I Inch's Cut Rate Drug Store l This May Remind - You VOL. XXIX. No. 48 l 2. SC 3. MI 4, BE 1 5. SE i in gh, q' W JI)iCfI,0ruggistk Stationer / (ruto Store For L. R. Barlett's November Recital HAVE YOU, PACKED THE SOLDIERS BOX YET? Look over this list, it may suggest something you have forgotten. 1. 1VR1G,LEY'S GUM. _ Soldiers' package of Doublemint, 6 pkgs. " SOLDIERS' CHOCOLATE. One half pound cake................. 3. MALTED MILK PECAN TOFFEE. Something new in candy, per lb. . . . . . . . 4. BEN BEY CIGARS. _".., Soldier's package, 10 cigars . .". . . . . . . c. 5. SHAVING SOAP. 's er-aa/e stick, powder, or cream . . . 6. CARBOLIC SOAP. , _." Atpercake................ T, HORL)CK's MALTED MILK .. “Kr-:or‘éengréted food, convenient to carry at all times. Per bottle o............-.....--.."".""""' 50c y Don't forget some SNAP-SHOTS of home. They are the connecting link between Canada and France. f . PRIVATE GREETING CARDS . _ To have your Greeting Cards overseas by Xmas, order them NOW. , _ Our Sample Books are ready for your inspection. T Our service is the best.. No coal can equal it for Burning Clean and Giving the Heat. PART II. io. Midsummer's Night Dream nglju're . 11. 12. 13. ll. 15. 16. th 18. .one 27, Night 23.6 :Prehlde (Rachmaninoff) . . . The Bird of the Wilderness V (From "The Gardiher," by Tagore) (k) Hungarian Dance No. 5 ... . . . . .. (b) Minuet (Paderewski) . . . . . . . . . . . Barber of Seville-Largo al factotum i Barber of Seville-Una voce poco fa . . La Cinquantaine r..,..............'. Songe d'Autonane .................. (a) SanctiMaria r.......'.........,.. (b) Your Eyes Have Told Me . . . . . . . (a) Kashmiri Song .....t.......... (b) Evening Brings Rest and You ... (a) Souvenir.-.....-..., (b) Minuet inD No. 2 (Hadyn) ....', (a) The Broken Doll ....'....r.... (b) OverThere.................... DeepRiver........................ 15trtETsoftheNight rr............... Send Me Away WithaSmile ......._ Military Symphony-Min; an.ch.Finale. Manon-Laughing Song Prices per dozen leston Coal & Lumber Co. "er%ts ach item is specially prepared for overseas. Are Jon-h-UU?:',""'?:', QUuS .................... VTa Kashmiri Song F......................... Evening Brings Rest and You T............ Souvenir....--.....-......... MinuetinDNo.2(Hadyn) ....'........... The Broken Doll T........'.............., OverThere.............................. :pRiver.......................... Aldaam 'sri/tiii/gt".:.'.:.'..".'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Smith’sC A aim“ .. and W. Scranton Coal the Sole Vendors here. Place Your Order. WILL GIVE YOU BIG RESULTS PROGRANINIE GOD SAVE THE KING H. H. RUDOLPH, Manager, Weston EAGLE AVE. PART I. Victor Concert Orchestra ...i........ Alma Gluck Victor Concert Orchestra ............. Galli-Curci ............e... Murphy Cola............. Murphy .................. Elman J....'............ Elman .r...........q.... Bayes T................. Bayes 'r...... Alda and Chorus _................ Lauder ....... Smith's Orchestra .......t..... McCormack Victor Concert Orchestra LUNCH TABLETS .......$1.00 and up .......... Kreisler "".t"". De Luca .........Tetrazzini Mckee's Orchestra Bohem. Orchestra for . JI?.R. Track . Kreisler 'a' (littittt. 6112 - aruso art1so 25c 25c 25c 85c 50c 10c The Weston Fire Brigade intend holding their annual concert on Thurs- day evening, November 22. Full par- ticulars later. Mr. Dick Foster, one of Toronto's well known soloists, will give several selections at L. R. Barlett's recital on Tuesday evening, Nov. 6. Hear Galli-Curci in the Manon laughing song at V R. Barlett’s Vie- trola recital on Tuesday evening, No- vember 6th. - Miss Harrison of Milton is' a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Dickin, Main St. Right Rev. J. Lofthouse, D.D,, bish- op of Keewatin, is the guest of Mrs. A. A. Briggs, Rosemount Avenue. Miss Beatrice Prest's violin calls Jean McLellan and the choir to sing tor "The Old Folks at Home," who listen eagerly for Miss Rita Rogers to recite. Pte. Gordon Mattison of the For- estry Department returned to Exhibi- tion Camp