FEE ':vi1i':iilt" Telephone No. 26 Subscription Price. “mum ’ Mrs. Jos. Na n, Main Street, will receive on t lat and 3rd Pri- day of each mont instead of the lst and 3rd- Thursday a formerly. Keep the date open tor the Thanks- giving Supper, Thursday, October 28, in the Mqtbodist Church',' Weston. Farther notice later. On account o Monday being Thanksgiving Day the regulas meet- ing of the Red C 3 Society will be held on Tuesday. _ The Weston Lacr) a: big Field] Day o 16thdn aid of the for bills and in week. ' At the Humber ‘ld Day in connec- tion with the 9 Battalion Field Artii11ery, Bert Irw ‘ who has recently enlisted in that re 'ment was declar- ed Champion wres 'er. Special Thanksg ing Services wilt he held in Westr aster Presbyterian Church" next Sun y morning, sub- ieet, "Bread enou h and to spare." In the evening th “Service Bally" begun suthsesst1111y st Sabbath will be continued. It will be a Young People’s Bally, subj ct, "some things that are certainâ€. The -pastorryssril1 preach at both serv bes. Society posters. Dr. W. L. MacDo ald, Ban of Mrs. and D. MacDonald. aim Street, Wes- ton; and Professor t English in the University of New Brunswick, Fre- deriotcur, has recei d his Captain's certificate from th Halifax Officers' Training School, an is now making arrangements with ttawa for the organization of- an t?liis'i, training course in connection , ith the Univer- sity in Fredericton. L course in UUUJLEULLUII Mil/Ll but: LJl1LYcrk- ' . . . ' 7 1 At the first annu 1 School Fair of sit? 1n madam“: 'l', the Bala Avenue School, not/with- itanding inclement weather, a large _ _. number _ of! parent: and friends were ( tAS ll QR IIA present. Swiss cha d, a new vege- T V tarr, and the dis lay of the house- For Infants and Children. hold, science depart-n mt of the school, -- ‘Were objects of co siderable interest The Kind fa HMS Always Bang!“ to all. Prizes were awarded for thc "V ‘besh kept gardens‘and were Won by Bears the ttCiara-tic (the following girls trboys:---1, .lnost' . 'g'na'ure of " 2titidd jence Ball and W nie Rayner; , tirr t _ ' [Marie Newman a Hilda Mitchell, . . + T =3, Annie White. 1, Daniel Mewhort; "Bough on Rats" clears out Bats,'?, Percy, Marshall; 3," Clercnce Fox. Mice, etc. Don’t Diein the House. 150.1131†prize for the best display gram Me. at Drtur and Country Stores. the school gardens as Won by trar- and q e + _ V lie Marshall, and what for the best A Public Meetiilg will be held in display from the Shome gardens by “g. mm no“ rorN manna†mm- Charlie Lawrence. (, A Public Meeti g will be held in the. Town Hall _0 Wednesday, Octo- ber 13th, at 8 o'el k to ilirj3uss mat- ters in connection ith the Red Cross _ A meeting of th Board of Trade will be held in the Council Chamber of the, T‘own'Hall, 0 Saturday, Oct); bet 9th at 8 o'eloektp.m. All mem- bers" are specially requested to be present. The regular month] Woman's Institute Teesday, October Il in 'the' Town Hall Robert Wood of Tom the, Irscit-te on Stl'; to the members. A is desired. i There, has teen 9; le‘ters sent to me l ing pigs in Westo Bays" "Swine shall 1 the limit of this" cept, in pens, wit from standing wa1 cleaned and disinfe at rsast (no