T WESTON PUMP WORKS U. WALTER LONGSTAFF, Prop. , J. T. LOCKE (a Co. 10 Adelaide Street East, TORONTO h TELEPHONE, MAIN 1967 “*WADSWORTH MILLS, Choice Groceries Phone 267. Gasolene Engines, "imotors 5 Windmills, Force Pumps, etc? INSURANCE REAL ESTATE I keep in stock Waltham and Regixié, also Swiss Watches, which are fully guaranteed as good time-keepers. LOANS Fresh and Smoked Fish Every lady as well as gentleman appreciates a good time-keeping watch. Why spend your money in buying fake watches, when you can buy a good and reliable watch for the same money as you pay for the fake article. ' Reopened and in full running order, Main Street. WESTON. (opposite Bank of Nova Scotia.) Because it has no other way ot knowing, unless it taketr time to prove you, which it isn't likely to do. W. E. COLEMAN MAIN ST Life is too short and times are too last. Mortir--Dresa" up, look right and prosper accordingly. It will cost you here $20 or more. " The clothing oft proclaims the mats." We say it ALWAYS does., The world looks at you, and judges by what it Bees. And you can't blame the worfd, either. SHAKESPEARE SAID J. J. HOLLINGSHEAD, Phone TI CHOPPING AND ROLLING .-- Opp. Bank of Nova Scotiu. Estates managed. Rents and Interest seen in Town this week. collected. City, Farm and Suburban l, Who was it that M property in every locality bought wacht ain Rhein" but. di, irold and exchanged. I Whn rt,,r,rafvrgsrq pngf'e Fire, Life, Accident, Slckness, ' antee. Automobile, Burglary Plate Glass Insurance effected in all Companies. Money to Loan at lowest rates on City, Farm and Suburban property, TAILOR and MEN'S fURNISHER Colman and Hackett Block. M. J. CONNOR, SEE Us ABOUT WATCHES P. M. SH'ION. WESTON J EWELER. DEALER IN Main Street, Weston. WESTON Phone No, 2 WESTON. A half a loaf, etls.--Th'e Band re- ceived one hunhred dbllars grant this year. ; Will a golf ban faictory be built, in Waston to keep the Egupply up? I TOLD YOU SO. ‘Gossip from the Post CMfiee Corner. Within a little bogk I write 3 madam that Lzmust keep, The way my mremgrw takes flight Would make an _ ngel weep. "Now I'll be thug,†I firmly say, "On me it's safe'ato bet, For I have;writteb' down the day, I'm sure I wpn' forget." And smooth, in d, would be my way, , Without a turn (it crook, Did I not quite fof’fct each day To see what's mg he book. _ Say, have you slii'n the latest War Book? :'i Has the Bank 36f Branch in Thornsows? No Dick, you don,it have to pay a License for your Jrinil of push cart! Who was it that whistled “Du wacht ain Rhein" but: didn't know it? Who punctured Ber:t's wheel? Does Every, place:' of business pay a Business Tax? Ha; Ha! What's the strength of the Home Guard now?_ 2% The nights are tooéchilly yet for the Town Hall park seats to be occupied Liz. has won got into harness. 1 Joe rreNsts to takg in roomers. _ I Who was the 1a§8i0.that was dis-I _ appointed when shc fab-and her soldier 'iti.iEi boy QU picket duty?i; - We test your eyes free of eharge,1, our work is guaranteed, we have had, over 10 years experience, Inch, Honor; Graduate Optician. l If Fred was nonut in the front seat, the parson not? the congregation would have known gm was a member of the Brigade. .5 , "What do you imow about the war"? ask John, ‘§Jack and Billie what they think of ithe new book. Say Fred, what's the idea of getting ahead? to walk with D-- Don't get sore Whejh a girl hits you Lucky! 'r F Any orders for Piano Tuning leit with George Stewart or J. Kingdon, Thistletown, anywhere between Wes- ton and Klienburg, will be promptly and carefully attended to by Mr. J. T. Anderson, 100 Beresford Avenue, Toronto. Terms reasonable and satis- faction guaranteed. tiits,ii'friterii rushed ta? the Western Hos- 1tit?e3Paad his fathéi called. He Was u6iiiriV to be susiiiur from a broken anklg and a fractugied skull, and died a few minutes attertheing admitted to the hospital. 