last Saturday after spend- ing a short leave of absence at his home on Eagle Street. He expects to go overseas early in November. The Weston Horticultural Society after another year's successful opera- tions is holding its annual rn6isting in the town hall on Wednesday even- ing, November 7th, at 8 o'clock. The citizens should Show their apprecia- tion of this society by attending the annual meeting and assisting in elect- ing proper officers to carry on the work for another year. The Horticul- tural society is doing a splendid work and should receive the hearty support of all our citizens. t Once again L. R. Barlett is provid- ing for the citizens of Weston an op- portunity of hearing their favorite composers on the Victrola. Don't miss it-Tuesday evening, November 6th, in Barlett's music hall. . The Weston Red Cross Society has just made its final shipment for the year of 19 cases. This makes a total of 129 cases shipped during the year, containing 3,764 pairs of sex, 2492 suits of pyjamas, 808 shirts,503 sheets, 444 towels,228 pillow cases. The above quantities gives some idea of the im- mense amount of work which has been accomplished by the women of Mreston and vicinity during the past twelve months. They are now begin- ning another year and expect to do even more work during the coming year. November 7th is the box social and euchre party given by the members of the Canadian Order of Chosen Friends in the Church Street hall, Weston. Proceeds to be used in Bend- ing soldiers' comforts to the members overseas. Come and enjoy the even- ing. Also help the boys. L. R. Barlett has been appointed lo- cal agent for ye olde firm Heintzman & Co., and will have several leading pianists at his recital on Tuesday ev- ening, November 6th, to demonstrate the pianos and piano players ot this well known firm. Mr. J. M. Gardhouse shipped trom the C. P. It. station last week a car load of Scotch Shorthorns to Mr. A. W. Cutten of Chicago, 111., also a car of Clyde and shire mares and stallion colt to Mr. Rawlinson of Calgary, Alta. Miss Mildred Peacock has severed her connection with the Canada Cycle & Motor Co., Weston, to accept a re- sponsible position with a States firm. As an employee of the COM. she gave satisfaction, being capable and efficient, and will be very much miss- ed in her department. Socially her many friends are sorry,to hear of her departure,but all join heartily in wish- ing her every success in her new life. Karl Munshaw and Willie Le Rose made a trip to the bush 20 miles above Orangeville recently in search of game. Owing to the, dense underbrush they experienced great difficulty in getting a decent shot. They returned to town.wtth a small bag to account tor their success as marksmen, but had felt the lure and fascination of the hunt which is often the larger share of the chase. Mr. A. G. Goulding, secretary pt Weston, York and Etobicoke Agricul- tural Societv, will be in his office at the Bank "st Nova Scotia building} Weston, on, Saturday, November 3rd, and the 1ollowing Saturdays during November to pay all prize money won at Weston fair held October 14 and 15, 1917. ' Mrs. Jas. Chambers of John Street has sent in to the treasurer of the Weston Returned Soldiers' Fund the nice sum of $5.60. This donation was made by her own individual efforts and work. The society feel very grate- ful to Mrs. Chambers for her kind- ness and generosity in behalf of their fund. A party of hunters composed of Messrs. Geo. Packham, Wm. Keys, Wm. Shielis. Arnold Smith, Wm. Char- boneau, of Weston; D. C. Walterhouse, Toronto, and Charlie Packham, of Brampton, left on Tuesday night for Deer Lake,Parry Sound district, where they intend to spend a couple of weeks enjoying the delights of stalk- ing deer and other game. The host and hostess will receive the choir and invite them, together with their artist friends, to take part in an informal musical programme, somewhat as follows: Mrs. Allen Peirson’s "Dear Little Shamrock" goes with Miss Stella Itowntree's piano, to turn "Some Folks Sigh" into the “Laughing Chorus," which naturally follows