hund dwelling (house, ohureh." Hous=~b01ders will nleese remember that their garbage, hether little or nrvcis, is to be ready fcr the starhagr- collectcr on the an ointed day outta: a weak, and must ot he kept over trom week to week, A, family gatheriig of mere brian usua‘ interest was eld at the hor "r' of Mr. and Mrs. _ cs. Nason,. M.uiu Street. Wc-ton, Frid y evening, frcto- let: 1st 1o15, torcer, Trace, the twenty- fifth annirer-my f tlrt wvdfvng day. it bun" alsf, the, tittyr.in1h anniversary of the Wedding day of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Broun, Mrs. Nason's father and mother. PM. G. M. Brown ct Tot nto rrrnmrs'd the toas"e to the bride and bridcgr was ct formcr yeanz. A programme of u; b0UIEh'fc,'tI? yeam. A programme ot music and irre-ary s 7"“.tions made an "r'oywhle. craving, t p Wedding March Icing played by Mis Stella Rowntree The Craving no“, wm 'crlautiH11y "decorated. WWW» i-r derrtiry r6399, Pale Pink 'Fead.â€"1 $3 frr". asd we supr'er) r" O'1", wa't'n ï¬rm]. NM? and sm/tax. Mr err? Mr‘i Navon were 'he, rccjpipnt= of swarm, Irctty and awful pieces of suit ' BYRTH T7AFDLAW.-crs f" m War:Haw daughtr iiriisifoN E J. A. MELDRU‘M, M.D., M.O.H Weston, Ont, Friday, October $h, 1915. Eh? Emma anti (E11312 For tuft particulars see ADVERTISIBG RATES CN APPLICATION " "rr, , BYRTU . -Crs Cu day , to Mr. ud (f it??? 'r, 77:33: Is: 2!. !eTI séveral anonymous me 15mm about Keep- A. E. WHINTON, Proprietor 's, PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY se Club will hold Saturday, October {ed Cross. Watch particulars next ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO 1. The By-Law ot be kept within municipality, ex- 1 floors kept tsee, '31“ and regularly ted, and distant yd' feet from any ichool house or y meeting of the will bi; held on 'th, at 3 o’clock Weston. Mrs. mto will address 'jects of interest good attendance k the, tiftrnjnlh [ Wedding day of S. Broun, Mrs. mother. PH]. G. rnto prrnnrrs'd the I and tiridegr wins lA programme of is now making )ttawm for the iffiloers' training ith the Univer- My, September ml Mrs. J, H. I, Humbervaile Met dist phurch will hold\ their Harvtst.iThanlrsrciying Ber, vices on Sunday, tober 10th. Rev. Asher C. Batter wi conduct the Ber- Ivice at 2.30 p.ny and Rev. C. E. Perry will have ch rge of the service at T p.m. On Tues ay, October 12th, a Tea and Entertai merit will be held {at which the ',i,ti?f1fii,' will take part: Premier Quareetter, ot Toronto; Mr. Isaac Barr, humoritt; Mr. Campbell, of Toronto, violin" t; Mr. Morrow, Baritone; Mr. J. , obertson, Tenor; Mr. Ferguson, B js; Mrs. Reaston, tyloeutionist. Adrift? tickets 30 cents, Children 15 cents. F r q) N SUBURBAN RAILWAY SCHOOL CHILDREN's TICKETS. Books of Tickets tor School Ghil- Edren from Woodbridge to'Thistletown inlay be obtained from the Toronto _Suburban Office, 1936 Keele Street, . West Toronto, 'on production of Cer- . ticate from the Principal of School. The Toronto " urban Railway will put on a: 20 mdnu es service to Wood- bridge, .eommenei g at 9 a.10. on Thanksgiving Da to accommodate the Fair visitors. The ladies of thi Westminster Pres- byterian Church \will hold a Ladies Aid Tea in the Clinch parlors Thurs- day, October ,14th from 4 to 10 p.m. Admission 25 Jdlh. Until further notice it is requested that householders boil town water before using' it. - - - T Rev. J elm Lin Silverthorn Metho leave his church o up'a po(iti0n on th University 001%ng ceeded by Rev. _ British Columbia. ll, BALA AVENUE SCHOOL REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER.- Jr. ITV.---])) Phillips, -Afmie Wfu?te, Morris Barne , Dorothy Wilson Ada;Moore; Howar , Seal. tr. _lfIL-Marrrie Legrow, John Strong“ Edith Peir e, _ Wilfrid Lever, Wilfrid Walker, Ra e1 McLean. Jr. Iu.-wfay nncr, Margaret Mewhort, ifBessie Abbott', Ewart Creighton, Grace il r, Marion Me- Eachern. . Jr. IL-vera Bes Kathleen Shanno Reta Bailey, Tearl Beardall, equal. Sr. IL-ict Chi YLIS, Ivy Clarke, Gladys Watson, Freddie Wallacé, Dora Easto, Winni Taylor. Jr. IL-vera Bes , Grace Creighton, Br. 1.4D-énitwl MtWhOZt, Elsie Hum- fryes, Hazel Chilv rs, Sidney Collett, Wrehael Catamo, my Edwards. __ Jr. L-Doris Cbates, Arthur San- son, Crwendoline Carounce, Effie Sued- don, Georgina Madnoni, Lyle Samson. Sr. Primary. Charlton Connor, Grace Warn, R ie Maunoni, Doris Wearn, and Fred e RolLinson, equal, Sidney Smith, H told Dale. ‘ Jr. Pritsir7.--Fteddie Weasel, Chal- mers Barrowma Robert Clarke, Gordon :Vidd, mast Hurnlryes, Arthur Darlingto Numtes on ,011 240 Average atte darce 211. Monday, Cet. 11.--Wegufar Meeting Board of Health, in Co i1 Chamber, Town Hall, Westcn, a p.m. Maniay, Cet.. 11.-jegular Meeting were I. O. O. F., in Oddfellows' Hall, on 'rh Church Street, Weston. 1 Monday, Oct. ll.-- ,e lat Meeting of tin Pub‘ic Librar card, in Pub- lie Library, Tutter' _ 'l, at 8 p.m. Tucsday, Oct. l2 egular Meeting of the Electric Li and Waterworks of the Electric Li and Waterwork: Crommissriori, oftie#, Thomson Block Voo per Annum In advance. in Uddfe‘! rs Ha jChurch Street. "air:,):,:,,?,,'))),',":, fl Thur: 'e, Oct. -'i--yrsr,urar" Meeting of Weston L1"pcra1-Corvssrvative Astto- ciatirm, in the Town Hall, at 8 o'clock nun Thursday, Oct. 14.---Tcyrrcr Méeting Daughters ard Maids or England, m Asmmhlv Hall,- Mount mums, at fr o’clcck p.m. _ _ Wednesday ttg Grouse n Oddmd Mount Dennis Tuesday, oct.e.--Regular Meeting MEETING S NEXT WE J. AfMELDRUM, M.D., M.O.H. NOTICE. WESTON, ONT , Harry Phillips, Glover and Eileen [L B.A., pastor of ist Church will Monday to take teaching staff of He will be sue- r. Allbright, 'of cl School Fair of School, notwieh- weather, a large and friends were l a, new Vege- lay of the house- Regular Mt'er- L., No. 191. DR. W. E. PEARSON, Physician, Surgeon, etc. ttiee-Westtm Road, Mount; Dennis. Ottiee Hours:-- 8 to 10 a.m., 1 to 3 and 7 mo 8.30 p.m. WESTON TOWN COUNCIL. 