‘ -----t= brit, sutrscription Price. Telephone No. 26 Mr. and Mrs. - Enid†Olrlahama, a ' The Weston W pose holding ' ment in the To November» 9th, e of Civilization," T ters will be tak Bed Cross Soei formed this Dranl of crowded audie: delighted with . Proceeds devoted poses. on Thursday eveing, October 28th/ a very enjoyable Nfiféert and eupper was given in the f Methodist Church,‘ under the auspices of the Ladies Aid,’ and the’JChoir. The supper tables were wary tastef 11y decorated and, filled with an,, undance of good; gthings. After the , pper an excellent J program was give by the Choir oil the Church, assist- by the following," artists: Mrs. Scot I oi Toronto, Mrs.) N. J. MdEwen, Ween, Mrs, Reaston)l Miss'N. Charlton, I r. Strickland and) Mr. Foot. Dr. ng as chairman ably conducted the program4 After singing. the Natio bl "Anthem the. elr- t.ertainment was bnught to a fitting close, Eproceeds $10, Mr. Cosford, aeeompanist. l l The Old Presby rian Church held a most successful alloween Banquet on Monday eveni g, November Ist. The tables" and chool room were lighted with pu pkin “Jack-O-lan- terns" and candl s and presented a beautiful appeara ce. The tables Were most artistic 11y decorated with the yellow and b ck oi Halloween, blended with, tthe Ioolors ot the Em- pire. The place cards, so artisti- cally decorated by Miss Agnes Fraser were much sought iter as Imementoes td a' most enjo ble evening. The usual loyal and p triotic toasts were proposed and a 1y responded to. After cheers for t chairman, a' very happy evening w [ brought to a close hy Rev. W. M. okay, Pastor, pro- mouncing the hen iction. or three weeks at) parents, Mr. and syth, Main Street. The Woman's / John's Church, int and Sale of Work i on Thursday, Nol noon and evening. j 5.30 to 8. Admi 25 cents. 1 te------ if "Bough on Rats†clears out Rats, Mice, ete. Don 't Die in the House. 15tf. and 25e. at Drug and Country Stores. The Bible Socie Annual, Meeting i Presbyterian Church day, November MW haw been the custom the Methodist and l tions will join with in the Union Serv Hassard, Secretary Canada Bible Societ address on ,the wor ciety, and to illustr number of Coloured and Siberia which'; _ior the purpose., Th! Society has alreadrj testaments to Canal, the beginning of "I some. g WESTON , Anniversary Servi s will be neld in the Baptist Ch rch on Sunday next, November 7t Rev. John Me- Intosh who was nstrumental in founding the churc in Weston will preach both mornin, and evening. and' there will also be extra music A.special anniversar collection W111 be taken at both se ices. On Mon- day evening, the a iversary Social will be held, a go programme is prepared, and refre meats will be served. Strangers nd visitors are cordially welcome to ese services. CARD OF T ANKS. Mrs. D. McLellan and daughters wishlp reXDreSS'thCil‘ irteere apprecia- tion of the kindnesg and sympathy given them, during the recent illness And death of her huéband and their father. I ' 161661) in Jesus, From which nor IN MEMORgAM. MrDDLEBRoot-In loving memory »of Wilda Irene ddlebroak who It?pyrted this life October 24th, Unbi‘c For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hm Always Bought Bears the Signature of CASTOR IA BAPTIST Weston, Ont., Friday, November tth, 1915. an» Emma arm Gttittt ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION m Price. - - - $1.00 per Annum advance. A. E. WHINTON, Proprietor 'r1era'S Institute por- éd'ramatic Bhrtertain- Hall on Tuesday, :itled "At the Bar 'he cast of eharae- by the Woodbridge y, who have per- ;a before a number es, who haVe been he performance. to Red Cross pur- less ' sleep, eve wake to weep math d repose, £50 foes. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY homas Jewell ot 1: Visiting for two ‘the home of their Mrs. Charles For- the Schobl room ember 25th, after- .uxiliary of St. pd holding a Tea Will hold the the Westminster Wérton, on Bun- 'at 11 a.m. As for several years, aptist Ihrogrega- he Presbyterians . e. Rev. W. E. of the Upper t will deliver, an of the Bible Bo- e it Will Show a b views of Japan he has collected 1 Canadian Bible l handed 150,000 I; 11 soldiers Sines L war. All wel- Tea served trom ion 5 cents, Tea ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO {URCH PARENTS f In view or-West I 's past achieve ’ments 1 believe our own is good to an advance =Lv1sg3thsecs/ lines an trust someone will Pow along coo- lstnuctive lines. , I [Insmrucbed the Set: l Non-Resident Pupil a 1.befo-re the end of the] l Gibson, MeCormae / Irvin Co were awarded {the contr -t tor supplying the winter coal at .87; per ton de- livered at the Schoo l A Motion to more se Non-Resident IPupil fees was raga_ laid over 1111 [next regular meeting.?? _ A. Why not prov e Tonic Sol F2 in the Public Sohoo Surely a teach. LET man. now be foun with this ailitei \knowledgeior Very ttle if any extré cost. '4 Mr. Editor,--Wil1 ‘ou permit me to make an appeal t all music lovers for a federation of e choirs in town for pleasure. and b promp,--tor the development of inte est in music, and enrichment of our cial life. For brevity, I su ost several ideas for consideration, b any interested as being only sugges ons for rejection, adoption, or amen ent. For brevity, I su; for considepatiort by being only suggest adoption, or amend 2.- Expense of 1 Winter at thié could be coveted b the respective churches on a per c pita basis either direct or covered zzby a few in , _ 1 church who love their church an? Filrglig as much as heir wealth. I 3. Can we hope or much advanc in musical lines h few leadin voices or good In ie Ireaders. A present one absen lead is likely t paralyze a section a ehqir. 2. The Choir 18rilers in harmony, devotin a small pt of the practise night to agreed 'elections in their separate choirs. T<npo or any vari- able points agreed or uniformity. 3. In preference ' one great "All or Nothing" night' a fortnightly or monthly evening l say Town Hall to sing pieces to the pleasure of singing and deligh, of any who care to come in and Bake an audience, with a silver collecon or even none. (Enthusiasts can 1'flgt1re out the 3. In preference 1 or Nothing" night; monthly evening , to sing pieces to singing and deligh.1 to come in and a with a silver collec (Enthusiasts can flnanees.) ‘ Members pres‘entj Simpson, Trustees/ Flynn, D. Rowntlmej F. Sainsbury. I Confirmed the pre Ordered' the £0111 be paid:--- “ i Bell Telephone ........i H. H. Gregory "4.le Times a Guide ..... To the Editor of tn} Times & Guide. l." A Committee the choirs, proport ing minorities. A. M. Oldham‘ Mineral Springs cd Thos. Nelson & Son T. Eaton Co. ...u...., Authorized the Sei' etary to p1tr- chase the books kno 'as the Golden Rule Books as speei ed) by the De- partment of Educatdo . November 3rd, 1915 Authorized ttrel can chase