Weston Historical Society Digital Newspaper Collections

Times & Guide (1909), 12 Nov 1915, p. 5

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tf POTATOES ot the. Village of Woodbridge, in the _ County of York, Gentleman, deceased. 13 NOTICE is hereby given pursuant _ , to the Statute in that behalf, that all persons having claims against the Estate of the above named James Allan Stevenson, who died on or b about the 9th day ot August, 1915,‘ . at the Village of Woodbridge, are re-, quired to send by post prepaid or de{ Liver to the undersigned on or before} "3318 9th of November, 1915, their, names and full particulars of the' claims duly verified and the nature of the security, it any, held by them, . and after the said 9th oi November, 1915, the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said BB- tate among the persons entitled there- to, having regard only to the claims or interests, at which they shall then have notice and the said executors will not be liable tor such assets, or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim or interest they shall not have had notice. ' Dated at Toronto, this 19th day of October, 1915. COOK & GILCHRIST. Can improve a figure. Can make a garment hide defects. Can broaden the shoulders. Cam help a man's »\ appearance Wonderfully. And this very important service "Boats NOTHING whatever. This is where the tailor-made man has the advantage over the ready- made man. _ tn" them.- - - We have both for sale here. We ttive ALL that the tailor's art HAS to give. THE FINEST FABRICS Well drilling a specialty. Phone 71. WES'. MAIN ST Every lady as well as gentleman appreciates a good time-keeping wateh. Why spend your money in buying fake watches, when you can buy a Rood and reliable watch far the same money as you pay for the fake article. Main Street. WESTON (opposite Bank of News Beoeus.) IN THE MATTER of the Estate of JAMES ALLAN STEVENSON, late ‘MAKE THE FINEST SUITS. It the proper sort ot WORK is put 1 keep in stock Waltham and Regina, also Swiss Watches, which are fully guaranteed as good time-lreepers. EXECUTORS NOTiGE T0 GREDITORS. We sell cheap pimps with prices to suit anyone. . Solicitors for the Executors, Wal- ter Douglas smveuson and Kenneth Alien Stevenson, Woodbridge. WESTON PUMP "lhas G. E. A. ROBINSON, Prop. We, have just unloaded 450 bags of good, sound, white $1.30 for (IO pound bag And when you consider everything tur way is the cheaper by far. FLOUR, FEED and CARTAG'E 003'. Main St. and Samoa n. 'PHoNE 28I F, WESTON ' Manufacture THE LbNGSTAFE PUMP, THE LONG LIFE PUMP, THE LONG LIFTING PUMP, THE LONG GUARANTEED PUMP, THE LONG PRICED PUMP, CHEAPEST IN THE LONG RUN. Opp. Bank of Nova Scotia TAILOR and MEN'S FURNISHER Coleman and Hackett Block. '. j. HOLLiNGSHEAD, . ti. COLEMAN -. F; @LDHAI from Craighurst, Ont. Confederation Life Bug” WATCHES R J EWTIILBR, delivered 4: "fl a: WESTON, ONT. WESTON Phone No. 2 Téronto ARE , Dated at New Toronto, this 28th day of Oetober, 1915, 46 'Mtll8TflllTloll or BY-lAW. NOTICE is hereby given that a By-Law was passed by the rMunicip-dl Council of the Corporation of the village of New Toronto, osrMou&ry, October 4th, providing for the issue of Debentures to the amount of $1,000.00 for the purpose of taking care of the cost of improvementl and extension of the Hydro Electric System of the Village‘of New Toronto,, and that such BrLaw was registered in the; Registry Office of the Eastland West Ridings of the County of York, on the 2bth day of October, 1915. Any motion to quash ‘or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within 3 months after the' first