Times & Guide (1909), 18 Jun 1915, p. 8

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g The-Home of Classy _,s)_,_", _ Monuments phoné 106 Will be pleased to mail their book _." * of new designs in Monuments to _s,Crl'", those Who are interested, on re- 'Be ceiving a card asking for same. _", JOHN l. WillliMll1 Illllltlli ti)., " A Stamples can be Seen and prices obtained from our gen - W. C. BURRAGE, . l THE BRICK s'ortr" ___ COLOR, QUALITY AND ENDURANCE OFFICEzl Weston Road, Mount Dennis. WORKS: Fifth Concession, Yor o Phones: Weston 174; Junction 4049 I1lWlllW. ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS. ' we contract for Light and Power installations of all kinds. ' -. W Fixtures, Lamps and Electrical Appliances sup= plied‘at less than city prices. All ipiytures, installed without extra charge. " _ "n9NE WESTON 230. 1476 DUNDAS STREET, WEST TORONTO TELEPHONE JUNCTION 190 COLORS “If MIND" _ hl5)ic0 5mm (t limited MC. G. WARDELL. 1llljllll)ll1t's MONUMENTM WORKS 311g Kind You Have Always Bought High Grade Red Stock Brick Castoria is a harmless sub te for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soot' uri , rups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium,' ‘rphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its giarantee. It destroys Worms andrallays Feverishness. fl} t cure 'arrhoea. and Wind Colic. It relieves Teethigrd Trouges, n res Constipation antts'a?1attt1ency. It as: ' I I ates fhe Ii'qod, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, T vi lg h lthy tt a natural sleep. The Children's Panaqéa-- Sue ' other’ Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bough t, nd which has been in use for ‘over so years, has Jan, e the signature of r and has wen ade under his per- igtLarisigiir sonal 511 ' 1-vi on since its infancy. . - ' A Allow mi on o deceive you in tlus. All Counterfeits, Imitatiqns ad " mst-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with I nd ndanger the health of Infants and Children-Expert en e against Experiment. f."c,_,i:,iueurt, our prices before placing your order ___ PLAIN-RED AND BUFF ttmrs, FLASHED--URED AND BUFF HIGH GRADE PRESSED BRICK What is C In Use For Over ao fears THE OEFAUR COMPANY. " MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. Proprietor. MANUFACTURERS MANUFACTURERS OF WESTON. C. W. WARDELL, JOSEPH STREET ALWAYS Manager, court of Alberta, _ d Assistant Crop Instructor Newton ‘ f British Colum- bia explain the l-ethods pursued in the cultivation of t e potato by their respective provinc From these au- thorities it would) ppear that the average yearly, vague of the potato crop in Prince 2" ward Island is $1,800,000, the yio being,a little over 200 bushels o the acre; that Carman is the mo favoured type of Nova iScotia wh e--in Lunenburg 1xc'/c'yi'V'.Dil'r's(lt' prize in a competition promoted by the rovincial Depart- (iii? of Agricult- e was taken by a fiuld comprising twi acres that yield- lcd 970 bushels of rlretable potatoes and 30 bushels o refuse or small potatoes; that the 3 otato industry in New Brunswick s assumed such large proportions _ that the crop in 1914 approximated) 10,000,000 bushels and that the rotatim generally prac- atised is, first serie,, potatoes with commercial fertilizer, second year, a grain crop, thirdiiyear, hay, fourth wear, corn or turnips, fertilizing the field in the last C Se with barn-yard manures; that thii