Times & Guide (1909), 19 Dec 1917, p. 4

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1rgr 5? 2-": a If',' , M» 'iEi,l' 'iii's' The trustees of the school are - John Fokens. Alf. Shaw. Ewen Rid- dell and Secretary, J. S. Brand. The teachers are: Miss H. L Creech, prin- cipal, and Misses A. Campbell and B. Yates. The proceeds amounted to about $60. A Very interesting and unique school concert was given in the Lamb- ton Park School on Tuesday evening, December 11th, befo a. large and enthusiastic audience, he program consisting of choruse recitations, patriotic drills, and CN cises and plays was entirely by the hool, and reflects pinch credit upon tty teach.. ers and those associated wit them in the training. The numbers, all ot good merit, were selected to rive a proper balance. The entert ment never dragged, while the IL ural charm and grace of the children .re irresistible. The spirit of gaiety T d enjoyment was mellowed by the ex present thought of brothers and fath ers serving overseas and that the main motive of the concert was to help provide some glad cheer to loved ones at the front. ~Skating in Thistletown rink on Saturday night, December 22, Wood.. bridge band in attendance. Also a special car leaving West Toronto at 7.20 pan. will run, picking up pas- sengers along the route, arriving at Thistletown at 8 o'clock. It will re- main there till 10 p.m., when the re- turn trip will be made. Admission to skaters: Ladies 150, gentlemen 20c. Admission to spectators, 150 plus lc war tax. W ' Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Farr of Ardrie, Alta., will arrive on Saturday night to spend the winter months with Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Farr, Thistletown, and other friends. First class ice and good music made the opening of Thistletown rink last Saturday night an unqualified success. The large number of skat- ers very much enjoyed gliding over the glassy surface to the strains of band music provided by the Wood- bridge band. The home made refresh-. ment booth also received its share ot attention and approbation from the merry crowd assembled. A school concert will be given in Emery public school on Thursday af- ternoon of this week. The scholars under the direction of their teacher, Miss Foster, have arranged a splen- did programme.' All parents and friends cordially invited to be pres- eat. Emery Literary Society will hold their regular meeting on Saturday night, Deecmber 22nd, in the Home Circle Hall, A very interesting pro- gramme is arranged tor. Everybody welcome. Xmas service and special music in Emery Methodist Church on Sunday afternoon, December 23rd, at 2.30 o'- clock. 'l1ite pastor will preach. The scholars of Emery Methodist Church Sunday school: are holding theirSuhday school concert." and Xmas tree on Friday night, December let. After a varied programme by the children lunch will be served. Ad- mission 150. The above" photo represents one or. ouiretistots. boys "who is fighting for home,"fustipe and liberty. Pte. S. Canning; Ri‘cliview, who enlisted and Went actos< witlrthe 126th Battalion. He has Been in France nearly a year and was recently awarded the Mili- tary Medal for valor. _ In place of the usual gathering tor work by the membersrof the Richview Women's Institute on Wednesday last a social was arranged for. The mem- bers and their friends met in large numbers at the home'of Mrs. J. Hut- chison. Euchre tables were arranged and many availed themselves of the pleasure of matching skill with hearts versus diamonds. For others not interested in this pastime music was provided and the merry strains of laughter and goodwill floated through the rooms in company with the tripping feet. Dainty refresh- ments were served by the hostess, and after extending a hearty vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Hutchison