'i", When's a raise iot a raise? ask John Henry. a Modnt Dennis C, uXilliary of the Weston Red CroséSociety have sent to Weston 83 pai' of soaks, 49 hos- pital gowns, 13 d en large surgical pads and 12 do 11 small surgical pads. The Westo Solciety supplied the wool for the ocks. The Auxil- liary meets on t first and third Monday, at 3 o'elori; in the'basement of the Church of tt' Good Shepherd. DEALER IN Choice Beef, Lat, Veal. dam and Bacon BUTTER AND EGGS A SPECIALTY. ".- Bunomwoeoxva. noun DENNIS Frederick Barberagof Marshall Ave., was severly injure s5,iwhi1e at work at the Canadian Kod ' factory on Eg- linton Apenue. He ' as employed as a carpenter on the Liew building and missed (his tootirrg"Hhi1e,was1iis on a seaffold. He telr90 feet and broke two of his ribs anQilaoerated his face. Dr. Charlton wait summoned and fater the injured mg?) was removed to his home. ,7: V The Auxilliary o the Red Cross So- ciety intend hol ng a Red Cross Social in the earfyi art of June. William Cunninghiém, 131 Essex St., Toronto, was faqglly injured last night by being up down near the kodak factory bytu the C.FR. train which left the Is'4n Station at 5.25 p.m. There being 5* no doctors avail- able .t7sit"tiiAtlt moment? , the unfortunate Bring your Repairs to Henderson satisfaction guaranteed. FLOUR, FEED and 0AHTAGE cor. Main St. and Conron Pl. PHONE 2tlt WESTON Furniture carefully handled AGENT FOR __ $harples' Separator t Mechanical Milker, NELSON JARRETT THISTLETOWN They say thet tt1is_"Car1ary" was W. F. 11TDHAN, ttit ’? Mount Dennis f Nova Sbotia a The Executive Committee of the Weston Branch, Canadian Red Cross Society met on uesday evening last and passed a re olution of sympathy with Colon 1 G. terling Ryersory and his family in t eir terrible bereave- ment, through t loss of Mrs. flyer- son, who was victim of the Lush tania disaster, nd a son killed, in action, also a s seriously wounded in action. The eeutive also decided to add several 11 yes to the Commit- tee. An import t meeting will be held oext Tuesda, night, May 25th, to which the new me hers will be invited, Crescent Dairy Feed ............$30.00 Gluten Feed w.......................'- Crushed Oats o...................)))) Baled Grass Hay ............,..$15.00 At ' ‘ W. F. Oldham's Flour and Feed store Get your tinsmithing done by Burgess Eros., Weston. It may not be g nerally known that, the Children are iving much assist-, ance in the Red oss, work. A num/t her of them have been meeting every' Wednesday after on in the JTow‘n Hall and have do e a'iot of 'slffendid work. There is s '11 lots of work to do for our boys the front, and any child who would like to haip, would be welcome indee , all that is needed is a pair of seissl rs; and all children over seven year of age can make themselves helpf . Now children, it is up to you to ow the bigger ones what you can d Contributions pieces of- blank material suitaN: is still very m1 Over your stocl spare sum?- iLI' OUR LINES-Drugs, Stationery, Kodaks and Kiriiiit Supplies, Jewelry and Repairs at lowest prices. Choeo. lates--Ganong's, Lowney's, Nylo, Neilson's, Huyler's, Willard’s,R0bertson’s,etc. City Dairy lee Cream specialty Confectionery (cakes and candies), Optical Supplies. I. For every VICTROLA GRAHAPHONE T’E; bought from May 7th to May 31st, we will give you five votes for every bent spent, and you may purchase it with Red Tickets purchased from the contestants, i.e., $50.00 Gramaphone means 25,000 votes and $50.00 in Red Tickets means 250,000 votes, or in all means 305,000 votes. -."