_ Phone 106 _ Weston High chool pupils held thein annual com encement and con- ceqt on‘Friday d Tuesday nights in the auditori I of the Collegiate, building. . A tea re of the program "was thepresent-a ion of a s"cikch em titled "The Ta ng of the Shrew." Mt. George W. erra1,. chairman of themigh Schoo Board, presided as chairman and di ributed the prizes. Ersel Boake Dowr1sview, was awarded the sil r shield for general 'profieierley in .hletics and the two other trophies esentcd by the true tees were won by Jean Hutehinson and Francis Hi . Makd up yo morning; sow band's clothes; ances; protect branches of y smiTe of good carefully root o and you may e; happinesm S ample s can be See a and prices obtained from our Agent-- W . C o . B U R RA G E , THE BRICK FOR COLOR, QUALITY AND ENDURANCE COLORS llt "MON DRESSED h r ‘If you would consider the erection ot 9. Monument new in Design, in Best Material, nicely lettered and ereeted-,to your SgTISFACTION at n price below what we could dapheate the same for. come in and inspect our stock of between 40 and 50 Monuments now in our Showroom Room ranging in price from $25 to $400. Buy direct from ‘We contract for Light and Power installations of all kinds. Fixtures, Lamps and Electrical Appliances sup- plied at less than city prices. All Fiytures installed without extra charge. PHONE WESTON 230. ADVICE TO L Ind you will get a choice Monument at the lowest possible price. Write or Phone for our Catalogue of New Designs. TELEPHONE JUNCTION 190 WARDELL’S V The Home of Classy Monuments q 4476 DUNDAS STREET. WEST TORONTO. M G. WARDELL Willl)l11't MONUMENTAl WORKS ' , ' 1ti6aRll1 Eur Pd - - liiitittgt%tllM ‘ AV - ' Illim8ii1WEBrgEiii=iWirat" git%Mi Ml, - > . , te . “ = E ‘ ' ' EttS {'f? a We: 'F" SI 'a giitet.f,S'& i5d V ", , . " Mra 7 - _ - k = aiNt, Me, 'MgttKtiiG/élL'ea'""" , z . ltm9tA -' N$% Ersm w . pa', t"tiiiiiSia'ra wag ms = - KT', Pdrgd."Sf, T, t “a "W-rr . am: BELL. BROS. EELEchcAL ENGINEERS Mi) aliTltlitT0ll8, _ PLuN---RFiD AND BUFF FIRE FLASHED---RED AND BUFF HIGH GRADE I)lESilil) BE?!“ Sunny days are nic lays--- to drive in an open can But elm d can; OA fort ap- peals wherrwinter's Ivindfare lowing. With top down it’s Aunapout. I ith top up it's a "sr1appy"f+ dd ear or two. And all the sterli ' "d qua lies are embodied in this :pgend’xl‘z Co oelet. The Ford Ranaboutif8480,. t St kb' In; car 8530; the Sedan 8890; the T’own car . (80. All prices we f. o. b. Ford, OntariJ. All cars , gwletelsr equipped including electric headlights. Cars n sale at GRAHAM a CARFON, Weston. l Board, presided as NOTICE is her _ ributed the prizes. Thomas Wardla Downsview, was Weston, in the Co r shield tor general Province of. On hletics and the two Broker, will appl esentsd by the true- of Canada at the by Jean Hutchinson for a Bill of Di . Eda LueL‘a' Ro f residing in the Ci ADY GARDENEWi?. State