of the fence at E..r e rear of the new Library. i, "'. Endorsed Mr. J. Alexander’s remarks re the Sc of Field Day. care, As of necessity, , e space must be more or less limite , may we impress upon our friends ple importance of being punctual, 31s for one reason only, it is so distqltirur to those who so w'idlingly givag‘thedr services, and wd consider they,] should be studied as far as possible/f) The following me 'bers were present: Chairman T. Sim on, F. Sainsbury, R. Flynn, D. Rowitnee, A. B. Moftat. - Instructed the ESecretary ito Set prices tor Mor on; for the Stl1ool, WHAT THE PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD" “DID ON MONDAY NIGHT Burgess Bros. grate given the rder to repair the eav ftrough on the st side of the sehoort , 'v, "itJiii'iTriii"a cimmunicatioq‘ trorit "The Behool" re 4adVertisemelrlx}\ .L W. E. PEARSON. r‘bychian, Surgeon, etc. ffiee---Westtm Road, Mount; Dennis Office Hours:--- to 10 a.m., 1 to 3 and 7 to 8.30 p.m Phone Weston No. 87. CHAS. P. WACEY,’ Secretary. Secretary, ito secure ElLerby; President, r; Ist) ViceaPresi- uulding; 2nd Vice- A. J. Barker; acKlin; Secretary, istant, Mrs. A. T. Mrs. W. J. Inch, [Parsonage Corn- circumstances zed tthis change us all and yet The years have by bands that Ln this world or The active part "T" w -- f (to secure Kbhool. Mr. J. J. 1k success- 't \ . '* 's' The cleanly, economical, flexible Hydro is helping greatly to solve manufacturing problems under pre- sent day conditions. It enables users to meet rapid changes in policy, in demand, in tompetition. Men? and Boy's, TARIFF. , Royal, Guardian, Canada National, North British & Mercantile, and Atlas, No POWER RATES-service charge of $1 per.,H.P. per month, and a Con- sumption charge of 3 cents per K.W. H, for the first 50 hours use per month on the installed capacity, 2 cents per K.WrH. for the second 50 hours, and all over these amounts at one fifth Cent per K.W.H.,1ess the following discounts. _ Class "A" " hour unrestricted use --No class discount. Class “B" " hour restricted us? 10 per cent discount. Glass "U" 10 hours unrestricted. use --10 per cent discount'. Class "D" 10 hour restricted use- 33 and orse-third p.c. discount. In addition to the atove Class dis- counts, a discount of '10 per cent is given in all Classes tor, prompt paya ment of Bills. _ 1. NONvTARIFF. J Merchants, London Mutual,& Factories Also agent for reliable Nursery\atock all at lowest possible rates.", Gluten Meal, Oilcnke, Calf Meal, Crushed Oats} fr1pprred Oats, Hay, “ ' B albriggah Undegyveat from twen by H’v’e“ ttrfrtty tbn 153' %i ch, Tungsten Lamps and Electrical Appliances at cost price to consumers. all sizes Linen and Straw Hats HYDRO THE HANDY POWER Overalls, Smacks and Cottonade Pants in great variety. Agent for Butterick’s Patterns. Our Stock at Men's Shirts is complete, Neglige, Khaki, Oxford, and Drill, in all sizes. from Ill, to 17, also E'ii,iii-iraiit Lt m“ "t Boy's Shirts all sizes, George E Lyons Fire and Life Insuranc; Co’s Farley's \ Shaving Parlour Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobaccos. WATER, POWER & LIGHT ()(lhB1llmim A. G. PEIRSON, Eh1perinteardent. and Stiéw. . h" Ill kinds of Poultry Foods and Specifics. TIMOTHY AND CLOVER SEED. MOOD55, BROS. ExcELSioit LIFE, 3nd IRAVELLERS ACCIDENT AND HEALTH Insignec AUTOMOBILE INSURA E New OMces. Thomson Block, Main Street. HOME 9 to 5. Them 199. ROLLING "iiiidurlli)lMlitl- DEALERS IN FLOUR, BRAN and SHORTS E. J. MUSSON THE BANK OF "A Dollar Saved is a Dollar Earned" sw'" MAIN ST., WESTON waiting. Three chairs operating. WESTON BRANCH, N, J. ycEWENr-Manager. agent for the following EAGLE BLOCK WESTON Telephone No. 30. B] 78 Years in Business. PHONE 36 and "Shirt Waists -ANI9---s DOLLAR to your credit in the bank, is yours. "Yo.u-d,,tih't have to work for it all over again9as you do for the dollars that have been spe I / How many do arsx ave you that you can call your own P by not start an account in our Savings Depa C tand save a part of the money you earn,? c,/, few dollars saved each lenj a,,,.,.."::,:,,!..'.'., a... Wimf’and Su rplus " ,884.000 PEASE, ECONOMY. VICTOR AND BRAMPTON FURNACES. All kinds ot Rooting, Eavestrough- ing and General Tinsmithing attend- ed to. _ ORDERS DELIVERED. Phone No. 16. Eagle a _-tttir of Oldham’a Hardware Store Pedlan Steel Shingles, Portland Cement, Ready Roofing Paints, Oils and Varnishes.' McCLARY’S SUNSHINE FURNACE. Shelf, tittd Heavy Hardware, Gasoline and Oil Stoves, Stoves and Furnaces. Screens, Doors and Windows, Field and Lawn Fences, Maxwell Lawn Mowers. TTO: SHUE STORE FOR THE PEOPLE Eagle House Block. WESTON. Buy your Hockey boots at have your Skates put on free. DAM,” T'e_m, . --- Estimates given on all kinds of work', Conerete Mixer for hire, capacity 40 yards a day. " w ___..v.. uu m4 AIRY Famous EiF,ira'i1iii Hitch moderate prices. I U MI: We carry a fun 1:52:01 style of boot, Heavy Rub. ialty. ' WINTER BOOTS Felt and. Special lines for Men, Children. Main Street, NEW TOMATOES, CUCUMBERS, BANANAS, PRUNES, MAPLE SYRUP and SUGAR, LARD, BUTTER and EGGS, FULL VNE OF TEAS and CANNED GOODS. Carpexiter and Contractor Coulter Avenue, - WESTON GREEN ONIONS, RADISHES, POTATOES/c-ct, "-r CABBAGE, WLETTUCE, I' RHUBARB, CONCRETE MIXER FOR HIRE Phone No. 106 PINEéPPLES, w. c. BURRAGE Builder lil Contractor Geti. Sainsbury BUR'hrsL-diG-'i"s' TINSMITHS BEEF, LAMB, PORK and VEAL VEGETABLES NrN7CRyrAitttt,""i" WESTON PHONES No. 9 and 214. CLARE BROS., HECLA SUCCESS FURNACES Repairing done while Every job to your entire sat Slippers for tll Wave you that you can not start an account in It and save a part of the few dollars saved each "liiiNDriaus6iiss Joseph St., WESTON JAS. HUGILL, HOCKEY PLES, ORANGEs, ;PE FRUIT, LEMONS, THIN, M03. SLIPPERS every person all price = Tt RUBBERS FRUIT c----" Agents tor me while you waite entire satisfa,e)ion, fne 01 Rubb are to fit every y Rubs“? and Box a spec- and aday. F. B. EDMUNDS,4,, Barrister, Solicitar, Notary Att,. "-"'"-t-i----erret:ey _ - 1758 Dundas St., WEST TORONTC T, Y i (above Hoar's Hardware Store), Hendersons and Real estate loans placed at currsn 5:, rates. a ‘_ d