puincaniun of this notice, and cannot be made thereafter. _ "GEORGE D. SCOTT, In His Majesty/s Surrogate Court of the County of York. l In the matter of the Estate of An- drew B'pedtrick Thompson, late of the Township ot Etobicoke, in the Coun- ty of York, Farmer, deceased. _ Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Statute 1, Geo. V., Cap. 26, Sec. 55, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said Andrew Frederick Thompson, who died on or about the thirteenth day of Septem- ber, A.D. 1915, are required to send' by post prepaid, or to deliver to the undersigned executors of the estate, or to Messrs. Anderson & McMaster, the exeeutors' solicitors on or before the thirteenth day'of November, 1915, their names, addresses and dessrip- tion, and a full statement of parrd- culars of their claims and, the nature of the security, (if any) held by them, duly Ioertitied; and that after the said Iday the executors will proceed to dit tribute the estate of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, [having regard only to the claims of iwhich they then shall have notice. lDated this w- - 29th day of October, A.D. 1915. EDWARD ALEXANDER THOMPSON, ARCHIBALD THOMPSON, and ELIZABETH MAUD THOMPSON, Islington, P. o., Out, Executors. ANDERSON & MCMASTER, 1699 Dundas Street, Toronto, 47 Solicitors tor Executors. Notice is hereby given that a By- Law was passed by the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Etgbieoke on the first day ot Novem- ber, ‘1915, providing for the issue of Debentures to the amount ot $25,500 tor,' the purpose of purchasing a School site in School Section No. 12 of the Township of Etobicoke, and erecting a. School House thereon, and that sueh, By-Law was registered in the Registry} Office itor the East and West Ridings of the County of York, on the second day of November, 1915. Any motion to quash or" set aside the same or any part thereof, must be made within three months after the first publication of this notice, and' cannot be made thereafter. Dated the third day of . November, 1915. 's _ NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of 'the Trustee Act, Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, Chapter 121, Section 56, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of the above named William Watson, Gentleman, late of the Village ot Woodbridge, in- the County of York, and Province of On- tario, who died on or about the 4th day of October, 1915, at Woodbridge, aforesaid, are required to send post prepaid, or deliver to the undersiga- ed, on or before the 25th of Novena-r her, 1915, their names and addresses and full particulars of their claims and the nature of the security, if any, held by them all duly verified by statutory declaration. After, the said; date the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto/ having regard only to the lclaims or which they shall then have notice and will not be liable for any claim! of which they shall not have notice at the time ot such distribution. 1 Dated at Toronto, this 28th day of October, A.D, 1915. I COOK & GILCHRIST, l NOTICE-TO CREDITORS. IN THE ‘MATTER of the Estate of WILLIAM WATSON, late ot the Vil- lage of Woodbridge, Gentleman, de- ceased. bridge 12 Richmond Street East, Toronto, Solicitors for the Executors, J oseph J. Watson and John Darker, Wood- Notice of Registration of By-Law. TOWNSHIP OF ETOBXCOKE NTmCE. TO CREDIIORSJ S . BARRATT, Clerk . Clerk. EN 47 WHEREAS it is desirable that the sum of $9,500 should be expended by the said Muni- cipality in the purchase of the said school site, and that the sum of $16,000 be