xiii Enter The Times d; Guide Subscription Contest. if :3: 1"i'),)al" Wg BE 'vrTi S', #9:: 5,9 'iff.) " 9:11 MtR8ftNNttMtie8MMtfiWh5imiEEat5igqetitt, ru.1, gaSgMM%2SWa5292gugigg gtgxtwwmmg‘mmgngMy JaSaGagaaWWSgEaSaEagggSaMpgm DRUGGIST w e have a nice assortment for Xmas. Our goods are all new, no old shelf-worn articles. Our prices are the lowest. XMAS ?/ulE77iRqiFr-Bpyc ..... .............25c to $1.50 XMAS CHOCOLATES--Box ..... . . . . . . . . . . .25c to $1.50 XMAS PERFUMES--Box ....\, . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . .25c to $2.00 XMAS CIGARS and CIGARETTES. XMAS CARDS AND BOOKLETS. CAMERAS ....'..'".'.........m.'..'..r.... $2.00 and up FLASHL1GHTS---All prices. TOYS and DOLLS for the children. EYEGLASSES and SPECTACLES for the older ones, SAFETY RAZORS and FOUNTAIN PENS. f HAIR BRUSHES, COMES, TOOTH BRUSHES, SHAV- ING BRUSHES, Etc., Etc. Wishing you a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. Prompt F Delivery Give Groceries This Year ! The Quality is guaranteed. Boxed and Delivered Greeting Card Free with each order of the above. We are here to do business. Try us. __ _ _ Yours in anticipation, 7 lb. bag special Flour ' . 1241b. Lard, pure ........ 1:5 ID. Tea, black or mixed l m. Granulated Sugar . . Glass Marmalade . . . . . . . Bdttle Candy........... % 1b. Fancy Biscuits .... Box Dates.............. 1 lb. Mixed Nuts ........ G Oranges .......f...... 6 Fancy Apples .r...... WARNER J),,,::.::,....,,-.,..)..,: BROS. _ _s,--t:,.-.,j.:s: EAGLE HOUSE BLOCK, MAIN STREET, WESTON " For Christmas HANDS YOU THE CHOICEST GROCERIES At the Lowest Market Prices APPLES, GRAPES, RAISINS, FIGS, BANANAS GROCERIES. PROVISIONS, FRUITS. BOXED CHOCOLATES AND DAINTY 'h"t'rg; Lunch and Hot Drinks Served at 'All Hours Moore's Lunch and Ice Cream Parlor CHRISTMAS GIFTS A. D. NORRIS D. CAMPBELL Stop M, Mimico Beach, Ontario Phones: Park 1403, Local 68 CONFECTIONERY OPTICIAN W E S T C) N Phone: New Toronto 23 Church Street $2.16 200 15c 500 180 Me 1 te 100 100 14c 1‘lb. Mixed Nuts .........25e 6 Oranges ...............200 6FancyApples ....;......15c 1 1b. Rasp. or Strawberry Jam f01'...................30c BoxDates ........ .......150 % Box Box Chocolates ....25c 11b. Grapes ..............200 1 Pure Gold Jelly .........10c Bottle Olives _............10c Pkg. Cream Cheese '..'......15c Bag Monarch Flour ........52c .I No. 3. Loose Rolled Oats 're'. .1. Bag Purity Flour . . . % Ib.' Tea' """'f.""' % 1b. tin Cocoa J. ..- ' 1 lb. Granulated Sugar Jam Honey .,. . . . l .r. erm.', Jar Peaches........, Bottle Stuffed Olives . 1 pkg. Pure Gold Jelly Box Chocolates . . , ' _. per 1 lb, Grapes ......... 1 lb. Mixed Nuts . . . . . 6 Oranges........ .. 'f 1b. Ridgeway Tea . . . 1 1b. Granulated Sugar! . 1 pkg. Tapioca ..... .. Boxed and Delivered Free Fancy Apples STATIONER $3.46 $2.99 150 25c 200 100 250 52c llc 180 Accounts were passed totalling $1,- 621.52 and the Treasurer instructed to pay in full. Acting Reeve Dand- ridige thanked the Council for their attention to business and their hear- ty support given to him in all mat- ters. Each of the Councillors replied in a suitable manner and signified their intention ot standing for re- election for the year 1918. Resolution No. 77, Moved by Councillor Gardhouse, seconded by Deputy Reeve Jackson, that the Clerk be instructed to write the York Pad- ial Railway Company asking that a shelter be erected at the junction of Queen Street and Lake Shore Road, Humber Bay. Raymond, Ross, Ardagh on the ap- portionment of taxes and one from T. F. Gaby, relative to street lighting on Westmount property situated on the Humber opposite' the town of Weston. Resolution No, 75 moved by Coun- cillor Gardhouse, seconded by Depu- ty Reeve Jackson, that the Munici- pality and Township of Etobicoke co- operate with the Township of Scar- boro regarding special legislation for the purpose of operating a water works system for the said Municipali- ty and the solicitor be instructed to attend to the same. Resolution No. 76. Moved by Councillor Mercer, seconded by Dep- uty Reeve Jackson, that the time for the collectors to return their rolls be extended to February lst, 1918. The Township of Etobicoke held their last meeting of the year 1917 in the Township