yield in Quebec province is abou twenty million bushels taken frord?i125,000 acres and valued at $!9,500,0l_§0, the early varie- ties favoured being Boehester-Rose, Rose-Blanche andieRose-Native and 'the stamdard varieties for general use Catrman No. 1, Late Puritan, Money In pamphlet No.2 of the Publiea-. tion Branch, oi th Federal Depart- ment of Agrieulturd Secretary Ross of Prince Edward Hand, Superinten- ‘dent Fuller of Nov Scotia, Professor Rev. H. Bois of ta School of Agri- cultuee at Ste. An- de la Pocatiere, Professor T. G. Bu ting of Macdonald College, Professor Iasritz of the Cn- tar:io Agricultural * College, Deputy Minister of Agric)rture Geo. Har, ' . BAPTIST CHURCH. “ l Services Lords Day, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School, 3 pm. Men’s Bible Class, 3 pun. Prayer Meeting Wednesday 8 p.m. Bible Study, In- ternational S. S. Lesson. Friday t Every Bundar--Evensong at 7. Sunday School at 3 19.111. On Saints' Days Holy Communion at 19.30. . lat Bur1day--Mattins at 10.30 Holy Communion (Choral) at 11. 2nd fM1nday--Mattins at 11. 3th 8Jut1t1ay-Holy Communion after Mattias at 11. 4th "Sunday-Mattias at 11. 5th Bunduy-Mattins and Litany at 11. Hold services in the Public School, {bunt Dennis, every Sunday evening, t the hour of Seven o'clock. Sunday School and Bible Class at "hree o’clock in the afternoon. J. T. STRACHAN, B.A., in charge. 11 ‘11 a.m.---Mattints and Sermon. l 3 paa.-Sundag School. 3 Ist.m.--Adt11t Bible Class. 7 pvrr1.-Evtmsong and Sermon. Celebration of Holy Communion, first Sunday at the month at 11 a.m., third Sunday at 8 a.m.v (, TYPES OF PO ATOES THE PROVINCES "FAVO‘UR. ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH. Divine service next Sunday, at o:clock ann. Rev. T. BEVERLY SMITH, 10.30 aus-High Mass and Sermon. 3.00 p.mi-Oateehism. 7.00epus--Nespers and Semqnz': 8.00 a.m.--Daily Mass. 3 C ST. JOHN’S CATHOLIC CHURCH. Every Sunday-Holy communion at WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Corner Main and Mill Streets. Morning Service at 11 a.m. Sunday School at 3 p.m. Evening Service at 7 p.m. Wednesday Service at 8 p.m. C MOUNT DENNIS . METHODIST CHURCH. Morning Service at 11 a.m. Sunday Schoel at 3 p.m. Adult Bible Classes at 3 p.11 1weni.yr Service at 7 p.m. Rev. J. G. ROGERS, Pastor. THE CHURCH-'0]? THE GOOD SHEPHERD. _ T RUSSELL ROAD" CHURCH OF CHRIST. Bible Schdol at 11 a.m. Junior Christian Endeavour 3 Preaching 7 p.m. Morning Service at 11 a.m. Sunday School at 2.45 Wm. Adult Bitue Classes at 2.45 p.m. Evening Service at , p.111. Cross" Street. Morning Service at 11 a.m. Sunday Schocl at 12 noon. Evening Service at 7 p.m. Midweek Service at 8 p.m. OLD PRESBYTERIAN CHURGH. Bible Classes. p.mu--Sumiay, Public Worship. p.m.--Monday, B. Y. P. U. p.m.-Wednesday, Prayer Service Rev. T. A. SYMINGTON, M.A.. Pastor. amr.--smiday, Public Worship. p.m.-Sunday School and Adult PRE SBYTERIAN CHURCH J. Husthes-rortes, M.A., Rector GORE M. BARROW, Priest in charge Rev. J. A. LONG, Ph.D., Pastor. J. HUGHES-JONES, M.A., METHODIST CHURCH. CHURCH SERVICE S . Rev. JAS. MINEHAN, BAPTIST CHURCH. Everybody welcome. Everybody weléome. ST. PHILIPS. . W. MARSH, Pastor Parish Priést. Rector. Raster growth. For , allow-rooted _ Pere/f/ 9.15 a.m.---E Dials, infested' Ilhd should be plough-l 1.16 p/rm-Il ed so Ilightly . at the roolis are e'x--l; 4.00 p.m.---E ,posed to the Fun to dry up. For’ 7.25 p.m.