all supplies n cleaning ot the Schoo The Secretary pep ted having re- oeived 'Forty‘ Dollars from the York Township (York Fund Interest.) The flowers from the ‘ed in front of the School are being laced in pots and! distributed to th various class rooms. , l; WHAT THE: PU)! DID ON MON Toront x, C unada, include The Shaw Cor- respondence School, The Central Busi- ness College†The‘;Centml Telegraph & Railroad Schwol, and Jour City Branch Business 50110018. All provide excellent cuursea leading to good salaried positions THE SINGING SCHOOL WESTON TOWN CHOIR. SHAW'S SCEWMS Yours Study, CHAS. F; Tries. HARRISON W ESTON, ONT representative of onate yet lregard- ‘LIC SOHOOL y NIGHT. ions minutes. (wing accounts to Chairman, T. l Notiet J. Barker, It.) Notice is he A. B. Moffat and troduction 'at t /1ng of the Conn ious minutes. peal By-Law Nci [W4 $, 5.00 .ee.............. 2.00 .G....-.r...v... 20.62 _ ..q.._..s'.."... 19.50 sk.........-.. 9.60 wg......-...-... 2.82 etary to collect Fees in arrears 'month. / Irvin Co were Write for it, Head Oth"ees, WACEY, Secretary i i cardhouse-ar4e1rpir1--'maat where- as His Honor he Lieutenant Gover- nor of the Pro nee of Ontario, hav- ing appealed V rough His Worship the Mayor to e"eitizens of Weston _ contributebn on Trafalgar Day in am of the VritiSiJ Red Cross Bo- ciety, and Whg'eas the citizens ot ‘Weston having Responded so gener- ously [to this ost wonthy appeal, thereby showing their Willingness to do their duty V the motherland in ‘this ids hour of trial, therefore be it resolved that his Council place on record its vino e thanks to and ap- preciation of e splendid patriotic spirit of the cit ens of the Town of ;Weston, for: re onding so cheerfully and liberally so this most worthy bause." ' DR. W. E. PEARSON, Physician, Surgeon, etc. ttiee-Wetrton Road, Mount Dennis. offiee HourB:-- 8 to 10 a.mo 1 to 3 and 7 (to 8.30 pun. The Council me, in the Council Chamber, Reeve J M. Gardhouse in the chair, all the ouncillors present. The following c mmunications were read from l C. F. Wacey, king for $1000 for the Public Sehooi Board. Gray & ‘Gray, e Wilson v. Weston, Hunter & Dea on, re Middlemist account. J. F. Btriekl, Railway trains. Thea. Harriso , British Red Ctr]! acknowledgment , of the Bribish l follows: 'f Hunter ,& De: count. Dear Bir,--Aty, your prompt 1:} your Town in r of the British T. Galbraith, E; Tre: Tre Borer, Weston, Ont. Dear Bir,--Ae apt our thanks for your prompt re rn of the report oi your Town in r spouse to the appeal of the British d Cross Society. Also, please accept thanks for your itemized ' batement as to how this fund was ade 11p. You are in- deed to be e ngratulated on the honorable sho ng of your town in response to this, appeal. Weston will have a worthy F tanding amongst the Towns of the P evince when the final reports is made. The response of your Schools is trul wonderful. Your faithfully, dardhouse - 1oai1ridee--. "That the Clerk be instruct, ttr write the Do- minion Railway a$0ami calling {heir attention to the Idarryterous. crossing on the G.T.R. _ Concession A, in Iowoship of Etcgicoke asking their advice as to best) tiroeedm:e for us to follow in order to gbtain protection.