RE ES A Samples can be Seen and prices obtained from our ' I gent-- W. C. BURRAGE, JOHN l. MARSHAll BRICK (20., ltd. OFFICE: Weston Road, Mount Dennis. WORKS: Fifth Concession, hr Phones: Weston 174; Junction 4049 Will be pleased to mail their book pf new designs in Monuments to those who are interested, on re- ceiving a card asking for same, We contract for Light and Power installations of all kinds. ‘ Fixtures, Lamps and Electrical Appliances sup- plied at less than city prices. _ All Fivtures installed without extra charge. PHQVE WESTON 230. THE BRICK FOR COLOR, QUALITY AND ENDURANCE In: l1llJ()llj),ll,iii,lTllElll,il? (t. hild COLORS Phone 106 The Home of Classy _ Monuments ‘1476 DUNDAS STREET, WEST TORONTO. TELEPHONE JUNCTION mo M G, WARDELL. WARDEll'S MONUMENTM WORKS " High Grade Red Stock Brick BELL. BROS. IilMl11llilfil. ENGINEERS AND catamarans, Secure our prices before placing your order HIGH GRADE DRESSED BRICK PLAIN --RED AND BUFF FIRE FLA'SHED--RED AND BUFF w, , 'liflt,l,tlll,ireilll,ii,t Proprietor. MANUFACTURERS OF WESTON. jlNfflnl) TN‘ CKNTAUI COM'ANY- "IV YORK CITY. For Infants and Children. JOSEPH STREET tl. W. WARDELL, il" For Over Thirty Years Manager. Canada has millions of acres of the finest timber in the world, and the men: and the mills to handle it. Many of our woods are not used for (certain. purposes because they have not been tested for these uses. Some- times we have actually imported woods when we had better kinds at home but did not know it. To make the best nee of our native woods the Dominion Department of the Interior has established in connection with the Forestry Branch a forest products (laboratory. This institution is coll- stantly at work testing woods for paper making, building, furniture, etc. An investigation of the use of 1yeed for block paving has just (been compler and the results issued in a pamphlet entitled InTreated Wood-Block Paving." This gives the latest facts and figures in regard to wood paving in Europe and America "rod removes many misconceptions. It (shows the points to be guarded ho se- lcure the best results. All citizens in- terterestod in wood-block paving may have a copy of this pamphlet sent free to them by writing to the Diree- tor of Forestry,rottawa. _ Services Lords Day, 11 a.m. and 7 pan. Sunday School, 3 p.m. Men's Bible Class, 3 pun. Prayer Meeting Wednesday 8 p.m. Bible Study, In- ternational S. S. Lesson. Friday 8 lst Sueday-Mattins at 10.30’Holy Communion (Choral) at 11. 2nd Sunday-Matting at lr. ". 3th Bundar--Hory Communion after Matting at 11. s" 4th Sunday-Mattias at It. 5th Sunday-Matt-ins and litany at Every fM1nGy--Evensong at 7. Sunday School at 3 p.m. On Saints' Days Holy Communion at 10.30. 11. The engagement oi Guiseppe Crea- tore and his famous band will large- ly increase the popularity of the evening scenes on the plaza. This brilliant Italian conductor is un- doubtedly one of the outstanding men of the musical world to-day and his reputation extends over two con- tinents. He comes from a country rich in art and noted for the musical geniuses it has produced. Every mem.- ber of his band is an accomplished musican, and music loving Canadians have a treat in store for them, ST. JOHN‘S ANGLICAN CHURCH. 11 tum.--Mattints and Sermon. 3 paa.--Srmday School. 3 ttas-Adult Bible Class. 7 p.er1.-itmsong and Sermon. Celebration of Holy Communion, first Sundhy of the month at 11 ann., third Sunday at 8 a.m. 11 ST. PHILIP'S. Divine service next Sunday at 11 ozclock a.m. Rev. T. BEVERLY SMITH, Hold services in the Public School, Ionnt Dennis, every Sunday evening, t the hour of Seven o'eloek. Sunday School and Bible Class at 'hree o'clvelr in the afternoon. WESTMINSTER PRESBYTEBIAN CHURCH. Comer Main and Mill Streets. Morning Service at 11 a.m. Sunday School at ' p.m. Evening Service at 7 p.m. _ Wednesday Service at 8 pun. Rev. T. A. SYMINGTON, M.A.. Pastor. Every Bunday--Holy Communion at MOUNT DENNIS METHODIST GHURCH. Morning Service at 11 a.m. Sunday Sehoal at 3 p.m. Adult BiNe Classes at 3 pm: Evening Service at 7 p.m. THE CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. UTILIZING OUR OWN PAVING MATERIAL. Morning-Service at 11 a.m. Sunday School at 2.45 prm. Adult Bible Classes at 2.45 p.m. Evening Service at 7 p..m. Cross Street. Morning Service at 11 ann. Sunday School at 12 noon. Evening Service at 7 p.m. Midweek Service at 8 p.m. OLD PRESBYTERIAN CHURGH. RUSSELL ROAD CHURCH OF CHRIST. Bible School at 11 a.m. , Junior Christian Endeavour 3 p.m. Preaching 7 p.m. Bible Classes. Pars-Sunday, Public Worship. p.m.