'13? ‘W’ a, _ 'li') 3‘2 At a meeting of the Islington Sold- iers’ Aid Society held last week twelve letters were read, the number received up to date from friendless soldiers overseas in acknowledgement of the Christmas boxes sent to them by this society through the Parkdale Soldiers' Aid to friendless boys in the trenches. Each writer said the receipt of these boxes brought Christmas cheer into their hearts, also to know and feel that some onewas caring for their personal comfort encouraged them to, light on, to do their bit for King and Country, and hoped some day when the Christmas spirit, "Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Men," ruled the world, to be able to return to Canada and per- sonally thank the committee for their kindness and generosity. One man said he was exceptionally pleased to get his box, as it was the first parcel he had ever had the pleasure of call- ing his own. He had envied the other boys when messages and parcels came to them from friends. It made him feel alone in the world. But now he felt as if somewhere in Canada he had friends who cared for his welfare. Several of the ladies intend writing return letters. The society sent twen- ty boxes containing socks and other articles of clothing and comforts. Mrs. Marshall, former secretary of the Islington Soldiers' Aid Society, was in towit,iliuit Wednesday, A sleighing party trdm Richvieysb was held at the home of Mrs. M. New- love, Canning Avenue, The early part of the evening was spent at progressive euchre. Mrs. IE. R. Ma- son and Mr. J. Dawson were the suc- cessful prize winners. A dainty lun- cheon was served, after which a number of vocal duets were rendered by Mrs N, Canning and Mr, O. Dix- 6'n. A number of patriotic songs were sung by all. After singing God Save the King, the merry crowd don- ned their wraps and proceeded home- ward, having spent a very enjoyable evening. _ In the recent Sunday School exam- inations Edith Moore won first place in the diocese in the Junior Division, taking a percentage of 84 marks. This gives her the honor of being To- ronto’s representative for the medal. But the three medals given to the scholars in the Senior, Intermediate and Junior Departments taking the highest percentage all went to west- ern schools. Medals were awarded to the following girls: Sn, Nelly Penn; Intermediate, Ada Moore; Jr., Winni- fred Taylor and Bessie Abbott. These examinations were on the Bible and Prayer Book. Prizes were presented on Monday, February 19th at Holy Trinity Church, Toronto, by the Ven. Archdeacon Ingles, who spoke very highly of the work, especially of the Church of the Good Shepherd. The pupils of this school won three of the nine prizes given.' All the scholars made a good percentage. Congratu- lations are to be given Miss Johnson, who is teach r of the Senior Depart- ment, and "liiird, M. Johnson, Inter- mediate teacher, for their faithful and efficient service rendered during the year. On Thursday evening,-, February. 22, the membe'rs at the Adult Bible gt',',", of the Islington Methodist C urch enjoyed a sleigh ride to the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. 'food- ing. The object of the meeting was the election of officersl with the tol- lowing results: _ While playing a friendly game on the Lakeview ice last week, Skips J. J. Patterson, of West Toronto, wand Mr. McDonald, of Mount Dennis, had a remarkable experience at one per- iod of the game. There were 16 stones in the ring and 13 others in the 7 ft. circle. This head created a, good deal of comment in the Lake- view rink, and other games were stopped while the players look a view of the head. The skip stone was 4 inches from the tee. A pleasant way' to spend Monday evening, March 5th, will be to ar- range a sleigh ride to Weston and hear 'President-Mrs: J. A. L. Macpher- son. Con. Missionary Com.-irs. W. IC. Gooding. Con. Social Com.--Mr. H. Maxted. After the conclusion of business a pleasant and social time was spent. Games of various kinds were engaged in. The serving of dainty and taste- fully arranged refreshments brought the pleasant evening to a close. All Joined heartily in singing, "For They are Jolly Good_Fellows," as the jolly party started on their homeward way. The sympathy of Woodbridge and vicinity is extended to Mr. and Mrs, Morgan, as the name of Pte. E. C. Morgan appears on the casualty list of the Mounted Rifles. The Bachelors and Benedicts of Woodbridge Methodist Church held their annual concert on Monday night. On account of so many calls on the time of the people, they dispensed with their supper. But a splendid programme was given and a very en- joyable evening spent. . _ - Vice-Presiding-Mr. . E. Ball. "seeretatry-Mrs. George Wilson. Con. Visiting Committee-Mrs. It