--l deep-rooted _ pit enniafs 'p1oughiug - should be as " as Conveniently '?f2Y 8.05 a.m.---D sible, the natre of the land deter- 2.42 a.m--S mining the deth of the ploughing. 12.18 p.m.-11 The best time to destroy Weeds is 4-25 ts.m.--12 Within two oil three days after the 7.52 p.m.-l firgt pair of le.es has formed on the seedling plant. M' For friable Soils the LOCI} use of the "weiirler" is advised. . The “tilting” harrcth is also satisfactory'; ---l for? eomparativfV loose suits and isl' preferred as a Fred destroyer on firmi 8.10 a.m.-D or, clayey land. . l 0.41 amr--D The Bulletin, miter detailing results; 6.11 p.m.-D of investigatglm by officers of‘ 740 pus-D the seed brangh as far as grain, --t grasses and owe are affected, and 8.11 a.m.-D how the seeds be spread, and in what 9-44 a.m.-D quantities them}? have been found in 5:53 p.m.-D different loc.‘ties covering tout . 9-23 p.m.-11 provinces, proeds to describe the nature and ma? hod of eradication of WESTOJ 114 varieties oi; which 28 are classed Mails arm "noxious" und_ the Order in Coun- as tollowtr.-- cit of 1911 thorized by the Seed 8.25 a Control Act, passe in the same year. 9 15 all Each of the 2122‘ and each of the re- Ii/iii', ir, maining ‘86 a?, not only minutely! Fri; ., described, but , exact illustration of, 4'15 11)", weed and seed 1 ccompanies each desn iri; Pl cription. The ',fitwenicy-eight are Wild; 7‘35 . Oats, False Wild Oats, Common Dar-l 11'00 p. nel, Docks chrled, Clustered and} Liii a.l Bitter,) qurpl§ Cockle, CamFolions‘ . p.r (including Whit l; Cockle, Night: ow- . erihg Catchf1y, i, d Bladder Campiorq), , 1e,',ie',,e" Cow Cockle; S‘inkweed, False Flax,| o OWW.- Ball Mustard, §Wild Radish, Wild) ti.45 a-l Mustard, Hye'itrear Mustard, Tumb-i 8.15 3-1 ling Mustard, EWild Carrot, Fluidl 11.45 a.: Bindweed, Clove Dodder, Blue Bur: 5-15 In or Stickweed, glue t Weed, Ribgrass.I 6.45 DJ Ragweeds, (Grtiat, Common and 6.45pa Perennial), Oy-tbe Daisy, Canada: 8.45 3.1 Thistle, Chicoryié, Bow Thistles frPty- 5.15 pa rennial or Field? Sow, Annual orl Common, Bpitleaved or 'FriNrly 11 ‘ "In order to ffroduee high-class, lehean seed, farmers/must be constant- " on the alert to geep webds on their lfar-ms in cheek and; to prevent the in- ,troduction and sgread of new varie- ties.” Thus lcomiijences bulletin No. as, recently pubgzhed by the seed Branch ot the D, inion Department of Agriculture "der the title of "Weeds and Wee h Seeds,” and which [can be had tree? on addressing the I,'Publication Brant? of theiDepartment at Ottawa. Afte swelling of the wast- age caused by 1teeds, the Bulletin lproceeds to again, or rather the ‘SIeed Commissio ' r, Mr. G. H. Clark, ldoes, how weedszé aredntroduced and 'their extensive ttevalenee. They are "e9ssified accordfgng to the length pt, ,tiine they livis, 'k'ts annuals, biennials‘ and perennials. Ln eradicating weeds it is.ot impor " nee to know under which head thehiefyme. Annuals, it is explained, ma; be eradicated from land, how-ever idly infested it may be, through ads" method by which germination islfgnastened- and the 'young plants stroyed before they ‘produce seed. iennials, which re- quire two seas’ns to complete their; growth, must (r','), either ploughed or cut down beforcfrthvy flower. Percn-y nials are the mcii)t troublesome owing to the estensioil)arsd firmness of their} roots. A singhr,rrvtoughirus often does mom harm thantibood by breaking up; the root-stoclrti, and _ stimulating, growth. For allow-rooted per'er1-l nials, infested l d should be plough-) ed so vlightly at the roots are ex-; PARISIAN S , 75; the quick-acting hair restorer, is . 