-Monday, B. Y. P. U. p.m.--Wednesday, Prayer Service. BAPTIST CHURCH. a.m.-Suaday, Public Warship. pun.-Bunday School and Adult PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH J. HUGHES-JONES, M.A., Rev. J. A. LONG, Ph.D., Pastel. J. Hughes-Jones, M.A., Rector. METHODIST CHURCH. CHURGH SERVICES. Rev. J. G. ROGERS, Pastor. CREATORE’ S BAND BAPTIST CHURCH Everybody welcome J. T. STRACHAN, B.A Everybody weléome. GORE M. BARROW, Priest in charge C. W. MARSH, Pastor. in charge Rector. It is the best beautifier for ladies' hair, as it makes harsh, lifeless hair fluffy, soft and beautiful. PARISIAN SAGE is rigidly guar- 1 anteed. 50 cents a large bottle. 1 W. J. INCH, I Chemist and Optician. of potato production in each of the provinces by Secretary for Agriculture Theodore Ross, ot Prince Edward Tland; Superintendent ot Agricultural Societies, F.) L. Fuller, of Nova Scotia; Secretary for Agriculture J. B. Daggett, of New Brunswick; Pro- iersor of Agromony, Rev. H. Bois, of Quebec; Professor T. G. Bunting of Macdonald College; Professor C. A. Zavitz, of Ontario Agricultural Col- lege; Professor J. Bracken, of Sas- katchewan; Deputy Minister of Agri- culture, Geo. Harcourt of Alberta; Assistant Soil and Crop Instructor, W. Newton of British Columbia, and the Secretary, of the Canadian Seed Growers' Association, give weight and importance and the highest expert countenance to the reprint, which is made compilete by a report telling how potato-growing contests are conduc- ted in- Manitoba and by a table of the World’s production tor three years. This table shows Germany to be the greatest ootato-produeing country and also that, excepting in Canada and the United States, the‘production is everywhere on the decline. Every- body concerned in potato-growing will be interested in this phamplet and should send for it to the Publications Branch, Department of Agriculture, Everybody may think he or she knows the potato, but a perusal of Pamphlet "lo. 2, issued by the Pub- lications Branch, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, upon the Sola- num tuberosum, will convince the same he or she that there is much to learn. A reprint from the Agricul- tural Gazette, official mouthpiece of the Department, the pamphlet is a collection of articles oi superlative worth. Introduced by a brief histori- cal statement showing the place the potato occupies in the world's domes- tie economy, and especially that ot Canada, my which it would appear that the crop is worth to this Colm- try upwards of $41,500,000 a year, We are presented with a complete exposi- tion of the ea1tivation of the tuber by Mr. W. T. Macoun, Dominion Horti- culturist. Mr., H. T. Gussow, Do- minion Ehytanist, explains, first the diseases to which the potatoe is sub- ject and how they can be controlled, and next, the results of inspection under the “Destructive Insect and Pest Act." Essays telling the story Et is with the deepest regret her friends will learn of the death oi Harriet McClure, wife of' Mr. Geo. W. Daines, on Sunday morning at the Protestant Hospital, Ottawa, aftet a short illness. She was taken ill about a month ago and a week later was taken down to Ottawa by her husband and placed in thepospi- tal. Her complaint seemed to puzzle the doctors there, although it was pronounced para typhoid with other complications. For a time she made fair progress until towards the last it was seen she could not survive and a hemmorhage of the bowels devel- oped which resulted in her death on Sunday morning about 7.15, her hus- band being with her at the time. Deceased was born at Caledon, Out, on August 18th, 1889, a daughter oi the late Jesse and Mrs. McClure, now of Toronto. She was married on May 23rd of last year and at once took up her residence in Carleton Place with her husband. She was an artist of no mean ability and many productions of her brush are to be found in her home and throughout the town. Besides her husband one child is left to mourn her demise, a baby boy three months old who is at pre- sent at the home of her mother in Toronto. 