hall, Islington, last Saturday with regular attendance of members, acting Reeve Dandridge in the chair. Following communications were received and read: Mrs. Whitten re refund of taxes. McMaster, Montgomery, Fleury & Co., Township solicitors, re fees.in connection with the appeal of assess- ments by the Toronto Hamilton High- way Commission. This assessment was reduced $30. F. D. Davidson re the cost of local improvements and the amount spent on Queen Street. Monday night is nomination night in the School house. Every citizen should come out. The many aspirants for civic honors will all be on hand to air their ideas and opinions as to how a municipality should be run. Under the progressive development of the distrlct care should be exercised to secure the very ables: and best men available. Men interested in the vil- lage and its welfare should come out and help in this work. It is not all plain, easy sailing to sit on the coui1- cil. It is not all honey, but you have to take everybody's abuse. The Job does not pay you anything. Yet the honor and opportunity it gives to a. man to serve humanity should be sut- tieient inducement to have good men take the affairs over. Four new school trustees are to be nominated. It is very unfortunate that all are quitting together. School trustees' work is most important. Too often some men not qualified are plac- ed in this position. The result is a detriment to the section. Our pres- ent board has done excellent work during their term of office. It will be a loss to the community. St. Margaret's Anglican Church, New Toronto, held their annual baz- aar in the basement of the church‘on Friday, December 14th last. The pro- ceeds amounted to one hundred dol- lars. Throws were taken on two chit, dren's hand worked dresses, Mrs. C. Lovejoy of Fourth Avenue and Mrs. Scott of Birmingham St.,New Toronto, being the winners. High tea was served. / [WE NEWS ITEMS flf IHE [AKE Siillllll il The injunction against the moving ot the tracks is still being adjourned. As latest report states that it will now be heard on Thursday. The Railway Company were not ready to go on. Several conferences have been held. A solution of the whole scheme will in all probability be presented to the people toc endorsation ‘n the near tu- ture. The coal situation is serious on the lake shore. Many homes during the severe cold spell had little or no fire. Mr. Dunn has endeavoured to supply the wants as well as he could. Coal, however, is impossible to get, and as Have you subscribed for The Times & Guide Lake Shore Edition yet? It you have not you are missing the news of your district. Also the affairs of the village. It is expected that you will, cooperate and subscribe at once. A paper is required to convey the public sentiment of the district. This is our object. The Times & Guide has many excellent features and you Aean- not be without it. Give your sub.. scription to Mr. Geo. Scott, Mr. Wil- son at the drug store. or Miss Benton at Mr. Gormaly's office. It is only $1.00'a year to any address in the British Empire. On Saturday morning last Mr. Dunn had a. car of nut coal. All day the teamsters offered their services and continued to work until nearly seven o'clock Saturday night. On Monday morning the car"was just about emp- ty. Mr. Dunn expects to have more coal in before the week is over and hopes to be able to give every one enough to put thenr over Xmas. a, result Mr Dunn is unable to fill his orders, His only chance is that ev- erybody cooperate with him. Don't leave the order till you have used the last shovelfull. Don't order when you have half a ton in the cellar. Just be honest and tell what you have. The district is putting everything in order forsthe Xmas season. Store windows ire being arranged with the usual color and cheer. Goods dis- played puts everybody into the spirit of Xmas. NEW TORONTO E’I‘OBICOKE THE TIMES & GUIDE, WESTOtVWEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1917 And Win a $100 Grafanola Free. Do it Now. Messrs. Ball, Jackson, Mosher and S. Beham were appointed to interview the fuel controller and report the ap- palling condition of the fuel situation in this district Several homes report no fuel for days and the impossibility ot securing