> also the same ratingfoL ., a - _ N dw don't neglect bringing these votes and watching the drug counters for special .votes. Old votes will not 1t_appepted after Monday, May 10th C “if: E!i8k 7 Ill., Every cent spent for Sporting Goods counts Fa 5 votes, i.e., $1.00 Baseball counts you 500 votes. IV. Fireworks, 5 votes for one cent spent, :73»; SC Every piece of JewelleryUrorn $5.00 up, five votes for one cent spent. ,_‘_:f'- e-le-r?,)',:';';"-;';,';";',!' 'a'ecr'd "'""-'irirateh for Special Votes Wednesdaydtnd Saturday on Drug counters, it will pay you. Every Wednesday and Saturday votes must come in. A list of votes will be posted up each Thursday and Monday from May 7th to May 31st In ttirTs'ri7RTmilC"ii"i': "d7l'TlTrtTi-FirrTiirrrii- from $2 to $65. TALCUFI, that the ladies 1ike.-.NIoigiyp and EILY - OF 1?..pjLyerE.r..i..tiE.,. regular Me £10,275) for 25t, j;tis,a, Farmers’ ccou is are given special atte ion. ZVIoney loaned to response' 1e fa; ers. Cheese checks casged, notes collected or discounted': , Money geposi‘ifed in our Savings Bank rettitns ghu interest at 3% and is retdy when required. Why i' t often a Savings Account as a res - g to pay on your mort- gage or buy ne. P1plements ? We in i e 'y,'?'tt",i,,1,t,'f as your Farmers! Aécounts ifeltt; of Nb t fd., Scotia Capité - u - ' 6,600,000 Surplus - - - - 12,000,000 Total Resources over - - 90,000,000 Main Street, WESTON. SUNDAY HOURS, 4 to 5 and 8 to 9 p.m. We earoliproeure you almost anything at shortest notice. CLEAR 'iTrEFiifif"ii"iii SOAP, regulaf 15e, 'ih1r-iiifii'i"r'ioe. Every- Watch from $5 up, or Diamond Ring, we will allow you ten votes for every cent spent. Alsc Branch at Mount Dennis On Monday, May iflst, 12 t)'tli)tlr pm. W'"r.--r-- SOMEONE WILL OWN THAT: “m1†“BEAUTIFUL iPlll(ilfl" PIANO LIT IS YOURS FOR THE -1lPyf1F,'u)i)'-i1,i,, §§:SPECIAL atATTRM'rI0NS.i] (rtr:j,titr; CUT RATE IDFRL9GGil$iiiiT" RED CROSS NEWS fr, s. Fraser, Manager WESTON BRANCH “Mair 48M W. J. INCH iof old blankets or j, linen and other for Hospital work, ch. needed, just look and see if you can ..$30.00 ..$32.00 “$4000 ..$15.00 189 Commercial fer lizers cannot be de- pended upon pr fitably to maintain the soil; hence e exclusive use in diseountenaneed. Such in brief " a few ottthe. con- clusions arrived a bv Dr. Shutt, but to get a real heme t from the Cireulnr application shocrl _be made for it to the Pdfrlication anzh, Department of Agriculture, ot, wa. Barnyard manude is the most efter- tive of all fertili Is. The liquid port n of the manure is the ‘most valuabl Use sufficient 1i er in the stable to absorb the liquid 7 The amount manure on a farm being insufficient, frequent light dress- ings are atrvisa 1e instead of largvr ones at longer i ervals. The manure is applied for the the rotation. It is not wise t "bury" the manure a shallow plou hing under is more advisable. é , Rational farm g tion of crops. _ The lesson is grow a leguminous crop in the to lion, as all other crops, save lhe 1e umes, leave the soil poorer for their rowth. Manure is mirth voided. , Investigation as manurial value c other legumes. _ By home mixin fertiliizers a saving of 25 to 35 per ce can be effeeted. -' The Division L' Chemistry of the Dominion Depart ent of Agriculture has issued anoter of that useful series of Circu1Us by Dr. Frank T. Shutt, Dominion f hemist. This one, Circular No. 8, dls with "Mam1res and Fertilizers" and, like all the work of the Door, is at once ex- plicit and prractiedl. The first sectioo is devoted to dcription of expori- ences at the Ctral and other Ez-. perimental Farms and the second is devoted to a su F ary and to advice that if followed cannot help but bene- fit the farm and t profit the follower. Here are a fe , sentences given in svntvntious form) that illustrate the conclusions arriv t at and the coun- sel given by Dr. Shun: ... Rational iarrnin5 in “Mixed" farm- ing Tuesdayi May nrt-Et, Canadian Order 0 fellows’ Hall, C) _ 0% at 8 o'elock p.m. Thursday, Ma 7. Re lar Independent Or e ' stars, fellows’ Hall, hurch Street, at 8 p.m. /C Friday,' May Humber Lodge Masonic Hall, C at 7.30 o.m, Monday, May M.