of Michiga k beds early in the States of Americ ttons on Four LUSF adultery and dese o not rake up ngrv- Dated at Toronto, he young and bender this rthird day It family; plant, a' 1915. emper on your face} G t all angry feelings;' Solicitor poet a good â€gr-op .9: 43 Im Proprietor. wl),ltiiylllEi,:llil? (t. hild 52 Humanity knee gazes at the skies. You cannot n miser. WESTON. JOSEPH STREET DIVORCf C. W. WARDELL, y given that John of the Town ot nty of York, in the aria, Real Estate to the Parliament ext session, thereof, orcesfrom his wife nia Wardlaw, now of Detroit, in the one of the United on the grounds ot ion. rovince of Ontario of September AB gake a friend of a AR' & GRAY,' for'the Applicant, erial Life Bldg., Toronto. s in the dust, buh NOTICE. Manager W % 34 S Pt 47 48 52 S 25ft 18 s 12 ft 6 9 11 12 C 18 , 20 35 W % 42 44 46 50 51 60 78 79 N 1/2 88 98 156 160 -' 161 168 188 193 201 202 215 216 217 w 33 ft 3 225 240 252 N % 253 s 1/2 253 272 274» S % 478 S % 479 523 524 532 N 25ft of 572 S 25ft of 574 583 584 585 N 25ft 586 S 25ft 594 N 120ftx125 N 25ft 80 104 105 106 19 62 70 71 72 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 " C 7ft of 18 S of My 30ft d " B 15 B 17 B 18 B 19 B 22 B M B 24 B 26 B 13 14 15 54 55 208 209 210 210A 210B Part 54 Lot 11 S E Pt 13 S % of 43 N 25ft of 386 398 403 404 405 Ely 40ft 20 ‘H 16 K 11 M 10 N By virtue n of Etobicoke, to manding me ta 1 Costs. I hereby gu- proceed to sell t of taxes, and ens. Township (if PM“ ning at the hour ' For Arreax'n f Taxes m the Tow as p at town“; of York to V , , _, 56 57 117 118 100 101 104 105 106 114 115 119 126 13.0 136 137 138 139 140 20 105 125 131 159 182 203 204 206 290 292 293 294 298 309 35t 355 383 385 387 388 10 11 82 "rretrss:trer's Sale m Lands rs'trl' 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 27 28 29 30 10 11 12 18 48 99 12 of 78 1592 50ft 1592 86tt or 1571 ' 25ft 1 1571 25ft 1 1571 151ft 1 1572 Soft 1 1572 Soft 1 1572 25ft 1 1572 soft I T 1572 Soft I 1572 50ft I 1572 1 1572 62 ft 10x123ft 1572 Soft 1 1572 25ft 1 1572 50ft I 1572 Soft I 1572 Soft, 1 1572 50ft l 1572 50ft I 1572 60ft 2 E 1572 62ft 3 I 1572 50tt I 1572 50ft l 1572 86ft I' 1572 33ft F 1572 33ft F 1572 81ft R 1572 Soft y, 1572 50ft l 1592 50ft V 1522 Soft V 1592 Soft y 1592 86ft L 1592 am J, 1592 36ft L 1592 59ft L 1592 36ft. T 1592 63ft F. 592 592 592 592 592 592 592 M 119 M 224 548 548 548 548 548 548 548 543 548 912 912 912 912 912 961 961 961 961 961 965 989 989 1006 1043 1043 1043 1043 1043 1043 1013 1043 1043 1043 1043 1043 1043 1043 1043 1043 1043 1043 1076 1054 1054 1054 1054 1469 1478 1478 1478 1178 1478 1473 1473 1478 1478 1478 1478 1478 1473 1478 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1545 1553 1571 1571 1571 1571 1571 1571 1571 1571 1571 1571 1571 1571 1571 1571 1571 1571 1571 1571 1571 IT7r-- 1571 1571 1571 1571 1571 