†Accounts amouqting to $1606.86 were ordered tonoaf paid. The Council aerr?raUjurnea. Bull-Totten 'That 'the collector ot taxes tor t is year, be instructed not to collect e taxes due on prop- erty owned b W. A. McLean on Derriscm AVenu as the house is LD- finished and MI“ McLean, is a prison- er in Germany, the taxes amount to $13.45, and tha the Seal of the Cor- poration be atiached to this resolu- ponatibn be at} tion .I’ , i ETOBICOKE q Councillor Bu troduce a By- holding nomimj third day oi De on New Yearls The By-Law several readings The Council Hall, on Monti; Reeve, Chas. Si all the Councili Jackson - Dan idge - Tt That this municipality _ pr are and keep cor rected a "Roll C) Honor†containing a list of the n es of residents who have enlisted er, active service, tttttive militia, and reservists, and that the Clerk itake charge of the same." 1 ' Accounts aim} were ordered to] Mrs. M. E.‘McDona1d, Lambton Milis,; re cros ng on Dundas Street and Fisher's R d. W. A.iMeLea Highways Engineer, re cost of sub , y on Queen. Street. H. E. Irwin, selecting jurors. H. H. Couz ' s, re street lighting at Humber Ba , D. McOooe, ‘_e ditch on G. T. R. proper,by betw- Kipling Avenue and the creek. Jackson-Gard ousty-'"That Mr. w. Scott be given permission to put a cellar drain 0 , the "road from his house north to e culvert across the Burnhamthorpe Dad, to be put in under the sup vision of the road commissioner, a d' Mr. Scott to be responsible for a’gy damages.:’ . .. P. W. Ball, ng Branch, re street lights on Spire' Avenue. Lt.-Col. H. @ewbdni, â€rérrRoll of Honour. f The tol1owin, read from W. Scott," re Edwin. from his cellar on west side oy. Union Street to cul- vert under Bur 'i amthorp Road. 446 Windermere Avenue, WEST TORONTO. WESTON-wednesday Friday and Saturday. W. HERBERT IllBF0llll, The Council " Organist, Weston Methodist church WESTON TOWN COUNCIL. Piano Playing, 'Phone Weston No. 87. ALBEH Noticd Teacher. f of Motion. ‘eby givisn of the in- e next regular meet- pil of a By-Law to re- jimet in the Township 337, November Lt the lverthorn in the chair, Drs present. ieor2imGidtions were T H. ABBOTT, l 522. - WI adjourned. :11 asked leave. to in-im'i'i'e "$3: Elect: {Jaw lo provide for to the people of ( tions on the {wenth' hero to serve the ' E ections» 533;?†and ; CITIZENS OI 1Was put through may you have any p0 and passed. are thinkin of v muting to $1534.56 for Electric Lights be paid. to have an idea o )WNSHIP COUNCIL arliament Buildings Toronto, October 29, 1915. I enclosing" report of Ite campaigni with from the secretary bed Cross Society as End, re re Hawley ae- whistling oi S ecretary. TARIFF. Royal, Guardian, Canada National. North British & Mercantile, and Atlas, NON-TARIFF. Merchants, London Mutual,& Factories -AND--- EXCELSIOR LIFE, and IRAVELLERS ACCIDENT AND HEALTH Insurance AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Also agent tor reliable Nursery stock all at lowest possible rates. The clcanly, m3oaornieal, flexible Hydro is helping greatly to solve manufacturing problems under pre- sent day conditions. It enables users to meet rapid changes in policy, in ‘demand, in competition. l DEALERS IN 1 FLOUR, BRAN and SHORTS, ‘Gluten Meal, Oilcske, Calf Meat, ‘Crushed Oats) .Cllqppedi Oats, Hay, agent for the following Fire and Life Insurance Co's POWER' RATEB--serviee charge of '31 per H.P. per month, and a Con- sumption charge of 3 cents per K.W. H. for the first 50 hours use per month on the installed capacity, 2 cents per K.W.H. for the second 50 hours, and all over these amounts at one fifth cent per K.W.H. less the following discounts. Class "A" 24 hour unrestricted use --No class discount. Class 'm" 24 hour restricted use- 10 per cent discount. Claus "G" 10 hours 11nresetrinua “an Class "D" 10 hour restricted 11B1r-- 33 and onelhird p.c. discount. In addition to the above Class dis- counts, a discount; of 10 per cent is given in all Classes for prompt pay- meat of Bills. The Hydro Electric Power belongs to the people of Ontario. We are here to serve the If you have any power problems, or are thinkin _c_)f_ wiring your house No waiting. to have an idea of the cost ot the urrent per month, consult us. Tungsten Lamps and Electrical Appliancas at Cost price to consumers. Farley’s Shaving Parlour HYDRO THE HANDY POWER Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobaccos. George M. Lyons MAIN ST.. WESTON WATER, POWER t LIGHT COMMISSION We have Mitts and Gloves,ir1 great variety suitable for all kinds of wea- ther and all occasions and conditions. Our; stock of Men's and Boys Caps for Fall and Winter are up to the mark for - 'End'éii-Eév‘.’ T" w" All kinds of poultry Foods and Specifics. TIMOTHY AND CLOVER SEED. MOODY BROS. New Games. Thomson Block, Main Street: Hours: 9 to li. 'Phone 199. ROLLHNG and (SHOPPING "A Dollar Saved is a Dollar Earned" Til. J. MUSSON Agent for Butterick’s Patterns. THE BANK OF GAPS, M ITTS, GLOVES. CITIZENS OF WESTON WESTON BRANCH, N. "G" 10 hours unrestricted use " per cent discount. STYLE, QUALITY and PRICE EAGLE BLOCK WESTON Talephona No. 83. Briti PHONE 36 A. G. PEIRSON, Superintendent. How many dollar e you that you can call your own P Wh trt start an account in our Savings Departm and save a part of the money you earn P few dollars saved each week, amount to dreds in the course of a few years. DOLLAR to Your or it in the bank, is yours. You don't e to work for it all over again-as od do for the dollars that have been spent. Careful operating. and would like a-wu; At Paints, Oils and Vamishes. ORDERS DELIVERED. Phone No. 16. Emu. PEASE, ECONOMY. VICTOR BRAMPTON FURNACES. a; and General" Tinamithlng awe id NEW TOMATOES, CUGUMBERS, GREEN ONIONS, RADISHES, POTATOES, ' CABBAGE, 7 Pedlar, Steal Shingles, Portland Cement. Bltelrtind Heavy Hardware, Gaaahine and Oil Stoves. Stoves and Furnaces. McCLARY'S SUNSHINE FURNACE. PINEAPPLES, CHANGES, . , GRAPE FRUIT, Lmromi, BANANAS, " PRUNES. _ MAPLE SYRUP and SUGAR, LAKE, BUTTER and EGGS, FULL LINE OF TEAS and‘OANNED Goons. Screens, Doors 'and Windows, Wold and Lawn Fences, Maxwell Lawn Mowers. MAIN STREET, - WESTON PHONES No. 9 and 214. CONCRETE MIXER FOR HIRE. Phone No. 106 Estimates given on' all kinds of work Concrete Mixer for hi, eapapity 40 yards a day. w. c. BURRAGE Builder & Contractor Geo. Sainsbury Carpenter and Contractor CoulterAvenue, - WESTON Spring opens a new line 'y, buds open the latest Spring display of fot Men, Women and Children. {Outing and Tennis Goods We carry a td1rhne in all styles able prices. Main Street, T Weston. rear ot Oldham'l Hardware Store Agents for BEEF, LAMB, PORK and VEAL VEGETABLES THe SHOE STORE 'r-n BURGESS BROS TINSMITHS (ittir/vtaiirmschu 'ti? (illlmfll, BROS. CLARE BROS., HEOLA AND SUCCESS FURNACES All kinda ot Rooting, Btmtitrough tl: uHUE STORE FOR THE PEOPLE Eagle House Block. WESTON. 