'tanteed--- To stop fallin f g ir, _ _ To cure dand ', To cure 1tcloi) ' of th scalp. _ _ To put life my) fad Ar lair. To make ha. ha so and luxuriant. To make hal grof’ , or oncy back. It is the Tf, de,ght31 hair dressing made, and i T we.“ forite with ladies who desire oeau . V bgtrid luxuriant hair. Large bottle only 50' cents. , t_, W. " INPH, Secretary New] an, of the Canadian Seed Growers', sociation, deals with the importanCe o good seed and R. H. Crosby, of Mar am, Ont., eontriba- tes diagrams glowing variation in yield of indivit' af rows of potatoes grown on speciag Seed plots in, 1909 Manitoba makes} a second eontribu- tion to thig Val'giable monograph on the mostr imporlutant and most neces- sary of all vegetable crops in a com- pilation of' rulé for potato-growirrg contests, coupleéK with instructions for growing. The" pamphlet is to be had free by appttirfg to the Publica- tions Branch,, Det)artment of Agrieui- ture, Ottawa. ' ' We Sell Parisian S , and we Know the Guaran e: s Genuine _ Maker, tihurwtlak)s, Green Mountain Sow). _The other are not regarded' and Jerusalem;; that at Macdonald as quite BO seri IIS, although they, College the varieties grown are 1 ish too, give troubl in grain crops, Cobbler, Earlyéand Green Mountain, 'oed “ODS! meadoi s, pastures, lawns and Gold Coin; What the annual mint-land on .ryal1sidts. They are all plain- age of the potato crop in Ontario isrly described and Lctured in the Bur. 18,292,976 bushel}; taken from 157,765116tin. which merits the attention of acres and value) at $8,164,660; thatfevery farmer and every gardener, the average annual yield per acre inlamateur or professional. Ontario from 18.82 to 1913 was 116 'iiiii===iaFi=i=1 , __.=___.__ bushels against 3 bushels in the Unit- c5r.e, - =a= --._ --; _ ed States; 1111131: ntario favours Rural ) 5 New Yorker 0.12, Delaware, Carman, rr Empire State, glrish Cobbler, Early _ ' MADE IN CANADA J Irgiti, White Elephant, Extra Early l __ ure a, Amerieair Wonder, and Green , WE Mountain in that order; that Mani- i' ShetLlg.yrJllLpfil..t" EAR toba's preferemw is for Early BoVee k and Early Ohiaéand (for general crop) " , gal-13am dLavtvie? Puritan, Manitoba , f1iig2 on er an tip MacGregor; that in s -. 4 (i *fix ' Saskatchewan Early Andes, Early ‘ wrircn GIVES . Triumph and Erly Ohio are eultivra- . /' ted; that in Alberta the early varie- I EULLCOMFGRT ties are Irish; Cobbler, Rochester (c) Rose, Early -. rvsee,?iar'1rohio and l b, Vick’s Extra E Sly and, for a general C , a" crop, Wee Ma Gregor, Gold Coin, ' 's Table Talfk, A ,3 mean Wonder, Coun- "-.', if; try Gentleman, IEolborn's Abundance, , 1mg 'l 3‘ Early Moonlight, Sutton's Saeistatw f J'tice5jif?, T lil tion, and Burbank, but that Alberta l ' ' . max l Tn does not to artgreat extent consider i/ti potatoes, a moiiermaking crop; that ' l = in British 00-111 bia théVarieties are , _ , favoured in this, rdet: Carman No. 1, l w, f Burbank, Gold' oin, Early Rose, tr;') ‘ KLOSED , / to-date, Wee ' cGregor and Mane ‘ "flu' LWS5rra Maker. 1 , " KROTCH 2-c. WEEDS AND tmm SEEDS. 