8 I q" The Council mee in the Council TB Y"" In " no... Chamber on Mon ay, October 4th, WESTON BRANCH, ts the Mayor,-Dr. W. J. Charlton in the chain. Reeve J ' M Gardhouse, Coutr. -------------T---" cillors Bull, Mack n Hugill, Harris, and Inch present. ' Til. J. MD SSON Commursjeaeiorle(were road from Grace Hospital, 're Maud Irwin. agent for the {gnawing , Henry Pearson, 0 boys riding with‘Fite and Life Insurance Co S express wagons on the sidewalks. l TARIFF It1ch--irdhous "That we accept . F the offer for our bentures)i4,661, of tt,Tt'faflt11/,T1lat Canada National, Brent, Noxon Go. ad that our Clerk, o IB ereantile, tUtd Atlas, be instructed to 1otity the firm and? NON-TARIFF. furnish copies, do ments, etc., as ye- Merchants, London Mutual,& Factories quested by said rm, re their letter} -AND--. of October 2nd, 915, and that the, EXCELSIOR LIFE and A - seal of the Corp ration be atbalhedl manna um sc",',",'.,"?)!'.?!?)? It1ch--4lardl1ous the offer for our Brent, Noxon Go. be instructed to furnish copies, do quested by said 1 of October 2nd, igeail of the Corp‘ hereto." 5 Gardhouse -- Maéklin - g'r That the Town- Solicitor e and.he is hereby instructed to offcr Dr. R. J, Wilson, the mm of Five undred Dollars as fulm settlement of 11 claims and costs in connection ~wi l the action enter- ed {against the oworation of Wes- ton. This bffer be without preju- dice, and that he seal of the cor- poration be attaithed to this resolu- tion. This offer to be accepted not later than 6 p; . on October 6th, otherwise withdrawn." Accounts atmo' ting to $451.16 were ordered to bii paid. ETOBICOKE Tos2NsHIP COUNCIL. The Council thet? adjourned to meet on Thursday, Oomfber 7th. The Counei1 m't in the Township Hall, Islington, oi Monday, October 4th,' the Reeve as. Silverthurn in the chair, Bap-Re e Dandridge, Deg.- Reeve' Jackson, ' ouncillots Wright and Gardhoase, prggent. The following oolr1munieations were read from "t J . F. Locke, ri, Algoma Ave. Iwt Westley Streets. T. J: Hannigan, A' appointing delc- gates to examine t proposed Hydro- Electrile Railway plan-s. J. D. Montkdrrii, y, re Etobicoke and Toronto S! burban Railway washout near Thistt town. _ Dominion of Can a Guaranteé and Accident Insuranc Company, re guarantee bond of . T. Brown. ', A. L. Campbell, re assessments of the various Soho Sectionu in the Township. 'il, inspector of Priming and Charities, CL' ,Chas. Tumacrei, a patient charg- ablle to the Towns "ip.. f ' Frank Barber ene V sing account. N. S. Dur1lop, CAP. R., arking for Tair Bills. . H. E. Irwin, re oters' Lists. Anderson & McM‘lster, re property of Frank E1are1ey, H. T. Hazen,. e Church Street crossing of Suburb Railway. H. E. Irwin, re 'Lection of Jurors. S. RoseVear, romo Suburban Railway', re, Stree Lighting in Tbis- tletown. g _ F. A. Gaby, 'irdro-Eleptriei mission re Towns 1) population Assessment. L' G. W. P. Hood, Is Croxall & Hos sack taxes. _ Messrs. Homer, ooper and' O'Con- nor, a deputatior from fnrsool Sec- tirn NC. 12 win/'0' iewed the 001111011 with regard to ra' ing $25,5CO by de- benture for the p pose of purchasing a site and croctiu‘ a school house. Gardhou s "--lyand, application of th< No. 12 for the: for the sum of 3 Jwenty-five years li the Clerk be instnj Ey-Law for the i, Reeve and Treasurj s“ the same if pr Gardhocs'Dan rpidga--"Tha_t the application of th Trustms of S. S. No. 12 for the 'issue of debentures for the sum of $915,500 to run forl Jwenty-five years rcceived and that the Clerk be instr cted to prepare a By-Law for the arm, and that the Reeve and Treasun r be authorized to E“ the same if p C ct is satisfactory." Jaekson-t_irhyi-"CPat