1571 1571 1571 57 57 57 119 119 --Huytt 50ft 69ft 50ft 50ft 62ft 50ft 50ft 50ft 33ft 50ft 50ft 25ft 25ft 151ft 50ft 50ft 25ft 50ft 50ft 50ft 57ft 1 sen. 1 59ft a 52ft 50ft 50ft 50ft 50ft soft 50ft soft Mft 50ft soft 50ft 1 66ft .501: 50ft soft 50ft 50ft 5irtt 50ft 50ft son 77ft 107ft 4 Itht 53ft Mit, 6 48ft 6 48ft 6 42m 6 Soft 25ft 12ft 6 Soft son son 50tt 50ft 25ft 50ft 45ft a 50ft 50ft 50ft 50ft 50ft 25ft sore 50ft 50ft 50ft 50ft 50ft Soft 50ft 50ft 50ft 50ft 50ft iurtt tttt 41ft alft 50ft 25ft 182ft 66ft 66ft 66ft 120ft 20ft 25tt 69ft 50ft 50tt 50ft 25ft 25ft 50it Soft 50ft 25ft 25ft 50ft 50ft 50ft 25ft 25tt ft Sac 55ft ro that unluu sr,ch arrears and .. j lands, or tr, nuclt thereof as m 'deon, at the Tirnship Hall in the on Snfnrd \:. |,:.- Twt'ntyminth " u'clouk J: Lin bternoon ut compl 44ft 4 44ft l 44ft-4 50ft 50ft 50ft Soft 46ft 6 40XL00 t6tt 6 40ft 46ft 6 45ft 50ft sort 50ft 50ft 50ft 50ft 50ft 50ft 75ft70 76ft.70 46ft 50ft 50ft 50ft 46ft 7ft 50ft Ant issuer, _ cted, her. m the lands 11 10 10 8% Lake Shore Road Rose Rose Violet Violet TV Pt W Pt IV Pt Lake 1 Lake Lake Eighth Street Eighth Street i0th er090 Violet Elder Elder Elder Violet Violet Violet Elder Daisy Daisy Violét Daisy Pirea Rose . Rose , "Rose, Lilac Daisy Daisy Lilac Elder Elder Elder Elder Laburnam Laburnam Lilac Lilac Lilac Lilac Dahlia Dahlia Dahlia Dahlia Dahlia Dahlia Dahlia Seventh Street Fourth Avenue Fourth Avenue Fourth Avenue Fourth Avenue Fourth Avenue Lake Share Road Lake Shore Road Lake Shore Road Lake Shore Road Lake. Shore Road Lake Shore Road Lake Shore Road Lake Shore Road Fourth Street Third Street Lake Shore Drive Lake Shore Drive Lake Shore Drive Lake Shore Drive Luke Prom, Teak Avenue Teak Avenue Teak Avenue Teak Avenue Teak Avenue Teak Avenue Teak Avenue Teak Avenue Teak Avenue Lake Shore Road Lake Shore Road Lake Shore Road Lake Shore Road Lake Shore Road Ash Cres. Ash Ores. Ash Ores. Birch Avenue Pine Avenue Pine Avenue Pine Avenue Citrus Avenue Citrus Avenue Citrus Avenue Citrus Avenue Connaught Avenue Connaught Avenue Birch Avenue Myrtle Avenue Myrtle Avenue Myrtle Avenue Myrtle Avenue Myrtle Avenue Munster Bpiren Spirea Spires Spirea Spirea Spirea Spirea Carnation Carnation Lilac Lilac Lilac l.nbui‘num Pirea Pirea Lilac Sixth Street Sixth Street Sixth Street Sixth Street Sixth Street Seventh Sh Seventh Stu Seventh Str, Seventh Stu Seventh Str: Seventh Stu Seventh Stu Church Street Mill Road Mill Road Main Street Fifth Street Lake Shore Road Fifth Street Fifth Street Fifth Street _ Sixth Street Sixth Street Sixth Street Sixth Street Main Main Main Rose Rose Lansdowne Lansdowne Elm Road Lansdowne Elm Road Lake View Lake View Edgewood E Lake View Lake View St. George St. George Dearborne St. George St. George Dearborne Dearborne St. George Main Street Main Street Main Street Main Street Main Street Main Lake ‘ald Md Promenade Promenade Promenade Shore Road Shore Road Shore Road Show Road Fthorir Road tld Crescent rid Crescent ind) Street Street Street Ave. Ave. Street Shore Lu t"k, ' under te. _ of the fourth cued below, the Street Street Street Street Street Street Street Road Road Road Road Road Road Road Road Road Road Road Road Road Road 8.42 Road 44.67 2.68 8.19 2.68 6.04 6.04 6.04 6.04 2.68 6.06 1.35 7.4: 6.36 1.35 7.7? 