0 the Public Chemist and Optician. allin Ftr, _ [and F, tchil 7 of ths sc 1,erttF,iatlf tir ha , ha so hag gro_ ,or. ”no: deghtl I T treA for; can; . V btthd l Mails close at Westen Post Off1ee an i i, i 5 i i 3 follows:- ',sci i .i i t j 6.45 aus-Going East. ggm i 3 ..'o 8.45 tcrm-Going West. '6 g; .m i i ES 't 11.45 a.m.--Goirtg Fast. swig» i. 5 1yi'ii 5.15 pas-Going North. J! tsi'tit i ”gag “3 6.45 pus-Going West. 'cl Eu: 8 a Egg; 0 a; 6.45 p.m.--thring East. tt a a' egg." tCi) 8.45 aan.-1ror Mt. Dennis. 0 a g " ' iii': 5.15 pam-Por Mt, Dennis. z “a 05 5 i'srit'o,ii,l A. J. BARKER. ireilriar,ii.'itiii's,Cii'),' Post Masher. WtilW'i'i'RF";S'tiiE 7.25 a.m.--Dai1y stop, except Sunday. 9.15 am1.-Daily stop. _ 1.16 pm1.-Daily stop, except Suuday. 4.00 p.m.---Daily stop, except Sunday. 7.25 p.m.-Daily stop. --Going East.- 8.05 a.m.-Daily stop, except Sunday. 9.42 am1--Stop Sunday oply. 12.18 p.m.-Dai1y stop, except Sunday. 1.25 trmr--Daily stop, except Sunday. 7.52 p.m.-Daily stop. 8.11 a.m.-Daily, 9.44 ans-Daily, 5.53 p.m.--Daily, 9.28 p.m.-Dai1g. _ ---Going South.--. 8.10 a.rn.-Daily Stop. 0.41 amr--Dai1y, except B' 6.11 p.m.-Daily, except . 7.40 p.ms--Dai1y, eXCept fy ---Going North.- 8.14 a.m.-Daily, except fy 9.44 a.m.-Daily, except fy 5.53 p.rrr--Dai1y, except & 7.25 9.15 1.16 4.00 7.25 _ The use of godels of a wintering J"7,ra","iir5,',7,ti',=iy,='ier,t iease for wintert g tour colonies out- PIANO TUNING.--oohn ‘doors will. be interesting addition/lon, 200 Beresford Avenue Ito the meetings ' o be held this season. W911“): Phone J une, 72, wi] Already arran. nts are under' wait/s _3umn}ef_ trip about for two demons" rations in. each coun- Parties wishing to have th ty. The date F, and praoe of meetimr,tune.d can have them atten will be annound6d in the papers and leaving ltheir orders with on cards sent ti) the beekeepers. feyth, Music Teacher, Westo From p_r_esei) indications these meetings will bit more widely attended and of greater: value to the beekeep- ers than ever bgfore. For particular): apply to the Apieul- ture Department? Ontario Agriculture College, Gudph.1 . ”an 7777777 ~a-v . ------"----r---r-==t Ft The meetings e held in the amass-l J. K. MeEWEN, maimed Auetron- ies. Hives are Emmi and the vw.t?retyer {for the Counties of York Peel and ing of .the col y displayed. Atten- Simeoe. Deal-er in Real E agate Vil- tion is directed go' the different kinds Page aid Farm Properties for Eu,, _ if, 3:113, the “$10119 stages of th3mm. Offiee, Main St Waste? roo , the queen) is pointe out, an Lon di . ., - 't'tTrtfje,e, mad? on the activities of =e'il12'4"lt,)7=,t,11e,',ha,:i,c,LL,,C, t e colony. Fotil Brood, swarming, tt - wintering and If ueening are also 'ti,1i1i',ilhoegc1g',',etiii" Liesrured Auction- cussed and the $1e is very profitably 'iGiii, Mai TI ms of York and Peel. spent both togthe beginner and the di I ' ce T11“ h treat, Wetrton. Lortg experienced Jdiiigll's/ I e ep otte.. M_ai_1_s arrive at Weston Post Ofrieis Great interest :51 as been shown in the apiary demongtrations conducted throughout the Frovinee under the direction ot Mr. glorley Pettit, Prow. incial Apiarist. v The attendance at the fifty-five mee ngs held during the season of 1914, u-veraged34, while in 1912 the average was 25. UneXCelled opportunities are 2ytiereil those present to have their i1iitieu1ties in bee-keep; ing explained, an the demonstrator, having the apia and the equipmeot at his disposal is able to illustrate his remarks to g eat advantage. ALPIARY DEMONgTRATIONS, 1915 rhvuses4. hung-ma. 1:__ 1,"; " . WE STON POSTAL GUIDE wrircn GWES EULLCOMFGRT (; (/ - ' ' rt'A'ts l ii""; KLOSED i' if KROTCH "six-aa: 8.25 a.m.