(31% The public ate very, cordially ir1- vited to attengl any of the flower shows of the ‘-. Society, there is no charge tor admigsion, the purpose of the Society being to encourage and assist the public in beautifying the town. 1 -- _ Section 1-btst three spikes, long spppred. For -best intjviiiult1ow,es lot any variety not in above list exhibited by any member. , ' Members whoidesire ,to exhibit Iris would do well " cut the bloom and keep in the cellar in the meantime. " Mr. T. D. pfckray, District Re- presentative, ha been invited to act as judge of the dower exhibits and to divt a short adtess on flower culture. The Directors of? the Society offer the following prizes $0 members exhibiting fiowers in the' gario’us classes as tol- lows, viz: A tsection,2--Bei'st three spikes, short spurred. ‘ ‘2' -8peeial Clair-First prize, $1; Second, 75 eept(r, Third, 50 cents. Exhibits to bi, placedon the tables not later than fi, p.m. to be judged at WESTON H TICU'le-URAL SOCIETY F WER SHOW. It is apeeted t at each of the one hundred and six y members ot the Society will atte the next meeting to be held in th Town Hall Friday evening, June 18 . I The feature of t em1eeting will be a display of Iris, eonies and Co1um- bines, with a' sp- 1 prize for the, best individual ffower f any variety shown by any member not included in the above list. ' fi, E'20v1tSON.-At u't:Wecstor1, on Sunday, May 30th. Isnt, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ptlarson, g, sow. "Rough on Rats" clears out Rats, Mice, ete. Don't Die in the House. 15e. and Me. at Drug and Country Stores. TTis-First mine, Fl; Second, 75 cenrts; Third, M) cents. Section l-Be Collection. Section _ 2--B st three spikes one color. _ it, Peonies~First§priZe, $1; Second, 75 cents; Third, 50) cents. T Section 1-A3et)t collection white. Section 2--B4t collection pink. ct,1ye,?i,,e,tt-Ri,,1:tt Prize, tAr, Second, 75 cents; Third) 50 cents. The Ladies Aia of the Old Presby- terian Church. Wm hold their Annual Garden Party ofn Mr. W. Longstafr's grounds, on Wtilnesday, June 23rd. Tea will be sewed at 6 o'eloelr, ice cream, fruit, candies, etc., at the Booths, excellent ')programt0e. Admis- sion 10 cents, Tea 15 cents. Tickets admission including tea, 15 cents. Rev. w.. A., Campbell, B.A. of To- ronto, will occupy; the pulpit of the 01d Pnesbyterian _ Church, Sunday next, Jane 13th. Ad the morning ser- vice Mr. Campbell Will zpeak on the work of the Dominion Aflianee, and in the evening he will give a general sermon. This will be Mr. Campbe11's first appearance int Weston. Every- body welcome. ; ' Mr. and Mrs}; Fudge, Vine Street, West Toronto, {entertained a number of friends tromi Weston on Tuesday, June lst, the ocgaSion being the twen- ty-first birthday of Mr; Fudge. A New enjoyable. eiwning was spent, the sneaks returning gnome by jitney about 91.1mm, .2; For Infants and Children. The Kind You Haw; Always Bought Bears the Signature of Mr. John Sajmders has purchased the _tr!aeksrnithii,ig business formerly carried on by fthe late Wm. Martin, on South Stamio‘h Street, and solicits the patronage gormerly extended to that business. I, Mrs. S. Westlake' and Miss Dorothy 'Joselin of Tormito, are spending the week , end "iir,'iiei'i; A. G. Wardlaw, George Street, .tstons The West York 'istrisct of the Loyal Orange Associati n will hold a great Church Parade inf Weston on July 4th. Shoe repairing ikatly and prompt- ly done at Henderson’s, Maia Street, Weston. l The Weston C. "li." F. will hold their Annual Church nd Decoration ser- 1.Ttkxyte on July 4th: " Mrs. Wm. Elsier left for Winnipeg on Wednesday eve ing. Mrs. E. Redmo d left on Tuesday for Cincinnati, Ohi . Telephone No. 26 (j, WESTON i, ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION