91%;; J/sb11F,fs?"iW.t%t. 'r% 'iiy'ti'f9fi, BT. 1.3%; yrs-3:3; -_'ae,r,a ?sCy:trsiff' , RBE4 ' "4-: Nu}; (tir)' Ir". , " " use Amy-f: 53 539E is?! 1, , 43_ ' bcWfe",'it'r"e.,r, “.2339? ;."-~7~ ' f: jir',?C'):/i'di'c,iit), :ahSDEUQS 'tr'trti)iti Chm A . -' .1’ v' (CiHZxc'I LM, . fat', $325 i% 13%. §Er “a .3 '5?!"qu rynnvvmw, ._,A . m , (ï¬gysféjfggygruï¬oci’ety and" 15111225“ Asscrcmr- , W“ $61196! the Moan-t Bennis Presbytezdpji Church on Tuesday njght. Aapp,sisfsop, r fee was articles of comfort for; big-Q rcargatr1soys. a; A’vlarge supply ot â€things , jxiairiyirlt-ttf "cheering the hearts, of the _ risittkrifIi1es were laid on the tables. Tithe ladies in charge intend, sending C T . "the ,boirés over as sbon as they' cm‘be. ’{gjo’t ready. Some forty odd Iiames'ar‘e "Item Mr. Barrow of Mount Dennis, c% recently returned chaplain from the front, has been ordered by his does 1or to discontinue all public speaking .and not to use his voice tor some months at least. This comes as a "great disappointment to him, as he is 1m energetic worker and very anxious “to engage in his life calling. f/rir " w it '. "uuik"i,,'eremH1ts are under way tor the holding of a bazaar in Mount Den.. nis Presbyterian Church on March 7. “The ladies are in charge so a very successful evening is assured.' as * 5F _ _ Mr. Marshall ot Goddard & Mar- shall is confined to his home with a :severe attack of 1a grippe. C - 4F as * "t Cottage services will he held in the ar1tterent homes in Mount Dennis and Roselands vicinity during the Lenten season. ; . saturday's,storm did not interfere “with the trolley wires. the storm was "soTle of the heaviest seen in the dis- trict for some time. It was more like -a cloud burst, of snpw. The Board of Health of the Town- "ship of Etopheolce decided that they ‘will not graht the license to open a piggery. This will be welcome news “to the inhabitants of the district. A strong petition by the residents was presented to the board and guided Ithem in their decision., Rev. Mr. Summerhayes has return- ed after a brief vacation, and has re- an1med his duties at the Church of the <1ood Shepherd, where he is in charge The road is bad May and Saturday's again. ,, The Peel Deanery will hold their regular deanery meeting at Humber aitay, this month. It will take for spe- acial discussion A.Y.P.A. and Bible class work. -. Elle Tomato Vegetable Growers' -As'so'eiatioss “held a meeting at the tQueen Street school house, Humber; EBay, Jast night. ‘Mr. A. H. 1apLer.r-, tnan was cto have been present from Guelph to give an address on "Grow- ing Vegetables tor the Cant-rings-F-ac-) :tory," but he was unable to get a, ftrain down, and the members 11eld, .an informal discussion on "manning‘ atuttories. It was the opinion of all‘ :arresent that the canners dd not pay) 'enough money to make it ," worth) "While to grow vegetables in' large quantities. An instance was cited, ‘Where a farmer teamed tomatoes to = factory and was given the “same :price handed out to farmers up this o-country who did not have Ale, same hexpense. Mr. S. C. Johnston “was auresent and showed some "splendid timotion pictures on vegetable grow- ing. T. K. Aymer, president, pre- ..sided. _et.. until Easter, _ :Evem7body in the Humber Bay Histrict had to fall back on the old lamps or candles on Saturday night. It was a big time in locating some of these. Those who did not have a, sup- ply could not buy them on account of the fuel controller's orders. The breaking of the telephone poles :also pulled the Hydro wires down. 