expended by the said M11nityipality in the erection of the said schoolhouse, the furnshing and equip- ment thereof, and that the said sum of '25,500, should be raised on the credit of the said Municipality; AND WHEREAS in order thereto it will be necessary to issue debentures of the said {Municipality of the Township of Etobicoke liar the sum of $25,500, as hereinafter pro- (vided (which is the amount of the debt in- tended to be created by this By-law), the pro- lceeds of the said debentures to be applied to the said purposes and no other; t _ . 2. The debentures shall all bear the same date, and shall be issued within two years , after the day on which this By-law is passed, ‘and may bear any date within the said two years, and shall be made payable within twentrfive years from the said date at the jUnion Bank of Canada, situate at the corner ,ot King and Bay Streets, in the City of lToronto, or the Village of Islington, and the respective amounts of principal and interest ipayable in each of such years shall be as fol- 1ois:- Year. Interest. Principal. Total. lst 81,530.00" $464.78 81,994.78 2nd 1,502.11 492.67 1,994.78 3rd 1,472.58 522.23 1,994.78 A BY-LAW to provide for the expenditure of $25,500 for the purchase of a school site in School Section Number Twelve of the Township of Etobicoke, the erection of a schoolhouse thereon, and for the proper fur- nishing and equipment of the said school- house, and to authorize the issue of deben- tures of the Municipality of the Township of Etobicoke to the amount of $25,500 for the puiggoseyg raising the said sum of $25,500; _ AND WHEREAS the proposed school site known as the "Mosher" site has been adopt- ed, with the consent of a majority of the ratepayers of the said school section at a meeting duly called to consider the same, and the proposal for the said debenture issue has been submitted to and sanctioned by special meetings of the ratepayers of the said school section duly called for that purpose; AND WHEREAS the total amount required by "the Municipal het'" to be raised annually by special rate for paying the said debt and interest thereon during twetstydive years is the sum of $1,994.78; " , T 1 I:an Bum m 'e-cr""""', AND WHERAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Municipality according to the last revised assessment roll is $3,501,656. and that of the said school sec- tion is the sum of $596,000; AND WHEREAS the amount of the exist- ing debenture debt of the said Municipality is $49,000.00, whereof there are no arrears either, of Brincipal or interest; -iiirEiircFo%iCii1e"irGlieiivarenmeit of the Municipality of the Township of Etobicoke enacts as follows:.--- _ h _ _ _ T 1. The sum of $9.500 shall be expended by the said Municipality for the purchase of a school site, and the sum of $16,000 for the erection of a suitable schoolhouse thereon, and for the proper furnishing and equipment of the said schoolhouse, and for the purpose of raising the said sum, debentures of the said Municipality to the said amount of $25,500 in the whole shall be issued therefor in sums of not less than $100 each, bearing interest at the rate of six per centum per annum, and having coupons attached thereto for the pay- ment of the interest. A _ The above is a true copy ot a By- Law passed by the Municipal Council of thtrTownship of Etobicoke, on the first day of November, 1915. And all persons are hereby required to take notice that: anyone desirous of applying to have such By-Law, or any part thereof, quashed,. must make his application tor that purpose to the High Court of Justice, within three months after the first publica- tion of this notice in the newspaprr ea11ed the Times and‘Guide, or he To raise 11(11 bulance. "At the play presented b Red Cross Society secured over $1000 this play.) Tow Tuesday, Novem not miss this. I show. Admission, Children 15 cents. will be behalf. Civilization ..... Attendants, .ttrt. Culture ..r',....o.r..., Kultur .....a....ri.., Servia. ...u..t...r..wo'o Belgium ..o.p........ England .........u... Scotland ...........\. Ireland ............. Germany ........... France ...p...v.....u.., South Africa .. Japan ...r.......G.. Austria ..-t.......... Australia ...b..r.... Russia r..,.....,,.'..,,. Turkey, ........c...q. Canada ............. India ............w.wB.. United States .... Italy ......r......... Greece .........r_..... Red Cross Nurse Totals ..$24.369.50 $25.500.0(l $49,869,50 3. Each of the said debentums shall be signed by the Reeve of the said Municipality, and shall be countersigned by the Treasurer thereof, and the Clerk thereof shall affix thereto the Corporate Seal of the said Muni- eipality. _. .. , , . ,.,,u T_.,-, I-x-.-..' 9th 1 0th 19th 20th 2Ist 22nd 23rd 24th 25th “WU”... i. The said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of six per centum per annum, pay- able yearly at the Union Bank of Canada, at its Office in the City of Toronto, situate at the corner of King and Bay Streets, or at its office in the Village of Islington, on the first day of December in each and every year of the currency thereof, and shall have attached to them coupons for payment of the said in- terest, which coupons shall be signed by the said Reeve £1an Treasurer. , T , 5. During the currency of the said deben- tures there shall be raised annually by special tax rate on all the taxable property of the Public School supporters in the said School Section Number Twelve, in the said Township of Etobicoke, the said sum of $1,994.78 for payment of principal and interest on the said debentures during each of the twenty-five years. "Etu‘THIs BY-LAW shall take effect on the first day of November, A.D. 1915. C. S‘ILVERTHORNE, vavo. s. BARRATT, Clerk. ar 5309 ald TOWNSHIP llf ETOBIGOKE. BY-LAW No. 1153. Interest. $1,530.00 1,502.11 1,472.58 1,441,22 1,408.00 1,372.80 1,335.48 I,295.92 1,263.98 1,209,51 1,162,43 1,112.49 1,059.55 1.003.44 943.95 880.91 814,07 743.23 668.14 588.54 504.16 414.73 319.92 219.43 112.91 $00712“; to "toe heard- in that HELP W Charal NOTICE Principal $464.78 492.67 522.23 553.56 586.78 621.98 659.30 698.86 740.80 785.24 832.35 882.29 935.23 991.34 1,050.83 1,113.87 1,180.71 1,251.55 1,326.64 1,406.24 1490.62 1,580.05 1,674.86 1,775.35 1,881.87 The T7dodbridge who have already 3y presentation of Hall, Weston, ' 9th,1915. Do is a first class i Adults 25 cents, LNTED " Red Cross Am- JI of Civilization" ‘ers. Miss M. Elliott kiss J. Nattress, rs. R. E. Willis .. Miss A. Reid iss E. McBride iss B. Addison iss L. Theobald BS al. Hutchison . Mrs. W.,Body Miss W. Watts iss L. McBride SS} C. Magnieson 'rss O. McIntyre Miss C. Hanna. ',. W. o. Duncan Miss L. McNeil Liss M. Johnston Mise, G. Morgan CS. W. A. Wallis ss M. J. Burton Miss o. Wallace Mrs. A. Harris Wrs. M. E. Bath Total $1,994A 1,994.1 1,994.7 1,994.1 1,994A 1,991.1 1,994.7 1,994.7 1,994.1 1,994." 1,994.’ 1,994.l 1.994], 1.9943 1,994.' 1,994.' 1,994.’ 1.994.' 1.994.' 1.994.’ 1.9913 I,994.' 1.994,’ 1,994.' I,994.' 78 78 78 I 78 "7%? 