any. Messrs. Mosher, Mills, Harrison and Lysathe were added to the committee to help fix the rink. Fire protection, it is felt, is neces- sary here in some form. Messrs. Tim- son, Jackson and Elliot are a commit- tee to investigate what equipment can be secured, its cost and all details. This will be presented to a special meeting of all the ratepayers in the district on the 4th ot January. Every ratepaYer is urged to come out and voice his opinion on that date. Pro- tection in some form is necessary and must be secured at once. On Friday evening the regular monthly meeting of the Ratepayers' Association was held. A large num- ber were present. The committee to report on incorporation did so very favorably, All are much enthused. Most of the winter residents of the park are reported as favoring it. On motion the committee were empower- ed to proceed as required by the law. A petition of the residents is necessary and must be presented to the county council. Incorporation as a police village gives the incorporated "tstrict three trustees, who are under the su- pervision of the township council. They have the power to control the section and to spend money for side- walks and improvements up'tp the amount of 10 mills, which is equal to 1 cent on the dollar. All bigger CS- pehditupes must be submitted to the township council. The bigclaim is that this section, which is growing fast, does not receive the attention which it should. By this means it will become a community ot its own and thus develop faster. The com- mittee will start at once, so as to have everything in order for the county council meeting. South ot the G. T. It. tracks, west of New Toronto and east of the western boundaries of the park is the proposed new section. The boys are at work clearing the ground for the rink. It takes a lot of time. Yet these Willing workers are accomplishing something. The rink committee expect to have the boards placed and everything ready in a few days. Help along the financing of this by attending the dance on Fri- day night week. On Thursday night the annual Xmas tree and school treat for the children of the Baptist Church will be held. A good programme is ar- ranged. A large attendance is looked for. MruP. Ball and W. Jackson are two men endorsed by the Ratepayers' As- sociation for the Etobicoke Council this year. Deputy Reeve Jackson has had a great deal of experience in the council. The Cottagets' Association as yet have taken no part in the proposed plan for the incorporation of the dis- trict. Some little talk is being circulated about the ladies of the district. The men kept a. close watch upon them during the election. As a result of their splendid‘ work and magnificent results. They think it is tout fitting that the ladies should be entertained. A banquet in the Park hotel has been spoken of. As yet nothing is definite. Our ladies, however, did noble service and should be remembered. Friday evening the Presbyterian Church will hold a Christmas tree and entertainment for the Sunday School. Mr. Owen and family have return- ed to the city for the winter. This move was caused by the great inCott- venience of getting coal in the dis- trict. The present shortage makes it impossible tor the small merchant to handle the whole district. Mr. Brown was unable to get coal and thus the move back to Toronto. At last the darkness is to be turned at the park. After much disappoint- ment, greatdelay and red tape, the 1Eydrp Electric men are stringing up the wires for the lights in the park. This will be a great Christmas box for the residents of the park. Light will be appreciated here more now than in many other places where they have not had our great experiences. Miss Ellen Mills is recovering very slowly from her operation. A little change this week is pleasant news to all her friends. The school trustees are now waiting to hear the inspector's report on the new school floor. If he condemns it it means the. contractor will have to make them good. Great excitement in one of the schools co-day-a. Christmas tree and Lieut. Harold Lockwood,' youngest son of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Lockwood, is now on his way overseas with the flying corps. Early Monday morning was