subscription Price. - - " Imoo per Annum CASTOR IA Weston, Ont., Friday June tiht it5itttts anh "(lihtittot BIRTHS rd A. E. WHINTON, Proprietor, PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO Red Cross Wikkers remember to e look .over your lieupply of old linen, cotton, blankets 4 and soft natural 5 wool garments. All these are most {acceptable and uch needed in the hospitals where my of our splendid |Canadian heroes V e fighting the last [foe Let us one v, and all by our un- "t ceasing work tot and attention to, T the sick and Woung ed, make this cor- Cy war of the British Empire a worthy t tribute of (3anadid love and loyalty. , Meeting on Mod ay afternoon next t' at 3 p.m. as usuall - -_ - ..-7_ yr Tv.erAr"-""f"'J. The Mayor, _8f,sjr.j. and Councillors of the Town oteweston have proven themselves equal to the emergency, and have nobly sponded to the call of the Empire, a honor to them. The feature of; the week in Real Cross: matters waff the laudable action‘ of the Mayor, mtive and Town Coun- cillons unanimously appropriating thel sum of one thbusand dollars for Red Cross workr1in connection with) the local branch bt the Canadian Red Cross Society. Tge actual voting oi, the sum of one ithousand dollars in itself is not the ngost important point i in connection witi) this matter, as thel amount does mit represent a very large outlay on e part of any one individual, ho a J/property [owner as-l sessed for $15003?! it will only be 75 cents. The "iiG"iFii'm't point is the attitude of the Tttwn as shown by our 1 representatives ti2ward the needs of the Empire, prdring that Cacadiansl are equal to theimergency when face' to face with our A, sponsibility. _ The Weston baneh has this week received its first, t. life membership fee of #25, The hon;r of being the first life member of t" Weston Branch of the Canadian Rei. Cross Society goes to Mrs. James arber, and it is an honor indeed to l e a life member of the Canadian Re: Cross Society. B.A. Be., soneof Mr. Stewart Robert- son, Kenneth Avenue, West Toronto. the Rev., Dr. Lothr oftioiahing. The bride wore a; beeoiiiini gown of white embroidered voilg'; with veil ortu1hs and Iorange blost om, and carried a bouquet of roses hd lily of the Valley Miss M. Forsyth - layed the wedding maroh. After the guests partooln of a dainty supper w. and Mrs. Robert- son left later tog spend their honey- moon in London: and other points. The bride travelled in a tailored suit ot new blue anCPantuna hat. 1t0mmTsf)N--MarAY. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip McKay, Sykes Avenue, Waton, was the scene of a fpretty wedding on Wednesday afternéjon, June 2nd, when their daughter Il/et was united in marriage to Mri Arthur Rogertson, The. Lacr0sse sson opens in Wes- ton on Saturday,) June 19th with two games. The boy . have been working hard, and it " confidently expected that they will gie a good account of themselves this .ason and while the juniors are just making into the big show they) have a good-lot ot boys who will imprnve with every game. The intermediate team will present a couple ot new Quivers and are ready to show the Ia'brosse public a fast, clean game. Thgboys have been un- der a heavy exp se in the equipment of a dressing ro and must rely en- tirely on the te receipts to pay these as well a other necessary ex- penses. They hhve arranged to put on two games tot' the one price of ad- mission. Mr. J mes Murphy, Presi- dent at the Qjeen City Lacrosse League, and, o of the best friends of the Weston Cl , will face the ball. Full pprtieularilot the Opening dar' ceremonies will iibe 'given in next weeks Times & Grams. Remember the; date;, June 11th, tind be there to help the boys win, anotgiier championship. On