--Re lar Meeting of Court Bell, I. o. B'., 1unt Dennis, in Assembly Hall, W stén Road, at 8 o'c1ook p.111. , / Thursday/May 27.--Regular of J. R. Findlay L.O.L., ' Assembly Hall. Mount D o'chicir, F C Tuesday, May 2r "Ra'gular Meeting of the Electric Lig lhd Waterworks Commission, offi Thomson Block, Monday, May 24.-Regular Meeting I. O. O. P., in Oddfellows’ Hall, on Church Street, Weston. MANURE AND; FERTILIZERS MEETINGS NEXT WEEK, {May 27.--Regular Meeting Findlay L.O.L., 2527, in Hall. Mount Dennis, 8 May 28 .-rieswlar Meeting a, A. F. & A. M., in Church Street, Weston. ( r t/.,,s/ma,,rm,, ' a A? oter, I}, ch treef, n - , " ‘37.? Ref lar e b. th' -sters, Ihurch Street, ost advantageously ot or corn crop in s proven the high clover, alfalfa and involves a mi a most when first PHONE 63 in Odd: Weston, Meetiu g in Odd- Weston, M ett i_n7g All the latest patterns an spring overcoatings, suitings and pantings from $15 to 430. Try one at Cole- man's, Weston. Francis Chapma was born in Etob- icoke Township, t ne 6th, 1848, and died after a briefil bees of four days at his home near No t hboro, April 14th, 1915, aged 66 yeas, 10 months, and 7 days. Mr Chap an sveatctu,lawa when a young man. of 21, a; d lived in Page County for t15 years. he had experienced all tht hardships of the early days, he wa, a member of the Baptist Church. in the 8th March, 1883, he was uni in marriage to Ellen Lister, daugii er of Thos. Lister, of Etobicoke, and 0 this union there was 10 children. , e was a brother-in- liw of Mrs. Thos. Fsher of Etobicoke. Beside his wife, " children, five bro- thers and two sist s are left to mourn his loss. Franci- Chapman was a kind father, affeionate and loving husband, a good 'eighbour, a highly respected citizen " d a friend to every- one. The funeravwas held at Iowa, April 16th, where he neighbours and friends assembled 0 pay a last tribute of respect to tht' memory of the deceasnd. Internnt took place in Coin Cemetery, Io 'a. BEST ROYALITE COAL OIL, 5 GALLONS, 75¢ ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER TO RENT ONE DOLLAR PER DAY SPECIAL WadsWorth Mills, WESTON CHOPPIN G and ROLLING OATS FOR SALE BY CWT. OR TON DELIVERED OLDHAM’S HARDWARE LARGE DEEP LOTS. WIDE STREETS. $1 per foot down. BUILDING RESTRICTIONS. $10 per lot monthly . THE MlGlill HOME DEVELOPMENT 00., l BUY A LOT, SEE NO SAG Phone 267 FRANCIS {CHAPMAN HUMBERMOUNT BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA BUILDING, WESTON. Office Hours: tttSo/ug/Mei/ttet,, m... All kinds of Auto Supplies, Oil and Grease, hand. LITTLE AVENUE, opposite Town Hall Call and examine this car, it will give better service for less cost of Operation than any other car in the market. Don't fail to see this car beiore purchasing. We sell PEERLESS GASOLENE. You can get more miles to the gallon than any other gasolene made. We keep a first class machinist on the premises all the time. Charges reasonable. Mill open da'rly from J a.m. to 6 p.m. IAS. GARDHOUSE', Ford Touring Car Price $590 POULTRY SAVE YOUR TAXES. "MADE IN CANADA" SOLE AGENT Weston, 8.30 mm. to 4 p.m. Mount Dennis, 4 p.m. to 5.30 p,m. IN Meyers. Ave. Estimates given G. N. LACK, AND COMBINATION CLOTHES Ihuxp,, MADE IN CANADA Patent applied to? Easily Washable, Light, Comforts _ablev,.1sl,1?ortapl,tr, , "--e: t.c- - PRICE $2.7 5. Lack's Baby Cot ERN. WALLIS, Painter, Paperhanger' and Decorator, THESTLBTOWN MILL NIAGARA PO VER OAT ROLLING MI) CHOPPING, W. F. STINSON, BUILD A HOME, NETTING _ iven. Jobbin g promptly attended to. 22 Evenings 181 MT. DENNIS.» Proprietor WESTON