5.31 1.35 6.6( 5.36 1.35 6.71 3.63 1.35 4.95 6.36 1.35 7.71 3.40 1.35 4.75 6.80 1.35 8.15 6.80 1.35 8.15 5.08 1.35 6.43 5.08 1.35 6.43 6.36 1.35 7.71 7.12 1.35 8.47 6.76 1.35 8.11 2.87 1.35 4.22 9.55 1.35 10.90 6.01 1.35 7.96 5.42 1.35 6.77 5.42 1.35 6.77 5.04 1.35 6.39 4.67 1.35 6.02 4.67 1.352 6.02 10.24 4%;364 #711,611 10.24 @136 111.60 13.20 $261443" 44.63 6.60 tv3:yire 7.95 6.60 W1735 7.95 6.60 1.35 7.95 10.24 1.36 11.60 6.60 1:35 7.95 10.24, 1.36 11.66 5.80 1.35 7.15 6.60 1.35 T.95 6.60 1.35 7.95 7.27 1.35 6.62 7.27 1.35 8.62 7.72 9.55 2.87 6.60 4.23 16.45 7.34 7.34 3.67 9.29 10.64 7.68 7.68 4.83 t.83 6.36 9.55 9.55 6.60 9.55 2.87 2.20 2.20 9.55 10.60 .84 9.55 9.55 6.06 6.36 11.07 8.50 2.87 14.80 39.20 2.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 12.68 8.95 8.95 8.95 8.95 8.95 8.48 8.48 8.48 6.39 3.86 14.66 22.00 8.92 _ 8.92 49.04 16.17 25.41 13.96 9.38 10.51 10.51 10.51 10.51 26.24 11.40 11.40 11.40 4.50 4.50 5.46 6.26 20.88 3.53 23.10 18.39 23.10 20.87 13.29 13.66 19.41 12.86 30.98 16.27 16.27 19.16 9.02 9.02 4,66 6.26 1.66 3.26 3.26 8.26 1.64 1.64 46.72 9.87 27.76 11.47 5.94 47.28 10.53 9.86 9.86 9.96 9.96 30.13 30.13 28.50 13.20 13.20 11.27. 12.64 12.64 7.80 13.20 29 22 17, 12 8..19 6.35 6.35 6.35 6.35 6.35 5.92 $2.46 5.92 6.95 5.9: 6,9,5, 5.92 5.92 5.94 93 (In 92 99 19 6 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 l-.35' _ritell'j, 3:135 'iii?,),')?', 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.47 1.65 1.35 1.35 2.32 1.50 1.73 1.45 1.35 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.36 1.76 1.89 1.39 1.39 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.62 1.35 1.68 1.56 1.68 1.62 1.43 1.44 1.49 1.42 1.87 1.50 1.50 1.58 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.37 1.35 1.35 1.47 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.36 1.35 1.35 1.36 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 I.35 1.51 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 2.08 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.42 1.35 1.35 2.22 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 2.27 1.35 1.79 1.38 1.35 2.28 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.85 1.85 1.81 1.43 1.43 1.38 1.42 1.42 1.35 1.43 are sooncr paid, I shall missnry for the payment 5 {slingtom in the said YHM") ‘D. 1916, begin 1. "lie Asstssmeat Act. u; qul of the Township 40.31", \.D. 1915. Com. of tam b' due thereon with 35 ‘68 35 85 35 35 66 