Mr. Boy's funny story, "Down by the Old Mill Stream," where stands Miss Helen Barker's "Old Kentucky Home," coi. taining the piano which Miss Irene Lee plays and echoing with Miss Rowntree's "Song that Reached my Heart," which binds it with "Silver Threads Among the Gold" to the same violin and Miss Rogers' other re- citation, at which all sing God Save the King. WESTON WEST YORK'S NEWSY WEEKLY 6k WESTON, ONTAftIO,'wIcDNEJSDNY, OCTOBER 318T, 1917 Friday, November 2nd, Thistletown Methodist phurch choir concert in Thistletown hall. Thursday, November lst, monthly meeting of the Weston fire brigade in the town hall, Weston, at 8/p.m. Thursday, Noveihber 1, Red Cross entertainment in" Smithfield Church at 8 p.m. Monday, November 5th, regular meeting ot_the I.0.0.F. in Church St. hall, Weston, at 8 pan. Monday, November 5th, monthly meeting of Etobicoke Council in the Township hall, Islington, at 10 o'- clock a.m.. P m'" Monday, November 5th, regular meeting of the New Toronto council in council chambers, New Toronto. Tuesday, November 6th, regular meeting of Weston Board ot Educa- tion in the pub{ic school, WeSton. as " * Tuesday, November 6th, regular meeting of Richview Farmers' Club in Richview school house at 8 p.m. sharp. , Services in the Weston Methodist Church on Sunday, November 4th, will commence at 10 a.m. with a.fellowship meeting in the schoolroom. 11 a.m.- Regular preaching service followed by the sacrament of the Lord's supper. 2.45 p.m.--Open meeting of the Sun- day school and Bible classes. Address on temperance by Prof. Billings. 7 p.m.-lvening service. The pastor, Rev. J. W. Stewart, will preach both morning and evening. Good music by the choir. A cordial invitation ex- tended to all. Strangers always wel- Wednesday, November 7th, annual nfeeting of the Weston Horticultural Society in Weston tpwn hall at 8 ppm. Wednesday, November 7th, box so- cial and euchre party, Canadian Order of Chosen Friends in Church Street hall, Weston. _ - Miss Mills of Orangeville is visiting Weston friends this week. Have yOu noticed the window decor- ations ot J. D. Lee, John St., one ot our enterprising merchants? The baskets of luscious yellow oranges in their dark setting resting op a ground work ot yellow paper; nuts, one of the things essential to Htgllowe'en Ms- tivities, scattered around waiting for the witches to gather; a little fore- thought and work comhined does much to add to the appearance of store windows and helps in the bring- ing ot our town to the front. Last Wednesday and Thursday a large number of the young men ot the town and community availed themselves_of the opportunity of ap- pearing before the military board. Captain Bryan and Dr. Meldrum were, the medical examiners, the ciericai work being done by Audrey Robinson,’ Scott Galbraith and R. Sproule. A large percentage of the men were, marked A-2. The board went trom Weston to Woodbridge for Friday and Saturday. At the last meeting of the directors of the Horticultural Society the three most active otricers, viz., the president, treasurer and secretary, all expressed their desire to be relieved of the du- ties of their respective offices. Their opinion was that new blood would materially help in advancing the suc- cess of,the society. The electing of new men to take the places of the present officers should not be difficult in a community possessing so many capable persons as Weston, especially in a, society having nearly 200 mem- bers of our very best citizens. " The Weston post office has refitted each of the boxes with a combination lock, which is the most approved and up-to-date system tor handling mail. It does away with the business of pro- viding more than one key for the fam- ily, forgetting or loosing it or leaving it in your other pocket. Each box has its own separate combination, no two boxes having the same. Operation is simple and easy.q You turn the point to a certain number then turn the di- al to its respective C number, which gives you the necessary combination for opening your box. The telephone was installed some time ago for the use of the public, but owing to the abuse of this privilege it has been found necessary to curtail the hours of answering the phone on account of the. severe handicap it is to the fixing of mail and delivery of same. So will the people kindly remember that no phone enquiries tor mail will be an- swered before the hour of 9.30 an). and after? 