Reeve Sil- verthorn and Hydro Ccrnasnissioner E.) H. French and the seconder be and they are hereby: appointed as dele- gates to go overuthc plans with the Commission and Engineer for then proposed Hydrq-E1ectric. Railway) line through the /pstriet.", ' 446 Windermere Avenue, WEST TORC NTO. Eyandridge--Gt rl, I ouse-' ‘That the Treasurer be and 'ire' is hereby autho- rized to pay to Wm Clarkson, the Wm of $12.00 beifag two-thirde value ot one sheep killéd by an unknown dog on (I abdut the 11th day of August last and that the Corporate Seal to attached ereto." - tee " nts amourf ing to $1251.55 were ordered to be/paid. The Council {mm teniovr,cd. W. HERBERT (l08fflllil, The Brampton riving Club will hold their Fall act at Brarrrptom 21 miles from oronto, Saturday, October 16th. e races commence at 1 o’clock sh ‘9, Pun-3 $500 for races which ar as tonow:---Opec, Class Trot or P e, purse $130; 2.110 Class Trot or" P ce, purse $15G; 2.30 Class Trot or ace, purse $150; Nrmed Fa: ", pm is“. Ttyses,t,r'cv./rl- ed 50, 25, 15, 1 eligible Sc-pttmbe.‘ to enter and five, for mzney winnt fo- r to start in ters allowed 4 sl The right is ree Club iq. chamg prugrgmznxe or, event not tiydug, any cth'W' Calls CICS? Chro'or ‘: tion ralv, to go 165, Adar s it: mission 50c. Ladim free. Cy ways. J. L. Cl S:-n=rs, Sccretsr WESTON-- Wedne. day Friday and Saturday. Organist, Weston Methodist Church. Piano Playing, 'Phone Weston No. 87. T eacher. tlet condition of be een Church and n the action enter- )oryoration ot Wes- , be without preh1- bhe seal of the cor- xhed to this resolu- ito be accepted not is“. Purses divid- per cent. Homes l. Five ptr :ent. per cent. additional . Five to enter and very event. Trot- mds in each evmt. rved by the Driving the order of the {to C‘cclare oft {my 'matis5aetorily or for , Entries positively irn. Aurcs. Vehin ' GrcurrdT We Ad- Grand Stand 10c. .1) ratrs on an rail- (su, President; John Box 682 Brampton. "dro-Eleetrie Cam- iiiir CITIZENS OF WESTON TARIFF. Royal, Guardian, Canada' National, North British & Mercantile, and Atlas, NON~TARIFF. Also agent for reliable Nursery stock all at lowest possible rates. No waiting. The cleanly. economical, flexible Hydro is .helping greatly to solve manufacturing problems under pre- sent day conditions. It enables users to meet rapid changes in policy, in demand, in competition. farley's Shaving Parlour POWER RATES-service charge of $1 per H.P. per month, and a Con- sumption charge of 3 cents per K.W. H. for the first 50 hours use per month on the installed capacity, 2 cents per K.W.H. for the second 50 hours, and all over these amounts at Olie fifth cent per 1CW.H. less the following discounts. Class "A" 24 hour 11nrts.strintet, “no. Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobaccos. HYDRO THE HANDY POWER Class "B" 24 hour restricted us,-) 10 per cent discount. Class "C" 10 hours unrestricted use -10 per cent discount, Class "D" 10 hour restricted 11trty-- 33 and one-third p.e. discount. In addition to the above Class dis- counts, a discount; ot 10 per cent is given in all Classes for prompt pay- ment of Bills. The Hydro Electric Power belongs to the people of Ontario. We are here to serve the If you have any power problems, or are thinkin of wiring your house tor Electric Lights, and would like to have an idea of the cost of the C'ugrent per month, consult us. Tungsten, Lamps and Electrical Appliances at cost price to consumers. --AND--. EXCELSIOR LIFE, and IRAVELLERS ACCIDENT AND HEALTH Insurance AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Plan Ahead For The Children's Education WATER, PGWER ll LIGHT (M0llslilify A. G. PEIRSON, '8uperinteodent: Gluten Meal, Quake, Calf Meal, Crushed Oats) Chopped Oats, Hay, and Straw. MOODY BROS. The famous Turnhuil’s for Men, Women and children, also Golf Boats and coat Sweaters, smart and up-ltr date. Children’sJerseys. THE BANK Ill kinds of Poultry Foods and Specifics. TIMOTHY AND CLOVER SEED. George M. Lyons New Dacea. Thomson Bunk. Main Street. Hours: 9 to 5. 'Phone 199. RQLLENG and CHOPPING FLOUR, BRAN and SHORTS 'ii? British Agent for Butter ck's Ptstt.erns. WESTON BRANCH, N. J. McEWEN, Manager. MAIN ST., WESTON -No class WWL UNDERWEAR AT OLD PRICES EAGLE BLOCK WESTON Telephone No " Years In Bushman. Capital and Surplus $7,884,000. DEALERS IN IMES may be no be ter," and money no I more plentiful, " Ten the education of your maturi . biren begins to make heavy demands OI 'purse. Open now, in the Savings Dep . . a of The Bank of British North America, " ", -c.__ Education Fund, so that you will be rp, gi F your children the start in life whi- Z, owet em. _ I I > l ' - l l lt , W' s T Hugh It _ America PHON F. RG' hour Unrestricted use‘ diseount. hour restricted use- Careful operating. 30. mam. NEW TOMATOES. CUCUMBERS, GREEN ONIONS, RADISHES, POTATOES, . CABBAGE, MAIN STREET, - WESTON PHONES No. 9 and 214. Ready Roofing. Paints, Oils and Varnishes. ORDERS DELIVERED. Phone No. 16. _ E1949 SholLalnd Heavy Hardware, Gasoline and Oil Stoves, StoVes and Furnaces. PINEAPPLES, ORANGES. GRAPE FRUIT. LEMONS, BANANAS, I PRUNES, MAPLE SYRUP and SUGAR, LARD, BUTTER and EGGS, FULL LINE OF TEAS and CANNED GOODS. Pedlar Steel Shmgles, Portland Cement Screenl, Doors and Windows, Field and Lawn Fences, Maxwell Lawn Mowers BEEF, LAMB, PORK and VEAL VEGETABLES l All kind: of Roofing, 1tlamsatrougtt- [mg and General Tinsmithing attend.. led to. .’ W. c. BURRAGE Builder a Contractor CONCRETE MIXER FOR HIRE. Carpenter and Contractor CoulterAvenue, - WESTON PEASE. ECONOMY. VICTOR AND BRAMPTON FURNACES. Geo. Sainsbury Estimates given on all kinds of work Concrete Mixer for hire, capacity 40 yards a day. (illlmlll, BROS. Spring 0tens a new line of buds, while we open the latest Spring display of footwem, for Men, Women and Children. .Outlng and Tennis Goods. _ We carry a full line in all styles at reason- able prices. MeCLARY's SUNSHINE FURNACE. Main Street, Weston THe SHOE STORE "OR THE PEOPLE Eagle House Block. WESTON. BURGESS BROS TINSMIT’HS HENDERSON 'S CLARE BROS., HECLA AND SUCCESS FURNACES rear ot Oldham'. Hardware Store 't LETTUCE, Joseph St., WESTON JAS. HUGILL, Phone No. 106 FRUIT Canvas Goods Agents for Eagle Block RHUBARB, ' for DR. W. J. CHARLTON. Physicnn and Surgeon. Otmtty---Cort1tyr Rosemount Ave. and John Street, Weston, Ont. omen Hours-HI to 10 an). 