'The damage was soon repaired and aights were on on Sunday night. The lady and her male. companion Who entered Wm. Owens' cottage on who Mossom RoadSunday were prob- ably in search of a trousseaux, for after forcing a bedroom window of the one-storey roughcast cottage home ootf11e manager ot the Old Mill Tea Gardens, and ransacking the house, -'decided in favor of the hand-embroid- ered towels and pillow cases belonging to Mrs. Owens. Her wedding ringialso met with approval, and, with a watch :belongrin-g to a small boy oCtJieR10t1/te, “was poéketed. Some old coins ormih%" sentimental than intrinsic value were also taken. The thefts were commit- ted between sevenand ten o’clock on Sunday night, when Mr. "and' Mrs. Owens were at the Old Mill Tea Gar- dens. County Constable Simpson Wags motified, and is endeavorirurl,to' loeate xhe thieves. Footprints ot a than and Woman were discovered in the rooms. -vy ice on the wires “blowing down all t1 1stop 8 and the Etob :25 poles in all. Bot “bit about two feet 1 _ The members of Thistietth'irif' “ibis? men's Instituto will entertain the) Richview friends on Wednesday, Feb- I ruary 20th, at the hom9T1‘of Mrs. J. Love. Programme prdvlded by the ladies promises a very irittresting and ;profitable afternoon for ati, A cor- dial invitation to the members and friends of both societies :is extended. The hockey match played on the 'Thistletown ice last Thursday night (proved very successful. Proceeds in aid of Red Cross funds were handed oirer to the Thistletown Society. The Brampton Intermediate rs. Weston gave an exhibition of good clean sport and the game was keenly A0ntestelre- sultifng! in a score of 8-5 in favor of Brariipton. Lineup as follows: Aramptpp Jqterm'tes Weston ' RusselluDickin q F. Rowutree 'W.A.McEwen J. 1Vatt I'. White w. Kingdom " Cmilter ", , G. Shaw _ _ A. Smith ' E. Kingdom ar. Coulter K. Kingdom L. McEwen J. Farr Waste of Coins By mere waste, caused by coins rubbing one against another, the civi- 2ized world loses one ton and a quar~ ter ot gold and eighty-five. tons: of silver annually. = -, l " _ exam IeY Ding. y _%1EZA;E,n#noa%ilï¬Ã© 'The storm Tan Saturduay played ha- this r011 al HUMBER BAY xrassazairrcr'w,it F. Rowntree J. Watt w. Kingdom G. Shaw s-' _ E. ngdonL K. Kingdom J. Farr in places. Fri- storms filled in has return- str ':tgiiri, friends. oeDownsview and Vi- i', ,‘aré givénna; cordial invitation" Li iggnd St. '. .. Valentine night at the J1ihvnsvi.ew- Methodist Church. A high class entertainment under the direc- Atpg1 of Mr. Galbraith will be rendered. 7.9.qyl,uurs by Miss Webster, a pupil of I)iteri 'Smiley. Admission 25c. v:,T,HB Euchre Club members spent a gag}! pleasant evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hopper last Friday night. The full compliment of four tables were run, first prize honors go- Aihg" to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Carruthers iaitfig consolations to Mrs. IE. Bagg and Aft., Ernie Bagg. This Friday night's meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. CIendanan. ,The quiet, peaceful atmosphere of Downsview was shattered last Sunday afternoon when an aeroplane with its two occupants came crashing through “the air, lighting in the field of Mr. Harry Bagg, a total wreck, and the {We Victims buried beneath the deoris. Another flyer, seeing the accident, came to the rescue, and in alighting he damaged his machine, but escaped injury. With the help of willing hands who witnessed the awful descent and ru/shed to the rescue, the bodies of his two companions were recovered. Ca- -det Francis E. Fisher was dead and Instructor Edmondston so badly in- jured that slight hopes are held out for his recovery. Cadet Fisher was 2fy years ot age and born at Petrolea He had only been in training a short time, this being his second flight. In- structor