for their generous hospitality the happy party left for home. The Ladies' Aid and Sewing Circle of Richview Methodist Church met at _the home of Mrs. J. Peacock last Fri- day evening. Owing to the stormy weather and bad roads several were prevented from attending. A very pleasant time was spent. Chorus sing- ing, music and social intercourse made the hours pass quickly. One of the pleasing features of the occasion was the address and presentation of a very choice piece of linen to Mrs. McCal- lum, one of the,active members, who is leaving the community to reside in Summerville. The good wishes for their future success go with Mr. and Mrs. McCallum and family in their new home. Miss Gladys Canning, teacher, and pupils of ihe Richview public school are arranging for a splendid closing concert on Friday afternoon, Decem- her 21st. All the parents and their friends are cordially invited to at- tend. Christmas service and special mu- sic will be held i.O Richview Church on Sunday evening, December 23. PAGE FOUR THISTLETOW'N LAMBTON EMERY RICHVIE W A cordial invitation to all and es- pecially to parents of the children and friends to attend and show their in- terest, which ‘will encourage the ef- forts of those who have this work in charge; A silver collection will be taken. Mr, J. Hearn has kindly con- sented ttract as chairman tor the evening? "r ‘ Santa Claus has been invited to call during the 'evening' and distribute the numerous gifts which will decorate an old time Xmas tree. Russell Road Sunday School intend holding their "annual Christmas en- tertainment on Saturday, December .22. The programme will consist of recitations, dialogues and readings and a play entitled the Mutual Im- provement Society. A very enjoyable time was spent at the Wright Bros. last Thursday night by the large number ofpsop1e who accepted the invitation of the Smithfield War Auxiliary' to spend an evening at this home. A guessing con- test of a jar ot candies was put on. Mr. Harry Graham won out and up- on receiving his reward, a box of chocolates, auctioned it off, which brought the proceeds of the night's entertainment. up to $40.50. Euchre was engaged in, Mrs. Dale ind Mr. R. Wright winning first favors and Mr. Allie Steele and C. Cameron the consolation prizes. A social hour was spent with the ever refreshing bever- age, tea, sandwiches and cake. Smithfield War Auxiliary has again demonstrated to the public the fact that they do not believe in putting off till to-morrow the work of to-day. A meeting was held on Monday night for the purpose of deciding the best means of disposing of the proceeds of last Thursday night's social. After some discussion it was decided to send $20.00 to the Halifax Relief Fund, $10 to the Belgian Relief Fund and to keepdhe balance in the treasury tor patriotc purposes. MAKES RECEIVED AT WESTON al) Sermon. Special] Music. Sunday school entertainment on Thursday evening, December 27th. 8. a.rn.-Hoiy Communion (plain) 11 anu.---Ho1y Communion (chor, a.m., 7.15 G.T.R. 3.111., '8.27 cpm. a.m.', 9.1-0 G.T.R. Dil.; 121.18 G.T.R. perm; 4.45 G.T.R. p.m., 5;53.C,P.R. p.m., 7.05 G.T.R. pate,' ‘17\.50:,§G.T.R.‘ I _ ‘Despatched mm? 7.50 C.P.R. am; _ 8127 'C.P.R, a.rm,' 9.10 G.T.R. pan., 12518 i7.T.P. p.m.,. 5.53 C.P.R. p.rw- 7.05‘G.T.R. p.m., 7.50 'G.T.R. Mt. Dennis rece Christmas Day Services at ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH, WESTON RUSSELL ROAD ban., 5.30 Liu., 11.10 p.m., 6.10 Despatched a.m., 8.50 SMITHFIELD received gg 705 31 so 767 " 34 29 705 31 30 189 707 37 34 Binder, grain, Massey Harris; Mas- sey Harris binder' No. 4, 6 ft.; M. H. corn binder; M, H. side delivery rake; Frost and Wood hay loader; Frost & Wood mower; M. H. two row corn cultivator; 2 M. H. cultivators; M. IE. barrows; M. H. roller; M. H. disc; wagon, heavy; hay rack, Democrat wagon, trench