4 o'clock p.m. The committee in charge u; the ture and adjourned to meet agam uu Xmas comforts for the boys of the, Thursday, November 15, at 8 p.m., Methodist Church who are overseas when it is hoped that as many as pos- met on Monday night and packed a) sible of the persons interested will at- number of boxes. They will be ship- _ tend. ped some day this week so as to allow} *9 * ' plenty of time For them to reach their} Deputy Reeve F. IT. Miller, York destination and give the boys a bit ot') Township Council, has been success- Christmas cheer. !ful in securing from the Dominion * * * i Government after a, lengthy corres- Last Wednesday and Thursday a pondence, a, cheque for $24 and two large number of the young men ot months' back pay for Mrs. Beck, cor- the town and community availed her of Vaughan Road and Lauder Av- +homsplvn§ of the opportunity of ap- enue, a widow, who has had one son come 2.45 p.m.-Sunday School. 7 p.m.-"The Foundation of Death." The Minister will preach at both services. Union Bible Society Service in the Methodist Church on Sunday morning, November 11th. coo 'sy Wigwam 1e.irses0N. Mummy m BIING EVENTS 'ritriis) . T l Y E IAN E lic-ii-air/ Itl tprik)hi't5ff "ti IS-tell-flees?,,'), '=== Ci' . ))htopvu'iyi'tyt CHUQEH " 11 a.m.-"Christ and the Home." Sacrament of Baptism. Services, Sunday, November 4th Second and last installment of taxes are due on Tuesday, November 20. The public are invited to subscribe 25 cents per seat and the goods will be delivered. Miss Jean Bull of Port Hope spent the week end at her home on King Street. Mrs. Macklin and her daughter, Miss Edith Macklin, of CobOurg, are visiting at the home of her son, Mr. S. Macklin, King St., Weston. Mr. E. C. Roy and chorus sing to "Old Black Joe" as they go to "Call John," the humorous quartette, and Miss Lyon's "Just A'wearing for You." The young ladies of the Sodality Club, Weston, have issued invitations tord Hallowe'en party to be held on Wednesday evening in the Eagle Hall, Weston. ’ The Old Presbyterian Church choir will hold their at home concert in the drawing room on the stage of the church the night of November 8th at Thursday evening, November 8th, is the date set for a splendid musical treat under the auspices of the Old PresbyteriasChurcttchoir. Local and outside talent. Everybody come. Caruso, Murphy, Lauder and other leading artists of the day will enter- tain you at the recital given by L. It. Barlett on Tuesday, November 6th. Everybody come. Miss M. Peacock, who is leaving shortly to take a, position in the States, takes this opportunity of thanking the many Weston friends for the kindness and hospitality extended to her while The opening meeting of the Young People's Society of the Old Presby- terian Church, that was arranged tor last Wednesday night, owing to weather conditions was postponed till to-night, October 31st, Mr. Campbell will give an address on "Some Funda- mentals in Public Speaking." Every- body welcome. The council of the Weston Board of Trade held a very successful meet- ing on Monday evening. Several im- portant matters were thoroughly dis- cussed. Efforts and plans will be for- mulated whereby a postal delivery for Weston will become practicable. Spe- cial attention will be directed by a committee, who are endeavoring to make the town park a valuable as- set to Weston. Committees were ap- pointed to look into the matter of telephone rates between Toronto and Weston, express rates and other great benefits. Arrangements are being made for a public meeting under the auspices of the Board of Trade. residing in their town Pte. Gordon McKitterick, one pt the Weston boys who enlisted in the ar- tillery corps last March, went over- seas in April and received his train- ing at Shorncliffe