Edmondston’ was considered a capable aviator by all ot the camp officers, and as the machine is so bad- ly wrecked, it is impossible to make any statement regarding the cause of the accident, He was at'once remov- ed to the farm house of Mr. Bagg. Dr. Charlton from Weston was summoned and found it necessary to use some twenty stitches to close the wounds. Late Monday night the young fellow was removed to the Base Hospital, To- ronto, where latest accounts report him as resting easy, but still in a semi- ururonscious state. The machine, though not a new one, was considered the best machine in the squadron. Special anniversary under the aus- pices of the Bachelors and Benedicts of Woodbridge Methodist Church, will be held Sunday, Feb. 17th, at 7 p.111. Rev. J. A. Moir will preach and the Man's Choir will furnish special music. Also on Thursday, Feb. 21st, there will be an entertainment and lecture, the lecture entitled “Reconstruction After the Trar," by Principal Sorso- liel of Toronto Model School. In ad- dition Miss Hattie Morgan, Miss Mary Burton and Miss Cousins will furnish readings, while musical numbers will be rendered by Miss Elta Hutchinson, _Miss Kemp and the Woodbridge quar- tet. Program to commence at eight o’clock. Admission 25c and 15c. Cadet Porter, son ot Mr. and Mrs. George Porter of Woodbridge, while flying across country from Armour Heights last Saturday, engaged in his usual routine practice work, discover- ed engine troubles when in the air above his home town. Seeking- fe‘l} a place to make a. leading he decided to try Wsiotcysup-1ttsrt Main Sh, who]: at the time was clear of traffic. Descend- ing at a gradual slope he made a very speeiaeiilsue landing. After making the necessary adjustments hf? {OSes sailing gracefully away over the houses, and tree tops back to camp again. '., . The Women's Missionary society of West1ninstsx Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Dr. Meldrum on Wed- nesday afternoon, Feb. 20, at 3.3(Y o'clock. Rev. E. W. McBrien of Bolton will occupy the pulpit ot the Weston Meth- odist Church on Sunday, February 17, morning" and evening. Rev. A. J. Stewart takes his charge at Bolton in the interests of missionary work. Lodge Maplehurst No. 52, the D. & M. of E. B. Society, will hold a meet- ing on Thursday night, Feb. 14th, at the home of Mrs. W. D. Simpson, sec- retary, Main Street. All members are earnestly requested to attend. Mrs. Simpson, Secretary. The choir of the Old Presbyterian Church held a sleighing party to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wardlaw, Pte. A. Wade was home for the week end, This, it is expected, wily be his last leave, as he leaves for the east shortly. gmxmmnnmnmmnmnnmmnmmmmmummnmmnmmg Con. A. A very pleasant evening was spent in music and games. After re- freshments Rev. Mr. Mackay, Mr. Ray and Mr. Fraser expressed the thanks of the party, numbering about forty, to the host and hostess, also to Mr. Chas. Gillis for supplying the sleigh. _ 'jitffllll, "7m “mm "sttrirtgtierrd,mass? f1tiktitidfis,Utd Mention an: , pnbllcatlon _ Ind race!“ g ERIE a at ot pack“ mm. a G. 8 c. HERRIMI M., N \VOODBRID GE voiirgiriEii" WESTON By a twist of the finger to turn on the electricity the 1900 Washer goes ahead and does all the laborious part of the washing. You do not have to do anything but keep an eye on it. The wringer Works by electricity. No back bending, no muscle straining, no arm tiring. It washes everything from the most delicate piece of finery to the tildes} carpets. Just try one and you will always tell of its saving POW??? 'fan. 'r""-"' rs BARKER & co, House Phone MI BEAVER THEATRE 2892 Dundas St. ‘fS.'H: E P P 7.15 .. 