Garbutt, Miss' Ainsworth intends giving a, Quaker Girls old country tea shortly after Easter. The first practice will beheld on Thursday March 1, under the direction of Miss Ainsworth. During the Lenten season, Rev. Mr. Summerhayes will give a lantern slide lecture every Tuesday night. Next week his subject will be the Belgian Relief Work PAGE EIGHT _' The attendance at the noon-day services held in the church of The Good Shepherd are increasing every day. A number from the Kodak taking advantage of these meetings, and at- tending in good numbers. Rev. Sum- merhaYes takes charge of the meet- ings, AIT illustrated Lantern lecture on Missionary work, among the shanty men of the Lumber Camp, was given in the school room‘of the church, of The Good Shepherd on Tuesday night, by Rev. Mr. Summerhayes. Don't forget that Monday, March 5th; is the night of the travelogue given in the Westminster Church at Weston. _ Word haSIbeen received daring the week that Pte. l). Jones is in the hospital suffering from wounds. MOUNT DENNIS WOODBRIDGE IsIaNGTON The Mimico branch of the Women’s Institute were very - much interested with the lecture given at their last meeting by Miss Yates of Port Credit on the "Arts of Gardening and Poul- try Keeping.†Several of the ladies have decided to put into practise the ideas they received along the line of gardening this summer. Others say they will try poultry raising. Mr. Gould occupied the chair and intro- duced the speaker. The members of the choir and Young People's Society of Mimico Anglican Church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Harris, Queen Street, on Thursday evening, February 15. A very pleasant time was spent by all. During the evening a presentation of a gold fountain pen and air pillow was given to their friend and com- rade, Pte. Hugh Dandridge, who leaves.With his, battalion, the 198th Butts, for overseas on February 23. Following is the address: Dear 1Euglr.-. _ The members of the choir and of the Young People’s Club of Christ Church, Mimico, desire to express in some tangible form the high esteem in which as a member of both organi- zations you are held, and we have one and all subscribed to the accompany" lug present, which you are asked to ‘accept to-nlght. No more honorable, course could-you have chosen in the present world crisis, and lthough we all would that no such fause should. have arisen to make your departure from our midst necessary, you have the assurance that the hearts and prayers of all will go with you where- ever your King and Country may choose to order your battalion. You are yet far removed from the firing line and while we all wish that peace might be declared before you reach there, we know that should it fall to your lot to go you will do your bit manfully and thus add yet more glory to the laurels already won by Cana- dians. Our prayers will daily most earnestly be made to our Heavenly Father for your support and safety during any and all dangers or trials you may be called upon to face, and should it please Him to grant you a safe return at the termination of hos- tilities no effort will be spared by us to give you the warmest and most cordial of receptions at your home- l coming. l 1st 2nd ,Best representatives of the largest couple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 50 Best representatives of the smallest couple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 50 Best representatives of colored couple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 50 Bestrepresentationofanoldmaid........ ...... ......... 75 50 Bestlookingeouple.....'............................... 75 50 The most graceful girl and boy under lil years . . . . . . . . . . . .. / 75 50 The best representation of very feeble old couple . . . . . . . . . . . ( 75 50 Themosttypicaloldfarner..........‘............-....... 75 50 Best exhibition of fancy skating, lady or gentleman . . . . . . . . 75 50 Thebestclown.............-...... B................... 'o........... 75 50 Gents' nail contest, ten times around the rink, drive one nail each lap, each competitor to furnish his own hammer, 1st, $1.00; 2nd, 75c; 3rd 500. p Al competitors must be on skates. All competitors must wear masks, except those in beauty contest, col- ored couple, graceful couple and nail contest. Masks are to be removed when the bell rings. , J?i't,ti'sri:tis; m w " C, p , _ Free shed and stabling until filled. ", Special car leaves Keele and Dundas Street, Toronto, at 7 o'eloek and Woodbridge at 8 o'eloek. Returning leaves rink at 10.30. ADMISSION: Adults 25c; Children under '12 years, 15c. War tax extra. P. FARR, Proprietor. A deputation of the residents ot New, Toronto conferred with the Schdol Board on the matter of estab- lishing a continuation school. At the present