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 42 4L2 STR E ICI HT, 6.43 6.43 7.71 8.47 8.11 4.22 10.90 7.96 6.77 6.77 6.39 6.02 fi,02 111.60 11.60 14.66 7.95 7.95 7.95 41.28 4.30 4.30 4.30 4.30 14.10 10.30 10.30 10.30 10.30 10.30 9.83 9.83 9.83 7.74 5.21 16.13 23.65 10.27 10.27 51.36 17.67 27.14 15.41 10.73 11.87 11.87 11.87 11.87 28.00 12.79 12.79 12.79 5.85 5.85 6.81 7.61 22.45 4.88 24.78 19.95 24.78 22.49 14.72 15.10 20.90 14.28 32.85 17.77 17.77 20.74 10.37 10.37 6.01 7.61 3.01 2.19 10.90 10.90 7.41 7.71 12.44 4.85 4.22 16.27 6.18 6.18 7.71 10.90 10.90 7.95 10.90 3.22 3.55 3.55 10.90 11.96 10.90 10.64 12.00 9.03 9.03 10.90 9.07 10.90 4.22 7.95 5.58 17.90 Fl.69 8.69 5.02 7.41 7.71 6.66 6.71 4.98 7.71 4,75 8.15 4.77 46.89 4.03 9.54 4.03 7.39 7.39 7.39 7.39 4.03 9.54 7.70 7.70 7.70 7.70 7.70 4.61 4.61 4.61 2.99 2.99 48.99 11.22 99.55 12.85 7.29 49.56 11.88 11.21 11.21 11.31 11.31 31.98 31.98 30.31 14.63 14.63 12.65 14.06 14.06 9.15 14.63 4.41 31.78 8.35 8.35 24.12 7.27 8.30 7.27 8.30 18.72 ll, 24 14.41 14.41 >429 11.28 F27 7.27 7.27 7.27 7.27 7.27 7.27 7.27 E; obico1rs . Treasurer. 'll, '11 'll, 11,1113 '11,12_,13 '11,,12 '12' '12' iii', '09,10, '09,10, '09,10, '09,10, '12,13 '09 '11 '12,13,14 '11 '12 '12 '12 '11,12 12,13,14 12,13,14 12,13,14 12.18.14 '12 '11 12,13 12,13 12,13 12,13 12,13 12,13 '12 '12 '11,12 'll, '11, 10,14 13 18 13 0 0 0 'lg 282 1592 Mft 283 1592 6ttft 284 1592 50ft 285 1592 _ 50ft 290 1592 50ft 291 1592 Soft 292 1592 50ft 294 1592 Soft 386 1592 Soft 389 1592 86ft 893 1592 soft I 1589 Soft 2 1589 50ft 129 1602 50ft Pt N C 11 Con. 3 10ae Pt 12 Con. 5 Pt 13 lst M Con Reg Tot 20 Con C Que S W Pt 9 Con 1 8/650 Fare. Regular ..... ...e...... 5 cents Night ipr Van: cr. ...10 cents A Night Car will leave West Toronto for Weston eVery Saturday rlth at 12 pm. Returning, leave Weston at 12.20 pm. WESTON LINE. Cars leave West Toronto for Mount Dennis, ete., as follows: Cars leave Keele and Ca: Dundas Sta. TI 2.20 2.20 2.40 1.00 1.20 1.40 l, Services Lords Day, 11 a.m. and 7 pun. Sunday School, 3 p.m-. Men's Bible Class, 3 p.111. Prayer Meeting Wednesday 8 p.m. Bible Study, Tre ternational B. B. Lesson. Friday 8 8.40 9.00 9.20 9.40 0.00 0.20 0.40 1.00 LM 1.40 2.00 Every B11nday-Evensortg at 7. Sunday School at 3 p.m. Ola Saints' Days Holy Communion at 10.30. lst Sunday-Mattias at 10.30 Holy Communion (Choral) at 11. 2nd Sunday-Mattias at 11. 3th Sunday-Holy Commui1ioa after Mattias at 11. 4th Sunday-Mattias at II. 5th Bumityy--Mattins and Litany at ll. 7.40 8.90 6.40 7.00 ll Dina: service next Sunday at 11 oclock mm. Rev T. BEVERLY SMITH, m: T. BEVERLY SMITH, NEW LAID _ EGGS.--Dailf. Apply Reetor. ire, Nicholls, George Street/We' --r.-- on. F 1 ST. JOHN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH. rt-i-yer----,-.-...-.-....,:..':.