78 l 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 '78 78 78 I 78 _ 78 78, 78 1 78 78 Farmers! Why remain idle all Win- ter when you can take up a paying agency., Choiloe list ot varieties tor Spring Planting. Liberal Terms. Handsome Free Outfit. l Canada's Religio l, and illustrated Story Periodi al _ of Largest l Circul tion, Our good old Bunday, "stopy-te1- let"' friend, the “N rthern Messeogsr" has been for nearl fitty years a ta- vorite with the C. adian people. It gives splendid Vale for the money, and contribute, larely to a Sunday so well spent m 1 bring a week of content., A strong ally to the ten1- perance cause and ‘very other moral 'retorm, and truly a, character builder. _ It is such a find paper that many of the largest cit Sunday Schools distribute it as tha regular Sunday School paper. For they realize that a paper which gived so much for the money and interes the older mem- bers of the 'ifamil ", as well as the youngsters, gives me parents an ad- ditional incentive r 0 see that their lchildren attend schnl every Sunday. I‘And through the Wkly visits of the 1“Northern Messeng ., the church helps to,,cheer and marten many who cannot, and others tho will not, at- liend its services. ' The eo-ngregatiol of the Church of the Good Shepherd, met on Thursday evening last week DO bid farewell to their much estecme Priest in charge, Rev. Captain Goe M. Barrow, who is called to the war as Chaplain to the 84th Batter... Mk; Barrow stated that tho h he was sorry to leave his family and /eompregatiot1, he was glad to g , and he had been saying) all; alon "go" now he can say “come." R.” T.' P. Bummer- hayes who is to"iir1 Captain Barrow's place during his bsbser1ce, was intro- duced and made if good impression. Rev. J. Hughes- nes ably filled the chair. Mr. Holde the churchwarden, in a wel1-ehosen peach on behalf of the congregation! presented Chaplain Barrow with a wrist watch and a leather belt co aining' gold coins. The Sunday Sch-1 teachers had ITe- sented him with . toilet case of use- ful articles. Mr Barrow gracefully received a beaut ul basket of ehry- sanM1ernurns. T evening was en- livened by sever ‘ songs from mem- ‘bers oi the choir. The e1ooutionist was Miss M. ‘nhnston of Weston, [who received mu h applause for her Table rendering of ome poems on the :war. ‘ I NOTICE is hereby given that John ‘Thomas Wardlaw of the Town of (Weston, in the County of York, in the Province of _ Ontario, Real Estate Broker, will apply to the Parliament (of Canada at the next session, thereof, fora, Bill of Divorce from his Wife Eda Luera Roxenia Wardlaw, now residing in the City of Detroit, in the lState of Michigan, one of the United States of America, on the grounds of ladultery and desertion. Dated at Toronto, Province ot Ontario 1 this \third day, of September A.D. I 915. BALA AVENUE J FOR C) Sr. IIL-Mami Watson, Beatrice B fryes, John Stong, Jr. Irl.--Edith Mary, Sneddon, Grace Miller, Willi Jr. 1v.-9Iuriel Wilson, Morris B Ada Moore, Howal Er. IL-Velma C Gladys Watson, D Chappell, Dora Chi Jr. JL-Vera B ton,' Reggie Wilts land, Pearl Glov non. _ Sr. L-Lily Edwl hem, Michael cr) fryes, Ethel Abbott;' Br. L-Lily Edw rds, Daniel Mew- horst, Michael Ca nia, Millie Hun:- tryes, Ethel Abbott Hazel Chi-Ivers. Jr. L-Jack) Ch rd, Arthur Fish, Arthur, Samson, mes Roe, Edie Sneddori,' Ivy Wilts re. Pl J2rimarr-- arlton Connor, Vernon Ducker, Be 'ha Bruno, Fred. Rolvics9n, Sidney [Smith, Harold Dale.- r" ",,', - Jr. Frimqryf~TthmaS MeCutetreon, Dorothy Pawley, f§erbert Westhead, Freddie McDowell, ' Robert Clarke, Harold Kingscott. 7 Number on rolk250. Average attend)ulce 228. 