Sunday next;e.June 13th, the put- pit of the '1i'iiiiirii,i,?jiiiiji,i' will be oe. curpied both mom g and evening by Rev. H. ChvPriesf oirToronho. Mr. Priest was for eig t years, a mission- ary in Ihdia, sine his return. he has had charge of tlf Missionary educa- tion of the you g people. He is a strong man; and an unusually good speaker. Come . d hear him, all welcome. The session of e Sunday School will be held at th close of the 1110tay- ing service Arom 2 to I, instead of the aftetnoon begi ning next Sunday. Holeproof Hogviéry for l gentlemen, girls and boys man's, Weston. Dufferin Street Buff Wyandottes Eggs $l.00 perSetting l MARTINE LINDSAY I, Bred from Winners-at Guelph and Hamilton Shows SOUND STOCK AND PERFECT COLOR V b" RED CRQSS NEWS. HEAVY WINTER LAYERS ' BAPTIST GHURGH. per Annum ii, advance. Itth. 1915. - .+.§..§.._u._, WESTON, ONT WESTON ladies and "s, at Cole- An open air concgrt will be given by the Weston Town}? Band next Thurs- day in the Town High Park, following is the programmer? I. March-tnity-limi. Garth-intro- ducing airs trom1's'Wa1es, Scotland, Ireland and Erurlarii1. 2. Valse lente--Giean Murmurings-- W. Rimmcr. E1 3. saeetion--Bofiemian Girl-Balfe. 4. Trombone, siiio-hn1e Death of Nelson-Braham-Mr. H. Wilde. 5. Popular Airs-4is) There's a little epark of love my 'burning, (b) I Want, to go back tq Michigan. _ 6. Descriptive i Fantasia-Rustic Scerres--W. 'ilivr;,'iiel-'-esnil,1'Ciiil: (a) Morning, (b) Dz'an of. Day, ie) Church Cloek, )( I Morning Prayer, (e) Valse, The Mi and the Stream, (f), Cornet Solo, llmnaids Bong, (g) Btorrm, (h) Rustieemevels, finale. Pte,r,etissi,os1,: 7. ?e,1,c,tify1--T5t Mikado-Sir Ar- thur Sullivan. ,6 8. Male Chorusti-Eoys of the Old Brigade-Band. : 9. Descriptive Ftttptasia--A Military Church Parade--); Ord Hume-Sy- nopsisr-Andante, 3fGbbath Morn, Church Bells, Fall :3111, Hark the Boo- ny Christchurch Bells, Maestoso, In- spection Marrh, liBt‘NS, Regiment’s March to Church, iiSoldiers of Christ Arise, Andante veritrioso, In Church, Soldiers Hymn, Béls (After Service†March Home and Biinale. 10. Selection {(1%sh)"-The Land of ,the Bhamroekc-E. [ewtorr, God Save King. , The children of ii soldier who had gone to fight the battles for his Coun- try were given treel schooling till; the end of the War.. It, _ After the meeting had been adjourn- ed the members dt the Board were conducted through the various class- rooms by the miryitpal, Mr. Alexan- der. The work ot the pupils was highly praised. jg? _ CHA§. F. WAOEY, W. W. 7?. & L. v"."..?.)'........'.".,.-....?.'.".' 1.13 Class "D" 10 hour restricted 119Y-- Burgess Bros. w,...s..is..u.c.....,,..... 3.50 33 and one-thire D-c. discount. J. J. Shaw ...s..di..,...s.....s..... M.82 In addition to the above Class dis- H. Jennings ...s.v.,l.................. 13.50 £011an a discount of 10 per cent is The School was qii-dered to be clos- given 1n all Classes for prompt pay- ed on Friday, June, 25th, and to be ment of Bills. opened on Tuesday,); September 7th., l The Hydro Electric Power belongs The Principal, Mr. Alexander mis to the peaple of, Ontario. We are given leave of absence to releive In- ‘here to serve the The ‘next matinri'irt the Board will beheld TI rMorrilay,',i'r1ly 5ih. be paw. l, Gibson, MeCormaeli, Irvin Co. W. W. P. & L. u-',..')-.-...-......... Burgess Bros. w,...u..4F..u.c....-... J. J. Shaw ...s...