other rJ,a.kee at Telepkione, J un.n_9911 Eagle Block Weston. RHUBARB, I Woman and DR. ROY E. RICHARDSON, Osteopath. Of Toronto Osteopathic Associati I I Mondays, Wednesdays and Fribys. Tor. Main and Mill tits., WESTON 616 Bathurst Street, TORONTO rltatticss Hours-g to 5 and 7 to 8 p. (Phones-Wes' 161, Tor.,, Col. ALO, MISS JESSIE E, RORKE, Lessons in China Decorating, Woo ' Carving and Design. China Decoration and Design for a: Handicrafts, Firing carefully done. Orders ggljgitg Studio-Joseph Street, WESTBF Honor Graduate [Ontario Veterina College. _ All diseases of Cattle and Home! Treated SeietttifieaW. Calls by mail or phone promptly _ attended. WESTON, 0mg] ’ THISTLETOWN MILL, NIAGARA POWER At, Superior Sand and Grave! Furniture Carefully Handled Excavating Work a] ill) Buttonwood livetwe, MOUNT Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Bank of Nova Scotia. Chambers. 'Phane 152, WESTON‘! O: 1057 Weston Road, Main. Street, DR. HAROLD L. ROWNTREE, Physician, Surgeon, ete.H Oftiee--Dundas Street, ISLINGTON.' q A, Ottiee Hours, ANDERSON & McMASTER, ' Barristers, Solicitors, Natariis, etc. 1699 Dundas Street, 'l, TORONTO. , a Private funds to loan on -hrst _ class security. E. PHIPPS _,'] Iilj11T()l0ill()()l) TEAMING Mi CARTAGE Ci), ', 418 Bloor Street, west, Toronto) Consultation hours, " aun., 3 {magi and by appointment. Tel. 001. 260 'Phone-Main 2Mrtr. _ “N J. EDGAR PARSONS, FA., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publi: Offices, ' Canada Permanent Bldg., g 18 Toronto St, TORONTC Mt. Dennis Branch-Bank of British North Am. Bk Afternoons, 2.3( to 3.30 o'cloe1t, Tuesday and Thmdav evenings, 8 to 9 o'oloy DR. J. T. HACKETT.¢"‘ Dentist. oititur--Opposite Bank of NovaScoti; Main Street, TRUESDALE STRONG. Graduate of Boston Con, of Music.: Teacher in Piano and Organ. Pupils prepared for Examinations. Open for pupils in Weston and Moan Dennis. Apply 77 Shuter Street, Toronto.. G. HOWARD GR i. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary,' Leta, Nova Scotia Bank Bldg., W T Mornings and Evenings. Toronto Offiee-r3 Imperial Life Buildin,gs, Toronto. Maria Suéet, _ DR.W.J.CHARLTON. i Physician and Surgeon. i Offieo--Corner Rosemount Ave. and I John Street, Westen, Ont. 1 Oftiee Hours-ts to 10 an. ii to 8 pan,), Sunday, 8 to 10 app. " DR. J. A. MELDRUM, Physician and Surgeon. -' Ofrityts and Residence-East Corner King Street and Rosemount Ave. Telephone No. 15, Westoaont. Graduate Toronto Conservatory of Me. i Piano-Teachers Normal Course, I Pupils prepared for Conservatory Exams Studio, Room T, Nova Scotia Bdg r7tston---wednesday, Saturdannda and Thursday mornings. MARGARET R. GILLETTE, 1 to 2 P.m. '6}; 8.30 'Phor1e--ashuqrtan 21 T OAT MUNI Nil) CHOPPMG,J ’Phone, 1ret. 3035,. Hours-9.30 a.m. to 8.30 C. LORNE FRASER, MW.. DR. H. D. LIVINGSTON; Ear, Nose and Throat. G. W. GOULTER, V. B. L. L. T. MORLEY, Conservatory Studen' Teacher ot the Violin. ", ‘. JOHN B. AIKEIEF Dentist. Weston, Ontario. Phone 48.. Mount Denng Propr'r WESTON} Weataa, p.m.

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