Camp, England, is now on active service in France, a striking illustration of how quickly some ot the, boys are transferred to the front. Tuesday afternoon was the scene of great activity in the schooiroom of the Old Presbyterian Church, when a number of the ladies gathered around the long tables spread with an array of good things sent in by the mem- bers of the congregation for the pur- pose of giving the boys at the front a merry Christmas. About seventeen boxes were sent off. killed in action recently and another returned wopnded. Mr. Miller was compelled to" appeal to the govern- ment over the heads of the patriotic fund officials to secure relief. In the meantime Mrs. Beck was looked attef by the York Township Council, of officers and other important items of business will be held in the town hall, Weston, on Wednesday evening, November 7th. All members are ur- gently requested to be present and as- sist as' it is one of the most important meetings ot the year. Come prepar- ed to share the work and responsibili- l On Friday evening a number of persons intrested in the work of Dr. Wilfred T. /4rtpt_e11 ot Labrador met at the home of Mrs. Lyons to consider arrangements for an illustrated lec- ture to be given at Weston by Dr. Grenfell, probably the early part of next year. The meeting decided that it was desirable to arrange for the lee- ture and adjourned to meet again on Thursday, November 15, at 8 p.m., when it is hoped that as many as pos- sible of the persons interested will at- tend. ty of the society. Your oo-operation is needed to make it a success. vgionx: Warren MI. WE1STON ANGLBA T The Cruickshank Wagon Works Phone 41r3 Experienced Lady Stenographer Wanted At Once Gibson, McCormack, Irvin Co., White Rock Finish and make Concrete Waterproof and Stronger. A Hydrated Lime for White Coat Plastering with peculiar advantages which recommend it to anyone interested in permanent and beautiful finish for building walls ' FRUITS You can always be sure the finest selection of . fruit for table use is at our store ---. Pears, Or- anges, Peaches, Grapes, Bananas. We have them when nobody else on the road handles them. CANDIE S GROCERIES Phones :----VVeston 74 and Junction 237 Weston Branch Yard - " J. C. Irv FLOWERS Here we are, giving value for every dollar spent. Everything required in this line is to be had. A ring of the telephone and we will deliver you the very best groceries to be had on the market. SPECIAL INDUCEMENT Every person will get a ticket Which represents $15.00 in value. Each purchase wilbbe punched. When filled you can select, any article in the store to the value of 500. This will be given to you free. It is a cash discount of 3% per cent. on every $15 spent with W. W, COOK, the Cash Grocery. OYSTERS One of the best foods a person can eat. You can prepare them easily and in a great variety of ways. Always to be relied upon when purchas- ed here. We handle the Seal Ship and they are always fresh. Telephone 55 From $20.00 up; ready to put on Ford cars or Form-A Truck Attachments. Watch for the big Window Display-see it when the car passes. t).ur Satisfied euptomers have caused us to tm- large the stock and department. , 11st double the space and stock is used. You can always satisfy your taste from our large steak. All the best makers' candies are to be had. The big sale insures you fresh stock. The closed cases ity-' sure clean stock. The high class manufaetdr- ers ensure a pure stock. ,r' Use-- This department gives you a choice of beautiful flowers fresh from Cahada's greatest C0r1serva-. tories. They lend color 'and. beauty to yoi1r home. They bring pleasure and cheer to the sick. _ Wagon Repairing and Repainting- Auto Painting Canada Cycle & Motor Co., Ltd. WESTON, ONTARIO W. W. COOK Put up in 50 1b. paper bags. COMMERCIAL BODIES Main Street, Weston “TIGER BRAND' ' Apply in person if possible bringing written application, giving full particulars of experience, education, etc., to Mr. Roy Buttonwood & Weston Road Q $1.00 Per Year in Advance Main Street, WESTON J. C. Irvin, Mgr. LIMITED Fr; i531; I 1