time children who desire High School education are going to the city. In the past, with so few children going, it was not thought fair to tax the village for privileges for a few, Aut with the growth of the vil- lage it is generally felt that a con- tinuation school is needed. The School Board are. planning to start these classes at the beginning of the fall term. The question of establishing a kindergarten class is also under dis- cussion . The manager has spared no time nor money' to make this the greatest event held here this season. A tea and concert will be given in the ThistletoWn town hall on Friday evening, March 9th. A splendid pro- gramme will be given. Proceeds to be Mr. W..J. Gardhouse was in Ottawa last week with the deputation that waited on the Minister ot Railways and Commissions in regard to the new electric transmission line from Islington to the Lake Shore Road. HURRAH 'uesday Evening, March 6, 1917 Signed by the Subscribers NEW TORONTO THISTLETOWN Grand Masquerade and Hard Times CARNIVAL PRIZES WILL BE AWARDED FOR THE FOLLOWING THISTLETOWN To be Held in the Large Covered Arena One Admission to Both Games ..L 25c and War Tax l SKATING EVERY SATURDAY AND TUESDAY NIGHT. Brass Band in Attendance. WESTON COVERED RINK Wt J. CHAPMAN, Manager. WESTON _ Friday Night, March 2 DOUBLE HEADER ' HOCKEY MATCH Dealer MAIN STREET, WESTON $15 CASH IN PRIZES A CAR OF LAND PLASTER will afrive aboqt March 5th for Moody Bros. Place your order at once, _ Phone No. 36. caler in FLOUR, BRAN AND SHORTS, CRUSHED OATS, T CHOPPED OATS, HAY AND STRAW. All kinds of POULTRY FOODS AND SPECIFICS. ' ROLLING AND CHOPPING l The very finest of Blue Serges, Worsteds in Brown, and Blue Mixed Tweed Suit Lengths. MEN rlL001E NEAT All new stock guaranteed to stand. Made to fit your pe- culiarities and tastes for $27 and up. MAIN STREET, WESTON WEST TORONTO VICTORIAS WESTON INTERMEDIATES Place your order at once for Easter delivery W. E. COLEMAN FEED THE LAND FERTILIZER I At 8 RM. versus MOODY BROS. THE TIMES & GUIDE. WESTON: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1917 'tiitl5, l versus DENTAL COLLEGE At 9 RM. t PORT CREDIT PHONE NO. HURRAH PHONE 36 Grey 25c Sends to Your Home One of the Newest Models of the Famous White Machines February 26th, 27th and 28th at Our Store. WONDERFUL VALUES FOR THIS SALE ONLY Prices $31.50, 36.00, 39.20, 40.80, 42.50, $54.00 Only 50 Memberships-W) White Sewing Machines will be Sold on this Club Plan WHY YOU SHOULD Demonstrations pf these Machines will be given on SALE _ STARTS TOMORROW COME EARLY J. G. Marshall & SON venience to your pocket book. Because your Health deserves it. Because sewing will henceforth become a pleasure. Because it never pays to put off doing a good deed. Because after the Club closes prices will be higher. Because such an opportunity may never come again. Because no better machine can be had at any price. Because the first coat is so low. . Because the Club Payments are so easily made. Because you cannot buy again with so little incon- mre's a Wonderful Opportunity to Ge t a New "Made in Canada" WHITE gnaw _ 25c. IS ALL YOU NEED gggggm WY OUR PLAN TO JOIN OUR "WHITE" PROGRESSIVE SEWING MACHINE CLUB Telephone 218 fl" ' Rt , ‘ , , a. e, . n. ' Ag . - _ ' - r - - N ‘ ‘ , " T . r,r F A L' . " ‘ " -, = - . . " q " Afr/135 [l .2-» , F B. . - wt;- 'Blltlii' ‘ Cl - ge %t1al fl ' . . - “:2" ' tt , . tf "a: . lie Ei fy - I MiBis ., ., - My. gBlWNit " italtR E MI ' - ,"lmzfs q - - _ ‘ . - 'MllMm V - " BE q __ ..= a y 'mm lh 6r' © SP k " 3 TNRTT A T. .- INIITIAE PAYMENT JOIN TO-MORROW MOUNT DENNIS 5,5EF,i,F.EFEEEiEFE==,iiFE,P, Ist" N... -" O k', ,..._..._.._. - ...._____,_v . - ~ . F - ' ' D ., “s. tt I y t - , “ it,Us5) h5zdllil)) = " . - - A tee " " . Ri F Ll . - aa-rl I Milf-l--, a . l " I " . . . a RMt5iiilllEii) ! d ' " r .. - , l will“ l IE "HM-m E " ' , ‘ _, " it " . ‘ TIE Ill' I MI : . c' ' 'v. llillKllilllliN 'tlhtrig " s lllWW!rC) 'l a. ' , BgiiNr- 'l p " , 3 ? Bri8, KWSRiN ‘ " . iNMiMillB==te . Rs, INITIAL a. iitRi%tBti I Rtr, AYMB stf I 'a2rrrrrrV " FIRST PAYMENT 20th Paym’t $1.10 12th Paym't 75c 16th Paym't $1.00 24th Paym’r $1.20 2 8th Paym’t $1.30 3 6th Paym't $1.50 32nd Paym't $1.40 8th Paym't 5 (re 25c. SCHEDULE FOR $39.20 MACHINE 25th Paym’t $1.30 1 3th Paym't let Paym't $1.20 17th Paym't $1.10 2nd Paym't 250 2 9th Paym’t 33rd Paym't $1.50 3 7th Paym’t 9th Paym't 75c 5th Paym't 50c $1.40 $1.00 $1.60 Cars stops at the door 26th Paym't $1.30 Payment 18th Paym't $1.10 14th Paym’t $1.00 22nd Paym't $1.20 30th Paym't $1.40 1 0th Paym't 7 iitt 34th Paym't $1.50 6th Paym't 50c 3rd Paym't 25c 35tp Paym't $1.50 15th Paym’t $1.00 $1.60 11th Paym't 750 27th Paym't $1.80 19th Paym't $1.10 ttist Paym't $1.40 23rd Paym’t $1.20 7th Paym’t 500 4th Paym't 2 Fe