spring wagon, set of bob sleighs, flat rack, W'ilkinson plow No. 3, Wilkinson plow No. 3, with wheels; Frost & Wood 2 furrowed. plow; set of springs for heavy wagon; stoneboat, handy cart, 40 apple bar- rels, 2 water troughs, 1 galvanized milk vat; 1 milk vat; 1-8 h.p. gaso- line M. H. engine with truck; % h.p. gasoline M. ll. engine, new; 60 ft. of belting; M. H. grinder; circular saw complete; 3 unit Hinman milking machine in first class running order; litter carrier with 150 foot track; ladder, 16 tt; 10'x18' silo, new; set of heavy team harness; set of light team harness,:a number of bags. T J" T FURNITURE Moffat cook Stove, Moffat Live Oak heater; box stove, table, sideboard; 2 beds. [ TERMS-cash. No reserve. Av... erything must be ‘sold. _ Sir Lyons Johan, No. 28522; Fairy Queen Mercena, No. 24259, due to calve February 15; Graceland Jewel No. 33378, calf by side; Daisy Colan- tha Jewel, No. 54318; Holstein cow, calf by side; Holstein cow, due Mar. 17; Holstein cow due Mar. 1; Hol- stein cow due Mar. 1; Holstein cow, calf by side; Holstein cow due June 10; Holstein cow in full flow; Hol- stein cow due June 20; Holstein cow due July 17; Holstein cow, fat; Hol- stein cow due Sept. 1; 2 Holstein heifers. The above are all choice dairy cattle, giving 60 to 80, lbs. of milk daily, and are being sold -be- cause the owner is giving up the milk business and moving to a smaller farm. - The undersigned has received in- structions from MR. D. MORGAN to sell by public auction at lot 13, Colt- cession 3, West York, on Bright Services A. T. Mather, Choir Leader. Mr. Cosford, Organist. CHRISTMAS SLNDAY December 23rd 11 a.m.---Miss Lind,say, missionary from Japan, "Christmas in Japan" '2.45-Sundsty Sc Classes. 7 p.m.---The Pastor, "Peace on the. Backg'nound of War rr Christmas Music, Evening Christmas Song Service. wednesday-Prayer Meeting, 8 pm. "Everybody Welcome. llllGflllll METHODIST llllllllllll A quantity of hay, 1 Bay gelding, lcd., 4 years. 1 Brown gelding, h.d., 9 years. 1 Chestnut gelding, hal,, 11 years. Bay Horse, 10 years, W.p. Bay mare, 7 years, F,.p. HOLSEEIN CATTLE At 1 o'clock p.m., the following THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1918 Farm Stock CASH AUCTION SALE OF IMPLEDIENTS AND HAY J. H. PRENTICE, Auctioneer. Rev. J. hranace Stewart ( Pastor) IMPLEMENTS HORSES 001 and Bible THE TIMES & GUIDE, WESTON, “WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1917 Good Music A. B. Moffatt Main Street 81200 Frame Cottage, 5 rooms. easy terms. 81300 Frame House, 5 rooms, easy terms. $1600 Brick Cottage, 5 rooms, easq terms. $1800 Brick House, 6 rooms, easy terms. $2000 Frame House, 6 rooms, easy terms. . $2400 Frame House, 7 rooms, easy terms. $3000 Brick House, all conveniences. Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Also Friday and Saturday evenings will meet you by appointment at any hour. Be a Booster for this Paper. $ 9.00 Frame House, 5 rooms. $10.00 Brick House, 2 rooms. Electric light, electric stove Water heating supplied $12.00 Frame House, 6 rooms. $14.00 Frame House, 6 rooms. $14.00 Frame House, 6 rooms. $15.00 Frame House, 7 rooms. $15.00 Brick House, 6 rooms, all C veniences. $1600 Brick cottage, 5 rooms, E ueniences. $20.00 Brick House, 6 rooms, all c veniences, $20.00 Brick House, fi rooms, all C veniences. $23.00 Brick House, 8 rooms, all C veniences. $2000 Brick House, 8 rooms, all C veniences. $25.00 Brick House, 6 rooms, all e veniences. $12.00 $14.00 $14.00 $15.00 $15.00 A. B. MOFFAT’S LIST Walter Ci'tit,,, Wilson Phone: Weston 95 and 96 City Phone: act. 6376 13 1-2 DENARD ST. WESTON HIGH SCHOOL ANNUAL CONCERT FO n SALE FOR RE NT ---till--- THURSDAY AND FRIDAY Jan. 11, 12, 1918 Keep These Dates Free. Victory Bond Contest closes December 3lst, 1917. Popular Prices: 10c and 15c rooms, easy WESTON POSTPONED! all con con con- con con- Notice is hereby given that a, By-law was passed by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Mi- mico on the 5th day of November, 1917, providing for the issue of deben- tures to the amount of $6,000.00 to provide for the cost otl extending the Hydro Electric System of the Town of Mimico, and that such By-law was registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of the East and West Ridings of the County of York on the 5th day of December, 1917. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof anust be made within three months after the first publication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. Dated this 6th day of December, 1917. NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF BY-INV ( FOR StkLEl-A strong one horse sleigh in good repair. Apply to R. A. Cath- cart, Church St., Weston. 1t FOR SALF---A number of young pigs 8 weeks old, also two young bows ready to breed. Apply P. O. Box 13, Weston. TO LET on FOR SAEEG-Three ICl‘eS on Grandview Avenue, frame dwell- ing, three rooms, well, cistern, fruit trees, curmnt bushes. Joseph tia, son, Weston, 157 Bay Street, Toron- to. FOR SALE-Everything in connec- tion with the cag‘tage and express business of R. Wade, and Son, in- cluding motor truck, horses, Mrag- gons. harness, buggies and sleighs. Present contrabts can be transfer- red to a reliable man, also a rural mail contract tor three years to be sublet. Apply R. wade, phone 69. LOST-on \Vudsworthh Bill or along road leading to darline at Burke's Hotel, a nurse's silver medal, name and date engraved on the back. Re ward, phone 200. MOUNT DENNIS J. A. TELFER, Clerk Phone 36 t E We have such confidence in the big BT bowls that 1 _ ">211 ,\.u,\..,.._1 A r . . ‘__. Full line of Hardware carefully bought, closely selected and closely priced. [ HOCKEY STICKS,................, Full line of MITTS AND GLOVES.. STRING BELLS.......-....... WHIPS, BLANKETS, ETC. F JACK KNIVES . . CARVING SETS . RAZORS ......... SKATES......... WHITE flliSll 1llfllllRi'ill [IYEHS Weston Branch Britjsh NgrjlyAmerica J.S.FINNIGAN Church and Main Street _ Why Buy a New Suit P AT THE GARAGE, MAIN STREET, WESTON House Phone 251 Office Phone: We have such confidence in the will guarantee to any farmer who is N ate record of the milk production of h after installing a BT Outfit, that the tion in milch cows caused by using B bowls in a short time, as against the cows out to water. re 36 Main Street, WESTON The House for your Flour and Feed Supply and Chopping Wishing one and all a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2-: New Year :-: BARKER & CO. WESTON HARDWARE Let us clean and repair your old one and ( Save? Money. 3020 Dundas Street West, Toronto MOODY BROS. CHRISTMAS SPECIALS GEORGE A. McCLURE Phone No. 16, Weston 1 confidence in the big BT bowls that we ny farmer who is willing to keep an accur- ilk production of his cows, both before and T Outfit, that the increase in milk Produc- caused by using BT bowls will pay for the -Agent for--.. ESTABLISHED 1836 r. The farmer who maintains close relations with the Bank of B. N. A., and makes as full use as do men in other businesses of the banking facilities offered, is working along the lines that lead to permanent and substantial success. against the method of turning the Weston N. J. McEwen, Manager you will test it soon. Noi/only on Christmas, but every day is happy for the housewife who uses it. It insures good food, good appetites and good health. 'h ' to you and here's hoping that it you have not already tried our l HERE’S A MERRY CHRISTMAS ...........50c to $1.75 -........$3.00 to $6.00 .... ....$1.00 to $5.00 ...........85c to $6.00 ........15c,25c to75c ...........50cto$3.00 ..............$1.50 up EXCELLENT FLOUR Phone 265 254 I "l4'iti'i, ( £331

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