'Another: daughter oi Mr. Dairies by a previous marriage, is at his sisters in Weston. a bitter cold evening the same "erowd" put out a very 1meomiort- able blaze and thereby saved the huge stacks of lumber, maybe he didn't stop to think that between twenlty and thirty mm dropped their tools or left the office to help do him a good turn. If the boys had wanted to go through a field of grain or a vegetable patch it might have been difierent, but however Mr, Editor, I for one will be more careful in the future where I trespass, for I have no ambition to be dragged before the beak. Ottawa If you have dandruff, get rid of it by killing the germs. If your hair is falling out, stop it. There is one sure cure that will remedy these misfortunes and aid you to remain young. SOME 6000 MIME PARlSlAN SAGE, the great hair re. storer, is guaranteed to permanently remove dandruff in two weeks, or we will give you your money back. PARESIAV SAGE stops falling hair -it p.revtntsthe hair frqrp fading.. .4 - THE LATE MRS. GEO. DAINES. othe: THE POTATO. BONI PUERI DESCUNT. FIRE. In view of the fact that so many ot our Canadian soldiers are f1guirrg on the battlefield of Flanders, the model military camp, which will be one of the special features at the Canadian National Exhibition this year, should attract thousands of visitors, a great many of whom, no doubt, have sons or brothers at the Front. In this camp will be seen a detachment of the Royal Canadian Dragoons, artillery, Royal Canadian Engineers, Royal Canadian Regiment, as well as machine guns and armored cats. The work ot the A.M.C. TraT1sporta- tion Corps, A.S‘.C. and Field kitchen will be an interesting feature. The camp, which will vividly portray life under active service conditions, show- ing even trench digging and the land- ing of hydroplenes with headquarters staff and field telegraph complete, will be situated west ot the Trans- portation Building. 7.25 stop, except 9.15 a.m.-Daily stop. . _ 1.16 pm1.--Daily stop, except 4.00 p.m.---Daily stop, except 7.25 pm1.-Daily stop. -Goiug East.- 8.05 a.m.-Daily stop, except 9.42 a.m---Stop Sunday only 12.18 p.m.--Daily stop, except 4.25 stop, except 7.52 p.m.-Daily stop. Mails arrive at Weston Post. omen as foHowg:-- 8.25 a.m.--From East. 9.15 a.m.-From East. 12.25 Parc-prom West. 7.25 p.m.--B'rom West. 4.15 p.m.-Frorn East. 5.45 p.m.--Prom East. 7.35 p.m.--From East. 11.00 a.m.--From Mt. Dennis. 6.00 p.m.--B'rom Mt. Dennis. The scheme tor taking a census of the stars have made great progress at Greenwich Observatory. The staff has now enumerated all the stars on two hundred and six photographic plates, representing about fifty-two million stars. This will probably be inereas- ed by another million when photo- graphs of certain areas of the sky not yet dealt with are received from Johannesburg Observatory. Each photographic plate was ruled ofi into twenty-five sections of equal size. The stars in a tiny Square, about a hundredth part of the section, Were actually counted. An estimate was then made of the total number of stars on each plate. , Mails class at Weston Post ottiet, as i. i,.., i i i i i tol1omr.- ',ssi i i 3 t J 6.45 a.m.--Goiatg East. ggm 5 i' .,'g,,, 8.45 ann.--Goie1g West. 6 g m 5 5 gig 11.45 ams--Goirrg Fast. tl "Vie i. s . e 5.16 p.m.--Going North. e 5m? l. "S E a: 6.45 p.m.-loing Won. .1: tu: o m Egg d; 6.45 p.m.-Ahyintr East. It “-58:83 o /g 8.45 tr.m.--1Por Mt. Dennis. o E3 g " a 5,721 5.15 p.m.