%-s....c...... H. Jennings ...s.v.,l..,............... The Principal, Mr. Alexander mis given leave of absence to releive In- spector Campbell at') thé High School Examinations. '1 uAaLde uuub‘. a" Instructed the Secgetary to call for tenders for coal and ordered adver- tisements to be placed in the Toronto Telegram and the Star, and the Wes-~ ton Times & Guide," Ordered the Secretary to pay the Treasurer of the S.Y.T.A. $3.00 to de- fray the cost of printing promotion papers. , " Ordered the fol‘lo'éyving accounts to be paid. "mr Eibs_on, Mtpormaeli, Irvin Co. " Instructed the Secretary to coflect npp-resident pupil tees in arrears. WHAT THE mhsvc SCHOOL BOARD DID ON MONDAY NIGHT. A full Board wal present. Received and adgepted the resigna- tion of Mrs. J. Lee of the teaching Btaff. l Received three applications for the vacancy. f. Accepted Miss "it,mgtil2, appliea- tion, the salary to V 8 $550 per annum. Ordered a suppfy :of floor oil from McColl Bros. of Totonto. T _ n-2,---z 4.1.- n_,‘:.-1_ ___ A, .. Get your Tennis and Running Shoes at HendersOn's, Main Street, Weston. 1wvqu/Lu'u. "-,' Accounts amounting to $2319.75 were ordered to bespaid. The Couvwoil then ', adjourned. Totten-Bull-itat the watering ot any street which is watered be charged against the owners ot the property trooting {in the street by the foot frontage, am that the seal of the corporation, be attached to this resolution. ' , f: l P1c1t--trae1rprrrtirihuri the Trea- surer is hereby ifiptrueted to pay the Treasurer of the} Library Board the sum of $500, Julg Ist, 1915, as half payment per angement, and seal of the Corporation be attached hereto." Gardhoutstr-arottFn-wrhat the Trea- surer be and he 33 hereby authorized to pay to 1,oo,tyrlat & Gibson the sum of Fifty dollars; to pay disburse- ments of her bill i;rendered, and that the seal of the co? oration be attach- ed to this Je,fft'i1i'tfl.r,8, Reeve Gardhmgse and every mem- ber of the Can il spoke in favor of granting the r$1uest of the deputa- tion. : Gari1house--rneir-s'That the Trea- surer be and hefis hereby authorized to pay to the- Treasurer of the Bed Cross Society thesum of five hundred dollars on the tirst of July and an additional tive hundred on the first of December, and that the Corporate Seal be athaohedjito this resolution." pcii-AulirjiGrrliriihiit the Trea- The Mayor: replied to the deputa- tion and. "get' them the Council would assist the " I The Council Inga; in the Council Chamber on Mcfmay, June 7th, the [Mayor, Dr. W. 5 J. Charlton, in the chair, all the 'ddGiihiCii", present. S?/yrryr.m1lyiktioU4 were read from Provincial Treasurer, enclosing Bill for iuvestigation (bt Sewers. /Provinoid1 Treag’urer re War Tax. l Volunteer Fire} Brigade re riding free on Suburba Railway., Public School ard asking tor $1000 T. Williams presenting the Red Cross, Soaiety ddressed the Council an behalf ot the obiety asking for a grant to :the Be Cross. -Rev. J. Hag s-Jones, Messrs. J., M. Pearen, N.l J. McEwen, T. J. Maguire and Mrs. Barber supported the petition. l l DR. W. E. PEARSON, Physician, Surgeon, ete, tmm-Weston Road, Mount Dennis. Offitte Hours:- to 10 san., 1 to 3 and 7 to 8.30 p.m. 1Teniiersory'ts for Canvas Goods WE STON 'Phone Weston No. 87. COUNCIL. Secretary. If you have any power problems, or are thinkin of wiring your house for Electric Lights, and would like to have an idea of the cast of the Current per month, consult us. Gluten Meal, Oilcake, Calf Meal, Crushed Oats) Chopped Oats, Hay, and Straw. I The cleanly, economical, tlexitrte Hydro is helping greatly to solve manufacturing problems under we. sent day conditions. It enables users to meet rapid changes in policy, in demand, in competition. POWER RATES-service charge of $1 per H.P. per month, and a Con- sumption charge of 3 cents per K.W. H. for the first 50 hours use per month on the installed capacircy. 2 cents per K.W.H. for the second. 