like fairyland in the park. It was a mag- nificent sight to see. Every tree, fence, house and wire was covered with ice and snow“ As the sun shone upon this a most beautiful picture. was presented. It was a, feast for the art- ist eye to behold. a little affair for the children is being held by the teachers. It is the Keep- ing up of this old custom that im- plants the great spirit of brotherhood into these young hearts. As you see the happiness on the little faces, as you realize the pleasure you are giv- ing to these children, then you begin to see that you have a place and duty in this world. The great interest tak, en by Mr. .McGrath and Miss Mer- chant in this school and the childsett's life is wonderful. Results will be borne from their efforts. On motioh the secretary was ia- LON G BRANCH The annual yule tide concert and Xmas tree will be held in St. Margar- et's Church Sunday school, New To- ronto, on Friday night, December 21, at 7.30 o'clock. A good time is guaranteed. Admission 250. Long Branch Ratepayers' Associa- tion announce their third monthly eu- Cher of the Busy Bee, Club on Thurs- day evening last at the home of Mr, J. Lysaght, Long Branch. Although the weather was not favorable many friends turned out and spent “a very pleasant evening. The ladies' prize, a cut glass bon-bon dish, was Won by Mrs, Boulton of Mimico. The gentle- men’s prize, cards in leather case, was won by Mr. P. Grouse of New Toronto, After the euchre refreshments were served. Messrs. Ball and W. Jackson are endorsed as candidates tor the com- ing township council election. It is felt by the Association that some con- centrated effort should be made to have representation on the council from the lower end of the township. The meeting adjourned. Mr. W. A. McKenna will be upheld by the Ratepayers’ Association as school trustee. at the coming election. Mr.' booper, the present member, is not seeking re-election. strycted to forward a letter of condo- lence to Mrs. Dryer. Her late husband was a valuable member of the Rate- payers' Association and gave of his best to help the organization. His loss is one that will be deeply felt here. Evidently from all appearance Su- perior Avenue, south of the Lake Shore Road, is to be closed. It is now being used as a, store yard and likely to remain that way for the winter. Some. effort could he made to have this corner cleaned up. First impress- sions are generally lasting. If disgust- ing the person seldom comes back again. Thus any person looking for locations will at once be turned away when he sees an untidy corner. The Sunday school entertainment in connection with Christ Church, Mi- lnico, will be held in the Sunday school room on Friday evening, De- cember let. Tea will be provided, also a decorated Christmas tree with Santa in attendance. Prizes for the year will be distributed. This school holds a record hard to beat, having fifteen scholars who have never miss- ed a Sunday during the past year, and one boy who has never been absent once during the past ten years. Great excitement prevailed at Con- naught Hall on Monday night., when it was packed to the doors to receive the election returns. During the in- tervals pictures were shown and speeches made by the men of the town. The successful candidate, Capt. Tom Wallace. came over and ex- pressed his thanks to the people and especially those who had worked so hard for the success of the, Union Government. He thanked all for the loyal support given, not only Conser- vatives, but all the Liberal friends also. u l The members of Connaught Lodge. choir are being entertained to a big banquet at them. Charles. _ Election of officers for the Masonic Lodge took place last Thursday. In- stallation will be held in the January meeting. Christmas service will be held in Christ Church, Mimico, on Tuesday morning, December 25th, at 10.30 a, m. All the members are urgently re- quested to avail themselves of the opportunity of attending. The street car service is becoming' worse. On going into the city one‘ never knows when he will get there. Tuesday'saw a car waiting at the Humber and the other at Mimico tof pass. This Just delayed the service twenty minutes. That' is nothing, however. Some mismanagement on the lines. Sunday