--;".;-, Cross Street. Mormng Service at 11 a.m. . Sunday School at 12 noon. Evening Service at 7 p.111. Midweek Service at 8 pan. Rev. W. M. McKAY, B.A., Pastor. ll tc,to.-Mattintg and Sermon. FOR SALE-Two Self FeedEr 3 iru1.--tSunday P.ehof,r.1. Stoves, in good condition. Apply to 3 p.ar---Adtolt Bible Class, G. M. Lyons, Dry Goods Store. A5tt 7 p.m.--Eirensong and Sermon. _ '=====z=zze=z=zzzezz=zzzzz=z==eem r'elerration of Holy Communion, tirst Sunday of the month at 11 a.m., WANTED.--A Competent Domestic. third Sunday at 8 Ban. Apply to Mrs. W. J . Smith,' King J HUGHES-JONES, M.A.. Street, Weston. 47tt lst and 3rd Sunday of the month, Mass at 9 a.m-. All other: Sundays at [1 an). 3.01: p.ti--Sunday School. T prrs---Vespers . SUBURBAN RAILWAY TIME TABLE. 282 283 284 285 290 291 292 294 386 389 893 WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Comer Main and Mill Streets. Morning Service at 11 amy. funday School at 3 p.m. MOUNT DENNIS METHODIST CHURCH. Morning Service at 11 a.m. Sunday Schoal at 3 p.m. Adult Bthe Classes at 3 19.1: Evenigg Service at 7 p.m. Every Bandar-Holy Communion at THE CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD. RUSSELL ROAD CHURCH OF CHRIST. Bible School at 11 a.m. Junior Christian Endeavour 3 Preaching 7 p.111. Morning Service at 11 a.m. Sunday School at 2.45 p.un Adult Bible Classes at 2.45 ] Evening Service at 7 lt.m. OLD PRESBYTERIAN CHURGH. All the foregoing lands are pitented, E sting Service at 7 p.m, w wdnesday Service at 8 p.m. Rev T. A. SYMTNGTON, M.A., Pastor. J. Huehes-Joaetr, M.A., Rector. F. T. SUMMERHAYES, M.A., Priest in charge. Bible Classes. p.m.-fhmdar, Public Worship. p.m.--Monday; B. Y. P. U. p.sn.-Wednesdar, Prayer Servica‘ a.zn.-mrndar, Public Warship. p.m. -S11ndar School and Adult Rev] J. A. LONG, 1511.11, Pastor. Jt )HN'S CATHOLIC. CHURCH. 4.40 5.00 5.20 5.40 6.00 6.20 6.40 7.00 7.20 7.40 8.00 8.20 3.40 9.00 9.20 9.40 10.00 10.20 10.40 11.09 11.35 METHODIST CHURCH. Rev. J. G. ROGERS, Pastor. Rev. C. J. RICHARDSON, 3.20 3.40 4.00 2.40 *HURCH SERVICES BAPTIST CHURCH. BAPTIST CHURCH Everybody Welcome. ST. PHILIP' S . W. MARSH, Pastor. Mft 6ttft 50tt 50ft 50ft 50ft 50ft 50ft 50ft 36ft soft 50tt 50ft 50ft No Parish Priest. 12.10 12.30 12.50 1.10 1.30 10.10 10.30 10.50 11.10 11.30 11.50 2.10 2.30 Lake Shore Road, 35-756; f,"";"’_"‘ May Buck)": Seventh Street Seventh Street Seventh Street Seventh Street Seventh Street Seventh Street Seventh Street Sixth Street Lake Shore Road Fifth Street Millwood Millwood Montgomery 10761 5.50 6.10 6.30 6.50 7.10 7.30 7.50 8.10 8.30 8.50 9.10 9.30 Cars leave Weston. Seventh Weston, Rector 9.10 9.30 9.50 10.10 10.30 10.50 11.30 12.00 2.50 3.10 3.30 3.50 £101 4.30 4.50 5.10 5.30 5.50 6.10 6.30 6.50 7.10 7.30 7.50 8.10 8.30 Street Street Street Street Street Street Street Street -Going North.-- 8.13 amr--Dailg, except SuntTay, , Ti 10.18 am1.-Daily, except Sunday. “"f'yi 1.10 p.m.