50 hours, and all over these amounts at one fifth cent per K.W.H. less the‘ following discounts. Class "A" 24 hour unrestricted use --No class discount. Tungstén Lamp/s -a Appliances at cost price George M. Lyons MAIN ST., WESTON Ill kinds of Poultry Foods and Specifics. TIMOTHY AND CLOVER SEED. MEN'S _ STRAW [ HATS WATER, POWER fl LIGHT COMMISSION A. G. PEIRSON, Superintendent. MOODY BROS. HYDRO THE HANDY POWER No waiting. A1190 agent for reliable Nursery stock all at lowest possible rates. Cigars, Cigarettes and ---- Tobaccos. LATEST and (Bihll'lEi'l'. l TARIFF. Royal, Guardian, Canada National, North British & Mercantile. and Atlas, NON-TARIFF. Merchants, London Mutual,& Factories Farley’s Shaving Parlour agent for the following Fire and Life Insurance Co's New onces. Thomson Block, Main Street: Hours: 9 to 5. "Phone 199. ROLLING and a0lPlliil Class “Fri; HEM restricted 10 per cent discount. T Class "C)" 10 haurs Ilnrpgtrin+c DEALERS IN FE‘GUR, BRAN and SHORTS Agent for Butterick’s Patterns. [mum]: LIFE. and "mamas ACCIDENT AND "an" Insurance AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Til. J. MUSSON THE BANK OF The Convenience of a Joint Account CITIZENS OF WESTON WESTON BRANCH, N. J. “C†10 hours unrestricted use 109% cent discount. EAGLE BLOCK WESTON Telephone No. ML draw the cash geéded saves time and trouble. _,---": _ _ Br 'ititlrs1il__trifh Marisa " Yours in Business. 'iii-iii,?,';":',',",.",",, gun-plus ST.ttttittrttt, PHONE 'ttt ,_V__‘,.. vuyuvawy, a RH. for the second. 50 over these amounts at per K.W.H. less the - AND-- JOINT Account may he" opened in A the names of t,tit'o or more persons. Vhicliéver one can most Conveniently @2qu the Bank can then deposit the /isrtht funds or with- Careful operating. and Electrical re to consumers. All kinds of Roofing, Eavestrougti- ing and General Tinsmithing attend- ed to. - PEASE, ECONOMY. VICTOR AND BRAMPTON FURNACES. McCLARY'S SUNSHINE FURNACE Main Street, Phone No. LL s57fiiirorems open the latest Men, Women tl Pedlar, Steal Shingles. Portland, Cement; Ready R Paints, Oils and Varnish-es. ORDERS DELIVERED. Estimates given on 2 kinds of work Concrete Mixer for 1 capacity 40 yards a day THe SHUE STORE F We carry a tiin line in able prices. For warm weather, canvas g feet, We have these in all lines. Repairing. Don't forget our repairing, as strict: attention on the premises tion guaranteed. Carpenter and Contractor Coulter Avenue, - WESTON BURGESS BROS TINSMITHS CONCRETE MIXER M HIRE. Geo. Sainsburjr Shongnd Heavy Hardware, Gwynne and Oil Stoves, Stuns and Furnaces Screens, Doors (and Windows, mold and Lawn Fences. Maxwell Lawn Mowers. w. c. BURRAGE Builder & Contractor PINEAPPLES, ORANGES, GRAPE FRUIT, LEMONS, BANANAS, PRUNES, MAPLE SYRUP and SUGAR, LARD, BUTTER and EGGS, FULL LINE OF TEAS and CANNED Goons. (,;,i,/,,iir/yostisoN's" NEW TOMATOES, CUCUMBERS, EGREEN ONIONS, RADISHESA, POTATOES,: s CABBAGE, LETTUCE, RHUBARB, CLARE BROS., HECLA SUCCESS FURNACES BEEF, LAMB, PORK and VEAL VEGETABLES MAIN STREET, - WESTON PHONES No. 9 and 214. tear ot O1dham's Hardware Store amrrnn, M05. HENDERSON’S‘ l DHUI: 510RE FOR THE PEOPLE agle House Block. WESTON. H - ,, _<.. u...“ w uuua, wnue we the latest Spring display of tootwisa1,iior Women and Children. _ Outing and Tennis Goods. Joseph St., JAS. HUGILL, use} gun-plus $7,884,000. McEWEN, Manager. Phone No. 106 FRUIT Canvas Goods Agents for Jur repairing, as this is given on the premises with satisfac- yew line. of buds, Whilr; WESTON all styles at reason- 1usaifr Roofing. goods for tired Weston. Engle Block. RHUBARB, all hire, TERMS.