't Joseph St., WESTON LETTUCE, McEWEN, Manager. JAS. HUGILL, .nd Surplus ST £84,000. FRUIT Canvas Goods, a newline of buds, While/we Spring display of footwem, for srl nL:v‘.3.,,, Ready Rooting. varnishes. styles at reason- Eagle Block. RHUBARB, hire, 1 Physieian and Surgeon. _ _ Otfiety--Coener Rosemount Are. and _ John Stmet, Weston, Ont. omen Hours--8 to 10 aan. 6 to St" Sunday, 8 to 10 tha, . DR. J. A. MELDRUM, Physician and Surgeon. ( Oitiee and Iutridtsnee-East Com 1 King Street and Rosemount Ava. Hole-phone No. 15, Weston‘OIt. --- .._-~,v- uuuuv, "any, Wurm"o. _ Consultation hours, It) a.m., 8 p.m.. and by appointment. Tel. 001. 2602. Maria swat, ' And l, Bloor Street, west 1 G. HOWARD GRAY, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Nova Scotia Bank Bldg., WE Mornings and Evenings. Toronto Offiee---g3 Imperial Buikdmgs, Toronto. G. W. GOUL’EER, V. B. Honor Graduate (Ontario Veterinary - homage. All diseases of Cattle and Horse- Treated Beieotitieaur. Calls by mail or phone promptlf attended. WESTON, ONTARIO; Ottitse-Oppoaite Bank P. B. EDMUNDS, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. 1758 Dundas St., WEST TORONTO, (above Hoar's Hardware Store) Real estate loans placed at “I? rates. T k' Telephone, Junction .. l ANDERSON & MeMAt Barristers, Solicitors, Nata: 1699 Dundas Street, _ TORONTO. 'Phone-Maia 2689. J. EDGAR PARSONS, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary thricea, Canada Permanent Bldg., 18 Toronto St., T0 DR. J. M. ELLAH, _ Veterinary Surgeon, _.C" Honorary Graduate of Ontario) Veterinary College. T Diseases ot Domestic Animals cc . fully treated. ""_ Night or day calls promptly attemtott to. Phone tails long distance at mg expense. Offiee: Lammy's Hotel, MALTON, LOANS NOVA SCOTIA BANK BUEDINGI EPGARETTES, GiGARS and T08006087 DR. JOHN NELSON, Osteopathic Physician of Torc 1057 Weston Road, Mount Dennis. Specialist in Nervous Diseases Women's troubles. INSURANCE J. T. LOCKE m CA'" IO Adelaide Street East, TORONTO TELEPHONE. MAIN 1967, 4 MARGARET R. GILLETTE, A. Graduate Toronto Conservator, ’of 5.511. Piano-Teachers Normal Course. Pupils prepared for Conservatory Exams. Studio, Room T, Nova Scotia Bank Bdg, weston-tyep-day, Saturday, Monday and Thursday mornings.- Phone 48. g - __ ' -- ‘ 'l Receives Pupils in the art of Singing atMrs. Itothery's residence on Main Street. mutt Specialty, correct Tone Production, Br g and Enuneiatioa. Coaches for all examinations. Open for en- gagements in Concert, Recital. Opera or 03.11th ta. Terms moderate. Audition and advice free D n TDas, bprs - REAL ESTATE Phone 152, Amalgam. 23; Private funds DR. J. WARD, BA... 7!- CJhiropraetme Physician, ' 1057 Weston Road, Mount Dennis, Nerve, Liver and Kidney Diseases, successfully treated. . DR. W. J.OHARLTON. Barrister, solieiltoi, etc. Bank of Nova Scotia Chairmen. P.O. Box 459. Money to Loan at lowest rates on City, Farm and Suburban property. Fire, Life, Accident, Slckness, Grunt» emcee. Automobile, Burglary uni: Plate Glass Insurance effected in all Companies. Estates managed. Rents and Interest collected. City, Farm and Suburban property in every locality bought, sold and exchanged. ghaving Parlor,†. LORNE FRASER; successor to E. Davison, _. H. D. LIVINGSTONE, [rar, Nose and Throat. E. P BEECH, SEE ws ABOUT . VAUcHAN-msuvr, ‘. J. T. IIAWoilTe, Dentist. Main Stréet: -- Weston, Ontario, Tenors Ro-busto, lunds to loan on timt class security. Yiiir?rf eve: Bldg., WESTON, PHONE 262 WESTON. ' Notaries, on" Q‘-_,; McMASTER, of Nova 800th, WESTON, Ont, of Toroxito, TORONTO, ONTARIO. ONTARIO. Toronto. ', ste.. Public,