school entertainment in connection with St. Elizabeth will be held on Thursday evening, December 27th. Everybody welcome. The last council meeting was held on Saturday night. Business for the year was concluded. A resume of the excellent work done would be very interesting. This will no doubt be given at the nomination meeting on Monday night. By-law appointing the poll clerks and deputy returning of- ficers were passed. The railway should, stop all cars so that people do not have to alight in snow away over their boots. Many stops are made where a person has to jump ab.out-three feet. Men can do it, but ladies can not. This is a disgrace when a woman has a baby in her arms. Greater care could bas- ily be exercised by those operating the cars. A _ shelter of some description should be erected at the Humber. People are called upon to stand there from twenty minutes to halt an hour in all kinds of weather. Some shel- ter should be provided at once, as this is the season of the year that re- quires/it. V C When a car or rig or sleigh goes over the north side of the concrete road there will be a spill. Someone will be seriously hurt, and who will be, responsible True, lights are lights at night, and true, a person should see where they are going. It must not be overlooked that the ditch is now fill- ed with snow. A man can easily slip off the side and turn over. It it is going to remain this way long some protection should be erected, While the steam railway tracks remained there was Little or no danger, but now it is dangerous. ' / LIIMICO (ff Subscribe now for The Times Ear Guide. L . 7 - engine value per dollar than you get when you buy either of these engines. They are oil engines built to use kerosene and other cheaper fuel as well as gasoline. YO Usimpor cannot get more "The New Fairbanks - Morse' Type Z Engine" HALL LAMPS,. . . . . . HEATERS. Majgstic TOASTERS .. . . . . .. FIXTURES,. We are specialists in this line of goods, deal, ing direct from factory. Prices ranging from $6.00 up. Latest designs. IR FLASH LIGHTS....-.. BATTERIES.............. MINIATURE LAMPS... .. . READING LAMPS from. . . . SILK SHADES............ FLASH LIGHTS _..........,....-......):) $1.50 BATTERIES n...-...-.-.......-,.....) each MINIATURE LAMPS.....................].... 20c each READING LAMPS from.........................$5.00 up SILK SHADES w...............................,..)." Japanese goods carried also. Shades can be made to order LAMPS 15 watt, 25 watt and40 watt ......._.._39c ea. 60 watt _......................................" ea. NITROS also carried, reasonable; prices. Inspection invited McLean Iii: Maclnnes WESTON SKATES for chilglren, per pair HOCKEY SKATES, per pair SKATE STRAPS, per pair ' '.. ANKLE SUPPORTS, per pair HOCKEY STICKS. . .. . .". . .. BOYS' SLEIGHS .._......... GIRLS' SLEIGHS .. . .. . . . . . .' DOLLS' SLEIGHS ...g....... DOLL'S EXPRESS WAGONS DOLLS' WHEEL BARROWS J. G. Marshall & Bad !; h COASTER CAR with a Side Car attached . . . . . . . . . . . .$3.50 COASTER CAR without Side Car attached, $1.50 and $2.00 HARDWARE MERCHANTS Corner Eglinton Avenue and Weston Road. Telephone 218 gOur store is full of Xmas Gifts.. Our prices are the Itjiv,. est. Our values will satisfy. Look our stock over. ' ',, RONS, 6 lbs 1% H, P. Engine, 71.00 SPECIALS FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS H. COUSIN & SON SUGGESTIONS AGENT COXHEAD IMPLEMENTS (Combination Iron 39d Hot Plate.) Whofesale and Retail Dealers in Everything Electrical The very latest and best value 71.00 3 H. P. Engine, $126.00 6 H. P. Engine, $225.00 COASTER SLEIGH Every distinctive feature of thew wonderful engines does its part to develop maximum power from least fuel. Results are the test we ask. They are the most praticaL money-saving and all-round satisfacto engines thatpreur money can.buy. - A491):ch __fon_Gea HQQI’ARVJIE ESQ; al,' Gririiiirsrtiii.i.iiG; Cutting, Wood Sawing. Pumping cfectnc liirlit. ins etc. , POWER ? All you want and more. These Type "Z" engines are built to acne. Store, Main Street ........$2.75 up $7.00 to $8.00 up B......... $4.50 . .84.50 and $5.00 ...81.00 up ........15c ..45c up ..45c up ......25c .....65c, .....40c . . .35c 10c up . 50c l kr,'s.'l as; 1 $5.3 4m iii k"