-Ten per cent pi purehase price on day of sale, balance in 30 days without interest. The property, will be sold subject to areserve tid,, anh lease expiring April Ist, 1918, and lease of seven acres expiring April 1se,y 1916. «Q Further particulars upon applica: tion to W. H. ROWETREE. W'. /s,fit,y DUNCAN, Weston, ANDERSON r..N,t), McMASTER, Executor% Solicitors} 225 Mavety Street, Toronto/ot,' f J. K. McEWEN, -', , Under and by virtue of the powers contained in the will of RICHARD PARSONS, Deeeased, there Will~be offered tor sale by Pub1id Awotion, (my) West pant of Lot 22, in the 6th Cops cession, west of Yonge Street, in" t'ifir Township of York, containing Mk acres, be the same more or less, and fronting on the Weston to Wood» bridge division of the County Good Roads system. T On the farm there is said to be a Frame house, 7 rooms with good ieel- lar, hard and soft water, two barns ' 30 by M) and 36 by 60, Stable for five T horses and sixteen cattle 50 by 1)p,fs' Silo, Pig pen and lee house, all i “5% good repair. i; i G. W. GOUL’EER, V. B. Honor Graduate (Ontario Veterinary, I 4pollego. ML All diseases of Cattle and Home Treated Btr1erttiiieaur Calls by mail or Phone promptly attended. WESTON, ONTARIQQ,. -------, This desirable farm is convenient to Schools and Churches, is one and a quarter miles from Suburban cars at Thistletown, and eight miles from city limits. Soil is a rich sandy, loam, is all under cultivation except A ten acres timber and pasture land. and is well adapted to mixed farm- Ing. V Also frame house, seven rooms' with cellar, stabling for six horses, sheds, Me., in good repair. - 4, Night or day calls promptly atte: to. Phone Icalls long distance at expense. ()ffiee: Lam-my’s Hotel, DR. J. M. ELLAH, ', Veterinary Surgeon, " Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College., Diseases of Domestic Animals skill- fully treated., MALTON, SATURDAY, JUNE 26th, 1915,,†At the hour of TWO o'eloek p. . the ALBION HOTEL, Thistletown,' J. K. McEwen, Auctioneer, the io1- neir1g proper/y, namely: (above iioaFii's Real estate loans - --v -_.....-v.-. 'Pham: 152, WESTON ' Pats m Mt. Dennis Brarroir--Bane ot British North Am. Bldg, Afternoons, 2.3t to 3.30 o'clock. Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 8 to 9 o’clock ==z=:zz--------, 3 Barrister, Solicitor. Im! pandas at, WI _'Photur--Miu. 2689. 1 J. EDGAR PARSONS, Barrister, Solicitor. Notary (mica. Canada Permanent Blds., 18 Toronto Bt., Tty] -Nre" G. HOWARD GRAY, a l Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, etc.. Nova Seotia Bank Bldg., WESTON, Mornings and Evenings. _ Toronto f?t.iee--4t Imperial Tdihi _ ANDERSON Barristers. Bali 1 Teacher of the Main Street, {Mania Street, and 418 Bloor Street, west, Consultation hours, " a. and by appointment. Tel, Oititte-oppotrite Bank DR. J. A, MELD-RUM. Physician and Burgison. Offiea and Ihsaidenee--East Cornet King Stmt and. Rosemount Ava. Tolephene No. 15. Weston. Opt. V-i-W - """"t an; Anna. Graduate Toronto Conservatorv of Mushy Piano-Teachers Normal course.2 m Pupils prepared for Conservatory Exams. Studio, Room T, Nova Scotia Bank Bdg, weston-yep-ho, Saturday, Monday and Thursday mornings. A. ' DR. W. J. OHARLTON._ i Physician and Surgeon. "d l Crtfietr--Comuc Rosemount Ave. and John Street. Weston, Ont. (3ch Hoursbs to 10 a.m. 6 to 8 pan. Sunday, 8 to 10 aaa, MARGARET Ilrivate funds FARM PROPERTY eir Ifarrister, Bank ot Nov: EXECUTOR'S SALE L LORNE FRASER, Bar, None “35%;; mister, Solicitor, etc. ' of Nova Scotia Chamberl. Buildings, T517);to. 5. Solicitors, Nata 1699 Dundas Street TORONTO. L. L. T. MORLEY, OF VALUABLE a: ,. J, T. mom. I Bonnet, Main Street, - Weston, Ontario, funds to loan on class security. 'r. EDMUNDs rated. -- an“ Telephone, J unctdon 991.. R. GILLETTE, A.T.C.M, icitor, Notary Puma. i., WEST TORONTO, j "a Hardware Store), ans placed at Gun-on:- .ursaay mornings. Phone 48. Corurtrrvatory Student. ‘. LIVpIggToNE. & McMASTER, prohr1ptly attended of Nova Scott, N can“! Violin. , WA., Auc t ionear'e ONTARIO. TORONTO, Tomato. ,.m., 3 p.13,- L Col. 2602. WESTON. Public, Weston, tirat