--From East. 9.15 a.m.--From East. [2.25 p.m.--Frorv West. 7.25 pan.-Frtym West. 4.15 p.m.--Prorn East. 5.45 Pus-From East. 7.35 p.m.--From East. 1.00 a.m.-From Mt. Dennis. 6.00 p.m.-From Mt. Dennis. ROSEI'IOUNT AVENUE Funerals arranged and Embalming promptly at- tended to, 1jhl0ERThKER, w. J. _ WARD, LOCAL TIME TABLE L8CAL TIME TABLE WILLIAMS. GREENE & ROME CO., Back of C.P.R. Station --Going West.-. Successor to J. A. Wright, ’PHONE 168. BERLIN. ONTARIO Sunday. Sunday. Sunday. Sunday. 'j).uritlar Suriday. “an”? DA J {WEAR J Connect with Davenport car at Kaela and Dundas Streets. Fare, Regular .".............. 5 cents Night Car Fare .............10 cents A Night Car will leave West Toronto for Weston every Saturday mgld at. 12 p.m. Returning, leave Weston at 12.20 pm. TG 2.20 2.40 1.20 1.40 '2.00 2.20 9,20 9.4-9 0.00 0.20 0.40 1.00 1.20 1.40 2.00 WESTON LINE. Cars leave West Toronto for Mount Dennis, ete., as follows: Cars leave Keele and Cal Dundas Sts. W wavmg when orders with Miss Fox’s- syth, Music Teacher, Weston. A. M. McEWE’N. Licensed set for the Counties of York rOfiitse, Main Street, Weston distance Telephone. ‘ CHARLES GILLrJ-oynerat Team- Ing, Sand, Gravel, Stone and Filling always in stock at yard. Moving: promptly attended to. Phone 69,- PNie hours: 6.30 a.m., 12.30 noon, and 6.30 p.m. 8. 40 7.20 7..4i) 8.60 6A0 I HOUSE TO RENT.--; rooms. ail conveniences, Counter Avenue. Apply ho P. Sainsbury, Church and Main RICHARD WADE, Coulter Avenue, deiivery agent for the Dominion and Canadian Express Company's on all business in and out within the town limits. Also baggage and general cartage. Phone No. 69. tf 8 treats. HOUSE TO Imrii-e rooms, electric light, water, full ized cellar, veran- dah back and out, King George Road. Apply t _Mrr. James/ Oak Street, Weston. " M HOUSE To RENT.--; rooms, ile talahed, front and rear balconies, all conveniences, Holley Auenue. Apply to F. Sainsbury, Church and Main Streets. 12th FOR SALE.- a"r, phre's Incubatbr, capacity 244 eggs,‘ heap. Apply to I. M. Warren, Mai Street. M FOR BArE.--New, hand-made, In- dian rug, Persian style, size one by one and one-half yards. Appty to Mrs. A, G. McPhedran, Denison ave., SITUATION ANT?i-Bor, 15, wants work, far or in town. Ap- ply E. Tumley, eorge Street, Wes- ton. _ g 24 BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE.-- Full.size wicker hood and body, rate ber tires, tap-to-date, almost new. Apply Box 17, Times a Guide. -" " in good locality:t Apply Mis, Mmward, John B eet. . Weston. TO LET.-Two furnished or un- furnished rooms w h use of stove, er pnmmished fiat, h use of verandah, SUBURBAN RAILWAY TIME TREE HOUSE TO Condensed Advertisements WOODBRIDGE DIVISION 3.40 4.00 4.20 4.40 5.00 5.20 5.40 . 6.00 6.20 6.40 7.00 7.20 7.40 8.01) 8.20 8.40 9.00 9.20 9.40 10.00 10.20 10.40 11.00 11.35 2.40 had, them aidirfid To --John T. Ander- Avenue, West To- . 72, will start on about June Ist. have their Pianos Eb'EFEEE 12.10 12.30 12.50 1.10 1.30 1.50 2.10 2.30 9.30 9.50 10.10 10.30 10.50 11.10, 11.30 11.50 7.10 7.30 7.50 8.10 8.30 850 5.59 6.10 6.30 Cars leave Weston. Weston, 8.50 9.16 9.30 9.50 10.10 10.30 10.50 11.30 12.00 6.50 7.10 7.30 7.59 8.10 2,50 3.10 3.30 3.50 £19 4.36 4.50 5.10 5.30 5.58 6.19 6th by M J

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