7.30 .. 8.00 .. 7.15 8.10 7.30 1900 ELECTRIC WASHER Other agents say they have the best. _ I say my policy is best, and t Want to prove it to you. Let me, yourself, and the other fellow sit together at your dining room table and figure it out. ." Walter R. Wilson - 13; Denard St. Matinee Daily at 2.15 p.m West Toronto's House of Good Music and Good Pictures Friday and Saturday, Feb. 15=l6 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10 Douglas Fairbanks, "The Man from Painted Post." "VENGEANCE AND THE WOMAN" W. J. SHEPPARD WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FEB, 13 - ll tDaily at 2.15 p.m. Popular Prices: 10c and 15c Two Shows Each Evening at 7.15 and 9.30 p.m. ................... HelenHolmesin "THE RAILROAD RAIDERS" ..................WilliamS.Hartin "DAKOTA DAN" r............. Mme.OlgaPetrovain' "THE LAW OF THE LAND" THE' GARAGE, MAIN ST., WESTON Will Be the Best Buy You Ever Made. WHY? THE TIMES i" GUIDE, WESTON. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1918 Closed Afternoon and Evening SAVE WHEN YOU CAN MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18 "THE NARROW TRAIL" Episode 6 THE Fill Your Cabinet With Only the Finest li,. Richest An Extetlent Selection of SILVER TEA SERVICES CUT GLASS BERRY BOWLS _ CUT GLASS WATER BOTTLES CUT GLASS CREAM AND SUGAR CUT GLASS TUMBLERS Issuer of Marriage Licenses ' Mutual Weekly Christie Comedy ' Wm. S. Hart in TORONTO ofrtse Phone 254 FRESH MEATS SMOKED MEATS COOICED MEATS CANNED GOODS and PICKLES E'RUITS VEGETABLES GRIFFITH BROS Walter Longstaff Rtar of Oldham's Hardware Store Main Street, Weston THE NEW BORN YEAR ushers in with it a, line of tremendous responsibilities. Not the least of them are the responsibilities attending on seeing that Your, d is coqtingog§ly in rgpair. Turn, over the wdrfy and anxiety that 0011163 from leaks, breaks, andpwkgn pipes and have us repair them, 613 But :11 new work. Either way we will please veg and at a satisfactory price. Phone Jet. 231 about the cat, but you may not have heard about the superiority of our work in After they’ve given us one trial our customers are like the cat, they come back and bring their friends and more work to us. Sf-f/tN/rs Signature of For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears J - I "ee-e-" BUSINESS SCH O O L CASTORL1 Prime Beef, Veal, Pork and Lamb, Geese, Chickens, Ducks. Back Bacon, Breakfast Bacon, G. B, Bacon, Smoked Hams. Extra choice Located in Bank of Toronto Boiled Ham, Jellied Ox Tongue, Beef Bologna, Ham, Bologna. Ot all kinds Cooking Apples, Table Apples, Grape Fruit, Oranges, Lemons, Ca1- itornia Grapes. Full line fresh, BURGESS BROS. Is now open for Winter Term Sole Agent tor Pease Warm Air Why doa't you try us? FELKER, FELKER, all the time FELKER. Meat Market CLEANING AND PRESSING DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS WEST TORONTO Keele and Dundas IT’S AN OLD STORY- TINNING FOR 19 18 Dyeing, Cleaning and Pressing PUMPS WINDMILLS Gasoline Engines. Repairs of all Kinds Promptly Attended. Address all Com- munications to Wal- Eter Longstaff, Box 95 33, office: Main St., ‘3. Weston, Phone 285. Phones 9-2 IA For Both Chambers 2908 Dundas St. Prirsiciiirr, /iiirgpon, Etc. Office: Wetrtoii Road, Mt. Dennis Office-Hours: 8 to 10 aan.;, 1-3 and Tto 8.30 p.m. Phone: Weston 87 ' DR. J; T. HACKETT Dentist Office: Coleman & Hackett Block MAIN ST., WESTON Opposite Bank of Nova Scotia DR. J. A. MELDRUM King St. and Rosemount Ave. Telephone 15 Weston, Ont. Office and Residence, East Cor. DR. W. J. CHARLTON Office: Corner Rosemount Ave. and John Street WESTON, ONT. Office Hours: 8-10 a.m.; 6-8 p.m. Sunday excepted. C. Lorne Fraser, M.A. Barrister,' Solicitor, Etc. Bank of Nova Scotia Chambers Phone 152, Weston Money to Loan on good First Mortgage Securities DR. W. E. PEARSON Agent for Fire, Life,- Accident, Auto-, mobile and Plate Glass Insur- ance in safe companies and at best rates Elsemere Avenue SMITH'S MOTOR DELIVERY Ph on" e. M Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Residence: Rosemount Avenue Emmy. Solicitor, Notary Fabllo 2922 Dundasi' M, M/at Téfonto (Above Moon's Hardware Store) Real Estate Loans placed at Current Rates. 