-aror Mt. Dennis. z "a RTS' g FHM?, A. J. BARKER. 'tr,iiirjli/iiii:i,ili','jiii Post um. BSBB¢B>B HARDLY APPROPRIATE! With the object of assuring their customers of liberal treatment, a fitru of butchers in a‘smalf country town advertised in the local paper--"' Motto is Live and Let Live " I 7.25 9,15 1.16 4.00 7.25 8.14 a.rr1.--Dai1y, 9.44 a.m.-Daily, 5.53 p.m.-Daily, 9.28 p.m.--Datty. ff, SUMMER UNDERWEAR A CENSUS OF THE STARS. WESTON PO STAL GUIDE. MODEL MILITARY CAMP. Funerals arranged and Embalming promptly at- tended to, ROSEHOUNT AVENUE W. J. WARD, 1lhlOERThKER, WILLIAMS. GREENE & ROMEMCDO" BERLIN. ONTARIO Le. CAL TIME TABLE. LOCAL TIME TABLE. MADE IN CANADA Back of C.P.R. Station --Going South.-- Successor to J. A. Wright, --Goirtg West.- ' PHONE 168. East. East. West. West. East. East. East. Mt. Dennis. Mt. Dennis. Sunday. Sunday. Sunday. Sunday. Sunday. Sunday. Sunday. Sunday. Sunday, Sunday. Sunday. Sunday. a? I 665$; HOUSE TO ItENT.-7 rooms, m conveniences, Coulter Avenue. Apply, Ao F. Sainsbury, Church and um Streets. 611. CHARLES GILLm.--Gemsrat Tum- lng, Sand, Gravel, Stone and Filling always in stock at yard. Moving. promptly attended to. Phone M., Phone hours: 6.30 ann., 12.30 noon, {and 6.30 p.m. i J. K. MeEWEN. Licensed Auction- earlier the Counties of York, Peel (“My Bimcoe. Dealer in Real Estate. Vil- lage and Farm Properties for Sale or Rent. Otfine, Main Bt., Wooten. Lone distance (summone- Connect with Davenport car and Dundas Streets. Fare, Regular .....w......... Night Car Pare ..'.......r.. Lost-an Weston on Manda“ Brown Leather Ticket Case, Toronto on outside, comained 5 Weston Car tickets. Finder please leave at Times A. M. McEWEN. Moan-ed Auction} ear for tho Counting of York “a Peal. _ Oftiee, Main Strut. Walton. Long“ distance Telephone. Fare, Regular ...........a.... 5 cent Night Car Pare ..............10 c ' A Night Car will leave West Tor: for Weston every Saturday 111th 12 p.m. Returning, leave Weston at 12.20 p.m. FOR SALE.--New, hand-made, In- dian rug, Persian style, size one by one and one-half yards. Appiy to Mrs. A. G. MePhedrran, Denison Ava, Weston. : " FLOWER SHOW TONIGHT In the Town Hall. Free. ' + 'l , PIANO TUNING.-John T. Ander- son, 200 Beresford Avenue, West To. ronto, Phone June. 72, will start on his summer trip about June lat. Parties wishing to have their Pianos tuned can have them attended to by leaving "heir orders with Miss B'mr.. ayth, Music Teacher, Weston. DRIVING OUTFIT FOR SALE.-- Horse, Harness and oouNe-sesrted Mikado Buggy. Apply to Mr. Tottle, King Street, Weston. 25 RICHARD WADE, Coulter Avanuo. tutiverr ngbat for the Dominion uni Canadian Express Company's on In business in and out within the to -* limits. Also baggage and 5989;! cartlgo. Phone No. M. I _ WESTON LINE. ( .. r"i, Cars leave West Toronto for Wesitop, "ur 1: Mount Dennis, ete., as follows: . Cars leave Keele and Carl leave Dundas su. / Weston. BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALEr" Full size wicker hood and body, rate her tires, up-to-date, almost neWg Apply Box 17, Times a Guide. " Holeproot Hosiéry for l gentlemen, girls and boys man's, Weston. HOUSE To RENT.--? rooms, do- taohed, trout and rear balconies. an conveniences, Holley Auenue. Apply to F. Sainsbury, Church and Main 0.00 0.20 0.40 1.20 1.40 2,00 2.20 2.40 1,00 1.20 1.40 Streets. 2.20 7.40 9.20 6.40 8.40 SUBURBAN RAILWAY TIME TABLE. Henderson’s for Canvas Goods. Condensed Adi? Qom tarttgaebCQtxytgra 'arr-4cumttmt!mt!mt! axao6ecrrxrkatkrcIjrk, pamcamaemcp c:te1CRst4mt1mti_ut caeiteieucatAtAcd FLOWER SHOW TONIGHT In the Town Hall. Free. WOODBRIDGE DIVISION 9.00 9.20 9.40 10.00 10.20 10.40 11.09 11.35 8.20 3.40 2.49 5.40 6.00 6.20 6.40 cNuocata wwnguo Nudm’w tor ladies and ESéEEEE g',,'g,%'itggirg,' 99'1“?†ICD mmmmm‘m‘i 12.10 12.30 12.50 1.10 1.30 11.10 11.30 11.50 10.10 10.30 2.10 2.30 6.10 7.10 7 .30 7.50 8.10 8.50 9.10 9.30 tmrxsts:aroap» tcu_rostle9, ' at Chas- at Keele 9.10 9.30 9.50 10.10 10.30 10.50 11.52“ 12.00 12th 3.10 3.30 “as 4.10 4.39 8.50 7. " 7.30 7. " 8.10 tra 6th 25