52 For Over half a Ce: em Messenger" ha over Canada. On trial to Ne individual addresse 30 cents; Sunday required quantity, trial; Clubs of ten one address for 12 l Larger clubs pro ra The “Northern M lished,by JOHN ly "Witness" Block, Try it for a year. 1 OLD WESTON B HONOE Mount Dennis g IlUflfiifmTlllE WANTED at once for WESTON AND DISTRICT for the OLD, RELIABLE " FONTHILL NURSERIES. DIVORCE NOTICE. STONE a WELLINGTON, TORONTO, ONT.; ExclusiVe Territory. Write now for particulars. NORTHERN ME S SENGER Solicitors for ‘the Applicant, 43 Imperial Life Bldg., ' Toronto. pleased asre GRAY' & GRAY, I the churchwarden, Speech on behalf of presented Chaplain wrist watch and a aining' gold coins. )1 teachers had ITe- I toilet case of use- Barrow gracefully ul basket of ehry- evening was en- songs from mem- The e1ooutionist hnston of Weston, h applause for her ome poems on the §CHOOL REPORT TOBER. Phillips,' Dorobhy ney, Annie White, Seal. Legrow, Wilfrid pley, Sidney Hum- ‘Laura Connor. ore, May Connor, wart Creighton,. Pierce. , Freddie' Wallace , Easto, Queenie vets. t, Grace Creigh- e, Mabel Strick- , " Kathleen Shan- $s~enger” is puh- UGALL & SON, Wontreal, Can. Bubseribers--To 12 months tor Schools, in any 3 weeks FREE :opies a week to sonths for $2.50. ‘Y RECEIVES 5 hear that ML! Monday,- No 8.--' 1112.1: Me'sting 5f 334 Westerniot the Publie Lt ' card, in Pub- ‘to, iormerly otle Library, Dufferin He. ,atj8 p.111. his ordination‘ Tuesday, Nov. 9.---Begu1ar, Meeting Christain min-lot the Electric Light and Wsiterworitii ngratulate 'iiiali'ioi'ii'iiiikGi,' offloe, Thomtlon Block, is success. 8 p.m. T F 1‘ I, / ;ury the"'North- been beloved all l, IAS, ant 11llu,j),l)lifll),,Elll,il,(,,il ft. limited Wadsworth _ Mills, OATS FOR SALE BY th. OR TON DELIVERED CHOPPIN G and ROLLING BRAN, SHORTS,'GLUTEN MEAL, HAY and STRAW Monday,' Nov, . Regular Meeting Board Of Health . Council Chamber, Town Hall, W to , at 8 p.m. PEERLESS GASOLENE, the Best on the Market supplied from Bowser Tank. A First Class Machinist on the premises all the time. Monday; Nov. 8. egular Meecmg I." o.ur F., in O ellows’ Hall, on Church Street. W , n. AND REPAIR snap Little Avenue Opp. "I 'i"i1jijl)ll()llll _ DIMUOIW Monday,‘ Na of Court Bell, in Assembly 8 o’clock pagan THE BRICK FOR COLOR, QUALITY AND ENDURANCE Eamifessean be Seen and prices obtained from out Agent--- _ W. c. BURRAG E, COLORS Phone 106 OLDHAM’S HARDWARE Orders for new telephones or changes in entries should be placed at maximal office AT ONCE. is now being prepaéed and copy will close Within the next few dais ' DRY CELLS MEETINGS NEXT WEEK. THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF CANADA. Phone 267 P. M. SIMON, Proprietor- hr Autos and Gasolene Engines FLOUR AND FEED, WESTON GARAGE HIGH GRADE PRESSED aa - PLAIN-RED AND BUFF FIRE FLASHED-RED AND BUFF NEW ISSUE OF OUR ’ ,", (rt2RONTO Mill open daily from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. '. fii.--rrtere v' Meeting 1.20. F'., t Dennis, iall, W 0 Road, at GA RDHOUSE, Proprietor. AUTOMU BILES FOR HIRE. AGENT FOR DUNLOP TIRES. ,egular Mepbing 30c. Tuesday, Nov. (h-Regular Meeting Canadian Order ot Foresters, In Odd- tellowts' Hall, Church Street, Weston, at 8 o'eloek p.-m. d, Wednesday, No 1().-Regular Meet- ing Grouse Hi1 'L. o. L., No. 191, in Oddfellows' all, Church Street. Weston, at 8 .m. Thursdays' 'ov.11--Regu1ae Meeting ot Weston 1tir,aliiritg,'eTatiuv,e AsBor ciation, in the _IT) n Hall, attlr o’clock p.m.' 'le? Thursday, Nov.r1r1-rtegular Meeting Daughters and Maids of England,, in Assembly Hall, Mount Dennis, at 8 o’clock Wm. , . Friday, Nov. 12.---Begular " Meeting Sons of England, in oddtetlows' Hall, Church Street, Weston. at 8 p.111. WESTON. JOSEPH STREET Opp. Town Hall Evenings 181 Meeting “at . 'sifd 1

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