--Stop Sum and Mon."only 5.53 p.m.--Daily, except Sunday. _ 7.08 p.m.-Daily stop. 7.25 aus-Daily stop, except Sunday. 9.15 'cm.-Dailr stop. 1.16 p.zn.-DaHr atop, except Sunday. 4.00 Irm.--Daily stop, when Sunday. 7.25 p.m.-Daily stop. --Going East.-- 8.05 a.m.--Dailr stop, except Sunday. 9.42 a.m----Stop Sunday only. _ 12.18 p.m.-Daily stop, except Sunday." 4.25 1p.m.--Dailr staphexcept Sunday.» 7.52 p.m.--Dai1r stop. A man who W 'rig a stickler‘i†' politeness in his h e haddo make a _ trip abroad at the time that histn . ., was taking a col age exirmiatition., , . The father was nous to kn ""31 whether the lad pa ed, and so aek 'tpre him to cable to him immediate upon receiving th report and stall TC "- whether he had p sed or not. It was several weeks before the reporfx, was published, an then the my cabled his father es, Tom. Lrffi, father had forgotte all about his te- quests, and could no make out what the Yes referred 0, so he cabled back, Yes, what? Yes, _ sift. was the cabled answer. -Going South.- _. 7.50 a.m.-Daily stop. . 10.41 ami.--Daily, except Sunday. 11.35 a.m.--Stop Wed. and Fri. only; 4.40 p.m.--Dailn except Sunday. )7 7.40 p-ma-r/ails, except Sunday. l J. K. MeEWEN, Lice-used Aug-125.1,:- eer for the Counties: of York, Peel aid B-imcoe. Dealer in Real Estate. Vil- lage and Farm Properties for Salon: Rent. Offiee, Main Bt., Weston. Long distance telephone. V "if A. M. McEWEN. Licensed Auctioa- eer for the Counties of York and Peel, Omee, Main Street, Weston'. Lang distance Telephone. RICHARD WADE. Counter Avenue. delivery agent for the Dominion and Canadian Express Company’s on business; in and out within the to; limits. Also baggage and gene cal-tags, Phone No. M. _ tf UuAHLES GILLIB.--oenerat Team. ing. Sand, Gravel, Stone and Filling always in stock at yard. Moving. promptly attended to, Phone try Phone hours: 6.30 a.m., 12.30.nooii, and 6.30 p.m. HOUSE TO RENT.--Btsven 3.00!ng all conveniences, Rectory Road: Apply _to John Gardhouse, George Street, Weston. Mtg 7.25 a.m.--Daily 9.15 aus-Daily 1.16 p.m.-Dailr 4.00 p.m.--Daily 7.25 p.rm-Daily TEACHER WANTEL.---Q Chinaman, on Sunday, ma female, willing to go to private r _ dence, or take instruction 5-; his residence. Will pay for time taken. Apply Times & Guide. 1 WANTED.-A man for Wag,J also for housewor . Apply Box 236 Weston. 51 O‘HéRLE S_ GILLIS .--0eneral Gandensed jp?,im', WOODBRIDGE DIVISION. EXPENSIVE HOLI-TENESS 6.60 6.60 7.27 . 7.27 6.60 6.60 7.27 7.27 7.27 12.02 7.27 16.49 16.49 4.15 29.87 8.18 29.08 54.74 LOCAL TIME TABLE. LOCAL. TIME TABLE. --Going West.-- _.35 1.88 1.35 1.83 2.46 1.35 1.35 1.86 1.25 1.85 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.40 1.35 1.51 1.51 7.95 7.95 8.62 8.62 7.95 7.95 8.62 8.62 8,62 123.42 8.62 18.00 18.00 5.50 31.20 4.58 80.91 57.20 510.22 i" ’12.]3 ’19:.13 '11 'II 'r.?.ilt 13:14 'yo 12 12 12 I'.?, 12. 12 12