6 to 8 pan. Sunday, 8 to 10 tum. DR. J. A. MELDRUM.4 Physician and Surgeon. Ottiee and Residenee-East Come! King Street and Rosemount Ave. Telephone No. 15, Weston, Ont. 418 Bloor Street. west, Toronto. Consultation hours. 19 a.m., 3 p.m.. ‘and by appointment. Tel. Col. 2602. Maria Street. DR. J. T. HACKETT. Dentist. 1 OtBetr--Opporite Bank of Nova Scam Main Street, Osteopathic Physician of Toronto, 1057 Weston Road, . Mount Dennis. _ Specialist in Nervous Diseases and Women's troubles. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, an: I 1699 Dundas Street, TORONTO. 1 Private tunats to loan on first l class security. G. HOWARD GRAY, I Barriscer, Solxcntor. Notary, etc.. New Scotia Bank 13:.ng WESTON. _ Mornings and dvenings. ' i Toronto Ohice--g3 Imperial Life 1 Buildmgs, Toronto. _ 'Phone-Main Just». 3 J. EDGAR PARSONS, B.A. .Barristet, Solicitor, Notary Public. Offices. Canada Permanent Bldg., 18 Toronto St., TORONTO. MARGARET R. GILLETTE, A.T.C Graduate Toronto Conservator, of Music. Piar1o---Teachers Normal Course. E PupiUprepared for Conservatory E tf s. Studio, Room T, Nova Scotia 2'dr2t') Weston-Wednesday, Saturday, Monday and Thursday mornings. Phone 48. Receives Pup is in the at of Singing at Mrs. Kathery's resiache on Main Street, Weston. Specialty, correct Tone Production, Breathing alga Euunmatiun. ""Coaches for all examinations. Open‘ gugemeuts 1u l one“, u. elm}. opera, or ta. .enus moderuca. And mom and unvi PD. Box Ci9. PHONE 262 WEs'r. N F. B. EDMUNDS, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. 1758 Dundas St, WEST TORONTO. (above Hoar’s Hardware Store), Real estate loans placed at curreu: rates. Telephone. Junction 981.. iWeston Rd. G. W. COUIFEER, V. S. Hana“: Graduav zontario Veterinary . ,ollege. All diseasea of Cattle and Horses 'Frea.ed Beiea1t1tieally. Calls by mad or phone promptly - attended. WESTON, DR. J. M. ELLAH, Veterinary Surgeon, Honorary Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Diseases of Domestic Animals MV fully treated. '9 _ Night or day calls promptly at“ to. Phone calls long distance expense. Office. Lammy's Hotel, M t, MALTON, LOANS Barrister, Solicitor, etc. _ dang ot Nova Scotia Chambers Phone 152, ‘WESTON, Ont. INSURANCE J. T. LOCKE (a, Co Choice Groceries' REAL ESTATE .Chiropractric Physician, _‘ ' 1057 Weston Road, INr, Mount Dennis, Nerve, Liver and Kidney Diseases, successfully treated. l0 Adelaide Street Eqrt TORONTO TELEPHONE. MAIN 1967. Fresh and Smoked Fish, New Fruit. etc. . t, Dennis Branch-Bank of British North Am, Bldg. Afieiuouus, 2.5- Lu 3.30 o'clock. Tue, Jay tum lhuisuuy evenings, 8 to 9 o'clock ANDERS ON & McMASTER, DR. H. D. LIVINGSTONE, Ear, Nose and Throat. Money to Loan at lowest race: rss' City, Farm and Suburban proper!) ' _ Fire, Life. Accident, kaness, 3- autee. Automobile, Burglary _ Plate Grass Insurance effected m at Companies. Estates marmgvd. Kent! and Intstrew collected City, Farm and Suburban property in "very lucalirv h?)u-ht sold and exchanged. _ I J G. LORNE FRASER, M.A M. J. CONN“R,~‘; R. VAUGHAN-BEALE, Tenore Robusto, DR. J. WARD, ILA., Weston, Ontario. SEE Us ABOUT . JOHN TILSON, DEALER IN MT. DENNIS, ONTARIO. ONTARIO. ___‘.__ Weatan.