'Telephtme-Junction 991 See our New Stock of W. G. & It. Shirts, Collars & Cuffs; alto complete lines "" 'pjrCtyttonade Pants All wt5rrt Cyiraranteed. A trial solicited - 'tl KI": Repdhv5vvbri< Promptly Attended to, FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE _ J/l/ REALESTATE tslriihi's"sc jtiyjtii ;j Tel. 391 Mornings and Evenings Toronto Office: Gray & Gray 301 Crown Office Building North-east Corner Queen and Victoria Streets, Toronto. G. HOWARD GRAY (3.4M. (LYONS JOHN MILLS Telephbnes Main 6353 cl. 4045 W. A. TITLEY ___ .ZAPRACTICAL PLUMBER ADDRESS BOX 79, 1T%SNN Overalls and Jackets Physician and Surgeon , Ci'lh/ Baggage and Express 22 St. John's RQad, Weston Phone 805 City phone. Adelaide 1518 Physician, Etc. F. B. EDMUNDS P17131110 ACCOUNTANT - AND AUDITOR â€331525 _ .33 Richmond St. W. I 4045 TORONTO E. J. MUSSON Repairs always in Stock JOHN HARRIS WESTON Weston Main Street (rel. 391 ONTAR'Id WESTON stag.....-....... 3for2 Black Watch ...... ' A. 3 for 2 Shamrock ."'.s....... 8 fori Nova Scotia Bank Building Main St., Weston JOHN T. ANDERSON Piano and Organ Tuner 200 Beresford Avenue, West Tomlin Telephone Junction 72. It Gives Satisfaction and Services Monday and Thursday, 2 to 6 p.111. Studio, Bank of Nova Scotia. Bundu Pupils prepared for Toronto Com vatory Examinations. THE SADDLERY 21 Main Street WEST E.GENEVIEVE LYON Contralto Soloist and Teacher I PHONE 67 Dr. H. D. Livingstone EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Marla St., Weston, Phone June. " -and-. J. K. McEWEN tit so B. DEAKIN Builder & Contractor - Estimates given on all class of work. Alterations and repairs prompt- ly attended to. Residence: 110 Lambton Avenue Phone: 18-3 _- R. R. 2, WESTON 382 Bloor W., Toronto, Ph. Cot. Md Consultations by Appointment. Studio, Bank of Nova Seotia Built!!! Tuesday and Friday Pupils prepared for Toronto Con-l vutory Examination. Classes and terms can be arranged to: by applying at her residence; .- Church St., Weston. Special attention given to children. GENERAL TEAMING Sand, Gravel and Filling Alwayl I Hand. Movings Promptly Attended to. Phone " at 6.45 a.m., 12.45 noon and 6.45 [mm W. J. WARD Music "re Pumts-feiielittet 1ymal Gobi-i3. Pupils prepared for Toronto Come: vatory Examinations. Studio: “The Bungalow" 87 Maria. M WESTON Graduate Cannot be Surpassed for Wear ol V Durability. Motor Funeral if desired. Motor Ambulance Service Residence & Chapel, Ph. 168 MAIN ST., WESTON Singing Studio: 18 Main St., Weston Telephone 30. All Repairs made Promptly. 25 Years' Practical Experience. 7 l go any place. Drop a. card. When Buying HARNESS - Get the Best - HELEN R. WILSON Licensed Auctioneers tor an Counties of York, Peel and Simcoe _ Terms Reasonable C Margaret R. Gillette For service and salary Willsur1 1y follow a course in one o Shaw's Business Schools, Toron. to. Write for our free cata- logue. W. H. Shaw, Pres., 393 Yonge Street. CHARLES GILLIS Stella V. Rowntree Ed. P. Beache BARBER AND TOBACCONIST Society Dancing MISS MOLLIE AMBLER Undertaker and Embalmer TEACHER 0F PIANO YOUR OPPORTUNITY PIANO INSTRUCTION TenuuA J -- rut" y c;ontNtrrav= 1ble WESTON PHONE I 3 for Me 3 for Mc 8 for 25c